Full Throttle Magazine February issue 2021

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February 2021

Health Benefits Related to Motorcycle Riding Page 6-7

It's Not About The Money, But The Lifestyle Full Throttle Magazine February Issue 2021

Page 8-10

Is That A Dent In My Tank? Page 14-15

HARLEY 2021 Page 20-21

Family Affair Page 26-27

T a ble o f C on ten t Page 6-7: Health Benefits Related To

Motorcycle Riding

Hard to believe we have already passed through he first month of 2021. I for one am hoping that as we begin to move through this new year, we can find some unity in our country. We have had so much anger and destruction in 2020 as well as so much hatred for the past 4 years. My hope is that the new political power of this country can do good things to help all of us who are in business and all of the people in general. I have my personal beliefs and I’m sure you have yours. I don’t want to get into a political talk or argument, so I will leave that there and move on.

Page8-10 : It's Not About The Money,

I have spoke with the owners at Bobby’s Place in Valley Park and the county still has many restrictions on them and But The Lifestyle all restaurants in St Louis County, so I have no update yet Page 12: Crack Up’s on Historic Route 66 Bike starting. Our hope is by April restrictions will be less and we can start our Weds evening Page 14-15: Is That A Dent In My Tank? Bike Nights again by the middle of April. I will post on our FaceBook page any changes as well as in each new issue of Page: 20-21: Harley 2021 our magazine will have updates and when Bike Night will get Page 25: Gaslight Garage underway this year.

Page: 26-27: Family Affair


Full Throttle Magazine 6209 Mid River Mall Dr Ste 182 St Charles, MO 63304 Robert Blanton, Publisher Publisher@fullthrottle-magazine.com Cindy Blanton, Editor Editor@fullthrottle-magazine.com Contributing Writers Zach White, Kiegan Borgmann, Tony Goodrich, C. Blanton Sales Staff Robert Blanton, Contributing Photographer Robert Blanton, Denis Niederhoffer Nick Gaines

Full Throttle Magazine and its content is fully Copyrighted ©

I want to ask everyone to try and support any and all local small business that you can rather than big business and online stores. The local business owners need everyone’s help. We all need to help bring them out of the slump COVID-19 shutdowns have caused. Many of the bars, restaurants and stores have helped supported biker events over the years and again, we ask that you spend your money local with the small businesses and restaurants if possible. Cindy and I make every effort to shop local and we eat out often to help these restaurants get rolling again. Remember, every dollar you spend shopping local helps our local economy and our local businesses. Plans are rolling already for this years Lake of the Ozark Bikefest. Dates for this year’s event will be Weds September 15th through Sunday September 19th. This year marks the 15th Annual Bikefest. Every year this event has grown and we at Full Throttle Magazine are proud to be the exclusive Motorcycle Magazine sponsor of the event. Event goers are already booking their rooms to get the best rates, so I suggest you get yours booked to assure the best rooms and rate. We will keep you advised of all news about this year’s Bikefest as it becomes available. As always, my friends ride safe and see you on the road with Full Throttle Magazine. Bob

HEALTH BENEFITS RELATE For those of you who do know Bob and I personally, you know how health conscience we are. I tend to be uber focused and highly driven when it comes to my health; what I eat, drink and my exercise regiman. When I saw this article, I thought to myself, this is so true and right up my alley. Now this does not negate the responsiblty of a healthy life style, but it should does make for an interesting fact and makes me want to do a HAPPY DANCE! ~Cindy Blanton Chances are you’ve heard how dangerous it is to ride a motorcycle. How you are just risking your life being on your bike and you must have a death wish. For the most part, motorcycle riding is safe. It requires you to be extra attentive and aware of your surroundings. You have to think more, but you are still able to relax and enjoy the ride. Whether you’re going to the grocery store two blocks away or driving through open mountains in the fall, any rider will tell you, there’s nothing like the rumble of the bike beneath you and the feeling of being “one” or “whole” with your bike. It is a lifestyle and a passion, and it also has numerous health benefits you may not have known you’ve been gaining. You can soak in these benefits regardless if you prefer to street ride or off-road ride. The benefits come from both types of riding. Mental Outlook When people think of health, they often see health in strict terms of the physical body and tend to overlook mental health. Motorcycle riding is beneficial for physical as well as mental and emotional health. There is an array of benefits and they are not limited to these listed. Riding off-road or on streets is a great way to enjoy physical exercise and clear your head for a while. But the big thing is, it helps your brain. It improves your mood. Plain and simple. Riding makes you happy and boosts endorphins. Riding increases energy levels and your mental outlook. This does wonders with regards to helping you increase your happiness and mental health, which in turn, increases your life span. Who doesn’t want to enjoy living a little longer so you can keep riding? Core Strength and Stability Just riding and enjoying a scenic view or riding to the grocery store down the street can improve Page 6


