Fulbright Center News 2/2012

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Milestone in FinnishAmerican Cooperation

Fulbright Grants to the U.S. 2012-2013 A Finnish Welcome for U.S. Fulbrighters

vol. 22 nro 2 (56) syksy/fall 2012

Message from the President of the Republic of Finland

fulbright center news



Milestone in Finnish-American Cooperation

From the Executive Director Diplomacy at its best. This is how the U.S. Ambassador to Finland Bruce J. Oreck recently described the Finnish-American Fulbright exchange. He emphasized that Fulbright is not merely an academic program, but diplomacy at its best. The current year marks the 60th anniversary of the signing of the Fulbright Agreement between the Governments of the United States and Finland. The stature of the agreement is widely recognized and thus it has been commemorated in both countries by a great number of events and communications (p. 5-6). It was especially heartwarming for the Fulbright Center to receive a letter signed by President Sauli Niinistö, which stated that “the Finnish-American Fulbright program has become a model of excellence for the world’s most well-known global exchange network.” We are much honored to publish the President’s letter in this anniversary issue of the Fulbright Center News (p. 4). I also have the great pleasure to introduce the invited columnist of this special issue, the Speaker of the Parliament of Finland, Mr. Eero Heinäluoma (p. 2). Mr. Heinäluoma quite rightly reminds us of the origin and history of the FinnishAmerican program, for it is unique within the world-wide Fulbright community of more than 150 countries. He also emphasizes Fulbright’s role in strengthening the ties between Finland and the United States, and in creating lasting networks in so many important fields, from academia to culture, trade and politics. I am pleased to report that despite economic uncertainties in recent years, the number of Fulbright Center grantees keeps growing. During this past academic year the Center had a total of 86 grantees, as compared to 69 grantees three years earlier (p. 22). In his anniversary remarks, State Secretary Olli-Pekka Heinonen defined four key reasons behind Fulbright’s success in Finland (p. 5.). One of the four key factors is Fulbright’s ability to create partnerships. The program is built on collaboration between governments, public and private partner organizations, the higher education and research sectors, private foundations, and an ever-growing number of alumni and private citizens on both sides of the Atlantic. Fulbright is fundamentally a joint effort, and we are happy to acknowledge that credit for the achievements belongs to everyone involved. The Board and the staff team of the Fulbright Center in Helsinki wish to take this opportunity to express our heartfelt thanks to all who have contributed to the continuing success of the Finnish-American Fulbright Program, now and during these remarkable 60 years. Happy Anniversary!

Terhi Mölsä

This sixty-year anniversary of the signing of the Fulbright Agreement between Finland and the United States marks an important milestone in FinnishAmerican cooperation. The Fulbright program started in 1946 after the U.S. Congress passed the law on selling surplus U.S. government war property to fund international exchange between the U.S. and other countries. When Finland joined the program in 1952, it was still a rural society with a fairly limited amount of international exchange, but the war years were over and Finland was gradually returning to the international scene. Understandably there were some limitations to our foreign policy options and this made it all the more important to utilize other, softer foreign policy instruments. Since its birth, the ASLAFulbright Program has brought more than 3500 Finnish students and researchers to the United States – quite a respectable number for a small country. More than 1500 American students, scholars and professionals have had the opportunity to study in Finland and take home experiences that we hope are both academically useful and memorable. Science and education have been international in nature well before the age of globalization, and exchange in these fields offers people the unique opportunity to experience the culture and society of another country while belonging to an international community of researchers, students or teachers. It is safe to say that in addition to all its academic merits, the Fulbright program has also had an important role in strengthening ties between Finland and the USA, and in creating lasting networks in so many important fields, from the academic world to culture, trade and politics. On a general level, it is of utmost importance for us that Finland remains an interesting partner for the USA. We need to ensure that the quality of our

education remains high on all levels. We also need to continue to invest in research and development to ensure that we can produce results and innovations that contribute to a general spirit of cooperation. I would, for example, like to see much more direct interaction between Members of Congress and Members of Parliament in Finland and other Scandinavian and European countries. This is an area where there is still room for new networks, perhaps especially among the younger generation of political leaders. Joint meetings and seminars on central topics could contribute to a deeper understanding between our continents, and also help us maintain a political environment in which our common democratic ideas and values remain closely connected. I would like to see Finland in the forefront of strengthening the transatlantic relation. In Finland, as in the U.S., we highly value mutual trust and cooperation. As a Finn, and a former Finance Minister, it is still heart-warming to hear how some Americans remember Finland as the only European country to pay back the loan it received from the United States after the First World War. The payments were made even during the difficult war years. Indeed, when the U.S. Congress decided to channel the repayments it received on its loan into scholarships for Finnish students, it was a substantial tribute to Finland as a trustworthy partner.

Eero Heinäluoma Speaker of the Parliament of Finland




In This Issue 2



Message from the President of the Republic of Finland


Fulbright Agreement 60 Years


Donors to the Fulbright Center


20 Years of American Voices Turku Plans a New U.S. Studies Institute


Fulbright Center Grants to the United States 2012-2013

10 Pre-Doctoral Research Fellow -stipendillä Kriminologiaa Philadelphiassa 12 Tervetuloa! A Finnish Welcome for U.S. Fulbrighters 12 Visiting the Finnish Parliament 13 Finnish Fulbright Grantee's Doctoral Thesis Wins Two International Awards 13 "Easy and Smooth" Fulbright Inter-Country Travel Grant 14 Haaveiden New York 17 Fulbright Bicentennial Chair Inaugural Lecture 17 Fulbrightereiden matkassa 18 Advice and Tips from Scholars and Alumni Preparing New Grantees for Fulbright in the U.S. Cover: The current year marks the 60th Anniversary of the signing of the Fulbright Agreement between the Governments of the United States and Finland. The year has been commemorated in both the United States and Finland by a great number of events and communications. This issue of the Fulbright Center News honors the 60th Anniversary of the Fulbright Agreement.

19 "Have a Buddy!" 20 Fulbright-Saastamoinen My Fulbright Experience - Many Happy Returns 21 Alumni News 22 News / Uutisia


24 Kalenteri / Calendar of Events

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Fulbright Center News on Fulbright Centerin asiakaslehti, joka ilmestyy kaksi kertaa vuodessa. Lehdestä julkaistaan myös verkkoversio osoitteessa www.fulbright.fi. Seuraava numero ilmestyy keväällä 2013. Artikkelit ja muu aineisto pyydetään toimittamaan 22.3. mennessä. Artikkeleissa ilmaistut mielipiteet ovat kirjoittajien omia. The Fulbright Center News is a biannual newsletter published by the Fulbright Center in Finland. The Fulbright Center News is also available online at www.fulbright.fi. The next issue will come out in Spring 2013. The submission deadline for articles and other materials is 22 March. Opinions expressed by authors are their own and do not necessarily reflect those of the Fulbright Center.

Päätoimittaja/Editor-in-Chief Terhi Mölsä Executive Director Toimittajat/Editors Johanna Lahti (toimituspäällikkö) Tanja Mitchell Suzanne Louis

While every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the material in this publication, the Fulbright Center does not accept liability for any errors or omissions.

Toimituksen yhteystiedot/ Contact Information The Fulbright Center Hakaniemenranta 6 FI-00530 Helsinki FINLAND

Aineisto vapaasti lainattavissa, lähde mainittava. Reproduction allowed, source must be cited.

Ulkoasu ja taitto/Layout Tanja Mitchell/Fulbright Center

The Fulbright Center Tel. +358 9 5494 7400 Fax +358 9 5494 7474 E-mail: office@fulbright.fi ISSN-L 1456-0461 ISSN 1456-0461 (Painettu) ISSN 2242-4245 (Verkkolehti) Kansipaperi/Cover paper: Maxigloss 200 g/m2 Paperi/Paper: G-Print 115 g/m2 Levikki/Circulation: 2 000 Painopaikka/Printed by Erweko Oy

MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF FINLAND This year the people of Finland and the United States celebrate the 60th Anniversary of the Signing of the Fulbright Agreement between the governments of our two countries. Finland and the United States maintain an excellent relationship based on shared values, mutual respect and understanding. I am confident that the ties that bind us will only strengthen as we work together to address the daunting global challenges of the day. The Finnish-American Fulbright program, with its focus on academic excellence, intercultural competence and global skills, is helping to shape the minds that will find the solutions to those challenges and to those that will come in the future. Over the past six decades, the Finnish-American Fulbright program has become a model of excellence for the world’s most well-known global exchange network, providing thousands of individuals the opportunity to serve as academic and cultural ambassadors and become leaders in their field. At the same time the Fulbright Program’s positive role in Finnish-American relations has been immeasurable. Fulbright has been called the best and most cost-effective public diplomacy program our two countries have ever had. I congratulate the Finnish-American Fulbright Program for its significant achievements and I send you my warmest greetings on your 60th Anniversary.

Sauli Niinistö President of the Republic of Finland



60th Anniversary of the Finnish-American Fulbright Agreement

Fulbright Agreement 60 Years The current year marks the 60th Anniversary of the signing of the Fulbright Agreement between the Governments of the United States and Finland. The stature of the agreement is widely recognized and thus it has been commemorated in both the United States and Finland by a great number of events and communications. In March, the Anniversary was celebrated at the Ambassador’s Reception at the Finnish Embassy in Washington, D.C. with a broad participation representing the U.S. government, Fulbright partners and alumni. In May, the celebrations continued at the Foreign Ministry’s event at Säätytalo in Helsinki. (See Fulbright Center News, Spring 2012.) In the summer, the Anniversary was recognized at the 4th of July celebration at the American Embassy in Helsinki. The Center’s Honorary Chair, U.S. Ambassador Bruce J. Oreck, highlighted the Fulbright Anniversary and the significance of the program in his speech to an audience of over one thousand guests. The Fulbright Center also had its own booth at the event to introduce the Center and discuss its programs with the guests. Two anniversary fundraising campaigns have been launched in conjunction with the Anniversary events, one in the United States and one in Finland. In late August, the Anniversary was celebrated at the U.S. Ambassador’s Reception at the American Embassy. Remarks on behalf of the Finnish government were delivered by the State Secretary at the Prime Minister’s Office, Mr. Olli-Pekka Heinonen. In his remarks, State Secretary Heinonen elaborated on four specific strengths he believes have contributed to Fulbright’s particularly strong position in Finland. First, as the foundation of the cooperation, the State Secretary noted the role of the Finnish and U.S. government support and stressed the importance of sustaining the current level of financial support by both governments to the Finnish-American program also in the future. Heinonen further noted that another central characteristic behind the success of the Finnish Fulbright program has been its ability to change and renew itself through the years. He also said that the Finnish Fulbright program is a leader in its capacity to develop partnerships with key >>

Photo: Tuomas Hellman

Government greetings to the Fulbright Anniversary Reception in August were brought by State Secterary Olli-Pekka Heinonen from the Prime Minister’s Office (top photo, left) and U.S. Ambassador Bruce J. Oreck. In the middle, Fulbright Center Executive Director Terhi Mölsä. The Fulbright Anniversary was highlighted also during the U.S. Embassy’s 4th of July Reception with over a thousand guests (photo on the right). More anniversary photos on the Fulbright Center website www.fulbright.fi.

