Fulbright Center News 2/2015

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Nuorten yritt채jyysstipendill채 vauhtia arktiseen matkailuun Fulbright Finland to Host an Arctic Symposium Benchmarking Strategic Enrollment Management

vol. 25 nro 2 (62) syksy/fall 2015

fulbright center news

The Many Faces of Fulbright Finland

Exceptional and Strategic Exchanges International


top researchers from around

exchanges are a long-standing

the globe who focus on prior-

American tradition with tre-

ity Arctic challenges linked to

From the Executive Director

mendous power to broaden and

water, energy, health, and infra-

deepen relationships, which is

structure. Early in 2016, Ful-

exactly what J. William Fulbright

bright Finland will host an Arctic

envisioned when he established

Symposium entitled Towards a

the Fulbright program almost

Sustainable Arctic Future, which

A young Finnish undergraduate from the Univer-

70 years ago. In his words, the

will enable the international

sity of Lapland, Juho Kähkönen, spent last summer

Fulbright Program “aims to bring

cohort to present their research to

in the United States on a social entrepreneurship

a little more knowledge, a little

academics, business leaders and

grant. Upon his return he started his own business

more reason, and a little more

policy makers gathered from all

organizing special tours in the Finnish Arctic with

compassion into world affairs and

Arctic nations.

an educational focus on the unique characteristics of

thereby increase the chance that

It is clear that the United

nature, economy, culture, and sustainability in the

nations will learn at last to live in

States and Finland are deeply

north (p. 8).

peace and friendship.”

committed to broadening and

Finnish doctoral researcher Heikki Saxén

Fulbright Finland is one of the

deepening the bilateral relation-

returned from his Fulbright at Harvard University

world’s oldest and most presti-

ship through exchanges, of which

this past summer and founded the Finnish Institute

gious programs. Since its incep-

one indication is Fulbright Fin-

of Bioethics (p. 9). And Heidi Lehmuskumpu, who

tion, over 5,000 Finnish and

land’s list of strong academic and

completed a Master’s in Fundraising and Grant-

American students, scholars and

corporate partners: the Centre

making at New York University on her ASLA-Ful-

professionals have participated

for International Mobility, Nokia

bright grant, laying the groundwork for her career

in exchanges on topics ranging


as a fundraising specialist in arts and science, is

from education to neuroscience

Foundation, Saastamoinen Foun-

now the new and first-ever Development Manager

at institutions from the Univer-

dation, Technology Industries of

at the Finnish National Opera (p. 10).

sity of Eastern Finland to Har-

Finland Centennial Foundation,

Fulbright Center grantees come from all fields

vard University. Alumni from the

VTT Technical Research Centre

and professions and work within their different

United States include poet Robert

of Finland, and practically all

spheres of influence. Their one common over-

Creeley and former U.S. Secre-

Finnish universities. Their con-

arching characteristic, however, is the pursuit of

tary of Labor Ray Marshall. Finn-

tributions ensure that Fulbright

a greater good. In the words of the current Chair

ish alumni include Academician

Finland’s exceptional and stra-

of the Fulbright Center Board of Directors Matti

of Finland Pirjo Helena Mäkelä,

tegic exchanges will continue

Kokkala, the grantees are there to ultimately make

world-renowned designer Kaj

well into our shared future. We

the world a better place (p. 18).

Franck, and Ambassador and

will seek further public and pri-

journalist Max Jakobson. Ful-

vate partnerships from those

so pleased to have the Honorary Chair of the Ful-



who share in Senator Fulbright’s

bright Center, Ambassador Charles C. Adams Jr.

identifies distinguished lead-

vision. There is no question in

(p. 2). Together with Ambassador Adams, Fulbright

ers in their field to participate

these trying times that a little

Finland invites educational institutions, founda-

in its exchanges, weaving pow-

more knowledge and a little more

tions, corporations, and individuals on both sides

erful academic ties and valu-

reason will truly help us all learn

of the Atlantic to work together with us to create


to live together in friendship

new opportunities for talented students, research-

into an already robust bilateral

ers, and professionals to make a difference in their


As the invited columnist in this issue we are




field for the benefit of our societies at large. Col-

One example of Fulbright col-

laboration and cooperation across borders and

laboration touches on a priority

beyond traditional practices ensure the growth of

issue for the United States: the

the Finnish-American exchanges and create a win-

Arctic. The United States cur-

ning partnership for all involved.

rently chairs the Arctic Council

We also invite you to join us for the international



and peace.

under the theme One Arctic: Shared

Fulbright Arctic Symposium in Oulu in February


(p. 5), and the Fulbright Forum on Education, Inno-

Responsibilities, highlighting U.S.


vation, Science and Art in Jyväskylä in March. And

commitment to a well-managed

finally in June, as we reach the famous nightless

Arctic, marked by international

nights of Finland, we invite our colleagues from all


of Europe and Eurasia to join us for the 2016 Euro-

what is becoming a global issue,

pean Fulbright Conference in Helsinki (p. 17).

the Fulbright program estab-





lished the Fulbright Arctic IniEnjoy the many faces of Fulbright Finland! Terhi Mölsä

tiative, which brings together H. E., Charles C. Adams, Jr. Ambassador of the United States to the Republic of Finland Honorary Chair of the Fulbright Center

In This Issue 2

Kolumnit / Columns


University of Colorado Denver Architecture Program Partners with the Fulbright Center for Scholarships


First Finnish Fulbrighters for 2016–2017


Fulbright Finland to Host Arctic Symposium


Benchmarking Graduate Admissions and Strategic Enrollment Management


Stipendikausi Yhdysvalloissa auttoi viimeistelemään matkailukonseptin Lappiin


Fulbright Year at Harvard Provided the Insights and Connections for Founding the Finnish Institute of Bioethics

10 Fulbright News 11 Fulbright Speaker Program Promotes Internationalization of Education in Finland 11 Fulbright Dialogues Provide Transatlantic Perspectives on Timely Topics Cover: Juho Kähkönen, a student at University of Lapland, finalized his travel concept idea last summer when he spent five weeks in the U.S. on a Fulbright Center grant. He now plans and carries out tailored tours of Lapland for groups that are interested in obtaining a deeper knowledge of Northern Finland. “Without last summer’s program in the U.S. the travel concept wouldn’t have succeeded this well”, Juho says. Read more from the article in Finnish on pages 8–9. Cover photo: Indiana University, Bloomington.

12 Highlights of the American Fall in Finland 16 Grantee News 17 Events Spring 2016 18 Alumni in Focus: Making the World a Better Place 20 Alumni News 22 Uutisia / News 23 Fulbright Center 24 Kalenteri / Calendar of Events

Fulbright Center News on Fulbright Centerin sidosryhmälehti, joka ilmestyy kaksi kertaa vuodessa painettuna ja verkkoversiona. Artikkeleissa ilmaistut mielipiteet ovat kirjoittajien omia. Seuraava numero ilmestyy keväällä 2016. Artikkelit ja muu aineisto pyydetään toimittamaan 4.4. mennessä. Aineisto vapaasti lainattavissa, lähde mainittava. The Fulbright Center News is a biannual magazine published by the Fulbright Center Finland in print and online. Opinions expressed by authors are their own and do not necessarily reflect those of the Fulbright Center. The next issue will be published in the Spring 2016. The submission deadline for articles and other materials is 4 April. Reproduction allowed, source must be cited. While every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the material in this publication, the Fulbright Center does not accept liability for any errors or omissions.

Päätoimittaja/Editor-in-Chief Terhi Mölsä Executive Director Toimittajat/Editors Johanna Lahti (toimituspäällikkö) Suzanne Louis Ulkoasu ja taitto/Layout Tanja Mitchell, Grafee Avustajat/Contributors Louisa Gairn

The Fulbright Center Hakaniemenranta 6 FI-00530 Helsinki FINLAND Tel. +358 44 5535 286 E-mail: office@fulbright.fi ISSN-L 1456-0461 ISSN 1456-0461 (Painettu) ISSN 2242-4245 (Verkkolehti) Cover paper: Maxigloss 200 g/m2 Paper: G-Print 115 g/m2 Circulation: 1 300 Printed by Erweko Oy

www.fulbright.fi/en/fulbright-center/fulbright-center-news Editorial Council Anitta Etula Director of International Relations, University of Eastern Finland Outi Hakanen Deputy Director General, Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Protocol Services Sirpa Holmström Head of International Services, Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences Erika Holt Principal Research Scientist,  VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Sanna Kangasharju Press Counselor, Embassy of Finland, Washington D.C. Ossi V. Lindqvist Professor Emeritus

Grant News

University of Colorado Denver Architecture Program Partners with the Fulbright Center for Scholarships The Fulbright Center Finland and University of Colorado Denver have signed an agreement enacting a new scholarship award. This new award targets Finnish students pursuing Masters in Architecture and awards recipients full tuition waiver for two academic years at CU Denver along with additional support services provided by the Fulbright Center. CU Denver Director of Finnish Initiatives and Associate Professor Taisto Makela believes the program will bring positive change to the lives of its recipients and open international doors in the professional world. “It is really important that students become more global in their perspec-

Taisto Makela and Terhi Mölsä signed an agreement enacting a new scholarship award for Finnish students pursuing Master's in Architecture. The first awardees will be selected for the academic year 2016–2017.

tive, that they have these kinds of experiences that give them an advantage

skills and cross-cultural capacity. We

studied dance at the University of Cali-

when they graduate. Architecture is very

are so excited to be able to offer this new

fornia in Los Angeles.

competitive as a profession, so how do

opportunity to Finnish students and

our graduates distinguish themselves?

strengthen our relationship with CU

With this Scholarship, a Finnish student

Denver”, says Fulbright Center Execu-

can receive a Masters in architecture,

tive Director Terhi Mölsä.

accredited by the U.S. National Archi-

The first awardees will be selected for the academic year 2016–2017. Text: Olivia Koivisto

The grant is funded by the John-

tecture Board, and that opens all kinds

son Foundation, founded by Donald

More information

of doors for them,” Makela says.

and Maria Johnson. Maria Johnson is a


“The Fulbright Center programs edu-

native Finn and alumna of the Finnish


cate future leaders with international

Fulbright program. On her Fulbright she

First Finnish Fulbrighters for 2016–2017 New Fulbrighters for 2016–17 gathered for the Planning for the Fulbright Year Seminar at the Fulbright Center in September. From left: Vera Plosila, Eemeli Hakoköngäs, Silja Pitkänen, Pauliina Siniauer, Meri-Katriina Pyhäranta, Joonas Tuhkuri, and Mika Manninen. Not in the photo: Petra Kuivala.


