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Portfolio 2OI7 Fall Applying for GSD, Harvard Master in Design Studies(MDes) Critical Conservation

Haoming Fu Tsinghua University Bachelor of Arts


As humans, we desire the fantasy of a world full of great beauty. However, modern architecture has deviated from this. Our buildings are becoming more and more functional with the elimination of the beautiful details. It is more common to see very practical boxes as well as a very monotonous architectural typology. Even as an designer&artist, not an architect, I do not believe this is right. What both art and architecture are pursuing is a beautiful world. With others want to show how profitable their design could be and how proficient their skill might be, I just want to search some beautiful things in architecture to remind people that: Architecture can be beautiful.


01/ SpeedDating Conceptual Building Design Fall 2012

02/ City Wall Revitalization

Landscape Architecture Design Spring 2015

03/ Weaving Drawing and Modeling Summer 2015

04/ Sinusoid Parametric Design Fall 2016

Other Works Fall 2011-Fall 2016


Speed Dating Design Studio(1) in Tsinghua University Type: Individual Conceptual Architecture Design Date: Fall 2012 Location: Beijing Instructor: Professor Xiaosheng Cui Professor Yichen Lu This project starts from the analysis of the relationship between man and woman during Speed Dating. They gather, they talk, they gradually know each other, they are attracted by someone, and they fall in love or nothing. This is like the process s of making Moka coffee. Referring to La Cupola designed by Aldo Rossi in 1988, I made a building aiming to accommodate Speed Dating activity. At the meanwhile, offering each room appropriate strategy suiting people's mood.

Refer to Photos of Abramovic Marina

Potential lovers ONLINE



Matching success

♂ Submit

Enrollment & Selection 7days

Registration Share information 3days


Familiarize dating process 1h

Warming up 30min


Assigning seats & sit down


Matching failure card & Announce result immediate or nothing

"Ideal Mate"

Face to face communication 5min

SpeedDating Process Firstly, Each single person could sign up online and the internet system will pick up qualified single person according to their material. Then qualified person might surf each others' information prior to the party day.

Thirdly, Assigning seats of ladies and gentlemen by lottery. Ladies will sit immovably throughout the whole communication process, whereas each man has to move to next after finishing one conversation. Each conversation has to be less than 8 minutes.

Secondly, After registration ladies and gentlemen gather to listen to the official Speed Dating rules and familiarize the whole Speed Dating process. Activities like games, eating or sporting will be held to help people relax.

Forthly, After everybody has met each other, all people submit a card with several ideal mate names. Staff gathers all cards, works out a matching result and announce it. Finally, People matching successfully will never walk alone.

Paper Drip


Balance Siphon

-Simple, Quick, Economical -Produces clear light-bodies coffee

-Visually satisfying to watch, -Produces thick, deeply-extracted coffee

-Visually satisfying to watch, -Produces thick, deeply-extracted coffee

French Press

Aero Press


-No filter needed -Produces smooth, full-bodied coffee

-New trend, easy, simple -Draws out the flavor incredibly well

-Visually satisfying to watch, -Produces tasty Italian Espresso

Clever Drip


-Hybrid dripper -Produces thick, deeply-extracted coffee

-Invented in 1940 -Produces a smooth, rich flavor by removing sediment particles and oils

La Cupola -Designed by Aldo Rossi -Visually satisfying to watch, -Produces tasty Italian Espresso



Ground Coffee



Filter React



Dating Process In a dating process, man is like ground coffee, whereas woman is like water. Firstly, woman need to warm up and release the pressure, so that they can have a better performance. This could be the water heating part. Then woman and man meet in a core place, stimulating each other and trying to be together. This is like when boiled water and ground coffee meet. Some of men and women become couple and get into a higher level, whereas others have to be bachelor because of matching failure. This is the part of filtering the residue.

Refer to Photos of Abramovic Marina

La Cupola The Moka pot is designed in 1988 by Aldo Rossi, the name behind some of the most representative objects of the 1980s, it shows the ability of a great designer to enter into a dialogue with the public's tastes: this is a Moka coffee maker for everyone.

Aldo Rossi

Teatro del Mondo

The pot is possibly inspired by his architecture project in 1979-Teatro del Mondo, which is a floating theatre in Venice. They have lots of similarities in form.

The theater is designed by the sum of pure elements: a central parallelepiped square stage, with two staircases and an adjoining octagon auction. It structures its work in terms of historical architectural elements that could remember and transcend.

Similarity Between the Process of Coffee Making and Dating Both processes are about combining two things into one beautiful thing, with the elimination of some needless stuff.




