visiting columnist: finnish minister for foreign affairs
ISSUE 70 VOL. 29 FALL 2019
History Unlike Any Other Why Fulbright Matters Now More than Ever New Fulbright-KAUTE Foundation Award
biannual magazine published by the fulbright finland foundation
Critical Role of Exchanges
n 2019 we celebrated the 70th Anniversary of
was established to create global citizens – those
ASLA-Fulbright exchanges. In this Fulbright
who dare to address universal problems with inno-
Finland News issue – fittingly the 70th – our
vative solutions, and create meaningful change.
alumni share the impact of these exchanges on
The relevance and critical role of these exchanges
higher education and research collaboration, the
is only increasing. Miika Tomi, a Finnish foreign
society at large, and how the intellectual and cul-
service officer and Fulbright alum, argues why Ful-
tural exchanges have shaped their own careers and
bright matters now more than ever (p. 8).
Finnish-American exchanges have a history
Our invited columnist, Finnish Minister for For-
unlike any other (p. 5). But while we build on our
eign Affairs Pekka Haavisto underlines the criti-
strong roots and long history, our focus is firmly in
cal role of exchanges in international relations.
the future. Right now we are preparing to launch
He describes how people-to-people contacts have
the call for the third international Fulbright Arc-
served as building blocks for the transatlantic rela-
tic Initiative involving researchers from all eight
tionship (p. 3).
Arctic Council countries (p. 4). We are also getting
The Fulbright Finland Foundation programs
ready to announce several new partnership agree-
have changed and evolved significantly over the
ments that create entirely new Fulbright awards
seven decades, but at their core remains the endur-
and opportunities in transatlantic exchanges. For
ing belief that those who spend time immersed
these and more, stay tuned for 2020!
in another culture will have a profoundly deeper
understanding of the world, build lasting relation-
Terhi Mölsä
ships and return home a more well-rounded and
Chief Executive Officer
empathetic global citizen. The Fulbright program
Fulbright Finland Foundation
10 14 17 20
Administrative Director Immo Aakkula (center on the cover) guiding the Foundation team at National Archives of Finland.
4 News 21 Alumni News 18 Alumni in Focus: Bill Eaton 2 |
Cover photo: Maija Kettunen
2019 – A Year of Celebrations These close people-topeople contacts from early settlers to scholars and students of our times have served as building blocks for the unique nature of the transatlantic relationship.
ith the first snowflakes hitting the
scholars to gain access to educational resources
ground, it is a good time to look back
that were not available in Finland at that time.
at the great year that we have had.
So far, more than 3,800 Finnish students and
The year 2019 marks both the centennial of the
scholars and more than 1,900 Americans have
Finnish-U.S. diplomatic relations and the 70th
had the chance to participate in the educational
anniversary of the ASLA-Fulbright exchange
and professional exchanges. These numbers are
program. I want to take this opportunity to
truly impressive.
express the importance of these two events.
It is reasonable to say that Fulbright Fin-
The formal relationship between Finland
land has played an important and a very pos-
and the United States began 100 years ago, on
itive role in the Finnish–U.S. relationship. On
May 7 1919, when the U.S. Secretary of State
the occasion of our 100th year of independence,
Mr. Lansing cabled Finnish Foreign Minister
the United States presented Finland with a
Mr. Holsti that the Independence of Finland
most welcomed centennial gift of an additional
had been recognized. Three weeks later, the
500,000 USD to the Fulbright Finland Founda-
diplomatic relations were established. How-
tion. This gift is an outstanding way to com-
ever, our shared history goes much further
memorate our close and deep partnership and
back in history. According to the U.S. Office of
we are truly grateful.
the Federal Register, the first Finnish settlers arrived in the United States already in 1638. That
is when Nordics, many of them natives of Fin-
from early settlers to scholars and students of
land or Finnish-speaking Swedes, established
our times have served as building blocks for
the colony of New Sweden in present-day
the unique nature of the transatlantic rela-
Delaware. It has been said that Finns introduced
tionship. No other link holds such significance
the log cabin – hirsimökki - to the Americans -
globally than the relationship between Europe
something that we could call early technology
and the United States. It is based on the same
values and interests across the full spectrum of
Over the past century, our relationship has
fields – politics, economy, education, research
grown into a dynamic and strong bilateral part-
and science, culture and many more. We need
nership. Together we have contributed to the
this partnership to respond to challenges both
growing peace, prosperity, and security for
in our regions and globally. The transatlan-
our peoples and promoted democratic values,
tic relations remain indispensable also for the
including human rights, across the globe.
rules-based international order. It is in our joint interest to safeguard this relationship and to
THE YEAR 2019 also marks the 70th anniver-
keep it strong and vibrant. Finland appreciates
sary of the ASLA program. Finland was one of
the close relationship with the U.S. and values
the first nations to be offered the opportunity
the work the Fulbright Finland Foundation does
to join the ASLA-Fulbright program. The U.S.
tremendously. Let us keep these exemplary
Congress established the program, using Fin-
relations going for the next centennial to come!
land’s own loan repayments dating back to the first years of our independence. The first Finnish ASLA grantees left for the United States in
Pekka Haavisto
1950. This program allowed the students and
Minister for Foreign Affairs | 3
New Fulbright-KAUTE Foundation Award The Fulbright Finland Foundation is pleased to announce its new collaboration agreement with The Finnish Science Foundation for Technology and Economics KAUTE. The agreement launches the Fulbright-KAUTE Foundation Award. The award supports Finnish researchers and profession-
IIE Europe Award for Excellence to the Fulbright Finland Foundation
als in the fields of Economics and Technology to pursue research or professional projects in the U.S. The two foundations have collaborated
since 2016, and the new agreements
tion onto a new level with a joint hyphenated award. “The Fulbright Finland Foundation highly values the collaboration with the KAUTE Foundation.
The award was presented by IIE Pres-
Working together we are able to
Education awarded the 2019 IIE
ident and CEO Allan Goodman to the
offer more opportunities in these
Europe Award for Excellence to
Foundation CEO Terhi Mölsä at a special
important fields,” says Terhi
the Fulbright Finland Foundation. The IIE
reception held in conjunction with the 2019
Mölsä, CEO of the Fulbright Fin-
Europe Award for Excellence recognizes
European Association for International
land Foundation.
outstanding achievement in international
Education EAIE Conference in Helsinki.
education, relevance to European higher
IIE, established in 1919, is among the
education and high impact on the Euro-
world’s largest and most experienced
pean education community.
international exchange organizations. Text: Emmi Jelekäinen
Third Fulbright Arctic Initiative Coming Soon
he highly successful Fulbright
knowledge experts are encouraged to
beginning. The program’s mid-term ple-
Arctic Initiative will soon get a
nary weeks for both rounds were orga-
third round. A new cohort of Arc-
Like the first two rounds, the third
nized by the Fulbright Finland Foundation
tic researchers will be selected through an
Fulbright Arctic Initiative will create a
in Finland, and the second round coin-
open competition launching in early 2020.
network of scholars and researchers to
cided with the Finnish chairmanship of
stimulate international scientific collab-
the Arctic Council.