The first Finnish Fulbright Center grantees for the academic year 2016–2017 were

U.S. universities. The next application

selected in September. The new cohort consists of eight ASLA-Fulbright Gradu-

cycle for the ASLA-Fulbright Graduate

ate Grantees who were chosen from among 36 excellent candidates.

Program opens in February 2016.

The majority of the grantees are cur-

Performance, Food Journalism, Eco-

More information

rently applying for admission to U.S.

nomics, Theology, and Cuban Studies.


universities for master’s or doctoral

Two doctoral students are finalizing


degree programs in the fields of Visual

visiting student researcher positions


Studies, Exercise Psychology, Early Music

with Law and History departments of



Fulbright Finland to Host an Arctic Symposium

Tentative program and registration form now online! www.fulbright.fi/en/fulbright-seminars/ fulbright-arctic-symposium


Fulbright Finland will host the mid-term plenary meeting of the international

ing Arctic region. This 18-month pro-

cohort of Arctic researchers participating in the Fulbright Arctic Initiative

gram includes international exchanges,

(FAI) Program. The scholars will hold a one-week plenary meeting in Oulu

seminars and collaborative research for

on 8-12 February 2016.

17 scholars from the Arctic Council’s eight member countries (Canada, Den-

In conjunction with the plenary meet-

The full-day Symposium will be

ing, FAI scholars will present their

complemented by an exhibition area.

ongoing research as a part of a broader

Organizations engaging in or support-

Beginning in May 2015, the scholars

public symposium that gathers together

ing Arctic research are represented at

have been working in thematic teams to

Arctic scientists, students, policymak-

the exhibition to share information and

explore public policy research questions

ers, industry and NGO representatives

answer questions. Exhibitors include,

and engage governments, NGOs, busi-

and other key stakeholders as well as the

among others, Arctic

Centre of the

nesses, and Arctic communities. Their

general public. “Fulbright Arctic Sym-

University of Lapland, Embassy of the

research has focused on the impact

posium: Towards a Sustainable Arctic

United States, Embassy of Canada, Ful-

of climate change on the Arctic, par-

Future” will be held at the Saalasti Hall

bright Center Finland, Thule Institute,

ticularly on the issues of water, energy,

of the University of Oulu main building

University of Oulu, and UArctic.

health, and infrastructure. As part of the

on Thursday, February 11, and it is open

mark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Russia, Sweden, and the United States).

The Symposium is organized jointly

Fulbright Program, the Fulbright Arctic

by the Fulbright Center Finland and the

Initiative offers a collaborative model for

Through high level keynotes, panels

Thule Institute, University of Oulu. The

scholarly exchange to face shared chal-

and interactive discussions, the sym-

organizers wish to sincerely thank the

lenges and find practical solutions.

posium will address changes in the Arc-

Finnish Ministry of Education and Cul-

The 2015-2016 Fulbright Arctic Initia-

tic, particularly through the themes of

ture, the Finnish Ministry for Foreign

tive is funded by the U.S. Department of

the FAI program (energy, water, infra-

Affairs, the U.S. Department of State,

State’s Bureau of Educational and Cul-

structure and health), and contribute to

and the University of the Arctic for their

tural Affairs. Additional funding comes

developing strategies and policies for a

support and cooperation in the organi-

from the government of Canada and

sustainable Arctic future.

zation of the event.

from Finland where the mid-term ple-

to anyone interested in Arctic issues.


will include distinguished scientists and program and registration link are avail-

Scholars from All Arctic Council Countries

able on the Fulbright Center website at

The Fulbright Arctic Initiative is an


interdisciplinary research program for


scholars to study and assess the chang-

high level policymakers. The tentative

nary meeting of the FAI scholars in Oulu is funded by Finnish partners of the Fulbright Center in Helsinki, Finland.



Study Tour

The delegation traveled on the East Coast from D.C. to NYC visiting en route six public and private universities in Maryland, Delaware, New Jersey, and New York to discuss questions on graduate admissions and strategic enrollment management.

Benchmarking Graduate Admissions and Strategic Enrollment Management A delegation of 13 higher education experts from Finnish research universities

tents and outcomes of the tours are

and the Ministry of Education and Culture spent one week on a study tour in the

more likely to be immediately used and

United States in October. The group visited six public and private universities

applied in the development of higher

discussing graduate admissions and strategic enrollment management. The

education both at the participants’ own

study tour was organized by Fulbright Finland.

institutions as well as on a broader scale in Finland”, Vuorinen says.

The theme for the tour was initiated by

in a manner that is cost-effective for the

The final report of the study tour

the Finnish higher education experts

society at large. Insights from several

on Graduate Admissions and Strategic

themselves as they were looking for

U.S. universities provide useful mod-

Enrollment Management is available on

ideas and benchmarking opportunities

els and viewpoints for developing PhD

the study tour’s website: www.fulbright.

to help develop the strategic planning

recruitment and enrollment practices


and practices of graduate enrollment at

in Finland. The trip provided us with


Finnish universities. “A major change of

a systematic overview on the variety

The website also includes the full study

the degree programs of the University

of practices used in the United States,“

tour program, seminar presentations,

of Helsinki is underway in 2015–2017. An

says Erkki Raulo, Scientific Coordinator

background materials and useful links.

essential part of the reform process is

from the Institute of Biotechnology at

the rethinking of admission to graduate

the University of Helsinki.

studies. The study tour provided useful

Birgitta Vuorinen, a Fulbright Center

University of Maryland, Johns Hopkins,

input into the development of gradu-

Board Member and Counsellor for Edu-

University of Delaware, Rutgers Univer-

ate admission management,” says Esko

cation at the Ministry of Education and

sity, Columbia University and CUNY—

Koponen, International Adviser at the

Culture, was also among the 13 partici-


University of Helsinki Rector’s Office.

pants of the study tour. She emphasized

International Education, the Embassy of

the timeliness and relevance of Ful-

Finland in Washington, D.C., Consulate

bright Finland’s study tours in general:

General of Finland in New York, and the

”Doctoral training in Finland has during the past twenty years evolved


The Fulbright Center wishes to sincerely thank the host universities—





from various early career researcher

“The themes of the study tours orga-

support schemes to structured pro-

nized by Fulbright Finland rise from

grams successfully training research-

amongst those regarded as most current

ers for all kinds of expert duties both in

and important by the professionals at

More information about Fulbright

industry and academia. The key factor,

Finnish higher education institutions,

Finland’s study tours

however, remains in selecting the most

and the tours are tailored specifically


motivated students for doctoral training

for their needs. Consequently, the con-



Fulbright Center’s U.S. alumni for making this tour possible.

Huomioita opintomatkalta ”Politiikkahaasteet ja globaalit haasteet ovat korkeakoulumaailmassa pitkälti samansuuntaisia, mutta niihin reagoidaan eri tavoin. Mittakaavaeroista ja toimintaympäristön eroista huolimatta matka tarjosi erinomaisen mahdollisuuden peilata kotimaisia strategisia valintoja ja käytäntöjä”, toteaa matkalle osallistunut opetusneuvos Erja Heikkinen opetus- ja kulttuuriministeriöstä. ”Korkeakoulujen ja korkeakoulutuksen vaikuttavuus ovat ajankohtaisia suomalaisen korkeakoulu- ja tiedepolitiikan teemoja. Näin näytti olevan Yhdysvalloissakin – kansantaloudellinen tilanne ja toimintaympäristön muut muutokset ovat tuoneet esimerkiksi korkeakoulutettujen työllistymisen edellytysten rakentamisen

The delegation members steered the discussions with their insightful questions posed for their

aiempaa vahvemmin myös johtavien

U.S. peers. In the photo Rebekka Nylund from the University of Helsinki and Birgitta Vuorinen

tutkimus­yliopistojen agendalle”, arvioi

from the Ministry of Education and Culture.

Heikkinen. ”Korkeakoulut olivat profiloituneet myös sen mukaan, kuinka näkyvä osa opintoja ja niiden ohjausta työllistymisen esillä pitäminen oli. Kun korkeakoulumarkkinat toimivat Yhdysvalloissa melko eri tavalla kuin Suomessa, korkeakoulujen vaikuttavuuden ilmenemismuotojen kirjoon tutustuminen toi lisäelementtejä


kehittämiseen.” Opintomatkan loppuraportti ja taustamateriaalit www.fulbright.fi/en/study-tours/ graduate-admissions-and-strategicenrollment-management

”Rekrytointi ei pääty hyväksymiskirjeen lähettämiseen. Tavallisesti opiskelijat pääsevät useisiin yliopistoihin ja yliopiston on siksi varmistettava, että opiskelijan lopullinen valinta kohdistuu juuri heihin.”