Roof Garden

Ground Coffee




Best views for couples

let people yearn for love



Failed dating: being driven away



Filter Reacting








Think and walk: Arouse the enthusiasm of Ladies

Ferris Wheel



Romantic Meeting place

Space Forming Logic I used five elements-Slide, Maze, Ferris Wheel, Classic Dome and Roof Garden to express people's different mood of each dating phase.







Circulation The circulation follows the logic of the working process of the coffee making. Deep blue is Gentlemen's trail, whereas the pink one is Ladies'.

Interior Design My interior design follows the logic of the Moka pot working process. Each room gives visitors a feeling which is recording to a corresponding phase in the dating. It exaggerates visitors' emotion.

Exploded Axon My project consists of three system. The Ferris Wheel is the core part. The middle church, maze, slide vertical system is active. Besides that, the external facade horizontal system which refers to Rossi's architecture is static.

Rendering 1

Rendering 1 This is the facade of my building. As it looks like, I refer to Rossi's project Teatro del Mondo. The classical facade demonstrates a sacred and pure human's happiness-LOVE.

Rendering 2 This picture shows the scene where man meets woman in the space of Ferris Wheel. People have diverse personalities and characteristics. But be in a relationship, they are all the same. Happy, if falling in love. Sad, if being dumped. So my design is just like a program which could summarize people's dating and loving state.

Rendering 2

Rendering 3 Love is a beautiful thing. If you have a lover, you will get an amazing gift. That could be the roof garden in my design, which own great view to look at the city and nature. Offering necessary functions and comfortable environment to lovers. But such happiness is not from my design, it is from God and it is human's inborn right to pursue. I just want my building to reinterpret Speed Dating, making happy moment more happier and making sad time more sad.

Rendering 3


City Wall Revitalization Diploma Project in Tsinghua University Type: Individual Landscape Architecture Design Date: Spring 2015 Location: Beijing Instructor: Xiaofeng Fang In 1950, Sicheng Liang and Zhanxiang Chen proposed the famous "Liang & Chen Proposal" which talked about taking advantage of the City Wall as a belt park. So Beijing would have an amazing perspective to look at the city and a coherent walking system beyond the busy traffic. However, China government's stance of developing traffic denied this plan at the time. Now Beijing does not have to demolish walls to build roads like half a century ago. What Beijing is lacking is citizen's traditional culture protection awareness. Hence, what I wanted to do is to tell a story of this forgotten Ming City Wall about battle, politics, culture, material or technique. Plus, letting more people know this. The site is based on a linear park. I thought it is a good chance to apply my study of Spatial Narration and Montage to this site. I analyzed Sergei Eisenstein's film 'Bronenosets Potemkin' and the circulation of China's traditional garden. I found that there are similarities between film and space to narrate. Therefore, I tried to apply strategies from film to space to present everything about City wall to visitors. Finally, I had to consider one problem: how do we protect traditional buildings, just keeping it without any action? Or using modern building technique with old look and pretending it is vintage? My answer was that respecting timing matters more.









History The City Wall has been through many vicissitudes. Fragments represent the severity of destruction which might results from battle, urban planning, building railway, dweller's occupation.

Context The City Wall is located at southeast of Beijing 2nd ring road and is within 1 hour driving from other famous scenic spots in Beijing. Beijing's main railway station is on the north of the site.

350 yrs < Age < 600 yrs

100 yrs < Age < 350 yrs

350 yrs < Age < 600 yrs


Material Value

Archeological Value


Design Freedom

Spatial Strategy Diagram

Age Pattern

Damage Type

Peeling Off




Spatial Strategy

Keep Distant Protective Construction

Protective Construction



Spatial Strategy Diagram

Damage Pattern

Elavation of the City Wall

Age Survey

Strategy Attaching


Strategy Attaching

Damage Survey

City Wall Analysis

N 0 10




Looking at the Railway

The entrance of the Acropolis

The Wave



Jiao Building

Circulations and Activities

Manual Model 1

Manual Model 2

Sight Directions


Axonometric Model


Exploded Axon

-Featured Design-

Original Wall

Wave Field (A metaphor of Moat)

Display column



Square Tower


Viewing Deck




Central Abutment


Jiao Building




Over the Rail

Vertical Path

Spatial Strategies

Amplified Platform Axon

Amplified Platform Axon

Amplified Entrance Axon

Amplified Entrance Axon

BJ West Station

BJ North Station

Forbidden City Dashilaar Temple of Heaven

Salitun Village


Tribution to the Travel System in an Urban scale Beijing



Weaving Workshop in Introduction to Architecture Type: individual work drawings and models Date: Summer 2015 Location: Columbia University, New York City Instructor: Professor Jane Kim, TA Ricardo Leon This program has four projects. Weaving technique, analyzing weaving, making Midterm model and applying the model to the site.