Approximately 16 scholars from the eight
oration on critical topics such as energy,
Arctic Council member states will be
health and wellbeing, the environment,
selected to engage in individual and col-
and economic sustainability in the Arctic.
laborative research, in-person and vir-
Using a collaborative model to translate
tual meetings, and public engagement
theory into practice, program partici-
on important Arctic issues during an
pants will address public-policy research
18-month program in 2020-22. The pro-
questions relevant to Arctic nations’
gram is open to scholars from any disci-
shared challenges.
pline and at all career stages. Early career
Finland has had a special role in the
scholars and indigenous and traditional
Fulbright Arctic Initiative from the very
4 |
Steve Money Deputy Director, Office of Academic Exchange Programs Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs U.S. Department of State Fulbright Arctic Initiative
History Unlike history-unlike-any-other
Any Other
he history of the Finnish-American Ful-
the materials of the Special Collections at the Uni-
bright program is unlike any other. Finland
versity of Arkansas Libraries (see p. 6-7), and the
was one of the first nations to be offered the
U.S. Library of Congress, and created on its website
opportunity to join the Fulbright Program in 1947.
a page that shares in brief the exceptional history
However, the exchanges were begun with what
of Finnish-American exchanges. Included are also
is known as the ASLA Program (Amerikan Suomen
links to articles and copies of original documents
Lainan Apurahat, Finnish for “Grants from the
that bring to life this unique story, and more links
American Loan to Finland”). ASLA was created by
and materials will be added during the coming year.
the U.S. Congress in 1949 and funded by the repayments of a loan that Finland had received from the United States after the first World War. Fin-
* * *
land was the only country that paid back its debt
What did the Finnish President J.K. Paasikivi write
to the United States, which won Finland enormous
in his personal diary in 1951 about his meeting with
goodwill. The Fulbright agreement was signed in
David Hinshaw, the man behind the idea of using
1952 and the exchanges later became known as
Finnish loan payments for grants? And what were
Senator J. William Fulbright’s arguments when he
In recognition of the 70th Anniversary Year of
defended the ASLA proposal in the Senate Foreign
the exchanges, the Fulbright Finland Foundation
Affairs Committee in July 1949? Find the answers,
has explored its historical records housed at the
and much more here:
National Archives of Finland (cover photo) as well as
Kamalan ihana Amerikka! Mitä Fulbright-vaihdot ovat ja
Anita Lehikoinen, Helsingin Sanomien toimittaja
miksi ne ovat tärkeitä? Ful-
Saska Saarikoski, Fulbright Suomi -säätiön toimi-
bright Suomi -säätiö järjesti
tusjohtaja Terhi Mölsä sekä Itä-Suomen yliopiston
osana 70-vuotisjuhlavuoten-
professori ja Fulbright Suomi -säätiön hallituk-
sen puheenjohtaja Piia Björn. Keskustelua juonsi
kustelun ”Kamalan ihana
toimittaja ja MTV Uutisten uutisankkuri Jaakko
Amerikka – Kansainvälisyys
tuo sivistystä!” Porin Suomi Areenassa heinäkuussa 2019. Kansainvälisyydestä keskustelemassa olivat opetus- ja kulttuuriministeriön
Katso kooste keskustelusta | 5
At the Home of Fulbright The University of Arkansas and the Fulbright Finland Foundation have a special relationship. But what connects the two? Text and photos TERHI MÖLSÄ
ayetteville, the hometown of Senator J. William Fulbright and the flagship campus of the University of Arkansas, hosted an
unforgettable visit for me to reexamine and celebrate the special ties. Born in 1905, Fulbright grew up in Fayetteville, in the hill country of the Ozarks in northwestern Arkansas. He attended the University of Arkansas and was a star player on its football team, the Razorbacks. After graduating, he received a Rhodes scholarship, which brought him from the provincial town to Pembroke College in Oxford, England, from 1925-28. Oxford was a transformational experience. It changed his worldview and laid part of the foundations for the legislation he authored as a junior Arkansas Senator in 1946 to establish
bright Finland Foundation. But there I was late Fri-
the educational exchange program that bears his
day afternoon on a flight from Washington D.C. to
northwestern Arkansas along with Arkansas Sena-
Finland is among the handful of countries that
tor John Boozman, a member of the Senate Appro-
has been associated with the Fulbright Program
priations Committee. We talked about Fulbright
since the very start, and is celebrating the 70th
and the impact and importance of exchanges. The
anniversary of Finnish-American exchanges this
global Fulbright Program is fortunate to have him
year. Over 3,800 Finns and 1,900 U.S. citizens have
in Washington, D.C. as an advocate and supporter.
participated in the programs of the Fulbright Finland Foundation to date.
To celebrate the special relationship between the Fulbright Finland Foundation and the University of Arkansas, I presented to the university a glass
I MET SENATOR FULBRIGHT on his last trip abroad
kuksa. It is our 70th anniversary art piece, modeled
in 1992, three years before his death, when he vis-
after a traditional Finnish, and originally Sámi, cup
ited Helsinki and Tampere and received an honor-
and created and hand-crafted in a limited edition
ary doctorate from the University of Tampere, my
by the American glass artist and Fulbright Finland
alma mater. We had a memorable conversation. He
alum, Jonathan Capps. The memorable recognition
was well aware of Finland’s – and Fulbright Fin-
ceremony took place at a venue laden with symbolic
land’s – exceptional history and was a great friend
importance: in front of the Fulbright Peace Foun-
of Finland and “the courageous Finns”, as he put it.
tain and across from the bronze statue of J. William
Little did I know that 27 years later I would visit
Fulbright, set between Old Main, the historical
his home town in Arkansas as the CEO of the Ful-
campus center which now houses the J. William
6 |
The Fulbright Peace Fountain on the University of Arkansas campus with the bronze statue of Senator J. William Fulbright in the background.
Finland is among the handful of countries that has been associated with the Fulbright Program since the very start.
Fulbright College of Arts and Sciences, and Vol Walker Hall, which formerly housed the university president’s office and now is the home of the Fay Jones School of Architecture and Design. The Dean, Peter MacKeith, is a distinguished alum and supporter of the Fulbright Finland Foundation, and the kuksa will be permanently displayed in his office. This is a fully appropriate coincidence because it is the very same office J. William Fulbright had during his tenure as president of the University of Arkansas from 1939 to 1941. I got to spend time at the Special Collections at
“The Fulbright Legacy Project is dedicated to
the University of Arkansas Libraries, which houses
promoting Arkansas higher education, business
the J. William Fulbright Papers as well as the his-
and government to the worldwide Fulbright com-
torical files of the Bureau for Educational and
munity through the lens of Senator Fulbright’s
Cultural Affairs (ECA) of the U.S. Department of
signature program; and conversely having the
State, and the Council for International Exchange
international Fulbright communities share with
of Scholars Records. The Fulbright Finland Foun-
us their countries benefits and experience,” she
dation is privileged to have its own archive housed
says, extending an invitation for collaboration to
in the National Archives of Finland. However, the
the Fulbright Finland Foundation and to the global
papers in the Special Collections in Fayetteville on
Fulbright community.
Finnish-American exchanges since the late 1940s
My exceptional hostess and guide during my
illuminate the American side of the story and are
stay in Fayetteville was DeDe Long, Director Emer-
crucial for understanding the complete picture.
itus of the Office of Study Abroad and International Exchange of the University of Arkansas. Adding yet
another special connection to our list, DeDe Long is
for Senator Fulbright’s legacy and that of the Ful-
the current Vice-Chair and the designated incom-
bright Program, it is our honor and privilege to
ing Chair of the Board of Directors of the Fulbright
support emerging modes of scholarship drawing on
Association, a Washington D.C. based membership
these rich collections that document the history of
association for American alumni of the global Ful-
international education and exchange,” says Lori
bright program, which the Fulbright Finland Foun-
Birrell, Associate Dean for Special Collections.
dation has a continuing collaboration with.
It was inspiring to see how the University of
I was genuinely touched by the heart-felt hospi-
Arkansas and the broader Arkansas community are
tality of everyone that I met in Fayetteville, start-
working together to promote the Senator’s legacy.
ing with the President of the University of Arkansas
After a long career in the nation’s capital, includ-
system, Don Bobbit, and the university chancellor,
ing serving as the chief of staff in the Presidential
Joseph Steinmetz; the deans of the Fulbright Col-
Personnel Office during the Clinton Presidency,
lege, the Graduate School and International Educa-
Marsha Scott recently returned to her home state,
tion, and University Libraries; and all of the staff,
Arkansas, to serve as the Director of the new Ful-
faculty, and students I was fortunate to meet. We
bright Legacy Project that she established together
look forward to returning their Arkansan hospital-
with Todd Shields, Dean of the J. William Fulbright
ity, and invite our Fayetteville friends to another
College of Arts and Sciences.
special place in the Senator’s heart — Finland!
