Fulbright Finland News 2/2016

Page 1

vol. 26 nro 2 (64) syksy/fall 2016

∞ Suomen Fulbright on nyt säätiö ∞ Alum Bengt Holmström Wins Nobel Prize ∞ Arctic Initiative to Second Round

fulbright finland news

Make an Impact!

Too Clever is Not Clever From the Editor

It is not easy to write a column

new knowledge that has helped it

after a Nobel Prize winner. Almost

to transform itself at quite a rapid

subconsciously one tries to be too

pace from an agricultural and


industrial society to a country with

In the Fulbright Center News

very high living standards.

Fulbright Finland has had a remarkable year. In

2015 spring issue, Professor Bengt

Fulbright Finland looks closely

2016, there were a total 94 Finnish and Ameri-

Holmström – then future Nobel

into Arctic issues. Key areas include

can grantees. Including Partnership awards, over

Prize winner in economic sciences

energy, water, health and Arctic

USD 1.55 million (EUR 1.4 million) were awarded in

- wrote about passion and profes-

infrastructure. I believe that these

grants. In addition, Fulbright Finland served over

sionalism. He emphasized how

themes are interesting areas for

5,600 individuals in the area of Finnish-American

exchanges, networks and inno-

cooperation for the United States

academic exchanges, hosted researchers from all

vation are integrally connected.

and Finland, when Finland fol-

Arctic Council member countries for the interna-

“Seeing that something is possible

lows the USA as the Chairman of

tional Fulbright Arctic Week in Oulu, organized

and it can be done has a great value

the Arctic Council in May 2017.

the 2016 European Fulbright Conference in Hel-

and significant impact,” he wrote.

To me “The New Arctic” is about

sinki with participants from over 40 countries, and

To me this is one of the key

innovation, resolving problems,

served as the clearinghouse for Fulbright inter-



protecting the environment, and

country scholar grants for all of Europe, just to

As the Chairman of the Finland-

safety. And sauna, summer, and

name a few of the highlights (p. 22).

America Educational Trust Fund

swimming in a clean lake. We live

In an increasingly tighter funding environ-

I greet the new Finnish Fulbright

in an age when anyone can develop

ment, none of the above would have been pos-

grantees every year at their Award

a solution that can affect the lives

sible without support from our alumni, partners,

Ceremony. I always say this: This

of millions of people. To get real

sponsors, and donors. This past year, the Finnish

grant is an opportunity for you to

benefits from a mobile and digital

Fulbright commission was registered as a not-for-

open a door to something new, but

world we must better recognize our

profit foundation in Finland (p. 4). The underlying

it is you who must walk through it.

competences and skills and how we

principles of the original governmental Fulbright

You can read more about the

utilize them. People move, ideas

agreement between Finland and the United States

history of ASLA-Fulbright in Fin-

move. Minds must move, too. Ful-

from 1952 were not changed by this action. Today,

land in this magazine. This pro-

bright has an important role in this.

the new status helps the commission to better

gram has been a success. Awards

In his column professor Holm­

carry out its original mission and enhances oppor-

have been granted to more than

ström wrote: “You first need to go

tunities to build the Finnish-American Fulbright

1 800 Americans and 3 700 Finns.

out to see how others do things,

program into the future.

Among them are many current

learn from them as much as pos-

Along with the new name, the Fulbright Fin-

and future leaders in society, cul-

sible, and then you go back and

land Foundation, this magazine has also changed

ture, science, and business life.

adapt what you have learnt to your

its name to Fulbright Finland News. And in this issue

Bengt Holmström was an ASLA-

own special circumstances, and

our focus is on the impact of Fulbright. We fea-

Fulbright grantee to Stanford Uni-

then you do it all better. That is

ture alumni who are responsible for major break-

versity in 1974.

how innovations come about.”


throughs in their fields, including the most cited

This June Fulbright Finland

Finnish researcher Risto Näätänen (p. 16), and this

hosted the 2016 European Ful-

year’s Nobel Prize winner in Economics, Profes-


sor Bengt Holmström (p. 5). We also highlight the

theme Crossing Borders for Global

significant role that alumni have played in the pro-

Partnerships. Over 90 participants

gram itself, the immeasurable value of their con-

from over 40 countries from both

tribution to the day-to-day operation of Fulbright

sides of the Atlantic shared best

Finland and to ensuring the future development of

practices and experiences in this

Finnish-American exchanges (p. 18–19). Through


the work of the grantees and alumni, the impact of

conference was funded by the U.S.

Fulbright becomes deep and its ripple effects broad.

Department of State. If we look at

In this issue, we share with you some examples.

the financial return on the invest-




We do not need to be cleverer than that.



With gratitude, we wish our grantees and

ment, one can argue that Finland

alumni, and all our partners, donors, and friends a

has the best Fulbright Program in

wonderful New Year! We look forward to celebrating

the world. For every dollar that the

Finland’s Centennial with you in 2017!

U.S. government invests in it, the Finnish side brings in nine more. One becomes ten. I want to argue,

Terhi Mölsä

however, that Fulbright is far more

Chief Executive Officer

than dollars and euros. For Finland

Fulbright Finland Foundation

it has brought new horizons and

Jouni Mölsä Director General of Communications Ministry for Foreign Affairs Chair of the Finland-America Educational Trust Fund

In This Issue 2

Kolumnit / Columns


Suomen Fulbright on nyt säätiö


Fulbright Finland Is Now a Foundation


Fulbright Finland Alum Bengt Holmström Wins Nobel Prize in Economics


Fulbright Arctic Initiative to a Second Round


KAUTE-säätiö ja Fulbright Finland yhteistyöhön


Yhdysvalloissa oppii kysymään ”Miksi ei?”


Turn the Impossible to Possible!


Strategic Focus on Education


Leadership Training for Nurse Leaders

9 Heureka! 10 Scholarly Advice for Graduate Students 10 Join Us for the Spring Fulbright Events! 11 Talking About the Elections… 12 2016 European Fulbright Conference 14 Partner Support Makes an Extensive Orientation Seminar Possible Cover: The 24th American Voices took place in October in a beautifully colored University of Turku campus. In the cover photo, Anna Partridge, a Fulbright-Lappeenranta University of Technology graduate student enjoyed herself around the leaves. The American Voices seminar gathered over 120 participants over two days to hear presentations about American culture, society, politics and life. The topics varied from college football to circus, and from NASA to Nevada. Pictured above is Vaidyanathan Subramanian, a Fulbright-Aalto University Distinguished Chair, persuading the audience to a sing-along.

14 Volunteering with the Red Cross to Help Asylum Seekers 15 Thanksgiving Fulbright Finland Style 15 Puhtaiden järvien perässä pohjoiseen 16 Understanding the Signals, from the Lab to the Clinic 17 Unparalleled Pomp Attends Professor’s Finnish Fete 18 Donors Make a Difference 19 Alumna Finds Mentors for Immigrant Women in Finland 20 Training Teachers Working with Immigrants

More exciting Fulbright Finland events are coming up in the spring 2017. Read more about them on page 10.

21 Alumni Association

Cover photo: Maija Kettunen, Fulbright Finland

23 Fulbright Finland Foundation

22 News 24 Kalenteri / Calendar of Events

Fulbright Finland News on Fulbright Suomi -säätiön sidosryhmälehti, joka ilmestyy kaksi kertaa vuodessa painettuna ja verkkoversiona. Artikkeleissa ilmaistut mielipiteet ovat kirjoittajien omia. Seuraava numero ilmestyy keväällä 2017. Artikkelit ja muu aineisto pyydetään toimittamaan 3.4. mennessä. Aineisto vapaasti lainattavissa, lähde mainittava. Fulbright Finland News is a biannual magazine published by the Fulbright Finland Foundation in print and online. Opinions expressed by authors are their own and do not necessarily reflect those of Fulbright Finland. The next issue will be published in the spring 2017. The submission deadline for articles and other materials is 3 April. Reproduction allowed, source must be cited. While every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the material in this publication, Fulbright Finland does not accept liability for any errors or omissions.

Päätoimittaja/Editor-in-Chief Terhi Mölsä Toimittajat/Editors Maija Kettunen (toimituspäällikkö) Johanna Lahti Suzanne Louis Ulkoasu ja taitto/Layout Tanja Mitchell, Grafee

Fulbright Finland Hakaniemenranta 6 FI-00530 Helsinki FINLAND Tel. +358 44 5535 286 E-mail: office@fulbright.fi ISSN 2489-2149 (painettu) ISSN 2489-2157 (verkkojulkaisu) Cover paper: Maxigloss 200 g/m2 Paper: G-Print 115 g/m2 Circulation: 1 100 Printed by Erweko Oy

www.fulbright.fi/en/fulbright-center/fulbright-center-news Editorial Council Anitta Etula Director of International Relations, University of Eastern Finland Outi Hakanen Deputy Director General, Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Protocol Services Sirpa Holmström Head of International Services, Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences Erika Holt Principal Research Scientist,  VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Sanna Kangasharju Press Counselor, Embassy of Finland, Washington D.C. Ossi V. Lindqvist Professor Emeritus


Säätiön peruskirjan allekirjoitustilaisuudessa Yhdysvaltain suurlähetystön lähetystöneuvos Susan Elbow ja ulkoministeriön viestintäjohtaja Jouni Mölsä (edessä). Takarivissä

Maija Kettunen

Johanna Lahti Fulbrightista (vas.), Immo Aakkula opetus- ja kulttuuriministeriöstä, Terhi Mölsä Fulbrightista sekä FUSEEC:ia ja Fulbright Suomi -säätiön hallitusta edustavat Matti Kokkala, Hannu Seristö, Birgitta Vuorinen ja Heikki Ruskoaho.

Suomen Fulbright on nyt säätiö Suomen Fulbright on nyt virallisesti

Fulbright Center, joka viittaa vaihto-

toiminut Birgitta Vuorinen opetus- ja

Fulbright Suomi -säätiö sr (Fulbright

toimikunnan Helsingissä ylläpitämään


Finland stiftelsen sr, Fulbright Finland



”Uusi asema ja nimi ilmentävät myös

Foundation sr).

