Abercrombie and Kent Antartica 2011/12

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I founded Abercrombie & Kent in East Africa nearly 50 years ago with little more than a Land Rover, a couple of tents and the all-important icemaker. Little did I know at the time I was creating a blueprint for a travel company that now takes people to every corner of the world in comfort, style and absolute safety. The key to our success? We believe in leaving nothing to chance. We believe in service. We believe in getting to know our clients so we can anticipate their individual needs. We believe that focusing on the little details can elevate a journey from being a great holiday into the experience of a lifetime. We believe that by religiously following these principles, clients will keep coming back to us for their holidays. They do. Now it’s your turn‌

Geoffrey Kent: Founder and Executive Chairman

Why go to Antarctica with Abercrombie & Kent? We don’t just take you to Antarctica, we take you inside this spectacular destination with A&K expert-led excursions and intimate lectures by noted scientists hired solely for our Antarctic journeys aboard the best expedition vessel sailing the Southern Ocean. Unmatched Experience in the Region A&K has operated more than 150 expeditions in 20 years of Antarctic cruising

educating and providing travellers with the opportunity to participate

and developed a highly experienced team to give you the very best

in conservation efforts.

expedition to one of the most exciting and challenging regions of the world - one of the last great wildernesses.

Our Legendary A&K Service from Start to Finish Our programmes are fully A&K operated and our expedition team

The Finest Guides in the Industry We employ only the

is hand-selected exclusively by A&K to meet our rigorous service

most qualified professionals including top geologists, ornithologists,

standards. In addition, we truly take care of every detail – our all-

historians and marine biologists. In addition, our experienced Zodiac

inclusive programmes include all cruise and land arrangements.

drivers, unlike aboard other cruises, are also certified field naturalists Hands-on Field Experiences From twice-daily excursions to

the water as well as on land. We also feature an unbeatable guide to

a visit to a scientific research station and close encounters with wildlife,

passenger ration of 1:12 giving you ample opportunities for one-to-one

Abercrombie & Kent brings you into the heart of this once-in-a-

time with our experts. Turn to pages 12-13 to find out more.

lifetime destination.

The Best way to Cruise in Antarctica Expect the utmost

Our Environmental Responsibility A&K has been an

in style and luxury when travelling abroad MV Le Boreal with

active member of the International Association of Antarctica Tour OC I







Our cruises exceed the strictest environmental protocols and focus on


personalised attention and outside window, all-balcony suites for all.



A&K. Restricting the total number of guests to just 199 means more


so you will get knowledgeable commentary of sights and wildlife on



Operators (IAATO) since the beginning. Founded in 1991, this organisation advocates, promotes and practices safe and environmentally sound travel to the Antarctic.

over 20 years of experience in antarctic exploration To Captain Cook, Antarctica was a ‘land doomed

greatest attractions: its wildlife. Depending on the locations visited you

by nature to an everlasting frigidness’, which

may encounter the following:

he deemed unworthy of exploring further.

Antarctica: seals – leopard, crabeater, fur, elephant and Weddell; whales

How wrong he was. Those who followed in

– orca, humpback and minke; penguins – chinstrap, Adélie and gentoo;

his wake have discovered a magical ‘White

birds – various albatross species; snow, pintado and Antarctic petrels;

Continent’ and one of nature’s last, remote and

skuas, sheathbills, Antarctic terns and blue-eyed shags.

fascinating strongholds. Antarctic cruises with

South Georgia: seals – fur and elephant; birds – king penguins and

Abercrombie & Kent draw on the best facilities,

various species of albatross.

guides and local knowledge to create the

Falkland Islands: mammals – fur seals and dolphins; birds – upland

ultimate Antarctic experience.

geese, peregrine falcons, king shags, Magellanic snipe and blackbrowed albatross (New Island); rockhopper (New Island), gentoo and

CLIMATE In Antarctica, the Falkland Islands and South Georgia, the

Magellanic penguins.

only months that visits are feasible are the austral summer months of November to March. During this time daily Antarctic temperatures

WHEN TO VISIT Early – Mid December. The winter pack ice begins

along the Antarctic Peninsula average from -4˚C to 7˚C and may

to melt and break up, creating new landscapes of sculpted ice with

climb as high as 10˚C on the more northerly islands. Wind-chill is as

abundant pack ice and pristine icebergs. This is the courting season for

important as temperature in its effect on the visitor. The continent’s ice

colonies of penguins and seabirds, recognisable by spectacular displays

cover and gravitational forces conspire to produce a type of wind unique

of courtship rituals. Seals are visible on fast ice and shorelines. Spring

to Antarctica – katabatic winds may suddenly surge producing a blizzard

wildflowers blooming on the Falkland and South Georgia Islands.

like effect and stop just as suddenly. Such conditions call for special

Elephant and fur seals establish their breeding territories.

wardrobe planning. A&K provides each cruise passenger with a water-

Mid-December – January. The wildlife is in full swing as temperatures

resistant, hooded parka especially designed for conditions in Antarctica

warm and activity levels rise. Late December and January are usually

– a lasting momento as well as practical apparel. For further advice on

Antarctica’s warmest months. On South Georgia and the Falklands,

clothing, we will provide you with a recommended clothing list.

the first penguin chicks emerge and fur seals are breeding. Seal pups are visible on South Georgia and the Falklands. Antarctic chicks hatch.


