Fulbright Center News 1/2012

Page 1

• Strengths of Finland Attract U.S. Student Grantees • Celebrating the 60th Anniversary of the Fulbright Agreement • Alumni Relations and Institutional Giving • Alumni Fundraising for Fulbright Finland

vol. 22 nro 1 (55) kevät/spring 2012

fulbright center news

New Fulbright Partner HAAGA-HELIA University of Applied Sciences

Friendship And Learning Through Six Decades

From the Executive Director Exhilarating, transformative, life-changing. These are words often used by Fulbright Center grantees in describing their experience. Every year, the Center supports over 80 Finnish and American students, scholars, teachers and professionals in their search for knowledge, new inventions, and solutions for local and global challenges. The FinnishAmerican Fulbright program develops future leaders with international skills and cross-cultural capacity. Over 3500 Finns and 1500 Americans have received a grant since the program’s inception in 1949. While support from both the Finnish and U.S. governments secures the basis of the operation, the growth of the program relies on private and cooperative support from individuals and institutions in both countries. In these times of uncertain economic outlook, the alumni of the Finnish-American Fulbright Program on both sides of the Atlantic have stepped forward to help support the program. Friends of Fulbright Finland, the Center’s alumni network in the United States, recently launched a fund raising campaign in the U.S. to endow a new grant in the Finnish-American program (p. 9). The FoFF Grant will assist an American alumnus of the program to return to Finland to renew and invigorate academic and professional connections made earlier. The campaign goal is USD 25,000, and I am very pleased to announce that just within the first month of the campaign more than a quarter of this sum had already been reached. Respectively, the ASLA-Fulbright Alumni Association in Finland recently made a decision to launch a campaign with the goal of being able to fully sponsor one Fulbright grant every year in the Finnish-American Program in the future. The Alumni Association further decided to found the ASLA-Fulbright Alumni Ambassadorial Award to highlight the importance of the role of the alumni, and the role of the grantees as future alumni, and as ambassadors (p. 13). I want to sincerely thank our alumni, both in the U.S. and in Finland, for their initiative and commitment that exemplify the true alumni spirit. I am also very pleased to announce our newest institutional partner: HAAGA-HELIA University of Applied Sciences (p. 1011). The Fulbright Center and HAAGA-HELIA have signed an agreement creating an entirely new award for American scholars (p. 4). HAAGA-HELIA serves in a pioneering role as the first university of applied sciences (UAS) in Finland that has a formal agreement with the Fulbright Center. All these initiatives honor the ongoing 60th Anniversary Year of the Signing of the Fulbright Agreement between Finland and the United States (p. 12-13). As the invited columnist of this anniversary issue (p. 2), we are much honored to have the Minister for Foreign Affairs of Finland, Dr. Erkki Tuomioja.

Terhi Mölsä

Academic exchange programs have been an integral part of the relations between Finland and the United States since the early years. The renowned Fulbright Program is a prime example of this. July 2012 marks the 60th anniversary of the establishing of the Fulbright exchange program between Finland and the United States. I have also a personal connection to the event; the agreement was signed on behalf of the Finnish government by then Foreign Minister Sakari Tuomioja. The Fulbright Program – established in 1946 - was an achievement of the U.S. Senator J. William Fulbright. This internationally-minded politician could have influenced American history even more profoundly had he been chosen as the Secretary of State in 1960 as President Kennedy then wanted. Nevertheless, this remarkable statesman has left a substantial legacy, which has brought countries together in the areas of education, research and sharing knowledge. In the beginning, Finland was more on the receiving side of Finnish-American relations; the United States supported Finland after World War I by granting loans to rebuild the country, and through the academic exchange programs. Today Finland is a Nordic welfare state and part of the European Union. The United States and the European Union are strategic partners, and for Finland, the United States is an important partner in various sectors. Actually, nowadays the most important cooperation sectors between our two countries are technology and education. Finland is no more only on the receiving end. Quite the opposite, today our small country is known for its innovations, high-technology, and most importantly, high-quality educational system. Especially, the success of the Finnish basic education system in the international PISA tests has gained an unprecedented interest in the United States. This phenomenon has even been termed: “Finlandophilia”. Although this might be a slight exaggeration, the truth is that American

policy makers and experts from the educational sector are now looking ever more closely at this outstanding Finnish accomplishment. Finland’s educational system is part of the Nordic model, where the cornerstone is free education for all citizens from the first grade through university. This way Nordic countries guarantee equal access to education for all regardless of their social status and economic situation. U.S. experts are also interested in how to create more quality education for all learners. The other topic that has gained interest is the professionalism of Finnish teachers. In these areas we can significantly increase our cooperation, as these are strengths of the Finnish educational system. The basic values behind our educational system, equality and democracy, are fundamental principles in all policy making in Finland. This can be seen especially in Finland’s development policies, for example in Afghanistan. We see equal access to education as a basis for sustainable and democratic development. Educating girls and women, and thus empowering them, is one of our priorities and an integral part of the development policies. We hope that this “hype” on the Finnish basic education system will lead to a new, intensified cooperation in higher education between Finland and the United States. We also want to develop our education system further, towards one that is truly international and equal. The educational sector is now, and will continue to be, one of the key elements in the relationship between Finland and the United States.

Erkki Tuomioja Minister for Foreign Affairs Photo: STT-Lehtikuva/ Prime Minister's Office

In This Issue 2



New Grant for US Scholars: The Fulbright HAAGA-HELIA Scholar Award


The Lois Roth Endowment Awards to Robinson and Tasse


Fulbright Centerin stipendiohjelmat suomalaisille 2013–2014


American Fulbright Grantees to Finland 2012–2013


Benchmarking Alumni Relations and Institutional Giving


Strengths of Finland Attract US Student Grantees


Alumni Fundraising for Fulbright Finland

10 HAAGA-HELIA University of Applied Sciences: Business Skills Served to Taste 12 Celebrating the 60th Anniversary of the Finnish-American Fulbright Agreement 14 EU-NATO Seminar 2012 16 ETS panostaa Pohjoismaihin - Suomeen lisää testikeskuksia 16 PBT-testin järjestäminen loppuu 16 Fulbrightereiden matkassa 17 Alumni News 18 Paavo Kolin jalanjälissä Cover: The Fulbright Center and HAAGA-HELIA University of Applied Sciences have founded a new grant program. The Fulbright-HAAGA-HELIA Scholar Award will bring American scholars to lecture at HAAGA-HELIA. HAAGA-HELIA is the first university of applied sciences (UAS) in Finland to have a joint grant with the Fulbright Center.

20 Grantee News - Highlights of 2011–2012 22 News / Uutisia 23 Fulbright Center 24 Kalenteri / Calendar of Events


In this issue the focus is on HAAGA-HELIA University of Applied Sciences. Read more on pages 10-11. Photos: HAAGA-HELIA

Fulbright Center News on Fulbright Centerin asiakaslehti, joka ilmestyy kaksi kertaa vuodessa. Lehdestä julkaistaan myös verkkoversio osoitteessa www. fulbright.fi. Seuraava numero ilmestyy syksyllä 2012. Artikkelit ja muu aineisto pyydetään toimittamaan 14.9. mennessä. Artikkeleissa ilmaistut mielipiteet ovat kirjoittajien omia. The Fulbright Center News is a biannual newsletter published by the Fulbright Center in Finland. The Fulbright Center News is also available online at www. fulbright.fi. The next issue will come out in Fall 2012. The submission deadline for articles and other materials is 14 September. Opinions expressed by authors are their own and do not necessarily reflect those of the Fulbright Center.

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The cover photo: Elina Strode, a degree student of the Program for Multilingual Management Assistants at the HAAGA-HELIA UAS pictured at the National Library of Finland depicting how the work of management assistants has changed over time.

Lue Fulbright Center New s verkossa!

www.fulbrig ht.fi/fi/ fulbright-cen ter/ fulbright-cen ternews

Päätoimittaja/Editor-in-Chief Terhi Mölsä Executive Director Toimittajat/Editors Johanna Lahti (toimituspäällikkö) Tanja Mitchell Suzanne Louis

While every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the material in this publication, the Fulbright Center does not accept liability for any errors or omissions.

Toimituksen yhteystiedot/ Contact Information The Fulbright Center Hakaniemenranta 6 FI-00530 Helsinki FINLAND

Aineisto vapaasti lainattavissa, lähde mainittava. Reproduction allowed, source must be cited.

Ulkoasu ja taitto/Layout Tanja Mitchell/Fulbright Center

The Fulbright Center Tel. +358 9 5494 7400 Fax +358 9 5494 7474 E-mail: office@fulbright.fi ISSN-L 1456-0461 ISSN 1456-0461 (Painettu) ISSN 2242-4245 (Verkkolehti) Kansipaperi/Cover paper: Maxigloss 200 g/m2 Paperi/Paper: G-Print 115 g/m2 Levikki/Circulation: 2 000 Painopaikka/Printed by Erweko Oy

Grant News

New Grant for US Scholars: The Fulbright-HAAGA-HELIA Scholar Award HAAGA-HELIA University of Applied Sciences and the Fulbright Center have signed a collaboration agreement creating the Fulbright-HAAGA-HELIA Scholar Award. The Award provides American scholars an opportunity to lecture at the HAAGA-HELIA University of Applied Sciences for a period of 3 to 10 months. The scholar award enables teaching at undergraduate and graduate levels in any of HAAGA-HELIA’s fields. HAAGA-HELIA operates in four locations in Helsinki and has campuses in Porvoo and Vierumäki. HAAGA-HELIA is the first university of applied sciences in Finland to have a cooperation grant with the Fulbright Center and as such is an important addition to the Fulbright program. For HAAGA-HELIA the grant opens up new and exciting opportunities to continue with the internationalization process while providing cutting edge high quality instruction for its students. In addition to the stipend, the grant includes a travel award, housing, health and accidence insurance, and an optional summer school course on Finnish society and culture. The application round for grants for 2013-2014 opened in February

2012 and will close in August. In this issue of the Fulbright Center News the focus is on HAAGA-HELIA University of Applied Sciences, read more on pages 10-11.

