Fulbright Center News 1/2014

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Changing World? Changing Fulbright.

fulbright center news

Fulbright Center Grantees 2014–2015

vol. 24 nro 1 (59) kevät/spring 2014

Reaching Out Through Music

Fulbright Programs Paving Ways for Partnerships Finland has worked systemati-

can eventually also help companies

cally for several decades to advance

become international. New learn-

quality and equality in education.


Our nine-year basic education sys-

tional materials and new services

tem guarantees equal access to high

are useful just as long as they re-

From the Executive Director

quality education for all students,

spond to the challenges in learn-

safeguarding good competence for

ing and generate better learning

further studies and working life.

outcomes. This challenges teachers

The OECD PISA studies show that

and teaching too. For this reason,

quality and equality are not oppo-

we believe it is important to en-

Changing World? Changing Fulbright.

sites in the context of education.

courage research in learning and

Often they are in fact complemen-

pedagogical studies, both on the

The world around us is changing, and 21st century

tary, with greater parity tending to

national arena and in international

challenges are becoming increasingly global and

increase the quality of education

partnerships. Finns and Americans

complex. The Finnish-American Fulbright program

and learning outcomes. This is one

face much the same research chal-

continually evolves, incorporating innovative ideas

of the most important lessons for

lenges, so it is good to see that our

and technologies to respond to our changing world

every country.

two nations are working together in

and to meet the needs of this century.




Civilized nations build their

many areas of research. Last year,

At its recent strategic planning meeting, the Ful-

structures and national economy

for instance, several joint research

bright Center Board of Directors underlined the Cen-

on the ability to acquire learning.

projects were launched, financed

ter’s vision of empowering the minds that will find

Learning remains at the heart of

by the National Science Foundation

global solutions to tomorrow’s challenges by foster-

everything, but the way we learn

(NSF), the Academy of Finland and

ing academic and professional expertise and excel-

and the channels we use for learn-

the Finnish Funding Agency for In-

lence in leadership. The Board articulated several

ing today are much faster, more

novation (Tekes).

new initiatives, including establishing a short-term

flexible and more dynamic than

There is no denying that re-

grant program in key fields that would fill a gap iden-

before. This can be seen in the way

search cooperation between the

tified by universities in Finland, and organizing a U.S.

youth today use mobile ICT as

United States and Finland has al-

study tour focused on online education to facilitate

tool in learning.

a broader virtual exchange between Finland and the


ways played an important role in

Education systems must be able

making the Finnish research and

to integrate these new forms of

innovation system more interna-

The Finnish-American Fulbright program focuses

learning, but schools are still too

tional. I believe we should continue

on areas that are of key importance to both countries,

much focused in their old ways of

to promote collaboration in scien-

such as education and the environment: especially

teaching. To change this, Finland

tific research between Finnish and

the Arctic. The Minister of Education and Commu-

will be introducing an educational

American research organizations,

nications, Ms. Krista Kiuru underlines the mutual

cloud service that supports teach-

and especially in the public, private

benefit of education exchanges in building a knowl-

ing and learning, gives access to

and third sector, where existing

edgeable and successful nation (p. 2). U.S. teachers


opportunities have not been fully

bring elements of Finland’s chart-topping education

users to share learning experiences.

program home to improve the U.S. education system.

The cloud service equips teach-

Broad collaboration flourishes

In cooperation with the U.S. Department of State, the

ers with a wide range of educa-

where people meet. Fulbright pro-

Fulbright Center will double the number of Ameri-

tional material and encourages

grams, well established yet con-

can teachers coming to Finland next year on the Ful-

them to discuss, exchange views

stantly evolving, pave the way

bright Distinguished Awards in Teaching Program.

and develop teaching strategies


In a globalized world, the Fulbright program is be-

together. Easily available materi-

exchange, which is increasing, is

coming increasingly multilateral. The expansion of

als will hopefully inspire teachers

a good example of how the Ful-

cooperation and joint initiatives among Fulbright com-

to use various digital services more

bright cooperation keeps abreast

missions from different countries provides concrete



of things, encouraging mobility

examples of this development, and Finland’s alumni

dedicate more time to interacting

and collaboration in a field that is

are making real contributions not only bilaterally but

with students. These new learning


around the globe. One Finnish graduate is currently

environments are also expected to

for both

working for a Finnish NGO to advance the position of

create a more positive attitude to-

countries in

disabled people in Africa, and another is part of an am-

wards school work among students.

building a

United States.

bitious international consortium establishing a music















institute in Afghanistan (p. 10-12) – each drawing on

lent opportunities for producers

able and

Fulbright contacts and experiences. Our alumni net-

to promote and disseminate their


work, both in Finland and the United States, is growing

educational material and services,


increasingly robust and connected, sharing knowledge

perhaps even receive expert re-

and expertise in areas of global concern in order to

views. Moreover, it makes market-

transform ideas into concrete action.

ing easier for entrepreneurs, and

Join us in our exciting work building tomorrow’s Fulbright. Join us for Fulbright Finland…For the Future! (p. 22)

Krista Kiuru Minister of Education and Communications

Terhi Mölsä

In This Issue 2



New Finnish Fulbright Ambassadors


Fulbright Centerin stipendiohjelmat suomalaisille 2015–2016


American and Finnish Fulbright Center Grantees 2014–2015


Fulbright Forum 2014: Education, Innovation, Science, and Art


Roth-Thomson Award to Boggs and Storm


European Connections

10 Reaching Out Through Music 12 American Resource Center Awards Kontkanen 13 Biofilm Standard Methods Development Building Bridges Between Turku, Finland and Bozeman, Montana 14 Study Tour on Communications and Community Relations Exchanging Ideas with American Colleagues 14 A Decade of North American Studies Roundtable Photo: Jesse Terho

15 Korkeakouluopinnot numeroina 16 Fulbright Runs in the Family! 18 Fulbright Germination: Conversation Analysis, Autism, and Cross National Cooperation Cover: Fulbright Grantee Brings Music to At-risk Girls In addition to exploring the influence of folk music on Jean Sibelius’ piano music, Fulbright Graduate Student Olivia Jamandre is sharing her skills and passion for music with young Finnish and immigrant girls at the Girls’ House in Helsinki. In efforts to empower at-risk girls, the Girls’ House offers counseling, peer groups, workshops, and social activities for girls between 14-28 years. Since last fall, Olivia has been giving piano lessons for girls who would not otherwise have opportunities for piano lessons. Making a difference in these girls’ lives has further enriched Olivia’s Fulbright experience in Finland. Cover photo: Philip Jamandre

Fulbright Center News on Fulbright Centerin sidosryhmälehti, joka ilmestyy kaksi kertaa vuodessa. Lehdestä julkaistaan myös verkkoversio osoitteessa www.fulbright.fi/fi/fulbright-center/fulbright-centernews. Seuraava numero ilmestyy syksyllä 2014. Artikkelit ja muu aineisto pyydetään toimittamaan 30.9. mennessä. Artikkeleissa ilmaistut mielipiteet ovat kirjoittajien omia. The Fulbright Center News is a biannual magazine published by the Fulbright Center in Finland. The Fulbright Center News is also available online at www.fulbright.fi/en/fulbright-center/fulbright-center-news. The next issue will come out in the Fall of 2014. The submission deadline for articles and other materials is 30 September. Opinions expressed by authors are their own and do not necessarily reflect those of the Fulbright Center. While every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the material in this publication, the Fulbright Center does not accept liability for any errors or omissions. Aineisto vapaasti lainattavissa, lähde mainittava. Reproduction allowed, source must be cited.

19 Alumni Ambassadorial Awardee Ville Taajamaa: Be Proactive and Contribute 19 Interning at the Fulbright Center 20 Alumni News 21 Connections Corner 21 Fulbright-ohjelmalle arvostettu Prince of Asturias Award 22 News / Uutisia 22 Fulbright Finland...For the Future 23 Fulbright Center 24 Kalenteri / Calendar of Events

Päätoimittaja/Editor-in-Chief Terhi Mölsä Executive Director Toimittajat/Editors Johanna Lahti (toimituspäällikkö) Tanja Mitchell Suzanne Louis Ulkoasu ja taitto/Layout Tanja Mitchell/Fulbright Center Avustajat/Contributors Louisa Gairn

Toimituksen yhteystiedot/ Contact Information The Fulbright Center Hakaniemenranta 6 FI-00530 Helsinki FINLAND Tel. +358 44 5535 286 E-mail: office@fulbright.fi ISSN-L 1456-0461 ISSN 1456-0461 (Painettu) ISSN 2242-4245 (Verkkolehti) Kansipaperi/Cover paper: Maxigloss 200 g/m2 Paperi/Paper: G-Print 115 g/m2 Levikki/Circulation: 1 300 Painopaikka/Printed by Erweko Oy


New Finnish Fulbright Ambassadors

The Finnish Fulbright Center Grantees 2014-2015 in their Award Ceremony at the Helsinki City Hall.

“Fulbright was established to create global citizens – those who dare to address universal problems with innovative solutions, and create meaningful change,” said Fulbright Center Executive Director Terhi Mölsä at the 2014 Award Ceremony at the Helsinki City Hall in May, reminding the new grantees of their responsibilities as Fulbright ambassadors. “Through their research, studies, and both professional and personal involvement during the grant year and thereafter, the grantees’ ultimate goal

Olivia Jamandre, Alistair Hayden, and Nancy O’Neill, all 2013-2014 U.S. Fulbright Grantees in

is to be able to yield a wide impact in the

Finland, performed Finnish music by Järnefelt, Linsén, and Sibelius.

society of both countries”. Earlier in the day, a pre-departure

and welcomed the grantees into the

experts on matters such as visas, Finn-


Fulbright community and for their time

ish social security and taxation, as well

grantees with important information

in the U.S. They attended sessions with

as discussions with Finnish Fulbright




Center alumni who met with the new grantees to share their experiences and practical tips from their time in the United States. The Fulbright Center wants to sincerely thank everyone who helped organize the 2014 orientation seminar for the new Finnish grantees, and especially the Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Photos: Jesse Terho

and the City of Helsinki for hosting the award ceremony and the reception at the beautiful Helsinki City Hall. The 2014 ASLA-Fulbright Alumni Ambassadorial Awardee conveyed the words of thanks on behalf of all of the Finnish Director General Jouni Mölsä (on the right) from the Department of Communication and Cul-

Fulbright Center grantees at the Award

ture of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs delivered remarks on behalf of the Finnish government

Ceremony. Read more on page 19.

at the Award Ceremony. Remarks on behalf of the U.S. government were delivered by Jeffrey


K. Reneau, Counsellor for Press and Cultural Affairs from the U.S. Embassy. Greetings were

See the Orientation program at

brought by the host of the event, Deputy Mayor Laura Räty of the City of Helsinki (second from


right), and the Executive Director of the Fulbright Center Terhi Mölsä.