A WILDLIFE PARADISE The long and, even today, virtually total

Whales are increasingly numerous. Beautiful sunrises and sunsets

absence of a human presence here has protected one of Antarctica’s

create stunning photo opportunities.

Abercrombie & Kent • ANTARCTICA 2011 – 2012

please call 0845 0700 614 to speak to aN EXPERT or visit www.abercrombiekent.co.uk

ANTARCTICA Follow in Captains Scott’s wake on board our elegant state-of-the-art expedition ship, MV Le Boreal, to discover the magical White Continent, nature’s last, remote and fascinating stronghold.

please call 0845 0700 614 to speak to aN EXPERT or visit www.abercrombiekent.co.uk

Abercrombie & Kent • ANTARCTICA 2011 – 2012





16 DecEMBER 2011 – 6 janUARY 2012 (LB111219*) 1 JANUARY – 21 JANUARY 2012 (LB120104)








Visit the scantily populated, wind-swept

Day 1, UK

Metropolitan Cathedral.

be on hand to assist you with specific

and wildlife-rich islands of the Falklands.

Evening overnight flight via Sao Paulo or

Day 4, Buenos Aires/Ushuaia

camera questions and lead lectures

Follow a portion of Sir Ernest Shackleton’s

Madrid to Buenos Aires.

Early morning coffee at the hotel, before

focusing on particular photo skills

historic trek across South Georgia

Day 2, Buenos Aires

transfering to Buenos Aires Domestic

throughout your cruise.

where you can stand amid hundreds of

On arrival in Buenos Aires, you will

Airport for the charter flight southwards

Day 6, Falkland Islands

thousands of king penguin and explore

be met by a representative from A&K

to Tierra del Fuego and the world’s

We will spend today exploring the

the wildlife-rich, glacier-carved coved and

Argentina and escorted to the Sofitel

southernmost town of Ushuaia, to board

West or South East Falkland Islands

rugged shores of one of the world’s most

Buenos Aires for two nights. Early check-

the expedition ship MV Le Boreal.

(depending on departure). Expedition

remote and hard to reach destinations. In

in confirmed.

Day 5, At Sea

landings may include visits to New Island

Antarctica, make Zodiac landings to view

Day 3, Buenos Aires

As you sail east towards the Falkland

and Carcass Island in the West or Port

the vast and varied species of penguins,

Enjoy a comprehensive sightseeing

Islands, your lecturers begin their

Stanley to the South East.

marine mammals and seabirds that reside

tour of the ‘Paris of South America’.

informal series of enlightening

Day 7 to 8, At Sea

on the great White Continent.

Visit the sights clustered around the

discussions on the flora, fauna and the

As we sail towards South Georgia, the

city’s central plaza; the Plaza de Mayo,

history of the region. Additionally, a

lecturers revisit the adventures you have

the Casa Rosada, the Cabildo and the

professional staff photographer will

experienced in the Falklands and discuss

Abercrombie & Kent • ANTARCTICA 2011 – 2012

please call 0845 0700 614 to speak to aN EXPERT or visit www.abercrombiekent.co.uk

adventures yet to come in South Georgia.

rugged interior with fjord-like bays is

day’s possibilities. On most days we

mammals and seabirds such as albatross

The ship passes through nutrient-plentiful

a geologic continuation of the Andes

make two landings, heading out in our

from the deck.

waters that create a rich environment for

chain carved by more than 150 glaciers.

swift and versatile Zodiacs, guided by

Day 19, Ushuaia/Buenos Aires

marine mammals and fish. South Georgia

We spend our days and Christmas

our expert drivers and accompanied by

Early this morning you will disembark Le

rises 10,000 feet out of the Scotia Sea

(LB111219) exploring the island’s many

lecturers, to explore islands filled with

Boreal. There is some free time in town

and has a landscape that varies from ice-

glacier-carved coves and its historic

thousands of penguins, to photograph

before transferring to the airport for the

topped mountains to low-lying grasslands.

sites, including Grytviken, a former

nesting grounds of seabirds and to

charter flight to Buenos Aires Aeroparque

As the ship approaches the island, its

whaling station and site of Shackleton’s

cruise iceberg-strewn passageways of

Airport, where you will be met and taken

amazing mountain range will come into

grave. As always, weather shapes our

breathtaking beauty. As conditions

to the Sofitel Hotel for one night. Enjoy

view and you may be able to spot wildlife

explorations, but we hope to visit

permit, we plan to land on the Peninsula

dinner and tango show at Esquina Carlos

from the deck.

Salisbury Plain, situated between two

and on a number of islands, which may

Gardel in the evening.

