Fulbright Center News 1/2003

Page 1

“Following Your Fulbrighter” pages pages 44 -- 55

Tässä numerossa/In this issue: · Puolisolle oma orientaatio

(sivu/page 6)

· 2003 - 2004 American Fulbright Grantees Selected

(sivu/page 8)

· Stipendien hakuaika alkanut

(sivu/page 9)

· New Web Services for Fulbrighters



(sivu/page 18)

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Fulbright Center News

Fulbright Centerin tiedotuslehti Vol. 13 Nro 1 (37) Maaliskuu/March 2003


From the Executive Director ASLA-Fulbright grantees typically set out for their exchange year with very specific and ambitious academic goals in mind. In addition to the academic side, however, the Fulbright program inherently carries another underlying and no less important goal: intercultural knowledge and understanding gained through a personal experience living and learning in another culture. Intercultural experiences can be very satisfying, sometimes life-changing. Obviously, they are not always easy. A challenging and difficult experience does not, however, have to equal a bad experience. In fact, it is often quite the contrary. This point is vividly illustrated by the personal story of one of our current American Fulbright Professors in Finland. She is herself a second-generation Fulbrighter. When she was 8 years old her father was a Fulbrighter in the Netherlands and the whole family joined him there for the year. Later on in her life she always remembered that year with special affection, with only great memories and exciting stories to tell. As she was getting ready to leave for her own Fulbright year in Finland she thought about the adjustment of her own two children to a new culture and she

remembered the great time she had had herself. It was at that point that her own mother reminded her of the part of the story she had entirely forgotten: she did have an absolutely brilliant time in the Netherlands — after crying every night for the first three months. Intercultural experiences can indeed be challenging. International educators know by heart the cultural adjustment curves and other basic models that facilitate the pre-departure orientation discussions with outbound grantees. It is understood that a thorough orientation can make a tremendous difference for the student or scholar. Even more so if the grantees’ partners and families are included in the programs. There are a number of important issues that are specific to them, and inevitably these issues play a major role in the success of the experience also for the grantees themselves. We have dedicated this issue of the Fulbright Center News to the experiences of Fulbright partners and families and the issues of their orientation and preparation for a successful intercultural experience. Anikka Lehikoinen talks about the orientation program for spouses that she has been organizing for many years for the Finnish Fulbright Teacher Exchange (p. 6). Professor Dan Lloyd shares

useful tips for fellow American “FF’s” or “Fulbright Followers” on how to make the most of the year in Finland (p.4). As the year 2003 marks the 50 th anniversary of the Finnish ASLA-Fulbright Alumni Association we have also dedicated several pages for the stories of the program’s alumni — both Finnish and American — and we look forward to receiving and sharing more of their personal stories during the anniversary year. I hope you will enjoy this Spring Issue of the Fulbright Center News! Terhi Mölsä

Fulbright Grantees Build Cultural Relations

As America’s ambassador to Finland, I am continually aware of what an honor, opportunity, and privilege it is to represent my country to this beautiful and proud nation. I am also very much aware that I am in the company of other “ambassadors” of good will - Fulbright students, teachers and scholars. When he created the Fulbright program, Senator J. William Fulbright said, “Our future is not in the stars. It is in our hearts and minds. Creative leadership and liberal education, which in fact go together, are the first requirements for a successful future.” Senator Fulbright’s dream of “mutual understanding” is very much in our thoughts today. America’s role in the world, and our

friends’ and allies’ perception of that role, occupies a great deal of our focus. I firmly believe that people-to-people contact and communication is the best, perhaps even the only way, we can really achieve understanding and mutual respect of one another’s cultures, histories, societies, policies and values. You, my fellow ambassadors, help to “put a face on a nation“. Of course representing the U.S. government is my job and privilege, but representing the American people is all of ours. I urge you, in addition to pursuing your research interests and your teaching, to step outside your classroom or laboratory, and reach out to Finns and Americans in your local community. I hope, further, that when you return to Finland or the United States, you will share your experience of what is different - and what binds us in common humanity - in what you have learned living abroad for your special Fulbright term. We are building relationships, first and foremost. One excellent way of maintaining and growing those relationships is through keeping in touch with fellow alumni of the Fulbright exchange program. Through the

excellent services of the Fulbright Center, the alumni network is growing and becoming steadily more meaningful in its outreach. I hope you will join that network and get to know your fellow Fulbrighters, and of course, keep in touch with your Finnish and American colleagues, both personally and professionally, as the years go on. What Senator Fulbright said in the dark days of the Cold War is truer than ever today: “The Fulbright program aims to bring a little more knowledge, a little more reason, and a little more compassion into world affairs and thereby increase the chance that nations will learn at last to live in peace and friendship.” America has no truer friend than Finland, and you Fulbright students, teachers and scholars have a rich treasury of experiences to add to that friendship. I am honored to serve with you, my fellow ambassadors, and I wish you well in your Fulbright experience. Bonnie McElveen-Hunter U.S. Ambassador to Finland Honorary Chairperson of the Fulbright Center Board of Directors

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Sisällys In this issue Kolumnit ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 Following Your Fulbrighter -------------------------------------------------------- 4 - 5 Puolisolle oma orientaatio ------------------------------------------------------------ 6 Atlantin yli 60-luvulla ----------------------------------------------------------------- 7 Kotialbumien aarteet esille/Treasures from Home Albums ------------------------ 7 American Fulbright Grantees 2003 - 2004 Selected -------------------------------- 8 Fulbright Center julistaa haettavaksi seuraavat apurahat --------------------------- 9 The Life and Times of a Fulbright Forester in Finland Model 1961 ------------ 10 Preserving Finnish Language Minorities -------------------------------------------- 11

”Following Your Fulbrighter”

Alat ja ammatit: The Study of Economics in the U.S. ----------------------------- 12

pages 4 - 5

Kesäopintoja ja lyhytkursseja Yhdysvalloissa ---------------------------------------- 15

Näyttelijänä New Yorkissa ---------------------------------------------------------- 14 Finland on a Fulbright ---------------------------------------------------------------- 16 Snapshot Finland --------------------------------------------------------------------- 17 New Website and Bulletin Board for Fulbrighters --------------------------------- 18 Commission News -------------------------------------------------------------------- 18 FC Workshop for International Education Professionals -------------------------- 19 Fulbright American Studies -instituutti --------------------------------------------- 19 The Alberta Advantage --------------------------------------------------------------- 20 Testien erityisjärjestelyt --------------------------------------------------------------- 21 GRE General -testi on uudistunut -------------------------------------------------- 21 The New Board of the Alumni Association ---------------------------------------- 22

“Kotialbumin aarteet esille”

The Fulbright Center ---------------------------------------------------------------- 23

sivu 7

Fulbright Center News on Fulbright Centerin asiakaslehti, joka ilmestyy kaksi kertaa vuodessa. Lehdestä julkaistaan myös verkkoversio. Seuraava numero ilmestyy lokakuussa 2003. Artikkelit ja muu aineisto pyydetään toimittamaan 1.9. mennessä. Artikkeleissa ilmaistut mielipiteet ovat kirjoittajien omia. The Fulbright Center News is a biannual newsletter published by the Fulbright Center in Finland. The Fulbright Center News is also available online. The next issue will come out in October, 2003. The submission deadline for articles and other materials is 1 September. Opinions expressed by authors are their own and do not necessarily reflect those of the Fulbright Center. While every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the material in this publication, the Fulbright Center does not accept liability for any errors or omissions. Aineisto vapaasti lainattavissa, lähde mainittava. Reproduction allowed, source must be cited.

Päätoimittaja/Editor-in-Chief Terhi Mölsä Executive Director The Fulbright Center Vastaavat toimittajat/Editors Leena Matilainen, Johanna Lahti The Fulbright Center

Fulbright Center Opening hours · Office: Mon-Fri 9:00 - 15:00 · Information service: Mon-Wed 11:00 - 15:00 Thurs 13:00 - 18:00 Fri closed Summer hours

Toimitus/Editorial Staff Fulbright Centerin henkilökunta/ Fulbright Center Staff Ulkoasu ja taitto/Layout Banzai! Toimituksen yhteystiedot/ Contact Information The Fulbright Center Kaisaniemenkatu 3 B, 5th floor 00100 Helsinki, FINLAND

Please consult our web pages for exceptions in opening hours Tel. +358 9 5494 7400 Fax +358 9 5494 7474 E-mail: office@fulbright.fi Levikki/Circulation: 1.500 Painopaikka/Printed by Suomen Painotuote Oy

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1.6. - 31.8.

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Fulbright Families

Kuvat: Juha Rahkonen

Following Your Fulbrighter: One Family’s Adventure Receiving a Fulbright Grant is an achievement and an honor for the grantee, extending her or his career in new and engaging directions. But for the Fulbrighter’s partner and children, the Fulbright year has a different meaning. While the whole family can share the excitement of living in another country, for the followers there is no road map showing the best route to a meaningful, successful, and happy year abroad. For the rest of the gang, Finland is an open-ended opportunity. This can be wonderful, but it also can be difficult. Our family, a Fulbrighter with two young children and one less young husband, has been in Helsinki now for seven months. We are still learning the ropes, touring the sites, encountering new dimensions of Finnish culture, and facing new challenges. But at this point it seems to us that somehow, despite our ignorance about so many things, we made some good choices as we planned for the year. I won’t write about the fiascos – in-

stead, here is a short list of advice for Fulbright families and especially for the significant others in the Fulbrighter’s life. I hope these comments will interest fellow followers – and perhaps encourage others in my situation to share their ideas. Come early. Summer is a glorious season in Finland, and arriving well ahead of the start of the academic year gives the family time to tour, relax, and set up house as a group adventure. We arrived in mid-July, and divided our time between opening bank accounts, decoding the grocery store, etc., and seeing Finland. There was plenty to do in both categories. Consider sending the little ones to Finnish public schools. Yes, Finnish and English are wildly different from each other. But the brains of kids under twelve are far better at learning languages, and children communicate very well without words. After five months in school, our five and eight-year-old children

are communicating verbally without difficulty, and we expect them to be fluent by the end of the year. For older children and children with special interests, the school choice will be more complicated. But the regular public schools are excellent, responsive to the needs of non-Finnish speakers, and usually in the neighborhood – being close simplifies daily life and offers many easy social encounters. Our eight-year-old walks home alone from school and loves her independence. Note that the Finnish school year begins in mid-August and ends in late May. Children begin school a full year later, so your second grader will be in Finnish first grade but learning age-appropriate material. The school day is much shorter than in the US, but public schools also have after-school programs. Once you arrive, get a mobile phone for every adult and the older children. And learn its many features, like text messaging. It’s the Finnish way of life, and ten minutes after we acquired our phones we could not imagine life without them. (Used phones cost around 50 €.) Get a Finnish social security number (if you are staying more than twelve months). This entitles you to most of the social services, including medical and dental care in the Finnish system.

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land as America, so do it! When you meet someone interesting, suggest a lunch and reach for your calendar. Don’t wait for the invitation to come to you – Finns, being very polite, often assume that you are too busy to be troubled with social encounters. But in my experience they are eager for conversation and pleased to get to know you.