St. John the Divine Cathedral I began with the analysis of the site, St. John the Divine Cathedral in New York city. I found it interesting that the sun shines on the beautiful facade of the cathedral and makes shadows with diverse shapes.

Site Diagram 18"x24" The movement trace of shadows in the facade of the St. John the Divine Cathedral.

Site Analysis -Project.1-

In this project, we should make diagrams to illustrate the cathedral's conceptual relationships that are not automatically visible to the naked eye. I was intrigued by the interesting shadow movement in the facade. Hence, I tried to represent the facade by simple light and shadow's density, intensity, size and position.

Photograph Overlapping multiple movement trace of shadows into one picture.

Weaving -Project. 2-

The focus of the semester was weaving. Weaving is often used as a metaphor for understanding the grid of the city, but in studio we were asked to study weaving techniques as a means of creating space. The incremental change of weaving to create surface is an opportunity for us to control what we make in a more precise way than is possible when working with other more rigid materials. Our assignment was to use our weaving techniques as a material language to generate three models that are a translation of our site diagram into a three dimensional space. We have some choice of the weaving techniques: Macrame (weaving with knots), Palm weaving (weaving with strips), Leno, Gauze, or Sprang weaving (weaving with twists) etc.

Model Analysis 18"x24" Overlapping different layers of the model component to produce the movement trace.

4 Weaving Models 10"x10"x10"

white masonry, butcher's wine, bristol paper, 1/16"x1/16" basswood sticks and 1/4" wood dowels.

Midterm Model -Project. 3-

After making several study models of the Weaving technique, I was asked to make a midterm model with a few practical functions. This installation could be put in front of the cathedral's facade, on the steps of the cathedral, served as an outdoor performance space and coffee. It should be used for multiple functions at various times of day- from a tourist to a jazz enthusiast, a neighbor reading a book or a child playing. Hence, based on my concept, I wanted to let people walk along the circulation of my work just like walking along a time machine. And the nuance of each vertical walls showed them the trace of movement. My form was that two systems-vertical walls and surface platform combined together. The platform offered people a good place to watch closely to the facade of the cathedral. The vertical walls which are different provided privacy or open to travelers and interesting spatial experience.

Midterm Model Analysis 18"x24"

Time Shaft


Midterm Model 1/4"=1'-0" 20"x10"x12"

Final -Project.4-

The course description said that we should revise the midterm model based on the comments at that time. Hence, I preserved my concept. But this time I wanted to abstract my circulation as a time shaft before to a more complicated one. Referring to my drawing above, I tended to make several space with a variety of privacy level. Plus, I intensified the variation of people's spatial experience by making one side close and dense, in contrast to the other side's feature.

Final Model Analysis 18"x24"

Final Model 1/4"=1'-0" 20"x10"x12"

Upper Layer

Lower Layer

Density Variation Final Model Plan


Final Model Section 18"x24"

Final Model Collage Photoshop


Sinusoid Commitment Type: Parametric Design Group Project Date: Fall 2016 Location: Shanghai Instructor: Chengzhi Cai Collaborator: Xinyue Cao, Yujia Pan, Deyang Yu, Haozhou Zeng, Kai Sun Responsibility: Leader Designing, Modeling and Building This project is committed by a client in Shanghai, aiming to build a parametric fabrication on a wall. Our team wanted to begin with an interesting unit. By studying each parameters' property, we design suitable joint to connect all units forming a good surface. Different from other parametric building projects, we were going to start with the study of a form and maximize its adaption, which could be deemed as Bottom-Up logic. We were inspired from Origami at first and we picked this shape up among many different units.



Unit Choosing

Material Studying

Parameters test

We test the adaptation of each parameters-U, V, X and Y.

Surface Forming




4 Constructing Process

cutting line engraving line label numeber

bone nail 1 angle iron nail 2 LED wall

bone nail joint unit

snap fastener unit 1 unit 2

OTHER WORKS 05/ Transform

06/ Baitasi Courtyards Research

07/ China Traditional Garden Design

08/ Paintings

09/ Models

10/ Other Attemps


Transform Parametric Design Workshop in Tsinghua University Group Project Date: Fall 2013 Location: Beijing Instructor: Prof. Yichen Lu TA: Xiaoshi Wang Collaborator: Kuan He, Zeqi Liu, Sandy Wen Responsibility: Concept design, Modeling and Installation constructing This project asked us to study the American architect and artist Lebbeus Woods. Based on the analysis of Woods' works and ideas, we was supposed to have our concept and develop that by re-defining it and making computer models by Maya, Grasshopper and Rhinoceros. Finally, an parametric installation would be made to express our understanding of Woods' idea and the concept we chose. The majority of his explorations deal with the design of systems in crisis: the order of the existing being confronted by the order of the new. His designs are politically charged and provocative visions of a possible reality; provisional, local, and charged with the investment of their creators. He is best known for his proposals for San Francisco, Havana, and Sarajevo that were included in the publication of Radical Reconstruction in 1997 (Sarajevo after the war, Havana in the grips of the ongoing trade embargo, and San Francisco after the Loma Prieta earthquake).

