Fulbright Center News 2/2013

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Miten Fulbright-stipendiaatit valitaan International Vision

vol. 23 nro 2 (58) syksy/fall 2013

fulbright center news

Fulbright-Finland for the Future

Fulbright Finland ...for the Future From the Executive Director According to a statistic recently released by The Chronicle of Higher Education, Finland has the 11th largest U.S. Fulbright Scholar Program in the world. Among 155 countries participating in the international Fulbright program globally, this is no minor achievement. It is important, however, to recognize the reason for this success: the cooperation and partnership with Finnish universities. All Finnish universities participate in the funding of the U.S. scholars that they host through the Finnish-American Fulbright Program, and many have signed a long-term agreement with the Fulbright Center on extensive sponsorship. Additionally, private foundations have joined forces with the Fulbright Center and higher education institutions to provide additional support. This principle of cooperation holds true throughout all programs and activities of the Fulbright Center. The Finnish-American Fulbright Program is unique because it is so fundamentally a joint effort. As the year 2013 draws to a conclusion, I want to sincerely thank every institution, every individual, and every alumnus and friend who during this past year has generously donated their time, talent, and treasure for the benefit of our program. We are deeply grateful. It is thanks to you that our program is among the largest around the world. And it is together with you that we can and will build the program even bigger. I am very pleased to announce Fulbright Finland… for the Future — a three-year campaign with the immodest aim of expanding our program’s reach even further to better respond to the global challenges. The campaign runs from January 2014 through December 2016 and offers more opportunities than ever before to support the program and to be a part of the activities… details will be unveiled in January 2014. We are honored to set off our campaign with the words from our Honorary Chair, Ambassador Bruce J. Oreck (p. 2), who so rightly concludes, “the opportunity has never been greater”.

It is difficult to comprehend the scope of change over the past 60 years. Not merely has every facet of our lives been impacted by technology in ways that only science fiction writers dared to predict, but the acceleration in the rate of change has forced us to accept adaptive and disruptive thinking as the new norm. Apply the scope and speed of change to a world population that has almost tripled since the founding of the Fulbright program and it is immediately clear that the amplitude of change is unrivaled in human history. Sixty years ago, United States Senator J. William Fulbright unflinchingly stared into the future and saw both its challenges and its opportunities. He said, “We must dare to think 'unthinkable' thoughts. We must learn to explore all the options and possibilities that confront us in a complex and rapidly changing world.” His namesake program was established to create global citizens – those who dare to address universal problems with innovative solutions. The Finnish-American Fulbright program has become an exemplar of those goals. It has been recognized for its remarkable successes, the strength of its partnerships and its broad alumni support. Having already grown, on a number of measures, among the largest worldwide, the Finnish-American Program holds the immodest aim of expanding its reach even further to better respond to global challenges and shape the minds that will find the solutions. You can be a part of this future. I urge you to recognize your potential to change the world around you, and I urge you to become a partner of the Finnish-American Fulbright Program. I dare you to think “unthinkable” thoughts and confront this changing world. The need has never been more compelling and the opportunity has never been greater. Let 2014 be the year for you to shape the future.

Be a part of our story and invest in the future… invest in Fulbright Finland. With my sincere thanks and best wishes for the Holiday Season! Terhi Mölsä

H.E. Bruce J. Oreck Ambassador of the United States to the Republic of Finland

In This Issue 2



Fulbright Center Grants to the United States 2013–2014


Miten Fulbright-stipendiaatit valitaan? Stipendit graduate-tason opintoihin Yhdysvaltoihin


Yhdysvaltalaisprofessoreiden neuvo uusille Fulbrightstipendiaateille: Älä valitse yliopistoa pelkän nimen perusteella


The John Morton Center: New Directions for the Study of North America


Bridging Disciplinary Divides: The Finnish Model at Work


The Strengthening and Widening of a Finnish-American Network

10 Teknologiateollisuuden 100-vuotissäätiö ja Fulbright Center Yhteistyöllä korkeatasoista koulutusta insinööritieteilijöille 11 Fulbrightereiden matkassa 12 Tutkija Leasa Weimer ja asiantuntija Charles Mathies Korkeakoulututkimuksen asiantuntijoiksi Jyväskylään 14 An International Vision 16 Lue Environmental Stewardship -stipendiaatin tarina verkossa 16 Suomalaisten opiskelijoiden määrä yhdysvaltalaisissa yliopistoissa kasvanut Cover: Fulbright Finland for the Future is the Fulbright Center’s new campaign brand adopted to promote the Finnish Fulbright program’s mission. The campaign will be launched in January 2014 but the alumni took a headstart already and created a project to make the slogan visible on a T-shirt. U.S. Fulbright grantees are wearing the T-shirt at the American Voices Seminar in Turku. Read more about the American Voices Seminar on p. 19.

17 Canadian Student Life 18 Highlight of the American Fall in Finland 20

Alumni News ASLA-Alumni Association Anniversary Reception FinnFest: Festival for Finnish Culture Lovers Fulbright Arctic Workshop

21 Connections Corner 22 News / Uutisia

Photo: Sonja Kuosmanen, Fulbright Center

23 Fulbright Center 24 Kalenteri / Calendar of Events

Fulbright Center News on Fulbright Centerin asiakaslehti, joka ilmestyy kaksi kertaa vuodessa. Lehdestä julkaistaan myös verkkoversio osoitteessa www.fulbright.fi/fi/fulbright-center/fulbright-center-news. Seuraava numero ilmestyy keväällä 2014. Artikkelit ja muu aineisto pyydetään toimittamaan 31.3. mennessä. Artikkeleissa ilmaistut mielipiteet ovat kirjoittajien omia. The Fulbright Center News is a biannual newsletter published by the Fulbright Center in Finland. The Fulbright Center News is also available online at www.fulbright.fi/en/fulbright-center/fulbright-center-news. The next issue will come out in the Spring of 2014. The submission deadline for articles and other materials is 31 March. Opinions expressed by authors are their own and do not necessarily reflect those of the Fulbright Center. While every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the material in this publication, the Fulbright Center does not accept liability for any errors or omissions. Aineisto vapaasti lainattavissa, lähde mainittava. Reproduction allowed, source must be cited.

Päätoimittaja/Editor-in-Chief Terhi Mölsä Executive Director Toimittajat/Editors Johanna Lahti (toimituspäällikkö) Tanja Mitchell Suzanne Louis Ulkoasu ja taitto/Layout Tanja Mitchell/Fulbright Center Avustajat/Contributors Louisa Gairn Heidi Lehmuskumpu

Toimituksen yhteystiedot/ Contact Information The Fulbright Center Hakaniemenranta 6 FI-00530 Helsinki FINLAND Tel. +358 44 5535 286 E-mail: office@fulbright.fi ISSN-L 1456-0461 ISSN 1456-0461 (Painettu) ISSN 2242-4245 (Verkkolehti) Kansipaperi/Cover paper: Maxigloss 200 g/m2 Paperi/Paper: G-Print 115 g/m2 Levikki/Circulation: 1 300 Painopaikka/Printed by Erweko Oy

Fulbright Center Grants to the United States 20 More detailed list at www.fulbright.fi/en/grantees/fulbright-center-grantees-2013-2014

ASLA-Fulbright Research Grants for Senior Scholars

ASLA-Fulbright Pre-Doctoral Research Fellows

Fulbright-Technology Industries of Finland Grants

Björn, Piia Education University of Jyväskylä Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN Cost-shared with the University of Jyväskylä ASLA-Fulbright Alumni Ambassadorial Awardee 2013

Koskimaa, Vesa Political Science University of Tampere University of Houston, TX Cost-shared with the University of Tampere

Antikainen, Aku Physics Tampere University of Technology University of Rochester, NY

Kirkkopelto, Esa Theater University of the Arts Helsinki, Theatre Academy Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD Cost-shared with the Theatre Academy Lehtimäki, Hanna Business Administration University of Eastern Finland, Kuopio George Mason University, Fairfax, VA Cost-shared with the University of Eastern Finland, Kuopio Lönnberg, Tuomas Chemistry University of Turku Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD Cost-shared with the University of Turku

ASLA-Fulbright Research Grants for Junior Scholars Heikkilä, Pauli History University of Tartu Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA and University of Minnesota, MN Herrala, Meri Political History University of Helsinki Georgetown University, Washington, DC Piippo, Irina Anthropology University of Helsinki University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA

Marttinen, Aleksi Engineering Aalto University Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Worcester, MA Cost-shared with Aalto University Siitonen, Ari Medicine University of Oulu National Institute of Health, Bethesda, MD Cost-shared with the University of Oulu Tawah, Sanna Anthropology University of Jyväskylä Indiana University, Bloomington, IN Cost-shared with the University of Jyväskylä

ASLA-Fulbright Mid-Career Professional Development Grant Lampinen, Johanna Business Administration American Red Cross National Headquarters, Washington, DC Mäenpää, Teemu Education Vaasa Vocational Institute Central Piedmont Community College, Matthews, NC and South Central College, North Mankato, MN

Distinguished Fulbright Awards In Teaching Kallio, Maija Tiirismaa School, Lahti University of Maryland, College Park

Fulbright-Schuman Research Grants Pietilä, Päivi Linguistics University of Turku City University of New York, NY



Rahikka, Mikko Helsingin yhteislyseo University of Maryland, College Park Ritvanen, Inka Myllypuro School University of Maryland, College Park

Broas, Mikael Engineering Aalto University Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA

ASLA-Fulbright Graduate Grants Cheas, Kirsi-Mari Communications University of Helsinki New York University, NY Eskola, Jyri Architecture Aalto University Harvard University, Cambridge, MA Cost-shared with Aalto University Haara, Heikki History University of Helsinki University of California, Berkeley, CA Cost-shared with the University of Helsinki Hämäläinen, Joonas Economics University of Turku Princeton University, NJ Cost-shared with the University of Turku Takkinen, Jaakko Religious Studies University of Helsinki University of California, Santa Barbara, CA Vanhanen, Tero Literature University of Helsinki University of California, Berkeley, CA Vasko, Petra Chemistry University of Jyväskylä University of California, Davis, CA Cost-shared with the University of Jyväskylä



• Brandeis U • Harvard U

• U of Minnesota

Boston and Waltham, MA

Minneapolis, MN North Mankato, MN • South Central C

Amherst, NY

Madison, WI

• U of Wisconsin

New Haven, CT • Daemen C • U of Rochester New York, NY Princeton and Philadelphia, PA New Brunswick, NJ Bal more, MD • Princeton • Rutgers Washinton, D.C.