Day 9 to 11, South Georgia

glaciers, where a vast colony of stately

include the South Shetland Islands

Day 20, Buenos Aires

One of the most remote islands in

king penguins stretches as far as the eye

and Deception Island. We also hope to

Meet your Abercrombie & Kent

the world, South Georgia provides a

can see. A neighboring island is home

sail through breathtaking Paradise Bay

representative in the reception area of your

spectacular vista. The mountainous

to nesting wandering albatross, with

and the Lemaire Channel, with other

hotel before transferring to the airport for

fur and elephant seals slumbering on

possibilities for exploration including a

an overnight flight to the UK.

the beach and in high tussock grass.

scientific research station, the remains

Day 21, Buenos Aires/London

Day 12 to 13, At Sea

of early-century whaling and sealing

Arrive back in the UK.

please call 0845 0700 614 to speak to aN EXPERT or visit www.abercrombiekent.co.uk

The lecturers illuminate the adventures

industries, and whale bones on the beach.

you have experienced in South Georgia

After each evening’s leisurely dinner,

while the ship sails south and begin their

there’s time to stroll the deck and gaze at

are subject to change due to circumstances

series of presentations on the Antarctic.

the seascapes in the lingering light of an

beyond our control, such as weather, ice

Join our naturalists and fellow passengers

austral summer twilight.

and sea conditions. Flight schedules are

on deck as they search for seabirds and

Day 17 to 18, Drake Passage

also subject to change. LB111219 (*family

other wildlife.

You leave the Antarctic Peninsula

departure) enjoys an extra day at the

Day 14 to 16, Antarctica

returning to Ushuaia via the Drake

Antarctica Peninsula and therefore is a 22

As the Antarctic Peninsula and its

Passage. As you sail northwards the

day expedition.

offshore islands appear on the horizon,

lecturers revisit their presentations on

a sense of excitement and expectation

the wildlife, history and geology of the

Guide price for a 21 day journey in

begins to build. A first Zodiac expedition

White Continent. While cruising through

Antarctica, South Georgia and The Falkland

Please Note: Itinerary and daily schedules

is swiftly followed by others, all carefully

this historic passage, named in honour

Islands will cost from £10,930 per person

planned by the Captain and Expedition

of Sir Francis Drake’s voyage in the 16th

based on two adults sharing with flights

Leader to take full advantage of each

century, you may be able to spot marine

from the UK and subject to availability.

Abercrombie & Kent • ANTARCTICA 2011 – 2012


AT L A N T I C OCEAN falklaNd islaNds


port staNley




drake passage paulet islaNd

deceptioN islaNd paradise bay gerlache strait LEMAIRE CHANNEL



A pristine landscape of mountains and

of global warming will have an impact on

Day 2, Buenos Aires

hotel, you will be driven to Buenos Aires

glaciers, Antarctica remains largely

marine, animal and human life around the

You will be met by your A&K guide on

Domestic Airport for your charter flight

untouched by civilization, yet this once-

planet. Dr. James B. McClintock,

arrival in the morning and driven to the

to Tierra del Fuego and the world’s

remote destination has now moved to the

professor, scientist and award-winning

luxury Sofitel Buenos Aires, located in the

southernmost town of Ushuaia, to board

top of many travellers’ lists of places to visit.

author, will lead the expedition sharing

charming Arroyo Street and surrounded

the state-of-the-art expedition ship, MV

This classic 15 day journey is led by climate

his insights on how climate change is

by art galleries and antique shops.

Le Boreal.

change expert Dr. James B. McClintock

rapidly influencing marine life on the

Day 3, Buenos Aires

Day 5, Drake Passage

and offers the best of the Antarctic

Antarctic Peninsula, tales of what life is

Enjoy a half day tour this morning,

As you sail southward towards Antarctica,

Peninsula: vast colonies of penguins and

like at an Antarctic research station, his

exploring the sights clustered around

your lecturers begin their informal series

seabirds; hanging ice cliffs, stately icebergs

research diving adventures and his marine

the central Plaza de Mayo: Casa Rosada,

of enlightening seminars on the flora,

and calving glaciers; and the incredible

ecological studies.

home of the executive branch of the

fauna and history of the exploration of

federal government; the Cabildo, city

Antarctica. While cruising through this

council during the colonial era; and the

historic passage, named in honour of

adventures of Shackleton and Charcot.


Antarctica is currently the fastest warming

Day 1, UK

area on the planet with temperatures and

Begin your journey to Antarctica with an

stunning Metropolitan Cathedral.

Sir Francis Drake’s voyage in the 16th

related ice-melt increasing at an even faster

overnight flight via Sao Paulo or Madrid

Day 4, Buenos Aires /Ushuaia

century, you may spot marine mammals

rate than had been predicted. The effects

to Buenos Aires, Argentina.