Photo: American Embassy

Photo: Jesse Terho

In the spring there were two major anniversary events, one on both sides of the Atlantic. The Finnish Ambassador Ritva Koukku-Ronde hosted a memorable event at the Finnish Embassy in Washington D.C. in March. And in May, the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland hosted a celebration at Säätytalo, the House of the Estates, in Helsinki. On the photo, Mr. Jari Sinkari, Deputy Director from the Finnish Ministry for Foreign Affairs addressing the audience at the House of the Estates. www.fulbright.fi


Photo: Tuomas Hellman

60th Anniversary of the Finnish-American Fulbright Agreement

academic, research and industry players in Finland. This will charge the growth of the program also in the future. Mr. Heinonen concluded that the fourth key asset of the program is the support and buy-in of its rapidly growing and active alumni network in both countries. Every year, the Fulbright Center supports over 80 Finnish and American students, scholars, teachers and professionals in their search for knowledge, new inventions, and solutions for local and global challenges. The Finnish-American Fulbright program develops future leaders with international skills and cross-cultural capacity. Since the program’s inception, over 3500 Finns have studied or conducted research in the United States on a Fulbright grant, and over 1500 Americans have come to Finland as Fulbright grantees.

Donors to the Fulbright Center In each Fall issue of the FC News, we will be recognizing the generous contributions made by our alumni and friends in support of the Finnish Fulbright Program. We are so grateful for the many thoughtful gifts that have been made to help us realize the visionary mission of Fulbright. Donors to the Fulbright Center Annual Fund in earlier years: Stephen Rabe, Phillips V. Brooks, Beverly Harju, and an anonymous donor. Donor to the Fulbright Center’s Endowment: Marjut Robinson. Gifts made to build the Friends of Fulbright Finland Alumni Fund, launched March 2012: Alumni of the Finnish Fulbright Program: Randall Allsup, Darrick Chang, Roger Coulombe, Cheryl Greenberg, Christopher Johnson, Kenneth Kolson, John LeBaron, Dan Lloyd, Suzanne Louis, Geoffrey McGovern, Barbara Mossberg, Keith Olson, Margaret Schueman. Friends of the program: Anonymous donors including the 11 Finnish participants of the 2012 U.S. Study Tour on Alumni Relations and Institutional Giving.



U.S. Fulbrighter: Our New Alumni Fund Needs You!

"The American Voices Seminar in Turku provided a unique opportunity for us to present about an aspect of American culture that was significant to each of us; as I listened to the other presenters, I was reminded of the richness, diversity, and breadth of the topic”, says Lindsay Whorton (right), a Ph.D. student on Education Politics at the University of Helsinki. “The conference provided a great opportunity to reflect on our American homes and to reconnect with the other grantees with whom we are sharing our new home." With Lindsay, fellow Fulbrighters Ben Norris and Jacqueline Williams.

If you have great memories of Finland, then the opportunity to remember Fulbright in your annual gift giving is at hand. As the end of year approaches, please consider if you are able to send in a gift, of any size, to help us maintain the vigor and strength of the Finnish Fulbright program, its grants and outreach activities. Gifts are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. Please find the official donation letter on the FC website at http://bit.ly/10ekAMd. If you wish to discuss your plans or interests confidentially, please contact Executive Director Terhi Mölsä at terhi.molsa@ fulbright.fi. We know that there are many calls on your gifting plans and hope that your Fulbright experience will speak to you about the value of supporting our programs and becoming an active member of the alumni community through this effort. Building the Alumni Fund endowment base is one of our top goals for this coming year so that we will have a grant to announce in 2014! Please help us reach this goal.

Antti Ikonen (left) and Teijo Aflecht, third year English translation students at the University of Turku, study also North American studies and they attended the seminar on both days. Students receive study points for attending the seminar and writing a paper, but both Antti and Teijo emhasize that they would have come anyway: “it's the presentations and atmosphere that matter”, Teijo says. Both students thanked the presentations for a good balance: “high level performances and interesting topics ranging from academic to entertaining talks”.

20 Years of American Voices

Turku Plans a New U.S. Studies Institute Opening greetings at the 20th American Voices Seminar were given by (l-r) Joel Kuortti, Head of the School of Languages and Translation Studies, David McGuire, Counselor for Press and Cultural Affairs at the U.S. Embassy, Terhi Mölsä, Executive Director of the Fulbright Center, Kalervo Väänänen, Rector of the University of Turku, and Janne Korkka, Lecturer and Program Coordinator for the NAMS program. Third from the left is Intern Tommi Salovaara, seminar co-organizer with Janne Korkka.

How It All Began? “In Turku (Åbo in Swedish), in the southwest corner of the country, we often host one or more Fulbright visitors at the University of Turku or Åbo Akademi“, says Dr. Keith Battarbee, the founder of the American Voices seminar. “We were missing out, however, on getting to know the other Fulbright scholars, unless we happened to meet at a conference. And so, in 1993, the idea was born of inviting all the current

tion to American Deaf Culture and the Archaeology of Barbie to Philosophical Perspectives on Jazz: America’s Revolutionary Music. “The seminar gives students at the University of Turku an excellent look into various aspects of American culture and new ideas about research on the United States“, Janne Korkka says. “The seminar is well established,” Korkka summarizes and looks into years to come, “and in the future I believe it will draw in new audiences as the study of the United States gains even more momentum at the University of Turku.”

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In mid-October, American Fulbrighters gathered at the University of Turku together with dozens of Turku students and faculty, and Fulbright Center and U.S. Embassy staff. It was time for the 20th two-day American Voices Seminar. “The American Voices seminar is an important tradition for the University of Turku and the North American Studies program,” says Dr. Janne Korkka, Program Coordinator for the North American Studies Program (NAMS) at the University of Turku. “It highlights the cooperation between NAMS and the Fulbright Center, and reflects the university’s commitment to Finnish-American academic exchanges”, Korkka adds. “We celebrated the 20th seminar this year at an exciting time, as the University of Turku has just announced plans for founding a national institute for the study of the United States.” The presentation topics ranged this year from Geographies of Race in an American City through an Introduc-

Visit our homepage fo r the full prog ram and more photos.

Photos: Mirka McIntire and Fulbright Center.

Fulbrighters in Finland to Turku for a couple of days“. Dr. Battarbee elaborates on the history of the seminar in his article Looking Back over Fifteen Seminars (Fulbright Center News 1/2007, p. 20-21). In his article Battarbee also sheds light on the origin of the seminar title, American Voices: “We needed a platform idea which would accommodate both distinguished senior scholars and graduate students, and would be accessible to our undergraduates. What we wanted

The North American Studies Program at the University of Turku was awarded a certificate of appreciation by the Fulbright Center Board of Directors. The award was presented for “dedicated service and excellence in organizing the annual American Voices Seminar, and for unwavering commitment to Finnish-American Academic Exchanges”. Program Coordinator Janne Korkka received the certificate as NAMS representative from FC Board Chair David McGuire and Executive Director Terhi Mölsä.

was to hear what these American visitors could tell us about their own life and work and experience in America. So we called it “American Voices”.

So we called it American Voices www.fulbright.fi


Fulbright Center Grants to the United States 2012-2013 Altogether 42 Finns are studying, conducting research or professional projects in the United States this year on a Fulbright Grant. ASLA-Fulbright Graduate Grant Program Antin, Katri Theology University of Helsinki Emory University Berger, Laura Architecture Aalto University Columbia University The grant is cost-shared with Aalto University Haapajärvi, Linda Sociology École des hautes études en sciences sociales, France Harvard University ASLA-Fulbright Alumni Ambassadorial Award Häkkinen, Silja Atmospheric aerosols University of Helsinki Columbia University The grant is cost-shared with the University of Helsinki Kuha, Antti Law University of Helsinki Stanford University Lappalainen, Olli Economics University of Turku University of California, Berkeley The grant is cost-shared with the University of Turku Levänen, Jarkko Public Policy University of Helsinki University of Colorado, Denver Ojanperä, Sanna International Relations University of Essex American University Simelius, Samuli Archaeology University of Helsinki Cornell University 8


Tikkaoja, Oona Fine Arts Aalto University University of California, San Diego The grant is cost-shared with Aalto University ASLA-Fulbright PreDoctoral Research Fellows Program Kolehmainen, Marjo Communications University of Tampere Old Dominion University The grant is cost-shared with the University of Tampere Nevanperä, Tiina Visual Culture Aalto University State University of New York, Stony Brook University The grant is cost-shared with Aalto University Tiitinen, Laura Social Work University of Lapland Colorado State University The grant is cost-shared with the University of Lapland Virtanen, Suvi Chemistry University of Jyväskylä Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute The grant is cost-shared with the University of Jyväskylä Fulbright-Technology Industries of Finland Grant Haarnoja, Tuomas Doctoral Student Engineering Luleå University of Technology and Aalto University University of California, Berkeley

Verho, Tuukka Doctoral Student Physics Aalto University Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT Fulbright Finnish Language and Culture Teaching Assistant Program (FLTA) Program is funded in cooperation with CIMO, the Centre for International Mobility, operating under the Finnish Ministry of Education. Härmävaara, Hanna-Ilona Finnish Language University of Helsinki University of Minnesota Norema, Anne Finnish Language University of Helsinki Columbia University

San Francisco, CA • • • •

UC Berkeley UC Davis Stanford U SF Concervatory of Music

Los Angeles, CA • UCLA

San Diego, CA • UC San Diego

Tervonen, Miika History Finnish Literature Society Columbia University Vierros, Marja Linguistics University of Helsinki New York University

Pirilä, Amanda English Philology University of Turku University of California, Berkeley

ASLA-Fulbright Research Grant for a Senior Scholar Program

Rönkkönen, Henriikka Finnish Literature University of Helsinki Indiana University, Bloomington

Pyykkönen, Miikka Sociology University of Jyväskylä University of California, Davis The grant is cost-shared with the University of Jyväskylä

ASLA-Fulbright Research Grant for a Junior Scholar Program Kovalainen, Heikki A. Philosophy University of Tampere Harvard University Suominen, Arho Engineering University of Turku Georgia Institute of Technology The grant is cost-shared with the University of Turku

Mid-Career Professional Development Grant Ala-Korpi, Raimo Business Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment of Pirkanmaa University of California, Los Angeles Hakala, Johanna University Services University of Tampere North Carolina State University & State University of New York, Albany

• Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute • State U of New York, Albany

Minneapolis, MN

• Cornell U • U of Michigan

Bloomington, IN

Philadelphia, PA Baltimore, MD

Washinton, D.C.