Ann Arbor, MI

• U of Michigan

Bloomington, IN

Francisco, CA • UC Berkeley • UC Davis • Stanford U

• Indiana U, Bloomington

• • • • •

Manha­an, KS • Kansas State University

Santa Barbara, CA

Nashville, TN

• UC Santa Barbara

• Vanderbilt U

San Diego, CA

American National Red Cross Gallaudet U Georgia Mason U National Institute of Health U of Maryland College Park

Charlo­e, NC

• Central Piedmont CC

Worcester • Worcester Polytechnic Institute New Haven • Yale U New York • Columbia U • CUNY • New York U

Atlanta, GA

• UC San Diego

Worcester, MA

Rochester, NY

• Georgia Institute of Technology

Philadephia • The U of the Arts • U of Pennsylvania, The Wharton School

Vuolajärvi, Niina Sociology University of Eastern Finland, Joensuu and University of Helsinki Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, New Brunswick, NJ

Fulbright Finnish Language and Culture Teaching Assistants Räsänen, Elisa Literature University of Jyväskylä Indiana University, Bloomington, IN Soikkeli, Katja Finnish Language and Literature University of Helsinki University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN Virtanen, Aija Finnish Language and Literature University of Jyväskylä University of California, Berkeley, CA Yliniemi, Veera Finnish Language and Literature University of Helsinki University of Wisconsin-Madison, WI

Fulbright Center’s Undergraduate Grants Hakanpää, Milena International Relations United World College Costa Rica Brandeis University, Waltham, MA Lundstedt, Jussi Economics Turku International School University of Pennsylvania, Wharton School, Philadelphia, PA

Baltimore • Johns Hopkins U

Houston, TX • U of Houston

Sarasota, FL • Ringling College of Art and Design

Nuutinen, Olga Deaf Studies University of Jyväskylä Gallaudet University, Washington, DC Ruohonen, Aki Aerospace Engineering University of Glasgow, Scotland, UK University of California, San Diego, CA

Fulbright Center Partnership Awards for Undergraduate Students Kurki, Niina Economics and Communications Ressu Upper Secondary School Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN Cornelius Vanderbilt Scholarship

Summer Institutes for European Student Leaders Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS To be selected in early 2014

Fulbright Center Renewal Grants Häkkinen, Silja ASLA-Fulbright Graduate Grant 2012-13 Chemical Engineering Columbia University, NY

Juutinen, Jasmin Fulbright Center’s Undergraduate Grant 2011-12 Illustration Ringling College of Arts and Design, Sarasota, FL Karjalainen, Joonas Fulbright Center’s Undergraduate Grant 2010-11 Environmental Engineering Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD Saajola, Ninni Fulbright Center’s Undergraduate Grant 2012-13 Writing for Film and Television The University of Arts in Philadelphia, PA Salminen, Elina ASLA-Fulbright Graduate Grant 2011-12 Archeology University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI Salo, Janne Fulbright Center’s Undergraduate Grant 2010-11 Art History Yale University, New Haven, CT




Miten Fulbright-stipendiaatit valitaan? Stipendit graduate-tason opintoihin Yhdysvaltoihin Fulbright Centerin graduate-stipen-



tieteenalojen tai maantieteellisten alu-

deillä tuetaan koko maisterin- tai

teja valmennetaan yliopistopaikan va-

eiden hakijoille. Stipendit myönnetään

tohtorintutkinnon tai yhden lukuvuo-

linnassa, hakumenetelmissä ja paikan

arvioinneissa parhaiten menestyville

den kestävien, määräaikaisten opin-


ehdokkaille alasta tai opiskelupaikasta

tojen, kuten kurssien tai tutkimuksen


Graduate-opintoja suunnittelevat

Fulbright-stipendiohjelma on suun-

riippumatta. Ainoastaan määräaikaan


nattu monenlaisille ihmisille. Ohjel-

mennessä saapuneet, kaikki asiakirjat


maan ei haeta ainoastaan akateemiselle

sisältävät hakemukset otetaan valin-

uralle suuntaavia tutkijoita, vaan myös

noissa huomion.



Fulbright-stipendiä yli vuosi ennen


suunniteltua opintojen aloittamista

oman alansa asiantuntijoita.

yhdysvaltalaisessa yliopistossa. Ennen





...jatkuu verkossa.

Hakemusten tekninen tarkastus jättä-

Hakemusten arviointi alkaa teknisellä

mistä hakijat ovat alustavasti kartoit-

tarkastuksella: tällä varmistetaan ha-

taneet itselleen parhaiten soveltuvia

kijan täyttävän hakuohjeissa ilmoitetut

yliopistoja. Ehdokkaiden ei edellytetä


kuitenkaan vahvistaneen isäntäyliopis-

sen sisältävän vaadittavat asiakirjat.

topaikkaansa ennen stipendin hakua.

Ohjelmassa ei ole kiintiöitä tiettyjen



Lue artikkeli kokonaisuudessaan osoitteessa www.fulbright.fi/fi/ stipendiohjelmat-maisteri-jatohtoritason-opintoihin-jatutkimukseen/asla-fulbrightgraduate-grants/valintaprosessi

Yhdysvaltalaisprofessoreiden neuvo uusille Fulbright-stipendiaateille:

Älä valitse yliopistoa pelkän nimen perusteella Planning for the Fulbright Year Seminar for the Finnish Fulbright Graduate Students 2014-2015 Program • Monday 23. 9. 2013 8:45 Coffee 9:00 Welcome & Introductions 9:20 Fulbright Center and Your Fulbright Network:

What’s in It for You?

9:50 The Roles and Responsibilities of the Fulbright

Center and the Grantee During the Coming Year

10:15 Break 10:30 Admission Categories in a U.S. University 10:45 Choosing the Right Institution and Program 11:00 Panel Discussion: What Do Academic

Departments Look for in an Applicant?

The Student-Mentor Relationship

12:00 Lunch

Lukuvuoden 2014-2015 ensimmäiset Fulbright Graduate -stipendiaatit. Takana (vas.) Stefan Baumeister, Matias Kalm, Paula Saari, Maija Mattila, Lotta Junnilainen, Jesse Lastunen, Matti Heinonen. Edessä (vas.) Antti Makkonen, Mila Oiva, Johan Munck af Rosenschöld, Eeva Siivonen, Emil Kurvinen. Fulbright Center valitsi syyskuussa ensimmäiset suomalaisstipendiaatit lukuvuodelle 2014-15 ja jo muutaman

13:00 Applying for a Degree Program

päivän kuluttua valinnasta 12 uutta maisteri- ja tohtori-

opiskelijaa kokoontuivat Hakaniemeen ensimmäiseen val-

(Degree & non-degree students)

13:00 Connecting with Your Academic Host

14:30 Coffee break 14:45 Financing Your Studies in the U.S.:

Additional Funding Sources

15:15 Preparing for TOEFL

mennustilaisuuteen. ...jatkuu verkossa.

(Visiting student researchers)

and GRE Tests

16:00 Q&A

Lue koko artikkeli osoitteessa www.fulbright.fi/fi/ stipendiaateille/orientaatiot/planning-fulbrightyear-2013 Orientaatiossa käsiteltyihin aiheisiin voi syventyä tutustumalla orientaatio-oppaaseen: www.fulbright.fi/fi/orientaatio-opas



North American Studies The John Morton Center:

New Directions for the Study of North America versity of Helsinki), Risto Hiltunen

American societies. How all this can be

(University of Turku), Auvo Kostiainen

achieved remains to be seen in the years

(University of Turku), Ossi V. Lindqvist

to come.

(University of Eastern Finland), Ismo Söderling



The crucial prerequisite for the es-


tablishment of the Center is a function-

Tapani Vaahtoranta (Uongozi Institute,

al and adequately broad-based funding

Dar-es-Salaam), Jukka Valtasaari (The

model. Funding needs to be sought for

League of Finnish-American Societies)

from the widest possible spread of po-

and Jarmo Virmavirta (Finland Soci-

tential sources, with the first approach-

ety), with Markus Kantola and Kimmo

es being made to local government, the

Elo (University of Turku) as Executive

corporate sector, and private founda-

Secretaries. We also consulted with ex-

tions both within Finland and abroad.

perts on American Studies, including

Over the next few years, the goal will be

Terhi Mölsä, Executive Director of the

to obtain Finnish government funding

Fulbright Center.

for the Center's core budget. Launch-

We presented the implementation

phase funding for the Center has been

plan and the draft for the statutes of the

promised by the City of Turku, the Uni-

Rector emeritus Keijo Virtanen of the

Institute to the Rector in May, 2013. We

versity of Turku Foundation, and the

University of Turku introduced the new

recommended the establishment in as-

University of Turku.

John Morton Center at the American Voices

sociation with the University of Turku

The actual starting date of the Center

seminar in Turku.

of an institute dedicated to research

is January 1, 2014. The Executive Board

and teaching on North America, and

and the Chair of the Supervisory Coun-

Finland and the United States share a

suggested that its name should be the

cil were appointed by the Rector of the

long common history. In recognition

John Morton Center for North Ameri-

University of Turku in November, 2013.

of the influence of the United States

can Studies (John Morton -keskus).

The other members of the Supervisory

throughout the world, it was proposed

John Morton (1725–1777) was a Finn-

Council should be appointed over the

in 2011 that there should be an insti-

ish-American signatory to the United

course of the fall of 2013 and early 2014.

tute in Finland dedicated to the study

States Declaration of Independence in

The public application period for ap-

of the United States. In spring 2012,

1776. During his lifetime, John Morton

pointing the first Director and the Re-

with support from the University of

held many important public offices in

search Coordinator ends on December

Turku Foundation, a survey was drawn

colonial Pennsylvania. Morton's great

20, 2013.

up charting teaching and research on

grandfather was Finnish and settled the

As Ambassador Jukka Valtasaari, who

the United States at Finnish universi-

New Sweden Colony on the Delaware

is also the first Chair of the Supervisory

ties. This survey revealed that although

River in the middle of the 17th century.

Council of the John Morton Center, has

both teaching and research are fairly

Morton's mother as well as his wife also

pointed out, the Center will carry out

active on American topics, the field is

had family ties to Finland.

broad-based research, thereby enhanc-


The purpose of the John Morton Cen-

ing understanding of American politics,

At present, there is no single insti-

ter is to carry out high-quality research

economy, and ways of life in Finland

tution in Finland dedicated to carrying

and to promote a better understanding

as well as awareness of Finland in the

out teaching and research on the United

of North America both among the gen-

United States. Active participation in

States in a wide variety of fields; nor is

eral public and among decision makers,

public discussion by those involved with

there any institution regularly partici-

within Finland and internationally. The

the Center will contribute to bringing

pating in public debate about the United

Center will offer training for research-

North America to its rightful place in

States. In Turku, research into the Unit-

ers, and other teaching; will participate

Finnish political and other discourse.

ed States has been actively pursued for

in public debate; and will offer assis-

This is a task of national importance for

many decades, and it would therefore

tance and support to Finnish decision

the Center.

seem appropriate to establish in Turku,

makers. The Center should be a forum

in close association with the University,

for academic and civic debate and dia-

Keijo Virtanen

a national institute for the study of the

logue, functioning as a link between

Rector Emeritus and Professor of Cultural

United States.

the academic community, civic society,

History, University of Turku. Fulbright Re-

In August 2012, the Rector of the

and the corporate world. The task of

searcher, University of Michigan 1988–1989

University appointed a commission to

its researchers is to explore the ways

draw up plans for the funding, organi-

in which the Unites States and Canada

The article is based on Keijo Virtanen's

zation, and profile of a "US Institute" to

have influenced and continue to influ-

address at Fulbright's annual American

be established in Turku. The members

ence developments in Finland and the

Voices Seminar on October 12, 2013

of the commission were Keijo Virtanen

rest of the world, with a particular focus

at the University of Turku.