After an early morning coffee at the

and seabirds such as albatross from the

Abercrombie & Kent • ANTARCTICA 2011 – 2012

please call 0845 0700 614 to speak to aN EXPERT or visit www.abercrombiekent.co.uk

Lemaire Channel, affectionately referred

wonderful memories back home with you

to as ‘Kodak Alley’. We also plan to visit a

on an overnight flight from Buenos Aires.

working research station or historic site as well as Deception Island, formed from the

Please Note: Itinerary and daily schedules

caldera of a volcano. Weather conditions

are subject to change due to circumstances

permitting, you will have a chance to take

beyond our control, such as weather, ice

a plunge in the Antarctic Ocean in the

and sea conditions. Flight schedules are

thermally-heated waters of Deception

also subject to change.

Island. Back on board Le Boreal, gather in the bar prior to dinner to enjoy discussing

Guide price for a 15 day journey in

the day’s adventures, and, after dinner,

Antarctica will cost from £7,735 per person

take time on deck for photos in the long

based on two adults sharing with flights

twilight of Antarctica.

from the UK and subject to availability.

Days 11 – 12, Drake Passage Today the lecturers will recap on the wildlife, history and geology of the White Continent as you sail northwards to deck. A professional staff photographer

exceptional expedition. A typical day in

Ushuaia via the Drake Passage, leaving

will be on hand throughout your cruise

fair weather conditions may begin with a

behind the Antarctic Peninsula. Spend

to assist you and will lead lectures

landing after breakfast to observe penguins

time on board with new found friends

focusing on specific photo techniques.

on a snowy isle. After lunch on board, you

reflecting on the adventures you have

Days 6 – 10, Antarctica

may again board Zodiacs and glide up

experienced throughout your journey.

The sense of excitement and anticipation

to a sheltered beach to discover basking

Day 13, Ushuaia/Buenos Aires

when voyaging these remote waters

elephant seals or perhaps explore the

Early this morning disembark Le Boreal

with vistas of icebergs and wildlife in

remnants of a former Antarctic whaling

and spend some time in town before your

the nesting and chick rearing season

station. If weather permits, hike with

transfer to the airport for your charter

is indescribable. The daily schedule in

your naturalist to an extinct caldera. On

flight to Buenos Aires Aeroparque Airport.

Antarctica is dependent upon weather,

other days, Zodiac tours may take you in

Enjoy a traditional evening dinner and

ice and sea conditions and your Captain

search of remote beaches with chinstrap,

tango show at Esquina Carlos Gardel

and Expedition Leader will determine the

gentoo or Adélie penguin colonies. Visit

before returning to the Sofitel Buenos

daily stops, based on their long experience

sites such as Paradise Bay, the rocky

Aires overnight.

in Antarctica. Each day is different in

Cuverville Island, home to thousands of

Day 14, Buenos Aires/London

Antarctica and flexibility is the key to an

Gentoo penguins, and the breathtaking

Today your journey ends as you take your

please call 0845 0700 614 to speak to aN EXPERT or visit www.abercrombiekent.co.uk

Abercrombie & Kent • ANTARCTICA 2011 – 2012


YOUR EXPERT GUIDES Meet our hand picked professionals, eager to fuel your knowledge of Antarctica, its wildlife and its history. Intelligent, knowledgeable and supremely organized, our guides are an indispensable part of your journey and all meet A&K’s rigorous standards of excellence and service. While your final expedition team and staff may vary by departure, you will travel with the highest-calibre experts in the region, such as: Larry Hobbs - Expedition Leader A marine mammal biologist and lecturer for more than 35 years, Larry has served as director of the Marine Mammal Tagging Office for the US Department of Commerce and as principal research scientist at the National Marine Mammal Laboratory. He has over 20 seasons experience of leading expeditions in Antarctica as well as in Arctic waters, the Amazon and Orinoco Rivers and in the South Pacific and Indian Oceans. Bob Burton has worked for the British Antarctic Survey as a zoologist and meteorologist, overwintering twice at Signy Island. He has also served as director of the Whaling Museum on South Georgia. An astute Antarctic historian, Burton received the Polar Medal for his research, and a South Georgia cove has been named in his honour. Richard Harker has been a professional photographer for 20 years, specialising in underwater, wildlife and landscape photography. The last few years have brought him to Antarctica, where he has virtually circumnavigated the continent, dividing his time between the Antarctic Peninsula and the Ross Sea. Currently, he is documenting the impact of global warming on Antarctica. On board he is at hand to help you capture the best photographic memories of your journey.


Abercrombie & Kent • ANTARCTICA 2011 – 2012

please call 0845 0700 614 to speak to aN EXPERT or visit www.abercrombiekent.co.uk

larry hobbs

Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), he has led tagging studies of sea turtle and shark. For the past six years, he has conducted shipboard surveys for seabirds, including documenting species distributions and associations with marine mammals. Dr. Jim McClintock is a marine biologist and field ecologist. He richard harker

is an award-winning scientist, author and endowed professor of polar and marine biology at the University of Alabama at Birmingham. He is also the designated environmental ecology leader for the 2011 A&K

Russ Manning is a veteran of the British Royal Marines. As winter base

Philanthropic Journey, Fighting Climate Change in Antarctica. Dr.

commander at Signy Island in the South Orkneys, he was awarded the

McClintock has decades of field study experience in the Antarctica

Polar Medal. Manning looks forward to sharing his knowledge of the

Peninsula in association with UAB and the National Science

White Continent with guests on board Le Boreal.

