Fulbright Center News 2/2008

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Ennätysmäärä yliopistoja rahoittaa uusia jatko-opiskelijastipendiaatteja


Partnering with the University of Turku


Muutoksia testijärjestelyissä


Recognizing Alumni

fulbright center news


vol. 18 nro 2 (48) syksy/fall 2008

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In this issue of the Fulbright Center News we invite you to celebrate our partners and our alumni. A record number of Finnish universities are participating in the Center's grant programs this fall by cost-sharing – 75% of the Finnish graduate student awards are partially or fully sponsored by our partners (p. 4). The Fulbright Center has signed another long-term cooperation agreement with a Finnish university. The new agreement provides grants for U.S. graduate students to study at the University of Turku, which has been very active recently in North-American exchanges, particularly through cooperation with Fulbright. We are very pleased to introduce to you our partner university in this issue of the News (p. 10–13). Further along the lines of cooperation, I am pleased to announce that the Fulbright Center will soon be moving to new premises (p. 22). Our current office, while beautiful and centrally located, has become too small to host our growing activities. But we are moving not only because of improved training facilities and bigger auditoria, we are also moving closer to our partners. The Centre for International Mobility CIMO of the Finnish Ministry of Education and the National Board of Education have long been valued partners to the Center. As we now have daily contact, the ideal location is, in short, next door to each other. It is for this reason that we are moving into the same building at Hakaniemenranta 6 in Helsinki, and we expect to be in full swing there in early 2009. The Fulbright Center and CIMO will launch a new level of their partnership by organiz-

From the Executive Director


ing a national seminar in mid-December titled Finnish-North-American University Cooperation: Curriculum Development and Joint Programs (p. 9). The seminar features invited speakers from the United States, Canada and Finland and aims to benchmark best practices and concrete tools for cooperation for transatlantic exchanges. We welcome you to the seminar and look forward to having you visit us in our new premises in the new year! This Fall issue of the Fulbright Center News is also a theme issue for our alumni. Articles, interviews, and collections of reminiscences, all in their own voice, speak to the power of the Fulbright experience. As we honor our alumni from the past six decades of Finnish-American Fulbright exchanges, I am very pleased to present to you the invited columnist of this issue. He is a distinguished American alumnus of our program, Librarian of the U.S. Congress, Dr. James H. Billington. Dr. Billington was a Fulbright researcher in Finland in 1960–61 and later chaired the J. William Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board in Washington. Over the course of his Fulbright he became a great friend of Finland and has returned many times, including this Fall. Much has changed in Finland since the early 60's of Dr. Billington's Fulbright, but the very fundamentals of the Finnish-American program that he describes remain exactly the same to this very day: the pursuit of academic excellence, the transformative nature of the personal experience in intercultural exchange, and the welcoming network of Fulbright in Finland and around the world. It is in this spirit that we wish you a prosperous fall season!

Terhi Mölsä

Treasured memories My wife and I and our two very young daughters spent the better part of the academic year 1960–1961 in Helsinki on a Fulbright research grant working in the National Library. Things were still a bit austere in Finland in those days. Finns experienced a small version of what they called a “night frost” with the Soviet Union, and lettuce during the winter was sold leaf by leaf. Fresh produce was hard to come by in the dead of a Helsinki winter. Yet for me professionally, and for our family personally, it was one of the happiest and most productive times of our lives. It was not easy to use libraries then in the Soviet Union, though I made one extended trip into St. Petersburg to give the first series of lectures on the then new Harvard-Leningrad exchange program. The Helsinki Library had been a deposit library for the Russian Empire from 1809–1917. It was beautifully serviced and maintained with Scandinavian efficiency. I was thrilled to find that the basic organization of the stacks was by decade throughout the 19th and early 20th centuries, and I was permitted to work in the stacks. As a result, I was able to read the original versions of Russian literary and historical writings and periodicals and then read the response and criticism of them in subsequent journals of the same year. This permitted an immersion in Russian literature of a kind that few scholars are able to have. This opportunity enabled me to focus on transforming a course I was giving at Harvard into probably my most important single scholarly work; The Icon and the Axe: An Interpretive History of Russian Culture. I became fascinated with Finland as a total society. Having our very young kids run along free outside with their “park aunt” during the week was a thrill for them. My wife and I enjoyed seeing them both having fun and not having a single cold or adverse effect from the harsh winter weather. Stopping off for lessons in the Finnish language with Mrs. Altio,

who was a marvelous language teacher, enabled me to manage enough Finnish while I was there to read such works as The Seven Brothers, whom I could never quite relate to, and Väinö Linna’s Here Under the Northern Star. I always wondered why he didn’t get a Nobel Prize. I loved shopping for books on the way back from the library and then walking on to our apartment on Runeberginkatu. I enjoyed regular saunas, warm human associations with Finns, and a particularly memorable trip to Kuopio up north which has the special beauty of a very different type of 19th century wooden town. The beautifully displayed treasures of the Valamo monastery of the Finnish Orthodox Church were far more attractive and reverently displayed than comparable treasures in the Soviet Union. Central to the experience was the wonderful series of events for me and my wife that made dark evenings shine thanks to a magnificently ordered Fulbright program in Finland under Sven Sjögren. I have since returned regularly and always happily to Finland to keep up with old friends and to hear the glorious music under the midnight sun at Savonlinna. Later, as a member of the Board of Foreign Scholarships that runs the Fulbright program world-wide and as its chairman in the early 1970s, I always held up the Finnish Fulbright program as a model for what an exchange program should be. Every time I return to the National Library overlooking the beautiful square, it will always be for me a kind of homecoming.

James H. Billington Librarian of Congress

In This Issue


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ASLA-Fulbright -jatko-opiskelijat lukuvuodelle 2009–2010


Meneillään olevat stipendihaut


Grants to the U.S. 2008–2009


August Brings Americans to Finland


Ready, set, go Suomi!


Seminar on Finnish-North American University Cooperation


Introducing Fulbright Center's University Partners


Focus on University of Turku


Alumni Thought and Memories


from Turku to Berkeley

17 FLTA -ohjelma lukuvuodelle 2009–2010 18

Muutoksia testijärjestelyissä


Internationalization: A Force for Change at Canadian Universities


Recognizing Alumni


Andrés Reséndez - Fulbright Bicentennial Chair 2008–09

22 Uutisia 23

Fulbright Center

24 Kalenteri Cover: The university focus series introduces the Fulbright Center's partners that have a formal cooperation agreement with the Fulbright Center. In this issue the focus is on the University of Turku. Pages 10–13 and 17. Cover photo: Vesa-Matti Väärä

Fulbright Center News on Fulbright Centerin asiakaslehti, joka ilmestyy kaksi kertaa vuodessa. Lehdestä julkaistaan myös verkkoversio osoitteessa www. fulbright.fi. Seuraava numero ilmestyy keväällä 2009. Artikkelit ja muu aineisto pyydetään toimittamaan 2.3. mennessä. Artikkeleissa ilmaistut mielipiteet ovat kirjoittajien omia. The Fulbright Center News is a biannual newsletter published by the Fulbright Center in Finland. The Fulbright Center News is also available online at www. fulbright.fi.The next issue will come out in Spring 2009. The submission deadline for articles and other materials is 2 March. Opinions expressed by authors are their own and do not necessarily reflect those of the Fulbright Center.

Päätoimittaja/Editor-in-Chief Terhi Mölsä Executive Director Toimittajat/Editors Johanna Lahti (toimituspäällikkö) Tanja Holopainen Suzanne Louis

While every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the material in this publication, the Fulbright Center does not accept liability for any errors or omissions.

Toimituksen yhteystiedot/ Contact Information The Fulbright Center Kaisaniemenkatu 3 B, 5th floor 00100 Helsinki FINLAND

Aineisto vapaasti lainattavissa, lähde mainittava. Reproduction allowed, source must be cited.

Ulkoasu ja taitto/Layout Tanja Holopainen/Fulbright Center

Fulbright Center Opening hours Mon-Wed, Fri 9:00–15:00 Thu 9:00–17:00 Tel. +358 9 5494 7400 Fax +358 9 5494 7474 E-mail: office@fulbright.fi N.B. Fulbright Center's address and phone numbers will change in January 2009. Please consult www. fulbright.fi for new information. Levikki/Circulation: 1 700 Painopaikka/Printed by KM-Yhtymä Oy/ Suomen Painotuote Oy

ASLA-Fulbright -jatko-opiskelijat lukuvuodelle 2009–2010 Ennätysmäärä suomalaisten yliopistojen cost-share -stipendejä Fulbright Centerin ensimmäiset stipendit lukuvuodelle 2009–2010 on myönnetty. Elokuun haussa stipendin hakijoita oli 41. Hakemusten taso oli jälleen korkea. Stipendejä myönnettiin yhteensä 15, joista kaksitoista on ASLA-Fulbright Graduate -stipendiä ja kolme Fulbright-Technology Industries of Finland -stipendiä. Tänä vuonna peräti kaksi kolmasosaa myönnetyistä ASLA-Fulbright-stipendeistä on suomalaisten yliopistojen ja Fulbright Centerin yhdessä rahoittamia Costshare -stipendejä. Hakijat edustivat yhtätoista suomalaista yliopistoa ja kolmea ammattikorkeakoulua. Lisäksi kuudella hakijalla oli ulkomainen tutkintotausta. Hakemukset edustivat laajasti eri aloja: 34 % yhteiskuntatieteitä, 22 % taiteita, 12 % humanistisia tieteitä, 12 % oikeustiedettä ja 10 % kauppa- ja kansantaloustieteitä. Loput 10 % jakaantuivat tasaisesti lääke-, luonnonja teknisten tieteiden kesken. Koko lukuvuoden opintoihin tarkoitetut stipendit ovat suuruudeltaan vähintään 15 000 ja enimmillään 50 000 dollaria. Varsinaisen stipendin lisäksi Fulbright Centerin stipendiaateilla on käytettävissään runsaasti lisäetuja ja -palveluja, kuten ilmainen viisumi ja vakuutus, henkilökohtaiset neuvontapalvelut sekä Fulbright-ohjelman järjestämät seminaarit ja vapaa-ajan toiminta. Lisäksi etuihin kuuluu opiskelupaikan hakuun sekä lähtöjärjestelyihin valmentavat koulutusseminaarit, joista ensimmäinen järjestettiin tuoreille stipendiaatelle heti valitapäätösten julkistamisen jälkeen.