Learn some Finnish. Even though most Finns speak excellent English, you will feel empowered if you know basic phrases and words. Finns greatly appreciate the effort, too. And if you can learn more than the basics, great. At the same time, learn about Finnish history and literature. It’s unique.

Find a meaningful continuing activity that engages you in Finland and Finnish society. Fellow FFs, you have to choose your activity, find its place in Finland, and volunteer to do it on a regular basis. I happen to be a professor, so I wrote to the University department in my field (philosophy) to introduce myself. They wrote back to ask if I wanted to teach a course. I balked, since I’d imagined a year without teaching, but ultimately agreed, even though they did not offer to pay me! Adjunct stipends are very small here anyway. It was a very wise choice. Meeting students and faculty, and having a structure to my weeks, has made an enormous difference. The University system is very unstructured by American standards. Courses can be created instantly, and anyone can attend. Local guidance is probably essential in finding your niche. The Fulbright Center staff can get you started.

In short, go native. Don’t forget to try a sauna, too. But even though these tips make Finland more fun, I think that for the FF (Fulbright follower), they are still not the whole story. After the Fulbrighter goes to work and the kids start school, what then? Some people can enjoy a twelve-month vacation, but I am not one of them. I had to make my own opportunities. This has not always been easy (I’m a shy person), but it has been essential. Two crucial pieces of advice:

Finding happiness in Finland requires energy and creativity, more so for the FF than for the Fulbrighters themselves. But Finland will not fail you. The last piece of advice, for FFs and Fs alike, might be Don’t worry, be happy. Finns and their institutions and bureaucracies do not respond to life with the urgency and emphasis on the details we experience in American culture. But Finland is an attentive, thoughtful, and kind country, and with a mix of patience and perseverance you and yours can turn the Fulbright term into something wonderful for all.

Seize every social opportunity. Going out for lunch or coffee is as popular in Fin-

Text: Dan Lloyd Photos: Juha Rahkonen

Dr. Dan Lloyd (Trinity College, Hartford, Connecticut) is living this academic year in Helsinki with his wife, the 2002-03 Fulbright Bicentennial Chair Dr. Cheryl Greenberg, and their two children. He is currently a Visiting Fellow at the Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies. Dr. Dan Lloyd earned his Ph.D. in 1983 at Columbia University. He has published widely in the field of cognitive sciences with special interest in the nature of consciousness. He is currently writing a book on a consolidated theory of consciousness. Professor Lloyd has taught at the University of California, Santa Barbara; Simmons College, Boston and Trinity College, Hartford, CT.

Feedback Needed from Fulbright Families Dr. Dan Lloyd is leading a project focusing on Fulbright families/spouses/ significant others. The Fulbright Center wants to provide useful help and assistance, but only you can tell us what is needed and what would be most useful.

Dr. Lloyd will be soliciting feedback from grantees with spouses/families from current and recent years in order to provide a concrete proposal to the Center on how to best provide Fulbright Families with successful experiences. The Fulbright Center would like to invite anyone interested

in sharing thoughts about the Fulbright experience from the family/spouse point of view and to send concrete suggestions for improvements. If you are willing to help in this project, please contact Dr. Lloyd directly (dan.lloyd@trincoll.edu) or the Fulbright Center (office@fulbright.fi).

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Puolisolle oma orientaatio Lehikoisten perhe oli opettajavaihdossa vuonna 1996, ja sen jälkeen Anikka Lehikoinen ideoi vaihtoon lähtevien opettajien puolisoille oman orientaation yhdessä toisen puolisona vaihdossa oleen, Paul Whybrownin, kanssa. Ideana oli keskittyä niihin asioihin, joita puoliso tulee perheen vaihtovuoden aikana kohtaamaan. Puolisoille tarjottiin tilaisuus kysellä asioita kahden kesken, koska jokaisen perheen tilannehan on vähän erilainen, joku menee Chicagoon, toinen pikkukaupunkiin preerialla, jollakulla on pieniä lapsia, toisella murrosikäisiä … Joku puoliso on saattanut löytää myös itselleen työtä vuoden ajaksi. Lähtökohtana on ajatus, että vuoden pitäisi olla antoisa kokemus koko perheelle. Ja toisaalta, kotona mököttävä vaimo tai mies ei pysty tukemaan vaihto-opettajaa, joka myös kohtaa monenlaisia uusia, hankaliakin asioita. Lehikoinen on ollut mukana pitämässä puoliso-orientaatiota useampana vuonna. Hän uskoo, että oma orientaatio puolisoille on hyödyllinen. Orientaatioissa on nyt ollut muutaman vuoden tauko, mutta toiminnan uudelleenkäynnistäminen on suunnitelmissa.

Oma aktiivisuus tärkeintä Anikka Lehikoisesta on tärkeää, että mukaan lähtenyt puoliso antaa itselleen aikaa. Vaihdossa oleva opettaja saa oman kontaktiverkostonsa työstä, puolisolle ei ole mitään valmiina. Oman verkoston luominen on aikamoinen tehtävä. ”Täytyy itse olla aktiivinen, esittäytyä naapureille ja lasten koulukavereiden äideille”, hän kuvailee. Kestää aikansa, että tuttavuuksista löytää ihmisiä, joiden kanssa haluaa viettää aikaa. Vuoden uhkana on, että puoliso jää sivuun. Lehikoinen näkee, että puolison vuodella ei ole mitään merkitystä, jos tämä ei saa kontakteja. Vuosi on sitä paitsi pitkä aika kököttää kotona. On hyvä tietää etukäteen, että Yhdysvalloissa vapaaehtoistyö on todella tärkeää, ja puolison on melkein pakko mennä siihen mukaan saadakseen kontakteja. Sen avulla myös arvioidaan perheen asemaa yh-

teisössä. Myös kirkkoon keskittyy Yhdysvalloissa paljon toimintaa kuten erilaisia kerhoja ja kirpputoreja.

Arkirutiinit tehtävänä Puoliso on usein kotona vuoden, jolloin hänen kontolleen jää käytännön asioiden hoitaminen. Yksi tällainen on laskujen maksu, joka hoidetaan vieläkin shekeillä. Lisäksi vuokrakodissa saattaa tulla yllättävää remontintarvetta ja hyvinkin isot lapset pitää kuljettaa kouluun, joten yleensä puolison aika kuluu lapsia hakiessa ja viedessä. Sama juttu, jos haluaa että lapsilla on kavereita, heidät pitää viedä ystävien luo ja hakea sieltä. Lehikoisten lapset olivat 5- ja 7-vuotiaat, ja molemmat kävivät kävelymatkan päässä olevaa Public Schoolia. Näin Lehikoiset pärjäsivät yhdellä autolla, mikä ei ole ollenkaan selviö maassa, jossa julkinen liikenne on olematonta.

”Tärkeintä minusta on se, että vaihtovuoden täytyy olla koko perheen hanke”, Anikka Lehikoinen painottaa. vuoden aikana kaksinkertainen määrä. Se oli Anikka Lehikoisen mielestä juuri sopivan kokoinen kaupunki, jossa tieto suomalaisesta perheestä levisi, ja heitä haluttiin erilaisiin tilaisuuksiin kertomaan maastaan. Teksti: Maarit Rautio Kuva: Leena Matilainen

Lehikoisen mielestä heidän lapsensa olivat sopivassa iässä ja oppivat kielen nopeasti. ”Ennen joulua he jo leikkivät keskenään englanniksi.”

Vaihdokki väsyy alussa Vaihdossa oleva opettaja väsyy varsinkin vaihtovuoden alussa, kun toimii koko ajan vieraalla kielellä oudossa ympäristössä. Opettajan rooli on erilainen kun kotimaassa, samoin asiasisällöt, joita opetetaan. ”Ainakin minä huomasin, että Ismo oli alussa väsynyt, eikä olisi jaksanut arki-iltaisin vieraita. Minä yritin käyttää hyväkseni päivät, ja loin omia kontakteja, kun lapset olivat koulussa”, hän kuvailee. ”Sain paljon hyviä tuttavia, jotka soittelelivat minulle, että siellä ja siellä on kiva antiikkiliike, lähdetkö mukaan. ” Sillä tavalla Anikka Lehikoinen pääsi näkemään paljon, vaikka perheellä olikin vain yksi auto, jota isä käytti työmatkoihin. Lehikoisten perhe oli vaihdossa maatalousvaltaisessa Iowassa, pienessä Iowa Cityssä, jossa oli kesäisin 30 000 asukasta ja yliopisto-

Family Experiences have previously been covered in the Fulbright Center News in September 1999 (nbr.3), including among others, an article titled “The Fulbright as Family Experience” by Dr. Jerry Dollar, American Fulbright Lecturer at Åbo Akademi University and the University of Turku for the academic year 1998-99. Back issues are available at the Fulbright Center and can be ordered by e-mailing office@fulbright.fi. Aikaisemmin perheteemaa on käsitelty Fulbright Center Newsissä syyskuussa 1999 (nro. 3). Tuolloin kokemuksistaan kirjoitti mm. amerikkalainen Fulbright-luennoitsija Jerry Dollar, joka luennoi Turun yliopistossa ja Åbo Akademissä lukuvuonna 1998-99. Syyskuun numeron saa Fulbright Centeristä tilaamalla sähköpostitse osoitteeesta office@fulbright.fi.

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Atlantin yli 60-luvulla Neljäkymmentä vuotta sitten vaihtovuoden alkajaisiksi Suomeen saapuvilla amerikkalaisilla Fulbright-perheillä oli edessään usean vuorokauden laivamatka ensin Englantiin ja sitten Ruotsin kautta Suomeen. Kauppalehti uutisoi perheiden saapumisesta elokuussa 1963 seuraavasti:

Photo: Lehtikuva Oy

Tänä aamuna saapui Aallottaren matkassa Helsinkiin parikymmentä amerikkalaista Asla- ja Fulbright-stipendiaattia. Perheineen amerikkalaisia tulijoita on kaikkiaan 70:een henkilöön nouseva joukko. Stipendiaatit viipyvät maassamme yhdeksän kuukautta ja heidän sijoituspaikkansa ovat maamme eri puolilla. Kuvassamme stipendiaatteja ja heidän perheensä jäseniä aamulla Olympiapaviljongin edustalla. (Kauppalehti 21.8.1963).