• Indiana U, Bloomington

• Colorado State U • U of Colorado

• Harvard U • MIT

New Haven, CT New York, NY

Ann Arbor, MI

Denver, CO

Boston, MA

Albany, NY Ithaca, NY

• U of Minnesota

• Johns Hopkins U

• American U • U of Maryland

Norfolk, VA • Old Dominion U

Raleigh, NC

• North Caroline State U

Atlanta, GA

New Haven • Yale U New York • Columbia U • New York U • Stony Brook U • International Center of Photography • Magnum Photos Inc. • CUNY, Baruch College Philadephia • The U of the Arts

• Georgia Institute of Technology • Emory U

Sarasota, FL • Ringling College of Art and Design

Fulbright Grant in Photojournalism Sponsored by the Patricia Seppälä Foundation Rautaheimo, Kaisa Freelance Photographer International Center of Photography & Magnum Photos Distinguished Fulbright Awards in Teaching Semi, Leena University Teacher Training School at Joensuu University of Maryland, College Park Sola, Elina Lielahti School, Tampere University of Maryland, College Park Sydänmaanlakka, Marianna Sotunki High School, Vantaa University of Maryland, College Park

Fulbright Center's Undergraduate Grant Program for Undergraduate Studies Aalto-Setälä, Juha Music Education Sibelius Academy University of Michigan, School of Music, Theatre & Dance Saajola, Ninni Scriptwriting (movie and TV) Turku University of Arts in Philadelphia Zhang, Wanmeng Business Economics Helsingin Suomalainen Yhteiskoulu New York University, Stern School of Business

Fulbright Center Renewal Grants Juutinen, Jasmin Fulbright Center’s Undergraduate Grant 2011-12 Illustration Ringling College of Arts and Design Karjalainen, Joonas Fulbright Center’s Undergraduate Grant 2010-11 Environmental Engineering Johns Hopkins University Lehmuskumpu, Heidi ASLA-Fulbright Graduate Grant 2011-12 Fundraising and Grantmaking New York University

Leivo, Markus Fulbright Center’s Undergraduate Grant 2011-12 Music San Francisco Conservatory of Music Salminen, Elina ASLA-Fulbright Graduate Grant 2011-12 Archaeology University of Michigan Salo, Janne Fulbright Center’s Undergraduate Grant 2010-11 Art History Yale University Säätelä, Elsa Fulbright Center’s Undergraduate Grant 2009-10 Journalism CUNY, Baruch College www.fulbright.fi


Pre-Doctoral Research Fellow -stipendillä

Kriminologiaa Philadelphiassa Väitöskirjatutkimukseni, jossa hyödynnetään kriminologian piirissä suhteellisen vähän käytettyjä rekisteriaineistoja, käsittelee väestöryhmittäisiä eroja rikollisuudessa. Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on selvittää, miten sosioekonominen asema mitattuna muun muassa koulutustasolla, tuloilla tai ammattiasemalla on yhteydessä rikollisuuteen, ja toisaalta vakavan väkivallan uhriksi joutumiseen. Tutkimusaihe liittyy siis kiinteästi ajankohtaiseen syrjäytymiskeskusteluun. Rekisteriaineistot, joissa yhdistetään yksilötasoista tietoa useasta hallinnollisesta rekisterilähteestä esimerkiksi väestörekisteristä poimittuun perusotokseen, soveltuvat erityisen hyvin syrjäytymistematiikan tarkasteluun, sillä ne tavoittavat kaikki väestöryhmät huomattavasti paremmin kuin väestökyselyt.

Onnekkaat sattumat veivät Philadelphiaan Vaikka rikollisuutta tutkitaan Suomessa usean tieteenalan piirissä, on kriminologian asema itsenäisenä tutkimusalana varsin heikko. Koska itse teen väitöskirjaani väestötieteen alalle, oli koko ajan selvää, että vierailu ulkomaiseen, ainoastaan kriminologiaan keskittyvään yliopiston laitokseen olisi hyödyllistä. Kontaktit Pennsylvanian yliopistoon syntyivät onnekkaiden sattumien kautta. Väitöskirjaohjaajani oli matkustamassa tapaamaan kollegoitaan Philadelphiaan, ja tavattuamme sattumalta lentokentällä juuri ennen hänen matkaansa tuli puheeksi, että kyseinen yliopisto olisi erinomainen kohde vierailulle. Paikallisten professoreiden kiinnostuttua tutkimuksestani aloin selvittää rahoitusvaihtoehtoja varsin kiireisellä aikataululla: toinen onnekas sattuma oli, että Pre-Doctoral Research Fellows -ohjelman hakuaikaa oli vielä jäljellä. Vaimoni Heidi oli lisäksi jäämässä äitiyslomalle vuodenvaihteessa, joten matkan ajoitus oli sikälikin ihanteellinen. Yhdysvaltalaisen tutkimuksen osuus kaikesta kriminologisesta tutkimuksesta on varsin merkittävä, ja sikäläiset pitkittäisaineistot edustavat alan kärkeä. Toisaalta samoja aineistoja käyttävät kymmenet, jopa sadat tutkijat, ja kilpailu on kovaa. Ehkä juuri tästä syystä pohjoismaiset rekisteriaineistot kiinnostivat paikallisia tutkijoita, erityisesti heitä, jotka olivat perillä kyseisten aineistojen menestyksekkäästä käytöstä muun muas10


sa väestötieteen kentällä. Suomen hyvää mainetta tosin kuvaa usein tutkimusaiheeni esittelyä seurannut (kieli poskessa esitetty) epäilys siitä, onko Suomessa ylipäätään rikollisuutta mitä tutkia näillä kiinnostavilla aineistoilla.

Aitoa yhteistyötä Virallisesti olin vierailevana tutkijana Pennsylvanian yliopiston Population Studies Centerissä, eli väestötieteen laitoksella, mutta käytännössä työskentelin eniten kriminologian professori John MacDonaldin kanssa. Erityisen

mukavaa oli jakaa työhuone kriminologian alan väitöskirjaansa viimeistelleen väestötieteilijä Matt Rutherin kanssa. McNeil Buildingissa, jossa työhuoneemme sijaitsi, ovat väestötieteen ja kriminologian laitosten lisäksi taloustieteen ja sosiologian laitokset. Voisi sanoa, että kyseisessä ympäristössä yhdistyivät oman tutkimukseni kannalta relevantit alat. Aloitin työni laitoksella samana päivänä kuin uudet tohtorikoulutettavat, ja tutustuin heihin heti alusta lähtien. Vietimme heidän kanssaan paljon aikaa, ja heistä muutama on sittemmin käynyt meillä Suomessa kylässä. Aitoa yhteistyötäkin syntyi: tällä hetkellä työn alla on kaksi artikkelia UPennin professoreiden kanssa, ja lisää on suunnitteilla. Kävin lisäksi esitelmöimässä tutkimuksestani Fresno State Universityssa järjestetyssä seminaarissa Fulbrightin tarjoaman Occasional Lecturer Fundin turvin, ja osallistuin myös American Society of Criminology’n vuosiseminaariin.

Aaltosen perhe, Mikko, Heidi ja Emma-tytär Kiitospäivän illallisella. Kuva: Gabriele Enders

Stipendiaatin kuulumisia

rikosten tapahtumapaikat. Kaikki huolet Fulbright-stipendin saaminen oli keskeinen tekijä vierailuni onnistumiselle. osoittautuivat kuitenkin turhiksi. Philadelphia ei ole Yhdysvaltojen kaunein Kaikki opiskelijoista henkilökuntaan kaupunki, mutta juuri tämä rosoisuus ja tunsivat Fulbright-ohjelman, ja ohjelman kaupungin rikas historia saivat ”Phillyn” hyvä maine avasi monia ovia: olen varma, että ilman Fulbright Scholar -titteliä olisi tuntumaan erityisen kiehtovalta. On myönnettävä, että kaupunollut huomattavasti hankalampaa vakuuttaa paigin laaja urheilutarjonta ei myöskään haitannut. kalliset oman tutkimukFulbright-stipendin Perheen mukanaolo sen kiinnostavuudesta. tuo omat haasteensa Ohjelman tunnettuus, saaminen oli Fulbright-kauden suununohtamatta Fulbright keskeinen Centerin tarjoamaa nitteluun, ja ihmisten tekijä vierailuni ensiluokkaista tukea tapaaminen yliopistoonnistumiselle. ympäristön ulkopuolelkäytännön asioissa enla vaatii omaa aktiivinen matkaa ja matkan suutta ja avointa mieltä. aikana, auttanee erityiMeidän tapauksessamme sesti nuorta ja kokematonta tutkijaa. Kuuden kuukauden Pre-Doctoral pienen tyttäremme mukanaolo luultavasti helpotti sosiaalisen piirin rakentumisResearch Fellows -ohjelma sopii koketa. Heidi ja Emma menivät paikallisen mukseni mukaan hyvin tutkijalle, joka koulun päiväkerhoon, joka kokoontui on jo edennyt väitöskirjaprojektissaan, kahtena aamupäivänä viikossa. Jo ensimmutta tarvitsee kuitenkin pidemmän yhtäjaksoisen ajan, jolloin voi keskittyä mäisellä kerralla he tapasivat kaksi vastäysipainoisesti tutkimustyöhön. Koska taavassa tilanteessa ollutta äitiä tyttäriomaan työnkuvaani Oikeuspoliittisessa neen, joiden kanssa ystävystyminen kävi nopeasti. Vietimme meidän kolmen pertutkimuslaitoksessa kuuluu paljon muuheen kesken paljon aikaa yhdessä. Mutakin kuin tutkimustyötä, oli tällainen väitöskirjatutkimukselle pyhitetty jakso siikkileikkikoulut ja yliopiston yhteydessä ensiarvoisen tärkeä. mahdollisesti toimivat perhekeskukset sekä erilaiset puolisoille tarkoitetut akti-

viteetit ovat myös hyviä keinoja tutustua ihmisiin. On hyvä muistaa, että erityisesti suurissa yliopistoissa on jatkuvasti paljon vastaavassa tilanteessa olevia perheitä. Amerikkalaiset lapset, ainakin meidän asuinalueellamme, olivat kerhoissa tyypillisesti lastenhoitajan kanssa, joten paikalliseen väestöön oli vaikeampi saada kontaktia lastenkerhojen kautta. Kontaktit amerikkalaisiin syntyivätkin yliopiston ja naapureiden välityksellä. Sosiaalista elämää ja erilaisia tapahtumia oli loppujen lopuksi enemmän kuin aikaa osallistua kaikkeen kiinnostavaan. Kaiken kaikkiaan viettämämme puoli vuotta Philadelphiassa oli ikimuistoista aikaa. Teksti: Mikko Aaltonen Mikko Aaltonen työskentelee Oikeus-poliittisessa tutkimuslaitoksessa tutkijana ja viimeistelee Helsingin yliopiston sosiaalitieteiden laitokselle laajaan rekisteriaineistoon perustuvaa väitöskirjatutkimustaan sosioekonomisista eroista nuorten aikuisten rikollisuudessa. Hän oli vierailevana tutkijana University of Pennsylvaniassa ASLA-Fulbright Pre-Doctoral Research Fellows -stipendillä syyskuusta 2011 helmikuuhun 2012.