Foundation. He was selected in 2010 by the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) Polar Research Board to serve on a group reporting on

Charley Wheatley is a marine biologist, oceanographer, research

the effects of climate change.

diver and photographer. He has worked as a marine naturalist with the Scripps Aquarium and as a teacher of oceanography and

Dr. Marco Favero and Dr. Patricia Silva are affiliated with the University

environmental sciences in San Diego. Since 1987, Wheatley has

of Mar del Plata in Argentina. Their research has included Antarctic

participated in more than 180 sea voyages.

subjects in ornithology and marine biology, as well as the ecology, conservation and study of relationships of seabirds and climate change.

Rich Pagen is an ornithologist who began his career in conservation

Dr. Favero serves as an International advisory group member for

biology. After receiving a masters degree from the University of

the NGO Birdlife International, and Dr. Silva is the current editor of

Missouri, he worked as a field supervisor on a study of birds in

the IAATO Save the Albatross Campaign newsletter, focused on the

the Peruvian Amazon. As a biologist for the National Oceanic and

conservation of albatross and petrel in fisheries of the Southern Ocean.

please call 0845 0700 614 to speak to aN EXPERT or visit www.abercrombiekent.co.uk

Abercrombie & Kent • ANTARCTICA 2011 – 2012


Panoramic Lounge

MV LE BOREAL cruise to the white continent in style on board

her complement to just 199 guests – an important difference: fewer

the first all-balcony vessel in the region

passengers mean more shore excursions each day, as well as outside staterooms with private balconies for every passenger.



With an elegantly thin, silhouette design and innovative, state of


the art marine technology, Le Boreal is considered by many to be

The elegant guest quarters are among the most spacious and

the leading expedition vessel in Antarctic waters. She features a

comfortable on any Antarctic cruise. The ship features 104 outside,

convenient layout, aided by three passenger elevators. Highlights

fully-equipped balcony staterooms and suites with various bedding

include a single seating dining room, al fresco dining, an outdoor

configurations, ranging from king- or queen-size beds to two single

heated pool (available subject to weather and calm conditions) and

beds. Amenities include a mini bar, safe, flat-screen TV, DVD/

a modern lecture facility and theatre, as well as a well-equipped

CD player, iPod player, individually-controlled heating and air

library. Additionally there is a full-service salon, steam rooms, spa

conditioning, wireless Internet access throughout the ship and direct-

and fitness center. On other cruises to different destinations, she

dial telephone. Bathrooms are lined with marble and teak and equipped

carries more than 264 passengers, however in Antarctica, A&K limits

with shower, hair dryer and bathrobes. Laundry service and 24-hour

Abercrombie & Kent • ANTARCTICA 2011 – 2012

Prestige Suite

please call 0845 0700 614 to speak to aN EXPERT or visit www.abercrombiekent.co.uk

ENVIRONMENTALLY RESPONSIBLE Designed with the environment in mind, Le Boreal is the most environmentally-friendly ship to sail in Antarctica. Her cutting-edge technology includes the most up-to-date waste water system, recycling facilities, and other measures designed to ensure that the ship operates with minimal impact on the environment: • State-of-the-art computerised dynamic positioning eliminates the need for dropping anchor in fragile marine reserves Lecture Theatre


• Thermal and phonic insulation in engines and the propulsion system reduces overall energy consumption.

room service are available. Le Boreal sets high standards of comfort in

ships in Antarctic waters to use the lightest and cleanest burning

This insulation also minimises noise and

her public quarters as well. The Panoramic Lounge and Terrace offer

Marine Gas Oil beginning in 2011. The International Association of

vibration for passenger comfort

spacious areas ideal for social gatherings, afternoon tea or just relaxing

Antarctica Tour Operators (IAATO) anticipates this will reduce the

with magnificent ocean views. The Club provides the perfect spot to

number of ships operating in this region by 40%.

• The most advanced waste water system and waste management. Waste will be sorted, treated and stored in a special

relax in the evening, offering an elegant atmosphere with live music and dancing. The Theatre is the perfect venue for lectures and films. An


refrigerated zone for proper discharge

exceptional library offers a wide range of titles with extended reading

Le Boreal features two restaurants, The Restaurant, offering gourmet,

in port. No water (other than fully

areas. A technologically advanced stabilizing system minimises the

contemporary and international cuisine and a casual Grill Restaurant

potable water), waste or rubbish will be

effect of rough waters for added passenger comfort.

with indoor and outdoor dining for breakfast, lunch and dinners. A selection of lighter fare and vegetarian dishes is always available, and

discharged at sea • Operates on the lightest and cleanest


most special diets can be accommodated with advance notice. In-cabin

burning Marine Gas Oil fuel in full

Le Boreal has an ice rating which exceeds that required for these

room service is also available.