Kotialbumien aarteet esille ASLA-Fulbright Alumni -yhdistys täyttää tänä vuonna 50 vuotta. Juhlavuoden aikana Alumni-yhdistys yhdessä Fulbright Centerin kanssa toteuttaa suomalais-amerikkalaista stipendivaihtoa koskevien valokuvien, muistelmien ja muun aineiston keräyksen. Osa aineistosta käytetään näyttelyyn, joka kertoo vaihtotoiminnasta kautta vuosien. Lisäksi tarkoituksena on täydentää vaihtoja koskevia arkistoja Fulbright Centerissä. Kuvamateriaalia voidaan lisäksi käyttää mm. Fulbright Centerin ja Alumni-yhdistyksen julkaisuissa. Pyydämmekin nyt Fulbright Center Newslehden lukijoilta apua materiaalin keräämisessä. Käytettäväksi sopiva aineisto voi olla valokuvia, kirjeitä, ääni- tai kuvanauhoitteita, postikortteja, sitaatteja, muistelmia tai mitä tahansa aineistoa, joka omalta osaltaan valottaa koko vaihtotoiminnan historiaa, Alumniyhdistyksen historiaa tai yksittäisten stipendiaattien omia vaihtokokemuksia. Fulbright Center ottaa mielellään vastaan aineiston lahjoituksia. Alkuperäisistä aarteista ei tarvitse välttämättä luopua, sillä tarvittaessa FC voi myös teettää alkuperäisestä ai-

neistosta kopiot. Aineistoa lahjoitettaessa tai kopioitaessa sovitaan erikseen aineiston käyttöoikeudesta eri tarkoituksiin. Käyttötarkoituksesta riippumatta aineiston lahjoittajan nimi mainitaan aina aineistoa käytettäessä ellei lahjoittaja toisin halua.

Treasures from Home Albums The ASLA-Fulbright Alumni Association is celebrating its 50th Anniversary this year. During the anniversary year the Alumni Association, together with the Fulbright Center, is collecting photographs, memoirs, and other material concerning the Finnish-American academic exchanges. Selected materials will be used in an exhibition documenting the history of Finnish-American academic exchanges. Some of the materials will also be added onto the Fulbright Center’s archives on the history of the exchange programs. The Fulbright Center and the Alumni Association may also use donated materials in their publications. We are turning to our readers with a request for materials. Suitable materials include photographs, letters, sound and videotapes, postcards, quotes, memoirs, or any other materials, which in some way

illustrate the history of Finnish-American academic exchanges, the activities of the Alumni Association, or the experiences of individual grantees. The Fulbright Center is very grateful for any donations of materials. You do not necessarily need to give up your original treasures because the FC can also make copies of the material. Rights to use the donated or copied material will be agreed upon case by case. The name of the donor will always be mentioned when using the materials unless the donor specifically wishes otherwise. Aineistot voi toimittaa seuraavaan osoitteeseen/ Please send any materials: Fulbright Center Kaisaniemenkatu 3 B, 5th floor 00100 HELSINKI FINLAND Tel: +358 9 5494 7400 Fax: +358 9 5494 7474 office@fulbright.fi Yhteyshenkilö/contact person: Laura Pohjola, laura.pohjola@fulbright.fi Liitä mukaan yhteystietosi. Enclose your contact information.

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2003-04 American Fulbright Grantees Selected The Fulbright Center’s Board of Directors has selected the American grantees for the academic year 2003-2004. Twelve scholars and eight students were selected. Scholars Dr. Jeffrey L. Meikle Fulbright Bicentennial Chair in American Studies American History University of Texas, Austin; Department of American Studies Specializations: History of design, technology, and architecture in the U.S; 19th and 20th century cultural history of the U.S. University of Helsinki, Renvall Institute for Area and Cultural Studies Project title: “Lecturing in American Studies; Research in Finnish/American connections in architecture, design, and popular culture” Academic year Dr. Thomas R. Allen Old Dominion University Specializations: Geographic information systems; remote sensing; physical geography University of Turku, Department of Geography Project title: “Geographic Tools for Wireless World and Comparative Analysis of Timberlines from North America and Fennoscandia” Fall term Dr. Donna M. Bickford University of Rhode Island Specializations: Feminist theory; women writers of the Americas; 20th-century US women novelists; Latin American testimonial novels Åbo Akademi University Institute for Women’s Studies Project title: “Women’s Studies in Humanities” Fall term Dr. James S. Fairweather Michigan State University Specializations: Educational administration/higher, adult and lifelong education, higher education University of Tampere, Department of Administrative Science Project title: “Higher Education Policy and Administration in Finland” Spring term

Dr. Jill I. Green University of North Carolina Greensboro Specializations: Dance education and pedagogy; body studies; somatics Theatre Academy of Finland, Department of Dance and Theater Pedagogy Project title: “Body Pedagogies and Research in Dance Education; Body Curricula in Academe – Issues of Power and Ethics” Fall term Mr. Kenneth J. King Suffolk University Law School Specializations: Criminal defence, including delinquency defence; appellate/ post conviction defense; child welfare (abuse and neglect) University of Turku, Faculty of Law Project title: “American Criminal Law and the History and Evolution of the American Juvenile Court; Treatment of Juveniles Accused of Criminal Behavior in Finland” Spring term Dr. James E. LaPorte Virginia Technical University Specializations: Technology education, technology education and science University of Oulu, Faculty of Education Project title: “Implementing Technology Education in Finland” Spring term Dr. Keith Olson American History University of Maryland, Department of History Specializations: 20th century political history; presidential history University of Tampere, North American Studies Program Project title:”Lecturer in American History with a specialization in political history” Spring term

Dr. Carlos A. Pomalaza-Ráez Fulbright-Nokia Grant in Electronics, Information or Telecommunication Technology, University of Oulu Indiana University – Purdue University, Fort Wayne Specializations: Wireless computer and communication networks; traffic scheduling algorithms for multiple access communication systems; signal processing University of Oulu, Centre for Wireless Communications & Telecommunications Laboratory Project title: “Wireless Communications Systems and Distributed Wireless Communication Networks” Academic year Dr. Stephen M. Rose University of New England Specializations: Community-based social work practice; social inequities & health disparities; case management; chronic illness research & intervention University of Helsinki, Department of Social Policy Project title: “Social Work in Health and Mental Health: Social Policy Research and Clinical Practice” Fall term Dr. Daniel D. Smeak Ohio State University Specializations: Small animal soft tissue surgery; emphasis on reconstructive, cardiothoracic, genitourinary, and gastrointestinal University of Helsinki, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Project title: “Veterinary Clinical Sciences” Spring term Dr. Colette M. St. Mary University of Florida Specializations: Behavioral and evolutionary ecology University of Helsinki, Department of Ecology and Systematics Project title: “Dynamic State Variable in Behavioral and Evolutionary Ecology and the Effects of Sexual Selection on Male Parental Care” Spring term

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www.fulbright.fi www.fulbright.fi Students Micah Bregman (B.A) Musicology Pomona College University of Jyväskylä “Music Cognition and Perception” Matthew Friar (B.A.) International Relations Alma College University of Helsinki “Finland, NATO, and the EU: Assessing Security Relationships” Juniper (Jennifer) Hill (Ph.D. candidate) Ethnomusicology University of California, Los Angeles Sibelius Academy “Cross-Cultural and Cross-Temporal Fusions in Finnish Folk Music” Justus Randolph (Ph.D. candidate) Education Utah State University University of Joensuu “Study Abroad in Finland: Gaining Multiple Perspectives in Education and Prejudice Reduction Reseach” Elisabeth Whitehead (MFA) Creative Writing University of Montana University of Helsinki “Finnish Mythology: Poems and Fairy Tales” Students cost-shared with CIMO: Amanda Pyper (B.S) Psychology University of Wisconsin, Madison University of Oulu “Epidemiology and Genetic Linkages in Autism and Asperger Syndrome” Jennifer von Reis (B.A.) Mathematics Scripps College University of Turku “Women in Mathematics in Finland” Matthew Stults (M.S.) Psychology University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee University of Jyväskylä “Exercise and Depression in Finnish Older Adults: Social Support as a Psychosocial Mediator”

Fulbright Center julistaa haettavaksi seuraavat apurahat: Lukuvuodelle 2003-2004 1. Fulbright Centerin 10 000 dollarin apuraha perustutkinto-opintoihin Yhdysvalloissa henkilölle, jolla jo on opiskelupaikka USA:ssa ja joka aloittaa opintonsa siellä syksyllä 2003. Hakemuksen liitteenä on oltava yhdysvaltalaisen korkeakoulun hyväksymiskirje. Hakuaika päättyy 22.4.2003. 2. Yrjö Jahnsson Foundation Fulbrightstipendi kansantaloustieteen jatko-opintoihin USA:ssa. Stipendiä haetaan Yrjö Jahnssonin säätiöltä säätiön hakulomakkeella. Fulbright Centerin johtokunta valitsee stipendin saajan Yrjö Jahnssonin säätiön esittämistä ehdokkaista. Hakuaika päättyy 24.2.2003. Lisätietoja ja hakulomakkeet www.yjs.fi.

Lukuvuodelle 2004-2005 3. ASLA-Fulbright –stipendit jatko-opintoihin Yhdysvalloissa (ei lääketieteessä tai hammaslääketieteessä). Opiskelu USA:ssa on aloitettava tällä stipendillä. Hakemukseen on liitettävä voimassaoleva todistus suoritetusta TOEFL-kielikokeesta (vähintään 250 pistettä tietokoneavusteisesta testistä). Apuraha on suuruudeltaan 15 000 tai 23 000 dollaria. Hakuaika päättyy 1.8.2003. 4. Mid-Career Professional Development –apuraha. Tämä 4-6 kuukauden apuraha on tarkoitettu työuransa keskivaiheilla oleville, oman alansa asiantuntijoille, jotka haluavat kehittää ja laajentaa ammattialan tuntemustaan Yhdysvalloissa (ei akateemiseen tutkimukseen). Hakemukseen on liitettävä tarkka suunnitelma projektista ja/ tai opinnoista sekä kutsu vastaanottavasta laitoksesta. Apuraha on suuruudeltaan 9 000 - 13 500 dollaria. Hakuaika päättyy 28.11.2003. 5. ASLA-Fulbright –stipendi nuorelle tutkijalle tutkimustyöhön Yhdysvalloissa (ei lääketieteessä tai hammaslääketieteessä). Tutkimustyö USA:ssa on aloitettava tällä stipendillä. Hakemukseen on liitettävä kutsu vastaanottavasta laitoksesta. Tämä 6

kuukauden apuraha on suuruudeltaan 15 300 dollaria. Hakuaika päättyy 28.11.2003. Fulbright Centerin stipendiohjelmien tarkoituksena on edistää Suomen ja Yhdysvaltain kansojen keskinäistä ymmärrystä koulutus- ja kuttuurialojen vaihdon kautta sekä tukea ja kehittää kansainvälistä yhteistyötä koulutuksen ja kulttuurin saralla.

