Fulbright Center News 2/2011

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• Ensimmäiset lukuvuoden 2012—13 stipendiaatit valittu • The Butterfly Effect • The Life of an American Fulbrighter in Finland • Apuvälineitä TOEFL-tulosten tulkintaan ja vertailuun

vol. 21 nro 2 (54) syksy/fall 2011

fulbright center news

New Fulbright Partner: Lappeenranta University of Technology

Finnish-American Linkages

From the Executive Director The code word today is internationalization. It is given greater emphasis on the international and national policy agendas and institutional mission statements than ever before. Jane Knight, a widely-quoted higher education researcher and Fulbright alumna, defines internationalization as the process of integrating an international, intercultural and/or global dimension into the purpose, functions (teaching, research and service) and delivery of higher education. In other words, internationalization is not a set of isolated activities that can be reduced to mere mobility statistics, but rather a dynamic and multi-faceted process. The critical point is that the international dimension relates to all aspects of education and the role that it plays in society. The Strategy for the Internationalization of Higher Education Institutions in Finland 2009–2015 published by the Ministry of Education sets its goals along the very same lines. It stresses global responsibility and intercultural skills, and strives towards a “genuinely international higher education community.” In terms of the action agenda, all Finnish universities seek to attract international students and academic staff. Exchanges with the US remain at the top of desirable destinations. The Fulbright program is increasingly seen as a means of fulfilling this trans-Atlantic agenda, and the Fulbright Center takes this role seriously. The Center assists in the internationalization process by funding study and research visits between Finland and the United States; by helping internationalization-at-home through boosting the number of US scholars and graduate students that a university attracts; by assisting in improving the support services for both Finnish and international students and scholars; by building new academic partnerships through a Fulbright scholar on campus; and by collaboration in research and curriculum development. In this issue, we hope to offer you a window to the work in practice. First, we are very pleased to introduce to you our newest partner, Lappeenranta University of Technology (p. 12–14). The Fulbright Center and LUT have together launched a new Fulbright grant (p. 5) that brings American technology and business students to the LUT campus, which according to a recent international survey has the most satisfied international students in the world! Kudos to LUT! American Fulbright Scholar Elizabeth Dahlhoff tells us about her joint research project in Finland working with one of the world’s best-known ecologists, Professor Ilkka Hanski. And as always, we share our grantee and alumni news, this time from 1958 through 2011 (p. 20–21). We are honored to have Minister of Education and Science Jukka Gustafsson as our columnist (p. 2). He sums it up very well as he stresses the importance of transferable skills in the knowledge based economy and overall competitiveness. The knowledge-society has become border-crossing, even borderless, and the skills needed are no longer what they were before. To quote our current Fulbright Bicentennial Chair Earl Fry (p. 10),“it is likely that the world will change more during the lifetime of today’s youth than during any other generation in human history.” A globalized world needs global citizens. The Fulbright program offers future leaders the opportunity to prepare themselves for the changing world, to immerse themselves in another country and culture and return home with new knowledge, new skills and a different world view.

Terhi Mölsä

The Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland, collaborating with other Ministries and stakeholders, has drawn up an Action Plan for co-operation with the United States of America. The plan specifies innovation and research as areas of great potential, especially in the fields of information, environment, energy, health, food and nutrition and in creative fields. The USA is the leading country in science, research and innovation. Finland generally fares well in different reviews of the performance and safety of society, education, welfare and the innovation system and seeks to consolidate its position as one of the spearhead countries in knowledge, skills and competence. The Finnish Government has launched significant research, innovation and higher education reforms in order to develop a stronger and better higher education system, world-class research structures and environments, and first-class researcher training. Finnish universities have been actively instituting structured education at the doctoral level. The Finnish graduate school system, founded in 1995, has renewed researcher training in many disciplines and helped strengthen research and artistic activities in the 3rd cycle degree programs in performing arts. The structured approach will be extended to all doctoral students and all disciplines. It is of the utmost importance to base the change in doctoral training on the needs of research. As to human resources, one of the national goals is to increase the proportion of trained researchers among R&D personnel – not only in academia, but also elsewhere in the public sector and in the private sector. The expectations of the surrounding society and the global higher education markets are the driving force for modernizing the contents of undergraduate and graduate programs to better match the competencies needed in working life and society. The importance of transferable skills has been to the fore in European discussion on the knowledge based economy and competitiveness. Higher education institutions are also increasingly international. Internationalization is an integral part of researcher training and all undergraduate programs

should provide opportunities for internationalization. The Finnish Higher Education Evaluation Council recently conducted a follow-up evaluation of doctoral education in Finland (FINHEEC 15:2011). One of the main observations was that without changing the procedures in doctoral education, it will be impossible to complete doctoral studies in four years, the time generally agreed upon by universities. If the completion of doctoral studies could be accelerated, it would ensure the international comparability and complementarity of the Finnish higher education system. It would also shift emphasis from doctoral education to the post-doctoral stage in the research career. It is clearly important that the funding mechanisms enable early-stage researchers to concentrate on training. Finland and the USA have strong links in scientific cooperation. Students and researchers on both sides of the Atlantic have found study and work overseas attractive. The ASLA-Fulbright program, the Fulbright Center, foundations, alumni and friends of the program make a substantial contribution to the internationalization of higher education and research. Networking benefits all involved. I find the widespread cooperation extremely valuable, especially in these times of budgetary constraints. It is a good complement to the long-standing commitment of the public authorities and the input of a growing number of companies and universities in establishing their own dedicated Fulbright Scholarships. All this positive development would not be possible without the exemplary work done by the Finnish Fulbright Center.

Jukka Gustafsson Minister of Education and Science Kuva: Janne Suhonen valtioneuvoston kanslia

In This Issue 2



Ensimmäiset vuoden 2012-2013 stipendiaatit valittu Edessä vuosi valmistautumista Fulbright-kauteen


New Grant for AmericanTechnology and Business Students Fulbright-Lappeenranta University of Technology Graduate Award


Fulbright Grants to the United States 2011–2012


The Butterfly Effect

10 Fulbright Distinguished Chairs 11 E Pluribus Unum American Voices Seminar in Turku 12 Focus on Lappeenranta University of Technology 14 International Students Happy with Finland and Their Finnish Institutions 15 Dissertation Research, Intercultural Experiences, Observing Change The Life of an American Fulbrighter in Finland 16 Welcoming American Fulbrighters to Finland 17 Fulbrightereiden matkassa 18 Apuvälineitä TOEFL-tulosten määrittelyyn, tulkintaan ja vertailuun 19 Suuntana Pohjois-Amerikka – Apuvälineitä opintojen suunnitteluun 20 Alumni News Cover: The Fulbright Center and Lappeenranta University of Technology (LUT) have founded a new grant program. The Fulbright–Lappeenranta University of Technology Graduate Award will bring visiting American graduate students to LUT on an annual basis.

22 Uutisia 23 Fulbright Center 24 Kalenteri / Calendar of Events


In this issue the focus is on Lappeenranta University of Technology, read more on pages 12-13. Photos: LUT photo archive

Fulbright Center News on Fulbright Centerin asiakaslehti, joka ilmestyy kaksi kertaa vuodessa. Lehdestä julkaistaan myös verkkoversio osoitteessa www. fulbright.fi. Seuraava numero ilmestyy keväällä 2012. Artikkelit ja muu aineisto pyydetään toimittamaan 1.3. mennessä. Artikkeleissa ilmaistut mielipiteet ovat kirjoittajien omia. The Fulbright Center News is a biannual newsletter published by the Fulbright Center in Finland. The Fulbright Center News is also available online at www. fulbright.fi.The next issue will come out in Spring 2012. The submission deadline for articles and other materials is 1 March. Opinions expressed by authors are their own and do not necessarily reflect those of the Fulbright Center.

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Cover photo : Everybody is prepared to try new and different approaches to research at Lappeenranta University of Technology. "We take science seriously but also have a lot of fun doing it." Riverdancing on the roof top of LUT are professors Jero Ahola, Pekka Jäppinen, Jari Backman.

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Päätoimittaja/Editor-in-Chief Terhi Mölsä Executive Director

The Fulbright Center Tel. +358 9 5494 7400 Fax +358 9 5494 7474 E-mail: office@fulbright.fi

Toimittajat/Editors Johanna Lahti (toimituspäällikkö) Tanja Mitchell Suzanne Louis

While every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the material in this publication, the Fulbright Center does not accept liability for any errors or omissions.

Toimituksen yhteystiedot/ Contact Information The Fulbright Center Hakaniemenranta 6 FI-00530 Helsinki FINLAND

Aineisto vapaasti lainattavissa, lähde mainittava. Reproduction allowed, source must be cited.

Ulkoasu ja taitto/Layout Tanja Mitchell/Fulbright Center

Kansipaperi/Cover paper: Maxigloss 200 g/m2 Paperi/Paper: G-Print 115 g/m2 Levikki/Circulation: 2 000 Painopaikka/Printed by Erweko Painotuote Oy


Uudet stipendiaatit osallistuivat lokakuun puolivälissä valmennustilaisuuteen Fulbright Centerissä. Eturivissä (vasemmalta): Olli Lappalainen, Katri Antin, Silja Häkkinen, Antti Kuha ja Juho Nikulainen. Takarivissä (vasemmalta): Tuomas Haarnoja, Jarkko Levänen, Samuli Simelius, Sami Kiviluoto, Oona Tikkaoja, Linda Haapajärvi, Tuukka Verho ja Laura Berger.