www.fulbright.fi www.fulbright.fi

ASLA-Fulbright Graduate Grant -stipendit jatko-opiskelijoille Suvi-Tuulia Keto Music: Master of Music Performance in Trumpet Performance Sibelius-Akatemia Stipendi rahoitetaan yhdessä SibeliusAkatemian kanssa Saara Koikkalainen Sociology: Mobility of skilled migrants in Europe: a view from across the Atlantic. Lapin yliopisto Stipendi (6 kuukautta) rahoitetaan yhdessä Lapin yliopiston kanssa Eerika Koskinen-Koivisto Anthropology: Social Interaction and Performance Theory. Interactions of gender, class and work: the strategies of a female worker in 20th century Finland. Jyväskylän yliopisto Stipendi rahoitetaan yhdessä Jyväskylän yliopiston kanssa Anna Kronlund Political Science: Debates on the State of Exception in the U.S. Congress after September 11, 2001. Jyväskylän yliopisto Stipendi rahoitetaan yhdessä Jyväskylän yliopiston kanssa

Meri Kulmala Sociology: Elaborating doctoral dissertation on emerging welfare and state-civil society models in Russia in the 2000s in interaction with U.S. scholars. Helsingin yliopisto Stipendi rahoitetaan yhdessä Helsingin yliopiston kanssa Jussi Laine Geography: New Civic Neighborhood on the United States-Mexico Border: A Case Study of the San Diego-Tijuana Border Region. Joensuun yliopisto Terhi Lintukangas Theater Arts: Master’s degree in acting Turun ammattikorkeakoulu Mervi Miettinen Literature: Questioning the Superhero Narrative. Tampereen yliopisto Stipendi rahoitetaan yhdessä Tampereen yliopiston kanssa

Tutkija- ja asiantuntijastipendien hakuaika päättyy joulukuussa Markku Nurminen Medical Sciences: Gene therapy, Therapeutic angiogenesis. Kuopion yliopisto Stipendi rahoitetaan yhdessä Kuopion yliopiston kanssa Ville Riikonen Architecture: Studies in Architectural theory Teknillinen korkeakoulu Laura Schwöbel Anthropology: Comparative Ethnic Studies: immigration, transnationalism, and diaspora studies. Jyväskylän yliopisto Stipendi rahoitetaan yhdessä Jyväskylän yliopiston kanssa Suvi Talja History: Comparative Urban History on Gender and Leisure-Time Sports. Helsingin yliopisto Fulbright-Technology Industries of Finland -stipendit Stipendit rahoitetaan yhdessä Teknologiateollisuuden 100-vuotissäätiön kanssa. Eija Haapalainen Computer Science: Time series modeling in intelligent data mining applications – Model and parameter selection and update. Oulun yliopisto Elina Kemppainen Chemistry: Chemical Modification of Carbon Nanotubes. Oulun yliopisto Olli Luukkonen Engineering: Artificial impedance surfaces and electromagnetic materials. Teknillinen korkeakoulu

Lisätietoja jatko-opiskelijaohjelmasta www.fulbright.fi Karoliina Kokko (09) 5494 7404

Stipendit tutkimukseen Yhdysvalloissa

Stipendit asiantuntijoille

ja kehittämiseen Yhdysvalloissa. Apuraha on enimmillään USD 13 500. Ohjelma on suunnattu työuransa keskivaiheessa oleville ammattilaisille ja asiantuntijoille, jotka etsivät uusia näkökulmia ja lähestymistapoja omaan työhönsä. Ohjelmasta ei rahoiteta akateemista tutkimusta eikä hakijoilta edellytetä akateemista loppututkintoa. Mid-Career Professional Development -stipendin hakuaika päättyy 12.12.2008. Apurahan voi käyttää lukuvuoden 2009–2010 aikana.

Mid-Career Professional Development Grant -ohjelma tarjoaa apurahan 4–6 kuukauden opintoihin, jotka tähtäävät oman ammattitaidon täydentämiseen

Lisätietoja: www.fulbright.fi Sami Krogerus (09) 5494 7402

ASLA-Fulbright Research Grant for a Junior Scholar -ohjelma on suunnattu tutkijanuraansa aloittaville tohtoreille. Apuraha on USD 10 000–15 500, ja se on tarkoitettu vähintään 4 kuukauden tutkimustyöhön Yhdysvalloissa. Stipendin hakuaika päättyy 31.12.2008. Apurahan voi käyttää lukuvuoden 2009–2010 aikana.

”The University as Innovation Driver and Knowledge Center” Fulbright New Century Scholars -ohjelma kokoaa vuosittain 25–30 tutkijaa ja asiantuntijaa eri puolilta maailmaa työskentelemään jonkin maailmanlaajuisesti merkittävän tutkimusaiheen parissa. Lukuvuoden 2009–2010 teema on: ”The University as Innovation Driver and Knowledge Center. The Program will engage scholars involved in research and project initiatives that advance understanding of the university as innovation driver and knowledge center and contribute to advancing economic prosperity.” Ohjelmaan voivat osallistua asiantuntijat ja eri tieteenaloja edustavat tutkijat, joiden erikoistumisalue liittyy vuoden tutkimusteemaan.

NCS-ohjelmaan valitut stipendiaatit osallistuvat:

• 2–3 kuukauden kansainväliseen tutkijavierailuun, sekä • ohjelmavuoden aikana jatkuvaan yhteydenpitoon NCS-verkoston muiden tutkijoiden ja verkoston vetäjän (NCS Distinguished Scholar Leader) kanssa. Suomalaiset hakijat järjestävät 2–3 kuukauden tutkijavierailun Yhdysvaltoihin. Amerikkalaisten hakijoiden on mahdollista vierailla Suomessa ohjelman puitteissa. Stipendin suuruus: 30 000 USD ja ylläpito ohjelman seminaarien aikana. Suomalaisten hakijoiden hakuaika päättyy 7.11.2008 klo 12.00. Lisätietoja: www.fulbright.fi Sami Krogerus (09) 5494 7402

• orientaatioon, väliarviointitapaamiseen ja päätösseminaariin (jokainen noin viikon mittainen)

Etsitkö vierailevaa luennoitsijaa kurssillesi? Vuosittain noin 250 amerikkalaista luennoitsijaa ja tutkijaa osallistuu Fulbright-vaihtoon Euroopassa. Heidän asiantuntemuksensa on käytettävissäsi Inter-Country Travel Grant -ohjelman kautta. Suomalaiset yliopistot ja korkeakoulut voivat hakea matka-apurahaa toiseen maahan sijoitetun Fulbright-luennoitsijan noin viikon kestävälle Suomen vierailulle. Ohjelmaan on jatkuva haku. Luettelo amerikkalaisista luennoitsijoista Euroopassa sekä matka-apurahan hakuohjeet ja -kaavake löytyvät Fulbright Centerin kotisivulta. Lisätietoja: www.fulbright.fi, Terhi Topi (09) 5494 7408 www.fulbright.fi www.fulbright.fi


Grants to the U.S. 2008-09 ASLA-Fulbright Graduate Grant Program for graduate studies and doctoral dissertation research Honkasalo, Julia Philosophy University of Helsinki New School for Social Research This grant is cost-shared with the University of Helsinki Huikuri, Salla Political Science Universität Hamburg , University of Helsinki Princeton University Huopaniemi, Otso Theater Arts Theatre Academy of Finland Columbia University This grant is cost-shared with the Theater Academy Kokkonen, Riikka Music, Violin Sibelius-Akatemia Mannes College of Music Lyhykäinen, Henna Forestry University of Helsinki Oregon State University Palokangas, Teemu Communications University of Tampere University of Minnesota This grant is cost-shared with the University of Tampere Ratilainen, Saara Russian Language and Literature University of Tampere Princeton University This grant is cost-shared with the University of Tampere Sjöberg, Fredrik Political Science London School of Economics Harvard University Solonen, Antti Mathematics Lappeenranta University of Technology University of Minnesota This grant is cost-shared with the Lappeenranta University of Technology Tarvainen, Laura Law University of Lapland Columbia University This grant is cost-shared with the University of Lapland 66

www.fulbright.fi www.fulbright.fi

Fulbright-Technology Industries of Finland Grant

University of Washington

Oregon State University

for graduate study and post-doctoral research in projects with relevance to the fields represented by the technology industries. Program in cooperation with Technology Industries of Finland Centennial Foundation Mäkinen, Iiro Economics Helsinki School of Economics, University of Helsinki Stanford University Tenhiälä, Antti Business Administration Helsinki University of Technology University of Minnesota Onnela, Jukka-Pekka Physics Oxford University Harvard University

University of California, Berkeley Stanford University

University o Arizona Sta

Fulbright-Technology Industries of Finland Renewal Grant for continuing studies after the initial grant year Siljander, Juhana Mathematics New York University

Tikkanen, Nina Literature Jyväskylän yliopisto University of Minnesota, Department of German, Scandinavian and Dutch

Finnish Language and Culture Teaching Assistant Program (FLTA)

ASLA-Fulbright Research Grant for a Junior Scholar Program

for Finnish teaching and graduate study program in cooperation with CIMO, the Centre for International Mobility, operating under the Finnish Ministry of Education

for post-doctoral research

Heikkola, Leena Finnish Language and Literature Åbo Akademi Columbia University, Department of Germanic Languages Kahri, Virve Scandinavian Languages Turun yliopisto University of California, Berkeley, Department of Scandinavian Ohvo, Maija Finnish Language Tampereen yliopisto Indiana University, Department of Central Eurasian Studies Rönkkö, Anna Literature Oulun yliopisto University of Washington, Department of Scandinavian Studies

Löfström, Erika Education University of Helsinki University of West Florida, Center for Applied Psychology Löytönen, Teija Dance Theater Academy Arizona State University Parviainen, Mikko Mathematics Helsinki University of Technology University of Pittsburgh Mid-Career Professional Development Grant for professional development projects Martsola, Riitta Psychology Private psychotherapist University of Wisconsin, Madison

Finlandia University University of Minnesota University of Rochester

University of Wisconsin, Madison

Smith College

Columbia College Chicago

Brown University

University of Pittsburgh Indiana University

College of William and Mary

Berklee School of Music Harvard University Columbia University New York University International Center of Photography Mannes College of Music New School for Social Research Princeton University University of Pennsylvania

of Arizona ate University

Southern Methodist University University of West Florida

Vaahtoranta, Tapani Political Science Finnish Insitute for International Affairs Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars Fulbright Grant in Photojournalism sponsored by Patricia Seppälä Foundation Persson, Eva Photojournalism Freelance photographer International Center of Photography