compliance with new International Maritime Organization standards taking

demanding conditions and is equipped with the latest navigation,

effect in July 2011

communications and safety equipment, including a GMDSS


emergency communication system and a satellite weather system that

Your guides’ expertise will give you a real insight and understanding

receives real-time images of weather and ice conditions. New rules

into this unique and fragile environment. Their talks are more than a

efficient 4-stroke engines that meet the

adopted by the International Maritime Organization (IMO) require

list of facts and figures. They really will enthuse and enlighten.

strictest environmental standards

please call 0845 0700 614 to speak to aN EXPERT or visit www.abercrombiekent.co.uk

• Zodiac boats are equipped with fuel

Abercrombie & Kent • ANTARCTICA 2011 – 2012



mv ‘le Boreal’ deck Plan

n n n n n n n n



Sun Deck Wheelhouse

Open-air Bar Zodiac





6 18

6 14







Bar Bar

Internet Grill




61 9







Panoramic Terrace

The Panoramic Lounge


536 Photo


Showers & Steam Room Hair Dresser








5 12

5 10

Leisure Area




5 08 5 06

504 502


Elevator 539 537


Category Category Category Category Category Category Category Category

1: Standard Balcony Stateroom 2: Classic Balcony Stateroom SHIP’S DATA 3: Premier Balcony Stateroom 4: Superior Stateroom Overall Balcony length: 466 feet 5: Prestige Balcony Suite Beam:Two-Room 59 feet 6: Deluxe Balcony Suite 7: Premium Two-Room Balcony Suite Draft: 15.3 feet 8: Owner’s Balcony Suite Average speed: 16 knots Ice class: 1C

The Compass Grill






51 9



5 09

5 07 5 05

503 501


Passenger decks: 6 Passenger capacity: Limited to 199 on Antarctica cruises



4 28

4 26

4 24

4 22

4 20

41 8

41 6

41 4

41 2

41 0

4 08





4 29

4 27

4 25

4 23

4 21

41 9

41 7

41 5

41 1

4 09

classic antarctica

december 07-20, 2011 expedition #111209

Outside heated pool

Library with extensive selection of books and DVDs and reading areas ‘le Boreal’ Published tw

Panoramic lounge and panoramic terrace

Electric Motors: 2 x 2,3 MW

Three bars and a boutique

Standards: USPHS – U.S. Coast Guards Rules Comfort Class 1 – “Clean” Ship Certification

Three passenger elevators

december 17, 2011-Jan expedition #111219**

Fitness centre with state-of-the-art fitness equipment

January 02-20, 2012 expedition #120104

antarctica, South Geor

Hairdresser offering full-service hair styling,‘le Boreal’ Published tw manicures and pedicures

4 06 4 04 4 02

Spa, sauna and steam rooms

4 07

4 05 4 03 4 01

24-hour on-board medical facilities with certified doctor all prices shown are pe

‘le Boreal’ Published Sin

**Family departure 24-hour room service and laundry services Please note: triple occu The Club lounge for live music and dancing

Dance Floor

TheMain Club&Lounge Bar Shop shop

Reception Desk









31 8

31 6

31 4

31 2

31 0

3 08











31 9

31 7

31 5

31 1

3 09

Elevator Desk

Open bar (excluding premium wines, premium a&k air SuPPle liquors and champagne)




Medical Center

room categories n Category 1: Standard Stateroom



& Bar



Buenos aires/ush

taxes are included Flight confirmation

Wireless Internet access throughout the ship

n Category 3: Premier Stateroom

Electricity: 110/220 volts

n Category 5: Prestige Suite

The Main Restaurant Lounge

Theatre seats more than 200 guests, with unobstructed views

n Category 2: Classic Stateroom n Category 4: Superior Stateroom



Sun deck and multiple outer deck observation areas

Gross tonnage: 10.700 GRT


All gratuities on-board are included

n Category 6: Deluxe Two-Room Suite

Dynamic positioning system

n Category 7: Premium Two-Room Suite

‘Clean’ ship standard (meets or exceeds all For reservations m IMO, EPA and IAATO operating standards)

n Category 8: Owner’s Suite DECK 2

All outside staterooms and suites with private balcony

Two restaurants offering exquisite dining experiences ‘le Boreal’ Published Sin

Main Lounge


Onboard language: English




Crew: 136

Flag: French

& Bar The Theatre



early Book

Please contact A&

OWNER’S SUITE 484 square feet with private balcony (97 square feet)


Outside • Twin beds or 1 king-size bed • Bathroom with bathtub, shower and toilet • Hair Dinner Area

dryer • Wardrobe • Dressing table • Satellite flat-screen TV • DVD/CD player • iPod player • Mini bar • Writing desk with stationery • Private electronic safe • Direct-dial telephone •


Designer range of French toiletries • Sitting area with sofa and table • Floor-to-ceiling patio doors leading to private balcony • Air-conditioned with individual stateroom thermostat •