Ensimmäiset vuoden 2012–2013 stipendiaatit valittu Edessä vuosi valmistautumista Fulbright-kauteen

Valmennusta stipendivuoteen Fulbright Center järjestää uusille stipendiaateille kaksi valmennustilaisuutta, joista ensimmäinen oli lokakuussa ja toinen toukokuussa. Lokakuun valmennus perehdytti stipendiaatteja muun muassa sopivan yliopiston valintaan, opiskelupaikan ja vierailevan väitöstutkijan paikan hakemiseen sekä siihen, kuinka oppilaitokset valitsevat opiskelijoitaan. Opiskelijavalinnoista olivat tänä vuonna puhumassa amerikkalaiset Fulbright-profes-



sorit Earl Fry (Brigham Young University) ja Nancy Commins (University of Colorado, Denver). Osallistujat halusivat kuulla heiltä muun muassa, kuinka amerikkalaista professoria tulisi lähestyä, mitä mentorointi tarkoittaa ja mitä hakemukseen liitettävältä henkilökohtaiselta esseeltä odotetaan. Päivän aikana osallistujat saivat tietoa myös rahoitusmahdollisuuksista ja pääsivät keskustelemaan aiempien suomalaisten Fulbrightstipendiaattien kanssa. Toukokuussa järjestettäYhdysvalvä jatkoseminaari käsittelee toihin lähtijöille Yhdysvaltoihin muuttoon on valmennustietoa myös Fulbright Centerin liittyviä käytännön kysyverkkosivuilla myksiä, kuten verotusta,

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vakuutuksia ja sosiaaliturvaa koskevia asioita. Myös kevään seminaarissa on paikalla aiempia Fulbrightstipendiaatteja kertomassa kokemuksistaan ja antamassa käytännön vinkkejä tulevaa Fulbright-kautta varten.



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Fulbright Center valitsi syyskuussa lukuvuoden 2012–2013 ensimmäiset stipendiaatit. Maisteri- ja tohtoritason opiskelijoille tarkoitetut vuoden pituiset ASLA-Fulbright Graduate Grant- ja Fulbright-Technology Industries of Finland Grant -stipendiohjelmat vievät ensi lukuvuonna 12 suomalaista Yhdysvaltoihin opiskelemaan ja tekemään tutkimusta. Enemmistö valituista stipendiaateista on tohtoriopiskelijoita, jotka lähtevät Yhdysvaltoihin tekemään väitöskirjatutkimusta. Uudessa Fulbrightereiden matkassa -juttusarjassa Fulbright Center News seuraa kahden tohtoriopiskelijan valmistautumista stipendivuoteen ja myöhemmin heidän varsinaista stipendivuottaan (s. 17). Tämän lukuvuoden ensimmäisessä stipendiohjelmahaussa eniten hakijoita oli luonnontieteiden ja insinööritieteiden alalta.

Fulbright.fi > Stipendiaatit ja Alumnit > Tietoa suomalaisille stipendiaateille > Orientaatio-opas

Grant News

New Grant for American Technology and Business Students Fulbright-Lappeenranta University of Technology Graduate Award

Lappeenranta University of Technology and the Fulbright Center have signed a collaboration agreement on the Fulbright-Lappeenranta University of Technology Graduate Award. The Award provides American students an opportunity to pursue technology or business graduate studies at Lappeenranta University of Technology (LUT) for one academic year.

Application information http://us.fulbrightonline.org/home.html www.fulbright.fi

Information on LUT www.lut.fi Director for international affairs Mr. Janne Hokkanen janne.hokkanen@lut.fi


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most international university


LUT is the second



ing the possible second year of studies at LUT. In addition to the monthly grant, travel award, and accident and sickness insurance, the Fulbright-Lappeenranta University of Technology Graduate Awardee will be provided a free-ofcharge participation in a Summer School that provides introduction to the Finnish language, culture and society. Next application round for this award will open for candidates in May 2012 and it The grant is targeted particularly for will be targeted for students wishing to begin students who wish to complete a full their studies at LUT in the fall semester 2013. Master’s degree at In this issue of their institution, the Fulbright Cenbut also other ter News the focus LUT was ranked number students, such is on Lappeenone in a recent international as academically ranta University of survey in which foreign talented doctoral Technology, read students were asked students and Masmore on pages how well the ter’s degree ex12-14. universities met their change students LUT was will be considered ranked number expectations. for the grant. one in a recent inThe collaboternational survey ration agreement in which foreign between LUT and the Fulbright Center students were asked how well the univerguarantees the Awardee tuition free studsities met their expectations. Read more ies during the Fulbright period and durabout the survey on page 14.

in Finland as to number of new students from abroad.



Fulbright Grants to the United States 2011Altogether 45 Finns are studying and conducting research in the Unites States this year on a Fulbright grant ASLA-Fulbright Graduate Grants Bergström, Jani Psychology University of Eastern Finland, Kuopio Carnegie Mellon University The grant is cost-shared with the University of Eastern Finland Koivusalo, Anna History University of Helsinki University of South Carolina

Siltanen, Elina Literature University of Turku State University of New York, Buffalo The grant is cost-shared with the University of Turku

Lehmuskumpu, Heidi Arts Sibelius Academy New York University The grant is cost-shared with the Sibelius Academy

Uusimäki, Elisa Theology/Religion University of Helsinki Yale University The grant is cost-shared with the University of Helsinki

Lyytikäinen, Laura Sociology University of Helsinki University of Massachusetts, Amherst

ASLA-Fulbright Pre-Doctoral Research Fellows

Mäkelä, Paula Economics Aalto University, School of Economics Massachusetts Institute of Technology The grant is cost-shared with Aalto University Ojanperä, Sanna International Relations University of Essex American University Pajulammi, Henna Law University of Lapland University of California, Los Angeles The grant is cost-shared with the University of Lapland Raitanen, Erno-Erik Fine Arts University College for the Creative Arts, Rochester, UK San Francisco Art Institute Rantala, Salla Environmental Sciences University of Helsinki Harvard University


Salminen, Elina Archeology University of Helsinki University of Michigan


Aaltonen, Mikko Sociology University of Helsinki University of Pennsylvania The grant is cost-shared with the University of Helsinki Lehto, Lauri Engineering University of Eastern Finland, Kuopio University of Minnesota, Twin Cities The grant is cost-shared with the University of Eastern Finland Lehtonen, Eero Engineering University of Turku University of California, Berkeley The grant is cost-shared with the University of Turku Luoma, Jukka Business Administration Aalto University, School of Economics University of Virginia The grant is cost-shared with Aalto University

Nurmi, Johanna Sociology University of Turku Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University The grant is cost-shared with the University of Turku

Fulbright-Technology Industries of Finland Grants The grant program is funded in cooperation with the Technology Industries of Finland Centennial Foundation Lindroos, Jeanette Engineering Doctoral student Aalto University, School of Science Massachusetts Institute of Technology Peppanen, Jouni Energy/Power Engineering Doctoral student Berlin University of Technology Georgia Institute of Technology Turkulainen, Virpi Business Administration Post-doctoral researcher Aalto University, School of Science Stanford University

Fulbright Finnish Language and Culture Teaching Assistant Program The grant program is funded in cooperation with the Centre for International Mobility CIMO Friman, Tuula Baltic Finnic languages University of Helsinki Indiana University Isohätälä, Jaana Finnish Language University of Oulu University of Wisconsin, Madison


Peltomäki, Anna-Maria Finnish Language University of Tampere University of Washington Tuikkala, Jenni English Translation Studies University of Tampere University of California, Berkeley

ASLA-Fulbright Research Grant for a Junior Scholar Axelin, Anna Nursing Science University of Turku University of California, San Francisco The grant is cost-shared with the University of Turku Bonsdorff, Mikaela von Medical Sciences University of Jyväskylä National Institute on Aging The grant is cost-shared with the University of Jyväskylä Garritzen, Elise History University of Helsinki Princeton University Lesch, Hanna Medical Sciences University of Eastern Finland, Kuopio University of California, San Diego The grant is cost-shared with the University of Eastern Finland Nordström, Marie Biology Åbo Akademi University University of California, San Diego

ASLA-Fulbright Research Grant for a Senior Scholar Gullkvist, Benita Business Administration Hanken School of Economics Rutgers University, Newark The grant is cost-shared with Hanken School of Economics

Pöllänen, Iida Comparative Literature University of Tampere University of Oregon Fulbright Center's Renewal Grants Haapalainen, Johanna ASLA-Fulbright Graduate Grant 2010-11 Business Willamette University

Scholar-in-Residence Program Hakkarainen, Päivi Education University of Lapland Finlandia University

Mid-Career Professional Development Grant Lindholm, Terhi Communications Kotka Maritime Research Association California State University, Long Beach

Distinguished Fulbright Awards in Teaching Kast, Elina Languages, English Oulu Vocational College University of Maryland, College Park Fulbright Center’s Undergraduate Grants Huovinen, Kaarina Communication Studies HUMAK University of Applied Sciences Gallaudet University Juutinen, Jasmin Illustration Paasikivi-Opisto Ringling College of Art and Design

Heikinheimo, Ulriikka Fulbright Center’s Undergraduate Grant 2010-11 Music Berklee College of Music Heinonen, Erkki ASLA-Fulbright Graduate Grant 2010-11 Psychology University of Chicago Karjalainen, Joonas Fulbright Center’s Undergraduate Grant 2010-11 Environmental Engineering Johns Hopkins University Lintukangas, Terhi ASLA-Fulbright Graduate Grant 2009-10 Drama Pace University Orre, Ilja Fulbright Center’s Undergraduate Grant 2008-09 Business College of William and Mary Säätelä, Elsa Fulbright Center’s Undergraduate Grant 2009-10 Journalism CUNY, Baruch College Välimaa, Jukka ASLA-Fulbright Graduate Grant 2010-11 International Relations

Georgetown University Leivo, Markus Music: Voice Vantaa Institute of Music San Francisco Conservatory of Music www.fulbright.fi


International Research in Finland

Ilkka Hanski and Elizabeth Dahlhoff pictured a couple of years ago at Lammi biological field station of the University of Helsinki. Photo: Nathan E. Rank

The Butterfly Effect Fulbright Center News met biologists Elizabeth Dahlhoff and Ilkka Hanski to talk about Fulbright, climate change and a long-term fascination with the Glanville fritillary butterfly.