Perhe mukana Minä, Heidi ja matkan aikana ensimmäistä syntymäpäiväänsä viettänyt tyttäremme Emma viihdyimme Philadelphian University Cityssa hyvin. Löysimme kalustetun asunnon hyvissä ajoin ennen matkalle lähtöä yliopiston verkkosivujen kautta, ja asuimme samassa asunnossa koko kuuden kuukauden ajan. Rikollisuutta tutkivana olin tietoinen kaupungin vaarallisesta maineesta ja korkeasta henkirikollisuuden tasosta, joten ennen matkalle lähtöä huolehdin turvallisuudesta: käytin kesällä useita iltoja tutkimalla verkossa paikallisen poliisin ja tiedotusvälineiden karttoja, joihin on merkitty

Haluatko sinä lähteä Yhdysvaltoihin puoleksi vuodeksi edistämään väitöskirjatutkimustasi? Hae ASLA-Fulbright Pre-Doctoral Research Fellows -ohjelmaan! Haussa ovat seuraavaksi lukuvuoden 2014-2015 stipendit. Varmista, että oma kotiyliopistosi on mukana rahoittamassa opiskelijoidensa osallistumista ASLA-Fulbright PreDoctoral Research Fellows -stipendiohjelmaan ja vahvista yliopistopaikkasi Yhdysvalloissa ennen hakuajan umpeutumista. Lue stipendiohjelman hakuohjeet Fulbright Centerin verkkosivulta (www.fulbright.fi/fi/stipendiohjelmat-maisteri-ja-tohtoritason-opintoihin-ja-tutkimukseen/asla-fulbright-pre-doctoral).



Tervetuloa! A Finnish Welcome for U.S. Fulbrighters Each year at the end of August, U.S. Fulbright Grantees gather in Helsinki for orientation training before embarking on their grant period in their host cities around Finland. This year, the program kicked off with a welcoming dinner, and continued with three days packed to the brim with information on a wide range of topics such as Finnish taxation, economy, history, foreign policy and higher education. Presentations on Finnish culture and language were also included, and the grantees were introduced to the Fulbright community and the Finnish Fulbright program. At the end of the orientation, each grantee received a copy of Kalevala, the Finnish national epic, with their certificate of the successful completion of the orientation. The three and a half days of orientation gave the grantees a chance to get to know each other, and an evening get-together organized by the ASLA-Fulbright Alumni Association provided an opportunity to meet Fulbright alumni in Finland. The alumni event also offered a chance for the grantees to connect with their designated “buddies”, Fulbright community members who provide assistance in integrating into Finnish life and local activities. A particular highlight of the orientation was the evening reception held at the U.S. Ambassador’s Residence in honor of the U.S. Fulbrighters, which gave the grantees a chance to network with professionals and organizations involved in Finnish-American exchanges. Text: Sonja Kuosmanen Photos: Sonja Kuosmanen and Tuomas Hellman

Grantees paused to enjoy beautiful architecture and piano music in the Rock Church, an architectural highlight of Helsinki designed by brothers Timo and Tuomo Suomalainen and one of the stops on a sighseeing tour offered to the grantees by the City of Helsinki.

Ambassador Bruce J. Oreck, Fulbright Center Executive Director Terhi Mölsä, and State Secretary Olli-Pekka Heinonen welcomed the newly arrived grantees to Finland at the Reception at the Ambassador’s Residence.

For the final day of the orientation, the grantees were invited to the Ministry for Foreign Affairs for sessions on Finnish history, economy, and foreign policy – as well as on differences between Finnish and American conversation culture.

Visiting the Finnish Parliament U.S. Fulbright grantees visited the Finnish Parliament in November. Ms. Miapetra Kumpula-Natri (on the right), Chair of the Grand Committee, hosted a lunch for the Fulbrighters and offered her insights on current affairs, especially on the relationship between Finland and the EU. The Grand Committee serves as the Parliament’s EU Committee. The group also followed the Plenary Session and was taken on an informative guided tour in the Parliament building. The Parliament visit was a part of Fulbrighters’ Thanksgiving enrichment activities. In addition, the group attended a special guest lecture by professor and Fulbright Alumna Toboho Moja from New York University, visited the Museum of Contemporary Art KIASMA, and enjoyed a Thanksgiving dinner hosted by Fulbright Bicentennial Chair Richard Schein at the Fulbright Bicentennial Residence. 12


Grantee News

Finnish Fulbright Grantee’s Doctoral Thesis Wins Two International Awards Finnish Fulbright grantee Erkki Heinonen has received two international awards from the American Psychological Association (APA) and the Society for Exploration of Psychotherapy Integration (SEPI) for his ongoing doctoral work. Both awards are given to one researcher annually. Erkki Heinonen's dissertation investigates the individual characteristics of therapists as predictors of working alliance and outcome in psychotherapy. Heinonen conducts his research at the Helsinki Psychotherapy Study at the National Institute for Health and Welfare. In 2010-11 he conducted his dissertation research work as an ASLA-Fulbright Graduate grantee, and in 2011-12 as a Fulbright Center Renewal grantee at the University of Chicago. “When it comes to science, everything tends to be near, big, and there are a lot of things happening”, says Heinonen about his two years on a Fulbright in the U.S. “For example, last spring there were three major psychology or psychotherapy conferences that took place in Chicago

within a month. Arranging conferences to your calendar - and budget - is a lot easier when the conferences actually come to you!” “Then things also lead to other things,” Heinonen continues. “Going to a conference in Washington, D.C., I decided at the suggestion of a U.S. professor to visit the American Psychological Association that's right next to Capitol Hill. I got a very friendly reception, a tour around the place, and even interviewed the CEO for a magazine piece. Soon, of course, I was an affiliate student member of the APA, going to their annual conference, meeting doctoral students across the country, and learning about all sorts of really interesting stuff that APA and American psychologists in general do.” APA is the largest scientific and professional organization representing psychology in the United States; it is also the world's largest association of psychologists. SEPI is an interdisciplinary, international organization of researchers, theorists, and clinicians interested in the integration of psychotherapy. Its aim is to

"Collaboration with our U.S. colleagues continues after the Fulbright exchange, but also with various other international contacts, across the globe, formed during that period." Erkki Heinonen pictured here at Hoover Dam. promote, examine, and integrate diverse approaches to bringing together the strengths of various therapy orientations. Text: Johanna Lahti

"Easy and Smooth" Fulbright Inter-Country Travel Grant Approximately 250 American scholars annually spend a Fulbright term in Europe. In addition to working at the host institution, the scholars are available for visits to other universities and research institutions in other European countries through the Inter-Country Travel Grant Program. To facilitate this program for all of Europe, the Fulbright Center in Finland annually compiles a database of American Fulbright grantees in Europe www.fulbright.fi/ fi/stipendiohjelmat-korkeakouluille/ inter-country-travel-grant. Finnish higher education institutions can apply for a travel grant from the Fulbright Center to support short visits by American Fulbright lecturers. Applying for an Inter-Country Travel Grant is

simple and the applications are usually processed within days. Mari Pohjola, Planner of International Activities at Laurea University of Applied Sciences hosted professor Charles C. Snow of Pennsylvania State University for a conference visit last Spring. According to her experience applying for an Inter-Country Travel Grant for Laurea was very easy and smooth and the visit as such was a tremendous success. “Laurea will definitely consider applying for an Inter-Country Travel Grant again”, Ms. Pohjola says. One of the U.S. Scholars to Finland this Fall, Dr. Benjamin Zeller (in photo) from Lake Forest College and a grantee at Åbo Akademi, has visited Sweden and Norway on two separate Inter-Country Travel Grants. He says that the process of applying for the grant was easy and “the local Fulbright Commission helped my hosts to make sure that everything was

done properly.” “I got a lot out of the Inter-Country grants. In addition to the chance to visit two universities and regions I probably wouldn't have otherwise, I met a number of new colleagues and students. In Sweden an entire high school class attended one of my lectures! I had a lot of great informal conversations about academic culture and norms in different parts of the Nordic world as compared to other America and other Nordics.” “The Inter-Country Travel Grant Program was a big draw for me even when I was considering applying for the Fulbright, since I had colleagues at other Nordic universities and standing invitations to lecture there,” says Dr. Zeller. “It really is a great program for fostering international networks and collaboration.” Photo: Mirka McIntire www.fulbright.fi


Haaveiden New York Stipendikaudellaan New Yorkissa valokuvaaja Rami Hanafi irtautui kamerastaan ja keskittyi inspiroitumiseen. Valokuvaaja Rami Hanafin pitkäaikainen unelma toteutui vuonna 2010, kun hän sai Fulbright Grant in Photojournalism sponsored by Patricia Seppälä Foundation -stipendin. 15 000 Yhdysvaltain dollarin stipendin avulla Hanafi muutti kahdeksaksi kuukaudeksi New Yorkiin opiskelemaan. Mukana muuttivat myös vaimo Mira ja tuolloin yksivuotias tytär Silva. Haave New Yorkissa asumisesta oli hautunut Hanafin mielessä jo vuosikausia, aina siitä lähtien, kun hän oli lukioaikana

vaihto-oppilaana Yhdysvalloissa. – Kävin silloin New Yorkissa ja minulle jäi ajatus, että tulisin vielä takaisin, Hanafi kertoo. Hakiessaan opiskelemaan valokuvausta Hanafi haki sekä Tampereelle että New Yorkiin. Ovet aukesivat Tampereen yliopiston tiedotusopin laitoksen kuvajournalismin linjalle. Opintojen loppumetreillä Hanafi otti vastaan valokuvaajan pestin Aamulehdestä. Työt veivät vuosiksi, ja New Yorkiin lähteminen lykkääntyi.