(Chair), Kristiina Helenius (AmCham

on the politics, economy, culture, histo-

Finland), Markku Henriksson (Uni-

ry, and international relations of North



From Alumni

Bridging Disciplinary Divides: The Finnish Model at Work Within higher education, there is both

lacking in digital literacy and who may

the high aspiration and often elusive

see no reason to use broadband. This

goal of bridging the divide between

has required governments to develop a

two or more academic disciplines.

range of new programs and interven-

There are various terms for this—in-

tions to complement the technological


and economic measures for broadband



cross-disciplinary seem to be the most

infrastructure provision.

common. Although each term has

In short, Finland, the US and over

a slightly different meaning, there

50 other countries are developing new

and graduate students in the Depart-

are common ways that outcomes

digital ecosystems that require those

ment of Communications and Network-

are pursued at colleges and univer-

studying and teaching about them to

ing at Aalto University, and with various

sities. These include joint degree

view Broadband through multiple dis-

executives at the Nokia Corporation.

programs, joint or courtesy faculty

ciplinary lenses-- technology, econom-

This fluidity in disciplinary bound-

appointments, team teaching, cross-

ics, political science, social research and

aries holds much promise for broad-

registered courses and collaborative

policy, and law and regulation are at the

band development, with Finland as a

research projects. Moreover, as areas

core. Among the questions that flow

leading model for what our digital fu-

of inquiry require multiple perspec-

from a broad analysis of this area are:

ture may look like. Finland has become

tives, there is considerable interest in making educational institutions more

the first country in the world to make •• What are the cost-benefit tradeoffs of fixed wired broadband and

zens, entitling them to a one megabit

ing and research.

mobile wireless broadband?

per second broadband connection now,

•• How have governments engaged in

with a 100-Mbit/s connection to become

A principal interest of mine—broad-

co-ordination between ministries

a right by the end of 2015. Broadband

band development—is a case in point.

and agencies, and with other

access now is included in basic commu-



nication services, such as telephone or




and the United States, have previously

•• How have investments in broadband

postal services. And an estimated 95 per

agreed upon key areas of broadband

as an economic stimulus, together

cent of Finland’s population of around

policies, which have been incorporated

with the economic effects of

5.3 million already is online.

into National Broadband Plans (NBPs).

broadband access, been measured?

There has been continued growth in de-

•• What is the impact of broadband

My time in Finland also afforded me the opportunity to see how well individ-

mand for broadband services, at a time

access for educational and research

uals with different disciplinary back-

when many other sectors experienced


grounds can work together, and how

a decline. Some governments injected

•• How quickly can high-speed

productive this approach can be when

funds, either directly or through support

broadband be extended to rural and

it creates a whole larger than the sum

for loans, to help the geographic expan-

remote areas?

of its parts. This is a larger lesson that

sion of broadband access networks, the

•• Can broadband utilization be

should interest American academe writ

upgrading of existing networks to high-

increased through greater digital

large. Breaking down disciplinary bar-

er speeds and also through measures


riers is one way to go, but I have learned

to encourage adoption among social

•• How effective are e-government

that promoting an academic culture

and economic groups with limited use

and e-health initiatives and how

which welcomes multiple contributors

of broadband. Governments assessed

can they be improved?

also is important to translate a concept into something that works in practice.

these interventions based on their costs, My appointment last year as the Ful-

I’ll be back for sure—both to see how


bright-Nokia Distinguished Chair in In-

broadband development in the living

schools and universities also is impor-

formation and Communications Tech-

laboratory of Finland is progressing, and

tant in many NBPs, especially where

nologies was especially useful because

to develop ideas about fostering stron-

there are high costs in reaching schools

it enabled me to experience first-hand

ger interdisciplinary, multidisciplinary

in remote areas and where commercial

how different disciplines are eager to

and cross-disciplinary relationships be-

offerings are limited. In such cases, a

speak with each other because they

tween Finland and the United States.

school may act as an anchor for an opti-

recognize that broadband development

cal fibre connection and may offer out-

requires more analytic horsepower than

Stuart N. Brotman

of-hours use to those without their own

any single discipline can offer. While

teaches at Harvard Law School. During the

broadband access.

based in the Faculty of Social Sciences at

2012-13 academic year, he served as the

One of the significant challenges

the University of Helsinki, for example,

Fulbright-Nokia Distinguished Chair in In-

in crafting NBPs has been to devise

I was able to develop productive profes-

formation and Communications Technolo-

policies that overcome the barriers

sional relationships with colleagues at

gies at the University of Helsinki. Just re-

to broadband adoption for those with

the Faculty of Law. A short ride to Espoo

cently he was a nominee for the 2013 World

no experience of computers, perhaps

brought me in contact with professors

Technology Awards.

benefits and effects on markets. The


broadband a legal right for all its citi-

open to broader approaches for teach-





The Strengthening and Widening of a Finnish-American Network My decade long engagement with Finland and the Fulbright Commission is an extraordinary example of an academic and social exchange network. Experiences and interactions with Finnish colleagues have generated new ideas and exchanges of valuable information,



careers, cultivated friendships and opened





collaboration and opportunity.

Beginnings of a network Dr. Liisa Husu, previously of the University of Helsinki, and I participated

Mary Ann Danowitz (center in the back) visited Finland and the Fulbright Center in

together on panels at several interna-

the spring of 2013 with a North Carolina State University delegation.

tional conferences. As a result of this interaction, in 2004 I asked her to cont-

bright Mid-career Grantee 2013) would

ribute to a book, Women, Universities and

be going to North Carolina State Uni-

Change: Gender Equality in the European

versity, where I would soon be a pro-

Union and the United States. As I read, re-

fessor and Head of the Department of

read and edited her work on the Univer-

Leadership, Policy and Adult and Higher

sity of Helsinki and Finnish universities

Education. Johanna and I met on SKYPE

I gained greater understanding and res-

where we agreed that I would co-host

pect for the social and political values

her along with our provost, Dr. Betsy

and culture of Finland that enabled wi-

Brown. This enabled Dr. Hakala to de-

der access and more equality than most

velop insights about our strategies for

countries. So, when my daughter, Mary

increasing university research activity

Kathryn Sagaria, was exploring options

from both the macro university level

for a student Fulbright I suggested she


look at Finland.

where she could immerse herself in the

Development of an intergenerational network




The responsibilities of a Fulbrighter never end. We must continuously strive to engage and extend our global synergetic network of scholars and leaders.

daily academic work culture and grant

a Finnish lens; an especially rare privi-

development processes.

lege for US faculty members. Our time

Dr. Hakala was an admirable Finnish

at the Center was transformative and

When Mary Kathryn traveled to Finland

ambassador at North Carolina State

already two of the Americans are pre-

to begin her Fulbright studying Inter-

University. She offered new understan-

paring Fulbright grant applications.

national Development at the University

dings and insights about Finnish higher

I have gained immensely from this

of Helsinki in August 2006, Executive

education by lecturing in my Interna-

network. I now see each new interna-

Director Terhi Mölsä graciously invited

lization of Higher Education graduate

tional connection in which I participa-

me to sit in the American grantees’

level course and participating in a pre-

te or facilitate as giving back to others

orientation. There I met the superb staff

departure orientation for a delegation of

as others have generously given to me.

at the Fulbright Center and learned more

North Carolina State University faculty

More importantly, I believe the respon-

about the research processes and struc-

researchers I would lead to Finland.

sibilities of a Fulbrighter never end. We

tures of the country. A couple of years

must continuously strive to engage and

later, as a Fulbright Scholar in Austria,

Facilitating new networks

I had the good fortune of visiting the

My trip to Finland with eight US collea-

of scholars and leaders—for these re-

Helsinki Collegium as a Fulbright Inter-

gues in April, 2013 is already strengthe-

lationships and partnerships are one of

country grant awardee. While giving a

ning and widening Finnish-American

our greatest hopes for addressing the

seminar and observing a focus group

networks. First, several new bilateral

pressing problems we share on both

of academic women in Helsinki I met

collaborative research projects are ta-

sides of the North Atlantic and around

leading Finnish social scientists whom I

king hold with colleagues from the

the globe.

connected with my Austrian colleagues.

Universities of Helsinki, Jyväskylä and

extend our global synergetic network

Tampere and North Carolina State.

Mary Ann Danowitz

Second, our last appointment before

Fulbright Scholar Indonesia, 1990-1991

During an email exchange with Dr. Lea-

returning to the US was at the Fulbright

Fulbright Scholar Austria and

sa Weimer (American Fulbright student

Center in Helsinki. There we learned

Fulbright Finland Inter-country Grant

to Finland, 2011-2012) in 2011, I learned

and saw firsthand the possibilities of

recipient, 2007

that Dr. Johanna Hakala, (Finnish Ful-

the global Fulbright program through


Widening networks



Teknologiateollisuuden 100-vuotissäätiö ja Fulbright Center

Yhteistyöllä korkeatasoista koulutusta insinööritieteilijöille Fulbright




lähettänyt Teknologia­

reiden kanssa. Yhteistyön aloittaminen

teollisuuden 100-vuotissäätiön kans­

kanssa on yksi Säätiön tavoista tukea

Teknologiateollisuuden 100-vuotissää-

sa vuodesta 2007 lähtien 19 stipen-

osaamista, kehittämistä ja kilpailuky-

tiön kanssa oli ratkaisevaa, sillä yhteis-


kyä. ”Yhteistyö palvelee Säätiön pää-

stipendin perustamisen jälkeen myös


määrää yleisestikin kansainvälistymi-

tekniikan alan opiskelijat ja tutkijat on

Finland -ohjelman alumnit työsken-

sen lisääntymiseksi”, sanoo Säätiön

saatu Fulbright-ohjelmaan mukaan”,

televät professoreina, apulaisprofes-

asiamies Mervi Sibakov.





soreina ja tutkijoina niin Suomessa kuin ulkomaillakin.



yhdessä teknillisten yliopistojen rehto-



”Säätiö haluaa houkutella myös perinteisesti vähemmän liikkuvien tek-

Kauteni on toistaiseksi kestänyt vasta vajaa kaksi kuukautta, mutta jo nyt voinee luotettavasti sanoa tämän olevan parasta, mitä minulle on ikinä tapahtunut.


toimintaympäristön edistäminen.