Application information http://us.fulbrightonline.org www.fulbright.fi

Information on HAAGA-HELIA www.haaga-helia.fi Director for International Affairs Ms. Sirpa Holmström sirpa.holmstrom@haaga-helia.fi

The Lois Roth Endowment Award to Robinson and Tasse

Philip Robinson and Amanda Tasse, Fulbright US student grantees, received this year’s Lois Roth Endowment Awards. The Lois Roth Endowment Selection Committee concluded that the applicant pool was extremely strong this year making the selection decision very hard to make. Philip Robinson is a doctoral student at the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute pursuing a part of his dissertation research in Finland on the role of architecture in acoustic perception. As a Fulbright grantee, at the Aalto University School of Science and Technology, Philip has been measuring auditoriums and concert halls as well as conducting listening tests and writing journal articles. Philip was granted the Lois Roth Award for a 4


measurement campaign to survey several of Finland’s notable churches. The measurements will be used to conduct listening experiments on speech intelligibility. The measurement campaign and experiments will further knowledge of the auditory system and thus advance architectural design. Learning what factors affect acoustic communication will allow designers to address these issues and provide more effective spaces, whether for churches, classrooms, or auditoriums. Amanda Tasse from the University of Southern California is currently conducting her dissertation research in Neurocinematics Film Studies at the Aalto University. Amanda has been working closely with an interdisciplinary AivoAALTO team. In her research, Amanda investigates potential uses of animation in neurocinematic research, participates in neuroimaging experiments (fMRI), develops a method of annotation and analysis for use of animated film clips in neurocinematics research as well as develops a database of animated imagery for use in future research. With the help of the Lois Roth

Award, Amanda is able to prolong her cooperation with the AivoAALTO team over the summer. The special award will also allow Amanda to visit and learn about the animation program at the Turku University of Applied Sciences Art Academy, the media studies department at the University of Lapland, and the Midnight Sun Film Festival in Lapland. The Lois Roth Endowment supports exchanges across national and cultural boundaries to enhance international communication and understanding. The Roth Endowment was set up in memory of Lois Wersba Roth who made an international career in various positions, e.g. in the American Scandinavian Foundation. The Endowment commemorates the life of Lois Roth by supporting selected people who work in the places and fields of enquiry that she loved. The Fulbright Center has cooperated with the Lois Roth Endowment for many years and US Fulbright students in Finland focusing in arts, humanities and social sciences have been granted annually the Roth Endowment Award.

2013–2014 Fulbright Centerin stipendiohjelmat suomalaisille





Hakuaika päättyy

Kandidaattitason opinnot

Fulbright Center Undergraduate Grant

Lukuvuosi 2012–2013

Enimmillään USD 10 000

11.4.2012 klo 10.00

Maisteri- ja tohtoritason opinnot tai tutkimus

ASLA-Fulbright Graduate Grant


USD 15 000–30 000

16.5.2012 klo 10.00

Teknologiateollisuuden edustamien toimialojen kehitystä tukevat opinnot ja tutkimus

Fulbright - Technology Industries of Finland Grant


Maisteri- ja tohtoritason opintoihin USD 35 000–50 000

16.5.2012 klo 10.00

Suomen kielen ja kulttuurin opetustehtävät ja omia opintoja täydentävät kurssit ja tutkimus

Fulbright Finnish Language and Culture Teaching Assistant Program


Stipendi kattaa peruselinkustannukset. Stipendisumma määräytyy sijoituspaikan mukaan.

29.10.2012 klo 10.00


ASLA-Fulbright Pre-Doctoral Research Fellows Program

6 kk

USD 12 000

29.10.2012 klo 10.00

Tutkimustyö Alle neljä vuotta sitten väitelleille

ASLA-Fulbright Research Grant for a Junior Scholar

4 kk–

Enimmillään USD 15 500

29.10.2012 klo 10.00

Cost-share 4–12 kk

Enimmillään USD 30 000

Teknologiateollisuuden edustamien toimialojen kehitystä tukeva tutkimus Alle neljä vuotta sitten väitelleille

Fulbright - Technology Industries of Finland Grant


Enimmillään USD 36 000

16.5.2012 klo 10.00

Tutkimustyö Yli neljä vuotta sitten väitelleille

ASLA-Fulbright Research Grant for a Senior Scholar

4–6 kk

Enimmillään USD 15 000

29.10.2012 klo 10.00



Tutkijoille, asiantuntijoille, opiskelijoille ja kv-liikkuvuuden kanssa työskenteleville Kaikkien alojen hakijoille Euroopan Unionia tai EU:n ja Yhdysvaltojen suhteita käsittelevät opinnot, tutkimus tai luennointi

Fulbright-Schuman Program

3–12 kk

Enimmillään USD 30 000

Julistetaan hakuun syksyllä 2012

Ensimmäisen ja toisen asteen opettajille, opettajankouluttajille sekä hallinto- ja tukihenkilöstölle Ammattitaidon täydentämiseen ja kehittämiseen tarkoitettu projekti

Distinguished Fulbright Awards in Teaching


Stipendi kattaa peruselinkustannukset, lukukausimaksut ja matkat

Julistetaan hakuun syksyllä 2012

Fulbright Scholar-in-Residence Program

3–9 kk

Min. USD 2 500 / kk


Enimmillään USD 13 500

19.12.2012 klo 10.00

Luennoitsijoille Luennointi.Vastaanottava yliopisto hakee apurahaa.

Työuransa keskivaiheilla oleville ammattilaisille ja asiantuntijoille Ammattitaidon täydentämiseen ja kehittämiseen tarkoitettu projekti

Mid-Career Professional Development Grant

3 kk–



American Fulbright Grantees to Finland 2012–2013 Finland will host during the academic year 2012-2013 over 30 Fulbright grantees who will study, teach or conduct research: 25 will arrive for the full year or a semester, the others for shorter periods. This year will see the arrival of the first FulbrightTampere University of Technology Scholar Award grantee.

This year's award sponsors include Aalto University, Centre for International Mobility CIMO, Nokia Foundation, Tampere University of Technology, University of Helsinki, University of Turku and VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland.

Fulbright Distinguished Chairs Programs

Core Fulbright Scholar Program

Schein, Richard Fulbright Bicentennial Chair in American Studies University of Kentucky Geography Project: North American Landscapes: Cultural Geographies of Place. University of Helsinki, Department of World Cultures 9 months, academic year

Alperson, Philip Temple University, Philadelphia Department of Philosophy Project: The Philosophy of Music Education: An International Collaboration Sibelius Academy 5 months, beginning August 2012

Hartnell, Helen Golden Gate University, San Francisco School of Law Project: Civil Justice, Legitimacy and Federalism in Nordic Europe; Innovative “Applied European Union Law” Course University of Helsinki 5 months, beginning August 2012

Elwazani, Salim Fulbright-Aalto University Distinguished Chair Bowling Green State University Architecture Project: When Time Caresses the Place: Historic Context in Finnish Settings. Aalto University, Department of Architecture 9 months, academic year Brotman, Stuart Fulbright-Nokia Distinguished Chair in Information and Communications Technologies Harvard University Communications Project: National Broadband Policies: Finland and the US in Comparative Context. University of Helsinki, Faculty of Social Sciences, Media and Communications Studies 3 months, beginning February 2013



Arone, Zvi University of Virginia Department of Mathematics Project: Current Trends in Topology and Algebra University of Helsinki 5 months, beginning January 2013 Garder, Per Fulbright-VTT Grant in Science, Technology and Innovation University of Maine – Orono Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Project: Impacts of Intelligent Transport Systems on Vulnerable Road Users VTT Espoo 5 months, beginning August 2012 Germann Molz, Jennie College of the Holy Cross, Worcester Department of Sociology and Anthropology Project: Cultural Studies of Tourism & Technology; Socially Sustainable Tourism: Informal Economies of Hospitality in Finnish Lapland University of Lapland 5 months, beginning January 2013

Kadish, Lesley Mid-Career Professional Development Grant Minnesota Historical Society Department of Collections Project: Evaluating the Impact of Design and Geospatial Technologies on History Museum Audiences WeeGee Exhibition Center 5 months, beginning September 2012 Meehan, Christopher Fulbright-Tampere University of Technology Scholar Award University of Delaware Newark Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Project: Sustainable Building Foundations – A Geothermal Heat Pump Approach Tampere University of Technology 12 months, beginning August 2012 Mullins, Paul Indiana University – Purdue University, Indianapolis Department of Anthropology Project: Historical Archeology and Consumer Society in Northern Europe, 1600-1900 University of Oulu 4 months, beginning September 2012

Roberts, Susan Fulbright-University of Turku Scholar Award University of Kentucky Department of Geography Project: Geographic Approaches to Global Inequalities 9 months, academic year University of Turku

Stucker, Brent Fulbright-VTT Grant in Science, Technology and Innovation University of Louisville Department of Industrial Engineering Project: A Roadmap for the Implementation of Additive Manufacturing in Underdeveloped Regions VTT Espoo 6 months, beginning September 2012 Sharif, Hamid Fulbright-VTT Grant in Science, Technology and Innovation University of Nebraska – Lincoln Department of Computer and Electronics Engineering Project: Development of a Novel Energy Efficient Algorithm for Secure Multimedia Transmissions over Mobile Time-Varying Wireless Devices VTT Oulu 6 months, beginning January 2013 Zeller, Benjamin Brevard College Dept. of Religious Studies Project: Religious Resurgence and Transformation in Finland Within a Global Context Åbo Akademi University 6 months, beginning January 2013

Benchmarking Alumni Relations and Institutional Giving

U.S. Graduate Student Program Bichell, Rae Ellen Fulbright-University of Helsinki Graduate Award Yale University Journalism Project: Climate Change and the Finnish Response University of Helsinki, University of Oulu, University of Lapland East, Hannah Fulbright-CIMO grantee Nazareth College of Rochester Social Work Project: Finnish AntiCorruption Policy as a Best Practices Global Model University of Helsinki Harris, Lucas Hamilton College Geography Project: Threats of Climate Change to Plant Species in Subarctic Finland University of Helsinki Knowles, Sophie Brooklyn College, The City University of New York Education Project: Mathematics Education, Confidence and Achievement: Finnish Policies for Equitable Learning University of Oulu MacCord, Katherine Fulbright-CIMO grantee Arizona State University Biology Project: Research at the Intersection of Biology and the History and Philosophy of Science University of Helsinki

