Carolina Photographer August 2014 Edition

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Executive Board Chairman Paul Wingler President Bruce Williamson President-Elect Ellis Williamson Vice President Rose Mary Cheek Treasurer Ned Winn Secretary Adrian Henson Executive Director Loretta Byrd

On our Cover

CAROLINA PHOTOGRAPHER MAGAZINE is a monthly online publication of the Professional Photographers of North Carolina, Inc. Editor Rose Mary Cheek 828-322-2862 Sales & Business Manager Georgina Quinn 252-321-1111 Articles & Sales Submissions First of the Month Publication 15th of the Month PPNC 427 Greenleaf Road Angier, NC 27501 919-796-4747 Acceptance of advertising does not carry with it endorsement by the publisher. Opinions expressed by Carolina Photographer or any of its authors does not necessarily reflect the positions of the Professional Photographers of North Carolina, Inc. Association financial information available upon request.

Thanks to Fuller Royal for a great design on the Carolina Photo Expo logo.

From the Editor Now is the Time . . . The excitement is rising in the air as we prepare for our annual Carolina Photo Expo. Wearing two hats this year has been a challenge, producing the Carolina Photographer has been a great opportunity for my graphic arts training, and of course Print Competition is my love, as you all know. So getting ribbons, awards, organizing and preparing everything for you, our members, is an important job. We know that all the work that the Carolina Photo Expo team has put forth will lead to an awesome event and a wonderful print competition for all. I want to thank everyone for the confidence you have placed in me to help continue to strengthen PPNC, and to each one of you, I challenge you, it is your opportunity to volunteer where ever you can to help fortify the Professional Photographers of North Carolina, not only as a strong family, but a renown association that helps Photographers grow and achieve their full potential. Rose Mary Cheek

PPNC Directors Brian Allen Willis Brown Dannie Daniel Misty Felde Mardy Murphy Robert Yarborough

Seminar Chair & Directors Bob Henderson Tim Hester Cathy Anderson


PPA National Councilmen and Directors Bill Goode Cassie Stone Janet Boschker Joy Batchelor-King Adrian Henson

From the President We Are Family ! ! My tenure as the 2013-2014 President of Professional Photographers of North Carolina has been longer than any President in recent PPNC history. As of today, it has been 1 year, 5 months and 14 days. During my President's acceptance remarks in 2013, I referred to PPNC as a "Family" and that the 2014 convention would be a "Family Reunion". Today I can attest that my PPNC "Family" has supported me and encouraged me, as we all dealt with the challenge of moving the dates of the PPNCconvention, now named the Carolina Photo Expo, dates. The traditional date was changed due to WPPI scheduling their 2014 annual event on the same date as our annual convention and trade show. Reluctantly, we changed our annual meeting from March to August for 2014 and 2015. This decision to make this change was not taken lightly. However, based on the advice of several vendors and potential speakers, and because we have a contract with the Sheraton Imperial Hotel and Convention Center, the decision was made to move our annual event to August for 2014 and 2015. In an effort to attract a wider range of attendees to

our annual convention and trade show and recruit new members, the PPNC Board of Directors approved changing the name "Professional Photographers of North Carolina Convention and Trade Show" to "Carolina Photo Expo" sponsored by Professional Photographers of North Carolina. It is the same event with all of the activities; pre-con classes, print competition, major speaking talent, trade show, business meeting, Sunday night party, awards ceremony, etc. A new website,, was developed to help promote the Carolina Photo Expo, and this site has links to the PPNC website. During my tenure, I have had the opportunity to travel to photography conventions and events in our neighboring states. During these visits, I had a chance to talk with officers and members of the various state organizations. We all are faced with the challenge of recruiting and retaining members and reaching out to aspiring photographers who may be intimidated at the word "Professional". We should welcome and encourage them to join our association, just like PPNC reached out to an amateur photographer by the name of 5

Bruce Williamson in November of 1996. Once I joined, I received calls from members that encouraged me to attend the convention and stay for the whole event! Those PPNC members were the reason that I stayed and remained an active member of this great association. They made me feel like Family. Now, I challenge all of you to follow their lead and welcome all new members to the PPNC Family! While the road to the Carolina Photo Expo has been long and challenging, I am excited at the many events and learning opportunities available for attendees. This has truly been a team effort consisting of many dedicated PPNC members. Thank you everyone for your dedication and commitment to PPNC. Please enjoy the Carolina Photo Expo sponsored by Professional Photographers of North Carolina. Bruce Williamson

Carolina Photo Expo Schedule August 15-19, 2014 Sheraton Imperial/Research Triangle Park Presented by the Professional Photographers of North Carolina, Inc.

Friday, August 15 9:00 am-until Prop Committee Meeting Royal A 10:00 am

Print Committee Meeting

Royal B

1:00 pm -7:00 pm Pre-Convention Programs (Limited seats, Must Pre-register) $69 if attending CPE - $99 if not attending CPE Empire C Empire B 3:00 pm

Ned Winn - "Lighting by Design" Mona Sadler – “Get Your Dogs in a Row" Scott and Dodie Huffman - "Beauty, Bridal and Boudoir" Karen York - "Yin-Yang; Balancing the Art of Photoshop"

Print Judging Begins

Empire A Bull Durham Auditorium

7:00 pm Carolina Photo Expo Committee and Board Meeting Crown Reception in Presidential Suite immediately following the meeting.