Terhi Mölsä kertoo. Fulbright-Tehnology



niikan alojen opiskelijoita ja tutkijoita

Finland -stipendiohjelman alumneis-



ta osa viimeistelee väitöskirjaa joko

Sibakovin mukaan Fulbright-yhteistyö


Yhdysvalloissa tai Suomessa, osa on

auttaa Säätiötä tarjoamaan erityisen


lahjakkaille insinööritieteilijöille hei-

vietti lukuvuoden 2008–2009 stipendi-

dän kykyjään vastaavia paikkoja, joita

aattina Harvard Universityssä ja toimii

ei aina löydy kotimaasta. ”Mahdolli-

nyt ­biostatistiikan apulaisprofessorina









yhdysvaltalaisissa huippuyliopistoissa

keskeinen osa uraani ajatellen, sillä il-

ja pääsy erittäin hyviin tutkimusryh-

man Fulbright-Technology Industries of

miin ei hyödytä pelkästään stipen-

Finland -stipendiä en todennäköisesti

diaatin omaa uraa vaan koituu myös

olisi lähtenyt Yhdysvaltoihin ja sitä

yhteiskunnan hyväksi”, Sibakov sanoo.

kautta päätynyt nykyiseen työhöni”,

”Opiskelijat ja tutkijat tuovat Yhdys-

Onnela toteaa.

valloista uusia suuntauksia ja ideoita

Yksi ensimmäisistä lähtijöistä, Antti

kotimaahan ja nämä hyödyttävät myös

Oulasvirta, vietti lukuvuoden 2007–08

teknologiateol­lisuuden toimialaa.”

University of California, Berkeleyssä


post doc -tutkijana. ”Fulbright-stipendi

100-vuotissäätiön kanssa on tärkeää

oli uraani ajatellen hyvin tärkeä. Se on

Säätiö perustettiin kymmenen vuotta

myös Fulbright Centerille. ”Fulbright-

toki vaikuttanut positiivisesti ihan jo

sitten, vuoden 2003 lopussa, kun Tek-

ohjelmaan haki aiemmin varsin vähän

prestiisinsä takia; Fulbright ja Berkeley,

nologiateollisuus ry täytti sata vuotta.

tekniikan alan opiskelijoita. Se hei-

jossa post doc -vuoden olin, tunnetaan




molemmat hyvin myös Euroopassa.




säätiön tarkoituksena on teknologia-



Hauissa tällä on paljon merkitystä. Mi-



vähäisempää kiinnostusta ulkomailla

nut palkattiin post doc -vuoden jälkeen

osaamista, kehittämistä ja kilpailuky-

opiskelua kohtaan verrattuna monien

Senior Researcheriksi HIITtiin (Helsinki

kyä tukevan koulutuksen, tutkimuksen

muiden alojen opiskelijoihin. Keinoja

Institute of Information Technology),

sekä alalle suotuisan ja innovatiivisen

kiinnostuksen lisäämiseksi pohdittiin

jonka jälkeen vastaavaan asemaan Max




Fulbright Centerin yhteistyökumppanit

saanut mukavasti huomiota. Minulla

Tänä syksynä Yhdysvalloissa aloitti

Fulbright-stipendit jaetaan perinteisesti

on Yhdysvaltain vuodelta myös kontak-

kaksi stipendiaattia. Aku Antikainen

Säätytalolla. Vuoden 2012

teja, joihin olen edelleen yhteydessä”,

tekee optiikan alan tohtoriopintojaan

juhlatilaisuudessa Teknologiateollisuuden

Oulasvirta sanoo. Maaliskuussa 2014

University of Rochesterissa New Yor-

100-vuotissäätiön hallituksen

Oulasvirta siirtyy apulaisprofessoriksi

kissa. ”Oloni on kuin teinillä suosikki-

puheenjohtaja, vuorineuvos Jorma Eloranta


bändinsä backstagella näiden alallaan

ja asiamies Mervi Sibakov sekä stipendiaatit

Virpi Turkulainen vietti lukuvuo-

maailman kuuluisimpien professorien

Tuomas Haarnoja (ylh. vas., University

den 2011–12 Stanford Universityssä niin

keskellä”, Antikainen hehkuttaa. Anti-

of California, Berkeley) ja Tuukka Verho

ikään post doc –tutkijana. Tätä nykyä

kaisen sanojen myötä toivotamme on-

(Massachusetts Institute of Technology, MIT).

hän työskentelee Suomen Akatemian

nea ja menestystä kymmenvuotiaalle

tutkijatohtorina Aalto-yliopiston Tuo-

Teknologiateollisuuden 100-vuotissää-

tantotalouden laitoksella. ”Fulbright-

tiölle: ”Kauteni on toistaiseksi kestänyt

kausi oli urani kannalta loistava. Olin

vasta vajaa kaksi kuukautta, mutta jo

Stanfordissa ensiksi vuoden Fulbright-

nyt voinee luotettavasti sanoa tämän

tutkijana ja sain sen jälkeen vielä lisä-

olevan parasta, mitä minulle on ikinä

rahoitusta Teknologiateollisuudelta ja


Tutkijavaihdon aikana pystyin olemaan päivittäisessä vuorovaikutuksessa alani huippututkijoiden kanssa.

jatkoin vaihtoani yhden lukukauden. Tutkijavaihdon aikana pystyin olemaan päivittäisessä

alani huippututkijoiden kanssa. Teimme yhdessä tutkimusta ja kirjoitimme tieteellisiä artikkeleita. Kävin paljon erilaisissa seminaareissa ja laajensin tietämystäni useilta eri aihealueilta. Lisäksi loin kauden aikana muiden vaihtotutkijoiden kanssa erittäin arvokkaita

Planck –instituuttiin Saksaan”, Oulas-

yhteistyösuhteita ja niistä on käynnis-

virta kertoo. Tätä nykyä hän johtaa Max

tynyt uusia yhteisprojekteja”, Turkulai-

Planckissa Human – Computer Interaction

nen kertoo.

(HCI) –ryhmää.

Teksti: Johanna Lahti, Fulbright Center


”Kauden aikana pystyin keskitty-

”Oman kehittymiseni kannalta vuo-

mään lähes puhtaasti tutkimukseen”,

si oli tärkeä, sillä tutustuin paremmin

Turkulainen toteaa. ”Se on luonnolli-

amerikkalaisen HCI-ryhmän toimin-

sesti näin urani alussa ollut erittäin tär-

taan John Cannyn Berkeley Institute of

keää. Ilmapiiri Stanfordissa on kaiken

Design:issa ja toin monia käytänteitä

kaikkiaan loistava ja nautin sekä am-

Suomeen ja Saksaan”, Oulasvirta kertaa

matillisesti että muutenkin saadessani

Fulbright-kautensa merkitystä. ”Myös

olla osa tätä huippuyliopistoa”, Turku-

muutama siellä tekemäni julkaisu on

lainen sanoo.

Fulbright–Technology Industries of Finland Grant -stipendiohjelmasta rahoitetaan stipendejä teknologiateollisuuden edustamien toimialojen kehitystä tukeviin maisteri- ja tohtoriopintoihin sekä tohtorintutkinnon jälkeiseen tutkimukseen Yhdysvalloissa. 35 000–50 000 USD suuruisen stipendin hakuaika lukuvuodelle 2015–2016 päättyy opiskelijoille keväällä 2014 ja väitelleille tutkijoille syksyllä 2014. Lisätietoja: Karoliina Kokko, puh. 044 5535 268 www.fulbright.fi/fi/stipendiohjelmatmaisteri-ja-tohtoritason-opintoihin-jatutkimukseen/fulbright-technologyindustries

kontaktien olleen parasta antia. Väitöskirjatutkijana aerosoli- ja ympäristöfysiikan alalla Columbia-yliopistossa ollut Häkkinen kertoo Fulbrightkauden luoneen perustan tulevalle yhteistyölle Columbia-

Fulbrightereiden matkassa

yliopiston ja Helsingin yliopiston välillä. Häkkinen kiittelee myös laajempia verkostoitumismahdollisuuksia: ”Sain tavata muita Fulbrightereita ympäri maailmaa New Yorkissa sekä muualla Yhdysvalloissa orientaatio- ja enrichment-seminaareissa. Seminaarimatkat tutustuttivat myös muiden kuin

Fulbrightereiden matkassa on sarja, jossa on seurattu vuoden 2012-2013 ASLA-Fulbright Graduate Grant –stipendiaattien,

oman isäntäkaupungin elämään.” Haapajärvi toimii parhaillaan vierailevana tutkijana Hel-

Linda Haapajärven (vas.) ja Silja Häkkisen valmistautumista

singin yliopistossa sosiologian laitoksella, Häkkinen jatkaa

Fulbright-vuoteensa ja stipendikauttaan Yhdysvalloissa.

väitöskirjatyötään Yhdysvalloissa vielä toisen lukuvuoden:

Sarjan viimeisessä osassa stipendiaatit tekevät yhteenvedon

”Tämän osittain mahdollisti Fulbright Centerin myöntämä

Fulbright-vuodesta ja pohtivat tulevaisuutta.

Renewal Grant -stipendi”, Häkkinen kertoo. Renewal-stipendiä voivat hakea kaikki Fulbright Centerin stipendiaatit, jotka

Yhdysvaltain vuosi mahdollisti Haapajärvelle ja Häkkiselle

jatkavat stipendivuotensa jälkeen samoja opintoja, joihin var-

paitsi tutkimuksen teon huippuyliopistossa, myös tilaisuuden

sinainen stipendi myönnettiin.

monipuoliseen verkostoitumiseen.

Lähitulevaisuudessa molemmilla on tähtäimessään tohtorin

”Pääsin hyvin laitoksen jäseneksi ja osallistumaan semi-

tutkinto. ”Palaan ensi syksynä Helsingin yliopistoon viimeiste-

naareihin ja tapahtumiin sekä tapaamaan valtavan määrän

lemään jatko-opintoni ja kokoamaan väitöskirjani, joka koos-

mielenkiintoisia ihmisiä”, kertoo Harvardissa sosiologian

tuu tekemästäni tutkimuksesta Helsingin yliopistossa sekä

jatko-opintoja tehnyt Haapajärvi ja toteaa keskusteluiden ja

Columbia-yliopistossa”, Häkkinen kertoo suunnitelmistaan.



Henkilökuvassa alumni

Tutkija Leasa Weimer ja asiantuntija Charles Mathies

Korkeakoulututkimuksen asiantuntijoiksi Jyväskylään ja

nulla oli loistavia mentoreita, jotka

Mundus kehitettiin puolestaan nosta-

Charles Mathies ovat juuri sellaisia

kannustivat jatkamaan yliopistouralla.




Kiinnostuin siitä, miten yliopisto toimii

koulutuksen tasoa ja houkuttelemaan

suomalaiset yliopistot ja korkeakoulut

koneistona. Jokainen yliopisto on erilai-

kansainvälisiä opiskelijoita.

haluavat. Pelkkä vilkaisu molempien

nen, ja ala on jatkuvassa muutoksessa”,

ansioluetteloihin herättää kunnioitus-

Weimer kuvailee kiinnostustaan.