Miller, Kimberley Fulbright-CIMO grantee San Diego State University Ecology Project: Climate Change, Methane Emissions and C-cycling Dynamics in Finnish Arctic Wetlands University of Eastern Finland and Finnish Forest Research Institute Norris, Benjamin College of William and Mary Cultural and Intellectual History Project: The City as Aesthetic Text: Cultural Representations of Finland's Urbanization University of Helsinki Whalen, Meghan Occidental College Chemistry Project: Design and Synthesis of Selective Benzimidazole-Based Antimicrobials against C.Pneumoniae University of Helsinki Williams, Jacqueline Pace University Education Project: Master's Degree in Education and Globalization at the University of Oulu University of Oulu Whorton, Lindsay Fulbright-CIMO grantee Drake University Education Project: Possibilities for Productive Partnerships: Lessons from the Finnish Teachers Union (OAJ) University of Helsinki

Alumni relations have a long tradition in U.S. higher education, while in Finland the area is still relatively new. The same applies to institutional giving. However, both areas are now receiving increased attention at all Finnish higher education institutions. It was for this very reason that a delegation of 13 Finnish higher education experts decided to visit the United States on a week-long study tour in March 2012. The tour enabled professionals in the field of development and alumni relations to compare their approaches, evaluate both established and emerging traditions, and benchmark best practices from selected U.S. public and private institutions and from each other. This was the fifth study tour organized by the Fulbright Center in Helsinki for Finnish higher education experts, and this time it took place in Washington, D.C., Maryland, and Virginia. - This was a change making experience, says Sakari Jussi-Pekka, Head of External Relations from the University of Oulu. After working over 20 years at the University this gave me a fresh start to my new role in the field, he says. Pia Dolivo, the Head of Community Relations Office at the University of Helsinki, and Campaign Manager of the university’s current fundraising campaign Helsinki Insight 2012, agrees with Mr. Jussi-Pekka. - The study tour was excellent. It deepened my skills and understanding of advancement and gave me insight and ideas to further develop alumni relations and fundraising at my university. The full study tour program and background materials as well as the group’s report are all available on the Fulbright Center website at www.fulbright.fi/en/ internationalization-services/study-tours. The Fulbright Center wishes to sincerely thank the Institute of International Education (IIE) for their cooperation in the organization of the tour, the excellent invited seminar speakers from several specialist organizations and institutions in the field of advancement in the United States, and our insightful and welcoming colleagues at all four host campuses: University of Maryland, University of Richmond, Virginia Commonwealth University, and the College of William and Mary. www.fulbright.fi


Spending a Fulbright Year in Finland

Strengths of Finland Attract US Student Grantees Finland attracts US Fulbright students to explore and study topics and fields in which Finland ranks high in global comparisons. Grantee research and study topics frequently reflect the strengths and areas of specialization in Finland. A wish to join a world renowned Finnish research group is often an important reason for a US student to apply for a Fulbright grant to Finland. For example, a Finnish research group focused on the relatively new and innovative field of Neurocinematics or a group researching

evolution by studying the development of mammalian teeth have been reasons for US students to select Finland as the destination. Finland’s high success in the Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) comparisons and the country’s low corruption rate have also inspired US students to come to Finland to find out how the country manages to perform in the comparisons with such high results. Each year famous Finnish architects as well as Finland’s strength in Arctic Studies and a suitable geographical location

Sponsored Grants In addition to grants funded in full by the Fulbright Center, available for all the above mentioned purposes, there are four sponsored award categories available for specific groups. •• Fulbright-CIMO grants (primarily for doctoral research) •• Fulbright-University of Helsinki Graduate Award (primarily for applicants admitted to one of the University of Helsinki’s International Master’s Degree Programs) •• The Fulbright-Lappeenranta University of Technology Graduate Award (primarily for students to complete a full master’s degree at Lappeenranta University of Technology) •• Fulbright-University of Turku Graduate Award (primarily for master’s and doctoral degree studies and postdoctoral research at the University of Turku) Please see detailed eligibility requirements and application instructions at www.fulbright.fi. 8


Apply Now! The next Fulbright US Student competition round opens in May 2012 (for the academic year 2013-2014). The online application period ends in October 2012. Application information and instructions are available at www. fulbrightonline.org and www. fulbright.fi. Applicants are encouraged to contact the Fulbright Center in Helsinki for any questions (Program Manager Karoliina Kokko, karoliina.kokko@fulbright.fi).

for the field draw US students to Finland. Finland’s internationally known expertise in research on acoustics is another example of a field which has attracted US doctoral students to pursue part of their dissertation research in Finland. Each year the Fulbright US student program brings approximately ten US students to Finland for one academic year. Since they can freely select their Finnish host institution according to their own academic plans and preferences, grantees are scattered across the country. The US student program offers a multitude of possibilities for academic development in Finland. A student on a Fulbright can enroll in a full master’s or doctoral degree program in a Finnish university. There

Alumni Fundraising for Fulbright Finland Friends of Fulbright Finland launches a fund raising campaign to endow a new grant for American alumni of the Finnish Fulbright Program Fulbright students visiting Finnish national composer Jean Sibelius’ monument. The Finnish Fulbright Center organizes enrichment activities and support services for Fulbright grantees throughout the year. Events range from orientations to seminars, receptions, and visits to various interesting locations such as the Finnish Parliament House and smoke sauna. Read more about recent enrichment activities on pages 20-21.

are several graduate programs available with teaching in English and the majority of them are tuition-free. Finnish universities are very interested in receiving more applications from US students to their degree programs, and an increasing number of universities have decided to co-sponsor Fulbright grants targeted particularly for degree seeking students. The Fulbright US student program also provides US master’s and doctoral students the possibility to conduct part of their dissertation or master’s thesis research in Finland. The grantee can pursue research as a part of Finnish research group or independently. Finnish universities are particularly interested in hosting US doctoral students for their Fulbright period. Combining coursework with research is also common during a Fulbright in Finland. In addition, even independent research which will not be counted towards a degree can be undertaken during a Fulbright in Finland. Text: Karoliina Kokko, Program Manager, Fulbright Center

The good news came at a dinner and reception held in March at the Embassy of Finland in Washington, DC. Guests at the reception and dinner included 17 of our alumni and “avecs”: Tanya Allen (1998), Christian Benefiel and Elizabeth Preston Moorshead (2010), Roger and Marja Booker (1974), Henry (Hank) and Kari Bullamore (2000), Mariam Jean Dreher (2005), Ben Hedrick (2009), Michael Holmes (2001), Lynn LahtiHommeyer (2009), Kay J. Kohl (2010), Kenneth and Jane Kolson (2006), Mackenzie Lind (2010), Suzanne Louis (2001), Geoffrey McGovern (2008), Joshua Meltzer (2002), Barbara Mossberg (1982 & 1990), Margaret and Gerry Schueman (1996), Catherine Schuler (2004). Michael Holmes and his quartet, Atlantic Echo, brought tears to the eyes of those present with their heartfelt rendition of Sibelius’ Finlandia, as well as several other Finnish folk and tango tunes. Barbara Mossberg closed the evening with a reading of her poetry inspired by her Finnish experience, I Carry Finland, and It Is Light. Suzanne Louis made the announcement that Friends of Fulbright Finland plans to fund a new Fulbright Center grant program and is launching a campaign to raise monies in support of the endowment for this purpose. The grant will as-

sist an American alumnus of the FinnishFulbright Program to return to Finland to renew and invigorate academic and professional connections made earlier. Ken Kolson established the precedent of giving by making the first gift to the Alumni Fund last year, thereby affirming that the project would have support from its own alumni. Ambassador Ritva Koukku-Ronde very graciously hosted the evening to honor alumni of the Fulbright program in Finland and to celebrate the 60th anniversary of Finnish-American academic exchanges through Fulbright. She emphasized the value of alumni in maintaining the program’s vigor. Terhi Mölsä, Fulbright Center Executive Director, offered an overview of the highlights of the Fulbright program in Finland. Its history in fact commences just after World War I, when Finland received a loan from the US for rebuilding the country. Fast forward to 1976 and the remaining loan payments were made as a lump sum which was used to create the Trust Fund that exists today and will help to finance the Fulbright program in Finland in perpetuity. During the six decades that Finland has participated in the Fulbright program, over 1 500 Americans have had a Finnish Fulbright experience… that’s a lot of alumni! Text: Suzanne Louis, Fulbright Finland Liaison

FoFF Gifts to the Friends of Fulbright Finland Alumni Fund will be deposited into the Trust Fund and the yield will be used to support the new grant. The campaign goal is $25,000. For a donation letter, or answers to your questions, please contact Friends of Fulbright Finland Liaison, suzanne.louis@fulbright.fi. www.fulbright.fi


Introducing Fulbright Center's Partners

Fulbright Center has a formal cooperation agreement with selected higher education institutions, foundation and organizations. Get to know them by reading the earlier articles in the series online at www.fulbright.fi.

Students at HAAGAHELIA University of Applied Sciences.

HAAGA-HELIA University of Applied Sciences Business Skills Served to Taste Presentation is everything, not only in fine dining but in selling any product. That is why the students at HAAGAHELIA learn sales and service skills as a central element of every program. Both students and staff benefit from the school’s international network of truelife businesses, all within a top-notch education system.

– One of our goals is to prepare cosmopolites. The graduating students should not only know about other cultures but to be able to function within them and posses all the necessary tools starting from language and cultural know-how, says Vice President Paula Kinnunen. That’s were HAAGA-HELIA’s staff comes into play. Lecturers that come from different cultures, regardless of the subject that they teach, always bring a different cultural aspect to the classroom, passing on their way of thinking and doing. In the case of Fulbright grantees, a year at

The Managing Director and President of HAAGA-HELIA Ritva Laakso-Manninen with Vice President Paula Kinnunen. 10


HAAGA-HELIA is an opportunity to form a long lasting, mutual collaboration that continues far beyond the visit.

Got Service? HAAGA-HELIA leans on the element of business. While half of the 10,500 students are getting a degree in some field of business, the rest also gain a strong understanding of it in their specific field, whether it’s hotel, restaurant and travel management, sports and leisure, journalism, management assistance, vocational teaching, or information technology. – Within the School of Business, we offer many orientations: sales and service, finance, human resources, financial management, and marketing. The programs include courses on what we call responsible business; how to handle employees in an ethically correct manner as well as considering the natural environment, says Kinnunen who is also in charge of the Business Education Unit. The school naturally supports students who are interested in entrepreneurship:

every campus has a StartUp School were business ideas turn into real businesses.