Stipendihakemusten arviointiperusteet ovat: - hakemuksen omaleimaisuus ja innovatiivisuus, - hakemuksen selkeys ja toteuttamiskelpoisuus, - akateemiset ja/tai ammatilliset valmiudet ja pätevyys, - perustelut opiskelu- tai tutkimusprojektin suorittamiselle Yhdysvalloissa, - projektin merkitys alan tietämyksen kehittämisessä, - projektin merkitys Fulbright-ohjelman tavoitteiden saavuttamisessa, - henkilökohtaiset ominaisuudet: sopeutuvuus ja soveltuvuus toimia Fulbright-ohjelman lähettiläänä Yhdysvalloissa Stipendiä ei voida myöntää Yhdysvalloissa asuvalle henkilölle. Hakijat, joilla ei ole lainkaan tai joilla on vain vähän kokemusta Yhdysvalloista, saatetaan asettaa valinnoissa etusijalle. Stipendiohjelma on tarkoitettu lääketiedettä ja hammaslääketiedettä lukuunottamatta kaikkien alojen hakijoille. Erityisesti humanististisia tieteitä, yhteiskuntatieteitä, kasvatustieteitä ja taidealoja edustavia hakijoita kannustetaan hakemaan stipendiä. Lisätietoja saa Fulbright Centerin toimistosta (Kaisaniemenkatu 3 B, 5. kerros, 00100 Helsinki), puhelin (09) 5494 7400. Hakulomakkeet ohjeineen saa internetistä osoitteesta www.fulbright.fi. Kirjeitse lähetettyihin hakulomakepyyntöihin on liitettävä 0,90 euron postimerkein varustettu C4-kokoinen palautuskuori.

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Fulbright Grantees

The Life and Times of a Fulbright Forester in Finland Model 1961 wild card. My cousin Diane had met and married a Finnish forester while in college, and they then lived in Helsinki where Pentti was doing graduate work in forestry and mathematics. Her descriptions of Finland and its forests and people fascinated me. Also, at the time, I knew that I wanted someday to go on to graduate school in some aspect of forest biolog y, and forest genetics seemed to be especially advanced and appreciated in Finland at that time. But the word was that Fulbrights were very hard to get, competition was fierce, and I discounted my chances of getting one.

John Gordon in 1961 right after graduation, just before leaving for Finland on his Fulbright.

In the fall of 1960, when I looked forward to my graduation the following spring from Iowa State University, I thought I might have three choices about what to do next. I could go to work for the U.S. Forest Service. My degree was to be in forest management, and I had worked in the Pacific Northwest on forest inventory for the previous two summers. They had indicated they would give me a permanent position in forest inventory. I loved the Northwest, and permanent positions were hard to come by just then. I thought that was the most probable choice. Also, I had been in Reserve Officers Training in college, and, although the part of it I was in was for the Army, the Marine Corps thought they had a place for me in a reserve officers’ training program. That was also, at the time, a rare opportunity, but I was hesitant about the time of service required. But it sounded pretty good. Finally, I had applied for a Fulbright graduate fellowship to Finland. This was the

My surprise was, then, total, when I was notified that I was awarded a Fulbright and I was almost as surprised when I immediately accepted it. It is perhaps overly dramatic to say so, but nevertheless true, that my life changed fundamentally and forever as a result of that choice.

remained a mentor and friend to this day, Professor Peitsa Mikola. Through his guidance, several things happened. I became a degree candidate, instead of just a visitor, and this allowed me to take lecture series and exams that gave me knowledge I still use today. Second, knowing of my interest in forest biology and genetics, he contacted the Forest Research Institute of Finland, and I was allowed to develop my own research project at the research station in Ruotsinkyla, under the direction of Dr. Max Hagman. Also there, and of immense help, was Peter Tigerstedt, who became and still is a close friend. He tutored me in genetics, cross-country skiing, and even attempted to improve my social skills with Finnish girls. Through the next year and a half, I happily took courses and field trips with Finnish forestry students, worked on the research that became the basis for my doctoral dissertation when I returned to the United States at Christmastime, 1962, and came to love Helsinki with its concerts and parks. Tigerstedt’s social tutoring must have had some effect, because in 1964 I married Helka Lehtinen from Helsinki and am married to her today. Professor Mikola’s

In August of 1961 I left New York with a group of other Fulbright grantees, all of us headed for Finland. My first trip abroad, my only trip on an ocean liner (jets put them out of business just a few years later), and my first taste of graduate school came together with exposure to new languages, and new ways of looking at the world. Good luck played a major part in making my stay in Finland longer and better even than I had anticipated. First, as I entered the University of Helsinki by signing “the book” and paying my fee (the equivalent of ten dollars as I recall), I was given an advisor who has

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Dr. John C. Gordon is Pinchot Professor of Forestry and Environmental Studies at the Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies. He has B.S. (forest management) and Ph.D. (plant physiology and silviculture) from Iowa State University, and has been a Fulbright Scholar in Finland, University of Helsinki, and India, Bangalore. His primary expertise is in the biological basis of forest productivity, the management of research, and forest policy. Dr. Gordon has extensive consulting experience with public and private organizations, including forest product firms, the World Bank and the United Nations Development program. He has authored or coauthored over 100 publications, and has overseas experience in a variety of places, including India, Pakistan, China, Costa Rica, Brazil, Argentina, Finland, and Scotland.

www.fulbright.fi www.fulbright.fi It is impossible, in a short article, to convey the richness of my Fulbright experience. Much later, I had the honor of attending, on behalf of Yale, a recognition dinner for Senator Fulbright, at which he spoke. His enthusiastic, but politically motivated, introducer spoke of the benefits of “bringing American academic knowledge and skills to the world”. The Senator, when his turn came, discounted this. He said what he had hoped

to do was make American academics aware that there was a large, complex and important world outside their national borders. If either side learned something in the process, that was ok, but the main goal was a broadening and deepening of their awareness of the world. All I can say is that it worked on me, in spades.

Preserving Finnish Language Minorities

courses at the center. I am currently proposing a project with the Dictionary Society of North America to help locate and distribute Russian-English business and/or computing dictionaries for donation to the Ingrian Center.

pioneering research in forest microbiology planted an intellectual seed that germinated in my later career, and I spent over a decade studying biological nitrogen fixation and its role in forests. The other American Fulbright forester of 1961 was Bill Emmingham, who married one of my wife’s high school classmates. Bill became another lifelong friend, and later, my faculty colleague at Oregon State University and a leader in forestry extension and research.

Being a Fulbrighter in Finland this year has enabled me to spend quality time in areal and contact linguistics researching the lexical influence of Russian on the Balto-Finnic languages, particularly on Ingrian-Finnish. My work in documenting an endangered Finno-Ugric relative has brought me closer to knowing the social, economic and historical situation of a unique ethnic minority. This lesser-known dialect, branching from Old Karelian, is losing its struggle to survive not only as a linguistic, but also as a cultural entity. Indigenous Ingrians, who were converted to Orthodoxy, had inhabited the eastern corner of the Gulf of Finland since medieval times, when first mention of them were chronicled in Old Russian. In the 1600s, many Lutheran Finns migrated to the area and eventually had some fate in building Peter the Great’s new Russia capital, which was founded practically in the middle of Ingria, on Balto-Finnic territory. Prior to World War II there was, according to Soviet estimates, approximately 110,000 Ingrians in the BaltoFinnic basin. After Stalin’s fateful russification policies beginning in the late 1930s, the number of Ingrian Finns drastically diminished until now only a few hundred speakers exist.

services, community newsletters, etc. Such events remain at the heart of the surviving community and are open to all those who wish to experience what remains of Ingrian culture. It is, however, not easily accessible to everyone. Most Ingrian Finns under seventy years of age speak only Russian. Our musical rehearsals, for example, were always conducted in Russian, although the folk songs themselves were in Ingrian-Finnish – mostly what they had remembered from their childhood and wished to preserve in some fashion. Many are taking Finnish language classes, as well as computer and job placement

Text: John Gordon

The greatest lesson I have learned thus far here in Helsinki, is not to assume that hearing spoken Russian on Mannerheimintie necessarily means those speakers are ethnic Russians. Two generations of Finnish relatives have now lost their heritage language and for various socioeconomic reasons, have had to adopt Russian to survive. After being allowed to immigrate to Finland in the early 1990s, once proving Ingrian-Finnish lineage, many are still struggling with that integral and fragile part of their cultural identity – language. Text: Michele Terray, Graduate Grantee 2002-2003

As a linguist I cannot limit myself to universities and research archives. It is necessary to work with people and communities, as well! The Ingrian community center has allowed me to participate in folk singing and dancing performances, solemn dedications to previous generations, church

In addition to researching Ingrian-Finnish linguistics, Michele Terray participates in folk dancing with the Ingrian community.

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Alat ja ammatit

The Study of Economics in the U.S.

Economics can be studied in at least four different academic departments; economics departments, agricultural economics departments, forestry departments and natural resource departments. The choice of which department to enter should be determined by a student’s objective in studying economics. This includes not only the area of study but also the student’s future plans and the use he intends to make of his education.

Undergraduate Study The study of economics at the undergraduate level differs from its study at the graduate level. Undergraduates typically use policy oriented analysis that is much less mathematically rigorous. Choice of an undergraduate program should be determined by the department’s areas of specialization and the commitment of the department to its undergraduate program. When planning one’s undergraduate program and selecting courses, a student should consider that graduate study in economics is often very mathematical. Students considering pursuing a graduate degree in economics will benefit greatly from including several math courses in their undergraduate program.

education. In choosing a program a student should have some idea of what professors he wishes to work with and whether those professors will be interested in working with him. A few contacts with the departments and professors that the student is interested in working with will give him some indication of whether they are willing to take time to work with students. If they seem unwilling to do that, a student may wish to consider a different professor to work with or a different department altogether. Many students of graduate economics receive department funding. Typically, tuition waivers and stipends to provide living expenses are offered to graduate students. Students are usually required to work as teaching assistants or research assistants to obtain this funding. Often research work performed for an assistantship can be used to satisfy your thesis or dissertation requirements.

Economics Economics departments have the broadest scope. They typically include microeconomics, macroeconomics and econometrics. Economics departments are likely the only schools offering specialization in macroeconomics and its subareas. Often economics departments offer study in several subareas within macroeconomics and microeconomics (such as monetary policy, and law and economics). In selecting a school, careful consideration of the program specifics is important. Departments differ greatly in offered areas of specialization.

Graduate Study

At the graduate level, most economics departments offer a master’s degree but the concentration is on the Ph.D. program. If a student would like to pursue a master’s degree, it is wise to choose a school carefully. Many master’s programs are “stepping stones” for the Ph.D. and are not independent programs as such.

In a graduate program, the professor or professors that a student works with will have the greatest influence on the student’s

Graduate study in economics departments tends to be the most theoretical and often concentrates on the development of ma-

Almost all colleges and universities in the U.S. offer economics as an undergraduate major. The best way to locate a suitable program is through conventional resources and guides to undergraduate programs.

Alat ja ammatit

Economics is a broad area of study. Several definitions of the discipline exist and are debated. Economics, however, may simply be described as the study of markets of goods and services to examine social outcomes. The breadth of the discipline is apparent as economics is now often applied to questions concerning political systems and environmental quality and natural resource usage.

thematical models. While theoretical understanding of economics is important for all applied research, if one’s objective is learn to do applied research in industry or government, one may wish to also consider agricultural economics and forest economics programs. The following webpage provides links to many Ph.D. Programs in economics and agricultural economics in American and Canadian Universities: http://www.albany.edu/ econ/eco_phds.html

Agricultural Economics Agricultural economics programs typically offer not only agricultural economics but also study of environmental and natural resource economics, development eco-

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Alat ja ammatit -sarjassa amerikkalaiset Fulbrightstipendiaatit kirjoittavat omasta opiskelustaan Yhdysvalloissa. Miten alalle kouluttaudutaan ja mistä saa tietoa opinnoista?