"Opiskelijat valitaan todella huolella huomioiden hakija kokonaisuutena, ei pelkästään aiempaa akateemista suoriutumista. Mielestäni tässä olisi monia näkökulmia, joiden soveltamista voitaisiin pohtia aikaisempaa enemmän myös Suomessa.”

”Ensimmäinen ja päällimmäiseksi jäänyt havainto liittyi siihen, kuinka paljon yliopistojen opiskelijarekrytointiin liittyvät strategiset valinnat erosivat toisistaan.”

”...pyrkimys koota sekä m aisteri- että tohtoriohjelmiin osaajia, jotka täydentävät toisiaan sekä osaamiseltaan, ominaisuuk siltaan että taustoiltaan. Termit ´right mix´ ja ´right fit for the pr ogram´ vilahtelivat puheissa usein. ”

”Opiskelijoiden on mahdollista opiskelujensa alkuvaiheessa tutustua eri tutkimusaiheisiin, tutkimusryhmiin ja professoreihin ennen oman väitöskirjaaiheensa valintaa. Näillä kaikilla on epäilemättä vaikutuksensa opinnoissa viihtymiseen ja opintojen etenemiseen.”

Opintomatkalle Yhdysvaltoihin? Fulbright Center järjestää räätälöi-

Fulbright Center huolehtii yhteis-

tyjä opintomatkoja korkeakoulutuk-

työssä paikallisten yhteistyökumppanei-

sen ammattilaisille. Ota yhteyttä, kun

den kanssa opintomatkojen käytännön

Aiemmin järjestettyjen opintomatkojen

sinulla on ehdotus matka-aiheesta ja

järjestelyistä, suunnittelee matkan ohjel-

ohjelmiin ja antiin voit tutustua FC:n

mahdollisesti myös osallistuvasta ryh-

man, järjestää vierailut eri kohteisiin ja

verkkosivuilla www.fulbright.fi/fi/

mästä (yleensä 10–12 henkilöä).

hankkii tarvittavat asiantuntijapuhujat.




Fulbright Impact

Juhon järjestämä matka vei osallistujat pohjoisnorjalaiseenPykeijan kylään Jäämeren rannalle. Kuva: Miikka-Markus Leskinen

Stipendikausi Yhdysvalloissa auttoi viimeistelemään matkailukonseptin Lappiin Juho Kähkönen vietti kesällä 2015 viisi viikkoa Yhdysvalloissa Fulbright Centerin stipendiaattina ja aloitti syksyllä – pitkälti kesäisen kokemuksensa avittamana – uudenlaisen matkailukonseptin Lapissa. Lapin yliopistossa valtio-oppia opiske-

sa. Viisi viikkoa Yhdysvalloissa auttoi

leva Juho Kähkönen vietti kuluneena

Kähköstä kuitenkin viimeistelemään

kesänä viisi viikkoa Indiana Universi-

jo pidempään hautuneen suunnitelman

tyssä, Bloomingtonissa The Study of the

uudenlaisesta matkailukonseptista ko-

U.S. Institute for European Student Lea-

tiseudullaan. ”Ilman viime kesän oh-

ders on Social Entrepreneurship -oh-

jelmaa kokonaisuus ei olisi onnistunut



näin hyvin. Indianan yliopiston profes-

valitaan 20 alempaa korkeakoulututkin-

sorin Al Lyonin sanoin ”en olisi ymmär-

toa suorittavaa opiskelijaa eri puolilta

tänyt tarttua syvempiin rakenteisiin”.

Eurooppaa. Monitieteellinen ja moni-

Ohjelmaan valittujen ideoita kehitettiin

kulttuurinen ohjelma perehdyttää opis-

luovasti ja tarkasteltiin kriittisesti”,

kelijoille yhteiskunnallista yrittäjyyttä

Kähkönen kertoo.


sekä ihmisjohtamista luentojen, yritysvierailuiden, ryhmätöiden ja itsenäisen työskentelyn avulla. Juho Kähkönen aloitti työskentelyn


Toiveiden mukaan profiloituja retkiä Uudessa


Viisi viikkoa Yhdysvalloissa auttoi viimeistelemään jo pidempään hautuneen suunnitelman uudenlaisesta matkailukonseptista kotiseudulla. USAstipendi oli idealleni kuin puolukkahillo poronkäristykselle.


Lapin matkailun parissa 15-vuotiaana ja

Kähkönen suunnittelee ja toteuttaa


on myöhemmin ollut avaamassa mat-

asiakkaiden toiveiden mukaan profi-

organisaatioille ja ryhmille, joilla on

kailutoimintaa kolmessa maanosas-

loituja retkiä Lappiin. Retket on läh-

kiinnostusta ymmärtää aluetta syvälli-




semmin. Painopisteenä on esitellä alu-

Saamelaiskäräjien ajankohtaisimmis-

kelijat toivoivat toiminnalle jatkoa ja

een monimuotoisuutta aina kaivoksista

ta kysymyksistä. Ryhmä vieraili myös

olen varma, että tästä kaikesta on hyö-

luontaiselinkeinoihin. ”Hyvällä retkel-

Kveenien asuttamassa pohjois-norjalai-

tyä Lapille”, Kähkönen kertoo.

lä kuulee erilaisia näkemyksiä ja nämä

sessa Pykeijan kylässä, missä ohjelmaan

”Tiivistäen SUSI-ohjelma oli ideal-

auttavat luomaan moniulotteisemman

kuului Jäämeren rannalla saunomista ja

leni kuin puolukkahillo poronkäris-

käsityksen arktisesta alueesta, sen

uimista sekä perehtymistä Norjan alue-

tykselle. Kotiseutuni ihmisten tuki ja

elinkeinoista, luonnosta ja asukkaista.

politiikan vaikutuksiin. Matkan viimei-

matkailualan kokemukseni valoivat

Samalla tarjoutuu hyvät puitteet ver-

nen päivä vietettiin Suomen itärajalla

perustan onnistumiselle – kesän ohjel-

kostoitumiselle”, Kähkönen toteaa.

sijaitsevassa Sevetin kylässä sijaitse-

ma vei kokonaisuuden uudelle tasolle.

Kähkösen ensimmäisen retki toteutui

valla Sanilan Koltta-saamelaisella po-

Asiantuntijavierailut ja paikallistunte-

syyskuun lopulla, kun Lapin yliopiston

rotilalla, missä porotilan emäntä kertoi

mukseni auttavat hahmottamaan Lapin

valtio-opin, kansainvälisen politiikan

ryhmälle poronhoidosta ja Kolttasaa-

aivan uudella tavalla”. Kähkönen kan-

ja sosiologian opiskelijat tekivät opin-

melaisten asemasta.

nustaakin Lapista kiinnostuneita otta-

tomatkan Jäämerelle. Kolmipäiväiseen

maan rohkeasti yhteyttä.

sa vierailu Kevitsan kaivokselle, vaellus

”Puolukkahilloa poronkäristykselle”

Kiilopäälle ja makkaran paistoa toimit-

”Olen tyytyväinen siitä, että runsaasta

tajien kanssa Inarissa. Ryhmä vieraili

ohjelmasta huolimatta viikonloppu oli

Lue Juho Kähkösen kirjoitus

myös Saamelaismuseo- ja luontokeskus

kiireetön ja aikaa jäi luonnosta nautti-

kesän stipendiohjelmakokemuksista

Siidassa sekä Saamelaiskulttuurikeskus

miseen. Lapin erityispiirteet, erityisesti


Sajoksessa, missä Saamelaiskäräjien

valtioiden rajat ylittävän yhteistyön ar-

student-leaders/juho-kahkonen-2015 .

puheenjohtaja Tiina Sanila-Aikio alusti

kisuus, yllätti useat. Paikalliset ja opis-

matka-ohjelmaan sisältyi muun muas-

Teksti: Johanna Lahti

Fulbright Year at Harvard Provided the Insights and Connections for Founding the Finnish Institute of Bioethics “A long-lasting ambition of mine and my colleagues has been to establish a multidisciplinary institute for bioethics in Finland, which would, in practice, be the first one of its kind in the country,” says Heikki Saxén, a 2014–2015 Fulbright grantee. Just recently this dream became true when the Finnish Institute of Bioethics was established as an independent nonprofit that collaborates with a broad range of scholars and experts from various universities and other institutions in

When I returned to Finland, I was, in terms of insight and connections, wellpositioned to realize the dream of founding the institute together with my colleagues.

Finland as well as abroad, not forgetting the ordinary citizens and patients.

When I arrived in the fall 2014, Harvard

“Bioethics is a relatively new field

just founded its own Center for Bioeth-

that studies the ethical, moral and social

ics, which was naturally a milestone

questions of life sciences. The field has

for the entire field, and a hugely stim-

become well-established in the U.S.

ulating development for me person-

where it was born in the 1960s and 1970s

ally. Throughout the year, I was closely

as well as throughout the Western world,

involved with the staff at the Center, as

enthusiasm that is a key ingredient of

and beyond. However, in Finland bioeth-

well as with other bioethics scholars at

all such ventures,” Saxén concludes and

ics has stayed relatively unknown and

Harvard and more broadly in the U.S.,

thanks Fulbright Finland for helping

insignificant in and outside academia,

and was influenced by all their knowl-

make the dream come true.

and the aim of the institute is to change

edge and passion. When I returned to

Text: Johanna Lahti

this situation,” Heikki Saxén explains.