Skills Beyond Graduation HAAGA-HELIA accepts about ten percent of all the applicants annually. Thus, the students form a selected and highly motivated group, majority of which is currently involved in working life. – Many of our students already have work experience. The challenge for us is to make the education so appealing that the students feel the need to arrange their careers around the classes. Because of their strong motivation the students are a pleasure to work with, says the Managing Director and President of HAAGA-HELIA Ritva Laakso-Manninen. In addition to producing cosmopolites, HAAGA-HELIA wants its graduates to have strong competence in digital know-how. – Technology advances at a rapid pace. We want our students to be aware of the different ways to take advantage of the latest technology when they enter working life, and therefore it needs to be used in creative ways in all learning scenarios, Kinnunen explains. All the learning methods are related to real-life business in a way that involves the students, which also promotes their ability to actively debate and participate in their future work community.

Active Research Research at HAAGA-HELIA takes the form of development projects. Acquiring scientific data goes along with learning,

as students have an active role in the projects under the supervision of specialists. All the research is based on the needs of actual companies, and the campuses are naturally located at the heart of business-life. Let’s, for example, look at a process of developing a global brand for a company. The university uses its widespread international network to promote the brand, and the students learn through their involvement in every step of the process. To top it off, information on how such global brands are built in different cultures is attained for future reference. – This type of process has been acknowledged as a scientific method, and it’s often called the action research perspective, Kinnunen defines the method. Development projects range from conceptualizing the design and services at the Helsinki-Vantaa Airport to different sporting events, and advancing the physical, virtual and social aspects of future conference hotels.

Our Network at Your Fingertips The Head of International Services Sirpa Holmström points out that the opportunity to network in Europe is one of the top perks for Fulbright grantees at HAAGA-HELIA. It all starts with the atmosphere within the school. Ten percent of the students are international, and the permanent staff is made up of numerous nationalities, including the United States. Language will not become a hindrance, since everyone speaks good English. According to Holmström, the inter-

The Head of International Services Sirpa Holmström points out that the opportunity to network in Europe is one of the top perks for Fulbright grantees at HAAGA-HELIA.

national mobility in terms of student and lecturer exchange programs is very active. – We host about three hundred exchange students every year, and we are used to receiving lecturers from other countries for short and long visits, she adds. As far as the surroundings go, adjusting to Helsinki is made effortless. The country’s capital is safe and clean, and commuting is easy thanks to the good infrastructure. Those who arrive with a family get to experience the world-renowned school system from the perspective of their children, not to forget about the four unique seasons in Finland. Read more at www.haaga-helia.fi.

What Is a University of Applied Sciences? Finland has a binary higher education system, consisting of 16 universities and 25 universities of applied sciences. Both confer bachelor's and master's degrees, but only universities can confer doctoral degrees. The emphasis of universities is on academic research and education based on research, while the UAS concentrate on bachelor level, more professionally oriented education, and R&D aligned with local and regional actors. - A university of applied sciences has a focus on the needs of working life, says Sirpa Holmström. - Through close contact with businesses, the students get an education that provides up-to-date knowledge and practical skills for entering business-life. For businesses, it forms a supply of future employees who meet the current demand. www.fulbright.fi


60th Anniversary

Celebrating the 60th Anniversary of the Finnish-American Fulbright Agreement

The year 2012 marks the 60th anniversary of the signing of the Fulbright agreement between the governments of Finland and the United States. The agreement, signed on July 2, 1952, made it possible for Americans to discover Finland on Fulbright grants, and to join the tradition of the Finnish ASLA grantees that had begun two years earlier. The anniversary year has been celebrated on both sides of the Atlantic.

The Finlandia hall at the Embassy of Finland in Washington D.C. was full of both new and old Fulbrighters in late March when Ambassador Ritva Koukku-Ronde hosted a celebration for the friends of Fulbright Finland, Fulbright alumni and the Finnish Fulbright study tour participants. Ambassador Koukku-Ronde congratulated the long running program and thanked the alumni for maintaining the vigor of the transatlantic relations.

Ambassador of Finland Ritva Koukku-Ronde congratulated the long running program and thanked the Finnish-American alumni for maintaining the vigor of the transatlantic relations.

- The Program and the alumni really deserve all of our appreciation for the magnificent work they are doing, said Ambassador Koukku-Ronde in her speech. The evening at the Finnish Embassy included exchange of stories of experiences in Finland, music, speeches and poetry reading and, of course, Finnish delicacies.

The Atlantic Echo with Fulbright alumnus Michael Holmes (second from left) performed traditional Finnish songs at the 60th Anniversary reception at the Embassy of Finland in Washington D.C. 12


In May, on the other side of the Atlantic, the Finnish Ministry for Foreign Affairs hosted an Anniversary Award Ceremony and Reception at the beautiful House of the Estates in Helsinki. On behalf of the government of Finland, remarks were delivered by the Speaker of the Parliament, Mr. Eero Heinäluoma. The greetings from the American Embassy were brought by Chargé d’Affaires Danny Hall. Both emphasized the importance and influence of the Finnish-American Fulbright program. - In addition to all its academic merits, the Fulbright program has also had an important role in strengthening the ties between Finland and the United States of America, and in creating lasting networks in so many important fields from the academic world to culture, trade and politics, said Mr. Heinäluoma. The event also paid tribute to this year’s U.S. Fulbright grantees conclud-

Speaker of the Finnish Parliament, Mr. Eero Heinäluoma emphasized Fulbright’s role in creating lasting networks in the academia, culture, trade, and politics.

ing their grant year in Finland. On the program they were represented by Fulbright Graduate Grantee Lyndsey Hoh with a unique solo performance on tuba. The group of 33 new Finnish Fulbright grantees for 2012-2013 also received their Fulbright Grant Certificates at the Anniversary event. The Finnish-American Anniversary year continues with two more events coming up later in the year.

2012-2013 Graduate Grantee and the first recipient of the ASLA-Fulbright Alumni Ambassadorial Award, Ms. Linda Haapajärvi conveyed words of thanks on behalf of all of the new Finnish grantees at the House of the Estates.

At the Anniversary event at the House of the Estates, from left to right: Chargé d’Affaires Danny Hall, Speaker of the Parliament Mr. Eero Heinäluoma, Deputy Director General from the Finnish Ministry for Foreign Affairs and the host of the Anniversary event Mr. Jari Sinkari, Fulbright Center Executive Director Terhi Mölsä, and Chair of the Fulbright Center Board of Directors Dr. Bo Pettersson.



EU-NATO Seminar 2012 American Fulbright grantees in Europe have had a chance to participate for years a seven day seminar on EU and NATO organized by the Commission for Educational Exchange between the United States, Belgium and Luxembourg. This year’s seminar took the Fulbrighters to Luxemburg to attend a session of the Court of Justice of the European Community, Brussels for visits at the European Commission, Council of Ministers and the European Parliament, Mons to visit the general headquarters for the armed forces of the NATO alliance, and Brugge for a visit at the College of Europe. Fulbright representatives from Finland, Nancy Commins and Paul R. Burgess, share their Seminar experiences with the Fulbright Center News readers.

I don’t know exactly what I expected when I applied to attend the EU/NATO seminar, but what I received was incredibly rewarding -- an understanding of European institutions that will forever shape my view of global politics. In addition, I was exposed to the breadth of the Fulbright program and a talented group of mostly young people from the U.S. The long days with hours of sitting and listening, usually in comfortable chairs, sometimes at the same tables used by European politicians and diplomats, were a barrage of information. I came away with a sense of optimism. Officials were eloquent about the possibilities and realities of the EU balanced by the recognition that their views were not shared by all individuals in the member countries. I was struck by the fact that there is a process for being admitted to the EU, but not for exiting. Most enlightening was our morning at the European Court of Justice where we watched arguments in a case involving Finnair, argued in Finnish. Paul and I felt a special affinity and connection as the only “Finns” in the group. I learned that the ECOJ exists not to settle cases, but 14


Group of Fulbright grantees in Europe gathered for the annual EUNATO Seminar in Brugge. Nancy Commins and her husband Kenneth A. Wilson on the left.

senters – it is better to pursue the intellectual task of coming to consensus about what will work best across all the member countries.” Regarding the NATO Russian Council (NRC) “Cooperation is the best choice. to rule on the interpretation of laws. BePartnership is the only path forward.” cause a decision in any case will affect As an educator specializing in linguistic and cultural diversity I was often policy and practices across Europe, usudistracted from the content by thinking ally other countries weigh in with opinions on both sides of cases. about the logistics of people from so At NATO, we received a fascinating many different languages, backgrounds document entitled “Working Together and experiences coming together to for Peace and Security” that provides a communicate, make policy and effect change. Being in Belgium graphic overview of the and Luxembourg surintersecting, overlapping rounded by Fulbrighters and divergent groupWhat I received was ings of countries that sharing their experiincredibly rewarding are included under the ences from a dozen -- an understanding different countries also umbrella of various orgaof European helped me to define my nizations and alliances. feelings about Finland (The United Nations, institutions that will The Council of Europe, as more than European. forever shape my The European Union, The appreciation for naview of global politics. the Organization for Seture and willingness to be outdoors regardless curity and Cooperation of the weather, the sense in Europe (OSCE) and of responsibility, the pulla – all NATO). Not represented on things I can point to as part of why I love the document, but the subject of many of the presentations was the EuroZone, the being a Finnish Fulbrighter! EU countries sharing the Euro as a comNancy Commins, Fulbright-University of mon currency. And I thought U.S politics Turku Scholar 2011-12 were complicated! Inspirational Quotes: “In Europe, rather than focusing on majority vs. dis-