Markkanen, Anna Violin performance Jyväskylä University of Applied Sciences Southern Methodist University, Texas Orre, Ilja Business Ressu High School College of William and Mary Viertokangas, Jenni Social studies Vaasa University of Applied Sciences Finlandia University Fulbright Center Renewal Grants

Fulbright Center's Undergraduate Grant Program for undergraduate studies funded by the Finland-America Educational Trust Fund Kukkonen, Otto Economics Helsinki School of Economics University of Wisconsin, Madison Lindroos, Matias Marketing Hanken, Swedish School of Economics University of Wisconsin, Madison Louhivuori, Eeva Performance (vocals) and music therapy Pop & Jazz Conservatory Berklee College of Music

for continuing studies after the initial grant year Ahmed, Hameed University of Rochester BA in Marketing and Economics Carlström, Ulrika Smith College BA in Government Hulden, Vilja University of Arizona Ph.D. in History Kaustinen, Sara University of Arizona BA in Dance Myrskylä, Mikko University of Pennsylvania Ph.D. in Demography

Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars Holmes Middle School

Numminen, Nina Columbia College Chicago Performing Arts Management Slama, Sara Brown University BA in Psychology Uotila, Siri Harvard University BA in Chemistry and Physics Fulbright Teacher Exchange Program for teachers in secondary schools, polytechnics and vocational colleges (Administered by the U.S. Embassy in Helsinki) Jokivirta, Marianne Academic year Home institution: Hyvinkää Sveitsin Lukio Host institution: Holmes Middle School, Alexandria, VA

www.fulbright.fi www.fulbright.fi


August Brings Americans to Finland Back l-r: Ursula Gibson, VTT, Andrés Reséndez, University of Helsinki, Robert Yamasato, Sibelius Academy, Ashley Duncan, Åbo Akademi University and Turku Law School, Mark McKnight, Northern Photographic Center, Oulu. Middle: Bernadette Baker, University of Tampere, Brian Arnold, University of Oulu, Jeanine Markley, Sibelius Academy and East Helsinki Music Institute, Geoffrey McGovern, University of Tampere Front: Janis Sotherden, Hyvinkää Sveitsin Lukio, Linda Holtslander, Library 10, Deborah Turner, University of Tampere


www.fulbright.fi www.fulbright.fi

Twelve newly arrived American Fulbright grantees gathered in Helsinki at the end of August to start their grant year in Finland. Each fall, the Fulbright Center organizes a three-day orientation to provide the grantees with information sessions on Finnish education, culture and society as well as an opportunity to network with professionals and organizations involved in Finnish-American exchanges. Information sessions offered advice on living in Finland, details about the higher education system, and other aspects of setting up life as a student, researcher, or lecturer in Finland. Plenty of time was allowed for more informal chatting with the numerous specialists who joined the program and with each other. Grantees were honored at an evening reception held at the U.S. Ambassador’s Residence, and were feted at the Sibelius Academy with a special private piano concert and cordial welcome by the ASLA-Fulbright alumni buddies. They enjoyed a city tour of Helsinki, provided with a visit to the Ateneum including a slide-lecture on the history of Finland as seen through Art. On the third day the grantees were invited to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for introductions to the Finnish Business world, Finnish communication patterns and language. This was the first group of American grantees arriving in Finland for this academic year. Altogether there will be nearly 40 American grantees in Finland this year.

Ready, set, go Suomi!

Before returning to graduate school, I had been a librarian manager and studied oral traditions of numerous cultures. I had looked forward to my second trip to Europe and my first time living outside of my country. Modern technology makes it possible to connect with people from other cultures. Yet, living with others makes it possible to become even more familiar with our similarities and differences. I study how people, specifically emerging leaders, talk to share information. Do they ever talk in ways that effectively document information? I will study this idea of an oral document while being affiliated with the Department of Information Studies, University of Tampere. My findings will support new approaches to orally based information in matters of security, intellectual property, cultural heritage and leadership skill development. I prepared for my Fulbright year in practical ways. Items that I assembled fell into three categories: research project tools, surviving winter, and creature comforts. Observing and interviewing professionals required a good deal of technical equipment, while creature comforts remained few. I anticipated finding new ones once I had settled. I frequently visited the library in support of learning to speak very basic Finnish.

Becoming oriented is no small task, especially to a place as interesting and diverse as Finland. FC staff assisted us in every sense of the word ‘orient.’ They helped us become familiar with the current state of Finnish academic, demographic, economic, and international affairs. They helped us get our bearings by leading walks and tram rides to the various Orientation sites. And, they helped us adjust to what it means to be a Fulbright Fellow… having access to FC resources, meeting Fulbright alum—including our personally assigned buddy, and maintaining Fulbright/life balance. Meaning, we may on occasion need to say ‘no’ to some of the endless opportunities now before us. My favorite Orientation moment? That’s a hard question. Maybe it was an informal, lunch conversation about cultural differences… or maybe my surprise to learn that ATM and even charge cards have given way to electronic banking… then again, it may have been being in one of the first tour buses to reach the Rock Church shortly after it opened. Living and conducting research in Finland has already been a life and a career changing opportunity. With the Orientation behind me, I have a sense of the national Finnish values of discovery and foresight. FC staff organized a fruitful

launch pad from which I am now able to discover the richness of Finland and plan for the experiences I have been enabled to create.

Deborah Turner Fulbright-CIMO Graduate Student Grantee 2008–09 University of Tampere

Seminar on Finnish-North American University Cooperation: Curriculum Development and Joint Programs The Fulbright Center and Center for International Mobility, CIMO are jointly organizing a seminar on Finnish-North American academic cooperation. The seminar focuses on curriculum development cooperation and joint/dual degree programs as means to enhance cooperation and academic mobility between Finnish and North American higher education institutions. The seminar will highlight existing projects and networks as well as provide information on funding measures. The seminar is held in Helsinki 11.–12.12.2008.

Fulbright Center ja Kansainvälisen henkilövaihdon keskus CIMO järjestävät Helsingissä 11.–12.12.2008 asiantuntijaseminaarin edistääkseen yhteistyötä suomalaisten ja pohjoisamerikkalaisten korkeakoulujen välillä. Seminaarin teema liittyy opetussuunnitelmayhteistyöhön sekä yhteis/kaksoistutkintojärjestelyiden ja liikkuvuuden edistämiseen korkeakoulujen välillä. Tavoitteena on laadukkaan koulutusyhteistyön ja liikkuvuuden lisääminen. Seminaarissa kerrotaan koulutusyhteistyöstä, annetaan esimerkkejä

toimivista yhteistyöprojekteista ja -verkostoista sekä tietoa rahoituslähteistä.

More information: Terhi Topi, Fulbright Center +358 9 5494 7408 terhi.topi@fulbright.fi and Maija Airas, CIMO +358 207 868 588 maija.airas@cimo.fi



Introducing Fulbright Center’s University Partners

Focus on University of Turku The university focus series introduces the Fulbright Center’s partners. Earlier articles in the series highlighted the University of Kuopio (2/2006) and University of Helsinki (1/2007). A formal cooperation agreement exists between the Fulbright Center and each of these universities. The University of Turku has been very active recently on the Finnish-American mobility scene: a new grant agreement with the

Fulbright Center will support American graduate students to study at the university; the BALANCE project seminar introduced the Bologna process to U.S. academics; the International Summer School was held for the third year at Turku University, with one of the American Fulbright grantees participating; the Fulbright FLTA Program includes a Turku University student who is now teaching Finnish language and culture at Berkeley, just to name some examples.

New Grant for U.S. Graduate Students The University of Turku and the Fulbright Center have signed an agreement creating a new grant for U.S. graduate students. The Fulbright-University of Turku Graduate Award is jointly funded by the University of Turku and the Fulbright Center. The 9-month award is 1,000 EUR/per month. Added to this, the Fulbright Center provides a travel grant, program services, obligatory insurance relating to the program, and the opportunity to participate in different Fulbright events in Finland and in Europe. In addition, the Center funds the grantee’s participation in the University of Turku’s International Summer School held in August. In the United States, the application deadline is in October for studies in Finland beginning the following autumn semester. More information: www.fulbrightonline.org

The Executive Director of the Fulbright Center Terhi Mölsä (left), Vice-Rector Erno Lehtinen and the Head of International Affairs Irinja Paakkanen signed the agreement in June in Turku during the Erasmus Mundus BALANCE seminar coordinated by Coimbra Group. Photo: Kirsi Korpela

Yhteistyö tuo monia etuja "Nimikkostipendi tuo Turun yliopistolle ainutlaatuisen markkinavaltin Yhdysvalloissa. Vahvan Fulbright-verkoston kautta voimme markkinoida Turun yliopistoa laajasti mutta samalla kohdennetusti Pohjois-Amerikan laajoilla koulutusmarkkinoilla", iloitsee kv. asioiden päällikkö Irinja Paakkanen. Amerikkalaiset opiskelijat voivat anoa stipendiä yhden lukuvuoden opiskeluun Suomessa. Turun yliopisto rahoittaa vuosittain vähintään yhden stipendin.

Stipendi myönnetään yhteistyössä Fulbright Centerin kanssa ja se voidaan kohdentaa Turun yliopiston priorisoimille hakijaryhmille. Painopistealueet määritellään vuosittain. Tarkoituksena on tarjota stipendiä myös osarahoitteisena vastaanottavan laitoksen tai projektin kanssa. Stipendijärjestelmä sopii myös nuorten vastaväitelleiden tutkijoiden rekrytoimiseen, sillä jatko-opiskelija, joka ennen haun päättymistä Yhdysvalloissa ei vielä ole suorittanut tohtorintutkintoaan, on kelpoinen hakija. Lisätietoja: www.utu.fi/en/research/ mobility/fulbright.html www.fulbright.fi Text: University of Turku

Getting to Know Finland through the International Summer School The third International Summer School introducing Finnish language and culture was organized at the University of Turku, and included participants from seven different countries. The four-week, fee-based program, is organized every August, and applications are open to university students, scholars and university staff. Coordinator Liisa Aho says that the common element amongst the Summer School students is an interest in Finnish language, culture and history. Each student may combine a suitable study package from the offered modules of Finnish language, culture, history, religion, and the traditions of Finnish society. Summer 10 10

www.fulbright.fi www.fulbright.fi

School studies accrue a total of ten credits in the ECTS system. Examinations are held at the end of August. The social program plays an important role for Summer School participants. Such activities as visits to Turku Castle, the Turku Provincial museum, Turku Cathedral, as well as excursions to Naantali and Ruissalo have been popular. The group has also watched Finnish movies together and baked traditional goodies such as pulla (sweet bun) and karjalanpiirakka (Karelian pastry). Assisting students to manage everyday matters in Finland are the tutors, who are University of Turku students. In addition to the tutors, there are two interns assisting

Summer School students and staff

with the program. Students at the Faculty of Humanities may apply for the intern positions.