Saturday, August 16 7:00 am -7:45 am

Judges Breakfast


7:00 am - 4:00 pm

Vendor Set up


7:00 am - 4:00 pm

Registration Desk Open, Pre-registration in Empire Foyer


8:00 am - 12 noon

Print Judging


9:00 am - 12 noon Beth Forester - "Pricing and Sales for Success" Empire ABC Sponsored by photoDUDS 10:00 am - 5:00 pm Club 79 Crown Sponsored by Proofcast 12 noon - 1:00 pm

Judges & Print Committee Lunch


12 noon - 1:00 pm

Lunch on Your Own

1:00 pm - 6:00 pm

Print Judging Continues


1:00 pm - 3:30 pm Tamara Lackey - "The Art and Business of Photographing Children" Sponsored by Nations Lab, Animoto and Adorama

Empire ABC

4:00 pm - 6:30 pm Lindsay Adler - "Fashion Flair for Portrait and Wedding Photography" Sponsored by Miller's Professional Imaging and Sigma

Empire ABC

7:00 pm - 10:00 pm Trade Show Heavy Hors d'oeuvres Sponsored by Miller's Professional Imaging


10:30 pm - 2:00 am Live Hands on Demonstrations on Posing and Lighting Empire E Bring Your Own Camera

Sunday, August 17 8:00 am - 10:15 am Alicia Alvarez - "Newborn Photography" Sponsored by White House Custom Color 9:00 am - 5:00 pm

Mentor Image Critiques - Pre-registration Required


Registration Desk Foyer

10:15 am - 3:30 pm Trade Show opens


Expo Mini Programs During the Trade Show 11:00 am - 11:20 am Laura Bautell – “Creative Uses of Backdrops” 11:30 am - 11:50 am Karen York - How to Properly Frame a Portrait” 12 Noon - 12:20 pm Mark Zucker - "From Mildly Successful to Wildly Successful" 12:30 pm -12:50 pm John Walrath - "Capturing Accurate Color and Exposure" 1:00 pm - 1:20 pm Mona Sadler – “Photoshop Quick Tricks” 1:30 pm - 1:50 pm Liyun Yu - "How to Clean the Sensor on Your Camera" 2:00 pm - 2:20 pm Chuck Hill - "Creating Landscape Photography Art" 2:30 pm - 2:50 pm The PhotoBiz Team - “An Engaging Website: More Important Than SEO”


11:00 am -11:30 am Devotion - Brian Allen “Changing the World One Click at a Time"


12 Noon - 1:30 pm Former President's Luncheon Sponsored by Sheraton Imperial Hotel and East Coast School

Crystal Coast

3:30 pm - 5:30 pm Joe Edelman "The Psychology and Process Behind a Great Beauty and Glamour Shot" 3:30 pm - 5:00 pm

Rose Mary Cheek - Print Critique

Empire ABC Auditorium

4:00 pm - 5:00 pm

Carolina Photographic Education Foundation Meeting


5:35 pm - 6:15 pm New Member Welcome and Meeting If you joined PPNC since March 2013, please attend to learn more. Sponsored by East Coast School


6:30 pm - 7:30 pm PPNC Business Meeting All Members are encouraged to attend.


7:30 pm – 11:30 pm “ A Southern Cooking Buffet” Time to Party and Dance with "The Band Of OZ" Come Dressed as Your Favorite Duck Dynasty Character! All Camouflage Attire accepted! Free to all registered Attendees! Sponsored by Simply Color Lab 11:30 pm - 2:00 pm Live Hands on Demonstration on Posing and Lighting Bring your Own Camera

Empire ABCD

Empire E

Monday, August 18 7:00 am - 4:00 pm

Registration Desk Open

9:00 am - 12 Noon The Munoz Family "Weddings - The Complete Package" Sponsored by American Color Imaging 9:00 am - 5:00 pm Foyer

Mentor Print Critique - Pre-registration Required

12 Noon - 1:00 pm

Lunch on Your Own

1:00 pm - 3:00 pm

Certification Exam

Empire ABC Registration Desk

Piedmont Room

1:00 pm - 4:00 pm Tim Walden Empire D&E "Portraiture: Creating Gaps" Sponsored by White House Custom Color 4:00 pm – 7:30 pm

Dinner On Your Own

7:00 pm

2014-2015 Officers/Directors Photographs

Hotel Lobby

7:30 pm Awards Presentation Dress - Business Casual

Empire ABC

After Awards Award’s Reception Dessert Bar with Cash Bar Available Come congratulate the 2014-2015 President, Ellis Williamson Sponsored by East Coast School

Empire D&E

Tuesday, August 19 7:30 am - 11:30 am Registration Desk Open 8:00 am - 10:30 am Rebecca Brown Weaver & Jason Weaver "Seniors 411 - Creating A Volume Studio While Giving the Client a Boutique Experience" Sponsored by H&H Color Lab

Empire ABC

11:00 am - 1:00 pm Gary Hughes "Nerd Wars: SEO Secrets for Photographers" Sponsored by White House Custom Color

Empire ABC

1:00 pm

Lunch on your Own for Everyone

9:00 am - 4:00 pm Heather Michelle Chinn "Everybody Paints! Hands on Painter Workshop" Sponsored by MidSouth Labs $75.00 Extra Fee 1:30 pm

PPNC Board Meeting


Crown Room

Agenda Professional Photographers of N. C., Inc. General Business Meeting August 17, 2014 – Sheraton Imperial Auditorium 1.0

Call to order Invocation


Determination of quorum

Adrian Henson


Minutes of last meeting

Adrian Henson


Treasurer’s Report


Opening Address and Annual Report


Committee Reports 6.1 Membership/Membership Retention 6.2 Unethical Practices 6.3 Charter and By-Laws 6.4 Legal and Legislative 6.5 Standard Operating Guide 6.6 Carolina Photographic Foundation