Woods, who envisioned experimental constructs and environments, stated that, "the interplay of metrical systems establishing boundaries of materials and energetic forms is the foundation of a universal science whose workers include all individuals". Architecture and war are not incompatible. Architecture is war, and war is architecture. I am at war with my time, with history, with all authority that resides in fixed and frightened forms. I am one of millions who do not fit in, who have no home, no family, no doctrine, no firm place to call my own, no known beginning or end, no sacred and primordial site. I declare war on all icons and finalities, on all histories that would chain me with my own falseness, my own pitiful fears. I know only moments, and lifetimes that are as moments, and forms that appear with infinite strength, then 'melt into air'. I am an architect, a constructor of worlds, a sensualist who worships the flesh, the melody, a silhouette against the darkening sky. I cannot know your name. Nor you can know mine. Tomorrow, we begin together the construction of a city.

Politically Charged Provocative Radical War

Concept: Transform

What does the word Transform mean? 1. To transform something into something else means to change or convert it into that thing. 2. To transform something or someone means to change them completely or suddenly so that they are much better or more attractive.(Collins Dictionary) By re-difining it, we get this: Transform = A change from point A to point B. It is like that city and human civilization are going to the end, and the nature world starts to revive.

Final Model Photograph

The installation Completed -FormationI decided that to select line to be the form of our model instead of point, surface or mass. This is because I want to express a sense pf manual drawing. -MaterialThe compatibility of the iron wire and Woods' painting cannot be exaggerated. -JointSeen from my perspective, welding is a great way to joint two wires since it just use the material itself to connect

Final Model Photograph


Baitasi Courtyards Research Workshop in AA Visiting School Type: Group research Date: Fall 2015 Location: Beijing Instructor: Liqun Zhao Collaborator: Miguel Esteban, Xuechen Kang, Ruilin Yang, Yufeng Zhai

In the fall of 2015, I took part in a research endeavor in Beijing’s Baitasi district, and discovered two strange phenomena. 1. We saw how the traditional courtyard houses had become slums. 2. We observed how the residents owned too many material possessions that were placed in the public space, creating apparent chaos. For our project, we focused on recording the type, location, use, and timing of goods within the scope of the public space. We classified these items into long-term use, such as pots, sheet material, and boxes mainly from original residents, and temporary use, which showed people’s adaptation to the present day. Thus, we assumed that native residents suffer from a scarcity of space, low-quality living conditions, and imperfect infrastructure.

Through deep investigation into this region, we learned how local people are lacking space behind they want to turn their capital into cash . For this reason, they divide their courtyard into several boxes. Even if they were given more space, they would likely continue dividing it into more rental units to make more profit. Therefore, firstly, chaotic performance of the courtyards is because that the government does not manage this place enough. Refer to government’s performance during Beijing Olympic Games in 2008 to Taijichang Street, Donghuamen Street and Jiugulou Street or so, which are all Hutongs along the street. The government repaired and rebuilt them in one year because they realized their need of a beautiful city. The phenomenon that dwellers become denser and living space are becoming scarce result from the house owner's will to convert property into cash to maximize their income. Beijing's house price rises with an incredible pace, increasing the house owner's property, so renting as much their rooms as possible is the best way to earn shortterm money. This is also one of the reasons why traditional courtyards' culture is becoming slums. Another reason is that residents lack cultural protection awareness.


Chinese Traditional Garden Design Course Assignment in Tsinghua Type: Individual drawing Date: Spring 2014 Location: Beijing


Paintings Gouache Course Assignment in Tsinghua University



Model 1

Models Fabrication Material Workshop in Tsinghua University Group Work Instructor: Professor Xiaofeng Fang Professor Donglei Liu Collaborator: Xuechen Kang, Yang Yang, Guojun Li, Suozhen Li, Tang, Weixin Li Summer 2013

Model 1 Group Work in Tsinghua Design Studio (2), named 'Five people living space'

Model 2 Individual assignment in Tsinghua selective course named 'Cool'

Model 2

10 Other Attemps

Drapping Drapping course in Tsinghua University

Bionics: Abstracting Training Fundamental: 3D Course Assignment in Tsinghua University

hmingfu@outlook.com +86 18101065481 Yangpu District, 1660 Songhu Road Shanghai, China 200438

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