Rami Hanafi vietti lukuvuoden 2010-11 New Yorkissa opiskelemassa kuvajournalismia. 14


Henkilökuvassa alumni

Tauko töistä Fulbright Centerin ja Patricia Seppälän säätiön yhteisellä stipendillä on tarkoitus tukea ammatillista kehittymistä ja täydennyskoulutusta Yhdysvalloissa lehtikuvauksen, kuvajournalismin ja visuaalisen journalismin alalla. Kun stipendi oli ensimmäistä kertaa jaossa vuonna 2008, Rami Hanafi "missasi deadlinen". Seuraavalla stipendikierroksella hän ehti täpärästi hakuun mukaan ja sai stipendin. – Se oli viimeinen potku. Oli selkeää, että lähdemme. Ei ollut enää mitään selitystä, Hanafi sanoo. Stipendi sattui hyvään aikaan Hanafin uralla. Takana oli neljä vuotta tiivistä työtä Aamulehdessä sekä omien lumilautailu- ja mainoskuvausten parissa. Hanafista tuntui sopivalta pitää tauko opiskelua varten. – Olin valmis ja halukas pitämään tauon ja rikkomaan omia käytäntöjäni.

Valintoja runsaudenpulassa Rami Hanafin stipendikausi alkoi syksyllä 2010. Pohdiskeltuaan erilaisia vaihtoehtoja Hanafi päätyi valitsemaan kursseja avoimen yliopiston puolelta kahdesta eri opinahjosta, International Center of Photographysta (ICP) ja School of Visual Artsista (SVA). – En halunnut sitoa itseäni yhteen kouluun. Koulut Hanafi valitsi niiden hyvän maineen vuoksi. SVA:sta löytyi kaikkea muutakin kuin valokuvauskursseja. ICP olisi tarjonnut valmiin, vuoden kestävän opintopaketin, mutta valitsemalla kurssit itse Hanafi sai juuri itseään kiinnostavan valikoiman. Kurssien valinta ei sitten ollutkaan aivan yksinkertainen tehtävä. Yksityisten koulujen esitteet ovat markkinointimateriaalia, ja kurssikuvaukset ylisanoilla kuorrutettuja. – 50 kurssia kuulostaa hienoilta, mutta niistä 25 vastaa odotuksia, Hanafi kuittaa. Toinen haaste oli valtavan suuri kurssitarjonta. – Kun Suomessa on yksi henkilökuvakurssi, siellä on kymmenen. Lopulta Hanafi valitsi ohjelmaansa muun muassa näyttely- ja taidekuratointiseminaarin, valokuvajulkaisukurssin, digivedostuskurssin ja Photoshop-kurssin, johon hän oli todella tyytyväinen. – Jokainen luento oli ensimmäisten kymmenen minuutin jälkeen uutta asiaa. Vetäjä tunsi ohjelman hyvin ja aiheeseen mentiin tarpeettomankin syvälle, Hanafi naureskelee.

Aika kortilla Hanafin päivät New Yorkissa eivät kuitenkaan kuluneet luennoilla, vaan hän työskenteli assistenttina kahden tanskalaisen valokuvaajan studiolla viitenä päivänä viikossa. – En ole ollut hyvä istumaan koulun penkillä. Tykkään oppia tekemisen kautta joko itse tekemällä tai katsomalla kun muut tekevät, Hanafi sanoo. Kursseilla Hanafi kävi iltaisin ja viikonloppuisin. Hanafin perhe oli lähtenyt New Yorkiin sillä ajatuksella, että heillä olisi paljon yhteistä aikaa ja mahdollisuus kierrellä kaupungin museoissa ja gallerioissa. Toisin kävi. – Tilanne oli sama kuin kotonakin, Hanafi huokaa. Loppua kohti Hanafi vähensi kursseilla istumista, ja aikaa jäi gallerioillekin. Jälleen vastassa oli valinnan vaikeus.

– New Yorkissa on se hyvä ja samalla huono puoli, että tarjontaa on niin paljon, ettei ole mahdollista käydä kaikkialla missä haluaisi.

Irti kamerasta Stipendikaudeltaan Hanafi odotti eniten maisemanvaihdoksen tuomaa inspiraatiota. Valokuvaaja hylkäsi kameransa lähes kokonaan ja keskittyi sen sijaan uuden oppimiseen ja vaikutteiden imemiseen. – En käytännössä kuvannut kauheasti mitään muuta paitsi tytärtäni. Tuntui varsin hyvältä olla hetki kuvaamatta. Korkeista odotuksista huolimatta Hanafi oli realisti. Hän tiesi entuudestaan, kuinka asiat suuressa maailmassa toimivat. – Ei sinne mennä takki auki. Esimerkiksi tapaamisten saaminen voi olla haastavaa, hän kertoo. Hiukan yllättäen haasteita toivat www.fulbright.fi


käytännön asiat. Suurin yllätys oli, kuinka jo vireillä ja kehittyy. Silti Hanafi ei osaa vaikeaa oli sopivan asunnon löytäminen vielä sanoa, mikä ammatillisessa mielessopivaan hintaan. sä oli se tärkein tuliainen. – Olin varautunut tiet– Se iskee jälkeenpäin, tyyn summaan, mutta mikä se paras juttu oli. Yhdysvalloissa maksoimmekin puolet Kohta sen pitäisi alkaa enemmän. heräillä. kuvajournalismin Myös pankkitilin ja puheKursseilta Hanafi amala on linliittymän avaaminen mensi paljon konkreetkorkeatasoinen oli vaikeaa. Hanafin nortisia käytännön oppeja, ja arvostettu. maalisti pitkä pinna oli jotka ovat muuttaneet häkoetuksella, kun hän ajenen työskentelytapojaan. li neljättä kertaa metrolla Tyylilliset ja visuaaliset pankkiin. vaikutteet näkyvät pidem– Kämppää ja pikkujuttuja lukuun ottamän ajan päästä, sillä ne kumpuavat matta kaikki sujui kuin rasvattu. alitajunnasta. – Oleellisimpana pidän inspiroitumista ja Tuliaisina ideoita uusien ajatusten heräämistä, sitä lähdin Nyt, noin kaksi vuotta stipendikauden hakemaan, Hanafi linjaa. jälkeen, Hanafi muistaa New Yorkin kuuSuomeen paluun jälkeen Hanafi ei ole viekausia mahtavana aikana perheen kanslä palannut Aamulehteen. Opintovapaan sa loistavassa paikassa. jälkeen hän on jatkanut virkavapaalla. – Kaikki, mitä kaupungilla oli tarjotta– Haluan tehdä asioita, jotka heräsivät vana, oli mukava jakaa yhdessä, hän New Yorkissa, ja saada ne tehtyä. hymyilee. Irrallaan Suomen kuvioista ja ihmissuhteista Hanafi havahtui siihen, mitä maaYhdysvallat on kuvajournalismin ilma on Suomen ulkopuolella. Vieraassa uranuurtaja ympäristössä heräsi paljon ideoita ja Patricia Seppälän säätiön tarkoitus on ajatuksia. edistää lehtikuvauksen ja muun doku– Omasta pienestä piiristä ulos astuminen mentoivan ja raportoivan valokuvauksen tekee aina hyvää. journalistista ja teknistä kehitystä ja tieOsa New Yorkissa heränneistä ideoista on teellistä tutkimusta. Säätiö tukee alaan

"Perhe- ja työelämän yhdistäminen voi joskus olla haasteellista", Rami sanoo.



liittyviä projekteja sekä alan koulutusta ja opiskelua. Fulbright Grant in Photojournalism sponsored by Patricia Seppälä Foundation on tarkoitettu jo ammatissa toimiville kuvajournalisteille Yhdysvalloissa tapahtuvia opintoja varten. Säätiön hallituksen puheenjohtaja, lehdistöneuvos Vesa-Pekka Koljonen pitää stipendiä säätiön toiminnan kannalta arvokkaana ja vertaa sitä säätiön joka toinen vuosi jakamaan Patricia Seppälän kuvajournalismipalkintoon. – Toinen on palkinto ja toisella haluamme tukea ammattitaidon kehittymistä, Koljonen sanoo. Yhdysvallat valikoitui kohdemaaksi yhteistyökumppanin, Fulbright Centerin, perusteella. Kaupan päälle Yhdysvallat sattuu olemaan kuvajournalismin edelläkävijämaa. – Yhdysvalloissa kuvajournalismin ala on korkeatasoinen ja arvostettu. Sieltä tulevat myös alan merkittävimmät saavutukset, Koljonen linjaa. Koljonen kiittelee yhteistyökumppanin ammattitaitoa. – Fulbright Centerillä on hyvä koneisto, jonka avulla meidän raha tulee tehokkaalla tavalla käytetyksi. Teksti: Tuisku Pirttimäki Kuvat: Rami Hanafi

Stipendiaattien kuulumisia

Fulbright Bicentennial Chair Inaugural Lecture Fulbright Bicentennial Professor Richard Schein gave his inaugural lecture in November. The lecture, titled “Historical Geographies for the Present: stories of land and landscape”, attracted an audience of over a hundred students and faculty in the Small Festivities Hall of the University of Helsinki. In his address Professor Schein discussed a number of landscape stories illustrating places where cultural and social meanings have been claimed and contested. The event was hosted by the Chancellor of the University of Helsinki Ilkka Niiniluoto. In his remarks, U.S. Ambassador

Bruce J. Oreck, who also serves as the Honorary Chairman of the Fulbright Center Board, congratulated Professor Schein and thanked the University of Helsinki and the Fulbright Center for their long-lasting cooperation. The Fulbright Bicentennial Chair in North American Studies is the oldest of the Fulbright Distinguished Chairs worldwide. Photo: Tuomas Hellman www.fulbright.fi/en/researchand-lecturing-opportunitiesscholars-and-specialists/ fulbright-bicentennial-chair-american

Fulbrightereiden m a t ka s s a Fulbrightereiden matkassa on sarja, jossa seurataan kahden 2012-2013 ASLA-Fulbright Graduate Grant -stipendiaatin, Linda Haapajärven (vas.) ja Silja Häkkisen, valmistautumista Fulbright-vuoteensa, stipendikautta Yhdysvalloissa sekä kokemuksia ja palautetta Fulbright-vaihdon jälkeen.