North American Guests Learn More about European Higher Education The third guest seminar within the Erasmus Mundus BALANCE project, coordinated by the Coimbra Group, was held at the University of Turku in June. The objective of the project is to enhance the knowledgebase in the United States and Canada of the Bologna Process and its aim to create a common European Higher Education Area. The three-day seminar was hosted by the International Affairs unit at the University of Turku. There were approximately forty guests from the United States, Canada, and the European Coimbra Group member countries. The seminar was chaired by the director Inge Knudsen (Coimbra Group Office) who was pleased with the excellent seminar and all its arrangements. “Through active discussions, the participants got new information and perspectives. Some matters are now clearer, but additional discussions on the details and interpretations relating to the European higher education reforms are still needed, ”Head of International Affairs Irinja Paakkanen summarises the seminar. Thus, the Coimbra Group will organize four additional similar BALANCE seminars, the next in Graz in October and two seminars to be held in North America in 2009. Professor Carol B. Lynch from Western Washington University in the USA

Getting inside Finnish culture Bernadette Baker, Doctor of Education, was one of the ten students at the International Summer School this year. Baker, who comes from Australia, has lived and worked in the United States for the past fifteen years. This autumn she is a Fulbright lecturer at the University of Tampere; however, in the spring semester she will be returning to the University of Turku to take up her permanent position

confessed that the seminar was the first time she was introduced to Finland – and the Bologna Process. Lynch said that the seminar helped her understand the importance of international cooperation and mobility. She mentioned that as soon as she arrived home, she would be in contact with the International Office of her own university, where together they would determine the suitable forms, channels and partners for international cooperation in her own program. Further information: www. coimbra-group.eu/balance Text: University of Turku

Vice Rector Craig Klafter (University of British Columbia, Canada) was especially interested in the Finnish education system and saw a good starting point for bench-marking: “Finland and Canada are similar not only in respect to ice hockey and forests, but also in free education, bilingualism and location next to a great and powerful neighbor.”

as professor in the Faculty of Education. Professor Baker says that the Fulbright advisors recommended the University of Turku Summer School, about which she has only good things to say. She enjoyed all of the courses as well as the social program, and she praises Finnish food. She continues, saying the Summer School is organized quite well, and everything has been carefully thought out, also from a pedagogical point of view. Professor Baker sees as an important strength the fact that people of various ages and from different countries and fields participate in the Summer School. She has really enjoyed living in another culture. People have been very nice and patient. Professor

Photos: Kirsi Korpela Despite an intensive official and social program, jet lag did not seem to slow down the guests at the BALANCE seminar. Participation was active and the guests remained smiling.

Baker recommends the Summer School to everyone coming to Finland. According to her, this is because the course provides a deeper and broader framework to understand Finnish culture and history than one can acquire through books alone. Finally, what is the most important thing Professor Baker has gained from the Summer School? She emphasizes, since every country has a different relationship to its past, to understand how history affects the way people think and how they feel. Further information: www.utu.fi/summerschool email: summerschool@utu.fi Text: University of Turku www.fulbright.fi

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Focus on University of Turku

Scientific Ambition and Achievements Thrive at the University of Turku University of Turku Six faculties

• • • • • •

Humanities Mathematics and Natural Sciences Medicine Law Social Sciences Education

in 2007

The mobility mechanisms of viruses, bacteria and cancer cells are studied at the National Centre of Excellence in Host Defence. The director of the Centre, professor Sirpa Jalkanen (on the right) with her doctoral student Kaisa Auvinen. Photo: Vesa-Matti Väärä

Rector Keijo Virtanen has a challenging task. As the Rector of Finland’s second largest university, he will guide his University and its staff through the remarkable changes that shape the Finnish higher education sector in the near future. Legislation regulating Finnish universities will change in 2010, giving higher education institutions more independence, for example in fundraising and in financing their operations. “In 2010 the University of Turku will also merge with its smaller neighbor university, the Turku School of Economics,” says Rector Virtanen. He sees a lot of potential in this merger: “The University of Turku will strenghten its position as a significant multidisciplinary research institution. The main focus areas of the new University will be internationally competitive research and education, extensive business competence and effective commercialization of innovations.” 12


Excellent Research Environment At the moment, the University of Turku is a research-led university with six faculties and ten special units. Biosciences, Mathematics, Astronomy and Space Research, Research of Learning and Education and of processes related to the interaction of culture and society are among the strategic strength areas of the University. “Our expertise ranges from Humanities to Medicine and Natural Sciences. Multidisciplinarity will definitely remain one of our key strengths in the future as well,” emphasizes Rector Virtanen. “We encourage dialogue between different disciplines as well as cooperation between university research groups and the private sector. We believe the best new innovations are discovered in this way,” Rector Virtanen emphasizes. Rector Keijo Virtanen warmly welcomes both Fulbright students and re-

• over 3,000 employees of which 60 % research and teaching staff • over 18,000 students of which 2,000 doctoral students • 1,900 degrees awarded of which 140 doctoral • 2,800 scientific publications of which 75 % international • Funding 190 MEUR • Coordinates or participates in 8 National Centres of Excellence in Research • 3 Quality Units of Education nominated by the Ministry of Education for 2007–2009 • National University of Excellence in Adult Education 2007–2009 www.utu.fi/en

search fellows to the University of Turku. “Our University offers an excellent research environment where multidisciplinary collaboration is enabled, among others, by nine Academy of Finland Centres of Excellence in Research, the Turku Centre for Biotechnology, the Turku PET Centre and the neighboring university Åbo Akademi University,” Virtanen says. “On the other hand, we are small enough to be able to offer a modern but cosy campus area where all the facilities and services are within easy reach.” According to a recent survey among international degree students, it is the home-like atmosphere in addition to the well functioning student services that they would market about the University of Turku. Rector Virtanen himself has a very special relationship with the United States. As a researcher, he has served as a Research Assistant and a Fulbright Fellow at the Uni-

Rector Keijo Virtanen is a former Fulbright fellow himself.

versity of Michigan, Ann Arbor. In his research, Professor Virtanen has focused for example on American immigration and ethnic history as well as on the American impact in Europe and Fin- Photo:Robert Seger land. He is also the Editor for Finland for the Journal of American History. “I have precious memories from the States, and excellent contacts have remained for decades. I would like this to be the case with our American guests as well!”

Master’s Degree Programmes Prioritize Quality In 2007, the University of Turku had over 1,000 international students from 78 different countries. “Currently the majority of our international students are exchange students. In the future we want to increase the number of Master’s degree and doctoral students”, according to Vice Rector for Education, Professor Erno Lehtinen. At the moment, the University of Turku offers nine international Master’s Degree Programmes out of which eight are taught in English. The Degree Programme in Finnish and Other Finno-Ugric Languages is taught in Finnish but aimed for non native speakers. All Master’s programmes offered in English are multidisciplinary and include interesting themes such as Baltic Sea Region Studies, Asian Studies, Bioinformatics, Learning Environments and Digital Media. There is also a wide choice of additional courses available in English in fields such as Finnish-Nordic Society and Culture, Development Studies and European Studies. “We constantly focus on the quality of the programmes we offer. Our goal is to maintain excellence in the programme structure and contents, as well as in the students accepted to the programmes,” Lehtinen says. “Several departments and faculties at the University of Turku have been nominated as high-quality education units by the national Higher Education Evaluation Council (HEEC). Currently this status is held by the Faculty of Law, Psychology and the School of Art.” According to Vice Rector Lehtinen,

Fulbright guests are familiar on the campus: “Each October, the North American Studies program hosts a two-day seminar called American Voices which covers many different aspects of American society and culture. All American university teachers and graduate students who are visiting Finland through the Fulbright Program are invited to the seminar,” says Lehtinen. Furthermore, the Fulbright Program plays an important role for our Department of English which annually co-hosts a Fulbright Scholar together with Åbo Akademi University. The University of Turku also coordinates 15 national Graduate Schools for doctoral studies nominated by the Finnish Ministry of Education. “The Finnish Graduate School System is unique in the world. Young, talented doctoral students are hired for full-time research positions and are true members of research groups from the very beginning of their career,” Vice Rector Lehtinen explains proudly. “To promote the post-doc career of young scholars, we have also recently founded two multidisciplinary research collegia, Turku Institute for Advanced Studies (TIAS), which will promote cutting-edge research in the humanities and social sciences, and Turku Collegium for Science and Medicine.”

City of Science and Capital of Culture Turku, the oldest city in Finland and the country’s former capital, is located on the South-West coast of Finland. The city has been a distributor of science and culture for the entire country since the Middle Ages. The first Finnish university, the Royal Academy of Finland, was established in Turku in 1640, bringing Turku into the family of old university cities on the continent. The University of Turku was established in 1920 as the first Finnish-language university in the country. Due to its long academic heritage, the University has been invited to join the Coimbra Group, formed by long-established, prestigious European research universities such as Cambridge, Oxford and Heidelberg. Built on seven hills surrounding the River Aura, Turku is today an attractive business and university city with a vivid cultural life. Within easy reach of the city is one of the most beautiful archipelagos of the world. The vitality and availability of local music, theatre, dance, visual arts and literature are further enhanced as Turku will proudly host the European Capital of Culture in 2011. Text: University of Turku

Photo:Ilmari Vakkala



Alumni Thoughts and Memories about Being a Fulbrighter r se nd dive many a e But v a . e h m ni nt tim lu a a r g t h ir ig e g th Fulbr s to ap e s dur in er tain theme c n ir ie r e e th ex p ibe l for c y de scr unusua r a s the r s have e it’s not v te o h d ig er a n Fulbr d n la ir live s pear ov in e live s. F into th t k h s e ig e r p Fulb emor ie us a ffered r ight m e edio lb u ly F d kin wn n th their o ve take ts . We ha through s though n o e ti s a e s er v oup th ead r r g n and ob a to c u r ivilege , but yo tos, tor ial p threads ith pho n w o e m m m o s o c , s to ie r in sto at: mplete website their co Center t h ig r Fulb on the ht.fi ulbr ig .f w w w

Finland as Poetry It is as though dawn and dusk had formed a conspiracy, shutting out the overhead light of daytime’s prime, expropriating the shadowless glare of high noon, imposing between them a shared coalition of softer, darker shades of nuanced, shadowed light.