At the recognition event (l-r) Kim Needy, Dean of the Graduate School and International Education, Dennis Clark, Dean of Libraries, Fulbright Finland Foundation CEO Terhi Mölsä, Peter MacKeith, Dean and Professor of Architecture at the Fay Jones School of Architecture and Design, and DeDe Long, Director Emeritus of the Office of Study Abroad and International Exchange, and Vice-Chair of the Fulbright Association. The Fulbright Finland 70th Anniversary kuksa on its stand, made from local cherry wood in Fayetteville by Justin M. Tucker from the Fay Jones School of Architecture and Design. | 7
Why Fulbright Matters Now More than Ever
pen any serious news source and you will
need to be built. That is why Fulbright, as the
find a long list of critical problems facing
world’s leading international exchange program, is
our world today – war, climate change,
so important today.
international refugee crises, inequality, misinfor-
Through the Fulbright Finland Foundation, I
mation, and more. With a list this extensive, it is
have witnessed how Fulbright scholars around the
hard to remain both informed and optimistic.
world have been brought together to discuss arctic
As a career diplomat, I deal with this list on a
issues along with indigenous Sámi people. In the
daily basis. Solving these challenges is not getting
U.S., the Fulbright-Amizade in Appalachia initia-
any easier.
tive unites coal-mining communities with future
During my time as a Fulbright Finland scholar at
leaders to discuss sore topics like climate change
Georgetown University, I learned about three major
and immigration. With fellow Fulbright scholars
phenomena that are disrupting our world: how we
from four continents, I am soon traveling to Israel
communicate; the nature of work; and, our rapidly
to celebrate a wedding of my dear friend – the first
changing environment.
Arab Christian ambassador.
Miika Tomi 2015–2016 ASLA-Fulbright Graduate Grantee at Georgetown University Miika Tomi is a Foreign Service Officer at the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland. Previously he has served at the World Bank, as an adviser for the Prime Minister and as a UN peacekeeper in Chad.
How we communicate has changed. For the first time in history the majority of humankind is able to read, write, and share their ideas to a wider audience. Yet, the democratization of communication combined with the transformation of media has led to polarization. Our jobs are not the same either. The World Bank suggests that two-thirds of all jobs in developing countries are at risk of automation. Technical transformation is happening now – self-driving cars and
The challenges we face can only be solved by factdriven and internationally collaborative solutions.
automated cashiers are no longer unimaginable. As employment is often linked to personal identity and self-dignity, automation is likely to bring further instability and increase inequality.
Fulbright has made all these experiences happen
Our living environment is changing. Climate
for me and over 380,000 other alumni. It connects
change, urbanization, and new waves of migration
leading experts from different backgrounds like
all mean that our way of life is constantly evolving –
no other program does – and only diversity can
the world looks very different now than it did two
produce the extraordinary solutions for our over-
generations ago, and I’m certain the future will
whelming challenges.
look equally (if not more) different.
Senator Fulbright once said that “The simple purpose of the exchange to erode the
How can we best solve these tremendous challenges facing our world?
culturally rooted mistrust that sets nations against
The challenges we face can only be solved by fact-
cea but an avenue of hope…”
one another. The exchange program is not a pana-
driven and internationally collaborative solutions.
So, when all hope seems lost, just remember
No nation is powerful enough to solve global prob-
that there is a Fulbright scholar somewhere trying
lems alone. Bridges within and between nations
to make the world a better place.
8 |
Exploring Best Practices in School Leadership Across the Atlantic Text MIRKA McINTIRE
Fulbright Leaders for Global Schools Travel Grant Program is an intensive professional development opportunity for Finnish K-12 school administrators launched in collaboration with the U.S. State Department’s Teacher Exchange Program Branch, the Fulbright Finland Foundation and IREX. The FLGS is a two-way program. The Foundation welcomes the second U.S. cohort to Finland in March 2020. Find out more about the program from the participants’ blog at: blog/fulbright-leadersglobal-schools-travelgrant-program-new-ideasnetworks-developing
tors took Tarja Mykrä, Anne-Marie Rapo,
High Visibility for Finland and Finnish Education
new pilot program for school administraand Pasi Rangell on an intensive study
The ASCD Educational Leadership conference also
tour to the U.S. in November. In addition to a visit
brought extensive positive visibility for Finland
to the Columbia Heights Educational Campus and
and Finnish education. The U.S. Fulbright Leaders
expert briefings, the Finnish school leaders par-
for Global Schools program alumni shared lessons
ticipated in and presented at the Association for
learned during their 10-day intensive study of the
Supervision and Curriculum Development (ASCD)
Finnish education system, and explained how the
Conference on Educational Leadership in National
program informs their practices as they continue
Harbor, Maryland.
to increase student autonomy and sense of commu-
They led a session titled “21st Century Leader-
nity within their education systems.
ship in Finnish Schools” focusing on the impor-
While the funding for international profes-
tance of Leading by Trust as one of the cornerstones
sional development opportunities for school lead-
of the Finnish school system.
ers beyond Europe is limited in Finland, there is
With more than 140 sessions on offer, the dele-
great interest among school administrators to also
gation was able to survey various themes in school
explore lessons from the U.S. as Finnish schools
leadership such as principal effectiveness, school
are getting larger and more multicultural, and the
and district management, instructional strategies
demands for principals are changing.
as well as personal and professional development.
“The rapidly changing world challenges teachers
The networking and collaboration opportunities
and school leaders to invest on their professional
were countless, with over 2,000 attendees, includ-
learning. Fulbright Leaders for Global Schools
ing nine U.S. Fulbright Leaders for Global Schools
Travel Grant Program gave me diverse perspectives
program alumni, who were excited to continue
to how personalized learning models can be built.
sharing best practices with their Finnish colleagues.
Professional learning empowers teachers to take
“Principals need more conference and school
an active role in their growth. It is a responsibility
observation trips like this! Collaboration with
of school leaders to support this growth at a school
American colleagues has been extensive and ben-
and individual levels,” says Tarja Mykrä, Director
eficial to both sides. It is also wonderful to be able
of Development and Member of the Management
to offer our own presentation of the Finnish school
Team of Mercuria Business College in Vantaa
system and its unique nature,” says Pasi Rangell, Principal of Seminaari School in Hämeenlinna. | 9
Making Most of the Host Experience Finnish hosts play a significant role for U.S. grantees before and during their adventure in Finland. Text LEASA WEIMER A summary of ideas developed during the workshop workshop-best-practiceshosting-us-students-andvisiting-scholars.
ractices for hosting U.S. Fulbrighters vary in
also clarified what is especially expected of the
Finnish higher education institutions, and
host organizations.”
while some U.S. students and scholars are
well prepared for their stay in Finland, others have
Two-way Bridge
to establish their own networks and get adjusted
An overview of Fulbright Finland Foundation ser-
in the new academic and cultural environment
vices, resources, and guidance for hosts was fol-
very independently. As a way to further develop
lowed by an interactive panel discussion with hosts
and nurture the host-grantee relationship, the
and former grantees.
Fulbright Finland Foundation organized a work-
“Visualize the host-grantee relationship as
shop for Finnish hosts in August 2019 with support
a two-way bridge, where the host and grantee
from the U.S. State Department’s USAStudyAbroad
exchange and share their culture and professional
insights,” Leasa Weimer encouraged the partici-
The workshop brought together hosts of U.S.
pating hosts and panelists. “At the same time, the
students, teachers, and scholars from Finnish
host serves as a bridge to further develop inter-
higher education institutions, and provided them
nationalization at home efforts by facilitating
with an opportunity to share and discuss best
opportunities for the U.S. grantee to meet and
hosting practices. Leasa Weimer, an experienced
interact with other staff, students, and university
scholar-practitioner in the field of internation-
alization of higher education and also a new Ful-
Anu Härkönen, Head of International Affairs at
bright Finland Foundation staff member facilitated
Turku University of Applied Sciences, drew atten-
the workshop.
tion to the importance of hosting international
“The event gave insight on the network of current grantees in Finland, as well as valuable
10 |
guests from the national and institutional perspective.
benchmark information on how other host uni-
“It would be very useful to share best practices
versities handle their support services for arriving
and work more together with other Finnish uni-
grantees,” says Marja Nyberg, HR Coordinator of
versities hosting Fulbright grantees. After all, it is
the International Staff Services from the Univer-
in everyone’s interest that the grantees enjoy their
sity of Jyväskylä. “The introductions gave insight
time in Finland. It would be great, if the grantees
on Fulbright Finland’s role in the process, and it
had the chance to get more contacts from higher
education institutions from all around Finland. For this the coordination and help of the Fulbright Finland Foundation is needed,” she says. Hanna Pöyliö, University Teacher at the University of Jyväskylä and Project Coordinator at Niilo Mäki Institute, has been a ‘superhost’ for
Visualize the host-grantee relationship as a two-way bridge, where the host and grantee exchange and share their culture and professional insights.
several grantees over the years and she shared her top tips for ensuring grantees have a positive experience. “It’s like a hobby for me,” Hanna confessed as she talked about how she invites her grantees to participate in Finnish traditions with her family. John Broussard, Professor of Finance at the Estonian Business School, spoke from his experience in Finland as the 2016-2017 Fulbright-Hanken Distinguished Chair in Business and Economics.