Memorials Scholarships 6.7 Marketing/Communications 6.8 2014 Convention 6.9 Degree Program 6.10 SEPPA 6.11 PPA

7.0 Seminar Reports 7.1 2013 Spring Seminar 2014 Spring Seminar 7.2 2014 Winter Seminar 2015 Winter Seminar 7.3 2013 Fall Seminar 7.4 Long Range Planning Committee 7.5 History and Archives 8.0 9.1

East Coast School


Election of Officers & Board Election of Guild Seminar Chairmen


Unfinished business


New business

Report of the Nominating Committee

13.0 Adjournment

Paul Wingler

Ned Winn Bruce Williamson Adrian Henson Linda Williamson Rose Mary Cheek Craig York

Loretta Byrd Cassie Stone Cindy Smith Cassie Stone Rose Mary Cheek Ellen LeRoy/Tim Hester Paul Wingler Janet Boschker PPA Councilors Tim Hester Michael Taylor Bob Henderson Misty Smith Felde Cathy Anderson Loretta Byrd Ken Tart Rex Truell Cassie Stone

Minutes Professional Photographers of North Carolina, Inc. General Business Meeting March 3, 2013 The Professional Photographers of North Carolina, Inc. General Membership met on March 3, 2013 at the Sheraton Imperial Hotel in Durham, NC. Karen Goforth called the meeting to order. Those present on the stage were: Chairman of the Board, Karen Goforth, President, Paul Wingler, President-Elect, Bruce Williamson, Vice-President, Ellis Williamson, Treasurer Rose Mary Cheek, Secretary, Ned Winn, Executive Director, Loretta Byrd, and Parliamentarian, Dean Craddock.

chance for an ECS Scholarship. There are 42 scholarship applications and 10 scholarships will be awarded. The scholarship committee will meet and choose the winners on Monday.

Ned Winn, Secretary declared a quorum was present. Ellis Williamson led the invocation.

2013 Convention – Victoria Kelly thanked everyone for attending and for volunteering. Attendance as of March 3 was 619, including vendors, members, at door passes, and speakers.

Ned Winn moved to dispense with the reading of the minutes from the 2012 General Business meeting. Chuck Hill seconded. The motion carried. Ned Winn, Treasurer reported Income of $101,000.00 and expenses of $36,329.80. He stated the convention bills are yet to be paid. All members can view the financial reports and books at any time by contacting the Executive Director. The report was accepted. Paul Wingler reported on the 2012-2013 year’s activities. He welcomed everyone to the convention and thanked all of the dedicated workers who worked hard throughout the year. A new dues structure was implemented which included the Convention and all of the Seminars. He encouraged everyone to get involved and to volunteer to help. Membership - Ned Winn reported 398 members as of March 3. There have been 65 new members since October 1, 2012. Unethical Practices – No report Charter and By-Laws – No report Legal and Legislative – No report Standard Operating Guide – No report Carolina Photographic Foundation – Cassie Stone reported $1,199.00 in donations for 2012 with a net gain of $1,119.00. Cassie reported ProShare classes are available. She encouraged everyone to register. By registering you will receive a

Focus on Carolina –Fuller Royal stated there had been 5 issues on line. He encouraged everyone to send him articles and photographs. Credits for the Fellowship Program can be earned by writing articles.

Degree Program – Karen Goforth stated degrees will be presented at the Award’s Ceremony on Monday night. SEPPA - Janet Boschker invited everyone to attend the SEPPA convention April 13-16 in Athens. She recognized Doug Peninger as the SEPPA President. George Singleton is the Convention Chairman. There will be a reception for Doug Peninger on Monday Night. Print entry deadline is April 1 and the print case fee is $95.00. PPA – Cassie Stone reported the Imaging USA Convention was held in Atlanta. PPA has 25,000 plus membership and attendance in Atlanta was 10,000 plus. There is a new networking opportunity on the PPA website called the Loop. She congratulated all of the Award winners at Imaging. 2012 Spring Seminar – Gregg Ward stated the Spring seminar was held at the Crabtree Marriott in Raleigh. The entire event was based around business. Attendance was 75. 2013 Spring Seminar - Tim Hester stated the seminar will be held at the Johnston Community College in Smithfield. There will be a shoot out at the train depot in Selma and the Sunday event will be held at a local park with a nature shoot before dinner. More details will follow. 2013 Winter Seminar - Anne Grant reported the seminar was held at Randolph Community College. There were 90 PPNC

members in attendance and 63 Randolph Community College students for a total of 153. 2014 Winter Seminar – Bob Henderson reported he is working on the seminar and more details will be forthcoming. It will be held at the Haw River State Park near Greensboro. 2012 Fall Seminar –Loretta Byrd reported for Dodie Huffman the Fall Seminar was held in Gastonia. Attendance was 71 people. The event went well at the Gastonia Convention Center. 2013 Fall Seminar – Cathy Yount stated the Fall seminar will be at Catawba Community college. Confirmed sparkers are: Chirrs Garner, Dodie Huffman, Adrian Henson, and Sam Hassas. The date is October 13-14. Marketing/Communications - Rose Mary Cheek stated the new dues structure was advertised with ads and a new membership ad was also created. A New Member Handbook has been printed. The committee will continue to use Social Media to market PPNC. Long Range Planning Committee - No report. Investments – No report Membership Benefits - An insurance option for members has been added. We have developed a relationship with a company that will offer good rates to PPNC members for equipment insurance. For more information, contact the Executive Director. History and Archives – No report East Coast School – Victoria Kelly reminded everyone East Coast School will be August 4-8 at the Downtown Raleigh Sheraton Hotel. There will be 6 classes. She encouraged everyone to register and attend. ECS is a great way to learn and to network with other photographers. Information can be secured from the website,