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www.fulbright.fi www.fulbright.fi nomics, community and rural economics, and agribusiness. Agricultural economics programs tend to be very applied as many graduates enter industry and governmental positions that require applied research skills. At the graduate level, agricultural economics departments typically require some rigorous mathematical study of economics. They, however, tend to have a much greater focus on the application of economic principles with less focus on the development of theoretical models. Agricultural economics departments frequently offer master’s degrees as a separate program that is a prerequisite for the Ph.D. program. Master’s programs tend to be very applied and often are used for career development in economics outside of academe. Ph.D. programs in agricultural economics usually require the same first year theoretical courses as Ph.D. economics programs. After the first year, agricultural economics programs tend to be far more applied in their focus, as student often work on funded research projects in their studies. There are many agricultural economics programs offered in the U.S. They, however, are far less common than economics programs. The following webpage provides links to several agricultural and applied economics programs. The address is http:// www.aeco.ttu.edu/Links/acadepts.htm

Forestry and Natural Resources Economics Natural resource and forestry departments at some schools maintain programs in the study of economics of forestry and natural resources. Some of the best programs are in a ‘Department of Forestry’ rather than a Department of Forest Economics’. These programs should not be overlooked. At the graduate level, they often work with and require courses from the school’s economics department and/or agricultural economics department, so the extent of course offerings in the department should not be seen as a weakness of the program. As with agricultural economics programs, forest economics students often fund their studies by working on funded research programs.

“Opiskelemaan Yhdysvaltoihin” New Edition Out on a Guide about Study in the U.S

The 3rd edition of the popular “Opiskelemaan Yhdysvaltoihin” guide is now available. The guide is part of a series of guides in Finnish on study abroad opportunities and is edited by the Fulbright Center. The “Perustieto” series is published by the Centre for International Mobility CIMO and the Finnish Ministry of Labor. “Opiskelemaan Yhdysvaltoihin” guide is a comprehensive guide about American higher education opportunities. It includes information about study opportunities, cost of study and funding, admission process, and standardized testing. The guide includes practical tips and advice for those who are planning to study in the United States. It is also a useful reference tool for professionals who cooperate with American institutions. The guide is available on a pdf-format on the Fulbright Center web site. It is also available at the Fulbright Center

office and can be ordered by sending a selfaddressed C4 envelope together with a 1,30 € stamp to the Fulbright Center.

Ilmainen opas opiskelijalle “Applying to Colleges and Universities in the United States” on kirja, joka on tarkoitettu kaikille undergraduate –opiskelusta

kiinnostuneille. Kirja sisältää perustietoa Yhdysvaltain koulutusjärjestelmästä, yleiskuvauksen hakuprosessista ja oppilaitosesittelyjä yhteystietoineen. Kirjan saa ilmaiseksi, kun täyttää opiskelijan koulutustavoitteita kartoittavan Peterson’s International Student Network –kyselyn ja palauttaa sen Fulbright Centeriin. Annettujen tietojen perusteella yliopistot lähettävät suoraan opiskelijalle tietoa koulutusohjelmistaan. Kyselyn täyttäminen ei sido opiskelijaa hakemaan Yhdysvaltoihin opiskelemaan. Kyselylomakkeita voi noutaa Fulbright Centerin tietopalvelusta. Jos kirjan haluaa postitse, tulee lomakkeen mukana lähettää 4 euroa postituskuluja varten.

The Society of American Foresters webpage provides several links to forestry schools. http://www.safnet.org/educate/index.html Mark Fina, Fulbright Graduate Grantee 1999-2000

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Opiskelemaan Yhdysvaltoihin

Näyttelijänä New Yorkissa Tuomas Hiltunen valittiin ASLA-Fulbright jatko-opiskelijastipendiaatiksi lukuvuodelle 2001-2002. Fulbright Centerin stipendiohjelmapalvelujen avulla Tuomas Hiltunen pääsi opiskelemaan Columbian yliopistoon näyttelemistä. Columbian yliopistossa näyttelemistä on mahdollista opiskella monien nimekkäiden opettajien ja näyttelijöiden ohjauksessa, eikä sisäänpääsy ole lainkaan itsestäänselvää, varsinkaan kansainväliselle opiskelijalle.


New York 30.1.2003 Vuonna 1994 Lontoon Knightsbridgen kesäisiä katuja kävellessä syntyi unelma jatko-opinnoista Yhdysvalloissa. Takana olivat juuri päättyneet näyttelijäntyön opinnot maineikkaassa Guildhall School of Music & Dramassa ja edessä siinsi kiinnitys Edinburghiin. Unelma hautautui työkiireisiin, mutta nosti päätään itsepintaisesti ja tuli ajankohtaiseksi jälleen viisi vuotta myöhemmin. Puolentoista vuoden huolellinen suunnittelu tuotti tulosta. Iloiset uutiset Asla-Fulbright -sipendistä mykistivät hetkeksi, mutta sitten alkoi kuumeinen valmistautuminen ja haku yliopistoihin Fulbright Centerin kautta. Näyttelijältä edellytettiin hakupapereiden lisäksi koe-esiintymisiä. Näyttelijä Erkki Saarelan ja Professori Seppo Ruohosen johdolla harjoitettuja kappaleita eivät hidastaneet työpaineet eikä lentoväsymys, ja ensimmäiset opintopaikkatarjoukset saapuivat jo maaliskuussa 2001.

Columbia Universityssä suoritettavat kolmivuotiset jatko-opinnot vastasivat parhaiten tarpeitani. Ohjaaja Andrei Serbanilla ja puheopettaja Kristin Linklaterilla molemmilla on menestyksekäs kansainvälinen ura. Commedia Del’Arte -mestarin Nicky Wolzcin opetusta pidetään yhtenä maailman parhaimmista. Historioitsija Arnold Aronsonin kirjoja olin lukenut vuosikausia. Ensimmäinen tapaamiseni laitoksen dekaanin kanssa oli aamulla 11. syyskuuta 2001. Järkytyksellä seurasimme hänen toimistossaan World Trade Centeriin kohdistunutta terrori-iskua. Yöllä vastaanotin Columbian keräyspisteessä palomiehille ja pelastuskoirille tarkoitettuja varusteita. Henkisesti tiukin paikka oli terrori-iskun uhrien muistotilaisuudessa esiintyminen. Edistääkseni omalta osaltani kansainvälistä yhteisymmärrystä järjestin syksyllä 2002 yliopistollamme yhdessä professori Aili Flintin kanssa “Northern Nuances - Finnish Connection” -tilaisuuden, jota Columbia University tuki isolla rahasummalla. YK-suurlähettiläämme Marjatta Rasi toimi illan suojelijana. Lisäksi pääkonsuli Jukka Leino ja rouva Eva Leino järjestivät vastaanoton, Finnair sponsoroi oopperalaulajan lennättämisen Suomesta, professorit ja opiskelijat valmistivat ohjelman ja Manhattan School of Music Tango Quartet kantaesitti uusia sovituksia suomalaisista tangoista. Ilta oli suuri menestys. New Yorkin debyyttini oli Sartren näytelmän “No Exit” päärooli kesällä 2002. Tänä keväänä vuorossa on Shakespearen “Kesäyön unelma”. Lisäksi jatkan hedelmällistä yhteistyötä filmiopiskelijoiden kanssa. Jatko-opinnot on määrä saada päätökseen toukokuussa 2004.

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"Laulajan pitää osata paitsi laulaa myös markkinoida", toteaa Arto Seppänen Optio-lehden haastattelussa. "Menestys koostuu monesta asiasta. Suomessa on valtavan paljon hyviä ääniä. Osaaminen ei yksin riitä. Täytyy osata markkinoida. Taustavoimien on osattava asiansa. Ja vasta julkisuus antaa mahdollisuuden näyttää, mitä osaa." Seppänen, joka julkaisi hiljattain debyyttialbuminsa, opiskeli laulua Fulbright Centerin Mid-Career -stipendin turvin New Yorkissa vuonna 2001. Optio, 28.11.2002 "Elina Salorannan Puhdas on ehdottomasti alkutalven kiinnostavampia ja haastavampia näyttelyitä.16 mm:n filmille kuvatussa, videonauhalle siirretyssä teoksessaan taiteilija on palannut 1980-90- lukujen vaihteeseen ja siitä viisikymmentä vuotta taaksepäin ja luodannut ilmapiiriä perheensä kirjeistä. Niiden pohjalta hän on toteuttanut viisiosaisen filmin, jonka keinoin hän tulkitsee tekstejä." Elina Saloranta opiskeli ASLAFulbright -stipendillä School of the Art Institutessa Chicagossa lukuvuoden 1999-2000. Näyttelyarvostelu, Helsingin Sanomat 11.1.2003 Palstan kokosivat Leena Matilainen ja Johanna Lahti. Lähetä vinkkejä osoitteella office@fulbright.fi

Tuomas Hiltunen


"Opetuksen taso on täällä huikea", toteaa Fulbright-stipendiaatti Tuomas Hiltunen opinahjostaan New Yorkin Columbian yliopistosta Seura-lehden henkilöhaastattelussa. "Viikottain täällä vierailee joku suuri ohjaaja tai näyttelijä, amerikkalainen Hollywood-tähti tai Euroopasta vanha mestari," toteaa Hiltunen, jonka tavoitteena on suorittaa Columbiassa Master's -tutkinto. Seura, nro 44, 1.11.2002

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www.fulbright.fi www.fulbright.fi

Kesäopintoja ja lyhytkursseja Yhdysvalloissa Monet amerikkalaiset oppilaitokset järjestävät lukuisia eri alojen lyhytkursseja sekä eripituisia englannin kielen kursseja, jotka on suunnattu ulkomaisille opiskelijoille. Ohjelmakokonaisuudet ja kurssit voivat kestoltaan vaihdella aina viikosta jopa vuoteen. Kurssien aiheet vaihtelevat runsaasti, ja opiskelijalla onkin valittavanaan lukuisia vaihtoehtoja yleisistä peruskursseita aina hyvinkin yksityiskohtaisiin erikoisvaihtoehtoihin.

Kesäyliopisto Monet amerikkalaiset korkeakoulut ja yliopistot järjestävät opetusta myös kesällä. Tämä opetus on usein avoinna muillekin kuin korkeakoulun omille opiskelijoille. Kesälukukaudesta käytetään tavallisimmin nimitystä summer term tai summer session. Lisätietoa kesäopetusta järjestävistä yliopistoista saa North American Association of Summer Sessions –järjestön kotisivulta. NAASS mm. ylläpitää linkkilistaa n. 400:sta jäsenestään. Järjestön kotisivuosoite on http://www.naass.org/.