Key takeaways
He focused in on the importance of host communication, particularly in educating the grantee about the jewels of the university, region and the Finnish work-life balance philosophy.
Good Hosting Practices Contribute to Positive Experiences The panel of experts agreed that educating hosts (both administrative staff and faculty members) about best hosting practices has a positive impact on U.S. students’ and scholars’ study or research period in Finland. Positive experiences can increase the likelihood of long-term trans-Atlantic collaboration between Americans and Finns. The panel discussion laid the foundation for a workshop that challenged the participants to brainstorm concrete ideas to help current and future hosts make the most of the experience. Best practices were shared between new hosts and hosts with a proven track-record of going beyond
• Think of the hosting responsibility in three phases: pre-arrival (6 months to 1 day before arrival), welcome (1-2 weeks after arrival), integration (remainder of visit)
• Design a ‘hosting team’ that includes academic staff, human resources staff member and a staff member from the international office
• Ensure that the grantee has the academic calendar • Schedule a pre-arrival video call to prepare them for their arrival, discuss both host and grantee expectations, the feasibility of their project with current local context, and get to know one another
• Upon arrival, schedule a welcome coffee to introduce the grantee to research team/department
• Throughout grant period, serve as a conduit connecting the grantee with key individuals in their discipline at their home institution and in other Finnish institutions
basic procedures in helping U.S. students and visiting scholars to feel welcome, get settled, and connected with professional networks. | 11
Inside View to the Finnish Parliament
s a part of the Fulbright Finland Thanks-
grantees were given “Finnish soft power” – a pair
giving events, the U.S. Fulbright scholars
of woolen socks.
and students were invited to the Par-
liament of Finland for a private lunch. Member
Thanksgiving with Fulbright
of Parliament Joonas Könttä gave an insight-
As the tradition goes, during the Thanksgiving
ful briefing to the U.S. Fulbrighters, explaining
events the grantees also learned how to play Finn-
the political system of Finland and how it differs
ish floor ball, and got to visit the Fazer chocolate
from the U.S. system. The grantees were eager to
factory in Vantaa to learn about Finland’s most
learn more about current issues of public debate
famous chocolate and experienced an all-you-can-
in Finland as well as the characteristics of Finnish
eat chocolate tasting at the end of the tour. Ful-
election campaigns. The group also discussed the
bright Bicentennial Chair Scott Buchanan with his
importance of truth and facts in the era of disin-
wife Kelea and daughter Mary Claire hosted a pot-
luck dinner at their home featuring all the dishes
The group was able to sit in on the Plenary Ses-
expected on the Thanksgiving table, giving the
sion of Parliament, followed by a tour of the Parlia-
grantees a chance to spend Thanksgiving together
ment building. As a gift from the Parliament, the
with their Fulbright Finland family.
Member of Parliament Joonas Könttä briefed the U.S. Fulbright scholars and students on Finnish Parliament, political system and issues of current public debate. Head of the Parliament’s International Department Katriina Kuusinen (right) was an ASLA-Fulbright grantee in 1981 at the Claremont Graduate School. The current Fulbright Bicentennial Chair Scott Buchanan and his family hosted the Fulbrighters for a Thanksgiving potluck dinner.
Museokortti: Discovering Finland through Museums
t the arrival orientation, all U.S.
and free to stop by at a museum whenever
Fulbright grantees receive their
U.S. Fulbright fellow Brittany Perry found the card useful in getting inte-
own museokortti, a card that gives
Finland has a broad and diverse net-
grated into the Finnish culture: “Having
the grantees one year of free access to over
work of excellent museums for the U.S.
access to so many museums makes me
300 museums in Finland.
grantees to discover. Fulbright is a cul-
feel like a local. All of the hidden treasures
tural diplomacy program, and in addition
of each city I visit as I travel in Finland are
tion funds the cards for the grantees to
to providing new and enjoyable opportu-
really beautifully showcased in a way that
encourage them to experience and learn
nities for the grantees while they are in
it would be hard to discover otherwise,”
as much as possible about the local soci-
Finland, the card also helps them prepare
she says.
ety, history, culture and arts during their
for their role as ambassadors of Finland
stay in Finland. With the card it is easy
upon their return to the United States.
12 |
What Makes the American Voices Special? Text MALLA LEHTONEN Project Researcher, John Morton Center for North American Studies, University of Turku
U.S. Fulbrighters Catia Confortini, David Carranza, Karl Haapala, Benjamin Lear, and Lois Presser discussed how different cultures have changed the American cuisine. Dr. María A. Gutiérrez Bascón (left), postdoctoral research at the John Morton Center chaired the session.
At this year’s American Voices Seminar, we learned that the expression “bless your heart” isn’t necessarily as positive as it sounds. In the U.S. South, it entails multiple nuances and layers, which can be difficult to discern. We also heard about the adventures of “Florida Man,” the protagonist of many incidents that have baffled local law enforcement as well as the general public around the world. And from a presentation exploring different styles of
with the Fulbright Finland Grantees
making pizza across the U.S., we learned that the debate over which is best can be as fierce as it is events/american-voicesseminar
unresolvable. Compared to traditional scholarly affairs, the annual American Voices Seminar is refreshingly different. What sets it apart is the warm atmo-
For the academic year 2019-2020, the Fulbright Finland Foundation awards over 100 grants for U.S. and Finnish students, scholars, and professionals.
sphere and the clarity of expression. There’s laughter – and lots of it – and the presentations and conversations flow free of academic jargon. The
Find the grantee lists online:
seminar is a great chance for North American Studies (NAMS) students at the University of Turku to hear about various places, practices, and phenomena related to U.S. society and its regional cultures. The informal and often humorous presentations
forward to future seminars. The diversity and mul-
offer insights that the students may not get from
titude of perspectives and voices make this event
traditional lectures and course readings.
truly special.
This year the John Morton Center for North American Studies (JMC) had the honor and plea-
The annual American Voices seminar in Turku
sure of joining the organizers of the event, the Ful-
provides an opportunity to learn about various
bright Finland Foundation, and the University of
aspects of U.S. society and culture through the
Turku’s Department of English. The occasion offers
experiences of American Fulbright grantees cur-
exciting new prospects, and we are already looking
rently in Finland. | 13
Global Exchanges Between Interdisciplinarians Text KIRSI CHEAS
nterdisciplinary approaches have gained in
participants with different backgrounds, prompt-
popularity in research and in education. The
ing us to ask new kinds of questions and leading
premise of interdisciplinary studies is that
us to discover meaningful connections between
complex problems, such as climate change or global
seemingly distant ideas.
inequality, cannot be understood, let alone solved,
In 2017, I became affiliated with the Association
by means of any academic discipline alone. By inte-
for Interdisciplinary Studies (AIS), an organization
grating ideas from diverse disciplines, experts can
established in the United States in 1979. AIS invites
gain more multifaceted views on the world’s press-
and facilitates dialogue and collaboration between
ing problems and come up with sophisticated, sus-
diverse disciplines, paving the way for more versa-
tainable solutions. The need to expand our notions
tile and flexible learning environments in the U.S.
of knowledge was also accentuated by J. William
and around the globe. During my first Annual AIS
Fulbright, founder of the Fulbright program. In
Conference at the University of Maryland at Balti-
his words: “We must dare to think ‘unthinkable’
more County in 2017, I immediately sensed a gen-
thoughts. We must learn to explore all the options
uinely open atmosphere that reminded me of the
and possibilities that confront us in a complex and
Fulbright events I have had the pleasure to attend
rapidly changing world.”
over the years. Hence, I was not surprised to find
In line with Senator Fulbright’s statement, I
that many of AIS’s founding and leading members,
argue that Fulbright activities are extraordinary
such as Professor Julie Thompson Klein, are also
in their capacity to enhance our interdisciplinary
Fulbright alumni.