Fulbright Centerin stipendiohjelmat suomalaisille

2015–2016 Kenelle




Hakuaika päättyy

Kandidaattitason opinnot

Summer Institutes for European Student Leaders

Kesä 2015

Stipendi kattaa kesäohjelman kustannukset

Julistetaan hakuun loppuvuodesta 2014

Kandidaattitason opinnot

Fulbright Center Undergraduate Grant


Enintään USD 10 000

Julistetaan hakuun helmikuussa 2015

Maisteri- ja tohtoritason opinnot tai tutkimus

ASLA-Fulbright Graduate Grant


Enintään USD 30 000

15.5.2014 klo 10.00

Teknologiateollisuuden edustamien toimialojen kehitystä tukevat opinnot ja tutkimus

Fulbright-Technology Industries of Finland Grant


Maisteri- ja tohtoritason opintoihin USD 35 000–50 000

15.5.2014 klo 10.00

Suomen kielen ja kulttuurin opetustehtävät ja omia opintoja täydentävät kurssit ja tutkimus

Fulbright Finnish Language and Culture Teaching Assistant Program


Stipendi kattaa peruselinkustannukset. Stipendisumma määräytyy sijoituspaikan mukaan.

14.10.2014 klo 10.00


ASLA-Fulbright Pre-Doctoral Research Fellows Program

Vähintään 6 kk

USD 12 000

14.10.2014 klo 10.00

Tutkimustyö Alle neljä vuotta sitten väitelleille

ASLA-Fulbright Research Grant for a Junior Scholar

4–12 kk

Enintään USD 15 500

14.10.2014 klo 10.00

Cost-share 4–12 kk

Enintään USD 30 000

Teknologiateollisuuden edustamien toimialojen kehitystä tukeva tutkimus Alle neljä vuotta sitten väitelleille

Fulbright-Technology Industries of Finland Grant


Enintään USD 36 000

14.10.2014 klo 10.00

Tutkimustyö Yli neljä vuotta sitten väitelleille

ASLA-Fulbright Research Grant for a Senior Scholar

3–12 kk

Enintään USD 15 000

14.10.2014 klo 10.00



Tutkijoille, asiantuntijoille, opiskelijoille ja kv-liikkuvuuden kanssa työskenteleville Kaikkien alojen hakijoille Euroopan Unionia tai EU:n ja Yhdysvaltojen suhteita käsittelevät opinnot, tutkimus tai luennointi

Fulbright-Schuman Program

3–12 kk

Enintään USD 30 000

Julistetaan hakuun syksyllä 2014, haku päättynee joulukuussa

Ensimmäisen ja toisen asteen opettajille, opettajankouluttajille sekä hallintohenkilöstölle Ammattitaidon täydentämiseen ja kehittämiseen tarkoitettu projekti

Fulbright Distinguished Awards in Teaching


Stipendi kattaa peruselinkustannukset, lukukausimaksut ja matkat

Julistetaan hakuun syksyllä 2014

Fulbright Scholar-in-Residence Program

3–9 kk

Vähintään USD 2 700 / kk


Luennoitsijoille Luennointi.Vastaanottava yliopisto hakee apurahaa.

Työuransa keskivaiheilla oleville ammattilaisille ja asiantuntijoille Ammattitaidon täydentämiseen ja kehittämiseen tarkoitettu projekti

Mid-Career Professional Development Grant

3–12 kk

Enintään USD 13 500

3.11.2014 klo 10.00

Yhdysvaltoihin liittyvän opetuksen, tutkimuksen ja oppimateriaalien kehittämiseen tarkoitettu ohjelma

Study of the U.S. Institute for Scholars and Secondary School Educators

5–6 viikkoa

Stipendi kattaa akateemisen ohjelman, peruselinkustannukset ja matkat

Julistetaan hakuun syksyllä 2014



American Grantees to Finland 2014–2015 Fulbright Distinguished Chairs Gillette, Jay Fulbright-Nokia Distinguished Chair in Information and Communications Technologies  Ball State University, IN  Information Sciences  “ICT for ICD”: Information and Communications Technologies for Intelligent Community Development  University of Oulu  Spring 2015 Miller, Mark Fulbright Bicentennial Chair in American Studies  Clark University, MA  Political Science  The Supreme Court in U.S. History  University of Helsinki  Academic year Ruiz-Torres, Alex Fulbright-Aalto University Distinguished Chair  University of Puerto Rico – Rio Piedras, Puerto Rico  Business  Modeling Regional Logistics Capabilities: A Study of Nordic and Caribbean Basin Countries  Aalto University, School of Business  Fall 2014 Core Fulbright Scholars Alexander, Martha Lee College of William and Mary, VA  Literature  Many Runes the Cold Has Told Me: Finnish Influence on the Works of Tolkien  University of Turku  Academic year Bostian, AJ Fulbright-University of Tampere Scholar  University of Virginia, VA  Economics  Intertemporal Choices of Finnish Households: Empirical Analysis and Policy Implications  University of Tampere  Academic year Bostian, Moriah Fulbright-University of Turku Scholar  Lewis and Clark College, OR  Economics  Productivity Change and Environmental Performance Under Finland's Agri-Environmental Program  University of Turku  Academic year Bräuer, Suzanna Fulbright-Saastamoinen Foundation Grant in Health and Environmental Sciences  Appalachian State University, NC  Biology  Linking Microbial Community Composition to Methane and Carbon Dioxide Flux: Assessing Climate Change from Boreal to Arctic Regions in Finland  University of Eastern Finland, Kuopio  Spring 2015 Cowles, Robert Hobart and William Smith Colleges, NY  Music  A Study of Finnish Choral Music and Culture  Sibelius Academy  Academic year Going, Aaron Saint Martin’s University, WA  History  Finnish American Social and Labor History  University of Jyväskylä  Academic year



Jamali, Moshin Fulbright-Tampere University of Technology Scholar  University of Toledo, OH  Engineering  Real-Time Birds/Bats Tracking for Windfarm Applications  Tampere University of Technology  Spring 2015 Lee, Luke Fulbright-VTT Grant in Science, Technology and Innovation  University of California, Berkeley, CA  Biomedical Engineering  Intelligent Paper Optoelectronics for Global Healthcare  VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland, Oulu  Summer 2014 and Fall 2014 Major, David Columbia University, NY  Economics  Mainstreaming Climate Change Adaptation; Cross-cultural Guidelines for Coastal Cities  University of Helsinki  Fall 2014 (Flex grant for academic years 2014-2015 and 2015-2016) Michaeli, Shalom Fulbright-Saastamoinen Foundation Grant in Health and Environmental Sciences  University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, MN  Biomedical Engineering  MRI Contrasts in High Rank Rotating Frames  University of Eastern Finland, Kuopio  Fall 2014 Pullins, Ellen Fulbright-HAAGA-HELIA Scholar  University of Toledo, OH  Marketing  Professional Sales and Sales Management Alignment and Curriculum Enhancement  HAAGA-HELIA University of Applied Sciences  Spring 2015 Self, John Fulbright-HAAGA-HELIA Scholar  California State Polytechnic University, Pomona, CA  Business  Visiting Faculty, Teaching at HAAGA-HELIA University of Applied Sciences  HAAGA-HELIA University of Applied Sciences  Fall 2014

Brooks, Melanie Saint Olaf College, MN  Conducting  The Art of Wind Orchestra Conducting and Pedagogy in Finland  University of the Arts, Sibelius Academy Brown, Michael University of Washington, WA  International Relations  The Rovaniemi Process Today: a Comparative Study of American and Finnish Arctic Policies  University of Lapland Donovan, Mitchell Fulbright-CIMO grantee  University of Maryland – Baltimore County, MD Environmental Studies  Decedal-Scale Catchment and Bank Erosion and Their Impact on Eutrophication in Southwest Finland  University of Turku

Lai, Kenneth Fulbright-University of Helsinki Graduate Award  University of California, Irvine, CA  Theology and Religion  Master’s degree in Religious roots of Europe: Religious critique in Gnosticism  University of Helsinki Parekh, Krishna Fulbright-University of Turku Graduate Award  College of New Jersey, NJ  Ecology  Gene Expression in Marine, Brackish, and Freshwater Threespine Stickleblack in Finland  University of Turku Salama, Olivia Fulbright-University of Turku Graduate Award  University of Scranton, PA  Law  Economic Crime Policing in Post-Global Financial Crises in Finland  University of Turku Schwartz, Molly University of Maryland, College Park, MD  Information Sciences  User-Centered Design for Digital Cultural Heritage Portals  Aalto University and National Library of Finland

U.S. Students Barthelemy, Ramón Fulbright-CIMO grantee  Western Michigan University, MI  Science Education  Educational Pathways of Women in Finnish Physics Programs  University of Jyväskylä Boehringer, Bradley Fulbright-CIMO grantee  Drexel University, PA  Medical Sciences  To Assist in Establishing and Implementing a Mobile Simulation Center that Will Aid in the Outreach in Nursing Education Both in Rural Finland and Beyond  Laurea University of Applied Sciences

Semler, Elizabeth Fulbright-CIMO grantee  University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, MN  History  Got milk?: Dairy Advertising and Heart Disease in the U.S. and Finland 1970–2000  University of Helsinki and the National Institute for Health and Welfare Tyger, Taylor Fulbright-CIMO grantee  Georgia Institute of Technology, GA  Urban Development and Planning  Environmental Health Benefits of Urban Aquatic Environments  Aalto University and University of Helsinki

Some grants are pending confirmation and are not yet listed here. See the Fulbright Center Grantee lists for 2014–2015 at www.fulbright.fi/en/grantees/fulbright-center-grantees-2014-2015