Fascinating Whirlwind of an Experience An eight-day seminar, spanning two countries, four cities, at least 29 speakers; 3 females and 26 males, several waffles, 34 Fulbright grantees, and infinite numbers and facts like I just listed. Numbers aside, the European Union and NATO seminar was a fascinating whirlwind of an experience. Speaking directly with policy and decision makers at these structures shed a lot of light on an intricate balance of law, initiative, crisis management, education, and government. The European Commission left me Paul R. Burgess at with an especially strong impression. The the European Council. institution was fascinating in its degree of Euro-centrism. The Commission “promotes the common interest”, and though comprised of one member from each of the 27 member states, the commissioners are to act without influence from the to future conflicts, improve relations, and governments which appoint them. There are the means to the common interests: is a strong degree of stability, security, and trust in the common strength. interest. From my Many of the Overall it was a tremendous American perspecspeakers presented opportunity to experience tive this was not so with a surprising the institutions of the EU, easy to understand level of frankness, it NATO, and SHAPE, and also immediately, but was unexpected to to meet the other grantees with some historical get less of ‘the run reminders the picaround’, and more from around Europe. ture becomes clear. ‘reality’ and personal European integration views from those in is the common intertheir positions. This est that guarantees security in several came with the employ of Chatham House forms. Countless wars between countries Rule; where the information presented of this continent have caused immeasurcan be used or repeated, but with neiable damage and distrust. Economic and ther the identity nor the affiliation of the social integration create serious barriers speaker. So we received a clearer picture

of the situation, at no risk to the speakers themselves. While we received some information on mistakes made, and weaknesses of institutions in these difficult times for the EU, we were certainly also given an impression of unified strength and resilience. Each visit left me more enthusiastic for the benefits of European integration. Ideas of near collapse of the Euro or lasting dissension; expunged from my thoughts, for the current time at least. In any case, the thought of one speaker seems relevant; “Europe is only advancing when there is a crisis”. Let us hope that the current situation is just a step towards progress. Overall it was a tremendous opportunity to experience the institutions of the EU, NATO, and SHAPE, and also to meet the other grantees from around Europe. My most sincere thanks to the organizers in Belgium and Luxembourg, each speaker, and to my fellow grantees for creating such a positive experience. Being based in Lapland it was beneficial to hear the impression others had of my research and of Lapland in general. Many imagined it far off, cold, and snowy, but I was happy to return to my research in Inari, to enjoy some silence, and reflect on a wonderful experience. Paul R. Burgess Fulbright Graduate grantee 2011-12 University of Lapland




ETS panostaa Pohjoismaihin Suomeen lisää testikeskuksia Pohjoismaat ovat tänä vuonna Educational Testing Servicen (ETS) erityinen kohderyhmä tänä vuonna. ETS:n tavoitteena on perustaa muun muassa Suomeen lisää testikeskuksia, joissa voi suorittaa englannin kielen TOEFL-testiä sekä maisteri- ja tohtoriopiskelijavalinnoissa käytettävää GRE-testiä. Yhdysvaltain Princetonissa sijaitsevan päätoimiston lisäksi ETS:llä on kansainvälinen, 80 maassa toimiva ETS Global –verkosto. ETS Global-toimistot tuovat apua ja palveluja lähemmäs ETS:n testien käyttäjiä. Euroopan ETS Global -toimisto sijaitsee Hollannissa. Toimiston Academic & Government Relations Director María Victoria Calabrese ja Academic Relations Specialist Stella Saliari vierailivat tammikuussa Suomessa. Maria-Victoria Calabrese kertoo ETS:n työskentelevän suomalaisten korkeakoulujen kanssa erittäin mielellään, sillä TOEFL iBT ja GRE-testien tarve kasvaa: ”vierailuamme suomalaisiin korkeakouluihin luonnehtivat ammattimaisuus, erinomaiset keskustelut ja vieraanvaraiset ihmiset”, Calabrese kiittelee. ”Avaamme lähitulevaisuudessa lisää TOEFL iBT testikeskuksia ja järjestämme englannin kielen opettajille TOEFL iBT Propell -työpajoja. Suunnittelemme jo seuraavaa vierailua toukokuulle” Calabrese kertoo ja muistuttaa, että ETS:n edustajat vierailevat korkeakouluilla tarpeen vaatiessa milloin tahansa. ETS Globalin Stella Saliari oli myös mukana korkeakoulujen kv-asiain kevätpäivillä Lahdessa toukokuussa. Hän oli yksi Measuring English language skills: PTE Academic, IELTS, and TOEFL -roundtablen puhujista. ETS Globalin Euroopan toimistolta saa apua TOEFL-testiin liittyvissä kysymyksissä: toeflinfo@etsglobal.org, puh. +31-20-880-4163.

PBT-testin järjestäminen loppuu Educational Testing Servicen (ETS) mukaan TOEFL-testin kynä-paperi -version järjestäminen lopetetaan tänä vuonna. Euroopassa, Suomi mukaan lukien, viimeinen TOEFL PBT -versio järjestetään toukokuussa. Toukokuussa 2012 suoritetun testin tulokset ovat voimassa kaksi vuotta ja niitä voi lähettää kynä-paperiversion hyväksyville oppilaitoksille vielä toukokuuhun 2014 asti. Nykyinen, tietokoneella tehtävä TOEFL iBT-versio otettiin käyttöön vuonna 2005. Sen jälkeen kynä-paperiversiota on käytetty niissä maissa, joissa tietokonetestausta ei ole pystytty järjestämään tai testikeskuksia ei ole ollut riittävästi. Suomessa kynä-paperitestiä on järjestetty ajoittain helpottamaan ruuhkaa. ETS perustelee kynä-paperi -testiversion lopettamista erityisesti kahdella seikalla: tätä nykyä 96 prosenttia TOEFL-testin tekijöistä maailmanlaajuisesti suorittaa TOEFL iBT-testin ja testikeskusten määrä lisääntyy entisestään. Lisäksi korkeakoulut käyttävät mieluummin TOEFL iBT-testin kuin TOEFL PBT-testin tuloksia, sillä TOEFL iBT mittaa luetun- ja kuullunymmärtämisen sekä kirjoitustaidon lisäksi myös puhutun kielen taitoa, jota TOEFL PBT ei mittaa. Suomessa TOEFL-testin voi suorittaa Helsingissä, Premerian testikeskuksessa, www. premeria.fi. Testiajan voi varata osoitteesta www.ets.org/toefl.

Fulbrightereiden m a t ka s s a Fulbrightereiden matkassa on sarja, jossa seurataan kahden 2012-2013 ASLA-Fulbright Graduate Grant -stipendiaatin, Linda Haapajärven (kuvassa vasemmalla) ja Silja Häkkisen, valmistautumista Fulbright-vuoteensa, stipendikautta Yhdysvalloissa sekä kokemuksia ja palautetta Fulbright-vaihdon jälkeen.

Syksy meni stipendistä iloitessa ja lisärahoitusta hakiessa Helsingin yliopiston fysiikan laitoksella ilmakehän pienhiukkasia, niiden ominaisuuksia ja ilmastovaikutuksia väitöskirjaansa tutkiva Silja Häkkinen kertoo syksyn menneen nopeasti Fulbright-stipendistä iloitessa ja lisärahoitusta hakiessa. ”Kaikeksi onneksi Väisälän säätiö näki tutkimukseni tarpeellisena ja tukee Amerikan matkaani. Raha-asioista ei siis tarvitse enää stressata”, Silja iloitsee. ”Olin ollut yhteyksissä erääseen alani ryhmään Columbia University:ssä New Yorkissa jo ennen kuin sain tietää saaneeni Fulbright-stipendin. Kun rahoitus sitten järjestyi, ryhmän professori Faye McNeill kirjoitti minulle mielihyvin vi16


rallisen kutsukirjeen lähinnä viisumin hakua varten. Olemme myös tarkentaneet tutkimussuunnitelmaani, jotta tiedän mistä aloittaa syksyllä”, Silja kertoo kuulumisistaan. ”Kevään edetessä olen alkanut pikku hiljaa ymmärtää, että olen todella lähdössä uuteen maahan, uusien ihmisten keskelle aivan pian. Viisumin järjestäminen on varmasti kevään suurin urakka, mutta onneksi Fulbright auttaa tässäkin asiassa. Odotan syksyä jännittyneenä, mutta innolla”, Silja toteaa. Pariisin École des hautes études en sciences sociales -yliopistossa tohtoriopintojaan suorittava Linda Haapajärvi kertoo Harvardin varmistuneen hänen isäntäyliopistokseen. ”Harvardin lukuvuosimaksu on iso, hieman yli 12 000 dollaria, jopa visiting junior fellowlta. Kutsukirjeen sain jo

helmikuussa, mutta sitten piti vielä virallisesti hakea paikkaa melko työlään hakumenettelyn kautta”, Linda kertoo. Hakeminen maksoi noin 100 USD ja hakemukseen tuli liittää cv, motivaatiokirje, kaksi suositusta, todistusjäljennökset, tutkimussuunnitelma, selvitys siitä, ketä henkilökuntaa haluaa Harvardissa tavata, mitä seminaareja kuunnella ja miten tehdä omaa tutkimusta”, Linda valottaa hakuprosessia yliopistoon. ”Tuntui mukavalta, kun asiat muuttuivat konkreettisiksi, ja Harvardista tuli iso kirje, jossa oli tietoa mm. yliopistosta sekä harrastusmahdollisuuksista ja -järjestöistä”, Linda kertoo. Toukokuussa Linda ja Silja osallistuivat Fulbright Centerin päivän kestävään orientaatioseminaariin, jossa stipendiaatteja valmennettiin USA:n kauttaan varten.