Paljon puhututtavat yliopistojen lukukausimaksut

Erasmus Munduksen ja Fulbrightin vertailua

Kipinä Suomea kohti jäi kytemään.

lutukseen erikoistunut tutkijatohtori. Pariskunnan toi alunperin Suomeen

Erasmus Mundus -maisteriopiskelijana

yliopistossa Weimer päätyikin hakeu-

Fulbright-stipendi ja he ovat asuneet

Weimerin reitti kulki Norjan, Portu-

tumaan takaisin Suomeen, Jyväskylään.

maassa syksystä 2011 lähtien.

galin ja Suomen halki. Lopputyössään





ta. Kumpikin on pitkälle koulutettu ja kansainvälinen



Kiinnostus korkea-asteen koulutukseen heräsi opiskeluaikana Weimerin




Aloitettuaan tohtoriopintonsa Georgian




Weimer vertasi Fulbrightin ja Erasmus

yhtä tämän hetken kuumimmista ai-

Munduksen eroja: millainen historia

heista: yliopistojen lukukausimaksuja.

näillä eri-ikäisillä ohjelmilla on ja miten

Weimer kiinnostui aiheesta jo vuonna

ne ovat päässeet nykyiseen asemaansa.

2007 opiskellessaan Tampereella osana




Erasmus-maisteriohjelmaa. ”Siellä väiteltiin paljon siitä, pi-

koulutukseen heräsi jo opiskeluaikana

sointi osoitti, että Fulbrightin syntyyn

hänen ollessaan oppilaskunta-aktiivi-

liittyy myös onnellista sattumaa. So-


na. Weimer työskenteli 10 vuotta erilai-

tien jälkeen Yhdysvalloilla oli ympä-

periä lukukausimaksuja. Kiinnostuin

sissa suhdetoiminnan tehtävissä ennen

ri Eurooppaa paljon sotatarvikkeita,

aiheesta, ja jatkoin sen seuraamista

hakeutumistaan maisteri- ja tohtori-

joita se ei voinut kuljettaa takaisin.


opintoihin vuonna 2008.

Fulbright ideoi, että tarvikkeet myy-













alumnien ja vanhempien kanssa. Mi12






koulutusvaihtoa.” Vuonna 2004 käynnistynyt Erasmus




Kun vuonna



väitöskirjaohjaajalleni.” Weimer



Henkilökuvassa alumni

stipendiaatiksi ja hän sai keskittyä tut-

tehokkaampi kaikilla mittareilla. Tämä

kimukseen yhdeksän kuukauden ajan.

on ollut entistä keskeisempää vuoden




yllätti minut. Ylioppilaskunnat vas-

2010 voimaan tulleen yliopistouudistuksen jälkeen.

tustavat eniten lukukausimaksuja. Ti-

”Aiemmin yliopistojen ei tarvinnut

lanne on mielenkiintoinen, sillä moni

tehdä juuri mitään itse. Yliopistolain

tulevaisuuden johtaja kasvaa rooliinsa

uudistuksen jälkeen yliopistot joutuvat

nimenomaan ylioppilaskunnassa. Sa-

olemaan aktiivisempia. Myös kilpailu

masta syystä moni poliitikko on hel-

on kiristymässä. Uusi rahoitusmalli

posti samaa mieltä ylioppilaskuntien

korostaa lopputuotoksia, ja toimintaa





Weimer näkisi lukukausimaksutto-

kehittäminen on ollut aivan keskeis-

man vaihtoehdon Suomen kannalta hy-

tä parin ensimmäisen vuoden aikana.

vänä. Hän ei kuitenkaan usko, että malli

Järjestelmistä piti luoda sellaiset, että

kestää. Suomi on taipuvainen nyökyt-

saamme analysoitavaa tietoa strate-

telemään sekä muiden EU-maiden että

gisen päätöksenteon tueksi. Aiemmin

Pohjoismaiden kehitykselle.

yliopistolla ei ollut tarpeeksi tietoa esimerkiksi siitä, miten opiskelijat edisty-

Talo myyntiin ja Suomeen Mathiesin


vät opinnoissaan.” korkea-as-

Äitiyspakkaus ja muita hyvinvointivaltion ihmeellisyyksiä

Leasa Weimer valmisteli väitöskirjaan-

Työkiireiden lisäksi Weimer ja Mathies

maksuista Fulbright-stipendillä vuonna

sivesi meni, kun hän oli tilastotieteen



kurssilla tohtoriopiskelijana. Ja minä

Heille syntyi kesäkuussa Aspen-tytär,

teen tilastotiedettä työkseni. Puhumme

mikä on tuonut Suomessa asumiseen

äitini kanssa nykyäänkin puhelimessa

aivan uuden näkökulman. Ilmainen

korkea-asteen koulutuksesta”, Mathies

terveydenhuolto äitiyspakkauksineen,


pitkä äitiysvapaa ja muut suomalaisen

teen koulutukseen juontaa juurensa lapsuudesta. ”Kasvoin kampuksella. Äitini lap-



sa suomalaisten yliopistojen lukukausi-

Mathiesille tulo Suomeen merkitsi

hyvinvointivaltion edut saavat mo-


kaikin puolin hyppyä tuntemattomaan.

lemmilta kiitosta. Ero Amerikkaan on

tai kansainvälisessä yliopistossa. Myös

Suhde Weimerin kanssa oli vielä tuo-


johtotehtävät esimerkiksi alumniasioi-

re, mutta mies lopetti kokopäiväisen

”Myös Aspen on nukkunut öitään

työnsä, myi talonsa ja autonsa ja lähti


ennakkoluulottomasti rakkaansa mat-


kaan – asumaan ensimmäistä kertaa ulkomailla. yliopisto





den parissa kiinnostavat. Haluaisin jatkaa myös tutkimusta”, Weimer toteaa. Mathies uskoo niinikään jatkavansa

Yksi ihmetyksen aihe oli tutkijan paikan saaminen Jyväskylän yli-

Riskinotto kannatti, sillä Jyväskylän








työtään ja tutkimustaan korkea-asteen koulutuksen parissa. Onko myös arkenne täynnä korkeaasteen koulutusta?


”Tämä tapahtui pari kuukautta en-

”Tämä on hyvä aihe illallispöytään”,

Suomessaan ollessaan pariskunta myös

nen laskettua aikaa, ja olen nyt yhdek-

molemmat vitsailevat, mutta vaka-


sän kuukauden äitiysvapaalla. Näin ei

voituvat: ”Kun toiselta pyytää palau-

”Aloin olla myös lähellä loppuun pa-

ikinä tapahtuisi Yhdysvalloissa, sillä

tetta, saa oikeasti hyvää ja rakentavaa

lamista, sillä työskentelin Amerikassa

siellä raskaana olevia naisia yleensä


50-60 tuntia viikossa. Kaipasin uutta



Äitiysvapaa saa Weimerin tuntemaan

Yliopiston sisäistä analysointia

jopa katkeransuloisia tuntemuksia.

Riittääkö aika muuhun ja miltä Suomi maistuu? ”Harrastan ja opetan joogaa. Tätä on

”Se on samaan aikaan sekä kirous

äitiysloman aikana ikävä. Molemmat

Mathies on keskittynyt yliopistojen

että etuoikeus. Myös kirous, sillä osa

pidämme matkustamisesta ja muihin



minusta on amerikkalaisen mallin mu-

kulttuureihin sukeltamisesta. Ja rakas-

tä. Juuri tämä erityisosaaminen auttoi

kaisesti tottunut työskentelemään ja

tamme suomalaista talvea”, Weimer

Mathiesia saamaan asiantuntijan tehtä-

tavoittelemaan koko ajan jotakin.



vän Jyväskylän yliopistosta. Institutional

Aivan toimettomana Weimer ei pysy

Research -nimellä tunnettu tutkimusala

äitiyslomallakaan. Hän on Erasmus

on Suomen yliopistoissa vielä uutta.

Mundus opiskelija- ja alumniyhdis-

Myös Mathies korostaa viihtyvänsä hyvin Suomessa. ”Läheisyys



”Institutional Research tuli Pohjois-

tyksen johtaja sekä Fulbright Centerin

Amerikkaan 60-70 vuotta sitten. Idea-

alumniyhdistyksen hallituksen jäsen

na on tutkia yliopistoja sisältä käsin ja


luistelemista töihin.

Kohti korkeakoulumaailman johtotehtäviä

pääsen melkein ovelta ovelle luistimil-

tarjota johdolle työkaluja strategiseen päätöksentekoon.” Mathiesin vastuulla on luoda Jyväskylän yliopistoon toimivat sisäisen tut-

”Minulla ei ole yksittäistä tavoitetta

kimuksen käytännöt: tehdä yliopistosta

uraani koskien. Voisin olla korkeissa

Täällä asiat ovat myös järjestyksessä.” Mathies suunnittelee jopa jään ylitse ”Aion ehdottomasti tehdä sen, sillä la. Mikä mahdollisuus!” Teksti ja kuvat: Heidi Lehmuskumpu



An International Vision Newly-appointed University of Helsinki Rector and Fulbright alumnus Jukka Kola talks about the value of the Fulbright program, his view of Finland’s international future, and preparing to celebrate the 375th birthday of Finland’s oldest university. Fresh from welcoming almost two hundred new international resear-

Photo: University of Helsinki / Linda Tammisto

chers to the University of Helsinki, Professor Jukka Kola speaks enthu-



siastically about his new role as Rector, to which he was formally appointed in August of this year. A professor of agricultural policy and economics who comes from a farming family, Kola has built a long and successful career as a researcher, as well as a highly-regarded university teacher and administrator at the University of Helsinki. Kola served as Dean and Vice-Rector before being chosen for the top spot at Finland’s top university earlier this year. Now starting his five-year term of office, Kola says he has an ambitious vision for the future of the university, that of an international research institution amongst the best in the world.

“The University of Helsinki is in the

to come and work here, and because of

top 100 worldwide, but we’re aiming at

our ageing population, we are going to

the top 50. The new members of staff

need even more in future. Universities

I spoke to this morning are excellent

have a role to play, as we already attract

examples of international talent who

a lot of international talent. One of the

have chosen to come to Finland to con-

big challenges we now face is encoura-

tinue their careers, and they’re already

ging students to stay on after they have

fulfilling our strategy,” he explains.


Apart from high quality science and





education, it’s not easy to generalise the

this alone, says Kola. “We also need

reasons behind Helsinki’s increasing

the cooperation of other organisations,

popularity, says Kola. “Some people

particularly employers. Sometimes the-

come because of family or romance, but

re is an expectation that foreigners will

for many others Finland is an attractive

be ready-made workers who are comp-

place to live and work. Nowadays if you

letely integrated into Finnish culture,

are a stable, safe and secure country it

but that’s unrealistic. I would like to see

matters more and more. This hasn’t

more companies and organisations of-

been a marketing issue for Finland in

fering the possibility to work in English,

the past, but now it’s quite decisive, es-

and to taking into account that people

pecially when you look at other Europe-

come from different cultures. We need

an countries that are suffering the ef-

more flexibility, more freedom. Finland

fects of the financial crisis, particularly

has been successful creating a society

in youth employment.”

where it’s good to live, but we can still

At the moment, approximately ten per cent of the university’s most seni-

Photo: University of Helsinki / Ari Aalto

Alumni in Focus

make it easier for international people to adjust to living here.”

or professors are international, rising

Universities also have a role to play

to a figure of twenty per cent across

in developing international research

the whole academic staff. Of course,

and knowledge transfer, Kola suggests,

a greater percentage of international

noting successful collaborations with

staff means the university scores fi-

partners such as the Finnish Fulbright

gures more prominently in the global

Center and the US Embassy in Helsinki,

rankings. However, Kola calls improved

led by Ambassador Bruce J. Oreck. ”The

rankings a “side effect” of the broader

US Ambassador has been very active

vision for the university he and his col-

and supportive. He helped to organize

leagues are working to develop. Ran-

common activities with the university

kings are not the objective, but rather

library, signing a new agreement with

the evidence of work already well done.

the University of Helsinki in 2010 for

In the past, a lot of Finns went to the States during their university studies, but this has diminished to some extent since Finland joined the EU. If we didn’t have Fulbright, the focus would now be even stronger on Europe.

