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Full Figured Magazine
Full Figured News began a Fashion/Lifestyle blog in July 2011 dedicated to the full figured woman. It has various contributing writers and has grown exponentially in a very short amount of time. Its purpose is to update the community about entertainment, fashion, health, beauty, and much more. It has grown to become a web magazine. We give honest and down to earth commentary on fashion. It has components that pull together the Midwest with the rest of the fashion community. “Full Figured News: A full perspective on fashion, health, and beauty”
Allyson Deese
michelle wright
Joanie Carter Zphib
Ginger Fudge
Kamil Brady
Leslie Davis
Amber Whitted
Ingrid Harrell
Netti Taylor
Love Thy Jewelry
Ann Courtney
Laura Slapikoff
Briggetta Ducre'
Jusilyn Langley
Tanya Wynn
Lashandra Wilson-Blue
Tenyia Williams
Carmelita Harris-Daniels
Turiya Bennett
Jackie Conley Root
Betty Manson
Escapades Magazine
Akeya Carter Msw
tabitha mitchell
Rebecca Ndawana
Crystal McDaniel
Kellie Demarsh
Kelly Vaughn
Ruth Mubeezi
Joanne Harris
Kethleen Colón
Marisol Guedez
jaelle lowey
Julian Ashong
Eric Kelly Photo
Gulia Amanova
Sonali Chang
CEO of Del Woods Modeling Agency LLC
Jaroslaw Nowosad
Also Sexy Media
Lorene Singleton
Patrick Patrick