Alumni News

Swell on Stage American artist and Fulbright alumna Juliacks’ recently finished graphic novel, Swell has been adapted for play. The play had its’ world premiere at Culture Project’s in Women Center Stage Festival at the Living Theatre in New York in March 2012. The comic, Swell tells the story of Emmeline Grouse who lives in a small town in Vermont, in a house overlooking an abandoned cemetery where she and her sister Lucy would often play. Adapted from the comic art novel, Swell explores the memory-shifting and kaleidoscopic journey of grief, immersing the audience in a lush visual landscape as Emmeline confronts her fears, dreams and imagination. This theatre combines the comix’ narrative in the languages of sound, video, architecture, and performance art, resulting in a spectacular, character-driven reflection of loss. Juliacks studied Performance Art at the Theater Academy in Finland as a Fulbright Graduate grantee in 2009-2010. www.juliacks.com www.swellshow.org Photo: Hunter Canning

"From the Dried-Out Fir Leaked Honey" Cherie Sampson, Fulbright Scholar 2010-2011 at the University of Eastern Finland, will be presenting "From the dried-out fir leaked honey", a solo Œintermedia¹ art exhibition combining video installation and a series of live performances at Ahjo Art Center from July 22-August 11, 2012. The exhibition is inspired by poetic personifications of the Finnish forest and will include video footage of short performance vignettes that were captured in the forests at Koli National Park during a residency at Koli Ryynänen Artist Residency in 2011. This video imagery will be projected in the gallery space on silk fabrics within an installation of small trees and other sculptural elements. Live performances by Cherie will take place in the gallery space every day throughout the exhibition (schedule TBA). This project is supported in part by grants from the Finnish Cultural Foundation (North Karelia Regional Fund) and the University of Missouri. www.cheriesampson.net www.taidekeskusahjo.net/kalenteri.htm

Fulbright-yhteydet kantavat: Amerikkalainen huippututkija, etnografian uudistaja George Marcus vieraili Jyväskylässä Kalifornian yliopiston antropologian professori George Marcus luennoi Kansatieteen päivillä, jotka järjestettiin Jyväskylän yliopiston historian ja etnologian laitoksessa maaliskuussa. Kansatieteen päivien työryhmän jäsen Laura Hirvi tutustui professori Marcusiin ollessaan ASLA-Fulbright Graduate -stipendiaattina UC Santa Babarassa lukuvuonna 2009–2010. Kalifornian yliopistoon etnografisen tutkimuksen keskuksen perustanut George Marcus on etnografisen tutkimuksen yksi keskeisistä suunnannäyttäjistä. Marcus on myös vaikutusvaltaisen antropologian alan tieteellisen journalin Cultural Anthropology:n perustaja.

New Benefits In The ASLA-Fulbright Alumni Association, Join Now! This volunteer-based association focuses on fostering Finnish-American academic linkages and building awareness of the Finnish Fulbright program through special events, meetings, and lectures. The association also offers its members opportunities to connect with current and former Fulbright grantees, learn from each other, build friendships and have fun.

Benefits The Association membership is open to Finnish and American alumni of programs administered by the Fulbright Center in Finland. Examples of some of the benefits:


Fulbright Center News magazine twice a year


International networking with fellow Fulbright grantees and alumni as well as partner organizations


Special events.

Join Now! To find out more about the Association and how to join, please visit the Association’s website at www.fulbright. fi/alumniassociation, or contact either the Association’s President Arno Tanner (arno.tanner@kolumbus.fi) or the Fulbright Center’s alumni coordinator Terhi Topi at office@ fulbright.fi, 044 5535 286.

Teksti: Eerika Koskinen-Koivisto www.fulbright.fi


Henkilökuvassa alumni

Paavo Kolin jalanjäljissä Tohtori Matti Parjanen lähti Yhdysvaltoihin oppi-isänsä Paavo Kolin kannustamana. Koli oli sotasankari ja ensimmäinen ASLA-stipendiaatti.

mielestään suomalaisille yliopistoille vieras. – Kun joku sikäläinen laitoksen tutkija saa stipendin tai ulkomaanmatkan tai kirjansa valmiiksi, kaikki onnittelevat häntä vilpittömästi. Sellainen ilmapiiri on suosiollinen innovaatioille ja uudistuksille, Parjanen kehuu. Ulospäin suuntautunutta Parjasta ihmisten iloisuus ja ystävällisyys ilahdutti, eikä tavanomainen stereotypia, amerikkalainen pinnallisuus haitannut. Stipendikausi tartutti Parjaseen Amerikantaudin, joka alkoi oireilla noin joka kolmas vuosi. Ainoa lääke oli päästä taas käymään Atlantin takana. Ja niin Parjanen kävikin. Hän johti yliopistokoulutuksen arviointia koskevia delegaatioita ja vei niitä vierailuille Yhdysvaltain eri yliopistoihin, jotka vuosien varrella tulivat tutuiksi. Matkoillaan Parjanen sai useita ystäviä yhdysvaltalaisista kollegoista, joiden kanssa hän myöhemmin vaihtoi sähköpostilla vinkkejä ja artikkeleita ja joilta saattoi tarvittaessa kysyä neuvoa ongelmatilanteissa. – Fulbright-stipendin ensisijainen tavoite ja pääasia on vastavuoroisen kontaktin muodostuminen, Parjanen pohtii.

Kun Tampereen yliopistossa 40-vuotisen uran tehnyt yhteiskuntatieteiden tohtori Matti Parjanen yritti 1980-luvun alussa vedota yliopiston johtoportaaseen ja saada professoreita käyttämään opiskelijapalautejärjestelmiä, huomasi hän sohaisseensa arkaan paikkaan. – Joku vaati minun erottamistanikin, mutta minä lähdin sitten Yhdysvaltoihin tutkimaan aihetta, Parjanen naureskelee 30 vuoden takaisia tapahtumia. Parjanen lähti Yhdysvaltoihin ASLAFulbright-tutkijastipendiaattina vuonna 1983 keräämään tietoa sikäläisestä opetuksen arvioinnista. Amerikkalaiset opiskelijapalautejärjestelmät olivat jo 1980-luvulla maailman huippua, sillä opiskelijapalaute on ensiarvoisen tärkeää yhdysvaltalaiselle yksityiselle yliopistolle, jossa lukukausimaksut ovat korkeat. Parjanen ei asettunut yhteen tiettyyn yliopistoon, vaan kiersi ympäri Yhdysvaltoja erilaisissa, niin pienissä kuin suurissa yliopistoissa ja keräsi matkalaukkuunsa opiskelijapalautelomakkeita. Ratkaisu oli hyvä, sillä yhdysvaltalaiset yliopistot ovat keskenään varsin erilaisia. – Jos olisin ollut vain yhdessä paikassa, olisin saanut kovin yksipuolisen kuvan Amerikasta. Olen onnellinen silloisesta fiksuudestani. Jokin yliopistoja myös yhdisti: palautejärjestelmistä vastaavat toimistot ja organisaatiot olivat kaikkialla yhtä vihattuja. Opettajat, professorit ja tutkijat kokivat taitojensa arviAmerikan oinnin kontrollointina tuliaisina ajatus ja kyttäyksenä. alumnitoiminnasta FulbrightLukukauden jälkeen Fulbright-stipendikausi stipendin Parjanen palasi Tampeantoi Parjaselle paljon ensisijainen reelle innostuneena ja niin henkisesti kuin tavoite ja pääasia matkalaukku pullollaan konkreettisestikin. Vaiklomakkeita, joita hän sitka palautelomakkeet on vastavuoroisen ten suomensi. Vastaanlensivät 1980-luvulla kontaktin otto ei ollut lämmin. roskiin, vuonna 2003 muodostuminen. – Tuli niin paljon julkaistiin Parjasen kirja valituksia, että minä otsikolla Amerikkalaisuutuin ja heitin roskiin sen opiskelija-arvioinnin koko Amerikan matkasoveltaminen suomalailaukkuni sisällön, Parjanen muistaa. seen yliopistoon. Nykyään Suomi on kehittynyt tällä alueella. Innostava ilmapiiri Amerikan tuliaisina Parjanen kantoi Stipendikautensa aikana Parjanen vaikutkotiin myös ajatuksen alumnitoiminnastui amerikkalaisten yliopistojen iloisesta ta. Parjanen ehdotti yliopiston johdolle ja vapaasta ilmapiiristä, joka on hänen alumnijärjestön perustamista, ja niin 18


Suomen ensimmäinen yliopistollinen alumniyhdistys aloitti toimintansa 25 vuotta sitten. Parjanen toimi yli 20 vuotta Tampereen yliopiston Alumni ry:n aktiivina, myös sen puheenjohtajana. Aluksi alumnitoiminnalle naureskeltiin, mutta nyt sitä osataan arvostaa. – Alumniyhdistys on silta yliopiston ja ympäröivän yhteiskunnan välillä, Parjanen kiteyttää.

Paavo Kolin opissa Matti Parjanen aloitti sosiologian opinnot vuonna 1959 Yhteiskunnallisessa Korkeakoulussa, joka vuonna 1960 muutti Helsingistä Tampereelle ja sai myöhemmin nimekseen Tampereen yliopisto. Heti muuton jälkeen tapahtui onnekas sattuma, jonka seurauksena Parjanen pääsi tutkimusapulaiseksi professori Paavo Kolin johtamaan puolustusvoimia koskevaan tutkimusprojektiin. Tämä sattuma tulisi määrittämään hänen koko akateemista uraansa. Vuonna 1962 Paavo Kolista tuli Tampereen yliopiston rehtori ja opiskelija Matti Parjasesta hänen assistenttinsa. Rehtori Kolin rinnalla Parjanen pääsi näkemään läheltä kuinka yliopistoa johdetaan. Sittemmin Parjanen on itse toiminut opetus- ja tutkimusvirkojen lisäksi lukuisissa

hallintotehtävissä, kuten yliopistovaltuuston puheenjohtajana, vararehtorina ja täydennyskoulutuskeskuksen johtajana.

Tutkimus ASLA-stipendiaattien sosiaalisesta taustasta Vuonna 1967 Parjanen teki tutkimuksen ASLA-stipendiaattien sosiaalisesta taustasta aineistonaan hakemusasiakirjat vuosilta 1953–1967. Tutkimuksessa kävi ilmi, että varhaiset stipendiaatit olivat vahvasti lähtöisin yläluokkaisista, akateemisista, kaupunkilaisista perheistä. Heillä oli ollut muita paremmat mahdollisuudet opiskella englantia. Monille ASLA-stipendi oli elämän ensimmäinen stipendi sekä ulkomaanmatka.