learning and research skills. The Fulbright activ-
I realized that the impact of the Fulbright experi-
ities I have been involved in – dozens of orienta-
ence on the development of interdisciplinary skills
tion and enrichment programs in Helsinki, in New
deserved more attention in the AIS community. In
York City, and elsewhere in the U.S. – have system-
October 2019, the 41st annual AIS conference was
atically exposed me to the thoughts of Fulbright
organized at the University of Amsterdam, the
grantees and alumni specialized in fields different
Netherlands, under the theme “Interdisciplinarity
from my own, ranging from arts to economics and
in Global Contexts.” This was the first time ever
from engineering to education. The organizers of
that the AIS conference was organized outside of
these activities – the Fulbright Finland Foundation,
North America. The conference’s principal orga-
One To World, and the Institute for International
nizers, professor Machiel Keestra and program
Education – have made conscious effort to connect
manager Linda de Greef were delighted about my
14 |
In the photo (from left to right): Merel van Goch, Kirsi Cheas, and Andi Hess, participants in the Fulbright panel at the 41st AIS conference in Amsterdam. Kirsi Cheas is president of the ASLA-Fulbright Alumni Association, founding member and president of FINTERDIS – The Finnish Interdisciplinary Society, and newly elected at-large board member of the international Association for Interdisciplinary Studies (AIS).
ALUMNI proposal to organize a panel discussion featuring Fulbright alumni from different countries and with different backgrounds, this way also celebrating the bridge AIS was now building across the Atlantic.
Fulbrighters Establish Interdisciplinary Initiatives It was easy to find enthusiastic panelists within
Fulbright activities are extraordinary in their capacity to enhance our interdisciplinary learning and research skills.
AIS: Dr. Merel van Goch, currently Assistant professor at the Department of Liberal Arts and Sciences at Utrecht University in the Netherlands, was
increase the level and quality of interdisciplinarity
a visiting Fulbright scholar at Yale University in
in our home countries upon our return. This is also
2013, with a focus on experimental psychology. Ari
an expectation inherent in the Fulbright program
Lindeman, Research manager at the South-East-
– while in the foreign country, we are supposed to
ern Finland University of Applied Sciences, was a
share our knowledge gained in our home country
Fulbright student at the University of South Florida
and learn from the new environment, and then
between 2000˗–2003, integrating business stud-
bring that new knowledge back home with us.
ies and philosophy. Andi Hess works as instructor
There was also consensus among the partic-
at the Faculty of Leadership and Interdisciplinary
ipants that the Fulbright program had provided
Studies at Arizona State University. The planning
us with leadership skills, which proved helpful in
of the session was supported by fore-mentioned
our efforts to pave the way for more open learning
Professor Klein, who eagerly shared her experi-
environments in our home countries. All Fulbright
ences as a visiting Fulbright Professor in Nepal.
alumni in the room – panelists and audience mem-
I saw the panelists and Fulbright alumni in
bers alike - had been involved in the establishment
the audience nodding in agreement as soon as
of new interdisciplinary initiatives in our home
they heard Ari’s opening words: “The Fulbright
countries following our Fulbright term abroad.
experience awarded me the luxury of becoming
We reached the conclusion that it was extremely
an interdisciplinarian.” Indeed, the word “lux-
important for us to stay active as Fulbright alumni
ury” resonated with many of us. Joint discussion
and keep in touch with one another, as we were able
revealed that there were significant differences
to understand each other’s aspirations in a way that
between ways in that interdisciplinary studies
others, who had not previously experienced inter-
was organized in our countries of origin, but all
disciplinarity in the Fulbright community, could
of us had struggled. Given the hardships we had
not. As a collective, we will be more able to recog-
been through, we never took the genuinely open
nize and address the kinds of changes that need
atmosphere and free exchange of ideas in the Ful-
to be made in our educational institutions, so that
bright activities for granted. But we also got used
they can better respond to the needs of interdisci-
to it, to the extent that we felt that we had to try to
plinary scholars now and in the future.
Fulbright Teacher Brings Elements of Finnish Education to New Mexico
eslie Baker immersed herself in
play. She now teaches 2nd grade students
Finnish school-life and society
at Taos Charter School in New Mexico and
during her semester in Finland on
has put her lessons from Finland into
the Fulbright Distinguished Awards in
practice: “I’ve been giving my kids more
Teaching program. After 50+ classroom
breaks and longer breaks, so they play
visits, hours of observing Finnish teach-
more, and they’re getting along better. I
ers in training and several interviews with
can see it. They’re developing their social
university professors in Finland, Leslie
skills so when they come in they’re better
incorporates lessons from Finland into
able to learn.”
her work in the United States and keeps sharing them with a wider audience. She was impressed by Finnish students’ collaboration skills and attributes these competences to the regular breaks and also to early schooling’s emphasis on
Read Leslie’s story in Taos News: Applications are now accepted for the Fulbright Distinguished Awards in Teaching program for spring 2021. | 15
Building with Your Own Hands In addition to his architecture studies at the university, Pekko Sangi got invaluable practical experience by building wooden cabins for a summer camp.
Pekko Sangi 2018–2019 Fulbright Finland Partnership Award for Graduate Studies – The Johnson Scholarship Awardee University of Colorado Denver
before me and Taisto Mäkelä, Associate Profes-
Finland grant year at the University of Colo-
sor and Director at the College of Architecture
rado Denver was the Design Build program. This
and Planning at the University of Colorado Den-
year’s Colorado Building Workshop project, led by
ver personally visited Tampere University. Those
architect Rick Sommerfeld, was located in Tho-
connections made me feel warmly welcomed to
reau, New Mexico. 30 students from seven dif-
the U.S. even before I arrived. The Finnish Ful-
ferent countries designed, prefabricated, and
bright Welcome Network was also an import-
Fulbright Finland Partnership Award – The Johnson Scholarship partnership-awardcu-denver
built six wooden cabins and an outdoor kitchen
ant resource: a local Fulbright Finland teacher
in only five months during the spring of 2019.
alumna contacted me soon after my arrival and
The cabins were designed for the children’s sum-
drove me immediately to the Rocky Mountains.
mer camp of Cottonwood Gulch located in high
During the year I met a great number of young
desert terrain. The building process on site took
people in Denver from all over the country,
18 days.
and many of them had Finnish or other Nordic
Building everything with our own hands was the biggest value of this experience; it enabled us
U.S. as a Finn was even more meaningful.
to learn things that theoretical studies would have
It feels great to remain as a part of the Fulbright
never taught us. Not only did we get an amazingly
Finland family after my time abroad. I decided to
valuable experience about architectural drawing
join the ASLA-Fulbright Alumni Association’s Ful-
sets and construction, but also about entrepreneur-
bright Buddy program. I’m glad to be able to share
ship and the whole process and market in our field
the hospitality and to show my home country to
as we worked in cooperation with real companies.
the U.S. grantees, and to help them get the most of
I knew a few of my fellow Finnish architecture students had received the same scholarship
16 |
heritage. This made me feel that coming to the
their time in Finland.
Conversation with Cultural Blending Lotta Lemetti 2015-2016 Fulbright Finland Undergraduate Grant Lotta Lemetti’s photographic project Kekta has claimed international recognition as it has been exhibited in New York, Los Angeles and Italy. It won the Culture section of Latitude Life APS’s International Photography Competition and ended up as the First Place Winner of the overall competition bringing Lemetti the Photographer of the Year 2018 title.
