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can also help bring visibility to these back-site areas. Similarly, cameras with recorders can put more eyes at more angles on the forecourt to discourage theft and, if nothing else, make arrest and prosecution easier.

A quality wetstock management system might also be useful for catching theft in process, although it needs to be sufficiently sophisticated to detect theft during high-volume hours.


There are several solutions that are viable at the dispenser. Fuel theft solutions can be broken down into low, medium and maximum security. An easy and low-cost first step is to upgrade the standard dispenser locks, place security warning labels on the outside of the pump and place security tape. The next level of security includes devices such as pulser covers and boxes used to enclose the pulser with a lock to help prevent tampering and fuel theft. To achieve maximum dispenser security, an alarm should be installed that will trigger an alert when the dispenser has been breached.

Fuel-dispenser security systems such as the Defender One provide a comprehensive solution to guarding the upper and lower door, which protects against both fuel theft and skimmers. We saw a need and developed a solution that sounds an alarm if the upper or lower door is breached. It disables the pump, without killing the AC power, so that fuel cannot be dispensed. This security device is controlled by a simple key fob with in-store monitoring available. The in-dispenser alarm system pays for itself in a few months, and with no subscription fees, it is a cost-effective solution for both small and large retailers.

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