ics of a species of beetle living in California. There was something unusual about these beetles: the enzyme which enabled glycolysis (the metabolism of sugar) was different between populations living only 40 kilometres apart. Intrigued, Dahlhoff began research on how separate northern and southern beetle populations reBorn in Illinois, Elizabeth Dahlhoff grew up in Arizona and has lived in California spond to environmental temperature. since she was eighteen. Now Professor of “Some could perform better in modbiology at Santa Clara University erate conditions, some in exin California and noted for her treme. We found research on Californian insect This insect gene that there was populations, Dahlhoff began variant is the reason her research career in marine a specific gene she is in Finland biology, investigating animals which differed working with between the living in deep sea vents. “I know Professor Ilkka Hanski, two populations way more about the circulation one of the world’s – the same gene of deep oceans than anyone I know,” she jokes. So what led responsible for best-known ecologists her to the study of insects, and glycolysis.” and recent winner why has she chosen to spend This insect of the prestigious gene variant is her Fulbright year in Finland? Crafoord Prize for the reason she “The question that has alBiosciences. is in Finland ways driven my research is working with animals and temperature: how organisms deal with temperaProfessor Ilkka Hanski, one of the ture differences, both in the short world’s best-known ecologists and recent term and over the course of evolution,” winner of the prestigious Crafoord Prize she explains. for Biosciences (known as “the Nobel At Santa Clara, she met a colleague who was studying the population genetPrize” for biosciences). Hanski’s Meta8


population Research Group at the University of Helsinki identified the same gene variation in populations of the Glanville fritillary butterfly, a species which inhabits open grassland throughout Europe but which is under threat from habitat loss and climate change. These butterfly populations are the focus of the longterm ecological research Hanski and his research group have been working on since 1991. “We’re both interested in population dynamics – why do these beetles or butterflies stay in one place or migrate to another?” Dahlhoff explains. “Ultimately it’s the job of most organisms to get fat and make babies. Glycolysis is central to this, providing the energy for running beetles or flying butterflies, for mating, finding food and laying eggs.”

Bridging complementary perspectives For her year-long Fulbright project, Dahlhoff joins an international team of over fifty scientists, graduate students and support staff working on the biology of species inhabiting fragmented or changing landscapes. “When I first visited a couple of years ago, I felt a great connection with the lab, and thought I could make a good contri-

bution as well as learning a lot, particularpossibility to see evolution and natural ly in genetic analysis,” she explains. “The selection at work.” Helsinki team have fantastic expertise in molecular biology and ecology, but they Insights into climate change didn’t have a physiologist designing exSuch wide interests mean there’s always periments to study how things work at the someone to talk over ideas with, says level of the organism.” Dahlhoff. “Even the mechanistic molecuThat’s where Dahlhoff’s work as a Fullar biologists are also interested in these bright visiting professor fits in, bridging broader topics, so there’s a lot of overlap the two perspectives. “It means I’m literaland shared interests. That’s not somely going to have to work in two buildings,” thing that is possible in every research she smiles. “Over the past years, there’s group.” been something of a fragmentation of biOne of those shared interests is cliology into genetics at one end of the scale mate change. Hanski has been studyand ecology at the other, and as a result ing the Glanville fritillary butterfly for organismal biology is disappearing. I’m twenty years, and Dahlhoff has data on fighting hard for the middle, because her beetle populations going back to the natural selection operates at that level. 1980s. By analysing preserved specimens Synthesising the different fields is going alongside long-term population data, it’s to be very important in the future.” possible to track the physiological and “Elizabeth’s research interests have genetic variations in the different insect a lot in common with what we are inpopulations and discover how these revestigating in terms of the biochemical late to changing climate and habitats. adaptation of species. “I sort of fell into cliShe brings a wealth of mate change. I started expertise in comparastudying it because the When I first visited tive physiology and she organisms I was studying a couple of years is very knowledgeable were responding to it. ago, I felt a great about biochemistry, so Beetle populations have connection with the we’re very excited about been disappearing. I’m lab, and thought I her coming over,” says not a climate scientist; could make a good Hanski, who points out it I’m a biologist. I just look is not the first time he and at what the organisms are contribution his group have hosted a telling me. And they’re as well as Fulbright fellow. “A few telling me things are learning a lot. years ago Professor Elizachanging rapidly.” beth Grone had a very Butterflies normally successful visit. We’re glad to have a very narrow habitat be able to continue this fruitful relationrange, Dahlhoff explains, although they ship with Fulbright.” can tolerate temperature variation. “We Hanski explains that the research indon’t expect these butterfly populations terests of the Metapopulation Research to go extinct because of the temperature Group encompass spatial ecology, the increase itself, but they have very specific interaction between ecology and evoluhost plants, so although they can migrate tion, and the consequences of habitat they may not find enough food.” loss. The group combines ecological, One hypothesis is that different gemolecular, computational, and theoretical approaches in the same projects. “I’m proud and happy we have such talented young researchers in our team who are pursuing their own research projects, from basic biological processes to more applied research into conservation and The Fulbright Core Scholar Program climate change.” is open annually for applications. The “Working towards integrating these application deadline is at the begindifferent fields is very exciting,” he conning of August. The grant enables teaching and research at a Finnish tinues. “Our next goal is to combine research into molecular genetics and higher education institution between genomics with our long-term ecologifour and nine months. cal research on the Glanville fritillary butterfly, sequencing the full genome of the species. Thanks to rapidly advancing genomics techniques, we now have the

netic variants have different thermal tolerances, which affects how far they can fly. “From what we know already, the butterflies that go the furthest lay a lot of eggs but have poor survival – they’re a kind of ‘live fast, die young’ morph, versus the type that plays it safe and stays at home. But who’s colonising new habitats? The population might not be able to persist if the habitat changes.”

Time to think, write and explore These crucial issues provide the context for the research questions Dahlhoff hopes to address during her Fulbright year. “My goal is to focus on thermophysiology, and I’ll be focusing on the butterflies this fall. I’d also like to get out to the Åland Islands to carry out some field research with the rest of the team, and to investigate populations further south in Europe to see how their thermophysiology differs from the Finnish butterflies.” On a personal level, Dahlhoff sees the Fulbright year as a welcome sabbatical, enabling her to focus on new research. “I have been a wife and mom while working full time as a professor. I work at a teaching university, and we don’t have teaching assistants – we do everything ourselves. If you want to pursue research as well as teaching, you have two full-time jobs, and an 80-90 hour week isn’t unusual. One of the main things I hope to get out of this year is time to think and to write.” Text: Louisa Gairn

Glanville fritillary butterfly (Melitaea cinxia) Photo: Christian Fischer

Fulbright Core Scholar Program Application information Council for International Exchange of Scholars www.cies.org Fulbright Center, Finland Program Coordinator Aki Kalliomäki aki.kalliomaki@fulbright.fi



Introducing the Distinguished Chairs

Fulbright Distinguished Chairs

Next Application Period Begins in February The application period for the next Fulbright Distinguished Chairs programs for 2013-14 begins in February 2012 and ends in August 2012. The position of the Fulbright Bicentennial Chair in American Studies offers an opportunity for American scholars from a variety of fields to teach and conduct research for one academic year at the University of Helsinki, North American Studies Program, Department of World Cultures.

Finland has three Fulbright Distinguished Chairs Programs: Fulbright Bicentennial Chair in American Studies, Fulbright-Nokia Distinguished Chair in Information and Communications Technologies, and Fulbright-Aalto University Distinguished Chair. These awards are viewed as among the most prestigious appointments in the Fulbright Scholar Program world wide.

Brendan Mumey (left), Matthew Turk (middle), and Earl Fry (right) pictured at the US Ambassador’s Residence during the Arrival Orientation for the American Fulbright Grantees in late August.

Dr. Turk’s Fulbright project on VisionBased Interaction for Natural HumanComputer Interfaces in Mobile Environments takes place at University of Oulu and University of Tampere. The 2011-2012 chair holders are profesDr. Fry will spend the academic year sors Earl Fry, Matthew Turk, and Brendan at the University of Helsinki as the FulMumey. bright-Bicentennial Dr. Mumey is the Chair in American Fulbright Bicentennial Professor first holder of the Studies. This Disnewly established tinguished Chair Earl Fry will give his inaugural Fulbright-Aalto was established in lecture on Tuesday, 29 University Distin1976 to promote the November 2011, at 10.00 at the guished Chair. ComAmerican Studies in University of Helsinki, Small Hall, ing from Montana Finland. The post University Main Building 4th floor. State University he has been shared by Topic of the lecture is Lament spends the fall at two professors three for America vs. Renaissance Aalto University. Dr. times, thus Dr. Fry is Mumey specializes the 40th Fulbright America: The Outlook for the in green and wireBicentennial Chair United States in 2025. less networking, deprofessor. Comsign and analysis of ing from Brigham algorithms, and comYoung University, Dr. putational biology. His Fulbright project Fry specializes in U.S. foreign policy, U.S. deals with Enabling Green Networking. economic competitiveness, and CanadaDr. Turk from University of California, U.S. Relations. His project for the acaSanta Barbara is the second holder of the demic year at the University of Helsinki is Fulbright-Nokia Distinguished Chair in Renaissance in America: What the United Information and Communications TechStates Can Learn from Other Countries. nologies. His specialization is computer vision and human-computer interaction. Photo: Tuomas Hellman 10


Fulbright-Nokia Distinguished Chair in Information and Communications Technologies position is available for scholars and specialists in Information and Communications Technologies and includes research and lecturing at a higher education institution in Finland for a period of minimum three months to a maximum of nine months. The scholar and the Finnish host institution work together in designing the Chair position activities. The Fulbright-Aalto University Distinguished Chair position provides an American Scholar with the opportunity to lecture and conduct research at Aalto University. This program is available for scholars and specialists in the areas of expertise within any of the following four broad themes: digitalization, energy and sustainable use of natural resources, human oriented living environment, and service economy. The US program partner in the Fulbright Distinguished Chairs Program is the Council for International Exchange of Scholars (CIES). Applications are submitted through CIES, which pre-screens the applications in the United States and forwards the recommended dossiers to the Fulbright Center in Helsinki for final selection.