For an even more encompassing experience, Lotta Lemetti created a video, in which she asked people to read lines of poetry in Finnish, corresponding with the scenes that they were portraying.
e live in a global age and the fluidity
THAT EXCHANGE OF IDEAS and being immersed
of immigration today challenges us
between two cultures myself lead me to my thesis
to reconsider the old ways of thinking
project Kekta. I wanted to explore in a visual form
about national identity. People are no longer bound
what cultural blending between Finnish and Amer-
by geographical borders of countries and only a few
ican looks like. I started by identifying the building
places on earth can be said to remain monocultural.
blocks of Finnish culture and the identities of Finn-
Bigger metropolitan cities are starting to resemble
ish people. That lead me to two significant works
a ‘human mosaic’ where we are moving from mul-
of cultural heritage: our national epic Kalevala and
ticulturalism, which emphasizes the coexistence
Aleksis Kivi’s Seitsemän Veljestä (Seven Broth-
of different individual cultures to polyculturalism,
ers). I took these stories and created scenes that
which indicates the integration of cultures.
are inspired by the immemorial beliefs of unity
I got to experience this first hand during my
between humans and nature, and cultural tradi-
Fulbright Finland grant period in New York and
tions that have been passed on for generations in
later living here in Los Angeles. Big metropolitan
the form of oral folk tales. I photographed them in
cities are in a process of constant social, psycho-
American landscapes with people around the world
logical and cultural change due to the blending
who now live in America, creating a new narrative
between cultures. For me, coming from Finland
of polycultural identity.
which still remains fairly homogeneous, living in
Studies show clear correlations between cities
that kind of environment changed my perspec-
with the largest amounts of immigrants and the
tives on immigration and cultural exchange for
largest number of creative industries. A cultur-
ally diverse environment can produce more cre-
Even just within the Fulbright commu-
ative thinking, which more likely leads to artistic
nity, that I got to know during my years at The
practices later in life. When cultures are brought
New York Film Academy, we had grantees from
together the interactions between members of
all over the globe: Indonesia, Egypt, Lithu-
these groups create new ways of thinking. Com-
ania, Spain and Hungary to mention a few. I
munication, understanding and respect are the
learned so much about the world by talking and
first steps towards a more equal world and artists
exchanging ideas with them and listening to
in global cities are the frontline messengers for
their perspectives. We had all come to Amer-
cultural change. At its best encounters and collab-
ica because of our love for arts and storytelling,
oration between cultures help us to understand and
whether it be in a visual or written form. Their sto-
increase racial equality in the post-colonial world
ries would carry a part of them and their heritage
and draw new, more creative ideas in arts, poli-
within them, while drawing inspiration from their
tics and science by pulling from larger archives of
new surroundings here in America.
knowledge and inspiration. | 17
Fulbright alumnus and international trade specialist Bill Eaton reflects on his experiences living and studying in Finland, learning the Finnish language, and the ongoing impact of Fulbright on his life and career.
An Investment Still Bearing Fruit Text LOUISA GAIRN Bill Eaton 1984–1985 U.S. Fulbright Fellow University of Helsinki
18 |
ailing from West Chester, Pennsylvania,
refreshingly positive. He credits his early immer-
Bill Eaton first set foot in Finland as a
sion in Finnish society and everyday life as key to
17-year old exchange student on a Rotary
learning the language, as well as a certain innocence
Club program in 1979. He did not realize it then,
about the fearsome reputation of Finnish grammar.
but this initial plunge into Finnish life would lead
“I learned Finnish as a child would, informally, by
to a lifetime of friendships and professional links
talking with friends. I didn’t have to face the fear
with Finland, including a Fulbright postgraduate
of how difficult the grammar was before I started.
scholarship in Helsinki. At high school, inspired
I was the first exchange student in my lukio, and the
by meeting foreign exchange students and hosting
first foreigner many of my classmates had met. I
one from Mexico, Bill decided to try out studying
was welcomed into my host family, and encouraged
abroad himself. “I had applied to the exchange pro-
to learn Finnish as quickly as I could. Finland was a
gram just to go somewhere. I liked winter sports,
different place forty years ago, and Oulu was a small
so I thought a Nordic country might be a good fit. I
town without a lot of international exposure in those
like to tease Finns that I was the only one who men-
days. Being a foreigner in Finland is different now,
tioned they’d like to go to Finland!” he recalls.
and English is much more widely spoken.”
“Finland was new to me, so when I arrived
“I knew that I would get a skewed perspective on
together with one hundred other Americans and
Finnish culture and history if I didn’t learn Finn-
Canadians, I didn’t know what to expect.” After an
ish. I learned the language better than most of the
orientation week, Bill took the train north to Oulu.
other exchange students, and was able to get by
“I met my host family at the station, and thus began
reasonably well by the end of the school year. But I
a terrific year. I attended Finnish high school at
didn’t yet have the language skills to get a job or do
Kastellin lukio and went on Rotary-sponsored trips
research in Finnish.”
to Lapland and Leningrad. At the end of my year I
This experience inspired Bill to seek out more
toured around Sweden and Norway, went back to
international opportunities as a student at Colgate
Finland for midsummer, and then on to continen-
University, NY, and during his junior year abroad
tal Europe. It was a fabulous experience for a small
he returned to Oulu and continued developing
town American.”
his knowledge of Finnish language and history.
Foreigners in Finland sometimes bemoan the dif-
“I decided to study at the University of Oulu, since
ficulty of learning Finnish, but Bill’s experience was
my previous host father, Vilho Lantto, was a
ALUMNI IN FOCUS professor there. I took a class with Martti Ursin, who
“The value of the Fulbright program is that it
taught Finnish diplomatic history, was also a mem-
sends so many people to such important places
ber of parliament and later edited the local paper. I
to develop a future set of capabilities for Ameri-
took a Russian class in Finnish, and spent my time
cans to understand countries abroad, but also for
translating among English, Finnish and Russian!”
representatives from so many countries to have
Bill wanted to return to Finland for postgrad-
a greater depth of understanding of U.S. society.
uate study, and was accepted to the University of
For instance, the investment that was made in me
Helsinki after taking an entrance exam written in
thirty-five years ago is still bearing fruit.”
both Finnish and English. He returned to the U.S. to
“As I began my career, I sought out opportu-
complete his undergraduate degree, and applied for
nities with Finnish firms, most referred by Finn-
a Fulbright scholarship to Finland.
ish-American attorney and Fulbright Finland
Determined to keep his language skills alive
alum Tom Lippo, and later worked with small and
in the meantime, Bill had to improvise. “It wasn’t possible to continue Finnish at university back in the U.S., so I subscribed to the Oulu paper Kaleva, which arrived in my university mailbox by boatmail about six weeks late. I would sit in the back of the class and read 6 or 7 week-old newspapers, just to keep up my Finnish skills,” he recalls. Bill describes his excitement on arriving in Helsinki in 1984 to start his Fulbright year researching Finland’s international trade and, thanks to a Finnish Ministry of Education grant, living in student housing alongside Finnish students and other Fulbrighters. “The great thing about the flexibility of Fulbright, was if I found a topic of interest I was free to pursue it for a couple of weeks. I didn’t have to follow a professor’s syllabus, but I could develop my own research. One focus was Finland’s interesting
medium-sized Finnish companies who didn’t have
and unique trading relationship with the USSR.”
internal capabilities to research the U.S. market,
Returning to the U.S., he studied for a Masters in
to help them figure out entry strategy, make con-
International Relations at Johns Hopkins Univer-
tacts, or plan their launch. I was drawn to work
sity School of Advanced International Studies and
with Finnish companies because of my time in
an MBA in Multinational Management at the Uni-
Finland, and familiarity with the business culture
versity of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School. “I would
and society. The projects I’ve enjoyed the most have
say the Fulbright integrated a lot of the themes that
involved Finnish firms.”
Bill Eaton interviewing Senator J. William Fulbright at a discussion forum he organized at the School of Advanced International Studies SAIS of Johns Hopkins University in 1986.
interested me as an undergraduate, and set the tone for what I wanted to pursue at graduate school.