Toimintahistorian aikana USA:han on

Suomen Fulbrightin kansainvälistä pro-


lähtenyt yli 3 700 suomalaista stipendi-

filoitumista ja nopeasti laajentunutta

Uuden säätiön peruskirjan allekirjoit-

aattia lähes kaikilta elämänaloilta. Suo-

kansainvälistä yhteistyötä”, korostavat

tivat ulkoministeriössä 13. toukokuuta

meen on ohjelmien kautta saapunut yli

Yhdysvaltain suurlähetystön lehdistö-

2016 ulkoministeriön viestintäjohtaja

1 800 amerikkalaista.

ja kulttuuriasiainneuvos T.J. Grubisha

Jouni Mölsä ja Yhdysvaltain suurlähe-

Säätiöittämistä valmisteltiin usean

ja tukisäätiön puheenjohtajana toi-

tystön lähetystöneuvos Susan Elbow.

vuoden ajan erittäin tiiviissä ja sujuvassa

miva ulkoministeriön viestintäjohtaja

Patentti- ja rekisterihallitus rekisteröi

yhteistyössä kaikkien keskeisten tahojen

Jouni Mölsä. ”Bilateraaliselle akselille

säätiön 3. lokakuuta.

kesken. Siihen osallistuivat Yhdysvaltain

aiemmin keskittyneestä keskuksesta

”Säätiöittäminen selkeyttää Suomen

suurlähetystö, Suomen ulkoministeriö,

on viime vuosina kasvanut maailman­

Fulbrightin juridista ja organisatorista

opetus- ja kulttuuri­ministeriö, FUSEEC/

laajuisesti tunnettu ja arvostettu oga-

asemaa ja antaa uusia mahdollisuuksia

Fulbright Center sekä alkuperäisestä

nisaatio niissä yli 150 maassa, jotka

kehittää menestyksekästä toimintaa

ASLA-rahoituksesta alkunsa saanut ja

osallistuvat Fulbright-vaihtoihin Yh-

edelleen”, toteaa Fulbright Suomi -sää-

edelleen Fulbright-vaihtotoimintaa tu-

dysvaltain kanssa. Nimi Fulbright Cen-

tiön hallituksen puheenjohtaja, profes-

keva Suomen ja Yhdysvaltain stipendi-

ter ei enää riitä kertomaan, minkä maan

sori Matti Kokkala.

toiminnan tukisäätiö.

keskuksen toimintaan nimenomaisesti

Fulbright Suomi -säätiön toiminnan

Säätiöittäminen ei muuta alkupevaltiosopimuksen


viitataan ja kansainvälisissä yhteyksissä Suomen keskukseen on siksi jo pitkään

historia ulottuu aina vuoteen 1949, jolloin


Yhdysvaltain kongressissa säädetyllä lailla

Säätiöit­ tämisen myötä uuden säätiön

muutettiin Suomen ensimmäisen maail-

hallitus otti lokakuun alusta hoitaakseen

Yhteistyökumppaneille säätiöittä-

mansodan jälkeen USA:lta ottaman lainan

valtioiden väliseen sopimukseen pe-

minen näkyy ensimmäisenä Fulbright

takaisinmaksuerät maiden väliseen vaih-

rustuvan vaihtotoimikunnan tehtävät

Finland –nimen yleistymisenä. Kuluvan

totoimintaan ja ns. ASLA-vaihto alkoi.

kaikkia aiempia ja yhteisesti sovittuja toi-

toimintavuoden aikana kaikki toimin-

Pian sen jälkeen, vuonna 1952, Suomen ja

mintaperiaatteita noudattaen. ”Fulbright

ta siirretään virallisesti säätiön alle.

Yhdysvaltain valtioiden välillä solmittiin

Suomi -säätiö jatkaa Suomen ja Yhdys-

Yhteistyösopimuksissa ja muissa siir-

myös sopimus Fulbright-vaihdoista ja tä-

valtain väliseen sopimukseen perustuvaa

toon liittyvissä toimenpiteissä säätiö

män sopimuksen pohjalta perustettiin

perinteikästä opiskelijoiden, tutkijoiden

on suoraan yhteydessä yhteistyökump-

vuonna 1987 Suomen ja Yhdysvaltain ope-

ja opetushenkilöstön vaihtotoimintaa

paneihinsa. Keskus jatkaa entiseen

tusalan vaihtotoimikunta FUSEEC.

sekä kansallisesti että kansainvälises-

tapaansa Helsingin Hakaniemessä, ei-

Vuodesta 1997 lähtien FUSEEC on

ti entistä selkeämmin asemoituvana

vätkä yhteys­tiedot tai muut yhteistyö-

tunnettu myös epävirallisella nimellään

toimijana,” toteaa FUSEEC:ssa pitkään

hön vaikuttavat keskeiset tiedot muutu.

viitattu nimellä Fulbright Finland.”

Fulbright Finland Is Now a Foundation


Fulbright Center (the Finnish Fulbright

tus of Fulbright Finland, and enhances

from 1952 were not changed by this

Commission) has now officially been

our opportunities to build the Finnish-

action. Today, the new status helps the

registered as a not-for-profit founda-

American Fulbright program even fur-

commission to better carry out its origi-

tion in Finland. The formal registration

ther,” says the Chair of the Fulbright

nal mission and enhances opportunities

went into effect on October 3, 2016.

Finland Foundation Board, Professor

to build the Finnish-American Fulbright

Matti Kokkala.

program into the future.

“The change of the legal status from a

The underlying principles of the orig-

The center continues to operate in

commission to a foundation strength-

inal governmental Fulbright agreement

Hakaniemenranta in Helsinki without

ens the legal and organizational sta-

between Finland and the United States

changes to its contact information.

Fulbright Finland  www.fulbright.fi


Aalto University/Janne Lehtinen

Fulbright Finland Alum Bengt Holmström Wins Nobel Prize in Economics Finnish ASLA-Fulbright alum Bengt

celebration of 65 years of ASLA-Fulbright

Holmström wins the 2016 Nobel Prize in

exchanges between Finland and the U.S.,

Economics, together with Oliver Hart,

and 10 years of the American alumni

for his contribution to contract theory.

program of Fulbright Finland.

Dr. Holmström was an ASLA grantee in

He has written about his own exchange

1974–1975 to Stanford University, where

experience and the importance of inter-

he completed his doctorate. Currently

national exchanges in his column Passion

he works at Massachusetts Institute of

and Professionalism, in the Fulbright Cen-

Technology (MIT) as Paul A. Samuelson

ter News magazine: www.fulbright.fi/en/

Professor of Economics.


Dr. Holmström spoke recently in Boston at the combined anniversary




Dr. Holmström!

Fulbright Arctic Initiative to a Second Round The Fulbright Arctic Initiative program will be extended to a second round of multidisciplinary research of the Arctic region. The news was announced during the Fulbright Arctic Symposium at the National Academy of Sciences in Washington D.C. in October. The Symposium was a part of the Arctic Week concluding the first round of the Fulbright Arctic Initiative program. The Arctic scholars, representing all of the eight Arctic Council member countries, presented their research highlights at the event. The Fulbright Arctic Initiative is an program

nary meeting and Symposium in Oulu in

funds from the governments of Canada

for scholars to study and assess the

February. Finland had an important role

and Finland.

changing Arctic region. The inaugural

also during the final plenary week in

Finland will follow the U.S. as the

18-month program included interna-

Washington in October, as the Ambassa-

Chair of the Arctic Council in 2017 and

tional exchanges, seminars and collab-

dor of Finland to the United States Kirsti

the second round of the Fulbright Arc-

orative research for 17 scholars from the

Kauppi hosted the diplomatic reception

tic Initiative program will coincide with

Arctic Council’s eight member coun-

for the plenary week at the Embassy of

the Finnish chairmanship. Details on

tries (Canada, Denmark, Finland, Ice-

Finland. Fulbright Finland was repre-

the second round including application

land, Norway, Russia, Sweden, and the

sented at the event by Board Member

information will be published later.

United States). Fulbright Finland had

David Yoken. Primary funding for the

an important role in the program as

first round of the Fulbright Arctic Ini-


the organizer, together with the Thule

tiative was provided by the U.S. Depart-


Institute of the University of Oulu, of

ment of State’s Bureau of Educational


the program’s week-long mid-term ple-

and Cultural Affairs, with additional




KAUTE-säätiö ja Fulbright Finland yhteistyöhön KAUTE-säätiö


“Uskomme, että varhain solmituilla

verkostoja ja osaamista”, sanoo KAUTE-

ovat käynnistäneet yhteistyön suoma-



kansainvälisillä kontakteilla on tutki-

säätiön asiamies Jouni Lounasmaa.

laisten tutkijoiden ja ammattilaisten

joiden uran ja Suomen tieteen kannalta

KAUTE-säätiön rahoitus kohdistuu



suuri merkitys. Yhteistyö Fulbright Fin-

nuorille väitöskirja- tai post doc -tutki-

säätiö tukee kauppatieteen ja tekniikan

landin kanssa täydentää erinomaisesti

joille sekä ammatilliseen kehittymiseen.

alojen opiskelua ja tutkimusta.

säätiön muita apurahoja sekä vahvistaa


Fulbright Finland  www.fulbright.fi


Aino Laine

Fulbright Impact

Yhdysvalloissa oppii kysymään ”Miksi ei?” Maailman paras aurinkokenno johdatti Hannu Laineen MIT:hin Tohtorikoulutettava Hannu Laine valmistelee väitöskirjaansa professori Hele

muun muassa 85 Nobel-voittajaa, eikä

Savinin ryhmässä Aalto-yliopistossa, jossa on saavutettu maailmanennätys

Hannukaan voinut välttää etukäteen

nanorakenteisen aurinkokennon hyötysuhteessa. Lukuvuoden 2015–2016 Hannu

yliopiston huippumaineen aiheutta-

oli Teknologiateollisuuden 100-vuotissäätiön Fulbright-apurahalla tekemässä

maa painetta menestyä. Työskentely

tutkimustaan Massachusetts Institute of Technologyssa Bostonissa.

MIT:n kaltaisessa huippuyliopistossa

kiihdyttää elektroneita ympyränmuo-

”Oli rohkaisevaa nähdä, että huolet

toisella, noin kilometrin halkaisijaltaan

omista taidoista osoittautuivat turhiksi.