Finland, I was, in terms of insight and

Kuva: Jesse Terho

“I spent the academic year 2014–2015

connections, well-positioned to real-

More information

as a Fulbright Pre-doctoral research fel-

ize the dream of founding the institute


low at Harvard University, preparing my

together with my colleagues. Moreover,

www.bioethics.fi (coming soon in English)

dissertation in the history of bioethics.

I was equipped with even more burning



Fulbright News

Photo: Natalia Baer

Fulbright Alumna Heidi Lehmuskumpu to Develop Fundraising at the Finnish National Opera Fulbright Alumna Heidi Lehmuskumpu

emy) and Master of Science in Economics

has been appointed as Development

(Aalto University, School of Economics).

Manager, Fundraising at the Finnish

Heidi Lehmuskumpu had served as

National Opera. Lehmuskumpu will be

an ASLA-Fulbright Alumni Association

responsible for planning and managing

Board member in 2013–2014.

fundraising, partner cooperation and

“It is extremely thrilling to join the

donor relations. She reports directly to

team at the Finnish National Opera, the

the General Director Päivi Kärkkäinen,

largest arts organization in Finland, and

also a Fulbright alumna. Lehmuskumpu

to start planning an entirely new culture

will assume her position in January 2016.

of fundraising. I am highly thankful to

Heidi Lehmuskumpu studied Fun-

Fulbright for the unique opportunity to

draising and Grantmaking at New York

study fundraising in New York in the

University in 2011–2012 as an ASLA-Ful-

first place – both at the university and as

bright Graduate grantee, continued her

a New Yorker, experiencing the prevail-

studies with Fulbright Center’s Renewal

ing culture of philanthropy. This experi-

grant in 2012–13, and graduated with a

ence lays the foundation for my current

Master of Science degree in Fundrais-

career path as a fundraising special-

ing and Grantmaking in 2013. Lehmus­

ist in arts and science. Now it is time to

kumpu also holds two other degrees:

give back and apply ideas at the Finnish

Master of Music in Arts Management

National Opera.”

(University of the Arts, Sibelius Acad-

Historical Book and Photo Donation Fulbright Center has received an invalu-

books, many of which have an inscrip-

able book and photo donation from the

tion to Sven-Erik Sjögren, are an invalu-

archives of the Center’s former director,

able part of the Finnish-American

Sven-Erik Sjögren. Mr. Sjögren served

ASLA-Fulbright history. Along with

as the first Executive Director of the

books the donation also included art

United States Educational Foundation in

works by Fulbright grantees and photo-

Finland (the predecessor of the Fulbright

graphs about the Fulbrighters in Finland

Center) from 1953–61 and for a second

from the 1950s and 1960s.

period from 1964–1977. The donation was made by late Mr. Sjögren’s family

The Fulbright Center conveys its sincere

and brought to the Center by his son, Mr.

thank you to the Sjögren family!

Matti Sjögren. “We compiled a collection of books

Do you have historical ASLA or

from my father’s book shelf. Most are

Fulbright related material that you

either written by former Fulbright

would like to donate to the program?

grantees or have to do with them or the

Contact us at office@fulbright.fi

Fulbright program,” Sjögren says. The

Yale University Amartya Sen Prize to a Finnish Fulbrighter Finnish Fulbright grantee Matti Ylönen

The prize is named in honor of

and his fellow researcher Teivo Tei­

Amartya Sen, whose work has shown

vainen from the University of Helsinki

how the rigor of economic thinking can

were announced the winners of the 2015

be brought to bear on normative and

Amartya Sen Prize Competition for their

practical questions of great human sig-

paper entitled “The Politics of Intra-


Firm Trade.” This year, the competition

Ylönen and Teivainen received their

was open to essays exploring the intel-

prize from Amartya Sen at the end of

ligent use of incentives toward curtail-


ing corporations’ use of tax evasion and avoidance, abusive transfer pricing and all forms of illicit financial flows. 10


Matti Ylönen is a 2015–2016 FulbrightSchuman grantee at Yale University.

Photo: Anna Puhakka, Espoon yhteislyseo

Internationalization Services

Fulbright Speaker Program Promotes Internationalization of Education in Finland Through the Fulbright Speaker Program schools, organizations and institutions all around the country have the opportunity to invite American grantees to give talks on specific research topics or more general American themes. The program provides students with intercultural interaction and new insights in various global themes. Since the beginning of the fall semes-

and how identities are formed as part of

ter, September 2015, the program has

the school’s phenomenon based study

already reached over 800 students,

on “Us and Others.” “The students were

teachers, faculty members, and profes-

impressed by his genuine enthusiasm

sionals all around Finland. In addition

towards learning languages and the sto-

to lectures at university towns, Ful-

ries he was able to tell us about his col-

bright scholars and students have had

orful, global life”, English teacher Anna

the opportunity to travel to places such

Puhakka praised after the visit.

as Kitee and Nurmo to promote interna-

Photo: Kitee Upper Secondary School

program while sharing their culture and

...to Russian Border in Eastern Finland

professional expertise with audiences of

Author, TV producer, and current Ful-

all ages.

bright scholar William Doyle kicked off

and teachers. Amazing experience and

the 2015–2016 Fulbright Speaker Pro-

brilliant questions. The Fulbright expe-

gram with a visit to an upper second-

rience continues to exceed my expecta-

ary school in Kitee, a small town next

tions, which were stratospheric to begin

Fulbrighter Eric Wong (photo on top) vis-

to Russian border in Eastern Finland.

with!” Doyle praised after the visit.

ited Espoon yhteislyseo upper secondary

“I had an absolutely fascinating ses-

school to talk about American culture

sion in Kitee with hundreds of students

tionalization of education and Fulbright

Covering the Country from the Capital Region...

Text: Mirka McIntire

Fulbright Dialogues Provide Transatlantic Perspectives on Timely Topics Fulbright Dialogues are roundtable

American Fulbright grantees and alumni

Scholar William Doyle challenged Finns

discussions on timely topics selected

currently in Finland, the presenters

to take advantage of Finland’s leader-

in collaboration with local institutions

include other visiting experts from the

ship role in education, and to become the

and organizations.

United States.

world’s intellectual capital of knowledge

Transatlantic Dialogue on 21st Cen-

exchange in education.

The discussions last up to 75 minutes and

tury Education in November brought

include a brief expert introduction to

together experts to discuss schools of


the theme followed by an open dialogue

tomorrow and brainstorm about best


among the participants. In addition to

practices in teaching. U.S. Fulbright



Highlights of the American Fall in Finland

Rock Out in Finland with the Fall Orientation!

anniversary of composer Jean Sibelius’ birth,

The U.S. Fulbrighters for 2015-16 were

The orientation is a true team effort.

three days and the Fulbright Center team

welcomed to Finland with a three-

The support from the alumni, part-

was warm and welcoming. The time we

and-a-half day orientation in August.

ners, and sponsors is invaluable to put

spent listening to visiting speakers, get-

Fulbrighters indulged themselves in

together a comprehensive program that

ting to know about each other’s work,

Finnish culture, history, and society

covers the society at large from daily life

and touring famous Helsinki landmarks

as well as the Finnish-American Ful-

practicalities to Finnish education and

such as the Rock Church (Temppeliaukion

bright Program.

library system, history, arts, science

kirkko) and the Sibelius monument were

funding, economics, language and com-

a fantastic introduction to the country,”

munication styles.

Elizabeth Whitney concludes.

“Arriving in Finland with some time

a stop at the Sibelius monument was particularly meaningful.

to adjust to the time change before the

“During the three days of orienta-

orientation is highly recommended. The

tion we learned about everything from

opportunity to come to Helsinki and

how to say basic suomi phrases to how to

be immersed in Finnish culture at the

acquire a bank account—which turned

Orientation program

beginning of the Fulbright is extremely

out to be equally important. It was an


important for the process of accultur-

intense, activity and information-filled


ating to a new country, so it’s helpful to be ready to absorb as much information as possible,” says Elizabeth Whitney, a Fulbright-University of Turku Scholar for the academic year 2015–16. The U.S. Embassy in Helsinki welcomed the American Fulbright Grantees to the Ambassador’s residence for a reception with Finnish Fulbright alumni, staff, partners, and friends. Ambassador Charles C. Adams, Jr., State Secretary to the Prime Minister Paula Lehtomäki, and Fulbright Center Executive Director Terhi Mölsä delivered their greetings at the reception. In the photo (l-r) State Secretary Paula Lehtomäki, Deputy Chief of Mission Susan Elbow, Executive Director Terhi Mölsä and Ambassador Adams. 12

A Helsinki city sightseeing tour is a gift from the city to the Fulbrighters. As it is the 150th


Text: Johanna Lahti

“Interesting, Entertaining, Enlightening” American Voices Charmed the Audience Again – for the 23rd Time!

The annual American Voices seminar brings together a diverse cross-section

Lara DeRuisseau spoke about "Legos to

of American Fulbright scholars and students from around Finland. The two

Leaders: Do Gendered Toys Influence the

day event at the University of Turku introduced a variety of themes and topics

Career Aspirations of Children?"

Americana, brought interesting questions to discussion, and enabled crosscultural encounters. Take a look at some of the presentation topics; it is no wonder the house was full on both days and audience certainly awake! “What If It’s All Auto-Tune?... Wait,

“I eagerly look forward to the Ameri-

sincere interest shown by the attend-

People Actually Live There?... What Do

can Voices seminar, it offers a chance

ing University of Turku students. “They

American Politicians and Lemonade

for me to “catch up” with recent trends

ask pertinent questions which give the

Sellers Have in Common? Do Gendered

in America whether they be political

Americans the opportunity to respond

Toys Influence the Career Aspirations of

or cultural”, Yoken says. “The overall

in a comfortable informal manner about

Children? Why Am I Here?..”

impression I have from the most recent

the topics they have presented.”