Finnish Grantees to the USA 2014–2015 As of June 2014

ASLA-Fulbright Research Grants for Senior Scholars Mikkonen, Simo History  University of Jyväskylä  University of California, Berkeley, CA  Soviet Transnational Networks: Informal East-West Connections During the Cold War Era  Cost-shared with the University of Jyväskylä  Academic year Rannila, Päivi Geography  University of Turku  Syracuse University, NY  Cities, Law and Public Spaces in the Contexts of the USA and Finland.  Cost-shared with the University of Turku  Spring 2015 ASLA-Fulbright Research Grants for Junior Scholars Lehtivuori, Heli Biological Sciences  University of Jyväskylä  University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI  Controlling Primary Reactions of Photoswitchable Proteins by Site-Selective Mutations  Cost-shared with University of Jyväskylä  Fall 2014 Malinen, Olli-Pekka Education  Niilo Mäki Institute  University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI  Culturally Responsive School-Wide Positive Behavior Support in United States and Finland  Fall 2014 Miihkinen, Antti Accounting  Aalto University  University of Florida, FL  Multifaceted Aspects of Corporate Governance and the Reporting of Supplementary Accounting Information  Cost-shared with Aalto University  Academic year ASLA-Fulbright Pre-Doctoral Research Fellows Alahuhta, Kirsi Biology  University of Oulu  Tufts University, MA  Do Good Things Come to Plants Who Wait? Life History Consequences of Prolonged Dormancy in Northern Orchid  Cost-shared with the University of Oulu  Fall 2014 Karjalainen, Maija Political Science  University of Turku  Harvard University, MA  Democratic Innovations in Local Politics: Determinants and Impacts  Cost-shared with the University of Turku  Fall 2014 Oksanen, Minna Medical Sciences  University of Eastern Finland  University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI  Modeling Alzheimer’s Disease with Disease-Specific Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell-Derived Cells – Special Emphasis on Astrocytes and Cholinergic Neurons.  Costshared with the University of Eastern Finland  Fall 2014 Rantanen, Tytti Language and Literature  University of Tampere  University of Maryland,

College Park, MD  Sabotage of Narrative and Narrative of Sabotage in French Literature and Cinema Before 1968 and After  Costshared with the University of Tampere  Fall 2014 Saxén, Heikki History  University of Tampere  Harvard University, MA  The History and Future Directions of Bioethics  Cost-shared with the University of Tampere  Academic year ASLA-Fulbright Mid-Career Professional Development Grant Lukin, Kimberly Computer Science  University of Helsinki  George Washington University, DC  Technical Counter Acts Against CyberAttacks and Multinational Cooperation Model  Spring 2015 Taajamaa, Ville Education  University of Turku  Stanford University, CA  Creation of Interdisciplinary Engineering Excellence  Fall 2014 Fulbright Distinguished Awards in Teaching Granat, Tero Petteri Vaskivuori High School, Vantaa  Indiana University, Bloomington  Cooperation with an American School and Material (Printed/Online) for a Multidisciplinary Class  Fall 2014 Wewer, Taina Teacher Training School of Turku University  Indiana University, Bloomington  Academic Language in Basic Education: Raising Awareness of SubjectSpecific Literacies  Fall 2014 Fulbright-Technology Industries of Finland Grants Kalm, Matias Business  Graduate of Aalto University  Arizona State University  Doctoral Degree in Business Kurvinen, Emil Engineering  Lappeenranta University of Technology  University of Virginia, VA  Rotordynamics in Electric Machines Lastunen, Jesse Public Policy  Barcelona Graduate School of Economics  University of Chicago  Doctoral Degree in Public Policy ASLA-Fulbright Graduate Grants

Model-Based Perspective  Cost-shared with the University of Helsinki Junnilainen, Lotta Sociology  University of Helsinki  New York University  New Urban Poverty and the Forms of Local Social Order – a Comparative Ethnography in Two Finnish Neighborhoods Makkonen, Antti Law  University of Lapland  University of Pennsylvania, PA  Master’s Degree in Law  Cost-shared with the University of Lapland Mattila, Maija Political Science  University of Tampere  The New School, NY  Conditions of Democratic Representation – Analyzing Case Talvivaara Munck af Rosenschöld, Johan Environmental Policy  University of Helsinki  Cornell University, NY  Addressing Time in Environmental Governance: A Study of Environmental Projects and Their Capacity for Spurring Innovations Oiva, Mila History  University of Turku  University of California, Berkeley, CA  Creating Action Space: Marketing Practices of Polish Ready-to-Wear Clothes in the Soviet Market, 1956-1982  Cost-shared with the University of Turku Saari, Paula History  University of Helsinki  University of Colorado, Boulder, CO  Wild Nature Created: The U.S. National Park Idea and National Parks in Canada and Finland Siivonen, Eeva Film  Aalto University  Syracuse University  Master’s Degree in Fine Arts Fulbright Finnish Language and Culture Teaching Assistants Repo, Elisa Finnish Language  University of Tampere  Indiana University, Bloomington, IN Mäki, Marita Finnish Language  University of Tampere  University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN Varjo, Mikael Finnish Language  University of Turku  University of California, Berkeley, CA

Baumeister, Stefan Business  University of Jyväskylä  University of California, Los Angeles, CA  Corporate Environmental Management  Cost-shared with the University of Jyväskylä

Fulbright Center Undergraduate Grants

Heinonen, Matti Philosophy  University of Helsinki  City University of New York  From Mindreading to Collective Intentionality: a

Rauhala, Onni Biology  Helsingin normaalilyseo  Boston University, Boston, MA

Herranen, Henna Psychology  Kuopion lyseon lukio  Brown University, Providence, RI



Fulbright Forum 2014 Education, Innovation, Science, and Art The first Fulbright Forum took place

U.S. Fulbrighters from around country

The first seminar day focused on

at the University of Jyväskylä in April

and provided a unique opportunity to

education, teacher training and music.

2014. The Fulbright Forum 2014: Educati-

hear current American Fulbright scho-

The second seminar day included a wide

on Innovation, Science and Art, a two-day

lars, teachers and graduate students

array of topics from climate change and

research seminar, brought together all

present on their research in Finland.

organic agriculture to aesthetics and innovations in healthcare. The seminar was open to the public and free of charge. The Fulbright Center also provided an exhibition table throughout the seminar with staff advising visitors on FC grants and services. From now on the seminar will be organized annually.

Holly Emert (second from left), Assistant Director of the Fulbright Distinguished Awards in Teaching Program at the Institute of International Education (IIE), traveled to Finland specifically to attend the Fulbright Forum, and to meet with the current teacher grantees and their hosts at the University of Jyväskylä. There is a growing interest in the Finnish education system

Rector Matti Manninen of the University of

in the United States. In cooperation with the U.S. Department of State, the Fulbright Center will

Jyväskylä delivered opening words at the

double the number of U.S. teachers coming to Finland on the Fulbright Distinguished Awards in


Teaching Program in 2014–2015.

“The Fulbright Forum provided a great overview on the work of excellent researchers and teachers coming to Finland from different parts of America”, says professor Piia Björn, who served as moderator of the Fulbright Forum seminar. Björn is a Fulbright Center alumThe first seminar day was followed by an im-

na and 2013–2014 ASLA-Fulbright Alumni Am-

promptu jamming session by the sun-lit Matti-

bassadorial Awardee. She spent her Fulbright

lanniemi campus by lake Jyväsjärvi as grantees

term at Vanderbilt University comparing spe-

Justin London and Alistair Hayden grabbed their

cial education in Finland and the United States.

guitar and violin. They were joined by fellow Ful-

“My Fulbright term was fruitful in many ways”,

brighters who soon started singing along!

Björn says. “And as a result of the collaboration enabled by the grant, professors Lynn and Douglas Fuchs will visit Jyväskylä as keynote speakers in a seminar next August.”


Before the Forum the grantees had a chance to discover the Alvar Aalto Museum in Jyväskylä

More information on the seminar:

with the ASLA-Fulbright Alumni Association that organized the visit. The grantees learned


about Aalto's internationally acclaimed work and met with local alumni.



U.S. Grantee News

Roth-Thomson Award to Boggs and Storm Christin Boggs and Karli Storm, Fulbright U.S. student grantees, received this year’s Roth-Thomson Award. With the

the Association of Borderland Studies’

help of the

conference held in Finland and Russia


as well as participate as a presenter in a


conference on Sociolinguistics in Jyväs-


she has been able to arrange


kylä, Finland. The Lois Roth Endowment supports exchanges across national and cultural


boundaries to enhance international



communication and understanding. The



Roth Endowment was set up in memory


of Lois Wersba Roth, who made an in-

Christin Boggs is a photographer. Dur-

“Viljellä: A Photographic Record of Finn-

ternational career in various positions,

ing her Fulbright period in Finland, she

ish Food Practices”, was held at Aalto

such as in the American Scandinavian

has built a photographic project that

University’s Gallery Atski in Helsinki.

Foundation. The Endowment commem-

documents both traditional wild food

Karli Storm is currently studying in

orates the life of Lois Roth by supporting

foraging and recently developed sus-

a doctoral program at the University

selected people who work in the places

tainable food practices, such as urban

of Eastern Finland in the Russian and

and fields of enquiry that she loved. The

gardening and farming. Her project

Border Studies program. Her specific

Fulbright Center has cooperated with

goals include encouraging community

research concerns the intersection of

the Lois Roth Endowment for several

development, providing Finland with a

language and politics in Georgia and its

years, and U.S. Fulbright students in

valuable historic photographic record

implications for the ethnic Azeri minor-

Finland focusing in arts, humanities

and increasing international awareness

ity there. The Roth-Thomson Award will

and social sciences have been annually

of positive Finnish gastronomic culture.

allow her to participate as a panelist in

granted the Roth Endowment Award.

European Connections

Three Fulbrighters represented Finland at the 2014 EU-NATO Seminar: Fulbright Scholar Paul

Team Finland is all smiles at the 60th annual

Flikkema (left), Fulbright Teacher Crystal Polski, and Fulbright Student Sophia Albov.

Fulbright Berlin Seminar. Beth Mundy

“Visiting the European Court of Justice and hearing a case on transatlantic trade made me

(left), Rob Davis, Sophia Albov, and Karen

realize that a simple trip to the grocery store can illustrate complex trade agreements,” Crystal

Martin joined roughly 300 other American

told of her experiences at the seminar.

Fulbright grantees in Berlin for 4 days of seminars and cultural immersion.