110/220 volt outlets

PREMIUM & DELUXE Two-ROOM SUITES 398 square feet with private balcony (86 square feet) All outside • Twin beds or 1 king-size bed • Bathroom with bathtub • Separate bathroom

Balneo shower






with shower • Hair dryer • 2 separate toilets • 2 wardrobes • Dressing table • Satellite flatscreen TV • DVD/CD player • iPod player • Mini bar • Writing desk with stationery • Private



Dressing Table

electronic safe • Direct-dial telephone • Designer range of French toiletries • Sitting area with sofa (convertible to double-bed) and table • Floor-to-ceiling patio doors leading to private balcony • Air-conditioned with individual stateroom thermostat • 110/220 volt outlets


Balneo shower WC WC

PRESTIGE SUITES 290 square feet with private balcony (54 square feet)


Bathtub WC WC


All outside • Twin beds or 1 king-size bed • Bathroom with bathtub and a double-sink vanity •


Hair dryer • Separate toilet • Wardrobe • Dressing table • Writing desk • Satellite flat-screen TV • DVD/CD player • iPod player • Mini bar • Private electronic safe • Direct-dial telephone


TV Bar

• Designer range of French toiletries • Sitting area with sofa and table • Floor-to-ceiling patio doors leading to private balcony • Air-conditioned with individual stateroom thermostat • 110/220 volt outlets

Dressing Table WC



STANDARD, Classic, premier & Superior staterooms 200 square feet with private balcony (43 square feet)


All outside • Twin beds or 1 king-size bed • Bathroom with shower • Separate toilet • Hair dryer • Wardrobe • Dressing table • Satellite flat-screen TV • Writing desk • DVD/CD player

Dressing Table


• iPod player • Mini bar • Private electronic safe • Direct-dial telephone • Designer range of French toiletries • Floor-to-ceiling patio door leading to private balcony • Air-conditioned


with individual thermostat • 110/220 volt outlets





Not included in quoted cruise programmes


fitness is required, equivalent to that needed for

with A&K, programme members agree to allow

For the most up-to-date prices please refer

Cost of obtaining passports or entry visas;

Though high levels of physical exertion or fitness

activities such as golf, tennis, jogging, energetic

their images to be used in such photographs.

to our website www.abercrombiekent.co.uk/

airport departure taxes; Chilean and Argentine

are not required, this is not a passive destination. It

walking or other routine daily exercise. Active

Programme members who prefer that their

antarctica or call our Antarctic experts on

Reciprocity Fee (if applicable); excess baggage

is in everyone’s best interest to make a good match

elements may include (but are not limited to)

images not be used are asked to identify

0845 0700 614.

charges; meals other than specified in the

between the physical requirements of the travel

walking and hiking over rough, steep and/or

themselves to their travel escort at the beginning

itinerary; beverages other than noted under

and each travellers expectations and capabilities.

uneven terrain, and high-altitude activity. Should

of their holiday.

Included in quoted cruise programmes

included in pre-programme documentation;

Abercrombie & Kent and Le Boreal require that

you have any questions or need clarification

International and internal flights subject to

sightseeing not included in the itinerary;

each passenger must complete an Antarctica

about a specific programme and its activities,


availability of the cheaper fares; category

personal expenses such as laundry service

2011/12 booking form, health questionnaire

please ask for details at time of booking.

There will be no smoking allowed in any

of cabin chosen on board Le Boreal; full

(self-service laundry facilities provided);

and terms and conditions prior to departure.

board meal service on board Le Boreal, other

communication charges and optional activities

Any subsequent changes to the traveller’s health


be only permitted in specific designated areas on

accommodations as noted in the itinerary;

(which are subject to availability).

situation which would impact his/her ability to

Restrictions on international flights are subject

the outer deck with proper disposal receptacles.

meals as specified on land programs; full

Gratuities on cruise programmes

travel comfortably must be reported to A&K at

to individual airlines; please speak to your

Smoking is not permitted in cabins nor on

board meal service on board Le Boreal

Gratuities are included for the Expedition team

least 48 hours prior to departure. Abercrombie

Travel Consultant. Weight restrictions on the

private balconies.

including open bar (excepting premium wines,

(Cruise Director, Expedition Leader, naturalists

& Kent and Le Boreal reserve the right to refuse

shared internal charter flight are limited and

premium liquors and champagne); arrival and

and lecturers) and crew on board Le Boreal.

participation in any specific programme if, in its

restricted to one check-in bag not exceeding

departure grouped transfers on scheduled days

Gratuities have not been included in Argentina.

sole and un-reviewable discretion, it is decided

20kg and one carry-on not exceeding 5kg.

of arrival/departure; fully guided sightseeing

Cancellation by you

that an individual’s physical, medical or other

Baggage and personal effects are at owner’s risk

as noted in the itinerary; onboard services of

More than 100 days is loss of deposit, 100 days

condition creates a risk for that individual or any

throughout the travel programme.

an A&K Expedition Team including Cruise

or less is 100% of the total holiday cost. All

other person.