“I enjoyed the presentations, not at

gathering is the transparency, open-

According to David Yoken the Ameri-

all traditional university lectures”, says

ness, and true values of “free speech.”

can Voices seminar brings an oppor-

Hilla Pohjalainen, a Contemporary Lit-

As an ex-pat American, I feel a sense of

tunity for the audience to actually

erature student at University of Turku.

pride when hearing the American Ful-

experience the Fulbright program first

The majority of the audience of over one

bright grantees speaking candidly about

hand. “This not only includes the grant-

hundred was students who earn study

a specific individual, theme, or Ameri-

ees’ presentations, but we heard the Ful-

credits by participating in the seminar.

can political institution”, Yoken says.

bright Center’s Executive Director, Terhi

“This seminar was part of my North

He is also deeply impressed with the

Mölsä’s compassionate remarks about

American Studies program, and the first time I’ve participated in it. I was really positively surprised about the amount of presentations, and the fact that it has even been possible to compile such a variety of topics together”, marvels Hilla who found the presentations about Queer Performance Scenes in NYC, Gendered Toys, and What Is So Special about Four Turtles from Northampton particularly interesting. “Also, What You Don’t Hear on TV About Detroit was a truly inspiring talk.” In the audience was also a Fulbright Center Board member David Yoken, a Senior Music Lecturer at the Turku University of Applied Sciences. Yoken has

Hilla Pohjalainen, a Comparative

been following the American Voices

Literature student, participated in

seminar that was now organized for the

the seminar for the first time.

23rd time for the past six or seven years.



Highlights of the American Fall in Finland

the human dimension of Fulbright and

inar. “It was a challenge to find a topic

tricky, but it worked out and the children

international exchange. The American

so disparate from my own research”,

even came to a couple of presentations

Voices seminar clearly creates a positive

says Lara. Keith in turn was “hoping to

and had a great time in Turku.”

sense of communication and certainly

come up with a topic that could integrate

ignites a flame and passion for those

a little about where I am from, some-

American Studies Program and the

attending to seek out Fulbright’s oppor-

thing I know a little about, and also be

Fulbright Center organize jointly the

tunities in America, “ Yoken concludes.

entertaining.” Lara ended up speaking

American Voices seminar annually in

In addition to being an interesting

about Gendered Toys, and Keith about

October at the University of Turku. The

seminar for the speakers and the audi-

four Turtles from Northampton. DeRu-

U.S. Embassy in Helsinki supported the

ence, the American Voices is also a major

isseaus thank the audience for their

event financially.

mid-semester gathering for the Ful-

friendliness, attentiveness, responsive-

brighters. It is an opportunity to recon-

ness and respectfulness. “I enjoyed the

nect with each other and the Fulbright

audience’s insight and questions at the

Center team.






Text: Johanna Lahti

end of each seminar,” says Lara. DeRu-

More information about the seminar

Lara and Keith DeRuisseau are both

isseaus took the train to Turku with their

and the seminar program

Fulbright Scholars at the University of

two children: “it was enjoyable to see


Eastern Finland in Kuopio, and both of

other parts of Finland. Of course, enter-


them spoke at the American Voices sem-

taining children during the day was a bit

Celebrating Thanksgiving the Fulbright Way: Parliament, Arts, Chocolate, and Turkey…

The current Fulbright Bicentennial Chair, Lane Crothers, hosted the Thanksgiving dinner at the Fulbright Bicentennial Residence.

The last week in November is scheduled for Thanksgiving festivities and activi-

hosted a lunch and gave an overview

ties on the Fulbright calendar. Again this year, the days were filled with programs

of the most current matters in Finn-

with time for everyone to meet each other again and catch up on their many new

ish domestic policy: immigration, labor

Finnish experiences.

market situation, and social and health care reform. Kurvinen’s introduction


The Parliament visit has become an

Parliament Annex while the actual Par-

sparked a lively discussion among the

annual Thanksgiving tradition. This

liament building is under renovation.

group and visit hosts Director of Interna-

year the group was privileged to visit the

Member of Parliament Antti Kurvinen

tional Department Katriina Kuusinen,


The soft popping sound of the audio installation at EMMA made the group think of "spacey space", "poppy pond" and "Rainy Brooklyn", just to name few.

a Fulbright alumna herself, as well as Teemu Vuosio and Maarit Immonen from the International Department. The Saastamoinen Foundation, one of Fulbright Center’s partners, invited the group for a visit to Espoo Museum of Modern Art EMMA. Salla Laiho from the Saastamoinen Foundation served as the host, and Museum Director Pilvi Kalhama wished the group welcome. EMMA hosts the Saastamoinen Foundation’s art collection of more than 2 000 art works, part of which is on display. Fulbrighters were treated with a guided tour to the exhibitions followed by a dinner. Thanksgiving in Finland also means a trip to Fazer chocolate factory in Vantaa, with a chance to eat all the chocolate you can in ten minutes. Thanksgiving potluck dinner with traditional dishes and a

ences in Finland so far this year…. lots of

together, the many natural-world dis-

Finnish smoked turkey highlighted the

fun and interesting conversation about

coveries the children made at the won-

Thanksgiving evening.

American politics and Finnish winters.”

derful Luomus, the illuminating and fun

Getting Together with Families and Friends

Children had their special program:

children’s tour of the fabulous Espoo

while the adults visited the Parliament,

Museum of Modern Art, and the superb

children had the opportunity to discover

dinner we had the honor of enjoy-

Dario Salvucci, Fulbright-Nokia Distin-

the Natural History Museum, and EMMA

ing there,” Laura Salvucci says. “I am

guished Chair at the University of Jyväs-

offered a special tour for the kids.

thankful for the opportunity to come

kylä, came to celebrate Thanksgiving

Milo (11) loved the “crystals” and

together with Fulbright students, schol-

with his wife Laura and children Milo

“laser-cut” pieces at the EMMA, and

ars, and staff to celebrate the Thanks-

and Leo. Dario found the Thanksgiving

Leo’s (9) favorite part was seeing the

giving holiday far from home.”

celebration to be a special time to bond

“python bones” at the Natural His-

with Fulbright families and friends. “I

tory Museum. “We will always remem-

loved hearing about everyone’s experi-

ber those two days – the meal we made

Text: Johanna Lahti



“Gorgeous Voice” a Critic Characterizes Fulbrighter Simon Barrad U.S. Fulbright fellow Simon Barrad (mid-

Sciences in Helsinki in November.

dle in the photo) charmed the audience and





programs taught entirely in English. at

The Fulbright Center in Finland awards

critics with his performance in the opera

Metropolia University of Applied Sci-

grants to U.S. students who hold a mini-

“Säveltäjä Ann-Elise Hannikainen” hon-

ences and the University of the Arts

mum of Bachelor’s degree.

oring the Finnish composer Ann-Elise

Helsinki, Sibelius Academy and he also

Hannikainen. Hannikainen made her

teaches a workshop on American song.

More information:

career mostly in Spain, where she lived

He is one of eight U.S. graduate stu-


with her teacher and life companion,

dents currently in Finland on a Fulbright


the famous Spanish composer Ernesto

grant. Finnish universities offer excel-


Halffter. Simon Barrad sang Halffter’s

lent study and research opportunities in

role in the opera that was performed at

arts and sciences including a wide selec-


the Metropolia University of Applied

tion of special Master’s and Doctoral


Why Can't Donald Trump Be President?

Arctic Cooperation and Cross-Border Expertise

Catching the audience’s attention from his very first sentence,

The Fulbright Center is again collaborating with the Lapland

Fulbright Bicentennial Chair Lane Crothers gave his inaugural

University of Applied Sciences in organizing the second annual

address at the University of Helsinki in November. Professor

Summer School on Arctic Cooperation and Cross-Border Expertise.

Crothers spoke to a rapt audience on “If They Could Fake the

This program provides American Fulbright grantees an oppor-

Landing on the Moon, Why Can’t Donald Trump Be President?

tunity to gain expertise in Artic cooperation as well as lecture

The Crisis of Authenticity in American Political Life”, prompt-

in an international environment while experiencing the mid-

ing many questions and an active discussion from the audience.

night sun in Tornio.


Tornio: Elizabeth Whitney will teach a course on “Intercultural


Communication and Presentation Skills,” and Christopher Har-

We are happy to announce this year’s Fulbright scholars in

ris will lecture on “Technological Change and Cultural Impact”. 16


Photo: ooppera.annelisehannikainen.fi

Grantee News

Events Spring 2016

Join Us for the Spring 2016 Fulbright Events! In addition to the Fulbright Arctic Symposium in Oulu in February (page 5),

at the Helsinki City Hall with an Award

Fulbright Finland is organizing several other special events during Spring 2016.