ED TO MOTORCYCLE RIDING core strength. Think about it. You have to work out your core just to keep yourself upright on a bike. Factor in some wind, and you are definitely working yourself out a lot more. Maintaining the correct posture while riding also helps to keep your body in shape and can improve muscle tone because it’s a lowimpact exercise. Neck Strength Riding can also improve your neck strength. For some, this may not seem like a big deal, but for others with back problems or neck problems, it’s almost like a therapy to the neck and back. Make sure your bike is fitted and adjusted to fit you correctly. Craning or straining your neck will do the opposite and you don’t want to do any damage to your body. Stronger Knees and Thighs It can also help strengthen your knees and thighs. Individuals with knee or thigh issues will find riding a motorcycle is a kind of physical therapy. It requires you use your knees and thighs, but without straining them too much. Over time, you’ll build muscle while eliminating any pains. Calorie Burning Have you ever thought you’re getting your daily exercise just from your motorcycle seat? Riding takes effort, especially compared to driving in a car. Just being a passenger on a motorcycle you can burn 50 calories, but as a passenger in a car? It increases your insulin sensitivity too. This helps your metabolism, which will help you burn calories and store less fat. Riding is fun. It’s an experience. You can enjoy these health benefits without even trying. You can’t complain about that. Now go out and ride!

Posted by Clint Lawrence, Founder of Motorcycleshippers


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It's N o t Ab o ut Th e Have you ever been so passionate about something that all you wanted to do was share your

knowledge and passion with others? That’s exactly what Kevin Coleman of Anytime Fitness – St. Peters did with his life. At an early age, Kevin dealt with personal struggles along with some depression. Watching his family and others around him lead an unhealthy lifestyle, he knew that he needed to make a change in his life or he would surely end up down that same path. He also knew that taking any kind of medication was not the answer. That’s when he started his journey in fitness. Working out was his medication and therapy all rolled into one. He enjoyed the feeling and endorphins he got with every workout. By the time he was twenty years old, he wanted to share his knowledge with others. He became a certified personal trainer and started teaching other at the local YMCA in St. Charles, Missouri. But, he didn’t want to be just any ole’ trainer that puts people through a workout, take their money and calls it a day. He wanted to teach and guide and coach and be that follow up trainer. It was important for him to maintain that constant contact with his clients to make sure they stay on path and even be there to pick them up when they fall. This career path was never about the money for him. He firmly believes “You get back what you give”. Watching his clients tear up when they see those first pounds lost or those first inches lost; that is worth more than any amount of money. As he continued his journey at the “Y”, he was told that they had to eliminate the Gym Manager position. Now ultimately, that decision would not effect Kevin or what he was doing, but in his eye’s it wasn’t good enough for all the other members. He starting taking on that role without pay along with servicing his clients. He wanted to make sure that “Everyone” was taken care of. Eventually, the YMCA took notice of the work that Kevin was doing and when the funding became available again, they finally put him on the payroll assigning him the gyms Facility Coordinator. He worked there taking in all the knowledge needed to manage and run a fitness facility. Eventually he left the YMCA and started working at Club fitness. Working at Club Fitness allowed him to gain more knowledge on how to run a gym and also opened his eyes on what “NOT” to do in running a gym. Fast Forward to about eight or nine years ago, Kevin started working out and training at the Anytime Fitness in St. Peters MO off Mexico Road. This facility seemed to be a perfect marriage between being big enough to get a great quality workout and small enough to be able to meet a lot a great new people and create friendships.

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Written By C. Blanton

Mo n e y, But T h e Li fe s tyl e A few years later, it became painfully clear to Kevin that the owner of the facility was losing his drive to keep up with the place. The look and quality of Anytime Fitness was diminishing by the minute when finally, the owner told Kevin that he is going to have to close it down. Once again, Kevin said, “Well, that just won’t do”. Kevin took all of his savings and with a couple of partners bought Anytime Fitness – St. Peters. Kevin immediately went to work. He knew he had a tough road ahead but was up for the challenge. With much needed equipment and a good ole’ fashion elbow grease cleaning, Kevin started seeing the Diamond in the rough. Now, for those of you who are not familiar with Anytime Fitness franchise, It’s a 24 Hour access facility. Hence the name, “Anytime” Fitness. This type of facility is accessible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. It is a “Key Club” membership. It is designed for everyone’s lifestyle. Whether you work days, nights, swing shift, not at all and so on. There are so many things that separate Anytime Fitness – St. Peters and any other Anytime Fitness in the area. First, is the fact that many of the other facilities have an absentee owner and rely on part time help to assist with new members. There really isn’t much more that they may offer other than allowing you to access the gym when you want and workout. That’s not the case with Anytime Fitness – St. Peters. Kevin and/or a member of his staff is there seven days week ready to assist you with anything you need. They offer personal training at an affordable price. They offer bootcamp classes every Saturday morning. They offer meal planning, personalized coach and so on. They also pride themselves on keeping their facility clean and sanitized. Safety is also very important to Kevin. Because the doors are always locked, only members with access are allowed in at any time. But, most important is the emotional support; the comradery and friendships that you create. With that, respect is the number one rule. In return for all Kevin and his staff do for their members, all they ask for is respect. Respect for them, the gym and the other members. Each member helps take an active role in keeping this gym clean, by wiping down all the equipment before and after use. Putting any mobile equipment away, keeping everything neat and organized. www.FullThrottle-Magazine.com