Report of Nominating Committee – The Professional Photographers of North Carolina Nominating Committee presented the following slate of Officers and Directors for consideration for the 2013-2014 year: President-Elect – Ellis Williamson Vice President – Rose Mary Cheek Treasurer – Ned Winn Secretary – Adrian Henson Eastern Director – 2 year term – Willis Brown Central Director – 2 year term – Misty Smith Felde Western Director – 2 year term – Mardy Murphy Western Director – 1 year term – Brian Allen Chairman of the Board – Paul Wingler (Automatic) President – Bruce Williamson (Automatic) National Councilmen as PPNC Board Members: Cassie Stone, Joy Batchelor King, Janet Boschker, Bill Goode, and Adrian Henson Rex Truell moved to suspend the rules and accept the slate of officers as presented by acclamation. Bob Henderson seconded. The motion carried. The Guilds broke into groups. Following are the elected Guild Seminar chairs: 2014 Fall- Debbie Johnson , 2014 Spring – Michael Taylor, 2015 Spring – J. Marshall White, and 2015 Winter – Misty Felde and 2016 Winter – Renee McCardell. The new Board of Directors was then administered the oath of office. There being no further business the meeting then adjourned. Respectfully submitted,

Loretta Byrd, Executive Director

Pre-Con Classes Lighting by Design Ned Winn, Cr.Photog., CPP, F-Ph Ned Winn is a Franklin county native with many years of experience as a portrait photographer. As owner of Persuasions Photography, Ned photographs thousands of children

and students each year at their schools, preschools, sports leagues, and dance studios. Ned also operates Winn Portrait Studio in Wake Forest for family, High School seniors and wedding clients.

A long time member of PPNC, Ned has worked on many committees, and is currently

on the board serving as Treasurer. Ned has been a program speaker at several PPNC seminars teaching lighting, posing and techniques to flatter the subject. He is a CPP Liaison, for PPA, serves on the Board with East Coast School, and regularly teaches photography classes at Wake Tech Community College. Don’t miss this Carolina Photo Expo class, where Ned will teach how to identify portrait lighting patterns, create the right lighting effect for your subject, and a whole lot more!

Get Your Dogs in a Row

Pet Photography. This class will start with a presentation on the ins and outs of pet photography and what you need to know concerning colors, backgrounds, and dog breeds, the gear you need to have, and the techniques you can use to photograph animals. Mona will then walk you through photographing several

four pawed models who are going to join us. We will wrap it up with spending a little time bringing an image into Photoshop and making the image shine.

Mona Sadler operates her studio, Coastal Pet Portraits, near New Bern, NC. She attended photography school in Daytona Beach, Florida, but took a turn in another direction. Vowing to one day return to photography she did when digital photography arrived. Her studio specializes in photographing pets and their people. She also has photographed weddings but now limits weddings to second shooting or weddings involving pets. Mona received her Master of Photography degree in 2012 and

Mona is a Certified Public Accountant with a

her Master Artist degree in 2013. In 2013 she

practice in Alliance, NC. She currently lives

became a Certified Professional Photographer

with three rescued dogs.

and in 2014 received her Craftsman degree.

style gallery and studio in Belmont, NC. They are passionate about creating images that make each client look his/her best by using posing and lighting techniques that flatter each unique body type.

A few of their specialties

are weddings, bridal, boudoir and beauty photography.

Beauty, Bridal and Boudoir In this class you will learn 1. How to make money photographing Beauty, Bridal and Boudoir 2. Poses that sell every time 3. Learn lighting techniques for natural, outdoor, constant lighting and off camera flash. 4. High-end skin retouching 5. Discover the world of mirrorless Scott and Dodie Huffman have spent the last 10 years growing their photography business in the small town of Gastonia, NC. They have just expanded and opened a new boutique

"Yin & Yang: Balancing the Art of Photoshop: Everything in our life cycle has yin and yang aspects. This connection is thought to balance the harmony of the universe and everything within it. By achieving this balance you will be healthy, happy and complete.

Join me to learn correct portrait retouching for the painter and photographer by balancing the

harmony of color wheel, composition, retouching and design.

I will show you the steps I take to retouch an original image to designing the final product.

Gain the ability to see light, shadow, brightness, contrast and color harmony. Understand the enhancements for color correction that are possible with presets in Adobe Photoshop Lightroom速 and Photoshop速 raw. Learn to do subtle artwork to keep images realistic and

believable; covering topics on facial retouching, changing faces, slimming, changing clothing color and backgrounds.

Use the image processor to make actions run quickly. See all my favorite filters and plugins. Achieve a better understanding of layers and masks. Design one of a kind composites, cards and albums. Managing a balance of yin-yang is something that we do all the time. Knowing how this balance works can give you better control of time, quality and design in your photography and artwork.

Karen York, chose portrait photography as her career in 1988, and she has built a successful business with a reputation for excellence and fine art. Â She enjoys photographing children, high school seniors, pets and families.