- John LeBaron I wonder what it is like ten years later…will it be recognizable to me? Will I find the site where I made my installation of willow? Will I remember where to step and where not to step in the mysterious mire landscape…?

- Cherie Sampson

Life Changing Experience, for the Family as well My year as Fulbright Bicentennial Chair at the University of Helsinki Renvall Institute was a life changing event. The world seemed to reveal itself in its myriad ways to me and my family as we lived in Helsinki and traveled throughout Finland and northern Europe.

- John Wunder Our experiences and friendships in Finland have enriched our lives beyond description.

I recently returned to Finland from Puerto Rico where I spent the academic year 2007–2008 studying energy technology and life.

- Antti Lehtomäki The Fulbright experience opened many doors for me and changed everything, perhaps more than anything.

- Paul Ilsley

- Frances Karttunen

Finnish & American Traditions & Values Alongside my research, I learned and experienced many intangible things during my Fulbright year. Notable examples include how to smoke fish, how -30 C feels, how to skate on frozen lakes, and how to behave in a Finnish sauna.

I know I’ve lived in Finland because I now give myself the gift of a sauna after every gym work out. I never took a sauna at the gym before.

- Dan Benesh

My hosts were very generous, taking us to enjoy the day-long Mayday celebrations, the Procession of the Promotio outside of the Cathedral, and their Department’s annual end-of-year pesäpallo game and dinner on Suomenlinna Island!

We were invited to three juhannus celebrations, including one that included this lovely bonfire on the shore of a small lake near our friends' cottage north of Tampere where people danced and had a raffle for many prizes. We had gorgeous weather, went swimming, did the sauna, ate and drank and told good stories, and played the Finnish game Mölkky.

- Cheryl J. Fish

- Joan Maynard

- Ronald E. Rice I was very impressed by the fantastic creativity, the huge amount of positive energy, serious and hard work, the high level, the courage of making new, and the non-judgmental, respectful, loving relation between educators and students.

- Grazyna Zeranska-Gebert 14 14

www.fulbright.fi www.fulbright.fi

Creating Friendships On this visit, I particularly enjoyed seeing old friends, who have remained special over all these years, and just to have the chance to share a meal in their home reminded me of the depths of Finnish friendship.

- Allan Winkler

- Harley Johansen We had also stayed in touch with many friends and colleagues, but even with those whom we hadn’t been in direct communication, it seemed we could take up immediately from where things had been left upon our previous visit. It was that rare but treasured sense that any time intervals were irrelevant to our continuing relationships.

- Doug Maynard

In sum mar y, I Fulbr ig conside ht expe r my highlig r hts of m ience s amon g the factor in refre y career, and a cr itic shing m ing. al y cla s s room te ach-

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So the Fulbright experience got us connected to many aspects of Finland and the Finnish culture and it gave us a chance to meet people who have remained friends ever since.

Highlight of -

Henry Our ex Bullam perienc o re e s and frie enriche d our li ndship s in Fin ves bey land ha ond de scripti ve - Franc on. e s Ka r t My Mid tunen Career Profess Grant h ional D as afford evelopm ed me my life. ent the bes t time in - G r az y na

Zeran sk Gebert a-

Concrete Professional Gains My Finnish experience has supported my ability to “think out of the box” and plan ideas to enhance the school day in America.

- Julie Zenz Little did I know that my Fulbright experience would lead to an intense involvement with Finland and the Baltic region that continues to this day for my whole family?

- Harley Johansen From the research perspective, the Fulbright experience was a highly productive period in terms of both hands-on research and proposal preparation. From the teaching side, it has been a satisfying experience to teach such mature and intelligent students.

- John Pichtel

Alumni Contributors Teija Aarnio, 1988-89 Rutgers, State University of New Jersey Antero Aarvala, 1960-61 Northwestern University Dan Benesh, 2004-05 University of Jyväskylä Henry Bullamore, 2000 University of Turku Cheryl J. Fish, 2007 University of Tampere Paul Ilsley, 2002 University of Helsinki Harley Johansen, 1992 University of Joensuu

Frances Karttunen, 1972 University of Tampere, 1985 & 1997-98 University of Helsinki John LeBaron, 1998-1999 University of Oulu Antti Lehtomäki, 2007-08 University of Mayaguez, Puerto Rico Douglas Maynard, 2006 University of Helsinki Joan Maynard, 2006, spouse John Pichtel, 1999 Tampere University of Technology

Ronald E. Rice, 2006 University of Helsinki Cherie Sampson, 1998 Mekrijärvi Research Station Allan M. Winkler, 1978-79 University of Helsinki John R. Wunder, 1995-96 University of Helsinki Julie Zenz, 2004-05 Nakkilan Yhteiskoulu and Lukio Grazyna Zeranska-Gebert, 2008 Longy School of Music, Indiana School of Music, & Opus 118 Harlem School of Music

www.fulbright.fi www.fulbright.fi

15 15

Opening a window to the past, here are two more stories from Finnish grantees, offering the long perspective. For full stories see www.fulbright.fi.

Memories as an ASLA-Fulbright Grantee and the Effects on My Later Life ~ from My Diary Notes ~ On Tuesday, August 9, 1960 at 13.25, the airplane took off towards Copenhagen, carrying a group of grantees studying in the USA. The plane landed at Kastrup airport at 14.00 local time. The connecting flight was marked at 18.00 on a jet plane, thus for 4 hours we had a chance to familiarize ourselves with the Danish airport before crossing the Atlantic. But instead of moving into the airplane, we grantees were put on a local bus and were driven to a restaurant outside Copenhagen for dinner. The reason for this chain of events was, as we came to know, they had given our seats on the plane to some American tourists. Then after the dinner we were driven back to Kastrup airport where a propeller plane took off at 22.30, that is a 4.5 hours delay from the original schedule. We were at the destination the following day at 9.45 local time. The flight had taken 16 hours and 15 minutes, that included a 40 minute layover in Glasgow. You certainly felt having sat on an airplane that a jet plane would have taken only half the time. Northwestern University (Evanston, Illinois) was my study destination 1960-61. My majors were city planning and traffic and transportation… When I returned from the US, I finished my studies at the Dept of Political Science, University of Helsinki, all the way to the Licentiate degree, apparently all these degrees led to my being chosen as the department head of the Ministry of Transportation beginning July 1, 1970… At school I studied English as a secondary foreign language and German as my major language, thus my English skills improved considerably while in the USA. Therefore at the Ministry I often had to participate in meetings and seminars that took place in foreign countries and had to prepare reports for the seminars… On Sunday, August 26, 1961, at 11.30, a ship took off from New York to Copenhagen, landing on the 3rd of September. I slept overnight in Copenhagen and the journey continued on Monday by airplane to Helsinki where it landed at 13.25 and so was the grantee’s study period in the USA over.

- Antero Aarvala

Being a Fulbright Grantee Twenty Years Ago In August 1988 I traveled with two suitcases to the United States. I had just gotten married and my new husband was accompanying me. We arrived at JFK airport in New York, rented a car, and drove towards New Brunswick, New Jersey. At that time, I knew only that I will start my microbiology studies at Rutgers, State University of New Jersey.



What began in 1988-89 turned out to be one of the most important periods in my life. I really enjoyed the U.S., and it became my second home country. The time spent there introduced me to an international world, and helped me acquire fluent English skills. I conducted research and studied with students from different countries and made lifelong friends from all over the world. This experience formed a crucial part of my present personality. I am forever thankful for the grant that I received because with that help I was able to make one of my dreams come true. Although in my work today I don’t use the theoretical skills I developed in the U.S, still, the most important thing that happened to me as a Fulbrighter was the opening of my thinking and a broad-based understanding of different things I can utilize everyday in my life.

- Teija Aarnio

FLTA -ohjelma lukuvuodelle 2009-10

from Turku to Berkeley The Finnish summer seems to just have started but already in three weeks I’ll be under the California sun. It still seems a bit unreal to me and I definitely could not have imagined anything like this last year. A year ago I was in Turku, about to finish my studies of languages, intercultural issues, pedagogy, and a few other things. After all the years of active student life and mingling with the international students at our university, I felt a bit sad to be leaving all of that behind me. However, life seems to have a way of presenting us with unexpected possibilities. For some reason studying at Berkeley has always been a dream of mine, but I was never presented with a realistic possibility of doing that. In the autumn of 2007 however, I got an e-mail describing a Fulbright program for Foreign Language Teaching Assistants. Since I’m planning to be a language teacher and have had many good experiences with American professors, I was immediately intrigued. I also still wanted to go abroad to get some more professional experience before finding a permanent job. Once I saw that Berkeley was among the possible destinations, I knew I had to apply. Although the departure still feels somewhat unreal to me, I am looking very much forward to my year at Berkeley. My instructor Sirpa Tuomainen seems to

have plenty of things in store for me and I am bound to learn a lot. What I am especially excited about is that my duties are extremely varied, starting from organizing extracurricular activities for the students of Finnish to class room teaching and participating in research and development projects. Not to mention that I’ll get to take courses at UC Berkeley myself and have them included in my degree from Turku. Moving from one country to another requires taking care of many practical things, both in the home country and in the new country which can sometimes get rather arduous. Luckily, this is not my first time to be going abroad so I knew what to expect, and with all the help we have had from the Fulbright Center in Finland, I must say everything has gone very smoothly. Also, having met all the FLTAs and other Fulbright scholars at the orientation day I don’t feel too worried: I know there will be plenty of people all over the continent who find themselves in the same situation with me! Virve Kahri FLTA Grantee 2008–09 University of California, Berkeley

Finnish Language and Culture Teaching Assistant -apurahaohjelma (FLTA) tarjoaa suomalaisille opiskelijoille mahdollisuuden viettää yhden lukuvuoden yhdysvaltalaisessa yliopistossa. Stipendiaatti avustaa Suomen kielen ja kulttuurin opetustehtävissä ja voi lisäksi täydentää omia opintojaan ja tutkimustaan yliopiston kursseilla. Ohjelman tarkoituksena on tukea ja monipuolistaa Suomen kielen ja kulttuurin opetusta Yhdysvalloissa sekä antaa samalla suomalaisille opiskelijoille mahdollisuus tutustua amerikkalaiseen opiskelu- ja korkeakoulumaailmaan. Suomen FLTAohjelma on Fulbright Centerin ja Kansainvälisen henkilövaihdon keskus CIMOn yhteistyössä rahoittama ja hallinnoima. Nyt haussa olevat apurahat myönnetään lukuvuodelle 2009–2010. Lukuvuosi kestää 9 kuukautta ja alkaa joko elo- tai syyskuussa 2009 riippuen amerikkalaisen yliopiston aikataulusta. Tänä vuonna FLTA-stipendiaatin voivat vastaanottaa seuraavat amerikkalaiset yliopistot: Columbia University, Indiana University, Portland State University, University of California, University of Minnesota ja University of Oregon. Hakuaika päättyy maanantaina 10.11.2008 klo 9.00. Lisätietoja: www.fulbright.fi Terhi Topi (09) 5494 7408