Additional information Council for International Exchange of Scholars www.cies.org/chairs www.cies.org/country/finland.htm Fulbright Center Distinguished Chairs program coordinator Terhi Topi, terhi.topi@fulbright.fi, +358 9 5494 7408

E Pluribus Unum American Voices Seminar in Turku The 19th Annual American Voices Seminar was held at the University of Turku in October. The two-day seminar, organized by University of Turku North American Studies Program and the Fulbright Center, provides an opportunity to hear and learn about various aspects of the American Society and Culture through the experiences of American Fulbright grantees currently in Finland. This year’s Seminar, with a theme E Pluribus Unum, introduced a wide variety of topics including politics, society and higher education, regional cultures, music and cuisine. The American Voices Seminar is organized annually in mid-October. It is open for the public and it attracts annually an audience of approximately 100 students and faculty members. For more information and full programs see www.fulbright.fi.

Dr. Keith Battarbee, the North American Studies program coordinator at the University of Turku is the founder of the annual American Voices Seminar and has been the main organizer of the event since its beginning. Terhi Mölsä (left), the Executive Director of the Fulbright Center and Marjut Robinson, Vice-Chair of Fulbright Center Board of Directors and Counselor for Press and Cultural Affairs at US Embassy in Helsinki presented Keith Battarbee a certificate for outstanding service in appreciation and recognition of his commitment to transatlantic academic exchanges.

Paul Burgess, currently studying at the University of Lapland in Rovaniemi, discussed the traditions and culture of New Orleans and Southern Louisiana. Juniper Hill introduced Sacred Harp Singing in the US that is common in the Southern region of the country. She managed to turn the audience into a chorus as she conducted a song called Fairfield. Singing was loud – just as it was supposed to be.

See more photos online at www.fulbright.fi > Gallery > Photogalleries



Introducing Fulbright Center's Partners The focus series introduces the Fulbright Center’s partners. Earlier articles in the series highlight the University of Kuopio and Saastamoinen Foundation (2/2006), University of Helsinki (1/2007), University of Turku (2/2008), Aalto University (1/2010), and VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland (2/2010) and Tampere University of Technology (1/2011). A formal cooperation agreement exists between the Fulbright Center and each of these partners.

Lappeenranta University of Technology Open Your Mind at LUT: High-Quality Science in a Unique Environment Lappeenranta University of Technology (LUT) has for over 40 years combined two fields of science, technology and business, in a very fertile way. The university´s open-your-mind attitude encourages scientists to break scientific boundaries and challenge old assumptions. Cross-disciplinary research projects are common at LUT both within and between the faculties.

LUT’s top strategic research areas include energy efficiency and the energy market, strategic-level business and technology management, scientific computing and the modelling of industrial processes, as well as top expertise in Russian business and the industries related to these fields. LUT offers international students the opportunity to participate in high-quality scientific research in a unique study environment. LUT has nine international 12


master´s degree programs. The programs are in those fields in which LUT has contributed top-class research. There are three international master´s degree programs in the School of Business, four in the Faculty of Technology and two in the Faculty of Technol-

Lappeenranta has the most satisfied international students in the world.

ogy Management. Three of the programs have been awarded an international accreditation.

The applications of international students to LUT have increased substantially in recent years, says vice-rector Minna Martikainen.

International Technology and InnovaGuillermo López enjoys the view tion Management is the most unique of of the lake and can´t wait to experience real winter. the international programs. It is a double degree program in cooperation with a top-level Russian business school in Saint Petersburg. During the program, students university, including the entire campus study both in Saint Petersburg and in area as well as the city of Lappeenranta, Lappeenranta and receive degrees from are situated in the middle of the beautiful both universities. Like all international Finnish nature and beside the country’s programs, it is entirely taught in English. largest lake, Saimaa. "In recent years we have developed Approximately 1500 foreign degree our international programs to meet the students applied to LUT in 2011; of these, high level quality requirements for our 350 were accepted. In addition, approxidomestic and international students. The mately 180 foreign students a year are applications of international students exchange students at LUT. Especially have increased substanpopular with the extially and this fall we change students is In our International broke a new record. the International Technology and Innovation Approximately a third Business and TechManagement double degree of our new students nology Management program students study come from abroad program for business which makes us the studies, which is both in Saint Petersburg second most internaoffered at the bachand in Lappeenranta tional university in elor’s and master’s and receive degrees Finland," says vicedegree levels. The from both universities. rector of LUT Minna courses are offered Martikainen. through LUT’s School All in all, LUT has close contacts with of Business and Department of Industrial Russian universities, especially those in Management. Saint Petersburg, since it is less than two LUT also offers exchange students hours by train from Lappeenranta. Globcourses in the fields of technology, includally, LUT has over 160 partnerships with ing chemical, energy and information universities in different countries. technology, mathematics and physics and "LUT is active in research co-operamechanical engineering. There are also tions with university research partnering master’s level courses in technology availalso with universities in North America. able. In addition to business or technology The new agreement with the Fulbright studies, the exchange students can improve Center is important to us since it gives their language skills while studying at LUT. us more opportunities to enhance partStudents may select courses from nerships and get more exchange stuvarious departments and thus engage in dents from North America to LUT," says a wide and multi-faceted range of studies Martikainen. during the exchange period.

“Everything is Well Organized” Guillermo López, 26, from Mexico came to Lappeenranta University of Technology to continue his studies at the Master´s of Strategic Finance program. Before applying to LUT he gathered as much information about Finland as possible. "I knew that Finland has a high level of education and I´ve seen that Finland is on the top of lists when living standards are being measured. That is why I applied at LUT. I trusted that I could get a good education here." Adjusting to Lappeenranta has been easier than he first expected. Everything is well organized and he has really felt welcomed by the university. "The master´s program gives me the information of strategic finance, econometrics and international markets I wanted to have in order to further my career. I was very happy to learn that even as a foreign student I´m able to take part in research

The Most Satisfied International Students in the World International students are warmly welcomed at Lappeenranta University of Technology and they are very satisfied with their experience at LUT. In fact, LUT has been ranked number one in an extensive international survey in which foreign students were asked how well the university met their expectations. Some 125 000 students from 188 universities in eleven countries answered the International Student Barometer survey in autumn 2010. Foreign students at LUT especially appreciated the high quality of teaching, the modern studying facilities, the language support, the health services and the Internet connections. In Lappeenranta, top-level science and education are carried out in unique surroundings. The

Lappeenranta University of Technology LUT •• Established in 1969. •• Faculty of Technology, Faculty of Technology Management and School of Business. •• Total number of students about 5000 (technology 3500 and business 1500) •• Staff 900 •• Finnish students accepted yearly 1100 •• International master´s students accepted yearly about 350 •• Exchange students 180 yearly •• Nationalities 47 (in 2010)

International master´s programmes •• Chemical and Process Engineering •• Energy Technology •• Mechanical Engineering •• Technomathematics and Technical Physics •• Information Technology •• Global Management of Innovation and Technology •• Technology and Innovation Management •• International Marketing Management •• Strategic Finance www.fulbright.fi


Introducing Fulbright Center's Partners

projects done with companies and even do my thesis in a company." Guillermo is very impressed by the way technology is combined with nature preservation in Finland. It is seen as well in the research and education in LUT as in the country in general. In Lappeenranta beautiful scenery is everywhere. Particularly, Guillermo likes the lake where he has already been rowing a boat. Many Mexicans think that there is always snow in Finland, says Guillermo. Well in October, there isn´t yet, but Guillermo is very eager to experience real winter.

Excellent Education Leads to Excellent Jobs Companies appreciate LUT’s education Membrane technology is one of the top research areas at Lappeenranta University of Technology. In this picture Spanish exchange student Beatrice VasquesGomez works with membrane filter which is used for example purifying water.

and research. All of LUT’s programs are coordinated in close co-operation with companies and public institutions. As a result, more than 70 per cent of all research papers and Master’s theses are assigned by companies or public institutions. In many cases, this cooperation results in employment opportunities for students. Statistics show that five years after graduation, 96 per cent of LUT students are employed. To continue to keep its education at a high level, LUT is undergoing a substantial evaluation of its degree programs. Every program goes through an international accreditation process. This process has been successful. The programs of chemical engineering, electrical engineering and industrial management have already been awarded an international accreditation. Other degree programs are in the process of accreditation. Text: LUT Photos: LUT photo archive

International Students Happy with Finland and Their Finnish Institution A total of 23 Finnish universities and universities of applied sciences participated in a wide-ranging international survey on how satisfied international degree students and exchange students are with their educational experience in Finland. Student satisfaction was measured in four main areas: learning, living and accommodation, support services, and services at arrival. For the first time, the International Student Barometer gives internationally comparable information at national and institutional level about Finland as a study destination for international students. According to the survey, 89 per cent of the international students are generally happy or 89% per cent of the very happy with their Finnish institution of international students are Photo: LUT photo archive higher education and study in Finland. happy or very happy Of the respondents, 83.9% would recomwith their Finnish institution mend their Finnish institution and Finland as International students at LUT represent of higher education and a destination of study to other students. This over 47 nationalities. study in Finland. compares well to the average European figure of 80.5%, and even more favorably to the overall average rate of 79.1%. The survey is based on an online questionnaire carried out in The survey was conducted by The International Graduate November-December 2010 with students at all levels of study, inInsight Group, a British consultancy and benchmarking sercluding Bachelor’s, Master’s and doctoral students. Almost 158,000 vice. The Finnish section of the survey was coordinated and international students responded to the questionnaire; of these, funded by Centre of International Mobility, CIMO. 6,441 were students at a university or university of applied sciences in Finland. Participating in the survey were institutions of higher education Jaanaliisa Kuoppa from Britain, Canada, Finland, Germany, Hong Kong, Ireland, Italy, International Communications Manager Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Sweden and the United States. Centre for International Mobility CIMO 14


log s B Leasa ' a

Lea s

has been blogging ab ou her travels an t d life adventures since 2006. Follow Leas a’s Big Adventure bl og at http://leasa . blogspot.co m.