Linda Haapajärvi ja Silja Häkkinen aloittivat Fulbright-kautensa muutama kuukausi sitten Harvardissa ja Columbian yliopistossa. ”Vuosi on käynnistynyt vauhdikkaasti,” Harvardissa sosiologian jatko-opintoja suorittava Linda Haapajärvi kertoo ja toteaa Bostonin yllättäneen hänet. ”Kaupunki on kauniimpi ja mukavampi kuin mitä odotin. Asun paremman puoliskoni kanssa Bostonin keskustassa ja se herättää ihmetystä Harvardin opiskelijoissa, jotka kaikki asuvat Cambridgessä yliopiston nurkilla,” Linda kertoo. ”Minulle tämä järjestely sopii hyvin. On mukava tutustua sekä monipuoliseen Bostoniin että pikkukaupunkimaiseen Cambridgeen.” Lindan syyslukukausi on täynnä tekemistä. ”Osallistun kolmeen seminaariin, jotka tuottavat paljon lukemista. Olen järjestänyt tapaamisia paikallisten tutkijoiden kanssa ja ajatuksenvaihto on ollut antoisaa. Olen myös luennoinut undergraduate-opiskelijoille omasta tutkimuksestani, koordinoin sosiologian jatko-opiskelijoiden klassikkolukupiiriä ja vietän paljon aikaa kirjastossa tutustuen minulle uusiin yhteiskuntatieteiden tuuliin. Kun paikalliset opiskelijat laskeutuvat winter recessin viettoon joulukuun alkupuolella, minä aion paneutua omaan tutkimukseeni uudelleen,” Linda kuvailee.

Linda kertoo odottavansa erityisesti marraskuista konferenssimatkaa Arizonaan sekä maaliskuulle merkittyä esitelmäänsä Center for European Studies'issa amerikkalaisten osaajien edessä ja ”tietysti Fulbright Enrichment -seminaaria, jos onnistun saamaan siihen paikan!” Väitöskirjatutkimusta aerosoli- ja ympäristöfysiikan alalla Columbian yliopistossa tekevä Silja Häkkinen kertoo sopeutuneensa entuudestaan tuttuun New Yorkiin hyvin. Usein korostetut henkilökohtaiset suhteet ja yhteydenpidon merkitys nousevat esiin Siljan kuulumisissa: ”tutkimus Columbian yliopistossa on käynnistynyt lupaavasti. Aiempi yhteydenpito sekä professorin että tutkimusryhmän kanssa on auttanut tässä paljon.” ”Käytännön järjestelyissä on ollut tekemistä, mutta apua olen saanut niin yliopistolta kuin sen ulkopuoleltakin,” kertoo Silja. ”Myös Fulbright Gateway-orientaatio Lincoln University of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvaniassa auttoi alkuun pääsyssä ja muihin Fulbrightereihin oli ilo tutustua.” Tulevalta vuodelta Silja kertoo odottavansa uusien asioiden, lähinnä laboratoriotyöskentelyn, oppimista sekä tuoreita ideoita väitöskirjatutkimukseen. Terveisissään vuoden kuluttua Yhdysvalloissa aloittaville stipendiaateille Linda ja Silja korostavat aktiivisuutta ja omaaloitteisuutta. ”Kannattaa olla aktiivinen

alusta pitäen. Vaikka yliopisto järjestää paljon tervetuliaistapahtumia, on pallo sen jälkeen omissa käsissä,” Linda korostaa. ”Ota yhteyttä alasi asiantuntijoihin ja ehdota tapaamista. Käy tutustumassa eri seminaareihin.” Elämä ei kuitenkaan ole pelkkää opiskelua ja tutkimuksen tekoa: ”Muista myös vapaa-aika rentouttavine aktiviteetteineen. Jokaiselle löytyy varmasti mukavaa tekemistä eikä yksin kannata jäädä,” Linda neuvoo. ”Itse olen nauttinut ilmaisesta yliopistoliikunnasta ja osallistunut opiskelijoiden luovan kirjoittamisen piiriin ja kirjallisuuskerhoon.” Silja välittää terveisensä erityisesti vieraileviksi tutkijoiksi lähteville stipendiaateille: ”Pelkästään tutkimuksen tekeminen Yhdysvalloissa tuo paljon vapautta tehdä juuri sitä mitä tutkimukselta haluaa. Koska kuitenkin olemme vierailijoita yliopistossa, meistä ei pidetä automaattisesti samalla tavalla huolta kuin tutkinto-opiskelijoista, eli olkaa oma-aloitteisia ja huolehtikaa, että teidät huomataan.” Lue seuraavalta sivulta tänä syksynä valittujen stipendiaattien ensimmäisestä orientaatiokoulutuksesta ja siitä, kuinka parhaillaan Suomessa olevat amerikkalaiset Fulbright-stipendiaatit ja suomalaiset alumnit evästivät heitä. www.fulbright.fi


Advice and Tips from Scholars and Alumni

Preparing New Grantees for Fulbright in the U.S.

Christopher Meehan, Fulbright-Tampere University of Technology Scholar (left), Salim Elwazani, Fulbright-Aalto University Distinguished Chair, and Richard Schein, Fulbright Bicentennial Chair held a lively panel discussion with plethora of advice and tips. A newly selected group of eleven Finnish Fulbright students gathered for their first orientation meeting at the Fulbright Center in September. These Master’s and doctoral students were trained for the university application process and for the U.S. year 2013-14 ahead of them by real experts: American Fulbright scholars currently in Finland and Finnish Fulbright alumni. At present, the grantees are working on their university applications. In their first training session, the Pre-Admission Orientation, the grantees received practical information about admission process both from the applicants’ point of view, and that of U.S. universities.

Use Your Connections and Networks Christopher Meehan, Salim Elwazani, and Richard Schein, current American Fulbright Scholars in Finland, held a panel discussion on the topic What Do Academic Departments Look for in an Applicant? The Student-Mentor Relationship. The scholars emphasized the importance of connections and networks. “Use networks of connections in your discipline”, encouraged Christopher Meehan. “Talk to your faculty here in Finland, as they are the ones with the connections”, continued Meehan on how to build the network and find the right people. Richard Schein pointed out the importance of personal contact: “Contact the professor you want to work with, and do so ahead of time”, he 18


instructed and gave also a valuable piece of advice to ensure the professor reads the message, “Be brief! Mention basic things in five lines”.

Distinctive Features between Small, Medium and Large Graduate Programs

the university: “Do we see indications that the student will be successful in our program?” He also reminded to choose recommendation letter writers carefully, “people who know you in that context”.

“What is the Most Important Part of Application?”

Close teacher-student relationship are “There is no one thing that matters the distinctive to small programs, with most”, or “depends on the type of proplenty of ‘face-time’ and learning from gram you apply to”, were the answers to distinguished individuals. the question on what the For medium sized promost important part grams, check the numof the application I was fascinated ber of faculty and type is. Among the many of research they have factors that matter, to hear the alumni share done, as some proa few in particular their experiences grams put emphasis on were highlighted. It is from the Fulbright research and scholarly important to emphaenrichment seminars work whereas others size the areas you are emphasize teaching. strong in, and when and what they had Large programs have writing your personal learned in collaboration a lot of students and statement it is imporwith other grantees. courses, as well as tant to keep in mind - Kirsi Cheas funding opportunities. three major points; The downside is that what you want to do, the teacher-student ratio why you want to work can be high, often 1 to 60-100. with a particular person, and why you think the particular program you are apBe Articulate and Choose Letter plying to is good for you. Writers Carefully Concerning standardized testing, such As to selecting proper programs, Salim as the GRE, the importance varies. “Be Elwazani instructed to identify a few, above the minimum though, because diversified programs to apply to. He also for example in engineering everyone stressed the importance of being articuhas a great math score”, says Christopher late about goals. Richard Schein clarified Meehan, Assistant Professor from the Dehow the application papers are read at partment of Civil and Environmental En-

Alumni Advice for Future Fulbrighters to Finland:

"Have a Buddy!" gineering at the University of Delaware. Professor of Architecture at Bowling Green State University in Ohio, Salim Elwazani, reminded that portfolio is important in creative fields. When in the U.S., “hang out with your graduate student peers, you will learn from them”, concluded Richard Schein, Professor of Geography from the University of Kentucky.

Inspiring to Hear the Scholars and the Alumni During the orientation day, Finnish Fulbright graduate student alumni shared their experiences and tips on the session titled Applying for a Degree Program, and Connecting with Your Academic Host, a session for visiting student researcher grantees. Kirsi Cheas from the University of Helsinki is preparing for doctoral studies on a Fulbright grant next academic year as a visiting student researcher. “Receiving the Fulbright grant is an honor I couldn't possibly be more excited about,” she says. “Although, before my orientation I was also feeling a bit concerned. How could I meet all the expectations – of the Fulbright Commission, of my future American professors – implicit in this prestigious award? My mind also started filling with practical questions: would I manage to find enough funding and do everything on time? “The orientation was the perfect opportunity to learn how I could turn my Fulbright year into the most amazing experience of my life,” Kirsi said. “As I am intrigued by coming up with new approaches to media studies, I felt really inspired to hear how the American scholars and Finnish alumni talked about the academic atmosphere in the U.S. and how it promotes creativity and good argumentation skills. All speakers also emphasized the importance of the students’ own initiative, providing valuable tips on how to make first contact and fit in once you arrive.” The second training day, the Pre-Departure Orientation, will take place on May 13, 2013 and is meant for all Fulbright Center Grantees. See www.fulbright.fi/fi/stipendiaateille/ tietoa-graduate-stipendiaateille for information on orientation guides and orientation seminars for Finnish Fulbright Graduate Grantees. Text: Johanna Lahti Photo: Sonja Kuosmanen