Kun mietitään aurinkosähkön globaaleja

olevalla hiukkaskiih-


mahdollisuuksia esimerkiksi ilmaston­

dyttimellä. Kieppuvat



energiaköyhy yden

elektronit säteilevät

torjunnassa, tärkein mittari ei ole yk-

röntgensäteitä, jotka

sittäisen aurinkokennon tehokkuus,


vaan ennen kaikkea kennoilla tuotet-

osuessaan paljastavat

tavan sähkön lopullinen hinta tuot-

aurinkokennon sisäl-


lä olevia haitallisia





Fulbright-yhteisön tuki osoittautui laajaksi ja suorastaan korvaamattomaksi.




MIT:ssä työskentelyn välillä ei ollut yksittäisten opiskelijoiden taidot tai motivaatio, vaan ennemminkin yleinen kunnianhi-

paneutuukin siihen, miten Hele Sav-


inin tutkimusryhmän valmistaman

sia ennennäkemättömällä tarkkuudella.

valloissa ollessaan oppi helpommin


kysymään ”Miksi ei?”, Hannu kertoo.






Hannun väitöskirja keskittyy haitallis-

aurinkokennoja voitaisiin saada massa­

ten metalliepäpuhtauksien fysikaalisiin

Työskentely MIT:ssä oli myös väitös-

tuotantoon mahdollisimman halvasti ja

ominaisuuksiin. Voitaisiinko niiden vai-

kirjan etenemisen kannalta aivan ensi-

nopeasti. Aurinkosähkön hintaa lisää

kutuksia aurinkokennoissa vähentää?

arvoisen tärkeää. ”Väitöskirjani kannalta

tällä hetkellä merkittävästi se, että au-

Silloin aurinkokennoja voitaisiin val-

oleellisinta oli se, että sain väitöskirjani

rinkokennojen valmistusmateriaalina

mistaa likaisemmasta ja huomattavasti

toisen vertaisarvioidun artikkelin jul-

käytettävän piin tulee olla erittäin puh-

halvemmasta piistä, ja aurinkosähkön

kaistua, ja kaksi viimeisintäkin jo todella

dasta: jos piin sekaan jää vaikkapa vain

hinta laskisi maailmanlaajuisesti.

hyvään vaiheeseen. Käytännössä väitös-

0,000001 % rautaa, on siitä käytännössä mahdotonta tehdä aurinkokennoa. Keskeinen syy Hannulle hakeu-

Tutkimusta maailman parhaiden joukossa

kirjani kaikki julkaisut tulevat olemaan jossain määrin yhteistyössä tehtynä kyseisen tutkimusryhmän kanssa”, Hannu


Harvinainen tutkimusmenetelmä vei

kertoo. ”Vierailu mahdollisti sen, että nyt

oli eräs isännöivän tutkimusryhmän

Hannun yhteen maailman maineik-

ymmärrän kaikki yhteisessä tutkimuk-

pitkään käyttämä mittausmenetelmä:

kaimmista yliopistoista: Massachusetts

sessamme käytettävät fysikaaliset mallit

synkrotroniavusteinen röntgensäde­

Institute of Technologyyn. MIT on insti-

ja mittalaitteistot läpikotaisin. Lyhyesti

fluoresenssispektroskopia. Menetelmä

tuutio, joka on lahjoittanut maailmalle

sanottuna, opin valtavan paljon uutta.”



oli kuitenkin monella tapaa valaisevaa.

Tähtäimessä tehokkaampi ja edullisempi aurinkosähkö


Fulbright Finland  www.fulbright.fi

Hannu uskoo, että lukuvuodesta jää pysyvä vaikutus hänen uralleen. Yhteistyö on jatkunut tiiviinä, eikä hän sulje pois mahdollisuutta palata takaisin Bostoniin esimerkiksi post-doc-vaiheessa. MIT:ssä Hannua ohjaava professori, Tonio Buonassisi, kannusti häntä myös osallistumaan yliopistolla useampaan projektiin, jotka sivusivat hänen väitöskirja-aihettaan. Hannu on edelleen näissä projekteissa mukana, koska ne ovat tarjoavat merkittävän tilaisuuden laajentaa osaamista entisestään. Tutkijavaihdon peruina Hannulla myös mittavat verkostot MIT:n ulkopuolelta, sillä vaihtovuoden aikana Hannu kävi aktiivisesti Yhdysvalloissa järjestettävissä konferensseissa ja vieraili myös kahdessa muussa alan huippuryhmässä.

Representing Fulbright Finland Petra Kuivala represented Fulbright Finland at the J. William Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board visit to Florida International University in Miami in November. On campus, the Board held its annual meeting and engaged in a dialogue with the active Fulbright community of FIU. In the photo, the Board members gathered with FIU faculty, Fulbright alumni and current Fulbrighters. Petra Kuivala (4th from the left on 2nd row) is an ASLA-Fulbright Graduate Grantee at the Cuban Research Institute of Steven J. Green School of International and Public Affairs at FIU.

Yhteistyö myös näiden kanssa jatkuu.

Fulbright  korvaamaton yhteisö

Turn the Impossible to Possible!

Boston on todellinen suurkaupunki, jonne on keskittynyt useita huippu­

“My goal is to bring the modern U.S.

yliopistoja ja maineikkaita tutkimuslai-

marching bands’ drill training meth-

toksia. Hannua sen kansain­ v älinen

ods to Finland. I am conducting inter-

tunnelma viehätti, eikä koti-ikävä

views at Georgia State University,

liiem­ m in ehtinyt vaivata. Toki koti-

learning to use a drill design soft-

ikävän loitolla pitoon auttoi myös tiiviit

ware, and participating in a university

Skype-yhteydet perheen ja kavereiden

marching drill as a performer”, says

kanssa, joista osa kävi myös Bostonissa

Pohjoisaho. “I have wanted to per-

asti vierailulla.

form with a large-sized U.S. march-

Fulbright-yhteisön tuki osoittautui

ing band for a long time, but I did not

laajaksi ja Hannun omien sanojen mu-

believe the implementation of this

kaan suorastaan korvaamattomaksi.

kind of project to be even possible.

Sekä Suomen että Yhdysvaltojen Ful-

When I read about the MCPD program

bright-yhteisö sujuvoitti ja ehosti vaih-

on the Fulbright Finland website, I

tokokemusta niin käytännön asioissa

realized that the MCPD would enable

kuin uusien ystävien ja kontaktien saa-

exactly what I previously thought to

misessakin. ”Oli helpottavaa, että jo en-

be impossible!”

nen matkalle lähtöä pääsi tutustumaan

“The impact of my MCPD project to

muihin suomalaisiin Fulbright-opis-

the Finnish marching bands at large is

kelijoihin, jotka olivat myös lähdössä

to be seen in the future. Some of the

Bostoniin vaihtoon. Yhdysvalloissa ol-

new ideas that I have discovered will

lessani Fulbright järjesti antoisia se-

most likely be used in the Conscript

minaareja ympäri Yhdysvaltoja sekä

Band of the Finnish Defence Forces’ rehearsals

paikallista toimintaa Bostonissa. Nämä




seminaarit ja tapahtumat olivat hyviä

The Mid-Career Professional Devel-

shows. Practicing in a marching band

tilaisuuksia tutustua muihin Fulbright-

opment Program (MCPD) provides

is certainly beneficial for education in

opiskelijoihin ympäri maailmaa, sekä

an opportunity for professionals

general. It would be great to see more

tietysti paikallisiin amerikkalaisiin”,

and specialists in various fields to

Finnish youngster bands performing

Hannu kiittelee.

take a sabbatical leave from their

marching drills in the future, and I

work to pursue further education

would like to help the Finnish drill-

Teksti: Marianna Jokila, projektipäällikkö,

or training to enhance their profes-

newbie-bands to get started!”

Teknologiateollisuuden 100-vuotissäätiö

sional development and the field at large. Staff Sergeant and Concert Master of the Conscript Band of the

Mid-Career Professional

Lisätietoa ohjelmasta

Finnish Defence Forces Seppo Poh-

Develop­m ent Grant


joisaho is spending the fall semester



at Georgia State University studying



U.S. marching bands’ drill training





Fulbright Finland  www.fulbright.fi


Strategic Focus on Education Fulbright Finland is putting to use its various internationalization services and grant programs to facilitate sharing of best practices between American and Finnish educators at all levels and subjects, and to support research that addresses innovations in education.

This Program is about Our Students

the viewpoint of the Basic Education

Finnish teachers Susanna Soininen from

Core Curriculum Reform 2016 and Bilin-

Jyväskylän lyseo upper secondary school

gual Education in general.

and Maija Heikkilä from Tervakos­ken

“Especially the SIR program, due

yhteiskoulu comprehensive school are

to its highly academic, long-term and

spending a semester at the University of

comprehensive nature, provides a large

Indiana in Bloomington through the Ful-

binational platform for approaching

Benefits for Large Audience

bright Distinguished Awards in Teach-

education from a comparative angle,”

The growing need of addressing the issue

ing program. They explore, for example,

Taina Wever describes the program.

of diverse learners and learning difficulties in science education inspired Kari

multidisciplinary ways of teaching Eng-

“Education is like dropping a pebble

lish and the use of primary resources

into water – the emerging circles are first

Sormunen to apply for the Mid-Career

as part of learning processes in history

small, but gradually grow larger. From

Professional Development program. Sor-

classes. “My Fulbright-experience has

a program like SIR, larger waves of new

munen is a Senior Lecturer at the Univer-

been inspiring and has increased my

views and practices are likely to originate,

sity of Eastern Finland, Joensuu. “In the

desire to develop education as a whole

either through the students exposed to

U.S., the challenge of diverse learners has

even more than before,” says Susanna

study with a comparative touch or teach-

a long history, and Stanford University


ers involved with the program.”

as one of the leading education research

“I feel very motivated and am full of

institutions offered me an invaluable

ideas that I look forward to sharing with

Immense Impact on My Work

my students and I think that is what this

Perttu Järvenpää, an English Teacher

“International exchange programs

program is about – our students,” says

from Omnia vocational school in Espoo,

for professionals in the field of education

Maija Heikkilä.

chance for implementing my project.”

spent five weeks at the University of

are especially powerful because they not

The same program will bring eight

Montana last summer. “The impact of the

only benefit the grantees and their home

exceptional primary and secondary

extremely well-organized and thorough

institution but a much larger audience

teachers of STEM, Music and English lan-

program on my work as a teacher of Eng-

that includes other professors, lecturers,

guage from the U.S. to Joensuu, Jyväskylä

lish has been immense. I now have an

teachers, teacher trainees, students, and

and Helsinki, to pursue inquiry projects

extensive insight into the similarities and

education administrators.

that are closely linked to the new Finnish

differences between the U.S. and Europe.