Täydennyskoulutus Monella korkeakoululla on myös oma täydennyskoulutuskeskuksensa, jota kutsutaan usein nimellä school of continuing education tai university extension studies. Nämä keskukset tarjoavat monenlaisia kurssikokonaisuuksia, lyhyistä intensiivikursseista laajoihin, monivuotisiin kokonaisuuksiin. Suuren tarjonnan takia ei ole olemassa opasta, joka sisältäisi kaikki Yhdysvalloissa tarjottavat lyhytkurssivaihtoehdot. Yksi hyödyllinen tapa kartoittaa oman alan kurssivaihtoehtoja on ensin kartoittaa ne korkeakoulut, jotka järjestävät tutkinto-ohjelmia kyseisellä erikoisalalla ja sitten tutkia, onko korkeakoululla tarjota myös lyhytkursseja. University Continuing Education Associationin (UCEA) kotisivulla on hyödyllinen linkkilista amerikkalaisista korkeakouluista, jotka järjestävät täydennyskoulutusta (continuing

education providers). UCEA:n kotisivun osoite on http://www.ucea.edu/. Fulbright Centerin tietopalvelun kokoelmiin kuuluu esimerkiksi cd-rom tietokanta intensiivikurssivaihtoehdoista Yhdysvalloissa.

American Association of Intensive English Programs http://www.aaiep.org/

Kurssien valinta Kesän opintojen suunnittelu kannattaa aloittaa hyvissä ajoin keväällä. Kurssin järjestäjän valinnassa kannattaa olla tarkka, koska koulutuksen sisältö, kustannukset, kohderyhmä ja opetuksen laatu vaihtelevat. Hakukriteerit lyhytkursseille voivat olla verrattain joustavat ja opiskelijavalintaan ei välttämättä kiinnitetä riittävästi huomiota. Hakukriteereinä voivat olla esim. työkokemus ja kielitaito. Hakijan kannattaa kiinnittää erityistä huomiota mm. seuraaviin asioihin:

Englannin kielen opinnot Englannin kielen kurssitarjonta on Yhdysvalloissa erittäin runsasta. Kurssien järjestäjiä on kolmenlaisia: yksityiset kielikoulut, amerikkalaisten yliopistojen yhteydessä toimivat itsenäiset kielikoulut sekä amerikkalaisten yliopistojen omat kielikoulutusta tarjoavat yksiköt. Englannin kielen kurssit voidaan karkeasti jakaa kolmeen ryhmään. Intensive ESL -ohjelmat ovat englannin kielen tehokursseja jotka kehittävät opiskelijan kielitaitoa ja valmentavat opintoihin amerikkalaisessa oppilaitoksessa. English for a Specific Purpose, eli ESPkurssit on suunniteltu niille, jotka tarvitsevat englannin kielen harjoitusta tietyllä alalla. Kurssit on usein tarkoitettu jatko-opiskelijoille ja ne keskittyvät viestintätaitoihin sekä erityisalojen sanaston harjoittamiseen (esim. oikeustiede, lääketiede sekä kaupallinen ala). ESL-kurssit on tarkoitettu niille, jotka jo opiskelevat amerikkalaisessa collegessa tai yliopistossa. Kurssit on suunniteltu suoritettavaksi opintojen ohessa. (ESL tulee sanoista English as a Second Language.) Fulbright Centerin tietopalvelun kokoelmiin kuuluu esimerkiksi Intensive English USA -hakuteos englannin kielen kurssitarjonnasta Yhdysvalloissa. Lisätietoja englannin kielen kursseista saa myös seuraavista lähteistä: The Commission on English Language Program Accreditation http://www.cea-accredit.org/ Consortium of University and College Intensive English Programs http://www.uciep.org/

· Kuka järjestää kurssin? · Mikä on kurssin tai ohjelman sisältö? Mitä halutaan oppia ja mitä erityisosaa mista kehittää? Onko ohjelman sisältö sovellettavissa omaan tarkoitukseen tai esimerkiksi työhön? Kannattaa valita juuri sellainen kurssi, joka vastaa omia tavoitteita ja mielenkiinnon kohteita. Jos työnantaja maksaa kurssin kulut, ehtona saattaa olla tiettyjä vaatimuksia kurssisisällölle. · Mikä on ohjelman painopiste ja rakenne? · Onko ohjelma yleisluontoinen vai keskittyykö se johonkin erikoisalaan? · Kuinka käytännönläheinen ohjelma on? · Kuinka joustava ohjelmakokonaisuus on? · Onko opetushenkilökunnan tausta sopiva omiin tavoitteisiin? · Mitä opetustyyliä ohjelma noudattaa? · Minkälaisia osallistujia ohjelma houkuttelee? · Kuuluuko ohjelmaan käytännön jaksoja ja työharjoittelua? Kannattaa ottaa huomioon, että lyhytkurssien kurssikustannukset voivat nousta hyvinkin korkeiksi ja niihin on usein vaikea hakea apurahoja tai rahoitusta esimerkiksi kurssin järjestävältä korkeakoululta.

Lisätietoja Fulbright Centeristä voi noutaa maksuttoman perustietopaketin lyhytkursseista ja kesäopinnoista. Yksittäisen julkaisun voi myös tilata postitse lähettämällä Fulbright Centeriin omilla osoitetiedoilla ja palautuspostimerkillä (1,30 €) varustetun C4-kirjekuoren. Teksti: Terhi Topi

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Fulbright Program

Finland on a Fulbright The Fulbright Center awards grants to American graduate students, teachers and administrators, scholars and professionals. Approximately 30 Americans annually are offered the opportunity to study, teach, or pursue research in Finland on a Fulbright grant.

academe to apply for a Fulbright grant to Finland. The Mid-Career Professional Development Grant, in particular, is intended for professionals in all fields, who wish to take a sabbatical leave of 4-5 months from normal work duties to pursue a research project, further education or training in Finland.

Students Fulbright student grants to Finland are available to American Ph.D. candidates or students who hold a Master‘s or a Bachelor‘s degree. Academically talented graduating seniors may also apply before having the degree in hand. The length of the grant is 9 months. The award provides a monthly stipend of 992 euros, a travel allowance, and free accident and sickness insurance. In the United States the Fulbright U.S. Student Program is administered by the Institute of International Education (IIE), which oversees the application process and pre-screens applicants. The application period begins in May and ends mid-October each year. Application forms, instructions for applying, and additional information are available from Institute of International Education www.iie.org.

Scholars and Professionals The traditional Fulbright U.S. Scholar Program offers grants for lecturing and research to American scholars and professionals. Most of the scholar awards to Finland are based on requests from Finnish universities and polytechnics, where a specialist in a given field is sought for a particular assignment. The Any Field grants offer opportunities for scholars who propose their own projects and who have received an invitation from a Finnish institution. Most of the scholar grants are awarded for one semester (4-5 months), but some awards are also available for a full academic year. The monthly stipends range from $2,250 to $5,555, with free housing for most of the awards. The Fulbright Center encourages both faculty members and professionals outside

The Council for International Exchange of Scholars (CIES) publishes an annual awards catalogue with detailed information on Fulbright grants available to scholars and professionals. The awards catalogue, application forms and instructions are available from: Council for International Exchange of Scholars (CIES) http://www.cies.org/us_scholars/ American scholars and professionals may propose to visit Finland also on the New Century Scholar Program, one of the new Fulbright program initiatives administered by the CIES. The New Century Scholar Program brings together top academics and professionals from around the world to collaborate for a year on a topic of global significance. For 2002-2003, the research theme is “Addressing Sectarian, Ethnic and Cultural Conflict within and across National Borders”, and the topic of the first program year in 2001-2002 was “Challenges of Health in a Borderless World”. NCS Fellows will pursue research activities related to the NCS research theme throughout the program year and maintain contact with one another as a means to expanding their own research directions and accomplishing NCS group objectives. There are also several orientations and meetings throughout the year for the NCS Fellows. An important part of the program is a 3-6 month international research visit. American candidates proposing to spend the international research visit in Finland should arrange their own affiliations with Finnish host institutions. More information on the NCS program is available at www.cies.org/NCS/.

Teachers and Administrators

of elementary, middle, and high schools the opportunity for direct one-for-one exchange with a colleague in Finland. The purpose of the program is to broaden the professional knowledge of teachers and to offer participating educational institutions an opportunity for international cooperation. The teachers will teach one another‘s classes and, in some cases, will live in one another‘s homes. In the Administrator Exchange Program American elementary and secondary school administrators, two-year college administrators, and administrators at teacher training institutions have an opportunity to work together with a Finnish administrator as a team, shadowing and sharing administrative duties. The program provides for reciprocal visits of six weeks to each administrator’s home institution. Exchanges may be in the areas of personnel administration, curriculum development, student affairs, or educational policy and methodology. Application deadline for both the Fulbright Teacher and the Administrator Exchange programs is in mid-October. Interested candidates receive more information from Fulbright Teacher and Administrator Exchange, Graduate School, USDA http://grad.usda.gov/info_for/fulbright.cfm

Opportunities for Fulbright Alumni The Alumni Initiatives Award Program provides both U.S. and Finnish scholar alumni with the opportunity to develop and sustain ongoing contacts and partnerships initiated as a result of their Fulbright award. The AIA program provides small institutional grants to Fulbright alumni to develop innovative projects that will foster institutionally supported linkages and sustainable, mutually beneficial relationships between the Fulbright Scholar’s home and official host institutions. Further information is available at http:// www.cies.org/aia/. Tuula Laurila

The Fulbright Teacher Exchange provides American 2-year college teachers and teachers

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www.fulbright.fi www.fulbright.fi


Fulbright Centerissä avattiin valokuvanäyttely maaliskuun alussa. SNAPSHOT: Finland on 50 värivalokuvan kokoelma Jérémie Michael McGowanin (kuvassa vas.) kuvia Suomesta. Taiteilija oli lukuvuoden 20012002 Fulbright-stipendiaattina Oulun yliopiston Giellagas-instituutissa. Näyttelyn kuvat on otettu kyseisen stipendivuoden aikana ja ne on asetettu esille kronologisessa järjestyksessä.

unohtuneita mutta värikylläisiä yksityiskohtia. Valtaosa näyttelyn töistä on peräisin eri puolille Suomea suuntautuneilta tutkimusmatkoilta, joten näyttely kattaa maantieteellisesti suurimman osan Suomea aina pohjoisimmasta Lapista Ahvenanmaan saaristoon, Utsjoelta Kökariin ja takaisin. Myös kuvien lukumäärällä on oma merkityksensä: Suomen ASLA-Fulbright Alumni –yhdistys täyttää vuonna 2003 täydet 50 vuotta.

Matkustamisen ohella luonto on aina ollut McGowanille erityisen tärkeä inspiraation lähde. Hän kuvaa töissään pohjoisen luonnon eri elementtejä ja asutun maiseman

A photo exhibition was opened at the Fulbright Center in early March. SNAPSHOT: Finland is a collection of 50 (10x15) color photographs by Jérémie Micha-

el McGowan (in the photo, left), 2001-2002 Fulbright Grantee, Giellagas Institute for Saami Studies at the University of Oulu. The images in the exhibition are a personal retrospective of the artist’s experiences in Finland, focusing primarily on the northern nature and changing seasons; opening a private window looking out upon the Finnish landscape, both in its flowing expanses and fragile details. The number of the exhibits is not insignificant either. The year 2003 marks the 50th Anniversary of the ASLA-Fulbright Alumni Association in Finland. In this light, “SNAPSHOT: Finland” serves as a symbolic marker in time.