At the Buddy event organized by the ASLA-Fulbright Alumni Association at the Sibelius senior secondary school during the orientation, U.S. grantees got to meet their designated Fulbright Buddies over snacks and impressive musical performances by Sibelius students. Buddies are Fulbright community members who are helping arriving Fulbright grantees to integrate into their local community. or Finnish family through the program helped grantees feel more integrated and advanced their possibilities of networking. “Buddies” also helped with staying connected to the host institution and adapting to Finnish life, but most of all buddies and host families were appreciated because of their friendship. You might get to experiA recent Fulbright Center ence something you report that analyzed the “I had a wonderful Finnish host never would have feedback given by U.S. family and highly recommend expected! Many Fulbright student grantees durthat other grantees should ing the years 2008–2012 grantees felt that found one piece of ad- sign up for a host family if it is their tutor, “buddy”, vice to be highlighted in offered by their university. My or host family acted as an anchor and a number of reports: take host family took me to their connection to local part in your host institucottage 3 times and even life, the host institution’s buddy program! made a smoke sauna for me! Having a buddy was said tion and Finnish culto be a major contributing ture. Many enjoyed Getting to know a family in factor in making grantees depth was definitely a highlight various free time activities with their feel more integrated into of my experience in Finland.” Finnish “buddies”, Finnish society, more from ice swimming connected to their host institution and, above all, and sauna, to visiting it gave them a chance to meet Finns! extended family or friends in the countryside. Being a part of a Finnish family or a According to U.S. Fulbright student network of friends was a memorable, lifealumni, it is very important for grantees changing experience. to take part in any kind of “buddy” or tutor program that the host institution has So don’t let this piece of advice slip to offer. The availability of such programs you by! Find out if your host institution depends on the host institution and can has a “buddy” or tutor program and make sure to participate! You will gain a Finnrun under many different names, so it is ish friend and learn to see Finland from definitely worth finding out whether your host institution has a tutor, “buddy”, host the Finnish point of view. And you might family, or kummi-program! Many grantees even learn a bit of Finnish! found participating in the program to be a lot of fun and one of the highlights of their Text and photo: Saara Naukkarinen stay in Finland. Getting to know one Finn Every year in their mid-year and final reports, Fulbright grantees are asked to share their experiences and tips on living in Finland with future grantees. Advice that might be helpful to future grantees ranges from essential items to how to make the most of their stay in Finland.



Alumni News


Photo: Benjamin Alldritt

My Fulbright Experience - Many Happy Returns

Walking back to my flat from a party in the early hours of New Year’s Day 2011, I reflected on my previous six months as my stay in Finland was coming to a close. My Fulbright experience had dramatically and profoundly exceeded my expectations. It was a rich, rewarding, and transformative time for me, both professionally and personally. And it provided the opportunity to cultivate long-lasting friendships and numerous professional connections. There were many goodbyes at the party, and the next few days were crammed with bon voyage dinners and get-togethers organized by my hosts. We arrived in early July during the worst heat wave in history, but the high temperatures and humidity soon moderated. Kuopio was perhaps the most beautiful and comfortable place in the world to spend a six-month sabbatical. It came as no surprise to me that coincidentally Finland was recognized as the “Best Country in the World” by Newsweek magazine. My flat was just a few minutes walk from Väinölänniemi uimaranta where I went for a regular swim in Kallavesi. Riding my Jopo on the extensive network of bike paths, I explored nearby towns and marveled at all the lakes, and the loveliness of the Northern Savonian countryside. I felt that I was leading a particularly privileged and charmed life, especially after regular reports by my colleague and fellow Fulbright scholar on sabbatical in a country at the bottom of that list. The Fulbright-Saastamoinen Foundation fellowship brought me to the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Kuopio (now University of Eastern Finland) to 20


work with colleagues to study genes reindeer by his side. important in drug toxicity and cancer True to the predictions of my Finnish development. It was an opportunity of a hosts, the Fulbright experience has conlifetime to be a plugged-in to Finland’s tinued well beyond that cold New Year’s world-renowned biomedical research morning. I returned just a few months enterprise, outsized for such a relatively later, in May, and twice more in the subsesmall country. The Finns have made quent year for guest lectures, and to help impressive advancements in medicine, teach summer short courses. These Fulnutrition, public health, disease prevenbright connections have also extended tion, and wellness research, as their into Asia. Building on a successful scholar health outcomes and impressive life and student exchange between UEF and expectancy statistics attest. Admirably, the University of Hong Kong, I assisted Finnish researchers have long sought to UEF colleague Hani El-Nezami design export their public health strategies to dea curriculum for the MS programme in veloping nations and underserved people Food Toxicology at the University of Hong throughout the world. Kong. Along with numerous members of I felt some anxiety to be leaving just UEF faculty, I travel to Hong Kong each as we were starting to make some progyear to deliver lectures to students in this ress in the lab. My rudimentary Finnish successful and growing programme. language skills were slowly plodding As I write this a few days before along to where I was just now joining Thanksgiving holiday, I am preparing to words to form actual return to Finland the sentences. But my week before ChristIt was an colleagues encourmas, to contribute aged me to take the to a short course for opportunity of a lifetime long view. Email medical students. to be a plugged-in to and shipping samWe will also be planFinland’s world-renowned ples overnight via ning new experibiomedical research FedEx would allow ments and student the projects to conexchanges between enterprise, outsized for tinue across contiour laboratories. I such a relatively small nents. “Who knows, may finally give in country. you may be back to my host’s chalsooner than you lenges to take a dip think,” they suggestin frozen Väinölännied. After all, I had been to Kuopio a few emi. In any event, I will be keeping an eye years before as an external examiner for out for Santa and his reindeer. a PhD dissertation defense, so there was a growing familiarity. Being a Fulbright Text: Roger Coulombe fellow also opened doors during those Professor of Toxicology and Director of the six months to travel throughout the counGraduate Program in Toxicology at Utah try, to present research seminars, and to State University, where he teaches courses meet with world-renowned researchers I in Environmental and Molecular Toxicolknew until then only through reputation. ogy, and maintains an active research On that brisk early morning of the New program in molecular toxicology food Year, my face and gloved fingers were safety, and cancer chemoprevention. He starting to feel the nip, so I stepped up my was educated at Oregon State University, pace. Taking a shortcut to my flat through and the University of California, Davis. Snellman Park, I encountered an elderly He was awarded the 2010-2011 Fulbrightgentleman dressed in full Santa regalia, Saastamoinen Fellowship in Biomedical slowly leading a reindeer by a short rope. Research to the University of Eastern Whether this was a dreamy vision oiled Finland Kuopio where he worked in the by the exuberant New Year’s party, or Faculty of Health Sciences. In a previous the particularly harsh -35°C of the snowy sabbatical, he spent a year at the School Finnish winter, it was an unforgettable of Veterinary Studies, Murdoch Univermoment. “I don’t want this to end,” I resity, Perth, Western Australia. He regularly call thinking as I attempted to exchange travels between Finland and the United holiday greetings in my kindergartenStates to lecture and continue cooperative level Finnish, while admiring the gentle scientific research.

Fulbrighters Minding the Gaps -- and Bridging Them The U.S. Fulbright Alumni Association, with a membership of over 100.000, organized an international Fulbright alumni conference "Fulbrighters Minding the Gaps -- and Bridging Them" in London in October. Fulbright alumni representatives from around the world discussed alumni related matters and shared best practices. The conference program also included guest lectures and an economist panel on the situation of the global economy. Prior to the conference, Fulbright alumni presidents held a development seminar. “It seems that all alumni organizations face very similar challenges: where to get funds from, how to find all potential alumni, and how to arrange events that are of interest to very different kinds of alumni groups”, says Dr. Arno Tanner who represented Finland in the conference. Tanner is the current President of the Finnish ASLA-Fulbright Alumni Association. Tanner shared some of the best practices of the Finnish Alumni Association during the conference: “The Finnish association has had recent successes for instance in locating potential members through contact information searches, in widening the membership pool, as well as in the arrangement of buddy programs for visiting Fulbright grantees”, Tanner elaborates. With his own expertise in migration research, Tanner also delivered a presentation in the conference on the integration of the Russianspeaking minority in Finland. “A fantastic experience, thanks to the U.S. and U.K. conference organizers” Arno Tanner concludes.

Arno Tanner, the President of the Finnish ASLA-Fulbright Alumni Association represented Finland in the international Fulbright alumni conference in London. Having his expertise in migration research, Tanner presented in the conference on the integration of the Russian-speaking minority in Finland.

More information on the conference: Ad. Prof., Dr. Arno Tanner arno.tanner@migri.fi The U.S. alumni association: www.fulbright.org.

Fulbright Alumnus Inaugurated Honorary Consul Fulbright alumnus Peter MacKeith has been inaugurated as Honorary Consul in St. Louis, Missouri. MacKeith, currently both Associate Dean and Associate Professor of Architecture in the Sam Fox School of Design and Visual Arts at Washington University in St. Louis, is a graduate of Yale University School of Architecture and during the past two decades has worked as a liaison to strengthen cultural and educational relations between the United States and Finland, particularly in the fields of architecture and design. He has written on Finnish architecture and lectured extensively both in Finland and in the United States. MacKeith also directed the international Master’s Program in architecture

at the Helsinki University of Technology from 1994 to 1999. The Finnish Honorary Consulate of St. Louis is the 29th of its kind in the United States. Its focus will be on encouraging closer ties between academic and research institutions and mapping out the commercial potential of the region. Rather fittingly, St. Louis is also the home of a famous monument, the Gateway Arch, which was designed by a Finnish-American architect Eero Saarinen. Source: Embassy of Finland, Washington D.C. (www.finland.org) Peter MacKeith’s article, Learning from Finland, was published in the Alumni in Focus series in the Fulbright Center News 1/2011.

Benefiel’s Sculpture to Permanent Outdoor Exhibition in Pirkkala

Sculpture Preparing for winter 2012 Steel, Cast Iron, Collected lake stones 90 x 90 x 170 cm

Christian Benefiel spent the academic year 2010-11 as a visiting student at the Finnish Academy of Fine Arts on a Fulbright U.S. student grant. While in Finland, he researched sustainable practices for artists at foundries. During his Fulbright year in Finland, Benefiel received an award from the Lois Roth Endowment, a partner of the Fulbright Center, which later enabled him to create an art work for an outdoor exhibition in the town of Pirkkala after his grant period had ended. Benefiel received his MFA in sculpture from the University of Maryland, College Park. www.fulbright.fi


News / Uutisia

Appointment News from the Board The Fulbright Center welcomes Ms. Amy Hirsch who succeeds Ms. Marjut Robinson on the Fulbright Center Board of Directors. Ms. Hirsch is the Assistant Counselor for Press and Public Affairs at the American Embassy in Helsinki. We would like to take this opportunity to sincerely thank Ms. Robinson for her commitment, and welcome Ms. Hirsch to the Board.