Dissertation Research, Intercultural Experiences, Observing Change The Life of an American Fulbrighter in Finland International education has shaped my life both personally and academically. It began back in 1995, when my father took my older sister, younger brother, and me on a month-long European journey spanning 12 countries. This whirlwind tour, by way of rental car and hostels, not only challenged my stereotypes, but also opened my eyes to different ways of living and learning. The value of intercultural experiences settled deeply into my blood, as my father encouraged us to be not just tourists, but students learning about and appreciating other cultures by engaging with the local people. In 2006, I received an offer from the European Commission to study in the European Higher Education masters program on an Erasmus Mundus scholarship. The unique joint-degree program allowed for immersion and study in three different countries—Norway, Portugal, and Finland. The program introduced me to the evolving international student market, including the international student tuition debates in Finland, all of which greatly interested me. My master’s thesis compared the historical policy formation of two international student mobility programs, the U.S. Fulbright program and the EU Erasmus Mundus program. As I learned more about the history and opportunities of the Fulbright program, I kept thinking to myself…one day I will apply for a Fulbright. I returned to the U.S. in 2008 and

pursued a Ph.D. at the University of Georgia (UGA). Throughout my doctoral studies, I continued to follow the evolving debate on international student tuition fees and higher education reforms in Finland. When the 2009 University Act passed in Finland, I was preparing my dissertation proposal, and the timing could not have been better. I submitted a Fulbright application to study the introduction of tuition fees in Finland and before I knew it I was packing my bags to move to the land of lakes and saunas. Until 2010, the Finnish Constitution guaranteed a tuition-free higher education system for all students, regardless of nationality, pursuing bachelors, masters, and doctorate degrees. The New Universities Act of 2009 includes a 5-year pilot program allowing some universities and programs to collect tuition fees from international students (non European Union [EU] and non European Economic Area [EEA] students). Out of the 130 English-language masters programs selected for the pilot program, not all have chosen to collect tuition fees. Through document analysis and interviews with policy makers, key stakeholders, university academic staff and administrators I will explore the various rationales, decision-making processes, and impacts of the introduction of fees (for some) international students. Although the selected programs account for only a small portion of the in-

ternational education opportunities in Finland, the reform serves as a landmark move in offering market-oriented higher education. Free-of-charge Finnish higher education has reflected the basic principles and ideals of the Finnish welfare state (e.g. universalism and equal opportunities); hence a shift towards commercializing higher education impacts the social and cultural history of the country. Perhaps the biggest question is what will happen after the five-year pilot program and whether or not this shift is a slippery slope wherein Finnish students will eventually pay tuition. While this is a long way off, the implications of the pilot program are wide. I am honored to be selected for a Fulbright grant which enables me the opportunity to not be just a tourist, but a student and researcher deeply exploring the social and cultural implications of the introduction of tuition fees. The grant not only allows me to conduct essential dissertation research, but it also allows me to continue my fervor for international mutual understanding and intercultural experiences.

Leasa Weimer University of Georgia Fulbright-CIMO Graduate Grantee 2011-12 University of Jyväskylä, University of Tampere, University of Helsinki www.fulbright.fi


Welcoming American Fulbrighters to Finland American Fulbright Grantees gather each year at the Fulbright Center around the end of August for a three-day orientation before heading off to their host cities around Finland. Between enjoying the welcoming dinner on Tuesday night and receiving the Kalevala on Friday afternoon the grantees were introduced with

a wide range of topics to help them get to know Finland and what it means to be a Fulbrighter. The comprehensive orientation program covered a wide range of subjects and opportunities. The new arrivals heard presentations about Finnish higher education, history,

New arrivals prepare to step into their Fulbright experience. Information sessions covered topics such as living in Finland, Finnish higher education system, overview of Finnish foreign policy and introduction to Finnish history, economy, and communication patterns.

economy, and foreign policy as well as Finnish culture, communication patterns and language. Sessions discussed also the Fulbright community and the Finnish Fulbright program. Within the three and a half days the grantees got to know not only each other, but had opportunities to network with professionals and orga-

Former grantees led discussions for separate breakout groups for students and scholars. Grantees uncover facts and feelings about student life in Finland.

The grantees were invited to the Ministry for Foreign Affairs for the third day. They received Kalevala at the end of the orientation: “Welcome to our Finnish heritage”.

The grantees got to know Helsinki during the second day sightseeing – a gift for them by the City of Helsinki. One of the stops was at the Sibelius Monument. 16


nizations involved in Finnish-American exchanges as they were honored at an evening reception held at the US Ambassador’s residence. The ASLA-Fulbright Alumni Association invited the new Fulbrighters to an evening get-together to meet with the alumni.

Ambassador Bruce J. Oreck, State Secretary Tapio Kosunen and the Fulbright Center Executive Director Terhi Mölsä welcomed new Fulbrighters into their professional network. The Ambassador hosted the reception in honor of the American Fulbrighters at his Residence.

Fulbrightereiden m at ka s s a

on uusi sarja, jossa seurataan kahden ASLA-Fulbright Graduate Grant -stipendiaatin valmistautumista Fulbright-vuoteensa, stipendikautta Yhdysvalloissa sekä kokemuksia ja palautetta Fulbright-vaihdon jälkeen.

Linda Haapajärvi ja Silja Häkkinen ovat uusia ASLAFulbright Graduate Grant -stipendiaatteja. Lukuvuodeksi 2012–13 Yhdysvaltoihin lähtevät tohtoriopiskelijat osallistuivat lokakuun puolivälissä Fulbright Centerin järjestämään valmennustilaisuuteen ja kertoivat samalla suunnitelmistaan Fulbright Center Newsille.

”Henkilösuhteista on suurta hyötyä” Linda Haapajärvi on toisen vuoden tohtoriopiskelija École des hautes études en sciences sociales -yliopistossa (EHESS) Pariisissa. Yhteiskuntatieteiden maisterin tutkinnon sekä Tampereen yliopistossa että EHESS:issä suorittaneen Lindan sosiologian alaan kuuluva väitöstutkimus käsittelee etnisiä ja uskonnollisia yhteisösuhteita ja -tapoja, joilla ne osallistuvat yhteiskunnallisen eheyden tuottamiseen Suomessa, Ranskassa ja Yhdysvalloissa. Parhaillaan Linda tekee etnografista kenttätutkimusta Ranskassa. Keväällä tutkimustyö jatkuu Suomessa. Ensi syksynä kenttätutkimusvuorossa on Yhdysvallat: ”Lähden sinne vuodeksi visiting student researcher -statuksella. Olen jo ollut yhteydessä Chicagon ja Harvardin yliopiston sosiologian laitoksen kanssa. Harvard näyttää tällä hetkellä todennäköiseltä vaihtoehdolta. Eräs sikäläinen professori vietti viime vuoden tutkimusvapaataan Pariisissa, ja keskustelimme useaan otteeseen yhteistyövaihtoehdoista. Neuvottelen vielä rahoituksesta ja kummankin yliopiston tarjoamista työoloista”, Linda kertoo. Amerikkalaiset opiskelijat ovat olleet

Lindalle erinomainen tiedonlähde hänen suunnitellessaan tulevaa Fulbright-vuotta ja etsiessään yliopistoa. ”Pariisissa amerikkalainen kaverini kertoi, että sikäläiset opiskelijat ovat aktiivisesti yhteydessä niin toisiinsa kuin professoreihinsa ja opettajiinsa. Yliopistojen nettisivuilta selvitin, mitä kunkin professorin ja eri laitosten jatko-opiskelijat tekevät ja lähetin sähköpostia noin viidelletoista. Kaikki vastasivat viestiini”, Linda iloitsee. ”Olemme viestineet sähköpostilla tai soitelleet skypellä, ja muutama on käynyt Pariisissa, missä olemme tavanneet. Yhteydenpidosta on ollut suurta hyötyä, ja samalla olen nähnyt, miten yliopisto-opiskelijat puhkuvat opiskeluintoa.” Seuraavaksi Lindalla on edessään hakuprosessi yliopistoon, eli hakemusten ja papereiden täyttämistä. ”Lisäksi pyrin ahkerasti tekemään omaa tutkimustani, jotta pääsen lähtemään Yhdysvaltoihin mahdollisimman edistyneessä vaiheessa”, hän sanoo.

ominaisuuksia ja vaikutusta ilmastoon. ”Lähden vuodeksi Columbian yliopistoon New Yorkiin visiting student researcheriksi. Siellä on ilmakehän pienhiukkasia tutkiva ryhmä, joka tekee laboratoriomittauksia. En ole aiemmin tehnyt kokeellista tutkimusta, mutta se kiinnostaa minua erityisesti”, hän sanoo. Lindan tavoin Siljakin korostaa henkilösuhteiden merkitystä. Hän vieraili viime keväänä Columbian yliopistossa, missä hän pääsi jo tutustumaan professoriin ja tutkimusryhmäänsä. ”Nyt olen taas lähdössä pariksi viikoksi New Yorkiin tutkimusryhmää tapaamaan”, Silja kertoo. Parhaillaan hän hankkii lisärahoitusta ja tekee amerikkalaisen ohjaajansa kanssa tutkimussuunnitelmaa ja -aikataulua. ”Odotan kovasti ensi syksyä! Fulbrightvuosi pääsee täysipainoisesti käyntiin, koska olen tutustunut ohjaajaani ja tutkimusryhmääni näin hyvin jo etukäteen. Myös tutkimussuunnitelma ja -aikataulu valmistuvat hyvissä ajoin.”