Director, Expedition Leader, naturalists and

cancellations must be advised in writing. Please

professional lecturers; expedition parka

see booking conditions for full details.


Abercrombie & Kent reserves the right to

and backpack (US clients only receive the


On all itineraries, some active elements are

take photographs during the operation of any

backpack); pre-cruise expedition notebook

30% of total holiday cost or higher amount if

inherent to the programme. To enjoy these

programme or part thereof and to use them for

and hotel taxes.

necessary, details will be given at time of booking.

programmes as intended a minimum level of

promotional purposes. By booking a reservation

internal passenger areas on board. Smoking will




Do not let non-swimmers or children jump

travel. Names entered on your booking form


To discuss your holiday with our experienced

The information shown in this brochure has

into swimming pools, or swimmers dive into

must agree with those on the passports you will

Passport, visa and health requirements

Antarctic Consultants please telephone us

been compiled as accurately as possible and

swimming pools without first checking the

be using. This will enable us to ensure that your

can change at any time. It is your own

anytime Monday to Friday from 9.00am to

has been checked at the time of publication.

depth and how to get out. Get to know the

air tickets carry your correct identity.

responsibility to ensure that you seek advice


We are not responsible for facilities outside the

escape route from your room in the case of fire.

Honeymooners. Newly-weds should also

from a professional source and comply with

To book your holiday You should complete

accommodation in which you are staying and

Any change to your diet may cause an upset

ensure that they carry a copy of their marriage

all requirements. Abercrombie & Kent will

and sign an Antarctica 2011/12 booking form,

cannot guarantee that these will be available

stomach and local water, ice and salads may not


not be held responsible in any circumstances

and send it, together with a deposit as specified

all year round. Maps shown are for general

help. You can reduce the risk of insect bites by

Visas. No visas are required for British passport

for the consequences – whether financial or

and the relevant details of your insurer. You

information only and may not accurately show

using repellents and dressing in clothing that

holders to enter either Argentina or Antarctica.

otherwise – of any failure on the part of the

may also book your holiday through an ABTA

exact locations.

covers the skin especially when insects are at

Please check visa requirements with the

client in this respect.

their most active – at dawn and dusk. Crimes

Argentine embassy for any other passports. Visa

Travel Agent, who will then be responsible for all communication with us on your behalf.


against people and property are a fact of life

requirements can change at short notice.


Please make sure you read our booking

At Abercrombie & Kent we pride ourselves

throughout the world and you have the same

Vaccinations. You should familiarise yourself,

Abercrombie & Kent clients are required to

conditions before confirming.

on selecting the highest quality hotels and

responsibility for your own safety as at home. In

before departure, with the up-to-date health

have adequate insurance protection against

Confirmation & Payment After receipt of your

services available to make your holiday the

all countries it is important to take care of your

precautions recommended for your holiday

cancellation, medical and other expenses. You

booking form, we will send to you your holiday

best. However, because we travel to interesting

own safety and avoid attracting unwelcome

destination. You should seek professional advice

must ensure that you have taken out insurance

Confirmation Invoice. Any outstanding balance

destinations, often off the beaten track, it is not

attention by not wearing expensive jewellery

from your medical practitioner or from the

and confirm this to us, with details, in writing

shown on this and any amended invoice

always possible to find standards that match

and accessories.


on your booking form. If undertaking activities

issued will be due for payment 100 days before

those we take for granted in the UK. The safety

• ‘MASTA’ (Medical Advisory Service for

considered by some insurers as ‘hazardous’, for

departure. If your booking is made within

standards and regulations which apply overseas


Travellers Abroad) offer a ‘Health Brief ’

example scuba-diving or other watersports,

100 days of departure, you should forward

are those of the country you visit. General

Passports. A full passport valid beyond the

specifically tailored to your journey, visit www.

you should ensure that your insurers include

full payment for your holiday with your

standards of safety and hygiene, fire precautions

duration of your holiday and for entry to all


coverage. Please note that travel insurance

booking form. Your holiday tickets and travel

etc. can be a different standard to those which

countries included in your holiday is essential.

documents will be dispatched 10-14 days prior

we expect in the UK. Please be careful when you

Most countries now insist upon at least six

Travellers’ publish information, visit

full and effective cover for cancellation/

to your departure.

are in unfamiliar buildings or surroundings.

months’ validity beyond the date of your return


curtailment risks.

• Department of Health ‘Health Advice for

offered by credit card companies rarely provides










Abercrombie & Kent Ltd, St George’s House, Ambrose Street, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire GL50 3LG, UK Tel: 0845 0700 600 • Fax: +44 (0)1242 547 707 • abercrombiekent.co.uk You are welcome to visit us in our Cheltenham offices or alternatively visit: Abercrombie & Kent Private Travel, At Harrods, 87 – 135 Brompton Road, Knightsbridge, London SW1X 7XL, UK Tel: +44 (0)20 7173 6440 • Fax: +44 (0)20 7173 6441

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