Friends of Fulbright Finland Gather in Alexandria Ken Kolson (2006, University of Oulu, in the photo on the right) and his wife Jane (on the left) hosted a Memorial Day picnic at their home in Alexandria, Virginia, welcoming alumni of the Finnish Fulbright program living in the greater D.C. area, current grantees from Finland, and members of the Fulbright Center staff. Conversation was vigorous with memories about Finland and discussion about how to keep the Finnish experience alive. Fazer chocolate and licorice were evident on the buffet table along with traditional American dishes, and there was an abundance of homemade sima! www.fulbright.fi



XVI American Voices Seminar The 16th annual American Voices Seminar will be held in Turku in October. Twelve current Fulbright grantees will share their thoughts on a range of subjects concerning North America. The seminar topics will vary from different musical subjects, such as John Cage and fiddling styles in North America, to American educational system and philosophy. The grantees will also talk about different geographical areas of the United States, such as Kentucky and New England as well as American individualism and diversity of the culture. The second seminar day will be opened by the U.S. Ambassador Mrs. Barbara Barrett. Her topic will be Finland-U.S. Relations: A Growing Relationship with Changing Times. The seminar is organized by the Department of English, North American Studies program in cooperation with the Fulbright Center.

Muutoksia testijärjestelyissä Suomessa suoritettavien TOEFL- ja GREtestien käytännön järjestelyt muuttuvat joulukuun puolivälissä 2008. Fulbright Center neuvoo jatkossa asiantuntijoita kieli- ja tasotestiasioissa kuten ennenkin, mutta testien järjestäminen siirtyy Fulbright Centeriltä testiorganisaatio Prometricille. Fulbright Centerin yhteydessä on yli kymmenen vuoden ajan toiminut Prometrictestikeskus, jossa on järjestetty amerikkalaisia akateemisia kieli- ja tasotestejä. Vuosien mittaan Prometricin kansainväliseen testiohjelmaan on tullut yhä enemmän erilaisia ammatillisia tai työpaikan hakuun liittyviä sertifiointitestejä, joilla ei ole yhteyttä korkeakoulutukseen, kansainväliseen vaihtoon tai korkeakoulujen pääsykokeissa käytettävään testaukseen. Näiden testien osuus on noussut jo yli puoleen Fulbright Centerissä järjestettävistä testeistä. Koska Prometricin kanssa tehty sopimus ei enää salli järjestää yksinomaan korkeakoulujen käyttämiä kieli- ja tasotestejä – kuten TOEFLiBT ja GRE – Fulbright Center ei voi enää toimia teknisenä testinjärjestäjänä. Muutkin eurooppalaiset Fulbright-komissiot ovat, muun muassa samasta syystä, joutuneet viime vuosina luopumaan testien järjestämisestä. Äskettäin testeistä luopui Kreikan Fulbright-komission testikeskus Ateenassa, ja nyt on Suomen Fulbright Center saman edessä. Koko Euroopan alueella on enää kolme Fulbrightkomissiota, jotka vielä toistaiseksi järjestävät testejä ja näidenkin osalta tilanne

Testinjärjestäjät Suomessa ja yhteystiedot TOEFLiBT, www.ets.org/toefl Testiajat ja –paikat: www.ets.org/bin/getprogram.cgi?test=toefl Testinjärjestäjä Suomessa: Premeria, www.premeria.fi TOEFL PBT, www.ets.org/toefl Testinjärjestäjä Suomessa: Suomi-Amerikka yhdistysten liitto, www.sayl.fi University of Cambridge ESOL examinations Testinjärjestäjä Suomessa: Finnish British Society www.finnbrit.fi 18


IELTS, www.ielts.org Testinjärjestäjä Suomessa: Finnish British Society Testitiedustelut: puh. (09) 687 70240, ielts@finnbrit.fi www.finnbrit.fi/ielts.html Korkeakoulujen sisäänotossa käytetyt muut tasotestit: GRE General, GED, USMLE -testit www.prometric.com www.ets.org/gre www.acenet.edu/AM/Template. cfm?Section= GEDTS www.usmle.org

koskien ensi vuotta on auki. Vaikka testikeskustoiminta päättyy, Fulbright Center jatkaa kuitenkin entiseen tapaan testeihin liittyvässä varsinaisessa tehtävässään, eli neuvoo edelleen asiantuntijoita kieli- ja tasotestiasioissa sekä selvittää opiskelijoille testitulosten merkitystä ja käyttöä amerikkalaisten yliopistojen sisäänotossa. Samoin Fulbright Center järjestää jatkossakin tarpeen mukaan joitakin korkeakoulujen sisäänotossa käytettäviä testejä, kuten Law School Admission Councilin LSAT-testi, sekä valvoo tarvittaessa amerikkalaisten yliopistojen etäopiskelijoiden tenttejä. Helsingissä TOEFL-testiä on jo pari vuotta järjestänyt Premeria (entinen MikroJussi), joka jatkaa TOEFL-testausta entiseen tapaan. Prometric vakuuttaa, että teknisistä vaihdoksista huolimatta opiskelijat pääsevät myös GRE-testiin Suomessa ilman katkoja. Prometric kertoo olevansa perustamassa Helsinkiin omaa testikeskusta, joka auttaisi myös ratkaisemaan testaus-tilanteen ajoittaiset tekniset ongelmat huomattavasti entistä nopeammin. Koska Fulbright Center ja muut testien paikalliset järjestäjät eivät pääse Prometricin tietojärjestelmään, akuutissa testaustilanteessa ilmenevät tekniset ongelmat on tähän saakka selvitetty Prometricin Hollannissa sijaitsevasta teknisen tuen yksiköstä. Opiskelija on saattanut teknisten vaikeuksien vuoksi joutua odottamaan pitkäänkin ennen kuin on päässyt suorittamaan testin. Fulbright Center on toistuvasti pyytänyt Prometricilta parannusta asiaan. Prometricin Vice President for Operations (Europe & Middle East) Andy Britton tutustui elokuussa Suomen testaustilanteeseen ja esitteli testausta koskevat uudet suunnitelmat. Fulbright Center Newsin mennessä painoon Prometric ei ollut vielä julkistanut tulevan uuden keskuksen yhteystietoja eikä toiminta-aikataulua. Suomen Prometric-testikeskusverkkoon liittyvät mahdolliset kysymykset kannattaa tässä vaiheessa osoittaa suoraan Andy Brittonille, andy.britton@ prometric.com, puh. +44 207 213 0132 tai +44 7813 980 558. Educational Testing Service:n (ETS) osalta Suomea koskevista muutoksista on Fulbright Centerille puolestaan informoinut Eileen Tyson, etyson@ets.org. Tysonin mukaan uusi, sekä TOEFL- että GRE-testejä Suomessa jatkossa järjestävä testikeskus julkistetaan aivan lähiaikoina.


Internationalization: A Force for Change at Canadian Universities In a 2007 study on trends in enrolment, the Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada (AUCC) reported that the country’s international student population had more than doubled over the last 10 years. Currently, Canadian universities attract more than 70,000 international students from over 200 countries in full-time study each year, with more than 22,000 in graduate studies. Today, more than nine out of 10 Canadian universities refer to the internationalization of teaching, research and service in their strategic planning. They readily acknowledge that providing students with international knowledge and intercultural skills is now an integral part of their institutional agenda. Internationalization has become a force for change at Canadian universities. In their bid to attract and retain international students, Canada’s universities have seen their efforts supported by the federal government with the recent announcement of a prestigious graduate scholarship program, the development of a Canadawide education brand and a proposed new immigration category, the Canadian Experience Class.

New Research and Scholarship Programs In order to compete in the global graduate recruitment market and to keep top talent in Canada, the federal government announced in September the launch of the Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarship Program (Vanier CGS). Designed to promote the development of leading-edge knowl-

edge, the program aims to attract candidates of the highest caliber in every academic field. When up to speed, the Vanier CGS Program will support 500 Canadian and international doctoral students each year with three-year scholarships each valued at up to $50,000 a year.

A New Education Brand The federal Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade worked very closely with the provinces through the Council of Ministers of Education, Canada Secretariat to develop concepts for a new education brand: the Edu-Canada initiative. The Department of Foreign Affairs also consulted education-sector stakeholders including AUCC for their views. The goal of the Edu-Canada initiative is to better align a non-centralized education sector and interest more international students in attending Canadian educational institutions. This $2 million initiative is the largest federal government investment over two years in the international education sector since the creation of the Canadian Education Centre Network in the late 1990s. “This initiative and the new Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarship Program will help strengthen Canada’s competitive edge and showcase its benefits internationally,” said Pari Johnston, Director of International Relations at AUCC.

fer foreign graduates of Canada’s universities the chance to establish permanent residency in Canada without having to leave the country first. This past spring, the government also extended the Post-Graduation Work Permit Program from one year to three, allowing graduates to seek work outside their field of study and removing the requirement that eligible students must have a job offer on hand. “AUCC has long advocated such reforms. These will help position Canada as a destination of choice for international students,” added Pari Johnston. The recruitment of international students contributes more than $5 billion annually in economic benefits to Canada. Based on OECD forecasts, the global demand for international higher education (abroad or at off-shore campuses) is set to grow from 1.9 million students today to 7.2 million by 2025. A large part of this growth will occur in the Asia-Pacific region. While there has been recent progress on scholarships and immigration, much remains to be done to further advance the promotion of Canada’s universities. Text: Christine Choury International Affairs Branch, Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada (AUCC)

New Immigration Policy Reforms Last August, the Government of Canada proposed a new immigration category, the Canadian Experience Class, which will of-

For information on study in Canada please visit www.fulbright.fi

Opiskelemaan ulkomaille? Mistä testitulokset? Selvitä hyvissä ajoin, tarvitsetko ulkomaanopintojasi varten standardoidun englannin kielen testituloksen. Jos olet lähdössä vaihtoon, tarkista ensimmäiseksi, onko suomalaisella oppilaitoksellasi ulkomaisen vaihtopartnerin kanssa sopimus, jonka perusteella sinun ei lainkaan tarvitse suorittaa englannin kielen testiä. Jos tarvitset testituloksen, selvitä seuraavaksi, mitkä testit ulkomainen oppilaitoksesi hyväksyy: TOEFL, IELTS, Cambridge Certificate vai jokin muu. Näistä testeistä käy kenties useampikin, mahdollisesti kaikki. Maailmanlaajuisesti tunnetuimmat ja käytetyimmät englannin kielen stan-

dardoidut kielitestit ovat tällä hetkellä amerikkalainen TOEFL ja erityisesti Kansainyhteisön maiden (mm. Iso-Britannia, Australia ja Uusi-Seelanti) käyttämä IELTS-testi. Nykyisin monet yliopistot kelpuuttavat molemmat testit opiskelijavalinnoissaan.

tikeskuksista saat TOEFLin kotisivulta. IELTS-testi on niin ikään maailmanlaajuisesti käytetty standardoitu englannin kielen testi. Suomessa IELTS-testiä järjestää kuukausittain Finnish-British Society Helsingin Herttoniemessä. Finnish-British Society järjestää myös University of Cambridge ESOL -englannin kielen testejä.