I was always a bit torn between history and political
Finland, serving on the board of the Finnish Amer-
science on the one hand, and economics and busi-
ican Society of the Delaware Valley, which brings
ness on the other. It helped me to integrate those
together Finns, Finnish descendants and friends,
divergent interests into a career path, and set up a
and as a member of the Finlandia Foundation,
good portion of what I would later do in my profes-
National Capital Chapter. “I was away from Ful-
sional life.”
bright for many years. During a sauna at the Finn-
Studying at Johns Hopkins in Washington, D.C.
ish Embassy in Washington, a Finn at the World
enabled Bill to continue links with Fulbright, par-
Bank, and former grantee to the U.S., told me about
ticipating in events at the nearby Fulbright Alumni
the Friends of Fulbright Finland alumni network,
Association, then run by Harriet Mayor. “At that
and I’m so happy to have found a way back into all
time, I was managing the SAIS Review, a foreign pol-
of this.”
icy journal. We decided to start a discussion forum
Recently, Bill visited Finland for the first time in
with seminal figures in Washington. The first per-
years. “It was a joy to be there and great to reconnect
son we invited was Senator Fulbright, who came up
with the Fulbright Finland Foundation team and old
from his law office about six blocks from our school,
friends. I was also able to spend time with each of my
for a seminar with questions from the audience.”
original host families in Oulu. We have kept in regu-
“We talked about his experiences through history, and the current state of affairs. I discussed the
lar contact over the years, so we were able to pick up where we left off, with plenty of stories to tell.”
importance of the development of the Fulbright
Does he have any advice for someone consid-
program, and asked anyone to stand if they had
ering studying abroad or applying for a Fulbright
received or were about to go on a Fulbright. Of the
scholarship? “Do it without question. There’s so
forty-five people in the room, about one third stood
much to be learned, not only about foreign culture,
up. I think that made an impact on the senator. He
but also about one’s self, and one should never pass
knew the program was his crowning achievement.”
up an opportunity for that.” | 19
Thank you Donors Make a Difference Text SUZANNE LOUIS
Foundation expand exchanges
Centennial Fund Supports Fulbright Finland Grants
onors help the Fulbright Finland between Finland and the United
The Fulbright Finland Centennial Fund
States and bring together the best scien-
was launched in 2016 to honor the 100th
tists, academics, educators, artists, and
anniversary of Finland’s independence.
future leaders in the two countries.
Donations to the Fund are used in full to
Alumni and friends of Fulbright Finland play a central role in this endeavor.
support grants to students, scholars, and professionals.
Whether it is establishing a scholarship,
Most recently the Fund has received
bequeathing artwork, adding Fulbright
contributions from Mike Loovis, Cecelia
Finland to one’s will, or making a dona-
Lynch, Peter MacKeith, Donald Mathews,
tion to the endowment funds, all gifts are
Peter Matthews, Patrick Miller, Terhi
return to Finland to continue and expand
clear reminders that the Fulbright experi-
Mölsä, Margaret and Gerry Schueman,
their original Fulbright projects and col-
ence in Finland is like no other.
Carol Tenopir and Gerald Lundeen, Wil-
This year the Fulbright Finland Foun-
liam Woityra, and David Yoken. We thank
Most recently the Fund has received
dation has been the recipient of generous
them all for making the decision to share
contributions from Annette Jones, Kay
gifts from many partners, friends, and
in the Fulbright Finland mission.
Kohl, Kenneth Kolson, Suzanne Louis, Mark Miller, Amanda Stronach, and Carol
alumni, and we take this opportunity to you to all who made their donations on
Friends of Fulbright Finland Alumni Enrichment Fund
Giving Tuesday, December 3, 2019. Thank
The Friends of Fulbright Finland Alumni
you for joining in this worldwide initiative
Enrichment Fund is an endowment sup-
through your gift to Fulbright Finland.
porting grants for the U.S. alumni to
convey our gratitude to all! A special thank
Tenopir and Gerald Lundeen. Thank you to our generous alumni!
Work with Us
Alumni Donation Establishes a New Award The Fulbright Finland Foundation has
Grant, currently completing his final year
established a new grant made possible
of Master’s studies in architecture at Har-
by a long term pledge agreement with an
vard University.
alumni donor. The new award is called the
“Fulbright Finland Foundation offers an
Fulbright Finland Centennial Travel Grants in
indispensable program for Finnish society.
Architecture, Design and the Visual Arts, and
Its propensity for fostering critical initia-
it can be awarded to the Foundation’s cur-
tives in practically all academic fields is
rent grantees in Architecture, Design or
unique among all Finnish foundations. In
The new grant was made possible by a
the Visual Arts. The purpose of the award
my case, this support was paramount, as
donation made to the Fulbright Finland
is to provide additional support allowing
architectural studies at the Master’s level
Centennial Fund by a U.S. alum of the
the grantees to engage in travel required
lack funding aid from most other poten-
Fulbright Finland Foundation, Profes-
by the study project.
tial sources in Finland. Fulbright Finland’s
sor Peter MacKeith, through a long term
The first grant was awarded to Henrik
support has enabled me to develop new
donor agreement.
Ilvesmäki, a 2018-2019 ASLA-Fulbright
design methodologies for future technolo-
Graduate Grantee and also recipient of
gies without forgetting a critical viewpoint
the 2019-2020 Fulbright Finland Renewal
towards the inevitable shifts that they will
20 |
Henrik Ilvesmäki bring to the building industry,” Henrik says.
For more information about the Centennial Fund:
Friends of Fulbright Finland Alumni Council
Mike Loovis and Doug Maynard. The Council serves the alumni of the Fulbright Finland Foundation programs living in the U.S. through discussion of current and new projects that work to keep alumni
engaged in their Fulbright Finland experiends of Fulbright Finland Alumni
Oregon and Casie Hermansson 2013 Ful-
rience. Council terms are two years and
Council, now in its 5th year, wel-
bright-University of Turku Scholar and
membership is on a voluntary basis. A call
comes on board two new members,
2016 Friends of Fulbright Finland Enrich-
for new members is made each Spring.
Barbara Mossberg, 1982 and 1990 Bicen-
ment Awardee, resides now in Pittsburg,
tennial Chair in American Studies, Uni-
Kansas. They join continuing Council
versity of Helsinki, now living in Eugene,
members Yvonne Allen, Phil Alperson, friends-fulbright-finland-alumni-council
Inspired by Finland Martha Horst, spouse of 2015-2016 Fulbright Bicentennial Chair Lane Crothers, recently had the premiere of her new work Ukko for orchestra by the Illinois Philharmonic Orchestra. The work draws upon her family’s experience of visiting a stone-age archaeological site in Oulu with the Fulbright Finland Foundation and U.S. grantees during their year in Finland. Dr. Horst is a Professor of Music Theory and Composition in the School of Music at Illinois State University.
Alumni Ambassador in Action in New Jersey
She is teaching an advanced analysis
Fulbright Finland teacher alumna Argine
Study Abroad Fair at Montclair State Uni-
seminar on Sibelius’ Symphony No.
Safari spent five months in Finland
versity in New Jersey to inspire students
VII this semester; her appreciation for
during the spring 2019 with her son Areg.
and staff by promoting Fulbright oppor-
and understanding of Sibelius’ cultural
Since their return to New Jersey, they
tunities in Finland.
context grew tremendously as a result
have been actively sharing their Fulbright
of the year she and the Crothers family
Finland experiences in their community.
spent in Helsinki.
In addition to multiple activities and presentations, Argine participated in the
If you would like to promote Fulbright Finland in your institution, find the Fulbright Finland Ambassador materials at:
In Memoriam Ragnar Backström The Fulbright community in Finland is
of the Langinkoski Imperial Fishing Lodge
deeply saddened by the passing of Rag-
Museum. We remember his extraordinary
nar Backström, one of the first Finns to
positive energy and life-long commit-
receive an ASLA-Fulbright Award. In 1951
ment to Fulbright in Finland. In August
the Award took Mr. Backström to Berkeley,
2017 he gave a talk at the ASLA-Fulbright
where he specialized in international eco-
Alumni Association’s Welcome Event for
nomic relations, export marketing, ocean
new U.S. Fulbright grantees, sharing his
transportation, and personnel adminis-
Fulbright experiences in the 1950s. His
tration. He was an exemplary Fulbright
efforts and enthusiasm have inspired
ambassador and eagerly opened doors
not only international but also intergen-
for innovative ideas to bring back home.
erational dialogue about the impact and
Later in his career he taught interna-
potential of the Fulbright program.
tional transport and shipping economics to future sea captains at the Navigational Institute of Kotka, and served as director
Text: Kirsi Cheas, President, ASLA-Fulbright Alumni Association | 21
Appointment News from the Board T
William Couch
he Fulbright Finland Foundation wel-
service to Hannu Seristö and T.J. Gru-
comes William Couch, the Counselor
bisha, who have completed their board
for Press and Cultural Affairs at the U.S. Embassy in Helsinki, and Kaarle Hämeri,
Kaarle Hämeri
terms. The
Chancellor of the University of Helsinki,
appointed by the Ministry for Education
on the Fulbright Finland Foundation
and Culture, and the American members
Board of Directors.
by the Chief of Mission of the U.S. Embassy
The Fulbright Finland Foundation con-
in Finland.
veys a sincere thank you for dedicated
(l-r) Mihkel Vaim, Inari Ahokas, Leasa Weimer, Heidi Tiainen, and Pierce Cosgrove.
grantees, 52 Finnish and 60 U.S. grantees
million euros awarded as grants
Welcome New Team Members Fulbright Finland alumna Leasa Weimer
Heidi was interning at the Foundation as
started in August as Assistant Director of
part of her studies in the spring of 2019.