Photographers of America. She earned her Fellowship Degree and Craftsman Degree in Photography and is currently working towards her Masters Degree. She has images in the PPA Loan Collection and Showcase. She is also a member of American Society of Photographers. She has a gallery exhibit of hand printed black and white images called “Human Landmarks” on permanent display at Her artwork and paintings have received hon-

the Columbia, NC Theater

ors and awards from Professional Photogra-

Cultural Resources Center.

phers of North Carolina and Professional

Her careful attention to light, shadow, texture and detail give her artwork a realistic quality. Â Karen donates her time and effort with helping promote and raise funds for Operation Smile.

As the art world grows and expands with new media, Karen will be a leading contributor to an ever changing world of photographic technology.

She owns and operates, with her husband, Craig York, York’s Photography Studio, Inc and Scuppernong Studio. You may find them at


of client and Beth’s top 10 tips for increasing your average sale. You’ll leave this program with more knowledge about the “how” and “why” of successful pricing structures.

Beth Forester, M. Photog., Cr., PPA Certified Pricing 101: Successful Pricing and Sales Strategies for Any Market Are you going crazy creating a pricing plan? Beth offers you real-world solutions: from analyzing how multi-million dollar companies manipulate our clients’ spending habits to how consumers make purchasing decisions and more. Forester will show you various strategies for creating an effective pricing plan. Topics discussed will include: packages vs. a la cart, achieving your desired average sale, securing the right type

With over 18 years in the photography industry, Beth Forester is an international award-winning photographer based in her home state of West Virginia. Specializing in high school senior portraits, Beth is known not only for her stunning images but also for her creative marketing strat-

toDUDS, a commercially-licensed series of DVD volumes containing graphic design products and creative business kits developed specifically for professional photographers. She has been featured in Rangefinder Magazine, Digital Pro Photo, Professional Photographer Magazine and WV Weddings. egies and innovative business tactics. A true “number-cruncher,� she knows how to get the client, make the sale, and keep her business profitable and thriving in any economy. In addition to running a full-time studio, Beth develops and markets the popular software line – pho-

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Why Redefining Your Relationship to Photography and Business Can Change Your Career and Your Life In this detailed, multimedia presentation, Tamara will showcase how redefining your relationship to your photography, your subjects, and your business can have a huge impact on your work, the imagery you produce, and the most meaningful ways your business can connect with your life.

BIO Tamara Lackey is a renowned professional photographer, speaker, author and program host. Her authentic lifestyle photography, from

children’s portraits to celebrity portraits, is praised within her industry and published internationally. Tamara’s work has been featured in dozens of media outlets, including Parenting

The Today Show.

A Nikon-sponsored photographer, Tamara speaks at conventions on behalf of Nikon and was most recently the subject of a five-part

Magazine, O – The Oprah Magazine, Town & Country, Vogue, Food & Wine, Men’s Journal, Nikon World, Professional Photographer Magazine, Rangefinder Magazine, Photoshop User Magazine, NBC’s The Martha Stewart Show, ABC’s Extreme Makeover: Home Edition, PBS’ Need to Know and NBC’s

web series they produced about photograph-

livering presentations on the Google stage

ing portraits.

to delivering private workshops around the globe. She speaks primarily about photogra-

The recipient of the 2014 WPPI Adorama In-

phy, business, mindset, and the convergence

spire Award, awarded to artists who inspire

of work, life and balance.

not just through their creative work but their life, Tamara speaks at quite a range of work-

Her first instructional book for professionals,

shops, seminars and conventions, from de-

The Art of Children’s Portrait Photography, went on to be re-published and translated into seven languages. She quickly followed that with her critically-acclaimed professional portrait video Inside Contemporary Children’s Photography and then the Tamara Lackey Style Book. Translating her professional acumen and intuitive teaching skills to an enthusiast photographer audience, Tamara released a unique “edutainment” book, video and iphone

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The Modern Family, released in January of 2012 (Pearson: New Riders Press: Voices That Matter) and The Posing Playbook .. for Kids Who Don’t DO Posing, a highly-popular, onthe-go children posing guide, created for the page and mobile devices.

Tamara has co-produced and hosted a number of live broadcasts and her web series, the reDefine Show, is a mix of examining the inspiring stories of top-tier creative artists who make it work with behind-the-scenes walkthroughs of her photography.

app set, Tamara Lackey’s Capturing Life Through (Better) Photography™, which won the Booklist Editors’ Choice Award in Media.

Tamara’s latest books are Envisioning Family: A Photographer’s Guide To Making Meaningful Portraits of

Fashion Flair for Portrait and Wedding Photography: Lindsay shows photographers how to apply the concepts of fashion photography, including preparation, styling, props, lighting, posing and post-processing, to their portrait and wedding photography. She will demonstrate

how using fashion photography concepts and ideas in your work helps you stand out against your competition.

Lindsay Adler is a professional portrait and fashion photographer based in New York City. Her editorials have appeared in numerous fashion and photography publications internationally including Bullett Magazine, Zink, Noise, InStyle, Essence, Rangefinder, Professional Photographer and dozens more.