“We need to ask ourselves, are we

access to the Embassy’s collection of

tem, due to its reputation as being in the

advancing science and new knowledge,

books and other materials through the

top three worldwide.” Kola attributes

or just rankings? I believe that having

American Resource Center. The ARC

this in part to Finland’s teacher-centric

a community of international staff and

moved to Helsinki University’s Main

education policy. “All teachers are edu-

students improves the quality of our

Library in 2012. We’ve also worked to-

cated to at least Master’s-level, and it’s a

research and teaching. It brings new

gether on seminars about politics, cul-

highly respected profession in Finland.

ideas, new points of view, and more

ture and industry.”

There’s also a lot of freedom for teach-

open-minded thinking. Finland is a

Kola adds that Finnish scientists

ing staff at all three levels of education.

small country, and we need new ideas

have also contributed expertise on

Of course they have to meet curricular

to challenge us. We want to attract more

energy-saving and environmental is-

goals within certain budget constraints,

international people at all levels, not

sues for the US Embassy’s new Inno-

but how they make those goals happen

only academics, but also the infrastruc-

vation Center in Helsinki – one of the

is up to them.”

ture that supports them – administra-

most energy efficient buildings in the

Kola feels passionately about equa-

tion, decision making, fund-raising and

Department of State’s portfolio. “We

lity of educational opportunities, and

so on. Hiring a consulting firm to do this

have a lot of know-how in green and

prior to his appointment as rector, he

isn’t as effective as integrating someo-

clean technologies in Finland,” says

worked as part of Finland’s Council for

ne into the permanent staff – this has

Kola, “This is an economic area that will

Lifelong Learning, which aims to enable

much longer-term impact.”

become increasingly important for us in

people from all walks of life and all ages


to access learning opportunities. This

Working Towards a More International Society




inclusive educational philosophy also

have much to offer to international

means encouraging students to expand

Kola says that this need for interna-

partners, Kola suggests, including sha-

their horizons through opportunities

tionalisation is not limited to Finland’s

ring knowledge and expertise regarding

such as the Fulbright program. “If you

higher education. “Finland should also

Finland’s highly-respected education

go to study abroad you have to make

be much more international. At the

system. “In recent years, especially in

some sacrifices, but these are worth it.

moment we don’t have a very inter-

the education sector, there has been a

It can definitely help to develop your ca-

national society, but we need people

great deal of interest in our school sys-

reer later on.”



It’s typical that when someone goes to a new place and enjoys it there, they come back home and talk about their experience. That’s the best way to build a reputation, by enabling people to experience it for themselves, and then talk about it.

abroad was in Canada, where he under-

like I had joined a very active and high-

took practical farm training alongside

quality research community.”

several other Finnish students. “It was “We drove tractors and were involved

Part of an International Research Community

hands-on in day to day farming tasks.”

The links Kola forged during his Ful-

Later, in the mid-1980s, he studied at

bright year continue to this day. Kola

the University of Arkansas, Fayettevil-

has collaborated with former colleagues

le. “Of course, that’s where Fulbright

at the University of Illinois on joint ar-

was from, and I can still remember his

ticles and projects, and his own stu-

statue on the University Campus. Bill

dents benefit from contact with these

Clinton was governor of Arkansas then.

international research networks.

really hard work,” he recalls, smiling.

It was a really interesting time to be there.” This early experience of study abroad – something of a grass-roots effort,

“It led to a kind of community,” he explains. “When you meet interesting people, you follow where they go and see how they develop.”

largely organized by the Finnish Agri-

That’s the vision Kola has for inter-

cultural students’ association Sampsa

national staff who visit the University of

– piqued Kola’s interest in pursuing in-

Helsinki. “It’s typical that when someo-

ternational study. In 1989-1990, he was

ne goes to a new place and enjoys it the-

awarded an ASLA-Fulbright scholarship

re, they come back home and talk about

to the University of Illinois, Urbana-

their experience. That’s the best way to

Kola, as a former Fulbright grantee, is

Champaign, investigating agricultural

build a reputation, by enabling people to

convinced of the importance of the Ful-

economics and policy as part of his doc-

experience it for themselves, and then

bright program as part of his vision of

toral research project.

talk about it.”

Forging Links through Fulbright

internationalisation, and particularly

“Illinois was one of the possible

This sense of community, Kola ex-


partner institutions offered by Ful-

plains, is a characteristic of top-level

American relations. “It’s very impor-

bright at the time, and it turned out to

universities, particularly those with a

tant to have this kind of international

be an excellent opportunity for me,”

long tradition. “At 373 years old, we fit

exchange, and Fulbright is particularly

Kola explains. “There were some young

nicely into that category,” Kola says,

significant as a point of connection with

professors in agricultural economics

“Long term development is how you

the US. In the past, a lot of Finns went to

working there, who had come from the

create universities; it cannot happen

the States during their university stu-

University of Chicago – one of the top

overnight. We want our university to be

dies, but this has diminished to some

economics universities in the world,

well known, and we want to continue

extent since Finland joined the EU. If we

with a lot of Nobel prize-winners on

telling our story not only within Finland

didn’t have Fulbright, the focus would

the faculty. These young professors and

but also around the world.”

now be even stronger on Europe.”

researchers at Illinois were eager to de-




Kola’s own first experience of study

velop their research and ideas, and I felt

Lue Environmental Stewardship -stipendiaatin tarina verkossa

Text: Louisa Gairn

Suomalaisten opiskelijoiden määrä yhdysvaltalaisissa yliopistoissa kasvanut Yhdysvaltalaisissa


opiskeli kaikkiaan 691 suomalaista lukuvuonna 2012-2013. Lukumäärä on noin kahdeksan prosenttia edellisvuoden määrää (640) suurempi. Suomessa puolestaan opiskeli 256 yhdysvaltalaista lukuvuonna 2011-2012. Tiedot käyvät Päivi Pirhonen vietti kesällä viisi viikkoa Kansas State Universityssä, missä hän

ilmi kansainvälistä liikkuvuutta käsit-

osallistui Summer Institute for European Student Leaders on Environmental Stewardship

televästä Open Doors 2013 –raportista,

-ohjelmaan. Kesän 2014 Summer Institute -stipendi tulee hakuun alkuvuodesta

jonka on julkaissut yhdysvaltalainen

2014. Tarkemmat tiedot julkaistaan Fulbright Centerin verkkosivulla.

Institute of International Education (IIE).

Lue Päivin kirjoitus ”Kesästipendiaattina Kansasista” osoitteessa www.fulbright.fi/ fi/stipendiohjelma-kandidaattitason-opintoihin/summer-institute/pirhonen.



Open Doors 2013 –raportista on saatavilla osoitteessa www.fulbright.fi.




Canadian Student Life With over ninety Canadian universities and even more colleges, it’s a near impossible task to define what exactly is the quintessential Canadian student life experience. In a nutshell, Canadian student life is defined by the mere fact that there are differences among the different schools in Canada. Much like the pieces of a puzzle, there are no two schools alike. Below are just a few of the many pos-

ing details of your club before receiving

ropean schools. In Canada, being both

sible realms for students to carve out


a participant and/or spectator is a great

their own experiences. In the end, your

way of immersing yourself in school

life at a Canadian university is the re-

Residence Life

sult of what you truly want. The sky is

Many schools will give first-year stu-

The athletes who are chosen to rep-

the limit and it’s up to you to define how

dents a guaranteed residence offer. Liv-

resent a school in a particular sport are

you want your four, five, or so years in

ing on residence allows new students to

often referred to as ‘varsity athletes.’

Canada to be.

immerse themselves in a community

However, you do not have to be a

that cannot be replicated with living

stellar athlete in order to be active in

off-campus. For many, being able to


City versus Town


Sometimes, your experience as a stu-

live with other first-year students is a

Intramural sports allow students of

dent in Canada will be largely crafted

crucial factor in getting accustomed to

varying skill levels to participate in a

and influenced by where your school is

living and studying in university.

variety of sports in a friendly, some-

geographically located. Some towns are

Since most students will have to

what competitive manner. In many

considered ‘university towns’ due to the

move off-campus after their freshman

schools, the type of sports offered on

fact that a huge majority of its inhabit-

year, living in residence is an excellent

an intramural may vary. You could ex-

ants for most of the year are students.

way to meet others and foster relation-

pect your usual activities such as soccer

These towns often have many services

ships with potential roommates. Plus,

and basketball, but then you might have

and stores catered largely for the stu-

many communities in student housing

more unconventional sports such as

dent population.

will be lead by a residence advisor (RA).

Quidditch — a modified version of the

Bigger cities, on the other hand, are

Your RA is an important figure in set-

same activity made popular through the

a different story. For example, Toronto

tling into the community. Oftentimes,

Harry Potter series — and flag football

is a city with over 187,000 students. But

if you have any pressing questions or

to name a few.

this number is miniscule in compari-

inquiries, your RA will be the first per-

son to its total population of about 2.6

son you get in touch with since they

More Information

million people. Two other cities with a

are always an upper year student with

To learn more about the different ways

similar scene would be Vancouver and

a strong understanding of how your

to get involved, take a look at your pro-

Montreal. In such cities, you are a stu-

school works.

spective university. Information would

dent first, and whatever you choose to

often be organized under sections titled

be. Your life as a student in these cities

Volunteering Abroad

is not restricted or defined by campus

Lately, the option of completing volun-

borders. Oftentimes, students will find

teer projects abroad has been a popular

themselves falling into lifestyles that

option for many university students.

Association of Universities

extend beyond the campus.

Similar with going on a study exchange,

and Colleges Canada (AUCC)

there are a number of services available


for students to use in order to help sim-

Maclean’s On Campus blog

Getting involved with the different

plify the overall process of arranging for


types of clubs, councils, and societies on

volunteer trips abroad.