”Tutkimusryhmä on tullut jo tutuksi” Silja Häkkinen tekee väitöskirjaa Helsingin yliopiston fysiikan laitoksella. Hän tutkii ilmakehän pienhiukkasia, niiden www.fulbright.fi



Apuvälineitä TOEFL-tulosten määrittelyyn, tulkintaan ja vertailuun Englannin kielen testejä opiskelijavalinnoissaan käyttävät oppilaitokset joutuvat pohtimaan testituloksia monesta eri näkökulmasta: Miten tulosvaatimukset tulisi määritellä, kuinka testituloksia tulisi käyttää, miten tuloksia pitäisi tulkita, ja kuinka eri testien tuloksia voi vertailla keskenään? Educational Testing Servicellä (ETS) on lukuisia apuvälineitä tämän pohdinnan tueksi. Esittelemme ohessa ETS:n vinkkejä TOEFL-tulosrajojen määrittelyyn sekä välineitä, jotka helpottavat tulosten tulkintaa ja eri englannin kielen testien tulosvertailuja.

ko, jossa taitotaso on ilmaistu sanallisesti testin eri osioista saatujen pisteiden perusteella.








Millainen TOEFL-tulos vastaa B2tasoa?

Tulosrajojen määrittelyssä ETS ehdottaa seuraavaa: Hyödynnä testituloksista julkaistuja tilastotutkimuksia ja kiinnitä huomiota esimerkiksi keskiarvotuloksiin. Määrittele TOEFL-testin kokonaistuloksen lisäksi myös testiosiokohtaisia tulosrajoja ja ota huomioon eri tiedekuntien vaatimukset tulosrajoja määritellessäsi. ETS myös suosittelee tarkistamaan tuloskriteerit muutaman vuoden välein.

Euroopan neuvosto on kehittänyt kielten oppimisen, opetuksen ja arvioinnin eurooppalaisen viitekehyksen, joka määrittelee ja kuvailee kielitaitoa peruskäyttäjän (A1) tasolta taitavan kielenkäyttäjän (C2) tasolle. ETS on määritellyt itsenäistä (B1 ja B2) ja taitavaa kielenkäyttäjää (C1) kuvaavat TOEFL-pisteet. Lisätietoa saa tutkimusraportista Linking English-Language Test Scores Onto the Common European Framework of Reference, joka on ladattavissa TOEFL:in verkkosivulta. www.ets.org/Media/Research/pdf/RR-08-34.pdf

Kuinka hyvin opiskelija puhuu englantia, jos TOEFL-tulos on 18?

Paljonko 95 TOEFL-pistettä on IELTS-testin pisteinä?

TOEFL-tulokset opiskelijan kielitaidosta on yleensä ilmoitettu pelkästään numeroin. Esimerkiksi puhe-osiosta opiskelija on saattanut saada 18/30 pistettä. Nyt tulosten tulkintaan on saatavilla tauluk-

Tavallisesti oppilaitokset käyttävät opiskelijavalinnoissaan useita yleisesti tunnettuja englannin kielen testejä. TOEFL-testin lisäksi käytetään etenkin IELTS-testiä. Eri testitulosten vertailuun tarkoitettuja,

Millainen englannin kielen taito on riittävä, jotta opinnot sujuvat?

Eurooppalainen viitekehys

TOEFL-tulosten rinnastus Eurooppalaiseen viitekehykseen.

tieteelliseen tutkimukseen perustuvia vertailutaulukoita ei kuitenkaan tähän asti ole ollut. Tutkimustensa perusteella ETS on hiljattain kehittänyt TOEFL- ja IELTS-tuloksia vertailevan tulosvastaavuustaulukon. Tutkimusaineistona olivat TOEFL- ja IELTS-testitulokset, jotka ETS keräsi nämä molemmat testit vuosina 2008–09 tehneiltä opiskelijoilta. Vapaaehtoisesti tulostietonsa lähettäneitä opiskelijoita oli 1 153. Tulosvastaavuustaulukko on suuntaa antava. Reilun tuhannen tuloksen joukossa oli varsin vähän ääripäiden tuloksia,

TOEFL-tulokset testiosioittain. Mitattava taito




Luetun ymmärtäminen


alhainen (0–14) keskitaso (15–21) korkea (22–30)

Kuullun ymmärtäminen


alhainen (0–14) keskitaso (15–21) korkea (22–30)


0–4 pistettä muunnetaan 0–30 asteikolle

heikko (0–9) rajallinen (10–17) kohtalainen (18–25) hyvä (26–30)


0–5 pistettä muunnetaan 0–30 asteikolle

rajallinen (1–16) kohtalainen (17–23) hyvä (24–30)




joten alhaisten ja korkeiden pisteiden välinen vertailu ei ole yhtä luotettavaa kuin keskitason pisteiden vertailu. ETS:n mukaan tuloksia vertailtaessa on syytä ottaa huomioon tutkimusaineiston koon ja luonteen lisäksi TOEFL- ja IELTStestien erilainen luonne. Vaikka testit mittaavat samoja kielitaidon osa-alueita, ne tehdään eri tekniikalla, ja siksi myös kysymykset ovat erilaisia. TOEFL-testi tehdään tietokoneella, kun taas IELTS-testissä käytetään kynää ja paperia. Tietokoneella tehtävässä testissä voi hyödyntää lukuisia erilaisia kysymystyyppejä, jotka kynä-paperitestissä eivät ole mahdollisia. Tutkimusraportti, Linking TOEFL iBT Scores to IELTS Scores – A Research Report, on ladattavissa osoitteesta www. ets.org/s/toefl/pdf/linking_toefl_ibt_ scores_to_ielts_scores.pdf

TOEFL- ja IELTS –tulosten vertailutaulukko Tulosvertailujen luotettavuustaso on suurin tähdellä merkittyjen tulosten kohdalla. TOEFL
























Suuntana Pohjois-Amerikka Apuvälineitä opintojen suunnitteluun Pohjois-Amerikkaan opiskelemaan suuntaavilla on runsaasti valinnanvaraa, olivatpa kyseessä sitten opiskeltavat aineet, oppilaitos tai oppilaitoksen maantieteellinen sijainti. Yhdysvalloissa, pinta-alaltaan maailman neljänneksi suurimmassa valtiossa, on noin 4 000 korkea-asteen oppilaitosta. Kanadassa, pinta-alaltaan maailman toiseksi suurimmassa valtiossa, näitä oppilaitoksia on noin 100. Internetissä on paljon tietoa, jonka perusteella voi kartoittaa omia opiskelumahdollisuuksiaan. Esittelemme tässä muutamia tiedonlähteitä.

Suuntana USA ja Suuntana Kanada Fulbright Centerin verkkosivulla on omat linkkinsä Yhdysvalloissa ja Kanadassa opiskeluun. Sivustoille on koottu tietopaketit, joiden avulla pääsee mainiosti alkuun. Perustietoja saa muun muassa maiden korkeakoulujärjestelmästä ja oppilaitoksista sekä itselle sopivan oppilaitoksen valinnasta, hakuprosessista ja opintojen rahoituksesta.

Your Five Steps to U.S. Study EducationUSA:n verkkosivu käsittelee korkeakouluopiskelua Yhdysvalloissa sekä perustutkinto- että jatko-opiskelutasolla. Lisäksi sivustolla on tietoa englannin kielen opinnoista ja lyhytkestoisista opinnoista. Vastikään julkaistu Your Five Steps to U.S. Study -osio auttaa opiskelijaa kaikissa vaiheissa oppilaitoksen kartoituksesta alkaen aina yliopistoon saapumiseen asti. Koko prosessia pyritään selkeyttämään viidellä askelmalla: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Ota selvää vaihtoehdoista Tee hakemus Rahoita opintosi Hae opiskelijaviisumia Valmistaudu lähtöön

Opiskelu Kanadassa Kanadaan suuntaavien opiskelijoiden kannattaa tutustua maan opetusministeriön ylläpitämään Education au/in Canada -verkkosivustoon. Se kertoo kattavasti korkeakouluopiskelusta Kanadassa sekä englanniksi että ranskaksi. Lisäksi sivustolla on työväline, joka auttaa löytämään oikean opinto-ohjelman sekä laskemaan valitun ohjelman kustannukset. Sivustolta saa tietoa myös opiskeluluvasta.

Linkkejä Yhdysvallat www.fulbright.fi > Suuntana USA www.educationusa.state.gov

Kanada www.fulbright.fi > Suuntana Kanada www.educationau-incanada.ca

Verkkosivu oppilaitoksille TOEFL:illa on oppilaitoksille oma verkkosivu, www.ets.org/toefl/institutions. Tässä artikkelissa esiintyvät vinkit ja taulukot löytyvät osoitteesta www.ets.org/ toefl/institutions/scores. Teksti: Johanna Lahti johanna.lahti@fulbright.fi Lähde: Educational Testing Service ETS

Mikä EducationUSA? EducationUSA on yli 400:sta neuvontakeskuksesta koostuva maailmanlaajuinen verkosto, joka auttaa Yhdysvalloissa opiskeluun liittyvissä asioissa. Verkoston toimintaa tukee Yhdysvaltain ulkoministeriön koulutuksen ja kulttuuriasiain toimisto (Bureau of Education and Culture). Fulbright Center on EducationUSA:n edustaja Suomessa.