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The one thing that Kevin stressed to me is the fact that he could not do any of this alone. He feels extremely blessed to have the best trainers and his girlfriend, Andrea, for having his back and keeping him going. “We are a team! Without them, none of this would be possible” His head Trainer, Tara Bono, works tirelessly by his side. And every time a member walks in and she’s there, which is more times than not, she greets you by your name with a huge warm smile and a loveable laugh. Tara started working out at Anytime Fitness – St. Peters several years ago when she finally said “enough is enough”. Completely destroying her body with all the wrong foods and substance abused and weighing over 400 pounds, she starting working out with a trainer, completely detoxing and readjusting how she eats and thinks about food, she was able to loose over 200 pounds. She is an ignited spark that just will not diminish and absolutely fell in love with the fitness industry. While still on her own journey, just like Kevin, she wanted to share her knowledge with others. She went after her personal training certification and started working for Kevin. Wanting to do so many thing with her career, her plans are to create kids classes; get them while their young, giving them the tools she never had. She wants to help get seniors up and moving. They gave their lives to us, She just wants to give back. Showing others that if she could do it…so can you; that’s what drives her. That’s what keeps her going through her own journey. Connor is another trainer there. He always has a smile and a warm greeting. He always present and ready to assist you with your workout. Being an owner of Anytime Fitness – St. Peters has been one of the best decisions Kevin made for his life. Being in the industry for twenty-five years, it was a natural fit. He does have future plan for his gym with talks of possible expansion so he can offer even more amazing things for his members. There might be another facility in the work as well. But for now, if you are looking for a clean, safe, fun environment to work out, Anytime Fitness – St. Peters is the place to go. Kevin and his crew will greet you with a warm smile ready to serve you. If you want any information please call 636.387.7777. Make sure you check out their ad for their current offers. It's not only joining a gym, it's joining a FAMILY !

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Yesterday I saw a guy spill all his Scrabble letters on the road. I asked him, “What’s the word on the street?” ________________________ How many times can you subtract 10 from 100?

Once. The next time you would be subtracting 10 from 90. ________________________ A woman in labour suddenly shouted, “Shouldn’t! Wouldn’t! Couldn’t! Didn’t! Can’t!” “Don’t worry,” said the doctor. “Those are just contractions.” ________________________ What does a nosy pepper do? Gets jalapeño business! ________________________ Why can’t you explain puns to kleptomaniacs? They always take things literally. ________________________ A man tells his doctor, “Doc, help me. I’m addicted to Twitter!” The doctor replies, “Sorry, I don’t follow you…” ________________________ Two men meet on opposite sides of a river. One shouts to the other, "I need you to help me get to the other side!" The other guy replies, "You're on the other side!" ________________________ What do you call it when Batman skips church? Christian Bale.

A guy goes to a pet store to buy a goldfish. The salesman asks him, "Do you want an aquarium?" The guy responds, "I don't care what star sign it is!" ______________________ And God said to John, "Come forth and you shall be granted eternal life." But John came fifth and won a toaster. ______________________ Two cows are grazing in a field. One cow says to the other, "You ever worry about that mad cow disease?" The other cow says, "Why would I care? I'm a helicopter!" ______________________ I told my physical therapist that I broke my arm in two places. He told me to stop going to those places. ______________________ Two windmills are standing in a wind farm. One asks, "What's your favorite kind of music?" The other says, "I'm a big metal fan." ______________________ They all laughed when I said I wanted to be a comedian. Well, they're not laughing now! ______________________ Exaggerations have become an epidemic. They went up by a million percent last year. ______________________ "My wife is really mad at the fact that I have no sense of direction. So I packed up my stuff and right! ______________________ "Why did the scarecrow win an award? Because he was outstanding in his field." ______________________ https://laughfactory.com