Clubs, Councils, and Societies

campus is often as easy as writing down

There are a number of different or-

your contact information on a sign-up

ganizations out there with the purpose


of helping you plan your volunteer trip

e.g. ‘Campus Life’ or ‘Get Involved’. Below are several websites of interest:

Citizen and Immigration Canada www.cic.gc.ca/english/study/

If you’re looking for people who share

abroad. In the end, it’s all about doing

the same interests as you, there’s a very

the research in selecting the right pro-

Text: Sophia Luu

good chance that there will already be

gram for you.

is an undergraduate student at the Univer-

a student group for you. However, if

sity of Toronto and, as a part of her Hart

that is not the case, it is pretty easy to


House Exchange in Finland, she interned at

set up and receive support for starting

Student athletics are an integral, but

the Fulbright Center during summer 2013.

your own club. Many student unions

completely optional, part of being a stu-

will have money set aside for clubs; all

dent in Canada. This is often a concept

Photo: Hart House, a student activity center

you have to do is sort out the operat-

that simply does not exist among Eu-

at the University of Toronto (wikipedia.org)



Highlight of the American Fall in Finland August arrival orientation marks the beginning of a Fulbright grant term for those American grantees, who arrive in Finland in late summer. After receiving their Kalevala, the Finnish national epic, upon completing the orientation, the grantees headed over to their Finnish host institutions around the country.

State Secretary for the Minister of Education and Science Pilvi Torsti (left), Ambassador Bruce J. Oreck, and Executive Director Terhi Mölsä greeted Fulbright grantees and guests at the reception in honor of the 2013–14 Fulbright grantees hosted by Ambassador Oreck at the U.S. Embassy Innovation Center.

The Department for Communications and Culture at the Ministry for Foreign Affairs hosted the final orientation day, which concentrated on Finnish society, economy, foreign policy and the Finnish language. Director General of Communication Mr. Jouni Mölsä welcomed Fulbright scholars and students and gave an overview of Finnish foreign policy.

In mid-October Fulbrighters gathered in Turku at the American Voices seminar organized now for the 21st time. Since their fall arrival Fulbrighters have engaged themselves, in addition to their studies and research, in numerous activities giving talks and lectures at different events, and visiting interesting sites.

Connecting and Networking at the Orientation “I usually do not like orientations,” a

and a half intense days, during which

grantee began his feedback after the

Fulbright scholars and students get to

orientation in Helsinki, only to continue

know each other and start network-

that, to his big surprise, he had immen-

ing with their hosts, Fulbright alumni,

sely enjoyed the seminar and regretted

Fulbright Center’s partners and friends,

that it was over!

and many others. Furthermore, they

The orientation consisted of three

get an introduction to Finnish education and science, economy, history, foreign policy, language as well as culture and communication styles. In addition to program arranged by the Fulbright Center, scholars and students are also hosted by the U.S. Embassy, the ASLAFulbright Alumni Association, Sibelius Senior Secondary School, the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland as well as Ateneum, the National Art Museum.





In October, the American Fulbrighters

brighter presented on a topic of their

came together for the annual American

own choosing to an audience of nearly a

Voices seminar, organized in cooperati-

hundred students and faculty, with this

on by the Fulbright Center and the Uni-

year’s presentations ranging from mar-

versity of Turku North American Studies

ching bands and fiddle music to toxic

Program. The two-day event in Turku

homes and alternative food practices.

was an opportunity to share and reflect

Fulbright student Marja Mundy noted

on experiences in Finland with fellow

that “participating in the American

Fulbrighters and with Fulbright Center

Voices Seminar was a wonderful experi-

staff, to do a bit of sightseeing in the

ence, especially because it gave all of us

historical city of Turku, and to gather for

Fulbrighters an opportunity to gather. I

a wonderful dinner in a restaurant boat

enjoyed getting updates on everyone's

by the beautiful River Aura.

work, life, and hearing them speak on

During the seminar itself, each Ful-

topics that they feel passionately about - I learned so much about so many different things!”

Coordinator Janne Korkka of the North

The newly established John Morton

American Studies Program at the University

Center, meant to become a Finnish hub

of Turku thanked the Fulbrighters for a won-

for multidisciplinary research on North

derful seminar. “Once again, Fulbright visi-

America, was introduced at the semi-

tors lend their expertise to create the high

nar by Rector emeritus Keijo Virtanen

point of the season for the North American

of the University of Turku, who led the

Studies Program.” In the picture Korkka (left)

planning committee for the center.

with Fulbright student Marja Mundy.

More on page 7.

Executive Director Terhi Mölsä of the Fulbright Center (left) and Vice-Rector Tapio Reponen of the University of Turku opened the twenty-first American Voices seminar.

Thanksgiving in Finland: Parliament and a Chocolate Factory...? The Fulbright Center traditionally ar-

tory is a dream come true to anyone who

ranges several enrichment events for

likes chocolate and sweets. The dream

the U.S. grantees around the time of

came true to Fulbrighters on Thanks-

American Thanksgiving. This year

giving Thursday when they visited the

Thanksgiving in Finland included a

over 100 year-old company in Vantaa,

visit to the Finnish Parliament and a

watched informative and entertaining

chocolate factory.

introductory films, were taken on a guided tour and above all, had a chance to

Guy Lindström, Deputy Director of

eat as much chocolate as they liked!

the International department hosted

The Thanksgiving enrichment ac-

Fulbrighters on their visit to the Par-

tivities included also a visit to the mu-

liament and introduced the Finnish

seum of contemporary art, KIASMA,

Parliamentary system to the grantees.

and a Thanksgiving dinner hosted by

Fulbrighters also had an opportunity

Fulbright Bicentennial Chair Frederick

to hear an update on current affairs in


EU matters during the lunch hosted by

Perhaps not your most traditional

MP Miapetra Kumpula-Natri, Chair of

Thanksgiving but certainly something

the Grand Committee, which serves as

to talk about!

Parliament’s EU Committee. Mr. Rami Kurth took the group to follow the Plenary Session and gave an informative guided tour of the Parliament House. A visit to Fazer’s confectionary fac-



Alumni News

ASLA-Fulbright Alumni Association Anniversary The ASLA-Fulbright Alumni Association's 60th Anniversary Year culminated at a celebration at the Korjaamo Culture Factory. The event was organized together with a longtime cooperation partner, the League of Finnish American Societies, which celebrated its 70th anniversary. Reception opened the evening, and continued with a concert by UMO jazz orchestra and an American artist Jamie Davis. In the photo, Ambassador Jukka Valtasaari, Chair of the LFAS and President of the ASLA-Fulbright Alumni Association Marianna Sydänmaanlakka.

FinnFest: Festival for Finnish Culture Lovers The Fulbright Center and alumni of the Finnish Fulbright program participated generously in the 2013 FinnFest held in Hancock, Michigan. There were over 5,000 people in attendance, and some 200 lectures, Sámi-themed programming, musical performances, films, exhibits, tours, events of various types, and a Tori marketplace with 100 vendors selling Finnish crafts, design items, books, CDs, and giving away information on Finnish education and Fulbright grant opportunities! Read the entire story and see the full list of Fulbright presenters and their topics at www.fulbright.fi/en/read-online/ finnfest-festival-finnish-culture-lovers. Alumni Julene Johnson (left), Gerry and Margaret Schueman, promote Fulbright at the Fulbright Center Tori booth.

Fulbright Arctic Workshop International Fulbright Arctic Workshop held at the Abisko

Nelson (University of Oulu beginning 2014), Executive

Scientific Research Station in northern Sweden gathered to-

Director Terhi Mölsä from the Fulbright Center in Finland,

gether some of the world's brightest scientists focusing on

Matt Ayres from Dartmouth College (Fulbright in Finland

resilience, climate change, governance, and security in the

1985-1986), Sophia Albov from University of Montana and

Arctic. The findings of the workshop “Shaping Arctic Change

the University of Helsinki (Fulbright in Finland 2013-2014),

through Conscious Choices” will be summarized into a syn-

Amy Lauren Lovecraft from University of Alaska Fairbanks

thesis paper on the key issues identified as being necessary

(Fulbright Inter-Country in Finland 2011), Paul Burgess

to shape Arctic change in a conscious and deliberate manner.

from Tulane University (Fulbright in Finland 2011-2012), and






Bruce Forbes from the University of Lapland (Fulbright in

represented by seven alumni and grantees (pictured above,

Finland 1994-1995). More information about the workshop at

left to right): Tim Frandy from the University of Wisconsin–


Madison (Fulbright in Finland 2009-2010), Christopher 20


Photo: Lawrence Hislop

ons i t c ne Con

er Corn

Fulbright grants open doors! People meet, make connections, and develop cooperations with lasting effect. Some connections are scholarly, some personal, and others of a business nature, possibilities are endless! A few of our grantees offer examples of their continuing cooperation.

Kroc Fellow at National Public Radio Rae Ellen Bichell is a Kroc Fellow at National Public Radio in Washington, D.C. During the one-year fellowship, she will report and produce stories for the web and for broadcast. Right now, she's contributing to NPR blogs, writing about everything from jeans to birds. Fulbright-University of Helsinki Graduate Award 2012-2013

An International Look on National Libraries John Helling has published a book comparing varying national policies on public libraries: “Public Libraries and

Connecting in New York

their National Policies: International

Kirsi Cheas and Päivi Pietilä, current

Surprise Meeting with Mrs. Harriet Fulbright

Case Studies.” John’s Fulbright proj-

Finnish Fulbrighters in New York City,

Sanna Ojanperä had the honor of meet-

ect focused on Finnish national library

were taken on an informal tour of the

ing Mrs. Harriet Fulbright at the Finnish

policy as a model for best practices in

Tribeca neighborhood in Lower Man-

Embassy in Washington, D.C. during a

the United States, and the book utilizes

hattan and the waterfront by Cheryl J.

Fulbright Embassy Reception.

the work he completed during his time

Fish, Fulbright Lecturer, University of

ASLA-Fulbright Graduate Grantee

in Finland.

Tampere, 2007 and docent in the De-

American University 2011-2012

Mid-Career Professional Development Grant, Helsinki City Library, 2011-2012

partment of World Cultures at University of Helsinki.

Fighting Bullying Benjamin Alldritt is working on a startup company for bullying reporting and prevention in school with a team formed mostly with students from the Aalto University. The team is developing an application called BullySpot which aims to be an anonymous reporting application for use by children. The team is currently collecting votes for their application in a startup competition. See further information at www. bullyspot.co. Benjamin came to Finland in the Fulbright U.S. Student Program in 2010 and has lived in Finland since. U.S. Graduate Student Grantee, HAMK University of Applied Sciences 2010-2011

Connecting in Helsinki

Solo Exhibition in Pori

In Helsinki, three Fulbright alumni came

for whom Professor Jernvall served as a

Green the Land) runs through January

together for a minisymposium in devel-

host during her Fulbright visit.

19, 2014 at the Pori Art Museum, part





Punalle, Maat Sinelle (Red the Trees &

opmental biology organized for the one-

of a series on international performan-

hundredth birthday of enamel knot re-

John Hunter,

ce art I Perform, Therefore I am. Many of

search and the fiftieth birthday of one of

Fulbright U.S. Graduate Student Grantee,

Cherie’s works were created in Koli Na-

the leading researchers in the field, Pro-

University of Helsinki, 1989-1990

fessor Jukka Jernvall (on right)—both

Jukka Jernvall,

U.S. Graduate Student Grantee 1997-1998

anniversaries worth commemorating.