Fulbright Center numeroina 2012 •• Asiakaskontakteja yli 6100, joista kansainvälisen alan ammattilaisia n. 45 % •• Infotilaisuuksia ja tapahtumia 72, joissa yhteensä 4153 osallistujaa •• Verkkovierailijoita 152 000

Stipendiohjelmat •• Yhteensä 86 stipendiaattia, joista 45 suomalaista ja 41 amerikkalaista stipendiaattia •• Yhteisstipendit mukaan lukien jaettu yli 880 000 euroa apurahoina

New Board Chairs According to the by-laws of the Finland-U.S. Educational Exchange Commission (Fulbright Center), the Chairship rotates in 2-year terms between Finnish and U.S. Chairs. Following the term of Professor Bo Pettersson of the University of Helsinki as the Chair of the Board, Mr. David McGuire, Counselor for Press and Public Affairs at the American Embassy in Helsinki, will serve as the Chair for the following term. Mr. McGuire has served as a member of the Board since 2011. Dr. Heikki Ruskoaho, Professor of Molecular Pharmacology at the University of Oulu, was elected the Vice-Chair of the Fulbright Center Board of Directors. Professor Ruskoaho has served as a member of the Board for the past two years. There are altogether eight Board members: four U.S. and four Finnish members. The U.S. members are appointed by the American Embassy and the Finnish members by the Ministry of Education and Culture.

Fulbright Centerin rahoitus

Staff News

Uusia stipendiohjelmia

Starting out as an intern at the Fulbright Center in August, Sonja Kuosmanen has now joined the Fulbright Finland team on a more permanent basis as Coordinator. She holds a Master of Arts degree in English Philology from the University of Helsinki and spent a semester on exchange at Louisiana State University in Baton Rouge during her studies. She has previously worked at University Admissions Finland.

Yliopisto-opiskelijoille uusi kesästipendi Yhdysvaltoihin! Suomalaisille yliopisto-opiskelijoille on tulossa hakuun uusi Environmental Stewardship -stipendi. Stipendi on tarkoitettu 18–22 -vuotiaille alempaa korkeakoulututkintoa suorittaville yliopisto-opiskelijoille. Kaikki kulut kattavalla stipendillä opiskellaan kesällä 2013 viiden viikon ajan Institute on Environmental Stewardship -ohjelmassa Yhdysvalloissa. Koulutuksen aikana tutustutaan ympäristöön liittyvien aiheiden lisäksi myös yhdysvaltalaiseen kulttuuriin ja yhteiskuntaan. Lisätietoja: www.fulbright.fi. Ohjelma tulee hakuun alkuvuonna 2013.



•• 73 % Suomesta (Tukisäätiö, Suomen valtio, yksityiset säätiöt, suomalaiset yliopistot, muut) •• 26 % Yhdysvalloista (20% Yhdysvaltain valtiolta, 6% muut) •• 1 % Kanadasta (Kanadan valtio)

Vuoden 2012 kohokohtia •• Suomen ja Yhdysvaltain välisen Fulbrightsopimuksen allekirjoittamisesta 60 vuotta: useita juhlavuoden tapahtumia USA:ssa ja Suomessa •• Suomalaisen korkeakouludelegaation alumniyhteistyötä ja varainhankintaa koskeva opintomatka Yhdysvaltoihin •• Friends of Fulbright Finland Alumni Endowment -kampanja käynnistyi

•• Fulbright-HAAGA-HELIA Scholar Award •• ASLA-Fulbright Alumni Ambassadorial Award Tilastot ovat FC:n tilikaudelta 1.10.2011–30.9.2012.

Fulbright Center serves as the national EducationUSA center in Finland.

Yhdysvaltalaisten opiskelijoiden määrä suomalaisissa yliopistoissa kasvanut Yhdysvaltalaisissa korkeakouluissa opiskeli kaikkiaan 640 suomalaista lukuvuonna 2011–2012. Lukumäärä on lähes sama kuin edellisvuonna (639). Suomessa puolestaan opiskeli 312 yhdysvaltalaista lukuvuonna 2011–2012. Edellisvuonna yhdysvaltalaisia oli yhteensä 211 eli määrä on kasvanut lähes 48 prosentilla. Tiedot käyvät ilmi kansainvälistä liikkuvuutta käsittelevästä Open Doors 2012 -raportista, jonka on julkaissut yhdysvaltalainen Institute of International Education (IIE). Lue englanninkielinen lehdistötiedote Open Doors 2012 -raportista osoitteessa www.fulbright.fi.

Suomen ja Yhdysvaltain opetusalan vaihtotoimikunta Finland-US Educational Exchange Commission (FUSEEC)

Vaihtotoimikunnan jäsenet / Fulbright Center Board of Directors Honorary Chair: H.E., Bruce J. Oreck Ambassador of the United States to Finland

Dr. Bo Pettersson Professor of the Literature of the United States University of Helsinki

Dr. Bruce Forbes Research Professor Arctic Centre University of Lapland

Finnish Members:

Ms. Birgitta Vuorinen Counsellor of Education Ministry of Education and Culture Treasurer

Ms. Amy Hirsch Assistant Counselor for Press and Public Affairs American Embassy

American Members:

Dr. Laura Stark Professor of Ethnology University of Jyväskylä

Dr. Heikki Ruskoaho Professor in Molecular Pharmacology Faculty of Medicine University of Oulu Vice Chair Dr. Matti Kokkala Vice President, Strategic Research, Services and the Built Environment, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland

Mr. David McGuire Counselor for Press and Public Affairs American Embassy Chair

Ex-officio: Ms. Terhi Mölsä Executive Director Fulbright Center

Toimikunnan sihteeristö / Fulbright Center Staff Dr. Aki Kalliomäki Ohjelmakoordinaattori Program Coordinator p. (044) 5535 269 • Tutkija-, asiantuntija- ja luennoitsijastipendit suomalaisille • Tutkija-, asiantuntija- ja luennoitsijastipendit amerikkalaisille • Inter-Country -ohjelma • Neuvonta opiskelusta USA:ssa

Ms. Karoliina Kokko Vastaava ohjelmapäällikkö Senior Program Manager p. (044) 5535 268 • Jatko-opiskelijastipendit suomalaisille • Jatko-opiskelijastipendit amerikkalaisille • Neuvonta opiskelusta USA:ssa ja Kanadassa • Alumnikoordinaattori

Ms. Sonja Kuosmanen Koordinaattori Coordinator p. (044) 5535 275 • Fulbright-tapahtumat • Verkkopalvelut • Rekisterit • Toimistopalvelut

Ms. Johanna Lahti Apulaisjohtaja Deputy Director p. (044) 5535 278 • Fulbright Center News (toimituspäällikkö) • Undergraduate-stipendit suomalaisille • Renewal-stipendit suomalaisille • Testaus ja testeihin liittyvä neuvonta • Neuvonta opiskelusta USA:ssa

Ms. Suzanne Louis Projektikonsultti (osa-aikainen) Project Consultant (part-time) • Friends of Fulbright Finland -verkosto • Alumnikoordinaattori • Fulbright Center News Ms. Tanja Mitchell Suunnittelija (osa-aikainen) Coordinator (part-time) p. (044) 5535 277 • Verkkopalvelut • Julkaisut • Fulbright Center News • Neuvonta opiskelusta USA:ssa ja Kanadassa

Ms. Terhi Mölsä Toiminnanjohtaja Executive Director p. (050) 570 5498 E-mails: firstname.lastname@fulbright.fi

FUSEEC/Fulbright Centerin toimintaa rahoittaa Suomen ja Yhdysvaltain Stipenditoiminnan Tukisäätiö / Säätiön hallitus: The Finland-America Educational Trust Fund / Board of Directors: Finnish members:

American members:

Agent / Säätiön asiamies:

Mr. Jouni Mölsä Director of Communications Department for Communications and Culture Ministry for Foreign Affairs Chair

Mr. Danny Hall Deputy Chief of Mission American Embassy Vice-Chair

Ms. Terhi Mölsä Executive Director FUSEEC/Fulbright Center

Ms. Jaana Palojärvi Head of International Relations Finnish Ministry of Education

Mr. David McGuire Counselor for Press and Public Affairs American Embassy

The Finnish members are appointed by the Ministry of Education and the Ministry for Foreign Affairs. The American members are appointed by the American Embassy.



Toimintaamme tukee mm. Hakaniemenranta 6 FI-00530 HELSINKI FINLAND


lokakuu marraskuu


4.10. INFO: Maisteri- ja tohtoriopinnot Yhdysvalloissa

8.10. INFO: Applying to and Studying at Competitive U.S. Colleges

11.10. INFO: Distinguished Fulbright Awards in Teaching -apurahaohjelma opettajille

12.–13.10. American Voices -seminaari Turun yliopistossa

25.10. Avoimet ovet Fulbright Centerin tietopalvelussa

29.10. Hakuaika seuraaviin ohjelmiin päättyy:

1.11. INFO: Opiskelu Kanadassa

12.–16.11. International Education Week Yhdysvalloissa

12.11. INFO: Opiskelu- ja stipendimahdollisuudet Vanderbiltyliopistossa

13.11. Studying in the USA an Education Exposé Fulbright Centerissä

20.–21.11. Fulbright Center Lapin yliopiston KV-viikolla

22.11. Thanksgiving: FC suljettu

27.11. Fulbright Bicentennial Chair in American Studies, Inaugural Address

5.12. Vaihtotoimikunnan kokous, Fulbright Center Board Meeting

19.12. Hakuaika MCPDohjelmaan päättyy

24.–26.12. FC suljettu

INFO: Fulbright Centerin tutkija- ja asiantuntijastipendit

•• Finnish Language and Culture Teaching Assistant -ohjelma •• Scholar-ohjelmat (pre-doctoral, junior, senior)

13.11. Maailmalletapahtuma kauppakeskus Kampissa 4.–5.12. Fulbright Center Studia-messuilla


6.12. Itsenäisyyspäivä: FC suljettu

Kevään infotilaisuudet julkaistaan Fulbright Centerin verkkosivuilla tammikuun aikana



1.2. 9th North American Studies Roundtable

Vaihtotoimikunnan kokous helmikuussa 2013

Fulbright Center Board Meeting February 2013

31.1. Fulbright Center Jyväskylän yliopistossa

Fulbright Centerin stipendiohjelmien uudet hakutiedot julkistetaan helmikuussa


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