As a teacher educator, I believe that

Some of my students are refugees who

the new knowledge I have gained from

have just been given immigrant status

my Fulbright MCPD-program will be

and it is vital for my work that I can help

widely distributed in Finland.”

national core curriculum.

Dropping a Pebble into Water Fulbright-Scholar-in-Residence


"Religious diversity in California and the opportunity to study and reflect it together with a multicultural group of academics from around the world was an opportunity of a life-time," says Arto Kallioniemi, Deputy Head of Teacher Education from the University of Helsinki, who participated in the Study of the U.S. Institute’s summer program at University of California, Santa Barbara.


them integrate into Finnish society and

gram (SIR) attracted Taina Wewer from

the rest of the Western world. I wouldn’t

the Teacher Training School of University

be able to give them an objective view on

of Turku, to spend a year at the Denison

the United States had I not been part of

Read full article online

University in Ohio. Wewer lectures about

the Study of the U.S. Institute program


Education in Finland particularly from

this summer.”


Fulbright Finland  www.fulbright.fi

Text: Mirka McIntire

Fulbright Impact

Kaarina Torppa, Chief Nursing Executive, Dr. Barbara Mackoff and Kristiina Junttila, Development Manager, Nursing.

ship Laboratory sessions were praised for offering new perspectives and evidence-based – yet practical - tools for everyday use, and for initiating peer support between the participants.” The crucial role of the nurse managers in contributing to staff nurse and patient Mirka McIntire

satisfaction, as well as to safety in health care delivery has been well documented. Even though Dr. Mackoff’s Fulbright Specialist program only lasted for a month, her Leadership Laboratories continue thanks to the facilitators who she trained

Leadership Training for Nurse Leaders Fulbright Specialist Barbara Mackoff

administrators in Finland.

and mentored during her visit. Text: Mirka McIntire Fulbright Specialist program Finnish higher education institutions and

arrived in Finland when the social and

Dr. Mackoff’s innovative approach to

health care reform is prompting admin-

leadership development, “the Leader-

organizations can apply for a Fulbright

istrators to re-configure healthcare

ship Laboratory”, nurtures peer-to-peer

Specialist for a period of 2–6 weeks to

structures and patient processes. Work-

consultation and establishes learning

collaborate on projects such as curriculum

ing together with her hosts at HUS - The

groups that are grounded in best prac-

and faculty development, institutional

Hospital District of Helsinki and Uusi-

tices and case examples from nurse

planning and a variety of other activities.

maa, Dr. Mackoff introduced transfor-

leaders’ day-to-day practices.

mational leadership practices to current

According to Chief Nursing Executive

and future nurse leaders and health care

Kaarina Torppa from HUS, “the Leader-


Benjamin Alldritt took the Researchers' Night visitors on an exciting journey to the atomic world.

“Certainly it was important for Fulbright Finland to attend the Researchers’ Night. Science is both broad and international, and this event allowed visitors


the chance to experience science and establish connections in ways they would not have had before. Very rarely do you get the opportunity to disseminate your

It was all about science and games at the

a scientist.’ Very interesting questions

research to an audience that has no prior

Finnish Science Center Heureka during

from a group of potential future research-

experience with your field, so this was a


ers,” Alldritt described his experience.

fun way of sharing your field and getting




Finnish and U.S. Fulbrighters promoted

Marie Tysman, a Fulbright gradu-

science, research and Fulbright oppor-

ate student at University of Turku used

The European Researchers’ night

tunities to audience of all ages.

outbreak games to tell the audience

took place in September with events

some rather interesting questions.”

about her research in epidemiology. Card

happening in over 250 cities across

Fulbright Finland alumnus Benjamin

games and board games made people

Europe and neighboring countries. The

Alldritt took the students and other visi-

think about how to quarantine people and

events are meant to introduce science

tors on an exciting journey to the atomic

prevent diseases from spreading. “It was

to everyone in a fun way, with a unique

world. “While some had only an introduc-

a great opportunity to present my work

chance to meet researchers and scien-

tion to physics, their questions included

to the general public. Those opportuni-

tists, talk to them and find out what they

such things as, ‘what can and cannot be

ties are not so frequent for me,” Tysman

really do. In Finland the events attracted

imaged with our experimental equip-

explained the reason for volunteering

over 12 000 participants.

ment, what are the coolest things I have

at the Fulbright Finland stand. Benja-

witnessed in my field, and why I became

min Alldritt shares Marie’s thoughts:

Text and photo: Maija Kettunen

Fulbright Finland  www.fulbright.fi


Markku Korhonen

Scholarly Advice for Graduate Students Current Fulbright scholars and alumni

year for the new grantees.

Scholar and Dr. Patrick Miller, Fulbright

prepared the recently selected Finnish

Dr. Leasa Weimer, Fulbright alumna

Bicentennial Chair shared their insights

Fulbright graduate students for their

and Knowledge Development Adviser at

on higher education and admission

upcoming university application pro-

the EAIE, Dr. Carol Tenopir, Dr. Peter

practices in the U.S.

cess. A one-day training is held every

Miller, Fulbright-University of Tampere





Search the literature and find out where the up-and-coming researchers in your field are working. Contact those you would like to work with to see if they will support your application and work with you when you arrive.

Don’t be afraid to ask the researchers you will be working with for regular brief meetings. They may not suggest it, but will likely welcome the opportunity if you suggest it. Introduce yourself to the other graduate students and to the faculty members.


TIP 1B: BUT BE FLEXIBLE! Focus your efforts on universities where there are researchers who are working in your area, even if the university is not at the top of international rankings. There are many excellent universities throughout the U.S. and the less prominent ones may have less competition for funding for international students and more time to spend with you when you arrive.

Take time to go to conferences in other states and visit the sights nearby. Sharing accommodation with other graduate students will save you money. Some conferences provide free registration and other perks if you volunteer to work for several hours per day.

Join Us for the Spring Fulbright Events! Arrival Orientation for the New U.S. Fulbrighters

13th Fulbright North American Studies Roundtable

Pre-Departure Orientation for the 2017–2018 Finnish Fulbright Grantees

Helsinki, January 25-27, 2017

Helsinki, February 3, 2017

During the orientation, the new U.S. Ful-

The Annual Fulbright North American

brighters will be treated to a vast amount

Studies Roundtable brings together pro-

The orientation prepares the new Finnish

of information about Finland including a

gram coordinators, lecturers and profes-

grantees for their Fulbright experience

look at its history, education system and

sors of North American Studies at Finnish

ahead. The program includes expert ses-

peculiar language! Grantees will get to

universities. They will discuss concrete

sions on various practicalities and dis-

know each other, the Fulbright Finland

ways to enhance cooperation, develop

cussions with Fulbright Finland alumni.

staff, and make important connections

new initiatives to support the North

The day concludes at the Helsinki City

with expert speakers and alumni.

American Studies, and update and share

Hall with an Award Ceremony and Recep-

information about U.S. Embassy, Cana-

tion. The event will also be a farewell to

dian Embassy, and Fulbright resources.

the 2016–2017 U.S. Fulbrighters.

Helsinki, May 17, 2017


Fulbright Finland  www.fulbright.fi

Talking About the Elections… The presidential election in the U.S.

perspective and an appreciation for the

had a busy fall. He has given interviews

was the major political event of the

wider global environment within which

to newspapers and TV, as well as talks

fall 2016. Dr. Peter Miller, a Fulbright-

they will be working. Fulbright Speak-

about the election at the Finnish Insti-

University of Tampere Scholar kicked

ers like Dr. Miller play an integral role

tute of International Affairs, differ-

off the Fulbright Speaker Program in

in helping us achieve this goal,” said

ent universities and the U.S. Embassy’s

September with a view of American

Senior Lecturer Marko Korkeakoski

election events. “I’ve been astonished

elections at the Metropolia University

from Metropolia.

by the high degree of knowledge about

of Applied Sciences.

The topic sparked a lively discussion

American politics and the political insti-

in the audience and Dr. Miller answered a

tutions in the United States among the

Dr. Miller’s lecture attracted well over

plethora of questions. He was impressed


200 students and other participants,

by the audience’s knowledge level on the

some of whom had to sit on the stairs

American politics. “The questions from

as all the seats in the auditorium were

the students were excellent. One woman

taken. “One of the purposes behind the

asked what I thought of the remarks by

Fulbright Speaker Program

Fulbright Program is to further intercul-

Clinton and Trump at the Al Smith Din-

During this academic year, 40 U.S.

tural dialogue. I had a wonderful time

ner. This was a perceptive question, as

Fulbright grantees conduct research,

talking about the American elections at

the Al Smith Dinner is a minor event on

teach and study in Finland. Contact

Metropolia,” says Dr. Miller.

the campaign trail and I was amazed this

Fulbright Finland to invite a Fulbrighter over as a guest lecturer!

“Dr. Miller was able to bring a great

student knew about it at all, let alone was

mix of context, academic theory, and

curious about its place in the presiden-

humor to his guest lecture on the U.S.

tial race.”


Presidential elections. We want our stu-

As a political scientist with a focus

dents to graduate with an international

on voting behavior, Dr. Peter Miller has

20 14

Education, Innovation, Science and Art March 16–17, 2017 20 University of Jyväskylä 14 Education, Innovation, Science and Art www.fulbright.fi/en/fulbright-forum #FulbrightForum 20 14

Education, Innovation, Science and Art

Text and photo: Maija Kettunen


Fulbright Forum provides a unique opportunity to hear about the research and projects of the current American Fulbright scholars, teachers, and graduate students in Finland.

