Fuel Management Services for Governmental Agencies
Supplying the Nation's Leaders
Mansfield is focused on developing strong partnerships with our clients to streamline their petroleum supply chain from purchase to delivery. We offer secure and reliable fuel supply from over 600 terminal facilities across the U.S. and Canada. Our success is based on providing a competitive supply of fuel with superior logistics and a comprehensive suite of services that solves fuel supply, storage, dispensing, accounting, and payment challenges for our customers. We utilize a portfolio of value-added services to manage fuel spend, supply distribution and logistics, risk management, fuel systems management, cardlocks and fleet card solutions.
Mansfield provides fuel services for over 700 school districts, 550 counties, 300 cities, 700 state delivery locations and numerous transit authorities across the United States and Canada. With fuel supply located throughout the continental United States, many government agencies rely on Mansfield for their institutional supply needs. We support every level of the fuel management process - from purchasing and fleet operation, to finance and equipment maintenance, we design a customized program to support your agency's fuel needs, every step of the way.
1025 Airport Parkway SW Gainesville, GA 30501 800.695.6626 678.450.2000 Š 2012 Mansfield Oil Company. All rights reserved. v1.1