In addition to the various seminars

The annual Berlin Seminar, organized

and events that U.S. Fulbrighters par-

by the Fulbright Commission in Ger-

ticipate in during their time in Fin-

many, gives grantees the opportunity

NATO Seminar, organized annually by

land, they also have a chance to con-

to experience Berlin and to participate

the Fulbright Commission in Belgium,

nect with Fulbrighters elsewhere in

in a variety of events, lectures, and dis-

offers the Fulbrighters an in-depth in-

Europe – and learn more about Euro-

cussions which focus on political, eco-

troduction into European institutions

pean topics at the same time!

nomic, and cultural topics; and the EU-

and current issues.



Grantee 2007-2008, instructing Hojatullah, a young violinist from Afghanistan, whose dream is to become a musician or a music educator.

Reaching Out Through Music Musician and teacher Grazyna Zeranska-Gebert talks about her Fulbright expe-

Simply observing teachers and stu-

riences at some of the top U.S. music schools, learning about community out-

dents at work was a valuable learning

reach with violinist and philanthropist Midori Goto, and supporting children’s

experience in itself, Grazyna recalls.

musical education in Finland, Afghanistan and Armenia.

“The staff at Juilliard were superb. I became friends with the vice-president


Violinist and music educator Grazyna

“My Fulbright experience was won-

Karen Wagner, one of the most influen-

Zeranska-Gebert knows that music can

derful – actually the best time in my

tial people there. At the Jacobs School,

make a difference. Born in Poland and

life,” Grazyna explains. “As a Fulbright

Mimi Zweig was a wonderful host, and

educated at the Tchaikovsky Conserva-

scholar, all the doors were open for me.

I was also lucky to observe 72 hours of

tory in Moscow, Grazyna is head teacher

I visited the Jacobs

of violin at Finland’s respected Espoo

School of Music in

Music Institute. Awarded a Fulbright

Indiana, the Longy

Mid-Career Professional Development

School of Music in

Grant in 2008 (a unique program in-


vented by the Finnish Fulbright Center

New England Con-

and fully funded by its Trust Fund), she

servatory in Boston

spent six months in the United States

and the Thornton School of Music in

researching violin teaching methods

Los Angeles. I also spent three months

“I learned a lot. One of the best

and holistic music education, particu-

at the Juilliard School of Music in New

experiences was meeting the violin-

larly community outreach programs.

York, which I absolutely loved. I vis-

ist Miriam Fried at the New England

After working alongside staff at some of

ited different classes, and participated

Conservatory. Her dedication towards

the most prestigious music institutions

in teaching and outreach programs.

her students is so inspiring. The loy-

in the United States, Grazyna came back

Whenever I said I’d like to visit an insti-

alty and honesty in teaching was what

energized with ideas on how music can

tution, take part in a project or meet a

impressed me most everywhere I went.

change lives for the better, both in Fin-

musician, they said, ‘OK, come with us!’

The teachers work very hard, and ev-

land and around the world.

It felt like I had unlimited possibilities.”

erything they do is very solid. I’m still



violin masterclasses

As a Fulbright scholar, all the doors were open for me.

with Pamela Frank there, as well as replacing Mimi in some of her classes. Later, I gave some masterclasses of my own at

the Longy School.”

Heidi Piiroinen / Helsingin Sanomat

Grazyna Zeranska-Gebert, Fulbright Mid-Career Professional Development

Alumni in Focus

using the ideas and techniques I learned

Program in Japan, where a string quar-

the community, and bring music into

there in my own work.”

tet of young musicians completed a con-

people’s everyday lives. In the U.S., out-

cert tour of unconventional public ven-

reach philosophy and practice is highly

ues. “After two weeks of preparation,

developed – it’s the only way to survive.

we toured the whole of Japan, giving

I think in Europe we also have to do

However, it was the outreach activities

concerts in hospitals, jails, orphanages,

outreach to survive. Culture is always

organized by US musical institutions

and schools. We played at an institute

dumbing down, and children have so

that made the most profound impact

for young mothers, and in Sendai, at a

many hobbies competing for their at-

on Grazyna’s personal and professional

hospital that was lat-

development. During her six-month

er destroyed by the

scholarship, she participated in around


twenty outreach programs, including

played at a school for

that of the New York Philharmonic, the

children of the royal

Lincoln Center, Carnegie Hall, and the

family and govern-

Midori and Friends foundation.

ment officials. The

Outreach with Children in New York and Japan

Each of these organizations handle






outreach in different ways, Grazyna

whole spectrum of

says, but they have all proved inspiring


for her own practice. “As a result of my

It was a wonderful

Fulbright, I’m now doing outreach here

experience, and we

in my institution. I think I’ve succeeded

saw so many amaz-

in applying many things I learned in the

ing reactions to the

US to my work in Finland.”


“In the New York Philharmonic’s




tention. If we don’t

There was also a seven year old boy who needed a machine to help him breathe. When we played, he started to breathe on his own in rhythm to the music. We cried too, of course.





soon no-one will be interested in classical music.” Finland has some successful outreach in

musical programs




says Hel-

sinki Philharmonic’s ‘godchildren’ project is a good example, with outreach activities open to all children born in Helsinki

outreach program, the focus is on cre-

for children with severe disabilities,

within a particular year. “It starts when

ating new music. They invite children

Grazyna recalls, the group witnessed

they are babies or toddlers, and contin-

as young as seven or eight to participate

a moving moment where a young girl

ues until they are ready to go to school.

in their young composer programs. The

who was unable to communicate cried

The relationship takes seven years, in-

kids make original compositions and

for the first time during one of the con-

volving concerts and different forms

then come to the Philharmonic to pre-

certs. “There was also a seven year old

of music games and workshops. At the

pare the performance with the orches-

boy who needed a machine to help him

end, most of the kids make an applica-

tra.” Carnegie Hall, meanwhile, focuses

breathe. When we played, he started to

tion to join a music school. The whole

on organizing concerts with different

breathe on his own in rhythm to the

family is involved – parents, siblings,

schools, Grazyna explains. “They teach

music. We cried too, of course.”

and grandparents. Ultimately it impacts

a subject for a whole year at a school,

Grazyna explains that she is try-

then in the spring, the students meet

ing to apply Midori’s principles to her

Grazyna says that outreach is also

with the symphony orchestra and prac-

own work as a music educator. “I have

important for the student perform-

tice playing recorder with them. When

learned the most from Midori’s out-

ers themselves. “We have a lot of fun

I was there, the theme was musical

reach programs. Her philosophy is that

but we also work hard. For us, outreach

variations. They started with Mozart’s

if people can’t come to the music, then

means concerts in elderly care homes,

‘Twinkle Twinkle Little Star’ and ended

the music must come to the people.

hospitals, and kindergartens. I want

with Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony with

When I came back to work at the Espoo

my students to know they are needed


Music Institute, we gave 90 concerts

and appreciated. Often when you have

Perhaps the most personally in-

outside of our institution. I always knew

a performance by very young students,

fluential experience during Grazyna’s

outreach is important, but until work-

nobody comes. It’s demoralizing when

Fulbright period was with “Midori and

ing with Midori I didn’t realize how big a

the concert hall is empty. But when

Friends”, the New York music education

difference it can make.”

we go to perform in kindergartens, we

organization led by Midori Goto, the

hundreds of people.”

have a wonderful audience who are very

really is a wonderful person. Her pro-

Safeguarding the Future of Music Education

gram goes to different public schools,

For Grazyna, such community engage-

in neighborhoods like Brooklyn, Chi-

ment is not only important for making

Musical Opportunities for Children in Afghanistan and Armenia

natown and Harlem. I went with them

music more accessible, or for inspir-

Grazyna continues to work on interna-

and played with the children there. The

ing public interest and involvement in

tional outreach programs, focusing on

project provides great basic teaching

musical culture. She believes it is also

initiatives which enable poor or mar-

at schools that have no music educa-

crucial for safeguarding the future of

ginalized children and young people

tion program, for kids with no prior

musical institutions and the arts.

to access advanced musical training.

Japanese-born violin soloist. “Midori


happy we are there!”

“After seeing the outreach programs

She and her colleagues are currently

Grazyna’s acquaintance with Midori

during my Fulbright, I learned it’s im-

working as part of a larger consortium

during her Fulbright scholarship led to

possible to be in an arts institution and

contributing to the new Afghanistan

further outreach collaboration. In 2010,

expect the audience to come by them-

National Institute of Music (ANIM), an

Midori invited Grazyna to join her In-

selves, or the money to flow in from the

ambitious project which aims to provide


government. You have to reach out to

world-class musical education to chil-





Alumni in Focus

dren and young people from all walks of

role of the music school is more than

had only two hairs, held together with

life. Developed and led by Afghan music

just musical education. “They are taking

sticky tape. I decided when I got home

educator Dr Ahmad Sarmast, the new

in children from the streets, and giving

that I would like to do something for

institute is supported by an impressive

them food and regular schooling. The

these people.”

array of global organizations including

goal is to make music education open for

the United Nations and the World Bank,


as well as contributors in the U.S., Fin-


land, Australia, and other countries.