▶ The first seminar day focuses on Education. The second seminar day is multidisciplinary and it includes a wide array of topics from Health Sciences and Criminology to Engineering and Business.

▶ Join us for the whole seminar or pop in for the presentation of your choice and meet with the Fulbrighters! Drop by the Fulbright Finland stand to speak about opportunities in the U.S.

The seminar is organized jointly by Fulbright Finland and the University of Jyväskylä. The seminar is open to the public and free of charge! Fulbright Finland  www.fulbright.fi


Studio Terho Photography

2016 European Fulbright Conference and arctic issues to global migration

dent Urho Kekkonen and U.S. President

and refugee issues. Two days of pre-

Gerald Ford. The European Fulbright

conference meetings and roundtables

Conference coincided with the 40th

were followed by three days of confer-

Anniversary of the signing of the Trust

ence plenary sessions on program and

Fund Charter in June 1976, and the con-

cooperation issues and on the strategic

ference’s welcome reception took place

development of the Fulbright programs

where the CSCE delegates had held their

in Europe. There was also an exposi-

famous garden party.

tion area where Fulbright commissions,

The Finnish Ministry of Education

embassies, program partners and coop-

and Culture hosted a reception at the

erating agencies showcased their best

historical House of the Estates for all


of the conference attendees, and the




Fulbright Finland team incorporated

Fulbright Finland hosted the 2016

Kalastaja­torppa, had been chosen par-

cultural activities into the program to

European Fulbright Conference at the

ticularly keeping the theme of the con-

give the international visitors a taste of

Hilton Kalastajatorppa in Helsinki

ference in mind and it was the source

Finland. A dinner cruise took the visi-

in June under the theme of Crossing

of many conversations during the con-

tors by some of the iconic landmarks

Borders for Global Partnerships. The

ference. Kalastajatorppa has witnessed

in Helsinki, including the Suomenlinna

conference gathered together over 90

international relations in the mak-

Fortress Island (UNESCO World Heritage

Fulbright leaders from over 40 coun-

ing, and its history intersects with the

Site), the Helsinki Kauppatori market

tries on both sides of the Atlantic to

Finnish-American Fulbright program.

place, and the renowned Finnish ice-

share best practices and strategize

In 1975, Kalastajatorppa served as one of

breakers. The program also included a

future exchanges.

the sites for the Conference on Security

taste of Finnish Midsummer traditions,

and Co-operation in Europe (CSCE) – a

and the timing of the conference allowed

The conference highlighted the impor-

diplomatic event that marked the begin-

the visitors to experience the white

tance of multidisciplinary international

ning of the end of the Cold War. Fulbright

nights of the Northern latitudes.

cooperation in understanding global

Finland’s Trust Fund was founded during

A Fulbright conference of this size

challenges ranging from climate change

this very conference by Finnish Presi-

had not been organized in Europe in

Fulbright Finland  www.fulbright.fi




European Fulbright Conference

recent years. The overwhelmingly posi-

Photo above, Deputy Assistant Secretary of

tive feedback from the attendees dem-

State Benjamin G. Ziff (left) and Deputy As-

onstrated how important and beneficial

sistant Secretary of State for Academic Pro-

it is to bring together different actors

grams Mala Adiga from the U.S. Department

involved in developing and implement-

of State, pictured at the conference opening

ing Fulbright programs. The conference

with Matti Anttonen, Under-Secretary of

was funded by the U.S. Department of

State for External Economic Relations from

State and hosted by Fulbright Finland in

the Finnish Ministry for Foreign Affairs of

collaboration with the Finnish Ministry

Finland, and Terhi Mölsä, Executive Director

of Education and Culture, the Finnish

of Fulbright Finland.

Ministry for Foreign Affairs, and the U.S. Embassy in Helsinki.

Top right, Permanent Secretary Anita Lehikoinen from the Finnish Ministry of


Education and Culture welcoming the


conference participants at the House of the


Estates in Helsinki.

partnerships Below, conference program kicked off with Photos: Studio Terho Photography

the session on Strategic Partnerships with

and Maija Kettunen

National and Regional Governments.

Conference attendees at the Suomenlinna Fortress Island.

Fulbright Finland  www.fulbright.fi


Maija Kettunen

Current U.S. Grantees

U.S. Fulbright Grantees 2016–2017 at the Kaisa Library during the orientation seminar.

Partner Support Makes an Extensive Orientation Seminar Possible The orientation seminar for arriving

All of this is possible with the invaluable

See the detailed orientation program at

U.S. Fulbrighters in August is not only

support of Fulbright Finland’s partners


a comprehensive coverage of the Ful-

and sponsors who provide us with expert


bright practicalities, but also Finnish

speakers and different venues for the

education and research, society, econ-


omy, Finnish art and history, as well as daily life, language and Finnish culture.

Thank you to all who made the week possible!

Maija Kettunen

Volunteering with the Red Cross to Help Asylum Seekers


providing humanitarian aid. They are

The other part of my Fulbright proj-

particularly interested in its advocacy and

ect focuses on public health research, in

support for immigrants and refugees.

investigating the associations between

I am currently volunteering with the

chemical exposures and type 1 diabetes.

Finnish Red Cross in Turku with this

Having this in-depth research project

ongoing disaster in mind. It’s particularly

with the community outreach at the Red

salient to me as a recent graduate from

Cross has been very helpful during my

the Berkeley School of Public Health,

transition to Finland. It has given me the

where I studied the social determinants

opportunity to learn more about different

of health and the importance of safe,

areas of global health, create a larger net-

healthy communities. I have experience

work of Finnish colleagues, and to explore

working in multicultural groups and in

different organizations within Turku.

The past couple of years have been excep-

cultivating inclusive communities in res-

Since the Red Cross is an interna-

tionally difficult for those seeking ref-

idence halls on campus. Through the Red

tional organization, this will also give me

uge within Europe. There are increasing

Cross I’ve helped lead discussions about

an opportunity to connect my project in

concerns about how immigrants are

problems facing asylum seekers, such as

Finland to the U.S. when I return home.

treated upon arrival and how they are

issues with identity cards and being seen

I will be able to continue serving in my

being integrated within society. While

as threatening when gathered in groups

community through Red Cross organiza-

this can be seen as a dark situation, there

in public spaces. We also strive to bring

tions or with asylum seekers in my area.

are groups working to promote justice for

good cheer and an uplifting attitude to

immigrants and provide assistance. The

them while they are in a long period of

Marie Tysman

Red Cross of Finland is one of the most

transition to new places and waiting for a

2016–2017 Fulbright-University of

significant Finnish civic organizations

response from the migration authorities.

Turku Graduate Award Grantee

Fulbright Finland  www.fulbright.fi

Maija Kettunen

Despite some drama, even the turkey made it right on time.

Thanksgiving Fulbright Finland Style Fulbright Finland has traditionally orga-

bright staff member Emilia Holopainen.

The following day we had the oppor-

nized festivities and activities around

Floorball essentially involves passing and

tunity to visit Parliament where we were



shooting a whiffle ball across a flat indoor

treated to a delicious lunch and discus-

a graduate student at Lappeenranta



court with plastic hockey-like sticks.

sion with two members of Parliament

University of Technology shares her

After learning the rules, and practicing

(MPs). We were all very grateful that the

experience of celebrating Thanksgiving

passing and shooting, we were getting

MPs took time out of their days to speak

the Fulbright Finland style.

into the competition. We also quickly

with us and answer our questions in the

learned that Emilia is an incredibly tal-

rather informal lunch setting, especially

Thanksgiving in Fulbright Finland style

ented floorball player, since when we

when they had to leave promptly after to

began with a trip to the Fazer chocolate

played “everyone versus Emilia” she still

participate in a vote. It was quite inter-

factory. We were guided through the

beat us with ease.

esting to learn about the Finnish sys-

history of the company and introduced

Thanksgiving day concluded with a

to some of the assembly lines in virtual

feast at Fulbright Distinguished Chair

reality. Of course no chocolate factory

Patrick Miller’s apartment. It was lovely

As the days grow colder and darker

tour would be complete without an all-

to share the evening with other Ameri-

here in Finland, Thanksgiving in Ful-

you-can-eat samples section, which we

can Fulbrighters and their families as

bright Finland style was a special and

all tackled with great enthusiasm.

well as the incredible Fulbright Finland

memorable celebration that brought

staff, who are quickly becoming like

warmth and light to our lives.

family away from home.

Text: Anna Partridge

After all you can eat candy, some of us opted to participate in floorball with Ful-

tem of government as well as hear some views of different legislators.

Puhtaiden järvien perässä pohjoiseen Suomalainen ympäristötietoisuus ja

säädäntö on tiukkaa. Jyväsjärvikin oli

puhtaat järvet toivat Fulbright-tutkija

aikoinaan pahoin saastunut, mutta nyt



taas varsin siistissä kunnossa. Haluan

Jyväskylän yliopiston bio- ja ympä-

selvittää, miten tuo puhdistaminen on

ristötieteiden laitokselle. Pohjoinen

vaikuttanut järven eliöihin”, Jeyasingh

sijainti houkutteli Jeyasinghia, sillä



hänen tutkimuksensa raameina ovat ilmaston­muutoksen vaikutukset Daph-

Teksti: Tiedonjyvä verkkojulkaisu 3.11.2016.

nia-vesikirppujen evoluutioon ja pohjoisessa vaikutukset näkyvät selvemmin.

Read Punidan Jeyasingh's article

”Suomalaiset järvet ovat ideaaleja tut-

about his Fulbright project online:

kimukselleni, sillä täällä ollaan tietoisia


ympäristöstä ja myös sitä koskeva lain-


Fulbright Finland  www.fulbright.fi


Alumni in Focus

Understanding the Signals, from the Lab to the Clinic Professor Risto Näätänen relates how

ing on human reaction times and I was

his Fulbright year at UCLA set him on

very interested in neurophysiology. But I

a path to discovery of the brain signal

had no facilities to develop my research.

that would define his research career

The Fulbright scholarship was crucial

and provide vital clues to healthy

because it enabled me to focus on the

brain function.

brain function research I really wanted to do. In California, I learned so much, and

With a career in psychology and neuro-

started to understand the real research

science spanning five decades, and more

questions. I collected all the data for my

citations than any other Finn in any field

doctoral thesis work in Los Angeles. I

of research, Risto Näätänen is arguably

remember that even in the last morn-

the most influential Finnish scientist

ing before our departure on a Greyhound

of his generation. His work on electrical

bus, I was still collecting the last read-

activity in the brain has been applied in

ings from subjects. It was a hectic year!”

areas as diverse as coma research, dys-

“I had only been abroad once before,

lexia, linguistics and musical perception.

during war time,” Näätänen reflects.