Though only in her twenties, her career and photography have received much acclaim and she has already become a respected name in the industry. Her images have appeared in major publications, advertising campaigns, and billboards. She is known for her clean, bold and graphic style that creates memorable imagery used to shape the brands of individuals, corporations and publications. An author of four books, she is always working on new ways to share her passions and knowledge with others. Whether through apps, DVDs, books and presentations, she is always sharing. You can find her online at Kelby Training, creativeLIVE, Framed Network and more. Adler is sponsored by a variety of major photography companies and spends a lot of her

photographers annually on topics such as creative retouching, fashion techniques, studio lighting, finding inspiration, creativity and more.

time traveling to teach workshops and also at major conferences. You can find her as a platform speaker at events like WPPI, Photo Plus, Imaging USA and several others. She teaches thousands of

Sonsored by

With almost 13 years in the industry, Alycia has found her niche with the babies and kiddos. Having a successful and lucrative photog-

pictures. With so many new photographers

raphy business is more than just taking pretty

entering the industry every day, it's even more

Based in Keller, TX (in the DFW area), Alycia also travels to Tampa several times a year. Check out the Tampa section for Tampa dates/ availability. With 13 years as a professional photographer in the industry, Alycia has been capturing priceless memories and milestones "officially"

important to stay on top of the business side and differentiate yourself as a true professional. Alycia will share what she believes were the most important things she implemented in her business to continue to be profitable, gain new clients and wow the ones you have.

since 2001 and is sought after for both sessions and, as an educator for photographers. She has always had a passion for

photography. During her years in college, she studied the art of black and white film photography. After becoming a mother herself, she realized how quickly her children changed right before her very eyes. Relentlessly, she began to document their little lives through countless photographs, which she knew would capture a glimpse of the persons they were at each particular moment in their life. In addition to creating beautiful portraits, Alycia is also an international award winner and educational speaker, teaching thousands of photographers from across the WORLD every year. You can find out more about upcoming speaking events at the "RINGS TO RATTLES"

Changing the world one click at a time This devotional will show you how Christ took an average, bearded, tat-

tooed, wanna be photographer and is using him to make lasting change in the lives of children all over the world and how you can too!.

Brian is a fine art photographer, 20 year professional tattoo artist, and missions outreach pastor at Relate Church. He loves God, loves his family, and loves photography. He is a advocate for Compassion International and has 5 sponsor children in Burkina Faso,

good in his life. He enjoys creating images

Africa. He has

that move people to action and images that

traveled to Eu-

stir the soul in some way or another.

rope and Africa several times on building projects and is in the process of completing a orphanage for blind children in Burkina Faso. In the middle of the project they lost their funding from another outside source and Brian is raising the remaining funds to complete the build. He credits none of this to his own doing but gives God the glory for anything

The Psychology And Process Behind A Great Beauty And Glamour Shot – and how you can incorporate these techniques into your business

language and engaging expressions. How do you create a comfortable, creative working environment for the model? How do you communicate to create a dynamic collaboration with your model? What do you look for in body language and micro expressions? How do you generate flattering poses? Joe will cover every step of his workflow.

A behind-the-scenes look at how Joe consistently creates “WOW” Glamour and Beauty images. One of the true masters of this genre, Joe will take us through his process from concept to planning - to finished image. No secrets and no questions are off limits. Photo techniques are less than half the battle if you want to create great images with a model. Certainly good lighting and proper exposure are important, and Joe will address that, but more importantly, you must understand the role of psychology in creating a great photograph with good body

Most importantly, Joe’s talk will focus on how you can incorporate these techniques to create more dynamic and saleable images in your Wedding, Portrait and Senior Portrait business.

Joe is an award winning advertising and editorial photographer, author, educator and model mentor. His primary target - people! He is best known for his exquisite photographs of beautiful women. Joe’s career has spanned three decades, from

his start as a newspaper photojournalist to his work today photographing all types of people for commercial clients such as magazines, colleges, corporations and advertising agencies. Joe’s work has appeared in magazines like Maxim, Cosmopolitan, Get Fit and Shape to name but a few. He has completed assignments for both the New York Times and The Los Angeles Times and serviced commercial advertising markets from all over the United States. Joe has received both state and national awards for fashion

photography as well as photojournalism in the categories of News, Feature and Sports photography.

In addition to his role as a photographer, Joe is nationally recognized as an innovator in shaping models portfolios and careers. Simply put he advises both new and experienced models about how to market themselves. Joe is often used as a source for television stories as well as newspaper and magazine articles.

Author: JE Bright references Joe’s work in his

thought process behind the photographs.

book: America’s Next Top Model: Fierce Guide

Model Monday’s is a weekly modeling advice

to Life: The Ultimate Source of Beauty, Fash-

series aimed at young men and women who

ion, and Model Behavior.

are interested in becoming models at a profes-

His work is also referenced by author Rif K.

sional level.

Haffar in his book: Roadmap to Stardom: How

Joe’s success has made him a popular instruc-

to Break into Acting in Hollywood

tor and lecturer at photography trade shows,

Joe also produces and appears in two week-

expos, conventions, workshops and camera

ly video series that are subscribed to by over

clubs across the United States. He is also

25,000 people on YouTube. The Thoughtful

frequently asked to speak to photographers

Photographer is an educational series that

about marketing and advertising in the digital

takes photography students behind the scenes


of the photographic process and looks at the

The Complete Package Prepare to get inspired while the Munoz brothers share with you their vision into creating award winning wedding albums while still keeping focus on the growth of their business. Including a live shooting demo, this course will be "the

Complete Package" covering everything from successful marketing tools to business tips that will guarantee an increase in your overall profitability. The Munoz brothers will hold nothing back and are excited to share with you the tools that have streamlined them in growing their studio to be one of the highest awarded and most profitable photography companies in the country.

Mario and Armando Munoz are among the fourth generation of wedding photographers in the Munoz family. Beginning their career in photography assisting their father at the age of seven. The Munoz brothers have transformed their family’s old-world

knowledge of lightning and portraiture into an innovative contemporary style that captivates their couples today. They currently run one of the highest awarded photography studios in the country and have grown their family business to photographing nearly 300 events annually. They have also studied with many different photographers around the world and believe knowledge is a never-ending pursuit. Both are active photographers and photograph 60-70 events each per year. Since the origination of the Grand Imaging Awards in 2011 the family has consistently placed in the top three of the Albums as well as Wedding Print Category each year.