Missä kielitestin voi suorittaa? TOEFLiBT-testiä järjestää Helsingissä Premeria useita kertoja kuukaudessa. SuomiAmerikka Yhdistysten Liitto järjestää TOEFL-testin kynä-paperi-versiota (TOEFL PBT) muutamia kertoja vuodessa. Reaaliaikaiset tiedot TOEFL-testipäivistä ja -teswww.fulbright.fi


Recognizing Alumni

Daniel Smeak to Receive an Honorary Doctorate Daniel Smeak, a 2003 Fulbright grantee to Finland, received an honorary doctorate degree from the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Helsinki in May. This award is the highest distinction the University can give and in the Conferment Ceremony the doctors gain the right to wear their academic regalia, the docPhoto: Ari Aalto toral hat and sword. In this way, the University honors distinguished scientists and persons who have acted in close cooperation with the Faculty. During his grant period, Dr. Smeak lec-


tured at the faculty, having a substantial influence on the teachers, staff, and students of the clinical department with his unique approach to teaching, research, and veterinary hospital organization. Since his return to the U.S., his career has advanced to the position of Hospital Director, James L. Voss Veterinary Teaching Hospital, Colorado State University. Dr. Smeak generously cites the value of his Fulbright experience as follows: I must admit that the Fulbright position I held in Finland was a life changer – and was largely responsible for my new promotion and direction in my career. Many thanks for allowing me that opportunity in Helsinki.

Fulbright-kausi vei Gardbergin Turun musiikkijuhlien johtoon

Carol A. Darling Honored

Master of Arts Emilie Gardberg on nimitetty Turun musiikkijuhlien uudeksi toiminnanjohtajaksi. Gardberg opiskeli ASLA-Fulbright Graduate-stipendiaattina Columbia Universityssä ja valmistui taiteiden maisteriksi toukokuussa 2008 yliopiston Arts Administration -ohjelmasta. Opintojensa ohessa Emilie Gardberg työskenteli Metropolitan Operassa ja Jazz at Lincoln Centerissä. ”Taiteen tuottajalle Yhdysvallat ja varsinkin New York on todellinen “mekka”, monet laitokset osaavat markkinoinnin ja tilaisuuksien järjestelyn viimeisen päälle”, toteaa Emilie Gardberg ja kertoo opiskelusta Columbian Arts Administration -ohjelmassa: ”Columbian Arts Administration -ohjelma kuuluu maailman arvostetuimpiin, ja opiskelijoilta vaaditaan etukäteen taiteen BA ja runsaasti työkokemusta. Kahden vuoden MA-tutkinnon aikana jokainen syventyy omien erikoisintressiensä opiskeluun, minun tapauksessani ne olivat johtajuus, human resources ja organisaatio-oppi sekä markkinointi ja

2005 Fulbright grantee to Finland, Carol A. Darling, will receive the Margaret Arcus Outstanding Family Life Educator Award in November 2008. The award is sponsored by the National Council on Family Relations. Dr. Darling’s address will be based on research begun during her Fulbright experience working in collaboration with Dr. Kaija Turkki, Professor at the University of Helsinki’s Faculty of Behavioural Sciences. Dr. Darling is the Margaret Sandels Professor of Human Sciences at Florida State University. Additional details about the award can be found at www.fulbright.fi.


asiakkaan tunteminen. Opiskelun myötä sain runsaasti uusia näkymiä ja ideoita taiteen tuottamiseen myös Suomessa ja niitä yritän nykyisessä työssäni hyödyntää. Lisäksi työskentely Metropolitan Operassa sekä Jazz at Lincoln Centerissä avarsivat entisestään näkemystäni amerikkalaisesta kulttuurimaailmasta.” ”Fulbrighterina avautuu moni portti”, sanoo Gardberg ja kertoo kokemuksistaan Fulbright-stipendiaattina: ”Alusta saakka asiantunteva Fulbright-ryhmä Suomessa opastaa opiskelupaikan valinnassa, lähtöön valmistautumisessa ja kontaktien solmimisessa. Paikan päällä Yhdysvalloissa saa jatkuvaa tukea Suomesta eri asioissa. Myös dokumentit, viisumit, vakuutukset jne. helpottuvat Fulbright-toimiston palveluiden ja ohjeiden myötä”, Gardberg kiittelee. ”Perillä USA:ssa Fulbrighterit ympäri maailmaa kohtaavat eri tilaisuuksissa, joissa tapaa mielenkiintoisia ihmisiä ja verkostoituu kansainvälisesti. Fulbrightapuraha on USA:ssa varsin tunnettu ja se helpottaa työnhakua, itsensä esittelemistä, kontaktien luomista ja paikkoihin pääsyä. Mukavaa oli myös, että Fulbrighterit pitivät yhteyttä ja loivat tietynlaista “turvaverkkoa” toisilleen.” Uusi toiminnanjohtaja toteaa Turun musiikkijuhlien työn olevan monella tapaa unelmien täyttymys: ”saan toimia kotikaupungissani Turussa juuri sen asian kanssa, josta olen eniten kiinnostunut. Musiikkijuhlat valmistautuu ensi vuonna juhlimaan viidettäkymmenettä juhlaansa

samalla kun valmistaudumme vuonna 2011 juhlistamaan Turkua eurooppalaisena kulttuuripääkaupunkia! Turussa on siis todellista potentiaalia kansainvälistymiseen, kasvuun ja innovaatioon kulttuurisektorilla!” Musiikkijuhlien johdossa on vahva Fulbright-edustus. ”On hauskaa toimia toisen Fulbright-alumnin, musiikkijuhlien taiteellisen johtajan, sellotaiteilija Martti Rousin kanssa suunnitellessamme turkulaisen musiikkielämän tulevaisuutta” Emilie Gardberg toteaa.

Introducing the Fulbright Bicentennial Chair

Andrés Reséndez Fulbright Bicentennial Chair 2008-09 Andrés Reséndez is the 2008-2009 Distinguished Fulbright Professor and Bicentennial Chair of American Studies at the University of Helsinki. He is associated with the Renvall Institute, a multidisciplinary center for area and cultural studies that has long been home to a very dynamic scholarly community of Americanists and Latin Americanists. During the academic year Reséndez will offer lecture courses on colonial history of North America and graduate seminars on borderlands and slavery. Reséndez’s main academic interests revolve around how people construct their ethnic and national identities in North America, and the ways in which these identities intersect with state power, economic change, biology, language, and other phenomena. His first book, Changing National Identities at the Frontier (Cambridge University Press, 2005), explores how Spanish-speakers, Native Americans, and Anglo-American settlers living in Texas and New Mexico came to think of themselves as members of one ethnic/national community or another —Mexicans, Americans, Texans, etc. — in the crucial decades leading up to the Mexican-American War of 1846-48. This work also intersects with the recent historiography on frontiers. His latest book, A Land So Strange (Basic Books, 2007), looks at North America at the dawn of European colonization and through the eyes of the last four survivors of a disastrous expedition to Florida in the 1520s. In the course of eight years, these castaways would cross the entire continent from the Atlantic to the Pacific describing previously unknown (to the Europeans) natives and lands of what is now the American Southeast and Southwest as well as northern Mexico. Since 1999 he has also been involved in collaborative work with molecular anthropologists to track population movements of indigenous peoples using DNA markers. Reséndez got his BA in International Relations at El Colegio de México in Mexico City and his MA and PhD in History at the University of Chicago. He has been a visiting Assistant Professor at Yale University in 1997–1998 and has taught at the University of California, Davis (UCD) since 1998. He has written three books

Reséndez family traveling in the summer of 2007.

and co-written two others as well as published articles that have appeared in the Journal of American History, the Journal of the Early Republic, the Americas, the Hispanic American Historical Review, and elsewhere. Changing National Identities received the 2004 Award for the Book Making the Most Significant Contribution to Knowledge presented by the Texas Institute of Letters and the 2005 Coral H. Tullis Memorial Award for the best book on Texas history presented by the Texas State Historical Association. He has served as a consultant for National Geo-

graphic and has made appearances on PBS and Texas Public Radio. Reséndez is accompanied by his wife, Jaana Remes who is a Finn and a Senior Fellow at McKinsey Global Institute, and their two children Samuel (10) and Vera (7). The Reséndez family has enjoyed a long association with Finland. They have spent many summers (and a couple of winters!) traveling around the Finnish countryside, hiking, picking berries, swimming in the lakes, and taking advantage of the many cultural opportunities Finland has to offer.

Bicentennial Inaugural Lecture Fulbright Bicentennial Professor Andrés Reséndez will give his inaugural lecture at the University of Helsinki in November. The exact date and topic will be announced shortly. Please visit www.fulbright.fi for more information.




New Staff Mr. Sami Krogerus and Ms. Karoliina Kokko have begun as Program Managers at the Fulbright Center in October. Mr. Krogerus comes from the University of Helsinki where he served for well over 10 years in international affairs both at the Faculty of Social Sciences and in the central administration. He has studied in Grenoble, France, and has graduated from the University of Helsinki with Master's in Social Sciences. Ms. Kokko's most recent experience is with international researcher mobility at VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland. Prior to that, she worked in the international recruitment sector in a EURES network promoting worker and student mobility inside the EU. Ms. Kokko has studied at Humboldt State University, California, and has graduated from the University of Turku with Master's in Geography.