“Seurasaari Day”

“Baltic Serenities I”


Winter warmth from the noon sun Protected in repose Watching gleeful children and dogs.

Sounds voices of the water the wind in my ears seagulls and people. The languages are not the same... but the meaning seems clear if you can listen from somewhere beyond your normal senses.

Savu savu savusauna Laita löyly lempeä. Hiljaa, hiljaa linnunlaulu.

Diamonds aglitter underfoot Avanto hole empty Everyone looking with hope. Here she comes, shoes and gloves The camera snaps Around and around she strokes. Up and out, steam rising, breath trailing Calmly she departs Molten through and through, menthol skin. Now a couple disturbs the peace Pump keeps it liquid Nature pulling at us even here.

“Baltic Serenities II” What is the color of ice shining and water gleaming and sun beaming and the girl’s eyes wide with wonder? Blue sky, so penetrating and so pervasive it is drowning the spectrum.

-Suzanne Louis-

The writer was a Fulbright Mid-Career Grantee in Finland 2001–2002. She is the Director of the Lorna Sundberg International Center at the University of Virginia.

We cannot resist the embrace Seeking it always She is there waiting our attention.

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New Website and Bulletin Board for Fulbrighters The Fulbright Center has launched a new web service for all current and former Fulbright grantees. A separate Resources for Grantees section has been added to our website www.fulbright.fi. There are four separate subsites: The General section includes information for all grantees, such as information on current events and links to various Fulbright related resources and organizations. Photos taken by grantees are posted on the Fulbright Photo Album available on this subsite. The American grantees’ section includes information intended for the American

Fulbright Grantees, such as report forms, information on the ASPE insurance and an electronic version of the Fulbright Center Orientation Handbook, and the Finnish grantees’ section has information and resources intended specifically for the Finnish Fulbrighters. The fourth section is called the Fulbright Forum. It is a bulletin board intended for all current and former Fulbright Center grantees. Fulbright Forum is a medium for the Fulbrighters to keep in touch with each other. If you want to contact Fulbrighters from your own exchange year, rent your apartment for your grant period, or ask for

Commission News Board Members Two new Board members have joined the Fulbright Center Board of Directors: Dr. Victoria Middleton, the new Counselor for Public Affairs at the U.S. Embassy in Helsinki, is a 15-year veteran of the Foreign Service, whose previous assignments have included the Philippines, India, Estonia and the Czech Republic. Prior to joining the Department of State, Ms. Middleton was an Associate Professor of English Literature at Franklin and Marshall College in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. She has a B.A. from Bryn Mawr College and an M.A. and Ph.D. from the University of California at Berkeley. In addition to her tenured position at Franklin and Marshall, she has also taught at Tufts University and Fudan University in Shanghai. Accompanying her on her assignments is her 12-year old son Alex Schrager, who attends the International School of Helsinki and plays on the Viikingit team in the junior hockey league in Helsinki.

Mr. John Hall serves as Chief of Political Section at the U.S. Embassy in Helsinki. Before that he was assigned to the State Department’s Office of Nordic and Baltic Affairs, where he was the “desk officer” responsible for the U.S. relationship with Denmark and Norway. In the past, Mr. Hall has been assigned to the U.S. Embassy in Moscow, the U.S. Mission to NATO Headquarters in Brussels, and to the U.S. Embassy in Tel Aviv, Israel. He has also spent several years working on arms control negotiations, including the Strategic Arms Reduction Talks (or START) and the negotiations on a treaty to ban chemical weapons. He has also worked on environmental issues and was the “desk officer” for Ethiopia at the time Eritrea gained its independence. He holds a Master’s Degree in Engineering from the University of Michigan. He is married to Helene Kessler, who is the Embassy’s Assistant Public Affairs Officer. They have two children.

other Fulbrighters’ advice, Fulbright Forum is the channel for you. Current and former grantees receive a user ID for the Forum from the Fulbright Center. If you would like to join the Fulbright Forum network, please contact the Fulbright Center by e-mail office@fulbright.fi or by phone (09) 5494 7400. No user ID is needed for other parts of the Resources for Grantees website. Text: Tuula Laurila

Staff Members Ms. Emilia Jantunen will join the Fulbright Center staff as an intern for three months beginning in March. She studies at the Haaga Polytechnic for a degree in Business Administration and Economics, concentrating on communications and advertising. Ms. Päivi Enckell will be interning at the Center for three months beginning in May. She is studying at the Jyväskylä Polytechnic for a degree in Business Administration and Economics. Her field of interest is international business. Financial Specialist Ms. Leena Matilainen will begin her maternity leave in April. Her replacement for the year is Ms. Kirsi Vesaikko, KTM (Master of Science in Economics and Business Administration).

Grantees Dr. Katri Sieberg, an American Fulbright grantee to Finland this year, gave birth to a baby girl on January 13, 2003. Congratulations!

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www.fulbright.fi www.fulbright.fi

FC Workshop for International Education Professionals Recent Trends and Visas Discussed Fulbright Center organized a workshop for Finnish international education professionals titled “Study in the United States - Student Preparation and Credential Recognition” on February 26th and 28th. A special theme of the day was credential and degree recognition. The workshop was attended by 42 international coordinators from all over Finland for whom recent trends and changes in student visas provided topics for discussion. Speakers included Suzanne Louis, Director of the International Center at the University of Virginia, Counselor of Education Carita Blomqvist from the Finnish National Board of Education, Professor Dan Lloyd from Trinity College, and Consular Officer Tuija Rannikko-Fernandez from the American Embassy.

Fulbright American Studies -instituutti Fulbright American Studies -instituutit ovat kuusi viikkoa kestäviä akateemisia seminaareja, joita järjestetään vuosittain noin kymmenen eri puolilla Yhdysvaltoja. Kukin instituutti keskittyy yhteen laajaan USA:ta käsittelevään aihealueeseen. Instituutit on tarkoitettu yliopistojen ja korkeakoulujen opettajille, lukion opettajille, oppikirjojen tekijöille ja opettajankouluttajille. Delawaren yliopistossa järjestettiin tammikuussa “U.S. National Security: American Foreign Policy Formulation in an Era of Globalization” instituutti, johon Suomesta osallistui majuri, FM Kaarle Lagerstam. Majuri Lagerstam toimii pääopettajana ja strategian laitoksen johtajan sijaisena Maanpuolustuskorkeakoulussa Helsingissä.

Hakuohjeet ja lisätietoja American Studies -instituuteista löytyy osoitteesta www.usembassy.fi/links/American http:// www.usembassy.fi/links/American studies. Hakuaika on vuosittain tammi-helmikuussa. Maarit Pulli Culture and Exchanges Assistant U.S. Embassy Helsinki Tel. +358-9-175 298; +358-50-5480 360 e-mail: maarit.pulli@usembassy.fi

Matka-apurahoja luennoitsijavierailuihin Lukuisia amerikkalaisia tutkijoita ja luennoitsijoita monilta eri tieteenaloilta lähtee vuosittain Fulbright -vaihtoon ympäri maailmaa, mm. eri puolille Eurooppaa. Tämä asiantuntemus on kaikkien suomalaisten korkeakoulujen käytettävissä Fulbright Centerin Inter-Country Travel Grant -ohjelman kautta. Suomalaiset yliopistot ja korkeakoulut voivat hakea Fulbright Centeristä matka-apurahaa ja kutsua toiseen maahan sijoitetun Fulbright-luennoitsijan Suomeen lyhytaikaiselle, noin viikon kestävälle vierailulle. Matka-apuraha kattaa vierailevan luennoitsijan edestakaisen lentomatkan Suomeen korkeakoulupaikkakunnalle, edullisinta lentohintaa käyttäen. Vierailun muista kustannuksista vastaa kutsun esittänyt korkeakoulu. Matka-apurahaa ei myönnetä lääketieteen aloille. Lisätietoja matka-apurahoista saa Fulbrigh Centerin koulutusasiantuntijalta Terhi Topilta, puh. (09) 5494 7408.

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©Alberta Ministry of Learning

Opiskelemaan Kanadaan

Provinssit-sarjassa esitellään opiskelumahdollisuuksia Kanadan eri provinsseissa.

The Alberta Advantage

Located where the Rocky Mountains meet the prairie, Alberta’s sunny climate and varied geography make it an interesting place to live, work and study. With 600 lakes, 245 rivers and over 78,000km2 of parks, Alberta has an abundance of recreation opportunities and over 2,300 hours of sunshine each year to enjoy them. Alberta’s economy reflects the diverse nature of its people. Principal industries include agriculture, forestry, telecommunications, and oil and gas. The province of Alberta has a population of approximately 3 million people from diverse cultures. This diversity provides Alberta’s major cities with numerous cultural arts. Live theatre, symphony, opera and ballet; and a vast number of year round festivals make Alberta an exciting province to live in. The province also has a very good network of museums and interpretive centres, displaying Alberta’s natural and human history.

Educational Opportunities Quality post-secondary learning opportunities are made accessible to all

students at the following publicly funded institutions: • 4 universities • 15 colleges • 2 technical institutes • 4 private university colleges • 1 specialized learning centre Alberta universities offer a wide range of undergraduate and graduate degree programs. These institutions have an international reputation for research excellence in a number of fields including biotechnology, nanotechnology and telecommunications. One of the institutions, Athabasca University, offers distance learning programs within Alberta and internationally. Alberta colleges and technical institutes provide diploma and certificate programs in a variety of disciplines as well as apprenticeship training. These institutions also offer university transfer and applied degree programs. The Banff Centre is Canada’s only learning centre dedicated to the arts, leadership development and mountain culture. It serves the needs of accomplished artists, business and community leaders and members of the global mountain community through year-round programs designed to enrich professional practice beyond the realm of traditional education.

English as a Second Language English as a Second Language programs are offered by many of the publicly funded institutions. Most post-secondary institutions offer ESL programs for general, academic, business or other specific purposes. Interested students can also receive training in the teaching of ESL. With its broad range of study possibilities, its competitive tuition fees and low cost of living, students from over 90 countries choose to attend the post-secondary institutions of Alberta.

Interested in Finding out More? The following website links will provide you with more information on Alberta’s learning system including how to apply to study in Alberta: Further information

The province of Alberta in Canada is culturally diverse and politically secure. It has a strong economy and its students enjoy access to quality education.


http://www.learning.gov.ab.ca Alberta Center for International Education http://www.acie.ab.ca/ Alberta Learning Information Service http://www.alis.gov.ab.ca/ Citizenship and Immigration Canada http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/visit/index.html

Text: Alberta Ministry of Learning

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Alberta Learning, Government of Alberta

20.3.2003, 14:23

www.fulbright.fi www.fulbright.fi

Testien erityisjärjestelyt Apuvälineiksi on mahdollista saada Kensington Trackball- ja HeadMaster Plus-hiiri, Intellikeys-näppäimistö ja Zoomtext.