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Creating Gaps! Success, in most any endeavor, can be acquired by putting these TWO words into practice; CREATE GAPS. Yes, it’s easier to say than to accomplish, but that doesn’t change the reality that it’s urgent, especially in today’s overcrowded market to

create gaps between you and others in your imagery, your service and your products. The wider the gap the quicker the success AND, it’s not a gap until the public sees it. It’s in this vein that Tim Walden will lay out the gaps that have separated Walden’s from the crowd. First, Tim will discuss the things that build gaps into your style, sharing concepts about defining your vision for each portrait and how to expand your vision in order to stay relevant in the marketplace. Then he will discuss the critical element of “originality” in

your portraiture while remaining consistent and maintaining excellence in your style. To wrap up this portion, Tim will talk about the great “X” factor in a successful portrait style, “Emotion.”

Next, Tim will tackle the technical gap builders of your photography, discussing lighting, posing and a few tricks on post-capture that will take your art to the next level.

Finally, Tim will cover some ideas that will

About Tim Walden Tim and his wife Beverly took over Walden’s Photography from Tim’s father in 1980, taking the studio in an entirely different direction when they developed their trademark “Relationship” Black and White Fine Art portraiture. Today, they run a high-end studio, providing beautifully crafted portraits in an elegant studio with

make your brand shine and discuss marketing and service strategies that separate you from others-GAPS!

Woven throughout the program, Tim will share key sales nuggets that will pay for themselves over and over again.

This program has been built for such a time as this. You will be challenged, equipped and charged with the things needed for you to go home and create your own GAPS that will bring success.

impeccable customer service. The Walden’s clientele know when they come to Walden’s Photography, they will leave with a masterpiece that celebrates their loved ones in the most beautiful way possible. Tim Walden, Hon.M.Photog.,M.Photog. Cr.,F-ASP,CPP .PPA-Photographic Master and Craftsman De-

grees .ASP-Photographic Fellowship Degree .PPA President (2012) .Member of Society of XXV .Kodak Mentor .Kodak Gallery Award Winner .Published in Kodak Portrait Book .Internationally Approved Juror .International Speaker .Kentucky Master Photographer of the Year

.Kentucky PPA Member and Past President .National Award Winner .Imaging Excellence Award Recipient .Gold Photographer of the Year-2013 .Gerhard Bakker Award for outstanding service through education in the field of photography and visual communications

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Creating a Volume Studio while still giving the client a Boutique Experience

Jason and Rebecca will take you into their world of set design, marketing, shooting, and creating an experience that Rocks the Client's World.

Rebecca Brown-Weaver grew up in the photography business owned by her father, Mac Brown. She often jokes and says that she

“grew up on the darkroom counter.”

numerous awards including three Fuji Master-

After graduating with a Bachelor of

piece awards, 2008 Children’s Photographers

Business Administration degree with a

International Photographer of the Year, being

concentration in marketing, Rebecca joined

Named to Top 10 Photographers in Tennes-

the family business full time. Since then her

see, Top Children’s Portfolio in State, 2008

focus has turned toward baby and children’s portraiture. Rebecca’s work has earned her

Recepient of D.E. Dickerson Award for Most Improved Photographer, Numerous Judges Choice Awards, and Bronze Level Photographer of the Year by PPA , the first time she entered national print competition and numerous 1st place awards.

Jason Weaver graduated college with a Computer Information Systems degree. His career has included working in the manufacturing, government and healthcare sectors in his field. His passion for photography began when he was given a Canon 20D as a Christmas present and began photographing weddings with his

father-in-law. After several years of working under Mac, he was ready to start on his own. His fun personality along with his unique perspectives has earned him numerous awards

photographing seniors, he was awarded the Breakout Award at SYNC as well as 2nd place in Senior Boys print competition, 2013 1st Place in Senior Girls and the Fusion Award.

Together... After 9 years of marriage and years of photographing weddings as husband

including the Ron Warwick Award for Best Wedding Image, two Kodak Gallery Awards and being named one of the Top Ten Photographers in Tennessee. After his first year of

and wife team. Jason and Rebecca capture wedding images with a unique sense of style and personality. Their ability to visualize each others concepts for an image makes them an effective yet fun team for their clients. In July, their first child, Southerlin was born.

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Nerd Wars: SEO for Photographers After completing internships with various studios, Gary founded Hughes Fioretti Photography in 2008 with his wife and partner, Julie Fioretti, a marriage choice not lost on those who followed his earlier careers. In 2010, he began teaching, traveling around the country, covering topics from creative capture and sales techniques to growing profits via social media. Those who knew Gary in his janitorial, With photographer parents, it's ironic that Gary

construction worker and musical days might be

Hughes' career, post-college, seemed to include

a bit surprised by his accolades, but those who

every job except photographer. Working as a janitor,

know his work are not. His wedding albums have

a construction work, even a musician, Gary eventual-

garnered local and national awards, including first

ly came back to the path for which he was ultimately

place for portrait and multiple entries in the PPA


Loan Collection. From 20102013, Gary was recognized annually as one of the top 10 photographers in Central Florida. His PPA credentials include Master Photographer and Photographic Craftsman, and he currently serves as Past President of the Professional Photographers Society of Central Florida, on the Board of the Florida Professional Photographers and also as a PPA councilor. Icing the cake, Gary was featured in the April 2013 issue of Professional Photographer magazine and a was a platform speaker at Imaging USA in 2014.