Ceremony and Reception jointly hosted

Join us for the exciting program!

by the City of Helsinki and the Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Department for

Welcome American Grantees

their perspective and motivations for

Communications and Culture.

study abroad. The second day will also

2016 marks the 40th anniversary

cover marketing tools and strategies to

of the Fulbright Bicentennial Chair in

Arrival Orientation for

better target U.S. students and to help

American Studies which will also be

New American Grantees

Finnish institutions develop their pro-

celebrated at the Helsinki City Hall. Ful-

January 27–29, 2016

cesses to better take into account the

bright Bicentennial Chairs from previ-


specific needs of U.S. students.

ous years will be special guests of the

Time to welcome new U.S. Fulbright

Finnish Fulbrighters Getting Ready for the U.S.

grantees to Finland! The arrival orientation for new U.S. Fulbright grantees


Fulbright Leaders Meet in Helsinki

will take place in Hakaniemi and various

Pre-Departure Orientation for the

locations in Helsinki. Fulbright grantees

Finnish 2016-2017 Fulbright Grantees

Fulbright Europe and Eurasia

will be treated to a vast amount of infor-

and Award Ceremony & Reception

Regional Conference

mation about Finland including a look at

in honor of the 40th anniversary of

June 19–23, 2016

its history, education system and unique

the Fulbright Bicentennial Chair


language! Fulbrighters will get to know

May 17, 2016

each other, the Fulbright Center staff,


This international conference brings together Fulbright leaders and coop-

and make important connections with expert speakers and alumni.

Interested in North American Studies? The 12th Annual Fulbright North

The Pre-Departure Orientation prepares

erating agencies from both sides of the

the new Finnish grantees for their Ful-

Atlantic to share best practices and plan

bright experience ahead. The program

strategy for future exchanges. Fulbright

includes expert sessions on various

Finland looks forward to sharing inno-

practicalities and discussions with Ful-

vative ideas and midnight sun with the

bright Center alumni. The day concludes

distinguished participants!

American Studies Roundtable February 5, 2016 Fulbright Center, Helsinki

20 14

The Annual Fulbright North American Studies Roundtable brings together program coordinators, lecturers, and professors of North American Studies at Finnish universities to discuss concrete

Education, Innovation, Science and Art ▶ March 17–18, 2016 ▶ University of Jyväskylä 20 14

ways to enhance cooperation amongst the programs, develop new initiatives to support the teaching of North American Studies in Finland, and update and share information about U.S. Embassy, Canadian Embassy, and Fulbright resources.

Attract U.S. Students to Finland! Fulbright Capacity-Building Workshop: Attracting U.S. Students to Finland

Education, Innovation, Science and Art

Fulbright Forum provides a unique opportunity to hear about the research and projects of the current American Fulbright 20 scholars, teachers, and graduate students in Finland. 14

Education, Innovation, Science and Art The first seminar day focuses on Education. The second seminar day is multidisciplinary and it includes a wide array of topics from Health Sciences and Environmental Sciences to Politics and Economics.

April 6–7, 2016 Fulbright Center, Helsinki The first day of the workshop will focus on the many ways Finnish universities

Join us for the whole seminar or pop in for the presentation of your choice and meet with the Fulbrighters! Welcome also to drop by the Fulbright Center stand during the breaks to speak about study, research, and funding opportunities in the U.S.

can take advantage of the Fulbright Center’s internationalization services. The second day will highlight strategies to help Finnish universities to better attract American students by discussing

The seminar is organized jointly by the Fulbright Center Finland and the University of Jyväskylä, and it is supported by the U.S. Department of State. The seminar is open to the public and free of charge!

▶ ▶ ▶ www.fulbright.fi/en/fulbright-forum ▶ ▶ ▶ #FulbrightForum www.fulbright.fi


Alumni in Focus

Making the World a Better Place Fire Safety and Friendships Across Borders

Matti Kokkala believes that funding cooperation between universities, foundations and Fulbright Finland is a win-win proposition. Photo: Tiina Valjakka

and role in improving fire safety standards globally, why international collabo-

From Farmer’s Son to Global Specialist

ration is so important, and why he believes new funding methods ensure the

Beginning work on the physics of fire was

ongoing impact of Finnish Fulbright.

a logical step for the young researcher. “I

Professor Matti Kokkala talks about his career-defining Fulbright experience

had always wanted to apply mathematics Matti Kokkala’s experience as a Ful-

Matti was recruited to VTT to help spear-

to practical problems, to make the world

bright scholar made a profound impact

head the organization’s development

a better place,” he explains. “Somehow

on his life, setting him on a trajectory

of fire safety research. “Thus I left low

this respect for understanding has been

that would see him working with some

temperatures and moved towards high

part of my character all along.”

of the foremost researchers in his field,

temperatures,” Matti smiles.

advising international organizations

“The work done

on fire safety, and contributing to an

during my time in

international movement changing the

the USA turned out

way fire safety is taken into account

to define my career.

when designing buildings. Now a Senior

It was a way for me to

Advisor on Smart Cities research at VTT

be part of a fantastic

Technical Research Center of Finland,

global movement to

the leading research and technology

turn what had been

company in the Nordic countries, Matti

simply an empirical

is an enthusiastic ambassador for Ful-

field into a scientific

bright, currently also chairing the Board


of Directors of the Finnish Fulbright Center.

A Career-Defining Move into a New Scientific Field


Matti explains that when he began work in the field, fire safety research was still a relatively new sci-

“I was born on a farm, so I’ve always been really hands-on.

My Fulbright year was a way for me to be part of a fantastic global movement to turn what had been simply an empirical field into a scientific discipline.

It was a proper Finnish farm, out in the countryside; it was over a kilometer to our nearest neighbor. I hadn’t been outside of Finland until I was 26 years old. If you were a farmer’s son in the 60s or 70s, you didn’t travel. But that began to change in my generation, and of course things are completely different today.”

In the mid-eighties, Matti spent thir-

ence, and fire safety

teen months as a Fulbright Fellow at

as an engineering discipline had yet to

beyond national borders is something

one of the leading global centers for

be recognized across countries. “There

Matti feels is essential for everyone.

research on fire safety, The Center

was also almost zero academic tradition

“Life is now international. You can’t

for Fire Research, at what is now the

in Finland in fire safety research, so it

simply stay looking inward, or keep-

National Institute of Standards and

was self-evident we needed to seek col-

ing others out. Either you accept this

Technology (NIST) in Gaithersburg,

laboration with international colleagues.

change, or you need to forget your mod-

Maryland. After his early research work

The codes and regulations were based on

ern standard of living. You’re not losing

on superconducting magnets in the low

empirical rules and test methods, but

anything from your own culture by see-

temperatures lab at Helsinki University

nobody really knew if they provided the

ing other cultures and people. We need

of Technology (now Aalto University),

fire safety level the societies wanted.”

to create international contacts – that’s




so critical for Finland in the future.” This is particularly the case for the

cally developed models and criteria.” The work carried out during this era how

has been the backbone of the Fulbright system. However, in the current world,

scientific community, Matti reflects.



we can’t expect the

“Researchers are like hunter-gatherers.

safety was assessed

government funding

They are always naturally seeking con-

and managed around

tacts and funding. An old professor of


mine used to say that to be a good sci-


entist you need to seek those who are

changed the regula-

cleverer than you are - or who are richer

tions in Finland, and

than you are,” Matti smiles. “I’d say


that’s still good advice.”

can now better invest






Fulbright is not only an individual exchange, grantees are ambassadors of Fulbright.

to increase. Therefore, joining forces with other sponsors is crucial to the future of



majority of Fulbright Finland’s


Matti relates how his Fulbright

in measures that we

scholarship turned this theory into

know will save lives

practice. “I had the pleasure of work-

and protect property in case of fire.”

government allocations. proposition. For universities and other

ships not only with the local researchers

Helping Personal Contacts Grow into Institutional Friendships

but also with many other international

At VTT, Matti’s career developed from

possible brand to reach American aca-

visiting scientists.” Matti explains that

applied research on fire to driving a

demia. Universities and research organi-

working in Gaithersburg made it easy

broader research strategy, managing a

zations wishing to increase U.S.-Finnish

for him to visit other universities and

spectrum of research projects related to

exchange will have excellent value for

private research laboratories, as well as

building, construction, transport, and

money when cost sharing grants with

attend meetings and conferences else-

services, all with a firm focus on com-

Fulbright. The Fulbright Center staff

where in the country. “Whenever I said

munity impact. Currently his special

are exceptionally competent in advis-

I was a Fulbrighter, I was asked to give

interest is in the digitalization of the

ing the coming and going grantees,”

a talk about my work,” he adds. “Ful-

built environment.

Matti notes. “Cost-sharing arrange-

ing with some of the best experts in the field, and I created contacts and friend-

already comes from sources other than

“Funding cooperation is a win-win organizations, Fulbright offers the best

bright scholarship was a sign of quality

Matti has been proactive in continu-

ments mean that the host university is

even if the hosts didn’t know me at all

ing a working relationship with his for-

interested in your project, they can make


mer hosts, facilitating contact between

a commitment to your work. It is also a

Matti explains that his Fulbright

a new generation of scientists at the

way of ensuring the project is relevant

immersion in NIST enabled him to be

two organizations. “When I noticed a

to the host organization. Everyone has a

at the heart of later developments in

new talent at VTT interested in develop-


the field, as well as taking an important

ing himself or herself, I let my U.S. col-

“For the grantees, Fulbright offers

advisory role in improving fire safety

leagues know about them. Close to ten

a unique network you can’t find else-

standards globally, based on leading-

VTT people have gone to visit NIST as a

where. When you contact somebody,

edge science. “In any research field,

direct consequence of this contact.”

automatically the other side thinks

there is always a core group that helps

This ongoing relationship, which

there’s something useful in you and

to define what the field is about. Being

grew from the initial personal con-

your work. It’s a guarantee for you; it

invited to be part of that, working along-

tact between Matti and his American

opens doors,” says Matti. “Although it

side the people who had already started

hosts, has led to a long-term exchange

is already thirty years since my grant

the work in the 1950s, really felt special.

of people and ideas between the two

period, I still every now and then find

The same people were discussing what

organizations. But over the years, we’ve

that someone who has read my CV pays

should be done in America, in Australia,

also cultivated an institutional friend-

special attention to the fact that I am a

in Japan.