His campaign to introduce speed limits

“When I was five, we escaped to Swe-

on Finnish roads has saved many lives.

den for a year, due to the Soviet bom-

However, Näätänen says that his career

bardment of Helsinki. When I arrived in

had an unconventional beginning. “I was

California, everything looked strange. I

quite a bad student at school and didn’t

remember seeing the exotic flowers in

want to study. I spent most of my time

the gardens there. They were like huge

playing sports! My sister was the good

versions of the ones my mother had in

student in the family. I didn’t worry too

her window at home. It was very differ-

much at first about academic success, but

ent, but in a positive way. I was lucky to

sinki, he was appointed first as docent,

later thought it was a way to interest my

meet Raimo Anttila, a Finnish professor

and later won a full professorship when

father. Then as I studied more, I set my

of linguistics. I spent a lot of time with

he was just 35 years old, becoming one of

goal to become a professor.”

him and his family, and they helped me

the youngest members of faculty.

Born in 1939 to a scientific family –

get settled in. UCLA also had a very nice

“After my experiences in Califor-

his father was a professor of anatomy at

program where Fulbright scholars would

nia and the Netherlands, I had a lot of

University of Helsinki’s Medical School

be invited to dinner and social events, so

knowledge to bring home. I then started

– Näätänen discovered a lifelong fas-

we were quite well integrated. The Finn-

to create my own research group. I now

cination for psychology and neurosci-

ish consulate also took some care of us.”

knew what to aim at and how to put

ence while a student at the University of

Bringing Knowledge Back Home

awarded an ASLA-Fulbright scholarship

Once back in Helsinki, Näätänen ana-

to make an impact at home in Finland,

to the University of California in Los

lyzed the California data, and Lindsley

directly influencing public policy on road

Angeles to work on his doctoral thesis

continued as an aca-

with neuroscientist Professor Donald B.

demic mentor for the


young Finn, discuss-

Working with a Psychology Pioneer


together an effective research team.”

Helsinki in the 1960s. In 1965-66 he was

ing points of theory and commenting on

Näätänen discovered another way

traffic safety. In 1972,

The Fulbright scholarship was crucial.

he wrote Death on the Road, a book arguing for the introduction of speed limits on Finnish highways.

Näätänen explains how he knew of Lind-

Näätänen’s text. “I

sley through the psychology literature of

wanted to stay longer

the time. Known for his interdisciplinary

in California, and UCLA would have sup-

friends died in a traffic accident. He was

approach to brain research, Lindsley was

ported that, but I had to go back to Hel-

driving too fast. I thought I had to do

a pioneer in the use of electroencepha-

sinki to take up an assistant position. At

something, so I wrote it in his memory.

lography (EEG) to measure electrical

that time, it was not so common to travel

I sent the book to President Kekkonen.

activity in the brain. Näätänen took the

abroad. Finland was pretty isolated. I

To my surprise, in his New Year’s Day

bold step of writing directly to the UCLA

think I was the one exception amongst

address, he mentioned my book and said

professor to ask if he would be willing to

my peers at university.”

that speed limits should be imposed on

“One of my very best

host him. Receiving a warm invitation,

Näätänen continued his interna-

all Finnish roads.” Within six months,

Näätänen applied for and was granted a

tional career in the Netherlands, at the

Näätänen recalls, the speed limits were

year’s Fulbright scholarship to work on

Institute for Perception TNO, Soester-

in place.

brain research as part of Lindsley’s lab.

berg, where he and his co-researchers

“Many hundreds of people were saved

“Lindsley was very supportive and

observed the Mismatch Negativity sig-

each year. The death toll fell from around

welcoming. In Helsinki, I had been work-

nal for the first time. Returning to Hel-

1000 to around 500 per year. I think that

Fulbright Finland  www.fulbright.fi

my work brought speed limits to Finland

in patients with schizophrenia. If the

earlier than they would otherwise have

signal reduces, it suggests that a psy-

been. This is the most important thing

chotic episode is about to take place.”

I’ve done in my life.”

Early identification helps ensure timely

From Brain Signal to Diagnostic Tool Näätänen’s chief contribution to sci-

and appropriate treatment, which can improve the clinical outcome and ultimately the quality of life for patients.

entific knowledge is his work on the

The MMN can also be used in pre-

Mismatch Negativity (MMN) signal in

dicting dyslexia in newborns and small

the human brain. Measured using EEG,

infants, Näätänen says. “It can show

the signal is an electrophysiological

when the brain is unable to discriminate

response produced in the brain when a

different speech sounds. I think every

pattern of sensory inputs is broken, for

child when they come to school, should

example an unexpected sound in a series

be tested. One could use this method to

of repeated sounds. It demonstrates a

search for the problem, then use train-

certain level of in-built error detection

ing procedures to try to overcome it.”

With more citations than any other Finn in any field of research, Risto Näätänen is arguably the most influential Finnish scientist of his generation.

in the human brain, Näätänen explains,

A further crucial application is pre-

and is elicited not only in response to

dicting whether comatose patients are

anomalous sounds, but also to changes

likely to regain consciousness. “If a per-

so many parallel processes in the brain,

in vision, touch, smell and even gram-

son is in a coma, we can predict quite

it can be difficult to discern the specific

matical errors.

reliably whether the patient will recover

signal we are looking for. The main focus

or not. If they produce the MMN, they

now is to increase the reliability of the

will survive.”

results at an individual level, so the MMN

“It is a response which takes place even when the person’s attention is directed elsewhere, for example, watch-

Näätänen wants to raise awareness

can be used as a diagnostic tool for indi-

ing videos or reading a book,” says

of the potential uses of mismatch neg-

vidual patients in hospitals and clinics.”

Näätänen. “It can be a good indicator of

ativity, and is currently working on a

normal brain function. When a patient’s

book about the clinical applications, and

brain does not produce this signal, it

future challenges, for Oxford University

indicates that something is wrong.”

Press. Getting knowledge about MMN

Text: Louisa Gairn

For these reasons, the MMN could

out of the neuroscience lab and into

be very useful in real world situations

practice could make a positive impact on

Alumni in Focus series introduces alumni of

to assess patients at risk of certain ill-

many patients’ lives, but more work is

Fulbright Finland. During its 67 years of opera-

nesses or disabilities, enabling early

needed to ensure this happens.

tion, Fulbright Finland has sent over 3 700

“The book is a sort of window to the

Finnish grantees with different fields of exper-

“One of the most significant appli-

future, seeing where the research should

tise to the U.S., and over 1 800 Americans have

cations is predicting psychosis onset

go from here. EEG is very noisy; there are

come to Finland on a Fulbright grant.

detection and intervention.

MIkka Verto

Unparalleled Pomp Attends Professor’s Finnish Fete

Read the University of Wisconsin-

“Professor Douglas Maynard, 2006 Ful-

sharp quest for knowledge and truth,

bright Scholar to University of Helsinki,

and the top hat, representing freedom of

Madison’s article online at:

has received many honors in his career

thought, were given to Dr. Maynard when


but until recently, they never came

he received an honorary doctorate from


with a sword. The sword, signifying the

the University of Helsinki this year.”

Fulbright Finland  www.fulbright.fi


Alumni News

Donors Make a Difference Fulbright Finland is genuinely a joint

launched in 2012, to create a perma-

effort. Founded on the governmental

nent source of funds to support a new

sador to Finland, Charles C. Adams, Jr.,

partnership, it is grown and developed

grant, the Friends of Fulbright Finland

launched the Fulbright Finland Cen-

through cooperation with institutions

Alumni Enrichment Award. The Award is

tennial Fund initiative to recognize



funded entirely by the endowment cre-

and commemorate the upcoming 100th

by the active network of sponsors,

ated by American alumni donations in

Anniversary of Finland. The initiative

donors, alumni and friends.

the United States. The growing numbers

has already resulted in new institutional

of first time and multiple gift donors this

partnerships, new sponsorship support,

The contribution of the individual

past fall underscores just how much the

as well as individual contributions from

alumni and friends of the program is

Fulbright Finland experience continues

both sides of the Atlantic. In Finland the

immensely important. Every year hun-

to be valued. Bradley Boehringer, Jay

full initiative will be announced in 2017.

Gillette and BJ Deering,

A special announcement of the founding

Laurie Eldridge, Robert

contributors will be made close to the

Erickson, Paul Flikkema,

Centennial anniversary date of Decem-


ber 6, 2017.



dreds of individuals on both sides



The value of

Atlantic donate

alumni and volunteer

their time, tal-

contribution is

ent and treasure for







King and Sandra Sampson, Kay Kohl, Kenneth Kolson, John Lebaron, Edwin Loovis, Suzanne Louis,

past year they participated as speakers,

David Major and Patricia Hart, Anna

experts or sponsors in over 100 events,

Marquardt, Douglas and Joan Maynard,

seminars, and training sessions, and

Jennifer Molz, and Margaret Schueman

advised new generations of Fulbright

— Thank you so much! Lämmin kiitos!

grantees. Dozens of alumni served pro

Further, we wish to thank our U.S.

bono as field specific experts and evalu-

alumni who have contributed to the new

ators in the application process, or vol-

Fulbright Finland Centennial Fund ini-

unteered in other ways at the Fulbright

tiative: Paul Burgess, Jay Gillette and

Center in Helsinki. The value of their

BJ Deering, Janet English, Mohsin and

contribution is immeasurable. The Friends of Fulbright Finland (FoFF) Alumni Enrichment Fund was

Fulbright Finland and the U.S. Ambas-

Farida Jamali, Mark Miller, Bhaskar Rao, James Stock, and Carol Tenopir.