“The idea is fantastic. This is the

With this aim in mind, Grazyna or-






of educating girls in than

Our main idea is that when the muses are singing, the tanks are silent,” she explains.

concerts in Finland, comprising a mix of western classical and

only music institute in Afghanistan –


and it’s also one of the very few schools

other skills. But even

that includes orphans and poor children

if the girls ultimately

from the street as well as young girls,”


says Grazyna. “The institute is trying

rather than working

to balance teaching national folk mu-

musicians, they will have a different

strings.” She returned to teach in the

sic with western classical music. This

outlook for the rest of their lives.”

region last summer, bringing two of

is definitely not musical imperialism at


ganized three charity


traditional Armenian music. “I managed to raise enough money to send violins, bows, shoulder rests, and

The value of music schools and musi-

her Finnish students to perform at the

cal education is something that is under

annual TNJRE Festival, which included

Grazyna explains that the Espoo

scrutiny everywhere, Grazyna notes.

young performers from fourteen dif-

Music Institute became involved with

“Here in Finland, only around 2% of

ferent countries. “Developing culture is

ANIM through collaboration with the

music school students become profes-

one of their ways of peace-keeping,” she

Embassy of Finland, the Finnish Min-

sional musicians. Of course, some crit-

notes. Grazyna is now planning a proj-

istry of Culture and School Education,

ics then question why we continue with

ect to purchase traditional Armenian

and the Sibelius Academy in Helsinki.

this form of education. But what they

instruments for local schools, funded

“The proposal came and we immedi-

forget is that involving people in arts –

by a series of cultural events organized

ately agreed to participate. Our teacher

any of the arts – can help them to lead a

in cooperation with the Finnish-Arme-

Rebekka Angervo went to Afghanistan,

better life.”

nian Association. of political instability. But children are

violinist, Hojatullah, whose dream is to

A Small Drop Makes a Big Difference

become a professional musician or mu-

While large-scale projects such as

instruments instead of Kalashnikovs.

sic educator. “We showed them every­

ANIM undoubtedly play an important

The main idea is that when the muses

thing, and taught them all we could.

role, Grazyna does not underestimate

are singing, the tanks are silent,” she

Each of the students received one-to-

the impact of grassroots outreach by


one music lessons.”

passionate individuals, affirming that

“My favorite fairy tale is set in In-

The Finnish-Afghan links are set to

“outreach needs to be based on people

dia. The forest is burning, and all the

continue, with Grazyna’s Institute com-

who just want to do it.” This philosophy

animals are running away. But then

mitted to sending materials and musi-

is apparent in her own work with mu-

they see a small bird flying towards

cal instruments. However, questions

sic students in Nagorno-Karabakh, a

the flames with a drop of water in her

remain about the longer-term outcomes

contested region on the border between

beak. The other animals tell her she’s

for the students. “It will be a challenge

Armenia and Azerbaijan.

crazy, but she replies ‘I’m doing what I


and four Afghan students came to Finland.” Grazyna worked with a young

“No one is investing there because children! It’s better to give young people

for these young people, learning how

“I found them by chance, when I was

can’. I can sympathize with that bird!

to organize their life with music, how

invited there to give violin masterclass-

Music outreach can sometimes feel like

to build on it to make it a sustainable

es in 2011 following the TNJRE Youth

a small drop, but it can also make a big

livelihood,” says Grazyna. “Hopefully

Music Festival. The students wanted

difference in children’s lives.”

more music schools will spring up, but

to play, but the condition of the musi-

these are uncertain times.” However, it

cal instruments was very poor. One boy

is also important to recognize that the

came to his violin lesson, and his bow

Text: Louisa Gairn

“From Sweat Lodge to Sauna”

American Resource Center Awards Kontkanen


“From Sweat Lodge to Sauna” won this

eligible to apply. The application period

and Cultural Affairs from the American

year’s American Resource Center (ARC)

runs from October to November. Fol-

Embassy and Terhi Mölsä, Executive

grant competition. The ARC grant was

low this page for the grant application

Director of the Fulbright Center. More

established in 2006 and every year the


on Panu Kontkanen’s research “From

ARC grants a scholarship of 1,000 eu-



Sweat Lodge to Sauna” in which he com-

ros to a student whose Master’s Thesis

This year’s American Resource Cen-

pares the Lakota sweat lodge traditions

studies a topic related to the United

ter (ARC) grant was awarded to Panu

to the Finnish sauna culture at www.

States. Students of Finnish national-

Kontkanen in April by jury members


ity, enrolled at a Finnish university are

Jeffrey Reneau, Counsellor of Press


Darla Goeres with her family Mike, Emily and Anna Wiseman traveling across the Aura River on the Föri this past winter in Turku.

Biofilm Standard Methods Development

Building Bridges Between Turku and Bozeman Bozeman is a small university town

though, is that the testing is currently

the antibiotic must be validated using

located in the Rocky Mountains of

done using methods that grow the bac-

biofilm in the laboratory.

southwest Montana, USA. Generally

teria as cultures of single cells. If the

Although geographically Turku and

known for excellent skiing, hiking,

goal is to kill a biofilm, then these tests

Bozeman are almost half the world

fishing and close proximity to Yellow-

are not providing the correct answer,

apart, with such similar research goals, a

stone National Park, Bozeman is also

which puts the public’s general health

collaboration between our two labs made

home to the Center for Biofilm Engi-

at risk. As Principal Investigator of the

complete sense. A grant from the Ful-


Standardized Biofilm Methods Labora-

bright Center in Finland made it possible

tory at the Center for Engineering, my

for me to pack up six large suitcases and


professional career focuses on the de-

move to Turku with my husband and two

search facility is dedicated to the study

velopment and validation of standard

daughters, ages 12 and 9, for six months.

of self-organized, cooperative commu-

methods which describe how to grow

nities of microorganisms encased in a

and efficacy test biofilm bacteria.




slimy matrix, known as biofilm. Bio-

Collaboration Will Continue The intent was for me to teach the stan-

film is found all around us. Biofilm is

Drawn to Finland by Research Team

what makes our teeth a bit slimy each

Turku is also a university town located

in use in the U.S. to the researchers in

morning, is the reason why we clean our

in southwest Finland. Although it is

Docent Fallarero’s lab, while learning the

toilets each week and is responsible for

also possible to cross country ski, hike

biofilm methods that have been devel-

making river rocks extra slippery when

and fish in Turku, what brought me here

oped and used for screening large chem-

we are going for a

was Docent Adyary

ical libraries at Åbo Akademi. The bridg-

hike and do not want


dard biofilm methods that are currently



ing of the U.S. and EU biofilm methods



is critical because we live in a global

leads in the Depart-

market and bacteria do not recognize

ment of Biosciences

international boundaries. Ultimately we

at Åbo Akademi Uni-

need harmonized methods that will re-

versity. Docent Fal-

sult in in the same answer whether the

larero researches the

testing is done in the EU or U.S. This is

inclusion of natural

a lofty goal, and my visit really just falls

compounds in phar-

within the collaboration between Docent

maceuticals for use in

Fallarero and myself that will continue

killing and prevent-

after I return back to Bozeman thanks to

ing the growth of bio-

the internet and future laboratory visits.

film bacteria. She re-

The next exchange will occur when Suvi

biocides and antibiotics are the weapons

peatedly states the importance of using

Manner, a PhD candidate in Docent Fal-

used to in the war against bacteria. Be-

biofilm in drug development and testing.

larero’s lab, will visit Bozeman in 2015.

fore these compounds are commercially

In practice, if an antibiotic will be used

And, with any good news from the fund-

available, their ability to effectively kill

to kill biofilm bacteria responsible for a

ing agencies, more student exchanges

bacteria must be verified. The problem,

chronic infection, then the efficacy of

will follow.

our feet to get wet. In fact, research has shown that bacteria prefer to live as part of a biofilm rather than as individual cells because the biofilm provides protection for bacteria, making them much more difficult

Although geographically Turku and Bozeman are almost half the world apart, with such similar research goals, a collaboration between our two labs made complete sense.

to kill. Disinfectants,




Facilitating New Connections

Discovering New Perspectives with the Family

about some of the school lunches, espe-

culture. The last six months have been

cially those that have fish anywhere in

a time of personal growth for each of us,

The time in Finland has been produc-

the title, they have fully embraced all

as well as for our family.

tive. A biofilm originating from an EU

the wonderful breads, pastries and lico-

And so in June I will repack those

bacterial strain is happily growing in

rice. My oldest daughter has even made

suitcases, but my family and I are not

reactors designed and built in the U.S.

a BFF (Best Finnish Friend). My husband

planning on saying “good-bye” to the

My girls have enjoyed learning Finnish

and I have enjoyed opening up the girls’

wonderful people we have met and city

while attending the Turku International

world view to new perspectives. Al-

we have come to call home, but rather

School. Although they remain a bit shy

though we will all definitely appreciate

we will say “until our next visit.”

about speaking any Finnish in public,

having a second bathroom, clothes drier

they freely throw out Finnish phrases at

and our own transportation back in our

Text: Darla M. Goeres

home. They have enjoyed the freedom

lives, I will miss the undistracted time

Fulbright Scholar Grantee 2013–2014 at the

of riding public transportation on their

we have had together as a family and

Åbo Akademi University.

own, and although they remain hesitant

the practical sensibility of the Finnish

Study Tour on Communications and Community Relations

Exchanging Ideas with American Colleagues L–r Marjo Loisa, Lappeenranta University of Technology, Tanja Paananen, University of Helsinki, Susanna Rautio, University of Helsinki, Johanna Lahti, Fulbright Center, Katja Ayres, Tampere University of Technology, Katja Kannonlahti, University of Tampere, Hannamaija Helander, University of Helsinki, Maria Mäkelä, University of Vaasa, Terhi Mölsä, Fulbright Center, Anu Mustonen, University of Jyväskylä, and Marja Pemberton, University of Helsinki.

excellent seminar speakers, and our insightful and welcoming colleagues at all five host campuses: Johns HopA delegation of nine Finnish university communications professionals travelled

kins University, American University,

to Washington, DC at the end of March to explore best practices and trends in

George Washington University, Uni-

communications and university relations with constituent audiences.

versity of Maryland, and George Mason University, and a special thank you to

During their one-week study tour the

The Study Tour on Communications

delegation met with expert speakers and

and Community Relations was the sixth

visited universities to learn and discuss

study tour to the U.S. for Finnish higher

The full study tour program and background

about marketing and recruitment, in-

education experts organized by the Ful-

materials as well as the group’s blog and

formation sharing, content production,

bright Center since 2008.

tweets are available at www.fulbright.fi/fi/

promotion of science and research, brand management, and other related topics.






sincerely thank its U.S. partners, the

the Finnish Embassy in Washinton, DC.


A Decade of North American Studies Roundtable



Gathering at the Fulbright Center for the

Canadian Embassy, and Fulbright re-

tenth time, the annual Fulbright North

sources. The Roundtable was also at-

American Studies Roundtable brought

tended by the staff of the newly founded

together program coordinators, lectur-

John Morton Center for North American

ers and professors of North American

Studies, and the Center for U.S. Politics

Studies at Finnish universities to dis-

and Power of the Finnish Institute of In-

cuss and enhance cooperation amongst

ternational Affairs (UPI/FIIA). The par-

the programs, develop new initiatives

ticipants at the Roundtable emphasized

to support the teaching of North Ameri-

the growing importance and value of

can Studies in Finland, and update and

collaboration and sharing of informa-

share information about U.S. Embassy,

tion in the field.



Fulbright Runs in the Family! The 2013-2014 grant year is remarkable in that four grantees have quite significant family history that includes the Fulbright experience. Short stories follow!