ASLA-Fulbright Graduate Student Grantee,

and Fulbright Scholar Grantee 2010-2011

Speaking at the minisymposium were

Stony Brook University, 1991-1992

Professor John Hunter whose Fulbright

Katherine MacCord,

visit to Finland inspired Jernvall to in turn

Fulbright-CIMO Graduate Student Grantee,

visit the U.S., and Katherine MacCord

University of Helsinki, 2012-2013

tional Park in Eastern Finland.



News / Uutisia Appointment News from the Board The




Mr. Jeffrey K. Reneau who succeeds Mr. David McGuire on the Fulbright Cen-

Fulbright Center numeroina 2013 Tilastot ovat FC:n tilikaudelta 1. 10. 2012–30. 9. 2013

ter Board of Directors. Mr. Reneau is the Counselor for Press and Public Affairs at the American Embassy in Helsinki. In the December 2013 meeting, Mr. Reneau was elected as the Board Chair. Jeffrey Reneau arrived in Finland in November, 2013. He came from Kolkata, Mr. Jeffrey K. Reneau

India where he was the Director of the American Center. Prior to his tour in

India, he served at the United States Mission to the United Nations (USUN), as the Special Advisor to the U.S. Representative for UN Management and Reform, and Political Advisor to the U.S. Permanent Representative to the UN. Before his tenure at USUN, Mr. Reneau served as a Special Assistant to the Secretary of State. Earlier assignments include a one year term as Civilian Observer in the Multinational Force and Observers in the Sinai Peninsula, verifying Camp David Treaty limits, in addition to Political and Management tours at the U.S. Embassies in Japan and Belarus, respectively. Mr. Reneau studied International Education and Policy Administration at Harvard University, earning a Master’s degree in Education. He received a Bachelor’s degree in International Relations from Georgetown University. We would like to take this opportunity to sincerely thank Mr. McGuire for his dedicated service, and welcome Mr. Reneau to the Board. There are altogether eight Board members: four U.S. and four Finnish members. The U.S. members are appointed by the American Embassy and the Finnish members by the Ministry of Education and Culture.

•• Asiakaskontakteja 3 850, joista kansainvälisen alan ammattilaisia n. 26 % •• Infotilaisuuksia ja tapahtumia 78, joissa yhteensä yli 2 300 osallistujaa •• Verkkovierailijoita 46 600

Stipendiohjelmat •• Yhteensä 77 stipendiaattia, joista 43 suomalaista ja 34 amerikkalaista stipendiaattia •• Yhteisstipendit mukaan lukien jaettu yli 880 000 euroa apurahoina

Fulbright Centerin rahoitus •• 79,5 % Suomesta (Tukisäätiö, Suomen valtio, yksityiset säätiöt, suomalaiset yliopistot, muut) •• 20 % Yhdysvalloista (18 % Yhdysvaltain valtio, 2 % muut) •• 0,5 % Kanadasta (Kanadan valtio)

Vuoden 2013 kohokohtia •• ASLA-Fulbright alumni ry:n 60-vuotisjuhlavuosi: useita juhlavuoden tapahtumia

Uusia stipendiohjelmia •• The Fulbright-University of Tampere Scholar Award •• Fulbright Center Partnership Awards for Undergraduate Students: Vanderbilt University •• Summer Institutes for European Student Leaders:

Alumni and Friends Value Fulbright Through Gifts to Grant Funds

Environmental Stewardship

The Friends of Fulbright Finland Alumni Enrichment Fund has seen generous donations over the past months. Gifts have been received from our alumni as acknowledged here: Philip Alperson, Gonzalo Arce, Robert Bannister, Stuart N.

Fulbright Center serves as the national EducationUSA center in Finland.

Brotman, Elliott Gorn, Carlton Jackson, Jeffrey Kaplan, Kay J. Kohl, Kenneth Kolson, George Matthews, Jeffrey Meikle, Michael Parrish, Andres Resendez, Allan Winkler, John Wunder. The ASLA-Fulbright Alumni Ambassadorial Award fund has

Fulbright Center advises on higher education in Canada.

been generously supported by Juha Kopio, Anna Kronlund, Matti Laine, Jennifer Saari, Heidi Lehmuskumpu, Linda Haapajärvi, Pekka Mäkelä, Risto Näätänen, Pekka Salonen, Yrjö Sepänmaa, Jari Yli-Kauhaluoma, Vesa Vihriälä, and an anonymous donor. Both funds have also been generously supported by a large number of individuals through the alumni T-shirt campaign. The Fulbright Finland...for the Future campaign is visualized on the new T-shirts available for the first time at the American Grantee orientation in August in Helsinki, and have since been made available both in Finland and in the United States. Numerous Fulbrighters have not only purchased a T-shirt but in the true “Pay what you can” attitude, offered something more as a gift toward the alumni-sponsored grants. To all those who are now the proud owners of the Fulbright T-shirt, many thanks! 22


Toimintaamme tukevat mm.: Support comes to us from:

Suomen ja Yhdysvaltain opetusalan vaihtotoimikunta Finland-U.S. Educational Exchange Commission (FUSEEC)

Vaihtotoimikunnan jäsenet / Fulbright Center Board of Directors Dr. Bo Pettersson

Dr. Bruce Forbes

Ambassador of the United States to Finland

Professor of the Literature of the United States University of Helsinki

Research Professor Arctic Centre University of Lapland

Finnish Members:

Ms. Birgitta Vuorinen

Ms. Amy Hirsch

Dr. Heikki Ruskoaho

Counsellor of Education Ministry of Education and Culture Treasurer

Assistant Counselor for Press and Public Affairs American Embassy

American Members:

Dr. Laura Stark

Mr. Jeffrey K. Reneau

Professor of Ethnology University of Jyväskylä

Honorary Chair:

H.E., Bruce J. Oreck

Professor of Pharmacology and Drug development University of Helsinki Vice Chair

Dr. Matti Kokkala Vice President, Strategic Research, Services and the Built Environment, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland

Counselor for Press and Public Affairs American Embassy Chair


Ms. Terhi Mölsä Executive Director Fulbright Center

Toimikunnan sihteeristö / Fulbright Center Staff Ms. Karoliina Kokko Vastaava ohjelmapäällikkö

Ms. Johanna Lahti

Ms. Saara Martikainen

Senior Program Manager



(grant program oversight)

Deputy Director

(2.5.2014 asti)

p. (044) 5535 268

p. (044) 5535 278

Project Coordinator

• Maisteri- ja

• Fulbright Center News

(Until May 2, 2014)

tohtorivaiheen stipendit • Opettajaohjelma • Neuvonta opiskelusta USA:ssa ja Kanadassa • Alumnikoordinaattori

Ms. Sonja Kuosmanen Ohjelmakoordinaattori Program Coordinator p. (044) 5535 275

(toimituspäällikkö) • Undergraduate-stipendit suomalaisille • Renewal-stipendit suomalaisille

Coordinator (part-time) p. (044) 5535 277 • Verkkopalvelut

neuvonta • Neuvonta opiskelusta USA:ssa

• Tutkija- ja asiantuntija-

Projektikonsultti (osa-aikainen)

• Fulbright-tapahtumat

Suunnittelija (osa-aikainen)

• Testaus ja testeihin liittyvä

Ms. Suzanne Louis


Ms. Tanja Mitchell

• Inter-Country-stipendit

• Distinguished Chairs

• Inter-Country-stipendit

p. (044) 5535 269

• Julkaisut • Fulbright Center News • Neuvonta opiskelusta USA:ssa ja Kanadassa

Project Consultant (part-time)

Ms. Terhi Mölsä

• Friends of Fulbright Finland



• Verkkopalvelut

• Alumnikoordinaattori

• Rekisterit

• Fulbright Center News

Executive Director p. (050) 570 5498

E-mails: firstname.lastname@fulbright.fi

FUSEEC/Fulbright Centerin toimintaa rahoittaa Suomen ja Yhdysvaltain Stipenditoiminnan Tukisäätiö / Säätiön hallitus: The Finland-America Educational Trust Fund / Board of Directors: Finnish members:

American members:

Agent / Säätiön asiamies:

Mr. Jouni Mölsä Director of Communications Department for Communications and Culture Ministry for Foreign Affairs Chair

Ms. Susan Elbow

Ms. Terhi Mölsä Executive Director FUSEEC/Fulbright Center

Ms. Jaana Palojärvi Head of International Relations Finnish Ministry of Education

Deputy Chief of Mission

American Embassy Vice Chair Mr. Jeffrey K. Reneau Counselor for Press and Public Affairs American Embassy

The Finnish members are appointed by the Ministry of Education and the Ministry for Foreign Affairs. The American members are appointed by the American Embassy.



Hakaniemenranta 6 FI-00530 HELSINKI FINLAND

1. 11. 2014–2015 hakuaika päättyy:



joulukuu tammikuu

14. 11. Fulbright Bicentennial Chair in American Studies -professorin virkaanastujaisluento

18. – 22. 11. International Education Week

19. 11. International Education Expo Kaisa-kirjastossa

20. 11. Fulbright Center Lapin yliopiston kvviikolla

28. 11. Thanksgiving: FC suljettu

Fulbright Center Tampereen teknillisen yliopiston kv-kahveilla

21. 11. Fulbright-alumni Cherie Sampsonin vierailuluento FC:ssä

•• MCPD-ohjelma •• Fulbright Grant in Photojournalism sponsored by Patricia Seppälä Foundation

Kevään infotilaisuudet julkaistaan Fulbright Centerin verkkosivulla tammikuun aikana

7. 2. 10th Fulbright North American Studies Roundtable

3. – 4. 12. Fulbright Center Studia-messuilla

29. 2. Fulbright Center Jyväskylän yliopistolla


18. 11. Fulbright Center Aalto yliopiston kv-messuilla

17. – 18. 12. Pohjoismaiden Fulbright-komissiot koulutuksessa Fulbright Centerissä

FC suljettu 6. 12. Itsenäisyyspäivä 23. – 27. 12. Joulu 1. 1. Uusi vuosi 6. 1. Loppiainen

Grantees and family visiting the Fazer chocolate factory on Thankgiving Day

12. 12. Vaihtotoimikunnan kokous Fulbright Center Board Meeting

Vaihtotoimikunnan kokous helmikuussa 2014

Fulbright Center Board Meeting February 2014

Fulbright Centerin stipendiohjelmien uudet hakutiedot julkistetaan helmikuussa

31. 3. – 4. 4. Fulbright Center's U.S. Study Tour on Communications and Community Relations


huhtikuu toukokuu

18. 11. INFO: Opiskelu- ja stipendimahdollisuudet Vanderbiltyliopistossa 18. – 20. 11. FC vierailee pääkaupunkiseudun lukioissa Vanderbiltin kanssa

12.5. ORIENTAATIO: Suomalaisten stipendiaattien lähtöorientaatio ja stipendien julkistamistilaisuus

12. – 14. 5. Fulbright Center Korkeakoulujen kansainvälisten asioiden hallinnon kevätpäivillä Tampereella

12. – 16. 5. Fulbright Center Maple Leaf and Eagle -konferenssissa Helsingissä


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