Make an Impact If you are looking for a way to make a difference in Finnish -American exchanges, join the Fulbright Finland community and contact us on the many ways in which you can make a real impact! Fulbright Finland Terhi Mölsä terhi.molsa@fulbright.fi +358 50 570 5498

This past year, the Honorary Chair of

Our World Changes through Small Actions Fulbright


The Finnish Fulbright program is a

changing almost by definition: you are



model of dedicated people and smart use

appointed to research and teach what

of resources. Fulbright Finland has cul-

you've learned, in a new country for you.

tivated institutional support well.

It’s a metaphor for the scholar’s journey in its own right. For my wife B. J. Deering and me, our

friends can provide further resources

own Fulbright experience at the Uni-

through donations of time, treasure, and

versity of Oulu in Finland transformed

talents. Dr. Deering and I have worked to

us. In addition to our scholarly work, we

commit ourselves in all three categories.

came away with a new appreciation for

So can every Fulbrighter, friend, ally, and

community, for light, and nature, and

employee of Fulbright Finland.

the powerful adventurous spirit of the Finnish people.

Fulbright Finland  www.fulbright.fi

We take our cue from nature: from small seeds, forests grow. Our world

Yet as academics with practical expe-

changes through small actions that add

rience in the world of corporate work and

up to global forces for good. We have

academic research organizations, we

grown through our Fulbright experi-

realized from the start that nothing like

ences in Finland. We give back to Fin-

the Fulbright exchange program can hap-

land with our time, treasure, and talents

pen without people and resource com-

through Fulbright Finland. We encour-

mitments. We made our first donations

age you to do the same, starting with

starting with our fall orientation period.

the new contribution opportunities, or

We’ve added knowledge-value and finan-

wherever you see your chance. Kiitos!

cial donations since then as we could.


Yet for special needs, and especially aspirational goals, Fulbright alumni and

Jay & B. J.

Alumni News

Making an Impact on the Future of Fulbright Finland “I have had two Fulbright Scholar awards. The

the Finnish Commission has made ‘paying it for-

first, in 2006, supported a semester-long teach-

ward’ feasible in the case of Finland, which is why

ing assignment in American studies at the Uni-

I urge you to join me in making a donation to the

versity of Oulu.

Friends of Fulbright Finland Alumni Enrichment

In 2014, I was granted a second Fulbright to teach in a public administration department at a

Fund. We can have a direct impact on the future of Fulbright Finland.”

regional university in a non-Commission country in Eastern Europe.


Both awards have made me a better teacher, scholar, and representative of the United States

Kenneth Kolson

abroad. But the inspired alumni programming of

2006 Fulbright Scholar, University of Oulu

Fulbright Finland recognizes

Suzanne Louis In gratitude for her 10 years of dedicated volunteer service on behalf of Fulbright Finland and Finnish-American academic and cultural exchanges. Suzanne Louis is 2001 Fulbright Mid-Career Professional Development alumna and has served as a volunteer expert consultant for Fulbright Finland for 10 years.

Heidi Hirvonen (in the middle) is also an active Fulbright Finland alumna. She is engaging interested Fulbright grantees in the mentoring projects at the MONIKA – Multicultural Women’s Association. Fulbright Student Hannah Duncan (sitting) has visited the NGO and will be working on issues related to

Maija Kettunen

immigration and racism later this year.

Alumna Finds Mentors for Immigrant Women in Finland

shops to develop the skills that are essential for job-seekers in Finland. Her work is important, as more immigrants are arriving in Finland but the number of organizations providing services and education for them is not growing equally fast. “The Study of the U.S. Institutes program was a great possibility to learn, network and reflect my work. I can say

Heidi Hirvonen’s passion for and dedi-

selves in U.S. society gave Hirvonen new

it really effected to my world view. I got

cation to her important and innovative

ideas for workshops, courses and educa-

great contacts, and I am still in touch

work with immigrant women in Fin-

tional materials that she can create for

with the other scholars as well as our

land impressed the selection commit-

immigrant women as well as for interest

teachers at the NYU.”

tee when she applied for the Study of

groups working with immigrants. Text: Mirka McIntire

the U.S. Institute for Scholars on U.S.

As a part of the Family Federation of

Culture and Society, a six-week rigorous

Finland’s Womento-method Hirvonen

academic summer program at New York

matches immigrant women with Finn-

University. The opportunity to exam-

ish mentors. The voluntary 8-month


ine the ethnic, racial, social, economic,

program is meant for highly educated


political, and religious contexts in which

women with immigrant background.


various cultures have manifested them-

Heidi Hirvonen also organizes work-

Study of the U.S. Institutes


Fulbright Finland  www.fulbright.fi


“The day was just wonderful — the energy was high throughout the day and lots of next steps identified. I think the group is going to spread the information and seek some changes”, Dr. Jordan described the training days. In photo: Anna Piponius, Kari Salminen, Corrine Tims,

Ilkka Kaljonen

Jean Jordan, and Annika Rae.

Training Teachers Working with Immigrants

around creating equitable school cultures and inclusive classrooms as well as plan ways to engage new-to-country parents, students and cultural leaders in the school setting. “I think the group

Fulbright Finland alumna, Dr. Jean

brought forward the great need for such

is going to spread the information and

Jordan returned to Finland as the first

a training for the local educators and

seek some changes”, reckons Jordan.

recipient of the Friends of Fulbright

shared their plans to continue training

Jean Jordan is the Director of Edu-

Finland (FoFF) Alumni Enrichment

the educators on the themes addressed

cational Services in one of three inter-


by Dr. Jordan: “The City of Turku has

mediate school districts in the state

received increasing number of asylum

of Minnesota in the U.S. She spent six

Dr. Jordan and her host from her first

seekers during the last year and many

weeks in Kupittaa Junior High School

visit 10 years ago had maintained their

of them are children and teenagers who

in Turku on a Fulbright Administrative

professional and personal relationship

have suffered developmental trauma.

Exchange award in 2007.

during the years which now resulted in

Thus, it is essential that we educate

Dr. Jordan’s return to Turku to train local

our teachers of the impacts of devel-

educators who work in global class-

opmental trauma. We have now plans

rooms. Her training focused specifically

to organize a seminar for teachers and

on School Equity, Intercultural Com-

kindergarten teachers who work with

Alumni Enrichment Award is granted

petencies and on Adverse Childhood

immigrant children about how to recog-

for a U.S. alumni of the Finnish Fulbright

Experiences Study (ACE Study) including

nize learning disabilities and trauma.”

program for a return visit to Finland and

Text: Karoliina Kokko Friends of Fulbright Finland (FoFF)

it is funded by Fulbright Finland alumni

trauma based interventions. One of the

After the training given by Dr. Jordan,

participants Pia Lagercrantz who works

principals continued working in turn

in the U.S.

as a Manager of Development at the

with school staff and administrators


Education Division of the City of Turku

to expand the knowledge and practice


Welcoming Centenarian Alumnus traveled extensively while in the U.S.,

of Fulbright Finland’s very first Finnish

and his wife Kaari Mikola came to Wis-

grantees to the United States 66 years

consin for the summer and they drove

ago. He spent the academic year 1950–51

around western United States visiting

as an ASLA grantee at University of Wis-

national parks. In 2001 Fulbright Fin-

consin, Madison, and became afterwards

land organized a public exhibition of

one of Finland’s most internation-

professor Mikola’s photos from his ASLA

ally recognized forest researchers. His

year in the U.S. The numerous contacts

plethora of academic publications are

he created in 1950–51 formed the basis

from nine decades. Mikola celebrated

for his international career. Fulbright

his 100th birthday a year ago in October,

Finland was pleased to host Professor

and a book titled Vuosisadan metsäbiologi

Mikola recently for a visit and exciting

(The Forest Biologist of the Century) was

discussion about his experiences. When

Pictured here with our Executive Di-

published to honor his centennial.

asked to give a few words of wisdom,

rector Terhi Mölsä, Professor Mikola

Professor Mikola’s ASLA year started with a six-week orientation. He also


Fulbright Finland  www.fulbright.fi

Professor Mikola replied, “Life is rich.”

Maija Kettunen

Professor Peitsa Mikola was in the group

sharing stories and vivid memories.

Alumni Association

Behind the Scenes with the Alumni The ASLA-Fulbright Alumni Association members and the current U.S. Fulbrighters have had several fun and interesting networking opportunities this fall. The events have varied from the annual Welcome Event for the new U.S. grantees and returning Finnish grantees to a fascinating Behind the Scenes Visit at the Finnish National Opera & Ballet, to a casual Fulbrighter Meetup in conjunction with the newly selected graduate students’ Fulbright orientation day. In its latest events, the association hosted a lively Pre-Election Night about the U.S. Presidential Elections, brought together alumni in a Pub Evening in Tampere and celebrated the Holiday

The alumni event on U.S. presidential elec-

Season in an atmospheric dinner with music.

tions provided the participants a chance to learn from their U.S. peers about the specifics

Join the ASLA-Fulbright Alumni Association

of the U.S. electoral system including topics which the U.S. citizens voted on in addition to

The current chair of the association

magazine twice a year, and opportuni-

Anna Kronlund invites everyone to join

ties for international networking and

the association.

participation in special events.”

their president. External Relations Manager Heidi Almi lead

“All Fulbright Finland alumni are


the association members to explore the

welcome to join the ASLA-Fulbright


costume department behind the scenes at

Alumni Association ry - and even if you

the Finnish National Opera & Ballet. During

are not an alum, you can join the asso-

If you are an American alum of the Finnish

the tour, the participants also met with the

ciation as a supporting member! Become

Fulbright program and reside in the United

General Director of the National Opera, Päivi

a member by paying 25 € annual mem-

States, become active in the Friends of

Kärkkäinen, and the Opera’s Development

bership fee and receive membership

Fulbright Finland (FoFF) network!

benefits such a the Fulbright Finland News

Manager, Heidi Lehmuskumpu – both


Fulbright Finland alumni.

ASLA-Fulbright Alumni Association

Remembering Outi Savonlahti Outi Savonlahti passed away on August

Fulbright character with zest and grace.

9, 2016. Outi was a Fulbright graduate

Outi was always there. She had an air of

student to University of Wisconsin in

a woman of the world, intelligent and

1984 and a Board member of the ASLA-

intellectual, without a hint of arrogance.”