Alumni News

Friends of Fulbright Finland Meet in San Diego Alumni of the Finnish Fulbright program gathered in San Diego, CA in August to participate in FinnFest and to meet one another at an Open House held in the home of 2006 Fulbrighter, Michael Parrish and Peggy Strand. Besides eating great home-made tacos, alumni heard more about the Friends of Fulbright Finland network and learned of the possibility to make contributions to the Finnish Fulbright program. It was exciting, but not surprising, to hear from each alum how the Finland experience had provided a crucial element to their lives, both personal and professional. Alumni seen munching tacos were: Michael Parrish, Suzanne Louis, Julene Johnson, Peter MacKeith, Cherie Sampson, Laurie Owen, Margaret Schueman, Geoffrey Chase, Charles Kamm, Mary Koske, and partners joined in as well. Earl Fry (Fulbright Bicentennial Chair 2011-12) and Elaine joined the group, although technically Earl will not be an alum until next year! Numerous alumni assisted at FinnFest by “manning” the Fulbright Center information booth at the Tori marketplace. FinnFest participants learned first-hand from experienced Fulbrighters about the available grant programs and the opportunity to come to Finland to pursue studies and research. An art exhibit sponsored by the Friends of Fulbright Finland displayed the works of four alumni artists, Cherie Sampson, Sabra Booth, Karen Kunc, and Jacquelyn Gleisner. Cherie and Suzanne Louis wrote a grant to Finlandia Foundation to help support the exhibit, and Ken Kolson provided one of the reference letters. Over 165 people visited the exhibit, and at the opening the Consul General from the LA Finnish Consulate, Kirsti Westphalen, welcomed the audience and remarked about the strong value alumni bring to the promotion of Finland and of the Fulbright program. Both Julene Johnson and Mary Koske played in the FinnFest kantele orchestra, and Julene, Margaret Schueman, and Pe20


Top: Finnish Fulbright Program Alumni Open House. Left: The Schueman's at Fulbright Center Tori booth. Below: Kirsti Westphalen Consul General addresses Fulbright art exhibit opening.

ter MacKeith also gave invited lectures for the FinnFest audience. By being visible at FinnFest, we were able to meet up with several other Fulbrighters, Annette Salmon Oppedahl (1958, student grantee at University of Helsinki) and Carl and Sharon Rahkonen (1986 grantees). Engaging Fulbrighters who have been to Finland and who are keen to continue connections, to share the Finnish experience, and to offer support to the Fulbright program in Finland is a central goal of the Friends of Fulbright Finland network…we have moved a long way toward that goal in San Diego. Text: Suzanne Louis

Join our alumni mailing list! Send your contact details to Fulbright Center's alumni coordinator: terhi.topi@fulbright.fi.

Liity alumnipostituslistalle! Mukaan pääset lähettämällä yhteystietosi Fulbright Centerin alumnikoordinaattorille: terhi.topi@ fulbright.fi. Listalla tiedotamme alumnitoiminnasta Suomessa.

Transatlanttiset suhteet keskiössä Fulbright-alumnien Berliinin tapaamisessa Sain toukokuun alussa Suomen ASLA-Fulbright Alumni ry:n hallituksen jäsenenä mahdollisuuden puhua Saksan alumniyhdistyksen järjestämässä kansainvälisessä konferenssissa. Euroopan suurimmalla Fulbright-alumniyhdistyksellä on erinomaiset yhteydet ja resurssit, mikä näkyi ohjelmassa ja osallistujajoukossa. alkucocktailille kokoontui Yhdysvaltain suurlähetystön kutsumana runsaasti tunnettuja saksalaisia, kaikki Fulbright-alumneja. Tunnelma seminaarissa oli avoin, ja transatlanttisia suhteita käsiteltiin tiukan kriittisesti, hyvällä retoriikalla. Professori Karsten Voigt, Euroopan tunnetuin transatlanttisten kysymysten tutkija, väitteli John C. Kornblumin, entisen Reaganin lähimmän avustajan kanssa. Mr. Kornblumin kynästä tuli presidentti Reaganin kuuluisa sanonta: "Repikää alas tämä seinä!" Väittelyssä tuli kuitenkin yksimielisyys

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siitä, että Aasia on tullut jatkuvasti yhä tärkeämmäksi Yhdysvaltojen ulkopolitiikassa, Euroopan kustannuksella. Kuitenkin yhteiset historialliset ja kulttuuriset arvot kantavat liittoa, ja siksi se kannattaa, vaikka puhdas taloudellinen toiminta voi nykyisin olla voimakkaampaa muualla. Toinen teema, Euroopan etelän ja pohjoisen kahtiajako köyhään ja rikkaaseen nähtiin haasteena Yhdysvalloillekin. Koko Euroopassa vallitsee kuitenkin yhteinen ”roomalainen arvopohja”, mikä vähentää kuilua. Itse sain mahdollisuuden puhua kansainvälisen muuttoliikkeen megatrendeistä täydelle salille. Kommentointi oli saksalaiseen tapaan vireää ja aktiivista. Hedelmällinen konferenssi kertoi niistä lukemattomista tärkeistä siteistä, joita Euroopan ja Yhdysvaltain välillä on. Lyhyet strategiset ja taloudelliset tavoitteet eivät akselin tärkeyttä tule muuttamaan. Arno Tanner ASLA-Fulbright Alumni -yhdistyksen hallituksen jäsen, ASLA-Fulbright Research Grant -stipendiaatti 2004–05

Refreshing the Finnish Ties

Fulbright alumnus Marty Waananen (in the middle) visited Fulbright Center with family. The Fulbright Center received a most welcome visitor this past summer, when Fulbright alumni Marty Waananen paid the center a visit. Three generations of Waananens enjoyed coffee and biscuits at the Center while telling about their vacation trip to Helsinki and Eastern Finland. Waananen was a Fulbright grantee to Finland in 1962-63. Fulbright Center often welcomes visits by alumni and is always happy to meet with them and catch up when in Helsinki.

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Fulbright grants open doors! People meet, make connections, and develop cooperations with lasting effect. Some connections are scholarly, some personal, and others of a business nature, possibilities are endless! A few of our grantees offer examples of their continuing cooperation.

Joan Maynard, spousal Fulbrighter who accompanied grantee Doug Maynard, 2006, has linked up with current FLTA grantee Jaana Isohätälä at the University of Wisconsin and is now studying Finnish. Joan, does this mean a return to Finland is imminent? Cheryl J. Fish has been appointed Docent of North American Studies in the Department of World Cultures (formerly Renvall Institute) at the University of Helsinki. City University of New York, Scholar 2006-07, University of Tampere Cheryl Greenberg has been appointed Docent at the Department of World Cultures, University of Helsinki. Trinity College, Fulbright Bicentennial Chair in American Studies 2002-03, University of Helsinki.

Dan Lloyd has been appointed Docent at the University of Helsinki’s Department of Social and Moral Philosophy. Trinity College, Scholar 2007-08, University of Helsinki. What is a docent? Docent is a prestigious, academic title used in Finnish Universities which shows that the person is a distinguished specialist in his / her field. Only professors and docents have the right to supervise PhD dissertations. Docents are usually appointed by another university than the home university in order to facilitate teaching and supervision in a particular field. The employment of a docent is also more flexible than with tenured faculty. The closest U.S. equivalent to docent is visiting professor, or perhaps adjunct professor. One may apply for the position of docent. John Wunder, who held the 1995-96 Fulbright Bicentennial Chair, in fact was the first American invited by the North American Studies program at Helsinki University to be a docent there, 2004. The permanent appointment as docent carries with it opportunities to return to Finland to teach, serve as dissertation opponent, offer keynote addresses at conferences, and otherwise maintain an ongoing relationship with the scholarly community in Finland. Professor Wunder is now emeritus professor of history and journalism at University of Nebraska-Lincoln. www.fulbright.fi


News / Uutisia

Appointment News from the Board

America in Living Color Seminar

The Fulbright Center welcomes Mr. David McGuire (in photo) who succeeds Mr. Eric Meyer on the Fulbright Center Board of Directors. Mr. McGuire is the Assistant Counselor for Press and Public Affairs at the American Embassy in Helsinki. We would like to take this opportunity to sincerely thank Mr. Eric Meyer for his commitment, and welcome Mr. McGuire to the Board. There are altogether eight Board members: four US and four Finnish members. The US members are appointed by the American Embassy and the Finnish members by the Ministry of Education and Culture. The current Chair of the Board is Dr. Bo Pettersson, Professor of the Literature of the United States at the University of Helsinki.

America in Living Color seminar provides a unique opportunity to gain understanding of various academic fields through the presentations of American Fulbright grantees who are currently doing research and studying in Finland. The 3rd America in Living Color seminar will take place on March 8-9, 2012 in Tampere. The seminar is organized by the University of Tampere North American Studies Program and the Fulbright Center. The program of the seminar will be posted on the Fulbright Center website closer to the event.

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Liity e-tiedotelistalle Tiedotamme sähköisellä tiedotuslistallamme Fulbright Centerin stipendeistä, tapahtumista ja informaatiotilaisuuksista sekä ajankohtaisista asioista.


Pääset mukaan lähettämällä meille yhteystietosi osoitteeseen: office@fulbright.fi

Stipendiohjelmat suomalaisille lukuvuodelle 2012–2013 Haku Fulbright Centerin stipendiohjelmiin alkaa helmikuussa. Hakuajat päättyvät ohjelmasta riippuen heinäkuussa, lokakuussa, tammikuussa ja huhtikuussa. Ensimmäiset stipendihaut maisteri- ja tohtoritason opiskelijoille päättyivät heinäkuun lopussa, ja stipendiaatit valittiin syyskuussa 2011. Lokakuun lopussa päättyneissä hauissa olivat mukana väitöskirjatutkimukseen tarkoitettu puolen vuoden stipendiohjelma, väitelleiden tutkijoiden stipendiohjelmat sekä suomen kielen ja kulttuurin opetusharjoittelijoille tarkoitettu stipendiohjelma. Stipendiaatit valitaan tammikuussa 2012.