To See the Baltic in the Sunshine of a Summer Day In 1961-62, Phyllis Rowe wrote a year-

was very sociable, visiting with many

long journal “To See the Baltic in the

Finnish and American friends and drin-

Sunshine of a Summer Day” docu-

king a good deal of coffee.

menting her family’s stay in Turku.

Finnish language classes caused some

Her husband, Herschel D. Rowe was on

anxiety, though both children received

a Fulbright grant lecturing on Ameri-

their teachers’ praise by the year’s end

Herschel D. Rowe mastering

can Literature at the University of Tur-

for their conversational achievements.

wintry pasttimes.

ku and Åbo Academy University. Ac-

Skiing was another family accomplish-

companying the Rowes were their two

ment, starting from beginners level.

crowds. And Finnish children were duti-

young children, Shannon and Kelly.

A holiday in Lappi for the Fulbrighters

ful and respectful to a surprising degree

50 years later Kelly accompanied her

during April allowed for trail skiing for

when compared with American young-

husband, Paul Flikkema, 2013 Ful-

hours on end, and many frozen toes,

sters. Phyllis learned to visit all around

bright-Aalto University Distinguished

countered by “a sauna and a climb into

to the various small shops in town using

Chair, back to Finland, this time to

the hole cut in the ice outside.” The cold

a variety of communication strategies


took some getting used to. Phyllis com-

and discovered that on occasion, holi-

The story told by Phyllis Rowe is

ments that “…a year ago I would have

days actually meant shops were closed,

one of surprise, excitement, frustra-

thought someone who thought -10°C and

so planning ahead was a necessity. And

tion, learning, and coffee! Here are

a foot of snow ‘beautiful’ was crazy.” But

some things considered quite a treat in

a few memorable moments from the

the pleasures of winter snowfall were

the U.S., like having your hair done or

Rowe family 1961-62.

soon highly valued.

getting a dress tailor-made, was quite

Scratch cooking was a newly redis-

routine amongst the ladies of Turku.

In August 1961, a family left Greenvil-

covered pleasure for Phyllis, while the

By the end of the year, the Rowes

le, North Carolina, heading to Finland,

constraints of rented washing machines

were fledged into Finnish life, so much

a completely new experience for them

was not. Life in Finland 20 years after the

so that in early May 1962 Phyllis writes,

all. Crossing the Atlantic on shipboard,

war was both charming and tiresome,

“I do not like even thinking of leaving.”

there were some 70 Fulbrighters and fa-

sometimes sad and often exhilarating,

This is a common theme amongst our

mily members bound for Finland. Food

though Phyllis comments “there is an

Fulbright grantees, and sure enough

is a prominent theme in the story, right

abundance of good plain food always.”

Kelly has returned!

from the beginning, up until the last

Holidays seemed subdued and Finns

coffee and pulla wistfully shared with

were noticeably quieter than Ameri-

Excerpted by Suzanne Louis,

Finnish friends. Phyllis’ time in Turku

cans, especially on the buses and in large

2001 ASLA-Fulbright MCPD grantee

From Greece through Norway to Finland! I got the Fulbright bug very early in life.

to work with Sigmund Skard in Oslo,

When I was two years old my father ap-

and got another Fulbright. I was placed

plied for Belgium. He was an American

in a Norwegian school and had to learn

literature professor at CCNY.

the language. Despite my childish op-

The Fulbright office offered Greece

position we stayed on a second year.

instead. He balked but my mother in-

This, of course, was a life altering

sisted since she had lived in the Balkans

experience, since we traveled through

prior to the war. Now she confesses that

western Europe and so I basically com-

they were unprepared for how devastated

pleted my grand tour by the age of

Greece was but it led to a lifelong love of

eleven. I soon lost touch with my play-

the people, the history and the music. I

mates but continue to read Norwegian

have only one original memory of staring

literature and did keep up with my

down a goat my size in the backyard but

school teacher. I am not sure what we

many memories from subsequent trips.

did for Europe, but Europe has done

When I was nine, my father wanted

plenty for us and is a constant inspiration for me.

1955 Fulbrighter to Greece, Henry Hirsch Wasser, professor at City College of New York,


holding his young son Frederick, the 2013 Fulbright Bicentennial Chair at University of

Frederick Wasser, Fulbright Bicentennial

Helsinki (in photo above).

Chair 2013, University of Helsinki


Fulbright Now and Then

Generations of Scientists William H. Landschulz, 1982 student grantee in Biological Sciences at University of Helsinki, Beth Mundy, 2013 student grantee at the Tampere University of Technology, and Janet K. Tallman Landschulz, 1982 student grantee, Biological Sciences at University of Helsinki.

several years ago while on vacation with Aunt Kathy when she turned to me and said, “It won’t be too long until you’re researching here.” Although I managed to land in Tampere instead of Helsinki, it turns out she was right. Hearing their advice about working in a lab, adjusting to Finnish life, and remembering Most families don’t bring 30-year-old

and Uncle Bill met while on Fulbright

the student benefits has been invalu-

chemistry textbooks to the table dur-

grants to Finland. They spent a year in

able. The best part is that some things,

ing Christmas dinner, but I would never

Helsinki working at the Meilahti Uni-

including how unbelievable the expe-

go so far as to call my family ordinary.

versity Hospital campus on genetics and

rience is, haven’t changed a bit in over

Certain things happen when you gather


thirty years.

enough scientists together, especially

Both of them constantly encouraged

when they all happen to be former

my passion for science, especially when

Marja Beth Mundy, 2013–2014 Fulbright

and future Fulbrighters. Growing up

it came time to apply for my own Ful-

student grantee in Chemistry at Tampere

I heard stories of how my Aunt Kathy

bright. I remember walking in Helsinki

University of Technology



Father Follows in Son’s Footsteps I must admit that I have wanted to come to Finland since the late 1970s when I was an undergraduate student interested in making ceramics. I was attracted to the unique sense of Finnish design and creativity that was, even then, a calling card for Finland. But that opportunity never came about, and years passed before Finland next touched my life. It was my son, John, who actually got to Finland before me. In the fall of 2011, he arrived on a Fulbright Mid-Career



ment Grant to research Finnish national library policy. He was hosted by the Helsinki City Library. Of course, I visited him in Helsinki, and that 10-day visit convinced me that I needed to act on my longstanding dream. As

2011 view of father and son Helling taken from the Suomenlinna Fortress in Helsinki.

a teacher of information architecture for library science students of Indiana

And, in return, John came to visit me in

and our library careers benefited by our

University, I was no longer making pot-

Helsinki. We could never have imagined

work in Helsinki. We both plan to re-

tery—but I was designing and creating

beforehand our many similar experi-

turn. Maybe together next time?

websites. I saw an opportunity to seek

ences, dealing with some of the same

the Fulbright-HAAGA-HELIA Scholar

people and situations (I even ended up

Award at the HAAGA-HELIA University

living within walking distance of where

William Helling 2013 scholar and son John

of Applied Sciences—where I was able

John stayed two years earlier!). John and

Helling 2011 MCPD grantee, both are in the

to teach and research in the fall of 2013.

I greatly enjoyed Finland and the Finns,

field of Library and Information Science



Continuing Cooperation

Fulbright Germination: Conversation Analysis, Autism, and Cross National Cooperation A remarkable long-term collaboration was set in motion by a Fulbright Fellowship in 2006. A culmination of this collaboration is that the phenomena of emotionality in autism have become central concerns both at my research site in the U.S. and in Finland. I am a professor of Sociology at the University of Wisconsin in Madison, Wisconsin. I was fortunate to be a Fulbright Scholar, teaching a course in Conversation Analysis and Interviewing at the University of Helsinki, in the fall of 2006. My host was Prof. Anssi Peräkylä in the Department of Sociology.

After visiting the University of Helsinki as a Fulbright Scholar in 2006, Prof. Doug Maynard (r)

As a Fulbright scholar, the experience

has returned to Finland many times. During a recent visit in May 2014, he was accompanied by

of teaching and working with Helsinki

Prof. Waverly Duck (l) from the University of Pittsburgh and graduate student Jason Turowetz

conversation analysts was exceptional

from the University of Wisconsin. Their host was Prof. Anssi Peräkylä, Associate Director of

and outstanding.

the Centre of Excellence in Research on
Intersubjectivity in Interaction at the University of

Although I had briefly visited Fin-


land for various purposes previously, the Fulbright experience was the first

Arminen (also in the Helsinki University

research at the Centre concerned with

sustained engagement with the many

Department of Sociology) subsequently

customer service interactions at R-kioski

traveled to Madison

outlets and Kela – The Social Insurance


Institution of Finland.




dents who, like me, study the structure of interaction in social settings. Besides Professor


in the Sociology department, I was able to engage in joint endeavors with interactional linguists who share an interest in Conversation Analysis University





It is safe to say that the Fulbright fellowship helped us to plant a seed that germinated into a number of still blooming collaborations during the ensuing eight years and reaching into the future.


in my department. In



Joining Forces


A central concern is with the study of

students have trav-

emotions, and here the sociological CA

eled to Madison and

researchers at the University of Helsin-

taken semester-long

ki are combining forces with colleagues



in the Aalto University Department of

Because of endeav-

Biomedical Engineering and Computa-

ors started with my

tional Science to measure psychophysi-



ological responses in the telling and

also returned to Fin-

receiving of stories about favorable and

land for brief visits in

unfavorable experiences. Among other

2008 and 2010.

topics they investigate, the Finnish




In 2011, the CA

scholars are comparing the emotional

sociologists and in-

content and associations in stories that

teractional linguists

“neurotypical” individuals tell with

tion Analysts in the world. Certainly

at the University of Helsinki combined

stories related by individuals who have

per capita, its number of CA-oriented

forces to win a prestigious and coveted

Asperger’s Syndrome or are on the so-

faculty members and students outranks

award from the Academy of Finland to

called autism spectrum.

many other countries, including other

establish a Centre of Excellence in Re-

Fortuitously, it happens also that I

European countries, the USA, Britain,

search on
Intersubjectivity in Interac-

am currently funded by the U.S. National

Japan, and elsewhere.