ship that has a life of its own, without

Fulbrighter. It feels good to be a member

Contacts made during his Fulbright

my involvement. As an example, not

of the club!”

year also led to unforeseen opportuni-

long ago, one of the NIST directors was

“But I believe Fulbright should not

ties which saw Matti grow from post-

on VTT’s Scientific Advisory Board. Sev-

be looked on only as an individual

doctoral researcher to international

eral U.S. researchers have also spent

exchange,” he adds. “The idea is far

expert, ultimately appointed Research

extended time here.”

broader. Grantees become ambassadors

Professor of Fire Technology at VTT. “At

for Fulbright. We want to see them tak-

colleague, who later invited me to work

New Ways of Working Together through Fulbright

for a few months in Japan, which meant

Fulbright’s wider impact is something

delight to interview candidates who

that I had experience and lots of friends

Matti feels passionate about, extend-

have a deep commitment to develop the

in the two most important countries in

ing beyond the grantee to benefit both

world around to be a better place.”

fire research: USA and Japan. This led

the host and home organizations. He

to me becoming one of the key players

highlights the long tradition of Fulbright

when the research community started

exchanges between Finland and the

to define fire safety engineering as a

USA since the 1950s, but emphasizes the

science-based engineering profession.

importance of the new funding models

Instead of empirical rules, we were now

that Fulbright Finland has taken into use.

able to assess fire safety using scientifi-

“Government funding on both sides

NIST, I shared an office with a Japanese

ing care not only of themselves, but the broader community. It’s always a great

Text: Louisa Gairn



Alumni News

Join Us in Celebrating Finland’s Centennial in 2017! States. Our goal is to arrange a series of

would be thrilled if the Fulbright alumni

events across the states together with

would join us celebrating the centennial

all the friends of Finland,” says Sanna

in 2017. We are interested to hear your

Kangasharju, Press Counselor at the

ideas and want to work together to cre-

Embassy of Finland in Washington, D.C.

ate a memorable commemorative year,”

According to Kangasharju, the local

Kangasharju says.

Finnish-American entities and espe-

Kenneth Kolson from the Friends of

cially the 50 Finlandia Foundation chap-

Fulbright Finland (FoFF) Alumni Council

ters have a crucial role in planning and

joined the centennial planning meeting

executing the events. The organizers

at the Embassy of Finland in Washing-

across the country will activate soon,

ton, D.C. in November. “We are glad to

and the Embassy of Finland hopes that

have closer contact to Fulbright alumni

The year 2017 marks the centennial

there will be broad cooperation between

through him and look forward to fruit-

of Finland's independence. The cen-

all the organizations, Fulbright alumni,

ful cooperation with all of you,” Kan-

tennial will be the most significant

chambers of commerce, Finnish schools,

gasharju concludes.

commemorative year for a generation

and others interested in celebrating Fin-

of Finns and people with Finnish roots

land’s big year.

all around the world.

For more information

“The Fulbright program has been an


integral part of the relations between “The theme of the year is ‘Together’, and

Finland and the United States already

we hope that all Finns, Finnish-Ameri-

over 60 years. The Fulbright alumni

cans, and friends of Finland would par-

in the U.S. are a very valuable group of

ticipate in this celebration in the United

experts who know Finland well. We

Text: Embassy of Finland in Washington, D.C.

Continued Collaboration

Crossing Boundaries and Reaching Out to New Audiences on projects, but also to getting to know the variety of cultural environments in which we operate, in terms of countries (Finland and U.S.), disciplines (computer science, history, and information science), and organizational types (acaThea Lindquist,

demic department and cultural heritage

Eero Hyvönen,

organization). The opportunity to truly

Eetu Mäkelä.

understand one another and deepen our partnership in pursuit of common goals has allowed us to cross these boundaries

“Since my Fulbright visit at Aalto Uni-

and reach a variety of interested audi-

versity in Finland in fall 2011, I have been

Currently we are planning user

collaborating with the Semantic Com-

assessments of the contextual reader

puting Research Group (SeCo) at Aalto

using documents from the University of

Text: Thea Lindquist

University on the World War I Linked

Colorado Boulder's (CU-Boulder) WWI

Thea Lindquist spent fall 2011 at Aalto Uni-

Open Data (WWI LOD) project and now

Collection Online, and Eero Hyvönen

versity on a Fulbright Mid-Career Pro-

the CORE Contextual Reader project.

and Eetu Mäkelä of SeCo are both visit-

fessional Development Grant. Her initial

ing Boulder this year to forward our work

Fulbright work grew into an awarded part-


nership project with researchers at Aalto

WWI LOD explores how publishing, aggregating, and reusing cultural heri-


larly with unfamiliar subject matter.

ences with our work.”


tage content as Linked Open Data can

The opportunity for me to visit Fin-

make online historical sources more

land and for my Finnish collaborators

findable and usable, while CORE is an

to visit CU-Boulder, was and contin-

More information about the projects:

application that brings contextual infor-

ues to be extremely important to our

WWI LOD: www.seco.tkk.fi/projects/history

mation from outside sources into the

continued collaboration. This outcome

CORE: www.seco.tkk.fi/projects/core

document interface to enhance the user

is due not only to the dedicated time it

reading experience on the web, particu-

gives us to work and interface directly


Vuosisadan metsäbiologi

Kuvakaappaus: Yleisradio

Ensimmäiset ASLA-stipendiaatit läh-

loissa vierailleita metsän-

tivät Yhdysvaltoihin 65 vuotta sit-

tutkijoita. Kirja sisältää

ten vuonna 1950. Yksi heistä oli Peitsa

lisäksi myös Peitsa Miko-

Mikola, sittemmin professori ja yksi


Suomen kansainvälisesti tunnetuim-

jossa on otsikoita peräti

mista metsäntutkijoista. Mikola vietti

yhdeksältä vuosikymme-

lukuvuoden 1950-51 Wisconsinin yli-

neltä vuodesta 1937 vuo-

opistossa, Madisonissa.

teen 2011.


Lokakuussa professori Peitsa Mikola

Peitsa Mikolan henki-

täytti 100 vuotta ja syntymäpäivän kun-

löhaastattelu, ”Stipendi-

niaksi julkistettiin professori Pekka

aattina 60 vuotta sitten: Professori Peitsa

Kaupin toimittama juhlakirja Vuosisa-

Mikolalle ASLA-stipendi oli ponnahdus-

dan metsäbiologi.

lauta laajaan kansainväliseen toimin-

Historiantutkija Jaana Laine käsitte-

ASLA-alumni, professori Peitsa Mikola

lee juhlakirjaan kirjoittamassaan artik-

tasavallan presidentti Sauli Niinistön itsenäi-

kelissa ASLA-järjestelmän luomista ja

syyspäivän vastaanotolla 6. joulukuuta 2015.

sen puitteissa 1950-luvulla Yhdysval-

First Friends of Fulbright Finland Alumni Enrichment Awards to be Announced

taan” julkaistiin kevään 2010 Fulbright Center Newsissä, vol. 20 nro 1.

Friends of Fulbright Finland Donors Recognized

The first competition for the newly

ment will be able to grow and support

created Friends of Fulbright Finland

additional alumni grants in the future. We

Alumni Enrichment Award ended in

are very proud to acknowledge our Ameri-

October. Seven American alumni of the

can alumni who have been able to create

Friends of Fulbright Finland alumni in

Finnish Fulbright program submitted

the first grant of its kind, one developed

the United States who have made gifts to

applications with a variety of intrigu-

and sponsored by the American alumni of

the endowment include: Melanie Lahti

ing proposals. Grant recipients will be

the Finnish-Fulbright program.

(2009 Fulbright-CIMO Student), Robert

announced in late December, with proj-

All gifts are welcome, no matter the

Davis (2013 Fulbright-CIMO Student),

ects to be carried out in Finland during

size. In the coming year, let’s aim to sur-

Frances Karttunen (1997 Fulbright

the 2016 calendar year.

pass our goal and work toward a really

Bicentennial Chair in American Studies)

substantial endowment!

and Alfred Crosby (1984 Bicentennial

The success of this initiative clearly

Chair in American Studies), Mark Miller

dictates that we continue and even increase our efforts to raise more funds for

Text: Suzanne Louis

the permanent award endowment. To this

(2014 Fulbright Bicentennial Chair in American Studies), Kenneth King and

end, the FoFF Alumni Council encourages

Donor Gift Instructions

Sandra Sampson (2003 Scholar to Uni-

you to make a financial gift so the endow-


versity of Turku), Chris Johnson and Megan DeVorsey (2009 Scholar to University of Turku), and Janet E. Levy, (1998 Scholar to University of Oulu). Numerous alumni have generously given multiple gifts, Darrick Chang (2001 Graduate Student to University of Turku), Salim Elwazani (2012 Fulbright-Aalto University Distinguished Chair), Jay Gillette and BJ Deering (2014 Fulbright-Nokia Distinguished Chair in Information and Communications Technologies), and Kenneth Kolson (2006 Scholar to University of Oulu).

Join the ASLA-Fulbright Alumni Association

Thank you to all donors!

All Fulbright Center alumni are welcome

a the Fulbright Center News magazine

If you are an American alumni of the

to join the ASLA-Fulbright Alumni Asso-

twice a year, and opportunities for inter-

Finnish Fulbright program and reside

ciation ry - and even if you are not an

national networking and participation

in the United States, join the Friends of

alumn, you can join the association as a

in special events.