Fulbright Alumni Association. Col-

Outi Savonlahti had a long and dis-

leagues in international education and

tinguished career in international edu-

fellow Fulbright alumni, Suzanne Louis

cation and exchange at the University of

and Esko Koponen remember Outi with

Eastern Finland in Joensuu.

deep appreciation: “Outi embodied the

Fulbright Finland  www.fulbright.fi



Appointment News from the Board

Fulbright Finland numeroina 2016 Asiakastilastot •• Asiakaskontakteja ja tapahtumaosallistujia 5 667, joista 1 976 Fulbright Speaker Program -tapahtumien osallistujia. Kaikista osallistujista koulutuksen ja kansainvälistymisen ammattilaisia n. 38 % •• 101 tapahtumaa Suomessa: infotilaisuudet, seminaarit, konferenssit ja Fulbright Speaker Program –tapahtumat

Fulbright Finland welcomes Dr. Piia Björn, Professor of Special Education at the University of Eastern Finland and Fulbright alumna, Mr. T.J. Grubisha, Counselor for Press and Public Affairs at the American Embassy, and Dr. Hannu Seristö, Vice President for External Relations at Aalto University on the Fulbright Finland Foundation Board of Directors. Respectively, completing their board service are Ms. Birgitta Vuorinen, Dr. Bo Petterson, and Mr. Jeffrey Reneau. Fulbright Finland conveys them a sincere thank you for their dedicated service. The Finnish board members are appointed by the Ministry of Education and Culture, and the American members by the U.S. Ambassador to Finland.

•• Verkkosivu: 231 200 sivun katselua ja 67 700 käyttäjää

Stipendiohjelmat •• Yhteensä 94 stipendiaattia, joista 47 suomalaista ja 47 yhdysvaltalaista •• Yhteisstipendit mukaan lukien jaettu yli 1,4 miljoonaa euroa apurahoina

Perusrahoitus (Perusrahoitus ilman yhteistyöstipendejä) •• 73 % Suomesta (Tukisäätiö, opetus- ja kulttuuriministeriö, yksityiset säätiöt, suomalaiset korkeakoulut, muut) •• 27 % Yhdysvalloista (18 % USA:n ulkoministeriön allokaatio, 9 % muut) •• 0,15 % Kanadasta (Kanadan valtio)

Alumnit •• Yli 550 aktiivia alumnia Yhdysvalloissa (Friends of Fulbright Finland -verkosto) •• Sadat alumnit Suomessa ja USA:ssa toimivat asiantuntijoina, tieteenalakohtaisina arvioijina ja valintalautakuntien jäseninä, johtokunnan jäseninä sekä muissa Fulbright Finlandin tehtävissä Dr. Bo Petterson (right) recognized for his eight years of service on the board. Pictured also Fulbright director Terhi Mölsä and Board Chair Matti Kokkala.

•• Alumneista 128 on jäseninä myös ASLA-Fulbright Alumni -yhdistyksessä

Vuoden 2016 kohokohtia

Joining the Fulbright Team

•• Fulbright Arctic Initiative Plenary Week ja Symposium Oulussa •• Capacity-Building Workshop: Attracting U.S.

Pia Arola joined Fulbright Finland in October. As Executive Assistant she is

Students to Finland -seminaari Helsingissä •• Uusi Fulbright-Saastamoinen Foundation

in charge of office management. After

Distinguished Chair perustettiin

finishing her secretarial studies at the

•• Fulbright Suomi -säätiön peruskirja

University of Stockholm in Sweden, she


worked 28 years at the Public Affairs

•• European Fulbright Conference Helsingissä

Office at the U.S. Embassy Helsinki.

•• Fulbright Bicentennial Chair in American Studies 40-vuotisjuhlavuosi •• Suomen Fulbright koordinoimaan Euroopan

Emmi Jelekäinen started in Decem-

Fulbright Inter-Country -ohjelman rahoitusta

ber as Program Coordinator. She works mainly with grant programs for Finnish and American scholars. With Master’s Degree in Intercultural Communication, she previously worked at the Centre for International Mobility CIMO.


Fulbright Finland  www.fulbright.fi

Fulbright Finland serves as the national EducationUSA center in Finland. Fulbright Finland advises on higher education in Canada.

Fulbright Finland Foundation Fulbright Suomi -säätiö sr

Fulbright Finland Foundation Board of Directors Fulbright Finland Foundation Board of Directors assumed the responsibilities of the Finland-U.S. Educational Exchange Commission (FUSEEC) effective October 3, 2016.

Honorary Chair H.E., Charles C. Adams, Jr. Ambassador of the United States to Finland

Dr. Matti Kokkala Senior Advisor, Smart Cities VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Chair

Mr. T.J. Grubisha Counselor for Press and Cultural Affairs American Embassy Vice chair

Dr. Hannu Seristö Vice President for External Relations Aalto University

Mr. David Yoken Senior Music Lecturer Arts Academy, Turku University of Applied Sciences

American Members:


Ms. Jeanie Duwan Assistant Public Affairs Officer American Embassy

Ms. Terhi Mölsä Chief Executive Officer Fulbright Finland Foundation

Finnish Members: Dr. Piia Björn Professor of Special Education University of Eastern Finland Dr. Heikki Ruskoaho Professor of Pharmacology and Drug Development University of Helsinki

Fulbright Finland Foundation Staff Team Ms. Pia Arola

Ms. Maija Kettunen

Ms. Suzanne Louis

Johdon assistentti Executive Assistant p. (044) 5535 278 •• Toimistohallinto

Viestintä- ja tapahtuma­ koordinaattori Communication and Events Coordinator p. (044) 5535 277 •• Sosiaalinen media ja verkkopalvelut •• Visuaalinen viestintä •• Tapahtumat •• Fulbright Finland News •• Fulbright Speaker -ohjelma

Projektikonsultti (osa-aikainen) Project Consultant (part-time) •• Friends of Fulbright Finland -verkosto •• Alumnikoordinaattori •• Fulbright Finland News

Ms. Emilia Holopainen Ohjelmakoordinaattori Program Coordinator p. (044) 7035 284 •• Tutkija-, luennoitsija- ja asiantuntijastipendit amerikkalaisille •• Inter-Country-stipendit •• Undergraduate-stipendit suomalaisille •• Sosiaalinen media ja verkkopalvelut

Ms. Emmi Jelekäinen Ohjelmakoordinaattori Program Coordinator p. (044) 5535 275 •• Tutkija-, luennoitsija- ja asiantuntijastipendit amerikkalaisille •• Tutkija- ja luennoitsijastipendit suomalaisille

Ms. Mirka McIntire

Vastaava ohjelmapäällikkö Senior Program Manager (grant program oversight) p. (044) 5535 268 •• Maisteri- ja tohtorivaiheen stipendit •• Neuvonta opiskelusta USA:ssa ja Kanadassa •• Alumnikoordinaattori

Ohjelmapäällikkö, Koulutus- ja opettajavaihto (osa-aikainen) Manager, Teacher Exchange and Education Programs (part-time) p. (044) 5535 269 •• Opettajaohjelma •• Study of the U.S. Institutes for Scholars and Secondary School Educators •• Study of the U.S. Institutes for Student Leaders from Europe •• Asiantuntijastipendit •• Seminaarit ja koulutustapahtumat

Ms. Johanna Lahti

Ms. Terhi Mölsä

(opintovapaalla/on study leave)

Toimitusjohtaja Chief Executive Officer p. (050) 570 5498

Ms. Karoliina Kokko

Office: (044) 5535 286, e-mails: firstname.lastname@fulbright.fi

Tukisäätiö Fulbright Finlandin toimintaa tukee Suomen ja Yhdysvaltain Stipenditoiminnan Tukisäätiö / Säätiön hallitus: The Finland-America Educational Trust Fund / Board of Directors: Finnish members:

American members:

Agent / Säätiön asiamies:

Mr. Jouni Mölsä Director General of Communications Department for Communications and Culture Ministry for Foreign Affairs Chair

Ms. Donna Welton Deputy Chief of Mission American Embassy Vice-Chair

Ms. Terhi Mölsä Chief Executive Officer Fulbright Finland Foundation

Ms. Jaana Palojärvi Head of International Relations Finnish Ministry of Education and Culture

Mr. T.J. Grubisha Counselor for Press and Cultural Affairs American Embassy

The Finnish members are appointed by the Ministry of Education and the Ministry for Foreign Affairs. The American members are appointed by the American Embassy.

Fulbright Finland  www.fulbright.fi


Toimintaamme tukee mm.: Support comes to us from:

Fulbright Finland Hakaniemenranta 6 FI-00530 HELSINKI FINLAND



14. – 18. 11. International Education Week USA:ssa

24. 11. Thanksgiving: Fulbright Finland suljettu

8. 12. Fulbright Bicentennial Chair in American Studies -professorin virkaanastujaisluento

12. 12. 2017–2018 hakuaika päättyy:

26. –  30. 12. Fulbright Finland suljettu

26. – 27. 1. ORIENTAATIO: Kevätluku­k audeksi saapuvien yhdysvaltalaisten stipendiaattien orientaatio

•• ASLA-Fulbright Pre-Doctoral Research Fellows Program •• ASLA-Fulbright Grants for a Junior Scholar •• ASLA-Fulbright Grants for a Senior Scholar •• Fulbright-Technology Industries of Finland Grants, Post doc •• Mid-Career Development Professional Grant



3. 2. 13th Fulbright North American Studies Roundtable

12. 12. Fulbright Finland Foundation Board meeting

10. 1. hakuaika päättyy:

17. 1. hakuaika päättyy:

•• Study of the U.S. Institutes for Scholars and Secondary Educators

•• Study of the U.S. Institutes for European Student Leaders

15. 12. The FinlandAmerica Educational Trust Fund Board Meeting

Stipendiohjelmien uudet haku­tiedot julkistetaan helmikuussa

20 14

Education, Innovation, Science and Art


huhtikuu toukokuu

15. – 17. 3. Education, Innovation, Science and Art Fulbright Forum 2017 on Education Education, Innovation, Science and Art Innovation, Science and Art, Jyväskylä 17. 5. ORIENTAATIO: Suomalaisten stipendiaattien lähtöorientaatio ja stipendien julkistamistilaisuus

20 14

20 14


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