tion. Its Director is Professor of Finn-

Science Foundation to study the testing

ish, Marja-Leena Sorjonen. Professor

and diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Dis-

Peräkylä is its Associate Director. With

orders (ASD) and one of our concerns is

Remarkable as it was, my visit in 2006

45 local researchers (faculty and stu-

with how individuals with ASD process

turned out not to be a one-time event. It

dents), along with outside visitors like

emotions or questions about emotions,

set in motion visits by Helsinki scholars

myself, the group studies how people

compared to neurotypical individuals.

to my home institution. Both Profes-

reach mutual understanding (“inter-

Recently, members of my lab joined


Peräkylä, with whom I have co-

subjectivity”) when making requests,

forces with the Center of Excellence

authored a chapter on Social Psychology

complaints, or engaging in other social

scholars in an Emotions Workshop held

and Language Use, and Professor Ilkka

actions together. For example, there is

in Helsinki. We not only shared our

sinki has one of the largest


tions of Conversa-

Continuing Exchanges




methods and findings, but also made

Seeds for the Future

possibly hybrid inquiries as time goes

plans for future research endeavors

Going back to 2006, it is safe to say

on. I can safely say that all of us are

on the topic of emotions, Asperger’s,

that the Fulbright fellowship helped

all extremely grateful to the Fulbright

and Autism Spectrum Disorders. In the

us to plant a seed that germinated into

Finland program, to the University of

context of exponentially rising rates

a number of still blooming collabora-

Helsinki, to the United States Embassy

of these disorders both in the U.S. and

tions during the ensuing eight years

in Helsinki, and to the many individu-

in Europe, our goals are dual: to un-

and reaching into the future. Having

als and institutions who have made

derstand the social basis of ASD—how

brought two members of my Wiscon-

such fruitful relations possible over the

they both affect and are affected by the

sin lab (in the photo) to the Workshop


contexts of interaction in which they

this year—Visiting Professor Waverly

are manifest—and to provide knowl-

Duck of the University of Pittsburgh,

Text: Douglas Maynard, Fulbright Scholar

edge that is relevant to diagnosis and

and PhD candidate Jason Turowetz—we

2006 at the University of Helsinki.


are looking forward to more growth and

Alumni Ambassadorial Awardee Ville Taajamaa:

Be Proactive and Contribute Ville Taajamaa received the 2014 ASLA-

grantees 2014–2015, at the grant award

Fulbright Alumni Ambassadorial Award.

ceremony in Helsinki City Hall in May.

Coming from the University of Turku,

The ASLA-Fulbright Alumni Ambas-

Taajamaa will travel to Stanford Univer-

sadorial Award is a special award grant-

sity in the fall as a Fulbright Mid-Career

ed by the ASLA-Fulbright Alumni As-

Professional Development grantee.

sociation for one of the following year’s

“Let us go to the United States to be

Finnish Fulbright Center grantees.

proactive, and to contribute, to listen

The award was founded in collabora-

and to learn from the U.S. experience,

tion with the Fulbright Center in 2012 to

and respectively to share our own Finn-

highlight the importance of the role of

ish experience. And let us return to

the alumni, and the role of the grantees

Finland having created lasting contacts

as future alumni and as ambassadors.

and linkages, and to bring back what we have learnt to share it broadly with

More information about the Alumni Associa-

others here,” Taajamaa urged his fel-

tion and the special award at www.fulbright.

low grantees in his words of thanks on


behalf of the Finnish Fulbright Center


Photo: Jesse Terho

Interning at the Fulbright Center Katsia Mikalayeva (left) and Mari Ahava have been interning at the Fulbright Center this spring. Katsia comes from Belarus, and currently from the University of Tampere where she is completing an Erasmus Mundus master’s degree in Research and Innovation in Higher Education (MARIHE). She is writing her master's thesis on “Factors influencing U.S. student program grantees to choose Finland as their Fulbright exchange destination”. Mari is majoring in English Philology at the University of Helsinki. Are you interested in interning at the Fulbright Center? Find out more at www.fulbright.fi/fi/fulbright-center/toihin-fulbrightcenteriin



Alumni News

Thea Lindquist’s Fulbright Led to an Award-Winning Partnership Project In 2011, Thea Lindquist of the University of Colorado Boulder Photo: Johanna Lahti

spent the fall at Aalto University in Finland exploring how Linked Open Data and semantically rich services can increase the interoperability and usability of digital historical collections. Two years later, her initial Fulbright work had grown into a partnership project with researchers at Aalto University that had received two prestigious awards. The World War I Linked Open Data (WWI LOD) Project is based on collaboration between Thea Lindquist of the University of Colorado Boulder Libraries and the Semantic Com-

Thea Lindquist returned to Finland in March 2014 to work in the

puting Research Group (SeCo) in the Department of Media

partnership project with her Finnish colleagues at Aalto University,

Technology at Aalto University. The project aims to improve

her third visit since her Fulbright in 2011. They hope to conclude

discovery in digital historical sources on the First World War

the current phase of the award-winning project later this year,

by providing contextual information about and drawing con-

corresponding with the centenary of the war. Before returning to

nections between the people, places, topics, and events con-

Colorado, Thea enjoyed a late spring evening by relaxing in a very

tained within them.

Finnish way: the gentle löyly in sauna and swimming in the sea.

In 2013, the WWI LOD Project received the first History Innovation Award from the American Library Association’s Reference and User Services Section and Gale Cengage, as well as

Returning to Finland over time has allowed Lindquist to

the Primary Source Award for Research from the Center for

foster many meaningful professional and personal contacts.

Research Libraries. Since her Fulbright, Lindquist has visited

She also has been able to discover and do things that are dif-

Finland three times for visits ranging from one to two months

ferent and special, and not simply the top sights and experi-

to work with her Finnish colleagues at Aalto University, Juha

ences one “should have” when visiting. For Lindquist, this has

Törnroos, Eetu Mäkelä, and Eero Hyvönen. Most recently,

meant, for instance, a quest to find the best coffee and pulla in

the Aalto University School of Science supported their work

Helsinki. While there is much that is novel about Finland, she

by awarding Lindquist a visiting professorship. The next stage

says much is also familiar thanks to her upbringing in north-

of the project will involve user testing, and she hopes that her

ern Minnesota. In fact, spending time in Finland has enriched

Finnish colleagues will be able to visit Colorado to undertake

her understanding of her home state, where many Finnish and

this work.

other Nordic immigrants found a new life.

Commemorating the Boston Marathon Bombing Rainey Tisdale (Fulbright Scholar 2010 to Finland ) was at the center of efforts by Boston-area cultural institutions to commemorate the one-year anniversary of the 2013 Boston Marathon bombing. She lead a consortium of 25 local museums and libraries that planned concerts, talks, exhibitions, workshops, a free admission day, and art-making projects throughout the month of April 2014. She also curated an exhibition of objects from the makeshift memorial that grew organically in Copley Square in the weeks after the bombing. The exhibition, titled “Dear Boston: Messages from the Marathon Memorial,” was held at the Boston Public Library and received 50,000 visitors during its five-week run. You can find out more about this project at www.bostonbetter.org. Photo: Tiffany Locke



er Corn

ons i t c nne ­ Co

Fulbright grants open doors! People meet, make connections, and develop cooperations with lasting effect. Some connections are scholarly, some personal, and others of a business nature, possibilities are endless! A few of our grantees offer examples of their continuing cooperation.

Karen Kunc (Fulbright Scholar 1995 and

from Finland, Sweden, and Norway. The

sor of Germanic Linguistics at Tongji

Fulbright Specialist 2009) has a new

band members, Nicholas Frankel (gui-

University in Shanghai, China, begin-

gallery, Constellation Studios, opened

tar), Lauren Frankel (chromatic button

ning in September.

January 2014 in Lincoln, Nebraska,

accordion), Nathalie Levine (fiddle) and


John Parejko (fiddle) hail from a variety


her exhibition “Of Process: Drawings,

of departments at Yale University.

Blocks, Prints”.

Connecting in New Haven, Washington D.C., and San Diego Friends of Fulbright Finland (FoFF) come

Mikko Alanne (FC undergraduate grant

together several times a year in different

Lauren Frankel (student grantee, 2010)

1993) is screenwriter for the new film

parts of the U.S. Latest gatherings took

Nordic folk music group, Linnunrata,

Los 33 or The 33, telling the story of the

place in New Haven and Washington D.C.

played at the recent Society for the Ad-

Chilean miners who were trapped un-

in March, and in San Diego in May. Fol-


derground for 69 days in 2010.

low the FoFF mailing list for upcoming




conference held in New Haven, CN. Lin-

gatherings. If you are not on the list yet,

nunrata (the Finnish name for the Milky

Finnish Fulbright alum and docent at

Way, literally “the path of the birds”) is

Åbo Academi University, Dr. Michael

an ensemble dedicated to contemporary



More information on the Friends of

interpretations of traditional Nordic folk

Scholar, University of California, Irvine,

Fulbright Finland (FoFF) network at

music, with an emphasis on dance tunes

2006-07) has been appointed as Profes-



Fulbright Alum Peter MacKeith Honored for Deepening Finnish-U.S. Cultural Ties

contact suzanne.louis@fulbright.fi.

Fulbright Alum Stuart N. Brotman Honored with BEA Law & Policy Division Lifetime Achievement Award

Ambassador of Finland Ritva Koukku-

Stuart N. Brotman has been named the

Ronde presented Peter MacKeith with

recipient of the second Broadcast Edu-

insignia of Knight, First Class, of the

cation Association Law & Policy Divisi-

Order of the Lion of Finland in a cere-

on Lifetime Achievement Award. The

mony held recently at the Embassy of

inaugural recipient in 2012 was former

Finland in Washington D.C. MacKeith

FCC Chairman Richard E. Wiley.

is a recognized architectural educa-

Brotman served as the Fulbright-

tor, and a 1989–1990 Fulbright fellow

Nokia Distinguished Chair in Informa-

to Helsinki University of Technology,

tion and Communication Technologies

who has worked for decades to promote Finnish-American

in the Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Social Rese-


arch / Media and Communication Studies, at the University of

MacKeith recently retired from his professorship at Wa-

Helsinki in 2012-13.

shington University in St. Louis, upon his appointment as

Stuart N. Brotman has extensive experience as a global

Dean and Professor at the Fay Jones School of Architecture,

executive, management consultant, international communi-

University of Arkansas in Fayetteville – the same university

cations and media lawyer, university educator, and govern-

that Senator J. William Fulbright led before going to the U.S.

ment policymaker. He has served in four Presidential admi-

Senate and initiating the Fulbright Program.

nistrations on a bipartisan basis. Currently Brotman teaches

“At the University of Arkansas, I will have the privilege of

at Harvard Law School.

sitting in Senator Fulbright's university office, which is now the Dean of Architecture's office,” says MacKeith.