Vielä ehtii hakea Ammattitaidon täydentämiseen ja kehittämiseen tarkoitettujen stipendiohjelmien haku on parhaillaan meneillään. Mid-Career Professional Development Grant -ohjelma (MCPD) tarjoaa apurahoja vähintään 3 kuukauden projektiin, joka tähtää stipendiaatin oman ammattitaidon täydentämiseen ja kehittämiseen Yhdysvalloissa. Stipendi on suunnattu erityisesti työuransa keskivaiheessa oleville ammattilaisille ja asiantuntijoille, jotka etsivät uusia näkökulmia ja lähestymistapoja omaan työhönsä. Hakijoilta ei edellytetä akateemista loppututkintoa. Fulbright Grant in Photojournalism sponsored by Patricia Seppälä Foundation -stipendiohjelma tukee lehtikuvauksen, kuvajournalismin ja visuaalisen journalismin alalla työskentelevien ammatillista kehittymistä ja täydennyskoulutusta Yhdysvalloissa. Stipendi on tarkoitettu kaikille alalla jo toimiville, kuten freelancereille ja mediatalojen vakituisille kuvaajille. Ohjelma tarjoaa apurahan 3–12 kuukauden stipendiprojektiin. Sekä MCPD- että Fulbright Grant in Photojournalism sponsored by Patricia Seppälä Foundation -stipendiohjelman hakuaika päättyy 9.1.2012. Stipendin saajat valitaan helmikuussa 2012.



Kandidaattitason opintojen stipendiohjelmahaku lukuvuodelle 2012–13 alkaa helmikuussa 2012 ja päättyy huhtikuussa 2012. Haun päättymispäivämäärä ilmoitetaan haun alkaessa Fulbright Centerin verkkosivulla. Fulbright Center’s Undergraduate Grant -stipendiohjelma on tarkoitettu kandidaatin opintojen (Bachelor's) suorittamiseen. Stipendiä voivat hakea myös opiskelijat, jotka lähtevät Yhdysvaltoihin vaihtoon yhdeksi lukuvuodeksi.

Amerikkalainen luennoitsija lyhyelle vierailulle suomalaiseen korkeakouluun Inter-Country- ja Fulbright Specialist -ohjelmalla – on jatkuva hakuaika. Fulbright-luennoitsijavaihtoon Euroopassa osallistuu vuosittain noin 250 amerikkalaista asiantuntijaa ja tutkijaa. Heidän asiantuntemuksensa on suomalaisten korkeakoulujen käytettävissä usein nopeallakin aikataululla. Luennointivierailulle voi hakea matka-apurahaa Inter-Country-ohjelman kautta Fulbright Centeristä. Vierailu kestää yleensä 2–5 päivää. Fulbright Specialist -ohjelma tarjoaa suomalaisille korkeakouluille mahdollisuuden kutsua Yhdysvalloista asiantuntija 2–6 viikon vierailulle Suomeen. Korkeakoulut voivat etsiä ohjelman kautta tietyn aihealueen asiantuntijaa tai esittää valittavaksi tiettyä henkilöä ohjelman asiantuntijarekisteristä.

Lisätiedot Tarkat tiedot stipendiohjelmista ja hakuajoista saa osoitteesta www.fulbright.fi. Päivämäärätietoja on lisäksi tämän julkaisun takakannen kalenterissa. Lisätietoja saa myös Fulbright Centerin ohejelmakoordinaattoreilta, yhteystiedot viereisellä sivulla.

Suomen ja Yhdysvaltain opetusalan vaihtotoimikunta Finland-US Educational Exchange Commission (FUSEEC)

Vaihtotoimikunnan jäsenet / Fulbright Center Board of Directors Honorary Chair:

H.E., Bruce J. Oreck Ambassador of the United States to Finland Finnish Members: Dr. Bo Pettersson Professor of the Literature of the United States University of Helsinki Chair Dr. Matti Kokkala Vice President, Strategic Research, Services and the Built Environment, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland

Dr. Heikki Ruskoaho Professor in Molecular Pharmacology Faculty of Medicine University of Oulu Ms. Birgitta Vuorinen Counsellor of Education Ministry of Education and Culture Treasurer American Members: Ms. Marjut Robinson Public Affairs Officer American Embassy Vice-Chair

Dr. Bruce Forbes Research Professor Arctic Centre University of Lapland Mr. David McGuire Assistant Counselor for Press and Public Affairs American Embassy Dr. Laura Stark Professor of Ethnology University of Jyväskylä Ex-officio: Ms. Terhi Mölsä Executive Director Fulbright Center

Toimikunnan sihteeristö / Fulbright Center Staff Ms. Virve Kahri Ohjelmakoordinaattori Program Coordinator p. (09) 5494 7454 p. (044) 5535 285 • Opettajaohjelma • Suomen kielen opetusassistentit • Inter-Country -ohjelma • Neuvonta opiskelusta USA:ssa Dr. Aki Kalliomäki Ohjelmakoordinaattori Program Coordinator p. (09) 5494 7402 p. (044) 5535 269 • Tutkija-, asiantuntija- ja luennoitsijastipendit suomalaisille • Pitkät luennoitsija- ja asiantuntijastipendit amerikkalaisille • Neuvonta opiskelusta USA:ssa Ms. Karoliina Kokko Ohjelmapäällikkö Program Manager p. (09) 5494 7404 p. (044) 5535 268 • Jatko-opiskelijastipendit suomalaisille • Jatko-opiskelijastipendit

amerikkalaisille • Neuvonta opiskelusta USA:ssa ja Kanadassa Ms. Johanna Lahti Vastaava ohjelmapäällikkö Senior Program Manager p. (09) 5494 7431 p. (044) 5535 278 • Undergraduate-stipendit suomalaisille • Renewal-stipendit suomalaisille • Testaus ja testeihin liittyvä neuvonta • Fulbright Center News (toimituspäällikkö) • Neuvonta opiskelusta USA:ssa Ms. Suzanne Louis Projektikonsultti Project Consultant (part-time) p. (09) 5494 7454 • Friends of Fulbright Finland -verkosto • Alumnikoordinaattori • Fulbright Center News

Ms. Tanja Mitchell Suunnittelija Coordinator (part-time) p. (09) 5494 7451 p. (044) 5535 277 • Verkkopalvelut • Julkaisut • Fulbright Center News • Neuvonta opiskelusta USA:ssa ja Kanadassa Ms. Terhi Topi Vastaava ohjelmapäällikkö Senior Program Manager (part-time) p. (09) 5494 7408 p. (044) 5535 275 • Distinguished Chairs • Fulbright Specialists -ohjelma • Alumnikoordinaattori • Neuvonta opiskelusta USA:ssa ja Kanadassa Ms. Terhi Mölsä Toiminnanjohtaja Executive Director p. (09) 5494 7403 p. (050) 570 5498

E-mails: firstname.lastname@fulbright.fi

FUSEEC/Fulbright Centerin toimintaa rahoittaa Suomen ja Yhdysvaltain Stipenditoiminnan Tukisäätiö / The Finland-America Educational Trust Fund. Säätiön hallitus / Board of Directors: Finnish members:

American members:

Agent / Säätiön asiamies:

Ms. Veera Heinonen Director of Communications Department for Communication and Culture Ministry for Foreign Affairs Chair

Mr. Danny Hall Deputy Chief of Mission American Embassy Vice-Chair

Ms. Terhi Mölsä Executive Director FUSEEC/Fulbright Center

Ms. Jaana Palojärvi Head of International Relations Finnish Ministry of Education

Ms. Marjut Robinson Public Affairs Officer American Embassy

The Finnish members are appointed by the Ministry of Education and the Ministry for Foreign Affairs. The American members are appointed by the American Embassy.



Toimintaamme tukee mm. Hakaniemenranta 6 FI-00530 HELSINKI FINLAND



6.10. INFO: Perustutkinto-opinnot Yhdysvalloissa ja Fulbright Centerin Undergraduatestipendi

17.10. ORIENTAATIO: ASLA-Fulbright jatko-opiskelijastipendiaattien orientaatio

27.10. INFO: SAT, GRE, GMAT: standardoidut tasotestit

31.10.2011 klo 10.00 Hakuaika seuraaviin lukuvuoden 2012–2013 stipendiohjelmiin päättyy: •• Finnish Language and Culture Teaching Assistant -ohjelma •• Scholar-ohjelmat (pre-doctoral, junior, senior)

3.11. INFO: Fulbright Grant in Photojournalism sponsored by Patricia Seppälä Foundation -stipendiohjelma kuvajournalisteille

10.11. INFO: Stipendi perustutkintoopintoihin: Vanderbilt yliopisto esittäytyy

14.–18.11. International Education Week Yhdysvalloissa


17.11. INFO: Maisteri- ja tohtoriopinnot Yhdysvalloissa

23.–24.11 Fulbright Center Lapin yliopiston kv-tapahtumassa

29.11. Vaihtotoimikunnan kokous, Fulbright Center Board Meeting

24.11. Thanksgiving, FC suljettu

30.11.–1.12. Fulbright Center Studia-messuilla Messukeskuksessa

6.12. Itsenäisyyspäivä, FC suljettu


6.1. Loppiainen, FC suljettu



18.1. Fulbright Center Tampereen yliopiston kv-viikolla

Kevään infotilaisuudet julkaistaan Fulbright Centerin verkkosivulla tammikuun aikana.

27.1. Fulbright Center Oulun yliopiston Study Abroad Fair -tapahtumassa

Fulbright Centerin stipendiohjelmien uudet hakutiedot julkistetaan helmikuun 2012 alussa.

9.1.2012 klo 10.00 Hakuaika seuraaviin lukuvuoden 2012–2013 stipendiohjelmiin päättyy: •• MCPD-ohjelma •• Fulbright Grant in Photojournalism sponsored by Patricia Seppälä Foundation

Vaihtotoimikunnan kokous helmikuussa 2012 • Fulbright Center Board Meeting February 2012

3.– 6.2.2012 Fulbright Grantees trip to Rovaniemi


Tervetuloa käymään Tietosillan aukioloaikoina ti−ke 13.00−16.00 ja to 13.00−17.00 ja muulloin ajanvarauksella. Puhelin: (09) 5494 7400, arkisin 9.00−15.00. Parhaiten tavoitat meidät suorista numeroista (ks. s. 23).

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