Strategic Partnerships and Initiatives. She
Pierce Cosgrove is an international
works to develop the current and create
master’s student from Canada currently
new partnerships in addition to managing
pursuing his degree in European and Nor-
events throughout Finland
the U.S. Scholar Distinguished Chair and
dic Studies at the University of Helsinki.
Finnish Senior Scholar programs. Leasa
With his personal career path interests in
has a PhD in international higher educa-
higher education and diplomacy, Pierce
tion policy and continues her research in
has greatly enjoyed making the many
this area.
excellent networking connections that he
client contacts and event participants
Heidi Tiainen joined the Fulbright Finland team in August as Program and Events
has made since the beginning of his time as the office intern.
Assistant. She is a recent graduate of Lau-
To work with new major projects, Inari
rea University of Applied Sciences, where
Ahokas and Mihkel Vaim continue at the
she studied hospitality management with
Foundation as temporary Program Assis-
specialization in events and service design.
FULBRIGHT FINLAND NEWS EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Terhi Mölsä EDITORS Maija Kettunen (Managing Editor), Suzanne Louis DESIGN AND LAYOUT Tanja Mitchell, Grafee EDITING OFFICE Fulbright Finland Foundation, Hakaniemenranta 6, FI-00530 Helsinki, FINLAND TEL. +358 44 5535 286 E-MAIL ISSN 2489-2149 (print) ISSN 2489-2157 (online) COVER Scandia White 200 g/m² PAPER Scandia White 115 g/m² PRINT CIRCULATION 800 PRINTED BY Erweko Oy ONLINE Fulbright Finland News on Fulbright Suomi -säätiön sidosryhmälehti, joka ilmestyy kaksi kertaa vuodessa painettuna ja verkkoversiona. Artikkeleissa ilmaistut mielipiteet ovat kirjoittajien omia. Aineisto vapaasti lainattavissa, lähde mainittava. // Fulbright Finland News is a biannual magazine published by the Fulbright Finland Foundation in print and online. Opinions expressed by authors are their own and do not necessarily reflect those of Fulbright Finland. Reproduction allowed, source must be cited. // While every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the material in this publication, Fulbright Finland does not accept liability for any errors or omissions. EDITORIAL COUNCIL Kirsi Cheas, Postdoctoral Researcher, John Morton Center for North American Studies, University of Turku; Janne Hokkanen, Director for Study and International Affairs, Lappeenranta University of Technology; Joan Kluwe, Senior Planner, URS Corporation; Helena Liikanen-Renger, Press Counselor, Embassy of Finland, Washington D.C.; Mike Loovis, Professor Emeritus, Cleveland State University; Ilja Orre, Consultant, Bain & Company; David Yoken, Senior Music Lecturer, Turku University of Applied Sciences.
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THE FULBRIGHT FINLAND FOUNDATION is an independent not-for-profit organization based in Helsinki, Finland. Its purpose is to promote a wider exchange of knowledge and professional talents through educational contacts between Finland and the United States. The Foundation collaborates with a range of government, foundation, university and corporate partners on both sides of the Atlantic to design and manage study and research scholarships, leadership development programs and internationalization services.
Finland-America Educational Trust Fund The Fulbright Finland Foundation is financially supported by the Finland-America Educational Trust Fund. Board of Directors
Fulbright Finland Foundation’s
is to empower the minds that will find global solutions to tomorrow’s challenges by fostering academic and professional expertise and excellence in leadership.
Fulbright Finland Foundation Board of Directors Finnish Members: Piia Björn Professor, Special Education University of Eastern Finland Chair Kirsimarja Blomqvist Professor for Knowledge Management, School of Business and Management, Lappeenranta-Lahti University of Technology LUT Kaarle Hämeri Chancellor University of Helsinki
Finnish Members: Paula Parviainen Director General of Communications, Department for Communications and Culture, Ministry for Foreign Affairs Chair Jaana Palojärvi Head of International Relations Finnish Ministry of Education and Culture American Members: Ian Campbell Deputy Chief of Mission American Embassy Vice-Chair William Couch Counselor for Press and Cultural Affairs American Embassy Director General / Säätiön asiamies: Terhi Mölsä Chief Executive Officer Fulbright Finland Foundation
Timo Korkeamäki Professor of Finance Hanken School of Economics American Members: William Couch Counselor for Press and Cultural Affairs American Embassy Itonde A. Kakoma Programme Director Leadership team Crisis Management Initiative CMI Ethan Tabor Deputy Counselor for Press and Cultural Affairs American Embassy
David Yoken Senior Music Lecturer Arts Academy, Turku University of Applied Sciences Vice-Chair Ex-officio: Terhi Mölsä Chief Executive Officer Fulbright Finland Foundation Honorary Chair: Ambassador of the United States to Finland H.E. Robert F. Pence
Fulbright Finland Foundation Office Office: 044 5535 286, e-mails: b Inari Ahokas Ohjelma-avustaja (ma.) Program Assistant (temp.) 044 700 6170 b Pia Arola Johdon assistentti Executive Assistant 044 5535 278 b Emilia Holopainen Ohjelmakoordinaattori Program Coordinator 044 7035 284 b Emmi Jelekäinen Ohjelma-asiantuntija Program Specialist 044 5535 275
b Maija Kettunen Viestintä- ja tapahtuma koordinaattori Communication and Events Coordinator 044 5535 277 b Karoliina Kokko Vastaava ohjelmapäällikkö Senior Program Manager 044 5535 268 b Suzanne Louis Projektikonsultti (osa-aikainen) Project Consultant (part-time) b Mirka McIntire Ohjelmapäällikkö, Opettajavaihto- ja koulutusohjelmat Manager, Teacher Exchange and Education Programs 044 5535 269
b Terhi Mölsä Toimitusjohtaja Chief Executive Officer 050 570 5498 b Heidi Tiainen Ohjelma- ja tapahtuma-avustaja Program and Events Assistant 044 7153 023 b Mihkel Vaim Ohjelma-avustaja (ma.) Program Assistant (temp.) 044 734 2939 b Leasa Weimer, PhD Assistant Director of Strategic Partnerships & Initiatives 044 716 9482 | 23
Fulbright Finland Foundation Hakaniemenranta 6 FI-00530 HELSINKI FINLAND
Calendar November
28.–29.11. Thanksgiving and Enrichment Program for American Grantees
December 13.12. Fulbright Finland Foundation Board of Directors Meeting 23.12.2019–6.1.2020 Fulbright Finland Office closed
January Fulbright Finland Foundation Board of Directors Annual Meeting 22.–24.1. Arrival Orientation for U.S. Fulbright Finland Grantees
7.2. North American Studies Roundtable
March 11.–21.3. Fulbright Leaders for Global Schools Program 18.3. Media Literacy Seminar, Helsinki Central Library Oodi
May 13.5. Pre-Departure Orientation for Fulbright Finland Foundation Awardees to the U.S. and Fulbright Finland Award Ceremony
16.–17.3.2020 Fulbright Forum on Education, Innovation, Science and Art University of Helsinki and Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences
Fulbright Forum provides a unique opportunity to hear about the research and projects that the current American Fulbright scholars, teachers, and graduate students are doing in Finland. The first seminar day focuses on Education. The second seminar day includes a wide array of topics from Marketing to Environmental and Health Sciences. The seminar is organized jointly by the Fulbright Finland Foundation and the University of Helsinki and Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences.
Fulbright Finland Foundation is part of the global network of over 160 countries participating in the Fulbright Program.
Fulbright Finland Foundation is part of the worldwide EducationUSA network of over 400 advising centers.
Fulbright Finland Foundation is a Generation Study Abroad Commitment Partner. Ífulbrightfin Úfulbrightfinland Îfulbright finland