Stuart N. Brotman’s article, “Bridging Disciplinary Divides: The Finnish Model at Work”, was published in Fulbright Center News Fall issue, 2013.

Fulbright-ohjelmalle arvostettu Prince of Asturias Award Kansainvälinen


saavutuksia tieteen, tekniikan, kult-

palkinnon saajaksi olivat tukemassa

on voittanut vuoden 2014 Prince of

tuurin sekä humanitaarisen työn alalla.

myös monet merkittävät suomalaiset


Palkinnon ovat aiemmin saaneet Bill


and Melinda Gates Foundation, kan-

Fulbright Centerin kanssa.




Cooperation –palkinnon.



sainvälinen Punainen Risti sekä Nelson The Prince of Asturias Award –palkin-

Mandela. Palkinnon saaja julkistettiin


toa pidetään “Espanjan Nobelina”. Se

kesäkuussa Espanjan Oviedossa.










News / Uutisia

Appointment News from the Board

Dr. Bruce Forbes from the University of Lapland completed

Mr. David Yoken, Senior Music Lecturer, Arts Academy, Turku

the maximum of two full four-year terms on the Fulbright

University of Applied Sciences, has been appointed to the Ful-

Center Board. In recognition of his significant contribution

bright Center Board. The Fulbright Center wishes Mr. Yoken

over the years in enhancing transatlantic academic exchan-

warmly welcome.

ges and his dedicated service on the Fulbright Center Board of

Born in New York, David Yoken has been a resident of

Directors, Dr. Forbes was awarded a special recognition by the

Turku, Finland since 1993. David was a California Regents Fel-

U.S. Department of State. The Board Chair Jeffrey Reneau and

low at the University of California, San Diego’s Department

Executive Director Terhi Mölsä presented the recognition to

of Music where he completed his graduate music studies. A

Dr. Forbes in February.

musician and educator, Yoken has developed a wide range of

Bruce Forbes leads the Global Change research group at

cross-interdisciplinary arts education curricula, lecturing

the Arctic Centre at the University of Lapland. He is currently

and teaching in the USA, Scandinavia, the Baltic countries,

working on Academy of Finland research project on ‘Resilience

Greenland, and China. He has worked professionally as a per-

in Social-Ecological Systems of Northwest Eurasia’ and Nordic

cussionist and composer with the American choreographer

Centre of Excellence project ‘How to Preserve the Tundra in a

Carolyn Carlson and other recognized artists of our time.

Warming Climate’. Forbes has recently completed his work in

Yoken has dedicated a major portion of his professional ca-

research projects funded by the U.S. National Science Founda-

reer as an arts pedagogue. He creates and organizes innova-

tion (NSF) and NASA.

tive university and community arts projects internationally.

The Center wants to sincerely thank Dr. Forbes for his sig-

In the spring of 1991, Yoken was a Fulbright Senior Lecturer

nificant contribution to the Center and to Finnish-American

at the former Soviet State Institute of Theatrical Art – GITIS,

academic exchanges.

Moscow, lecturing about American composer John Cage and choreographer Merce Cunningham. He was appointed twice as an Educational Specialist by the U.S. State Department's Information Agency (USIA) in the former Yugoslavia.

Mirka McIntire Joins the Fulbright Center Team Mirka McIntire began at the Fulbright Center in June as Manager, Teacher Exchange and Education Programs. Ms. McIntire has a Master’s degree in International Relations and European Studies from the University of Kent at Canterbury, U.K., and a Bachelor’s degree in International Business Administration from the Helsinki School of Economics (now part of Aalto University). She has previously worked, among others, at the San Francisco office of the Institute of International Education (IIE), and for the past 10 years at the U.S. Embassy in Helsinki.

Fulbright Finland…For the Future Fulbright Finland…for the Future is an invi-

ent, or treasure. Which will you share?

tation for partnership! This 3-year campaign lasting from 2014 through 2016 is

For a list of current partners and for more

a remarkable joint effort that aims to

information on how to be involved please

bring the Finnish-American Fulbright

see www.fulbright.fi/fi/fulbright-center/ful-

program onto a completely new level.


There are numerous ways to be involved and to contribute by donating time, tal-



Suomen ja Yhdysvaltain opetusalan vaihtotoimikunta Finland-U.S. Educational Exchange Commission (FUSEEC)

Vaihtotoimikunnan jäsenet / Fulbright Center Board of Directors Dr. Bo Pettersson

Mr. David Yoken

Ambassador of the United States to Finland

Professor of the Literature of the United States University of Helsinki

Senior Music Lecturer Arts Academy, Turku University of Applied Sciences

Finnish Members:

Ms. Birgitta Vuorinen

Dr. Laura Stark

Dr. Heikki Ruskoaho

Counsellor of Education Ministry of Education and Culture Treasurer

Professor of Ethnology University of Jyväskylä

Honorary Chair:

H.E., Bruce J. Oreck

Professor of Pharmacology and Drug development University of Helsinki Vice Chair

Dr. Matti Kokkala Senior Advisor, Smart Cities VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland

Ex-officio: American Members:

Ms. Terhi Mölsä

Mr. Jeffrey K. Reneau

Executive Director Fulbright Center

Counselor for Press and Public Affairs American Embassy Chair

Toimikunnan sihteeristö / Fulbright Center Staff Ms. Karoliina Kokko Vastaava ohjelmapäällikkö Senior Program Manager (grant program oversight) p. (044) 5535 268 • Maisteri- ja tohtorivaiheen stipendit • Neuvonta opiskelusta USA:ssa ja Kanadassa • Alumnikoordinaattori

Ms. Sonja Kuosmanen Ohjelmakoordinaattori Program Coordinator p. (044) 5535 275 • Distinguished Chairs • Tutkija- ja asiantuntijastipendit • Inter-Country-stipendit • Fulbright-tapahtumat • Verkkopalvelut • Rekisterit

Ms. Johanna Lahti Apulaisjohtaja Deputy Director p. (044) 5535 278 • Fulbright Center News

(toimituspäällikkö) • Undergraduate-stipendit suomalaisille • Renewal-stipendit suomalaisille • Inter-Country-stipendit • Testaus ja testeihin liittyvät asiantuntijapalvelut • Neuvonta opiskelusta USA:ssa

Ms. Suzanne Louis Projektikonsultti (osa-aikainen) Project Consultant (part-time) • Friends of Fulbright Finland -verkosto • Alumnikoordinaattori • Fulbright Center News

Ms. Mirka McIntire Ohjelmapäällikkö, Koulutus- ja opettajavaihto (osa-aikainen) Manager, Teacher Exchange and Education Programs (part-time) p. (044) 5535 269 • Opettajaohjelma • Study of the U.S. Institute for Scholars and Secondary School Educators

• Asiantuntijastipendit suomalaisille • Verkkopalvelut • Seminaarit ja koulutustapahtumat

Ms. Tanja Mitchell Viestintäsuunnittelija (osa-aikainen) Communications Specialist (part-time) p. (044) 5535 277 • Verkkopalvelut • Julkaisut • Fulbright Center News • Neuvonta opiskelusta USA:ssa ja Kanadassa

Ms. Terhi Mölsä Toiminnanjohtaja Executive Director p. (050) 570 5498

Project Assistants • Ms. Mari Ahava • Ms. Katsia Mikalayeva

E-mails: firstname.lastname@fulbright.fi

Tukisäätiö FUSEEC/Fulbright Centerin toimintaa rahoittaa Suomen ja Yhdysvaltain Stipenditoiminnan Tukisäätiö / Säätiön hallitus: The Finland-America Educational Trust Fund / Board of Directors: Finnish members:

American members:

Agent / Säätiön asiamies:

Mr. Jouni Mölsä Director of Communications Department for Communications and Culture Ministry for Foreign Affairs Chair

Ms. Susan Elbow Deputy Chief of Mission American Embassy Vice Chair

Ms. Terhi Mölsä Executive Director FUSEEC/Fulbright Center

Ms. Jaana Palojärvi Head of International Relations Finnish Ministry of Education

Mr. Jeffrey K. Reneau Counselor for Press and Public Affairs American Embassy

The Finnish members are appointed by the Ministry of Education and the Ministry for Foreign Affairs. The American members are appointed by the American Embassy.



Toimintaamme tukevat mm.: Support comes to us from:

Hakaniemenranta 6 FI-00530 HELSINKI FINLAND



kesäkuu heinäkuu

31. 3.–4. 4. Fulbright Center's Study Tour on Communications and Community Relations

3. 4. INFO: Opiskelemaan ulkomaille -minimessut CIMOssa ja Fulbright Centerissä

11. 4. 2014–2015 hakuaika päättyy:

12. 5. ORIENTAATIO: suomalaisten stipendiaattien lähtöorientaatio ja stipendien julkistamistilaisuus

12.–16. 5. Fulbright Center Maple Leaf and Eagle -konferenssissa Helsingissä

13.–14. 5. Fulbright Center mukana Korkeakoulujen kansainvälisten asioiden hallinnon kevätpäivillä Tampereella

2. 6. 2014–2015 hakuaika päättyy:

12. 6. Vaihtotoimikunnan kokous Fulbright Center Board Meeting

•• Fulbright Center's Renewal Grant

•• Fulbright Center's Undergraduate Grant

15. 5. 2014–2015 hakuaika päättyy: •• ASLA-Fulbright Graduate Grant •• Fulbright Technology Industries of Finland Grant

Fulbright Center on suljettu 4. 7. – 18. 7.



Syksyn infotilaisuudet ja avoimien ovien päivät julkaistaan Fulbright Centerin verkkosivuilla elokuun aikana.

Vaihtotoimikunnan kokous syyskuussa 2014

Fulbright Center Board Meeting September 2014


26.–29. 8. ORIENTAATIO: Amerikkalaisten Fulbrightstipendiaattien tulo-orientaatio

22.9. ORIENTAATIO: Suomalaisten Fulbright Graduate -stipendiaattien orientaatio

Syyskuu 8th Annual Fulbright Alumni Golf Tournament

10.–11. 10. 2014 American Voices -seminaari Turun yliopistossa


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