Fulbright Finland (FoFF) network!

by paying 20 € annual membership fee



and receive membership benefits such


supporting member! Become a member



News / Uutisia

New Team Members at the Fulbright Center

Fulbright Center numeroina 2015 Tilastot ovat FC:n tilikaudelta 1. 10. 2014 – 30. 9. 2015

Asiakastilastot •• Asiakaskontakteja 4 428, joista koulutuksen ja kansainvälistymisen ammattilaisia n. 25 % •• 87 infotilaisuutta ja tapahtumaa Suomessa, joissa yhteensä noin 3 100 osallistujaa •• Verkkosivu: 255 000 sivun katselua ja 67 500 käyttäjää

Stipendiohjelmat •• Yhteensä 89 stipendiaattia, joista 46 suomalaista Maija Kettunen began at the Fulbright Center in October as Events Assistant. Maija has a Master’s Degree in Speech Communication from the University of Jyväskylä, and she has also studied English, Communication and Philosophy at Cardiff

ja 43 yhdysvaltalaista •• Yhteisstipendit mukaan lukien jaettu 1,24 miljoonaa euroa apurahoina

University in Wales. She came to Fulbright from the Centre for

Fulbright Centerin rahoitus

International Mobility CIMO.

(Perusbudjetti ilman yhteisstipendejä)

Markku Korhonen came to the Fulbright Center as an intern and continued in November as a full-time Media Coordinator. Markku majors in Public Policy at a Master’s program at the University of Helsinki.

•• 75,8 % Suomesta (Tukisäätiö, opetus- ja kulttuuriministeriö, yksityiset säätiöt, suomalaiset korkeakoulut, muut) •• 23,9 % Yhdysvalloista (18,2 % USA:n ulkoministeriö, 5,7 % muut) •• 0,3 % Kanadasta (Kanadan valtio)

Alumnit •• 500 aktiivia alumnia Yhdysvalloissa (Friends of Fulbright Finland -verkosto) •• Sadat alumnit Suomessa toimivat asiantuntijoina, tieteenalakohtaisina arvioijina ja valintalautakuntien jäseninä, johtokunnan jäseninä sekä muissa Fulbright Centerin tehtävissä. •• Alumneista 154 on jäseninä myös ASLA-Fulbright Alumni -yhdistyksessä.

Connect with the Fulbright Center

Vuoden 2015 kohokohtia •• Fulbright-Hanken Distinguished Chair in Business and Economics perustettiin •• Yhteistyösopimus University of Colorado Denverin kanssa

www.facebook.com/ fulbright.center.finland

•• Fulbright Dialogues -sarja alkoi

www.youtube.com/user/ fulbrightfinland

•• Fulbright Speaker -ohjelma tavoitti

•• Friends of Fulbright Finland (FoFF) -alumnitapahtuma Bostonissa yli 1000 kuulijaa

www.linkedin.com/company/ fulbright-center-finland twitter.com/FulbrightFIN www.fulbright.fi

Fulbright Center serves as the national EducationUSA center in Finland.

office@fulbright.fi +358 44 5535 286



Fulbright Center advises on higher education in Canada.

Suomen ja Yhdysvaltain opetusalan vaihtotoimikunta Finland-U.S. Educational Exchange Commission (FUSEEC)

Vaihtotoimikunnan jäsenet / Fulbright Center Board of Directors Honorary Chair: H.E., Charles C. Adams, Jr. Ambassador of the United States to Finland

Dr. Bo Pettersson Professor of the Literature of the United States University of Helsinki

Finnish Members:

Ms. Birgitta Vuorinen Counsellor for Education Ministry of Education and Culture Treasurer

Dr. Heikki Ruskoaho Professor of Pharmacology and Drug development University of Helsinki Dr. Matti Kokkala Senior Advisor, Smart Cities VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Chair

American Members: Ms. Jeanie Duwan Assistant Counselor for Press and Public Affairs American Embassy

Mr. Jeffrey K. Reneau Counselor for Press and Public Affairs American Embassy Vice-Chair Mr. David Yoken Senior Music Lecturer Arts Academy, Turku University of Applied Sciences Ex-officio: Ms. Terhi Mölsä Executive Director Fulbright Center

Toimikunnan sihteeristö / Fulbright Center Staff Ms. Emilia Holopainen

Ms. Sonja Kuosmanen

Ms. Suzanne Louis

Ohjelma-assistentti Exchanges Assistant (toimivapaalla 31.10.2015–29.2.2016) •• Stipendiohjelmien tukipalvelut •• Sosiaalinen media •• Verkkopalvelut

Ohjelmakoordinaattori Program Coordinator p. (044) 5535 275 •• Distinguished Chairs •• Tutkija- ja luennoitsijastipendit •• Neuvonta •• Inter-Country-stipendit

Projektikonsultti (osa-aikainen) Project Consultant (part-time) •• Friends of Fulbright Finland -verkosto •• Alumnikoordinaattori •• Fulbright Center News

Ms. Maija Kettunen Tapahtuma-assistentti Events Assistant p. (044) 5535 277

Ms. Karoliina Kokko Vastaava ohjelmapäällikkö Senior Program Manager (grant program oversight) p. (044) 5535 268 •• Maisteri- ja tohtorivaiheen stipendit •• Neuvonta opiskelusta USA:ssa ja Kanadassa •• Alumnikoordinaattori

Mr. Markku Korhonen Mediakoordinaattori Media Coordinator

Ms. Johanna Lahti Apulaisjohtaja Deputy Director p. (044) 5535 278 •• Fulbright Center News (toimituspäällikkö) •• Undergraduatestipendit suomalaisille •• Study of the U.S. Institutes for Student Leaders from Europe •• Renewal-stipendit suomalaisille •• Testeihin liittyvät asiantuntijapalvelut •• Neuvonta opiskelusta USA:ssa

Ms. Mirka McIntire Ohjelmapäällikkö, Koulutus- ja opettajavaihto (osa-aikainen) Manager, Teacher Exchange and Education Programs (part-time) p. (044) 5535 269 •• Opettajaohjelma •• Study of the U.S. Institutes for Scholars and Secondary School Educators •• Asiantuntijastipendit •• Seminaarit ja koulutustapahtumat

Ms. Terhi Mölsä Toiminnanjohtaja Executive Director p. (050) 570 5498

Office: (044) 5535 286 E-mails: firstname.lastname@fulbright.fi

Tukisäätiö FUSEEC/Fulbright Centerin toimintaa rahoittaa Suomen ja Yhdysvaltain Stipenditoiminnan Tukisäätiö / Säätiön hallitus: The Finland-America Educational Trust Fund / Board of Directors: Finnish members:

American members:

Agent / Säätiön asiamies:

Mr. Jouni Mölsä Director of Communications Department for Communications and Culture Ministry for Foreign Affairs Chair

Ms. Susan Elbow Deputy Chief of Mission American Embassy Vice-Chair

Ms. Terhi Mölsä Executive Director FUSEEC/Fulbright Center

Ms. Jaana Palojärvi Head of International Relations Finnish Ministry of Education

Mr. Jeffrey K. Reneau Counselor for Press and Public Affairs American Embassy

The Finnish members are appointed by the Ministry of Education and the Ministry for Foreign Affairs. The American members are appointed by the American Embassy.



Toimintaamme tukevat mm.: Support comes to us from:

Hakaniemenranta 6 FI-00530 HELSINKI FINLAND



16. – 20. 11. International Education Week USA:ssa

18. 11. Fulbright Bicentennial Chair in American Studies -professorin virkaanastujaisluento

3. 12. hakuaika kesälle 2016 päättyy:

9. 12. hakuaika kesälle 2016 päättyy:

•• Study of the United States Institutes for Scholars and Secondary School Educators

tammikuu helmikuu

•• ASLA-Fulbright Pre-Doctoral Research Fellows Program •• ASLA-Fulbright Grants for a Junior Scholar •• ASLA-Fulbright Grants for a Senior Scholar •• Fulbright-Technology Industries of Finland Grants, Post doc •• Mid-Career Development Professional Grant

20. 1. Fulbright Center mukana Turun yliopiston kansainvälisellä viikolla

27. – 29. 1. ORIENTAATIO: Kevätlukukaudeksi saapuvien yhdysvaltalaisten stipendiaattien orientaatio

20 14

Education, Innovation, Science and Art

maaliskuu huhtikuu

toukokuu kesäkuu

17. – 18. 3. Education, Innovation, Science and Art Fulbright Forum 2016: Education Education, Innovation, Science and Art Innovation, Science and Art, Jyväskylä 17. 5. Suomalaisten stipendiaattien lähtöorientaatio ja stipendien julkistamistilaisuus Fulbright Bicentennial 40th Anniversary Event

19. 11. Fulbright Center Transatlantic Dialogue on 21st Century Education at American Research Center

26. 11. Thanksgiving: Fulbright Center suljettu

•• Study of the United States Institutes for Student Leaders from Europe

14. 12. 2016–2017 hakuaika päättyy:


18. 11. Fulbright Center mukana Lapin yliopiston kansainvälisellä viikolla

20 14

17. 12. Vaihtotoimikunnan kokous Fulbright Center Board Meeting 23. 12. – 3.1. Fulbright Center suljettu

Fulbright Centerin stipendiohjelmien hakutiedot julkistetaan helmikuussa 2016

5. 2. 12th Fulbright North American Studies Roundtable

11. 2. Fulbright Arctic Symposium, Oulu

6. – 7. 4. Fulbright CapacityBuilding Workshop: Attracting U.S. Students to Finland

20 14

4. 6. Friends of Fulbright Finland (FoFF) alumni event, Denver, CO

19. – 23. 6. European and Eurasian Fulbright Conference, Helsinki


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