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easy-to-understand brushology, and dive into the powerful cloning capabilities that will enable you to easily transform your portraits into a sellable painted canvas. These topics will be covered: - Setup - Preferences that will speed up

your workflow - Color space setup - Custom palettes - Brushology & installing custom

brushes Join Corel Painter Master & Training Partner

- Color theory 101

Heather Michelle Chinn for Everybody Paints!

- Texture versus “digital� brush

This beginner one day workshop will cover the basic setup of Painter 12 & X3 along with

marks - Creating backgrounds with depth and dimension - Basic cloning - Painting realistic props, skin and hair - Saving options - Sharing brushes

Class images and brushes will be provided. What You Need to BRING: Laptop with a lot of free space must have at least 1 Gig of RAM, and at least a 2 Ghz processor Laptop pre-loaded with Corel Painter 12 or X3. A 30 day free trial can be found at Any sized Wacom tablet (or pressure sensitive stylus and tablet). Updated Wacom driver ( with a copy on your desktop.

Heather Michelle was born with a paintbrush in hand in Pensacola, Florida, 1981. Her earliest influences stemmed from the Impressionistic masters Monet, Renoir, and John Singer Sargent. A self taught, award-winning artist, Heather manipulates oil, acrylics, and mixed digital media. Heather’s figurative and abstract paintings have been published in Ballistic Publishing’s “Painter” book; PPA Loan Collections, PPA Showcase Books, and most recently “The Painter Showcase.” Her digital work and tutorials have been featured in Corel’s software marketing materials,

After Capture, The Official Corel Painter Magazine, French Photography, and Digital Photo Pro UK for the last six years.

paintings and competition enhancements. She is a member of ASP, PPA, PPSC, and Portrait Society of America. Master Artist, M. Photographic Craftsman Corel Painter Master Corel Training Partner 2014 2013, 2011 Platinum Artist Medalist

"Fellow Corel Painter Master Heather is wonderful artist and teacher. I've had the pleasure of seeing Heather painting and teaching. I can attest from first hand experience to her great combination of both artistic and technical skills, When Heather isn’t creating on the easel, she travels the country inspiring and mentoring the budding or professional creatives in mixed media and figurative expression. Her time is devoted and divided between painted commissions, education, and experiential studies. Heather is currently accepting commissions from photographers for studio

plus energy and enthusiasm, all of which makes her a great speaker and teacher. Heather is passionate about art and people. She explores painting in the traditional as well as digital world. She communicates clearly and is patient and encouraging of her students. She knows Painter very deeply and is always open to learning and growing -

qualities that enhance what she has to offer as a teacher. I highly recommend Heather as a platform speaker as well as a Painter instructor." ~ Jeremy Sutton

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Be Sure to Visit and thank

our Vendors & Sponsors them for being here.

New Members since 7-15-14

Lek & Shelly Etwara, Azura ; Andrew Apple; Gretchin Anderson, Zookbinders, Inc.; Carrie Hamrick, PhotoBiz. com; Alla Campanella Photography, Alla Campanella; Kate Carboneau; Bristol Crider; Lydia Crouse Photography, Lydia Crouse; Inspired Images, Donna Cullen; David Davis Photography, David Davis; Tracey Ebert; Holly Springs High School, Kennedy Fowle; DanaLeigh Photography , LLC, Dana Head; Burnie Batchelor

Studio Inc, Dawn Hickman; SYNC, Darty Hines; Chuck Jaynes Photography, Chuck Jaynes; Dale Joyce; Christy Loflin; Rodrigo Mancilla Photography, Rodrigo Mancilla; Joseph Nichols; Chris Owens, Excel Photo; Brenda Vienrich, Photobooks Pro; Gr8Shots Photography, Pamela Russ; Emily Savage; Rooney Photography LLC, Rooney Photography LLC, Dave Schwartzburg; David Metz, The Sigma; Kendall Mariah Photography, Kendall Tart; Chris Theurer; At Ease Photography, Donald Thompson; BTranPhotography, Benjamin Tran; Signa (Ce Ce) Tyson; Gary Poole,

PPNC has launched it’s newest Facebook Group – PPNC Buy, Sell, Trade The PPNC Buy, Sell, Trade Facebook page has been created as yet another benefit of being a PPNC member. While there are plenty of photo equipment sites available on Facebook and online, none are exclusive to just the members of our organization. So now, PPNC members can buy, sell, and trade equipment and other photo related items in a safe and friendly environment and do business among friends and family. PPNC now has at least four ( and soon to be more) "meet up" events across the state each year. This will make an awesome opportunity for items to be delivered to one another in person. If you are not already a member of the group, search and find it on Facebook and request to be a member (you must be a current PPNC member to join). If you have some items to sell or trade, consider making a post on the page. If you are looking for new equipment, props, or other photo related items, follow the page daily for updates and you just might find what you need.

PPNC is not responsible for the transactions that occur as a result of postings on the page. However, it is hoped that the page will be a service for its members. Please take time to read the description of the page at the top before using the site. There are several guidelines suggested there that will make everything run smoother. There are several members that have volunteered as admins for the page. Just know that they have no special inside way of searching for posts or comments and they don’t get the posts for items any faster that anyone else. Everyone is on the same playing field. If you want to be the first to grab a deal, you have to watch the page. The admins will, however, add new members and work to keep the site clean and current. Happy Shopping!

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