Ensimmäinen ASLA-stipendiaatti Paavo Koli myös innoitti Parjasta lähtemään Yhdysvaltoihin. – Minun suhteestani Amerikkaan ei voi puhua puhumatta myös Kolista, Parjanen sanoo. Mannerheim-ristin ritari Paavo Kolin on sanottu olevan ASLA-stipendiaatti numero yksi, sillä ensimmäisten suomalaisten stipendiaattien lähtiessä Amerikkaan Koli oli siellä jo valmiiksi. Hän oli saanut stipendin pieneen Marshall Collegeen Virginiaan vuonna 1949, vaikka ei osannut lähtiessään englantia. ASLA-kaudeksi Paavo Koli siirtyi Chicagon yliopistoon, missä hän tutki skid row -ilmiötä haastatellen syrjäytyneitä

ja kodittomia kaupungin siltojen alla. osa Marskin ritari Paavo Koli: Itseään käsStipendi-kausiensa välissä Koli työskenkenyt mies kertoo Kolin nuoruudesta ja teli autonkuljettajana ja hovimestarina sotavuosista. Parhaillaan Parjanen kirjoitHollywoodissa. Hänen työtoverinsa oli taa toista osaa, joka sisältää myös Kolin filmitähti Clark Gablen autonkuljettaja. värikkäät seikkailut Amerikan stipendiHän ystävystyi myös itse aattina. Tarina päättyy suGablen kanssa. Koli parullisesti Paavo Kolin itlasi Suomeen vuonna semurhaan vuonna 1969. Alumniyhdistys 1952. Parjanen muistaa on silta Myöhemmin Paavo Kolin tarmokkaana ja yliopiston ja Koli viittasi luennoillaan innovatiivisena miehenä, usein Amerikan kokejoka suhtautui erittäin ympäröivän muksiinsa ja suositteli myönteisesti opiskelijoiyhteiskunnan amerikkalaisia teoksia hin. Hän oli sekä erinvälillä. opiskelijoilleen ja tutomainen luennoitsija että kijoilleen. Amerikan hyvä johtaja, joka luotti vaikutusta oli myös Kolin alaisiinsa. Itselleen Koli arvostava asenne ihmisten oli ankara. radikaalejakin ideoita kohtaan. Kolin elämäkerran kirjoittamisen li– Hän on ollut yliopistomaailmassa säksi Matti Parjasen eläkepäivät kuluvat varsinainen Amerikan suurlähettiläs, Parmuun muassa sanomalehtiä ja tietokirjojanen toteaa. ja lukiessa. Kevättalvisin Parjanen virittää verkkonsa jään alle pyydystääkseen maUnohdettu legenda teita, joiden mätiä hän kerää. Mäti nautiMonialaisen Tampereen yliopiston perustaan tietenkin mätijuhlissa snapsien kera. tajaksikin kutsutun Paavo Kolin tarina on – Mutkikas tapa nauttia snapseista, vuosien varrella päässyt unohtumaan. vihjailevat ystävät. Kertoakseen Kolin tarinan Matti Parjanen Kaikista tärkeintä on silti aika lastenpäätti eläkkeelle jäätyään kirjoittaa unohlasten kanssa. detun legendan elämäkerran. – Kirjoittaminen pysähtyy heti, kun – Ajattelin, että hänen roolinsa ja merlasten lapset tulevat käymään. kityksensä täytyisi jäädä kirjoihin. Koli on syytä nostaa esiin sekä sotasankarina Teksti: Tuisku Pirttimäki että yliopistosankarina, Parjanen sanoo. Kuva: Jyrki Nisonen Vuonna 2009 julkaistu ensimmäinen

Green Card or Not

Welcome to the Fulbright Golf Tournament! Alumni and friends of the FinnishAmerican Fulbright program are invited to the ASLA-Fulbright Alumni Association’s 6th Annual Fulbright Alumni Golf Tournament, Tuesday 12 June 2012 at Suur-Helsingin Golf in Espoo, Luukki, http://golfpiste.com/kentat/ shg. Both experienced and newcomer golfers are welcome!

Tournament Participants For the experienced golfers, the green fee is 52€, including a get-together for soup after the round. A special, subsidized rate for the ASLA-Fulbright Alumni Association members is 47€. The first tee off will be at 1:30 p.m. Tournament rules: 1) the tournament will be played as stroke play with handicaps;

2) the maximum score on every hole is double par.

sociation members is 22€.

Registration Golfing for Learners If you do not have the green card but you are interested in learning something about golf, you are invited to participate in a golfing day at Suur-Helsingin Golf. A golf professional will help you get started. You can hit some balls on the driving range and have fun on the practice area, where a small "tournament," chipping and putting, will be organized for you. Teaching starts at 4 p.m. After that the group will join the tournament players for soup after their round approximately 6 p.m. The price is 27€ per person. A special, subsidized rate for the ASLA-Fulbright Alumni As-

To reserve your space at the tournament or for the golfing day, please send an email to Erkki Nissinen, erkki. nissinen@kotiportti.fi (with a cc: to terhi.topi@fulbright.fi). You will then receive further instruction on the event, the venue and payment. For more information on the golf event you can also call Erkki Nissinen at 040 825 2157. For more information about the ASLA-Fulbright Alumni Association membership, contact the Fulbright Center’s Alumni coordinator Terhi Topi office@fulbright.fi or 044 5535 286.



US Grantee News

Highlights of 2011-2012 Each year US Fulbrighters are invited to participate in various events and academic seminars throughout Finland. Here are some highlights of this year.

Enjoying and Making Art at EMMA Saastamoinen Foundation invited the Fulbrighters for a visit to EMMA, Espoo Museum of Modern Art. It is one of the largest art museums in Finland and plays a profound role in the field of modern art. The permanent exhibition presents a selection from The Saastamoinen Foundation Art Collection while the other half displays changing domestic and international exhibitions. Saastamoinen Foundation is a partner of the Fulbright Center, sponsoring a Fulbright scholar grant for an American scholar in Health and Environmental Sciences at the University of Eastern Finland in Kuopio. After the welcoming words by our hosts Mr. Petteri Karttunen and Mrs. Marja Karttunen, both representing the Board of Directors of the Saastamoinen Foundation, the group was led on a tour by Museum Educator Ms. Maria Vähäsarja. Fulbrighters had

an opportunity to see the newly opened exhibition, World in a Box by Juhani Harri. After the tour, Fulbrighters participated in a hands-on workshop in association with the exhibition of Juhani Harri – and happened to be the very first group to do so. “The workshop concept in Espoo’s Museum of Modern Art emphasizes deepening the artistic experience. Learning by doing is essential. Techniques may vary and can even be far from the artist’s original, but the point is to build a bridge between art and the viewer’s own experience…to have an insight”, says Museum Educator Maria Vähäsarja. Fulbrighters created their own story in a box with the various materials provided. “It is surprising how little adults usually do crafts or anything creative during

their hectic everyday lives. This is why I was happy to see everyone immerse themselves in the work, talking and laughing at the same time. What we had as a result was a wide collection of art objects, surrealistic collages and conceptual ideas”, concludes Vähäsarja. Read more about EMMA’s workshop concept in Maria Vähäsarja’s article “Museum Enriching Lives” at www.fulbright.fi/en/read-online/ museum-enriching-lives.

Face to Face with the Finnish Parliament Fulbrighters visited the Finnish Parliament in November. Grantees had an opportunity to enjoy a lunch hosted by Ms. Miapetra KumpulaNatri, Chair of the Grand Committee, who elaborated on the relationship between Finland and the EU. The rest of the visit was hosted by Mr. Guy Lindström, Deputy Director of the International Department. The group followed the Plenary Session and was taken on an informative guided tour by Mr. Rami Kurth.

A U.S. Perspective on Cultural and Linguistic Diversity Fulbright Scholar, Dr. Nancy Commins was the guest speaker at the first International Mobility Forum of the year, hosted by the Centre for International Mobility (CIMO). In her presentation titled Crafting a Comprehensive Response to Cultural and Linguistic Diversity: A Perspective from the US, Dr. Commins pointed out that classrooms nowadays are multicultural one way or another, and the bottom line is how to best organize ourselves to meet everyone’s needs. The school system has to take responsibility for each and every student. Issues of linguistic and cultural diversity in the classroom are connected to larger issues of race, poverty and preju20


dice, said Dr. Commins, a specialist in multicultural education. Instruction organized with second language learners’ needs in mind will benefit everyone in the classroom, Commins emphasized. Coming from the University of Colorado at Denver, Dr. Commins is a Fulbright Scholar for the academic year 2011-2012. Her project "Immigrant Integration - Preparing the Next Generation of Teachers" is a joint collaboration between the University of Turku, The City of Turku and Norssi / Turku International School. Text: CIMO and US Embassy in Helsinki Photo: Jaanaliisa Kuoppa

Fulbrighters Discover the Arctic A group of 17 American Fulbright grantees, their family, as well as alumni visited Rovaniemi, Lapland during one of its cold snaps! The group, hosted by the University of Lapland’s International Office and the Arctic Centre, met with students and staff to discuss Fulbright grants and to learn about research and projects at the university, including Sami culture and

history and how climate change is affecting the Arctic. The group toured the Arktikum Museum and Arctic Science Center, visited Santa Claus Village for a reindeer sleigh ride, and had the chance to swim in an authentic Finnish avanto, or a whole in the ice, with the air temperature at minus 33C. Lapland’s winter scenery was picture

perfect and it was a great opportunity to see a unique region of Finland. See photos from the Rovaniemi Trip on our Facebook page: Fulbright Center Finland.

English Teachers and Fulbrighters Meet in Tampere

English Teachers and American Fulbright Scholars met at the end of March in an

American Studies Seminar that took place this year at the University of Tampere. The Association of Teachers of English in Finland organized the Seminar together with the U.S. Embassy in Helsinki. “This is one of my favorite seminars”, said Mr. Jaakko Mäki, Chair of the Association of Teachers of English in Finland in his opening remarks. “You get to hear people from different walks of life”. Fulbright scholars Kristen Cvancara, Joan Lee and Amanda Tasse (in photo) introduced the audience of over 70 Eng-

Maryland Semester: Seeking Ideas for Multicultural Education

Teachers and DFAT grantees at Montgomery Blair High School, Elina second from the right.

I had a chance to participate in a semester-long Distinguished Fulbright Awards in Teaching (DFAT) program in autumn 2011. The program was hosted by the University of Maryland, and their Office of International Initiatives took good care of the twenty program participants from eight different countries. We had housing, academic mentors and even vans for the first grocery shopping all organized for us when arriving on campus. In addition to the practical arrangements, an excellent two-week orientation made the adjustment to life in the US very pleasant... Read full article online!

Distinguished Fulbright Awards in Teaching -ohjelma on tarkoitettu ensimmäisen ja toisen asteen opettajille, opettajankouluttajille sekä alan hallinto- ja tukihenkilöstölle. Lukuvuoden 2013-2014 ohjelma julistetaan hakuun alkusyksystä 2012. Ohjelmakohtaiset hakuohjeet ilmestyvät Fulbright Centerin kotisivulle. Ohjelman yhteyshenkilö on Terhi Topi, puh. 044 5535 286, office@fulbright.fi

lish teachers from around the country to topics such as stereotypes associated with US culture and education, education reform in Washington, D.C., and an animator’s perspective on working in Hollywood. In addition, Johanna Lahti from the Fulbright Center introduced the Center’s programs and services. The audience learned also about the current US presidential election from Press Attaché David McGuire from the US Embassy.