Fulbright Center muuttaa Fulbright Center muuttaa tammikuussa 2009 uusiin toimitiloihin Helsingin Hakaniemeen. Uudessa toimipaikassa Hakaniemenranta 6:ssa on valmistumassa mittava peruskorjaus kuluvan vuoden aikana. Samassa toimistorakennuksessa sijaitsevat myös Fulbright Centerin yhteistyökumppanit, Kansainvälisen henkilövaihdon keskus CIMO ja Opetushallitus. Fulbright Centerin ja CIMOn tilat ovat rakennuksen 5. kerroksessa. Työskentelytilat Fulbright Centerin nykyisessä toimipaikassa Helsingin Kaisaniemenkadulla ovat valoisat ja avarat, mutta koulutustilaisuuksille, kokouksille ja säännöllisille tiedotustilaisuuksille tarkoitetut yleisötilat ovat käyneet auttamattoman ahtaiksi FC:n toiminnan kasvun myötä. Uudessa toimipaikassa Fulbright Center saa käyttöönsä entistä tilavammat ja paremmin varustellut koulutus- ja kokoustilat. Muutto yhteistyökumppaneiden lähelle parantaa lisäksi yhteistoiminnan edellytyksiä ja yhteisiä palveluja sekä tuo monia synergiaetuja. Alkuvuodesta uusissa toimitiloissa avataan myös Fulbright Centerin ja CIMOn yhteinen tietopalvelu. Muuton myötä Fulbright Centerin postiosoite ja puhelinnumerot vaihtuvat. Uusista yhteystiedoista, aukioloajoista ja palveluista uusissa tiloissa tiedotetaan Fulbright Centerin verkkosivuilla www.fulbright.fi sekä erillisissä tiedotteissa.


Aikuiskoulutusneuvosto opintomatkalle Yhdysvaltoihin Valtion aikuiskoulutusneuvoston delegaatio lähtee lokakuussa viikon mittaiselle opintomatkalle New Yorkiin ja Washington D.C:hen. Opintomatkan ohjelman järjestää Fulbright Center yhdessä Institute of International Educationin (IIE) kanssa. Aikuiskoulutusneuvosto on valtioneuvoston kolmeksi vuodeksi kerrallaan asettama asiantuntijaelin, joka toimii opetusministeriön yhteydessä. Aikuiskoulutusneuvosto tekee aloitteita ja esityksiä aikuiskoulutuksen kehittämiseksi sekä seuraa aikuiskoulutuksen kotimaista ja kansainvälistä kehitystä ja alan tutkimusta. Neuvosto on toiminut vuodesta 1985 alkaen. Aikuiskoulutusneuvoston opintomatka on jo toinen Fulbright Centerin järjestämä asiantuntijoiden opintomatka Yhdysvaltoihin. Ensimmäinen, viikon mittainen opintomatka New Yorkiin ja Bostoniin helmikuussa 2008 oli suunnattu suomalaisten yliopistojen ja ammattikorkeakoulujen kansainvälisten asiain hallinnon väelle. Fulbright Center järjestää jatkossakin yhteistyöryhmilleen eri teemoihin keskittyviä opintomatkoja Pohjois-Amerikkaan.

Bo Pettersson Joins the Fulbright Center Board

Nobel Peace Prize to Martti Ahtisaari

The Finnish Ministry of Education has appointed Dr. Bo Pettersson to the Fulbright Center Board of Directors. He succeeds Dr. Raija Sollamo who is rotating off as a Board Member. The Center wants to sincerely thank Dr. Sollamo for her years of dedicated service on the Board, and wishes Dr. Pettersson warmly welcome. Bo Pettersson is Professor of Literature of the United States at the University of Helsinki. In 1985–86 he was on an ASLA-Fulbright Cost-share grant at University of California, Berkeley, where he graduated with a Master of Arts and stayed on for another year to do research. He is currently Associate Director of The Finnish Graduate School of Literary Studies and a member of several national and international boards of directors and editorial boards, including The International Association of Literary Semantics, Nordic Journal of English Studies and Svenska litteratursällskapet i Finland [The Society of Swedish Literature in Finland]. His research interests include Anglo-American literature, literary theory and interpretation, narratology, and aesthetics. His most recent publication is Narrative and Identity: Theoretical Approaches and Practical Analyses (co-edited with Ansgar Nünning and Birgit Neumann, 2008).

Martti Ahtisaari, President of Finland from 1994-2000, received the 2008 Nobel Peace Prize. Ahtisaari was chosen as the prize winner by the Norwegian Nobel Committee “for his important efforts in several continents and over three decades to resolve international conflicts”. Ahtisaari has served as a peacemaker in some of the world’s most troubled areas, including Aceh, Kosovo and Namibia. President Ahtisaari is a strong supporter of the Fulbright program. Two years ago he delivered the keynote address at the 29th annual U.S. Fulbright Association Conference in Morocco. In 2000 Ahtisaari was honored as recipient of the J. William Fulbright Prize for International Understanding.


Suomen ja Yhdysvaltain opetusalan vaihtotoimikunta Finland-US Educational Exchange Commission (FUSEEC)

Vaihtotoimikunnan jäsenet / Fulbright Center Board of Directors Honorary Chair: Ambassador of the United States to Finland H.E. Barbara Barrett

Mr. Ilkka Turunen Special Government Advisor Division for Higher Education and Science Finnish Ministry of Education Treasurer

Mr. Kimberly G. Hargan Assistant Public Affairs Officer American Embassy

Finnish Members: Dr. Ossi V. Lindqvist Professor Emeritus Institute of Applied Biotechnology University of Kuopio Vice-Chair

Dr. Bruce Forbes Research Professor Arctic Centre University of Lapland

Dr. Krista Varantola Rector, Professor of English University of Tampere Chair of the Finnish Council of University Rectors

Dr. Laura Stark Professor of Ethnology, University of Jyväskylä

American Members: Dr. Bo Pettersson Professor of the Literature of the United States University of Helsinki

Ex-officio: Ms. Terhi Mölsä Executive Director Fulbright Center

Ms. Nicole Conn Public Affairs Officer American Embassy Chair

Toimikunnan sihteeristö / Fulbright Center Staff Ms. Petra Helenius Projektiassistentti Project Assistant Ms. Tanja Holopainen Suunnittelija Coordinator p. (09) 5494 7451 • Verkkopalvelut • Julkaisut • Fulbright Center News • Neuvonta opiskelusta USA:ssa ja Kanadassa Ms. Karoliina Kokko Ohjelmapäällikkö Program Manager p. (09) 5494 7404 • Jatko-opiskelijastipendit suomalaisille • Jatko-opiskelijastipendit amerikkalaisille • Neuvonta opiskelusta USA:ssa

Mr. Sami Krogerus Ohjelmapäällikkö Program Manager p. (09) 5494 7402 • Tutkija-, asiantuntija- ja luennoitsijastipendit suomalaisille • Pitkät luennoitsija- ja asiantuntijastipendit amerikkalaisille • Neuvonta opiskelusta USA:ssa Ms. Johanna Lahti Suunnittelija Information Manager p. (09) 5494 7431 • Undergraduate-stipendit suomalaisille • Renewal-stipendit suomalaisille • Testaus ja testeihin liittyvä neuvonta • Fulbright Center News • Neuvonta opiskelusta USA:ssa

Ms. Suzanne Louis Project Consultant Projektikonsultti p. (09) 5494 7454 • Friends of Fulbright Finland -verkosto • Fulbright Center News Ms. Terhi Mölsä Toiminnanjohtaja Executive Director p. (09) 5494 7403 Ms. Terhi Topi Ohjelmapäällikkö Program Manager p. (09) 5494 7408 • Lyhyet luennoitsija- ja asiantuntijastipendit amerikkalaisille • Distinguished Chairs • FLTA • Neuvonta opiskelusta USA:ssa ja Kanadassa

E-mails: firstname.lastname@fulbright.fi

FUSEEC/Fulbright Centerin toimintaa rahoittaa Suomen ja Yhdysvaltain Stipenditoiminnan Tukisäätiö / The Finland-America Educational Trust Fund. Säätiön hallitus / Board of Directors: Finnish members:

American members:

Agent / Säätiön asiamies:

Mr. Petri Tuomi-Nikula Director General Department for Communication and Culture Ministry for Foreign Affairs Chair

Mr. Michael Butler Deputy Chief of Mission American Embassy Vice-Chair

Ms. Terhi Mölsä Executive Director FUSEEC/Fulbright Center

Ms. Jaana Palojärvi Head of International Relations Finnish Ministry of Education

Ms. Nicole Conn Public Affairs Officer American Embassy

The Finnish members are appointed by the Ministry of Education and the Ministry for Foreign Affairs. The American members are appointed by the American Embassy.



Fulbright Center

Kaisaniemenkatu 3B, 5th floor 00100 Helsinki FINLAND

huhtikuu maaliskuu helmikuu tammikuu joulukuu marraskuu lokakuu

Toimintaamme tukee mm.

TOEFL-testi 11.10. klo 9.00 31.10. klo 9.00

6.10. Fulbright Center Jyväskylän yliopiston kansainvälisillä viikoilla

13.10. ASLA-Fulbright jatko-opiskelijastipediaattien orientaatio

TOEFL-testi 8.11. klo 9.00 14.11. klo 9.00 22.11. klo 9.00

Vaihtotoimikunnan kokous marraskuussa 2008 Fulbright Center Board Meeting November 2008

6.11. INFO: TOEFL -testi

TOEFL-testi 5.12. klo 9.00

17.–18.10. American Voices -seminaari Turun yliopistossa

13.11. INFO: Opinnot Kanadassa 20.11. INFO: Perustutkinto-opinnot Yhdysvalloissa

4.12. INFO: TOEFL -testi

Fulbright Center muuttaa uusiin toimitiloihin tammikuussa 2009

23.10. INFO: Fulbright Centerin tutkija- ja asiantuntijastipendit

7.11. Haku New Century Scholars -ohjelmaan päättyy

10.11. Haku Finnish Language and Culture Teaching Assistant -ohjelmaan päättyy

17.–21.11. International Education Week Yhdysvalloissa


12.12. Hakuaika MCPD -ohjelmaan päättyy

31.12. Hakuaika ASLA-Fulbright Research Grant for a Junior Scholar -ohjelmaan päättyy

Asiantuntijaseminaari PohjoisAmerikan kanssa tehtävästä koulutusyhteistyöstä

15.1. Fulbright Center osallistuu UNIEXPO -messuille Helsingin yliopistolla Vaihtotoimikunnan kokous helmikuussa 2009 Fulbright Center Board Meeting February 2008

Fulbright Centerin stipendien haku alkaa helmikuussa

Kevään infotilaisuudet julkaistaan Fulbright Centerin verkkosivuilla tammikuun aikana


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