Testintekijä voi saada tietokoneavusteisiin testeihin erityisjärjestelyjä, mikäli hänellä on tietokoneen käyttöä vaikeuttavia fyysisiä rajoitteita, tai esim. luku- ja kirjoitushäiriö. Testiin saa esimerkiksi lisäaikaa, ylimääräisiä taukoja tai tietokoneen ruudulle tulevan tekstin tavallista suuremmalla pistekoolla.

Erityisjärjestelyistä vastaa Educational Testing Service (ETS). Testintekijän täytyy hakea erityisjärjestelyitä kirjallisesti suoraan ETS:ltä heidän antamiensa ohjeiden mukaan. Ohjeet ja lomakkeet voi ladata testin internetsivulta. Täytetyt lomakkeet, testi-ilmoittautumislomake ja testimaksu mukaanluettuna, lähetetään Yhdysvaltoihin suoraan testin erityispalveluosastolle, esimerkiksi TOEFL Disability Services – osastolle. Testintekijälle lähetetään vahvistus, kun erityisjärjestelyhakemus on käsitelty. Sen jälkeen testintekijä voi varata itselleen testiajan Hollannin ilmoittautumiskeskuksesta. Vahvistuskirjeessä on tietoja, joita tarvitaan ilmoittautuessa. Testiaika kannattaa varata puhelimella. Erityisjärjestelyhakemuksen käsittely voi kestää useita viikkoja, joten lomakkeet tulee

lähettää mahdollisimman hyvissä ajoin, mielellään vähintään kaksi kuukautta ennen haluttua testiajankohtaa.

Prosessi voi testintekijän kannalta edetä esimerkiksi seuraavasti: 1. Tutustu ETS:n erityisjärjestelyitä koske viin yleisohjeisiin, www.ets.org/disability ja www.ets.org/disability/faq.html. 2. Lataa yksityiskohtaiset ohjeet ja lomakkeet sen testin sivulta, johon olet hakemassa erityisjärjestelyitä: http://www.toefl.org/disbindx.html http://www.gre.org/disatest.html http://www.mba.com/mba/ TaketheGMAT/RegisterfortheGMAT/ ScheduleYourTestAppointment/ TestTakerswithDisabilities.htm 3. Lue lataamasi ohjeet huolellisesti, täytä kaikki tarvittavat lomakkeet selkeästi ja täydellisesti ja lähetä kaikkine pyydettyine liitteineen annettuun osoitteeseen. 4. Mikäli ohjeissa on mielestäsi epäselvyyksiä tai askarruttavia asioita, pyydä selvennystä suoraa sen testin kautta, mitä olet tekemässä: toefl@ets.org, gmat@ets.org, stassd@ets.org. Sähköpostiviestiin vastataan noin viiden päivän kuluessa. Kiireellisissä tapauksissa soita: +1 609 771 7780 (ma - pe 8 - 16.30 USA:n itärannikon aikaa, -7 h Suomen ajasta ). Puhelinnumero on sama kaikille testeille. Tekstit: Johanna Lahti Kuva: Juha Rahkonen

GRE General –testi on uudistunut GRE General –testin rakenne muuttui lokakuun 2002 alussa, kun analyyttinen kirjoitusosio korvasi analyyttisen monivalintaosion. Kvantitatiivinen ja verbaaliosio pysyivät entisellään. Osiomuutoksella pyritään auttamaan yliopistojen valintalautakuntia arvioimaan paremmin hakijoiden kriittistä ajattelukykyä sekä analyyttista kirjoitustaitoa, jotka ovat keskeisiä asioita jatko-opinnoissa. Analyyttinen kirjoittaminen koostuu kahdesta toisiaan täydentävästä kirjoitustehtä-

västä: näkökulma aiheeseen (perspective on an issue), kirjoitusaikaa on 45 minuuttia ja argumentin analysointi (analyze an argument), aikaa 30 minuuttia. Ensinmainitussa tehtävässä testattava kirjoittaa oman argumenttinsa annettuun aiheeseen, toisessa hän tarkastelee kriittisesti valmista argumenttia. GRE-testiin kannattaa valmistautua hyvin. Testin kotisivuilla, www.gre.org, on kaikki oleellinen tieto muun muassa testi-ilmoittautumisesta, testin rakenteesta ja testin pis-

teytyksestä. Analyyttisesta kirjoitusosiosta on niinikään paljon tietoa, esimerkiksi kirjoitusaiheet voi ladata sivuilta. GRE General –testiä järjestetään Fulbright Centerin testikeskuksessa tiistaisin, keskiviikkoisin ja torstaisin viikoittain sekä kerran kuussa lauantaisin. Testin hinta on USD 140.

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Fulbright Alumni

The New Board of the Alumni Association The ASLA-Fulbright Alumni Association has a new Board of Directors. Members' bios are listed below. (Bios include current position, Fulbright year, host institution, subject of study, grant category, alumni board task, and e-mail address.) The ASLA-Fulbright Alumni Association Board members and deputy members are grantees from both early and recent years of exchange representing nearly all grant categories. The Association is celebrating its 50th Anniversary this year. The main event is planned for 20 November. Jaakko Laine Professor, 1972-1973 University of Washington, Seattle Fiber Science Graduate President jaakko.e.laine@hut.fi Aki Hiltunen IT Teacher/Project Assistant, 2000-2001 University of Virginia Architecture Undergraduate Vice President aki.hiltunen@hut.fi Ahti Kurkela High School Principal (retired), 1966-1967 University of Wisconsin Administration and Supervision Teacher Treasurer ahti.kurkela@pp.inet.fi

Kristiina Erkkilä Director of International Centre, 1994-1995 University of Pittsburgh Comparative Education Graduate Regional Coordination kristiina.erkkila@mikkeliamk.fi Ismo Lehikoinen Elementary School Principal, 1996-1997 Mid-Prairie Junior High School Physical Science Teacher Event Coordinator ismo.lehikoinen@edu.helsinki.fi Natasha Seeley Project Director, 1998-1999 University of Helsinki Political Science Graduate Contact Person for American Grantees natasha.seeley@pp.inet.fi

Alumni Association’s Get-together

Riikka Sammalkorpi HR Roll-Out Manager, 1995-1996 New York University Teaching English for Speakers of Other Languages Graduate Member riikka.sammalkorpi@iki.fi Deputy Members: Hilkka Knaapi-Rung, Pekka Salonen, Sirkka Lassila, Liisa Vuorre, and Acke Ålenius.

ASLA-Fulbright Alumni Association’s February Get-together at the Fulbright Center was held in co-operation with the American Women’s Club. 2002-2003 Fulbright Bicentennial Professor, Dr. Cheryl Greenberg, presented on cultural differences between Finns and Americans.

Kaija Korolainen Collective Bargaining Negotiator, 2001 University of Louisville Developing Human Resources Management MCPD Secretary kaija.korolainen@evl.fi

Tia Korppi Bilingual Class Teacher, 2000-2001 University of Minnesota Second Languages and Cultures Education Graduate Contact Person for Finnish Grantees tia.korppi@edu.helsinki.fi

Photo: Leena Matilainen

Sarah Schauss English Teacher, 2001-2002 University of Helsinki Folklore Graduate Contact Person for American Grantees sbschauss@hotmail.com

The Board of the Finnish ASLA-Fulbright Alumni Association. Left: Ismo Lehikoinen, Natasha Seeley, Ahti Kurkela, Tia Korppi, Sarah Schauss, Aki Hiltunen, Kaija Korolainen. Front: Hilkka Knaapi-Rung, Jaakko Laine.

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Photo: Terhi Mölsä

www.fulbright.fi www.fulbright.fi

Fulbright Center Fulbright Center on voittoa tavoittelematon organisaatio, jonka toimintaa rahoittavat Suomen, Yhdysvaltain ja Kanadan valtiot sekä Suomen ja Yhdysvaltain hallitusten perustama tukisäätiö. The Fulbright Center is a non-profit organization funded by the Finnish, American and Canadian governments, and the FinlandAmerica Educational Trust Fund.

Henkilökunta/ Staff

Johanna Lahti Testikoordinaattori Test Specialist

Terhi Mölsä Toiminnanjohtaja Executive Director

Anni Lemiläinen Testivalvoja Test Center Administrator

Leena Matilainen Talouspäällikkö Financial Specialist (on maternity leave)

Johtokunta/ Board of Directors

Honorary Chairperson Her Excellency Bonnie McElveen-Hunter Ambassador of the United States to Finland

Kirsi Vesaikko vs. Talouspäällikkö Financial Specialist (acting)

Dr. Krista Varantola Dean, Faculty of Humanities Professor of Translation Studies University of Tampere Chair Dr. Ossi V. Lindqvist Professor, Head of Department Institute of Applied Biotechnology University of Kuopio Chair of the Finnish Higher Education Evaluation Council

The Finland-America Educational Trust Fund Board of Directors

Finnish members: Mr. Yrjö Länsipuro Director General Ministry for Foreign Affairs Chair Mr. Kristian Slotte Director General for International Relations Ministry of Education

American members:

American members:

Dr. Victoria Middleton Director for Public Affairs American Embassy Vice-Chair

Mr. Robert Weisberg Deputy Chief of Mission Vice-Chair

Finnish members: Katariina Keskinen Assistentti Assistant (on maternity leave)

Ms. Anita Lehikoinen Counsellor of Education Department of Education and Science Policy/ University Division Finnish Ministry of Education Treasurer

Laura Pohjola vs. Assistentti Assistant (acting) Tuula Laurila Ohjelmapäällikkö Program Manager

Mr. Veikko Porra Professor of Electrical Engineering, Helsinki University of Technology

Terhi Topi Koulutusasiantuntija Academic Specialist

Mr. John Hall Chief of Political Section American Embassy

Dr. Victoria Middleton Director for Public Affairs American Embassy

Mr. Curt Richter Lecturer in Photography University of Art and Design Helsinki Dr. Robert Whiting Docent in Assyriology University of Helsinki

The Fulbright Center Kaisaniemenkatu 3 B, 00100 Helsinki, Finland, Tel. +358 9 5494 7400, Fax +358 9 5494 7474, office@fulbright.fi, www.fulbright.fi

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PMM/PORT PAYE Sopimus 00100/2587

The Fulbright Center is administreted by FUSEEC, which is binational cultural exchange organisation that promotes and provides a full range of academic exchange activity between Finland and United States. The Fulbright Center is service oriented and in the field of international education offers reliable, professional information and expertise to both individuals and organisations. Finland - U.S. Educational Exchange Commission (FUSEEC) is funded by the Finnish and U.S. governments, the Finland-America Educational Trust Fund and the Canadian government.

The Fulbright Center Kaisaniemenkatu 3 B, 5 krs 00100 Helsinki FINLAND Tel. +358 9 5494 7400 Fax +358 9 5494 7474 E-mail:office@fulbright.fi www.fulbright.fi

Toimintaamme tukee mm.

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