Lost and Found When I found out I had received a Fulbright grant for 2011-2012, I was thrilled, of course - who wouldn't be? Not only did I have the promise of funding; "name-dropping" the award opened doors that had been, if not entirely shut, at least only very tentatively ajar, and I now had a whole new support system to help me navigate the application process and, later on, prepare to move to the US... Little did I know that dragging my tired and stressed-out self to a couple of Fulbright events would turn out to teach me more about the organization than all the information sessions I'd participated in and all the websites I'd pored over... I started talking with a fellow grantee from a little country he was convinced I wouldn't be able to locate on the map. He turned out to be right (although I came pretty close)... Read full article online!

Elina Kast, Distinguished Fulbright Awards in Teaching Grantee 2011-2012 and Elina Salminen, ASLAFulbright Graduate Grantee 2011-2012 share their Fulbright experiences online at www.fulbright.fi/en/ fulbright-center-news/read-online. www.fulbright.fi


News / Uutisia

Johanna Lahti Appointed Deputy Director Ms. Johanna Lahti has been appointed as Deputy Director of the Fulbright Center. Ms. Lahti, with her academic background in applied linguistics, has worked at the Fulbright Center since 1998 as Test Center Administrator, Test Center Manager, Information Manager, and most recently Senior Program Manager.

We Have a New Website! Fulbright Center's renewed website will be launched by the end of May 2012. One of the most important goals of the renewal project is to improve the use of social media on the site to enable us to share the Center's and its grantees' activities with our visitors. Fulbright Center's front page will feature upcoming and recent events, grantee experiences and social media posts. The site is now visually contemporary and the navigation has been simplified. The contents of the site have been updated and new content has been added particularly to the advising sections Study in the USA and Study in Canada. Go to www.fulbright.fi and see for yourself! We would love to hear your feedback and suggestions for new content and links at office@fulbright.fi.

Arno Tanner Elected as New President of ASLA-Fulbright Alumni Association Dr. Arno Tanner has been elected the new President of the ASLA-Fulbright Alumni Association in Finland. Dr. Tanner was a Fulbright Research Scholar at the Migration Policy Institute in Washington DC in 2004-05. Currently a supervisory immigration official, Dr. Tanner has a strong background in population science. In addition to his career in the Finnish government, he is also an adjunct professor at the University of Helsinki. “The Alumni serves as an outstanding way to increase continuity and coherence among the Fulbright society”, says Dr.Tanner.

“I hope that we can reach out the message, and make being a Fulbrighter a real lifelong undertaking. Another important factor is to continue networking towards alumni in other countries. Through this, we are able to further improve our activity and the international "added value" of being a lifelong Fulbrighter”, Arno Tanner concludes. Founded in 1953, the ASLA-Fulbright Alumni Association is one of the oldest Fulbright alumni associations in the world. Tanner was elected the new Chair of the Board in the Association’s Annual General Meeting held in March 2012. More information about the association and the appointment at www.fulbright.fi/alumniassociation.

The 8th North American Studies Roundtable The 8th Annual North American Studies Roundtable convened at the Fulbright Center in February. The roundtable caught up with current news and latest developments in North American Studies in Finland. Dr. Keith Battarbee attended the roundtable for the last time as an official representative for University of Turku, as he will retire later this year. Dr. Janne Korkka will take over the North American Studies at least for the next year at University of Turku and attended the roundtable to meet his colleagues. Public Affairs Officer Marjut Robinson shared how the U.S. Embassy can be of assistance to the North American Studies programs in Finnish universities, and Director Taina Iduozee of the American Resource Center presented the “New ARC” which will 22


open in the exciting new student library in Kaisaniemi later this year. In general, the North American Studies programs at Finnish universities are feeling the effects of the budget crunch, but the interest among students is growing with a rising number of students taking credits in these programs. Text: Aki Kalliomäki

From left: Terhi Mölsä, Fulbright Center, Marjut Robinson, U.S. Embassy, Janne Korkka, University of Turku, Anthony Johnson, Åbo Akademi, Ilkka Marjomaa, University of Oulu, Keith Battarbee, University of Turku, Aki Kalliomäki, Fulbright Center, Ari Helo, University of Vaasa and Markku Henriksson, University of Helsinki.

Suomen ja Yhdysvaltain opetusalan vaihtotoimikunta Finland-US Educational Exchange Commission (FUSEEC)

Vaihtotoimikunnan jäsenet / Fulbright Center Board of Directors Honorary Chair:

H.E., Bruce J. Oreck Ambassador of the United States to Finland Finnish Members: Dr. Bo Pettersson Professor of the Literature of the United States University of Helsinki Chair Dr. Matti Kokkala Vice President, Strategic Research, Services and the Built Environment, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland

Dr. Heikki Ruskoaho Professor in Molecular Pharmacology Faculty of Medicine University of Oulu Ms. Birgitta Vuorinen Counsellor of Education Ministry of Education and Culture Treasurer American Members: Ms. Marjut Robinson Public Affairs Officer American Embassy Vice-Chair

Dr. Bruce Forbes Research Professor Arctic Centre University of Lapland Mr. David McGuire Assistant Counselor for Press and Public Affairs American Embassy Dr. Laura Stark Professor of Ethnology University of Jyväskylä Ex-officio: Ms. Terhi Mölsä Executive Director Fulbright Center

Toimikunnan sihteeristö / Fulbright Center Staff Dr. Aki Kalliomäki Ohjelmakoordinaattori Program Coordinator p. (044) 5535 269 • Tutkija-, asiantuntija- ja luennoitsijastipendit suomalaisille • Tutkija-, asiantuntija- ja luennoitsijastipendit amerikkalaisille • Inter-Country -ohjelma • Neuvonta opiskelusta USA:ssa Ms. Karoliina Kokko Ohjelmapäällikkö Program Manager p. (044) 5535 268 • Jatko-opiskelijastipendit suomalaisille • Jatko-opiskelijastipendit amerikkalaisille • Neuvonta opiskelusta USA:ssa ja Kanadassa Ms. Johanna Lahti Vastaava ohjelmapäällikkö Senior Program Manager (Apulaisjohtaja / Deputy Director beginning 1 August 2012) p. (044) 5535 278

• Undergraduate-stipendit suomalaisille • Renewal-stipendit suomalaisille • Testaus ja testeihin liittyvä neuvonta • Fulbright Center News (toimituspäällikkö) • Neuvonta opiskelusta USA:ssa Ms. Suzanne Louis Projektikonsultti Project Consultant (part-time) • Friends of Fulbright Finland -verkosto • Alumnikoordinaattori • Fulbright Center News Ms. Tanja Mitchell Suunnittelija Coordinator (on study leave until 1 January 2013) p. (044) 5535 277 • Verkkopalvelut • Julkaisut • Fulbright Center News • Neuvonta opiskelusta USA:ssa ja Kanadassa

Ms. Saara Naukkarinen Projektiassistentti Project Assistant (part-time) p. (044) 5535 286 Ms. Terhi Topi Vastaava ohjelmapäällikkö Senior Program Manager (part-time) p. (044) 5535 275 • Distinguished Chairs • Fulbright Specialists -ohjelma • Opettajaohjelma • Suomen kielen opetusassistentit • Alumnikoordinaattori • Neuvonta opiskelusta USA:ssa ja Kanadassa

Ms. Terhi Mölsä Toiminnanjohtaja Executive Director p. (050) 570 5498 E-mails: firstname.lastname@fulbright.fi

FUSEEC/Fulbright Centerin toimintaa rahoittaa Suomen ja Yhdysvaltain Stipenditoiminnan Tukisäätiö / The Finland-America Educational Trust Fund. Säätiön hallitus / Board of Directors: Finnish members:

American members:

Agent / Säätiön asiamies:

Ms. Veera Heinonen Director of Communications Department for Communication and Culture Ministry for Foreign Affairs Chair

Mr. Danny Hall Deputy Chief of Mission American Embassy Vice-Chair

Ms. Terhi Mölsä Executive Director FUSEEC/Fulbright Center

Ms. Jaana Palojärvi Head of International Relations Finnish Ministry of Education

Ms. Marjut Robinson Public Affairs Officer American Embassy

The Finnish members are appointed by the Ministry of Education and the Ministry for Foreign Affairs. The American members are appointed by the American Embassy.



Toimintaamme tukee mm. Hakaniemenranta 6 FI-00530 HELSINKI FINLAND




3.4. INFO: Amerikkalainen asiantuntija vierailulle korkeakouluusi

11.4.2012 klo 10.00 Hakuaika Fulbright Center's Undergraduate -ohjelmaan 2012–2013 päättyy

3.5. INFO: Opiskelemaan Pohjois-Amerikkaan – kyselytunti lähtöön liittyvistä asioista

14.5. ORIENTAATIO: Suomalaisten stipendiaattien lähtö-orientaatio ja stipendien julkistamistilaisuus

16.5.2012 klo 10.00 Hakuaika seuraaviin lukuvuoden 2013–2014 stipendiohjelmiin päättyy:

1.6.2012 Fulbright Center Renewal Grant -stipendien hakuaika päättyy

5.6. Vaihtotoimikunnan kokous Fulbright Center Board Meeting

12.6. 6th Annual Fulbright Alumni Golf Tournament

•• ASLA-Fulbright Graduate Grant •• Fulbright-Technology Industries of Finland Grant

21.–23.5. Korkeakoulujen kansainvälisten asioiden hallinnon kevätpäivät Lahdessa

4.7. 4th of July, FC suljettu



syyskuu lokakuu

Syksyn infotilaisuudet julkaistaan Fulbright Centerin verkkosivulla elokuun aikana.

28.–31.8. ORIENTAATIO: Amerikkalaisten Fulbright-stipendiaattien tulo-orientaatio

Vaihtotoimikunnan kokous syyskuussa 2012 • Fulbright Center Board Meeting September 2012

Lokakuu American Voices -seminaari Turun yliopistossa


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