Written by Randy Hobson and Jim Blair


Is That A D

icture this scenario: you're at the gas pump about to insert the nozzle and your phone rings. Before you even realize what happened there's a quarter-sized dent in the top of your fuel tank. How many times do you think this happens on the first warm weekend each Spring? And then there are the friends, kids, and relatives who can't resist throwing a leg over a bike without permission...and miss, damaging tanks. We all know it can happen. But when it does, what do you do? We decided to ask the experts. We started by calling several of the larger motorcycle shops in the Midwest to find out what the motorcycle industry says about dings and dents in motorcycle tanks and fenders. We were surprised at what we heard. In each instance they gave us a variety of advice ranging from using auto body shops to replacing parts. And replacing parts still required finding a shop somewhere that would have to paint the new parts and (hopefully) match the paint job. The story became almost panic-producing when they addressed "fancy custom finishes." Those, we were advised, should only go to boutique custom shops. Toward the end of these inquiries we asked, "Is there a way to fix the dents without all of the hassle and cost of replacement?" We heard some interesting "expert" advice, things like, "That stuff doesn't work" and, "Motorcycle tanks are double walled and they are impossible to repair." Before anyone thinks that we're throwing stones at these big motorcycle shops, we should probably introduce ourselves. My name is Randy Hobson. I'm the owner of Dent Squad, the oldest paintless dent repair facility in the United States. Jim Blair is our company's chief knowledge officer. We are located in St. Louis, Missouri and are here to help educate and answer questions about paintless dent repair on vehicles--including motorcycles. So, what really happens when you get a dent in a fuel tank or fender? Does it really have to go to a body shop and get painted even though the paint isn't cracked? Will the paint match? Do body shops even want to fool with something as small as a fuel tank or fender? Can a dent repair shop work on motorcycles? Our industry is called Paintless Dent Repair (called PDR for short). Our livelihood is based on the reality that we can do amazing things with painted metal. In most cases, provided the paint is not cracked and we can reach the dent with our specailized tools, we can repair those dents without costly parts replacement and painting. We have been told that this is impossible on motorcycles because the tanks have double walls. We have been told that you can't push out dents through double walls. Fact or fiction? A bit of both. Yes, some motorcycles do have double walled tanks. Yet most motorcycles in the United States have single wall tanks. And even if your motorcycle does have a double walled tank, we have other options that can work in most cases. We have some slick tools that help highly skilled technicians work around tight areas to remove dents without painting them. This doesn't mean the repairs are easy. Motorcycle tanks are one of the hardest metals for a PDR technician to repair. The metal is so difficult to work that perhaps 95% of the paintless dent repair technicians out there

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Dent In My Tank?

want nothing to do with repairing anything on a motorcycle. To repair them requires strong specialized holding fixtures and job specific tools that are designed specifically for motorcycle paintless dent repair. In other words, for a shop to repair motorcycle fuel tanks requires serious commitment. Some people we meet are unfamiliar with paintless dent repair. We try to show them that paintless dent repair is a safe and eco-friendly technique for repairing and restoring a motorized vehicle's body to pre-damage, near pristine condition. The PDR method is most commonly used to remove dings and dents from cars and pickups; however it is an excellent way to remove dings and dents from motorcycle tanks and fenders. When we meet with a vehicle owner, our process included four phases. We first assess the situation. This involves identifying the dents, assessing their size and the degree of damage, and determining whether it can be addressed with PDR. In this phase, the technicians will determine whether or not the repair is a good candidate for paintless dent repair or if it needs to be sent to a body shop. Next we access the dent. In many cases, we need to access the area on the inside of the dent, which sometimes can be difficult if there are interior obstructions. Our third phase is to really view the dent up close. We are kind of like surgeons, but we need even better light! We use specialized imaging lights that help us read the depth and size of a dent. The final phase is to remove the dent. This is where we use special tools that apply pressure to the back side of the dent to “massage� the dent and return it to its previous condition. There are some significant differences between automotive and motorcycle paintless dent repair. Since motorcycle tanks are made from heavier gauge metal, they are extremely rigid. This is why our specialized tools also need to be made of much heavier metal to reduce flex and apply the pressure necessary to massage out those dents. The mass and stability of automobiles means we can apply plenty of force without moving the vehicle. Not so with motorcycles. As a result, the tanks are nearly always removed for repair. We use a task specific holding fixture which protects the bike and tank while allowing us to apply the tooling necessary to massage out those dents. Paintless dent repair works. And it works on motorcycles. Our process doesn't use body fillers and painting, so it doesn't take as long as traditional dent repair. And it costs less. Since parts are not being painted, our repairs are extremely cost effective. And paintless dent repair is potentially more effective because it actually addresses the underlying dent instead of filling it. As a result, PDR can be a more sustainable and longer lasting solution. Our repairs can't shake loose or fall off like fillers can. And finally, our process preserves your original paint job, preserving the value of your ride. It's possible to ride for years and never dent a tank. But if it happens, remember that there are non-invasive options available. It's a proven process, but it requires specialized tools and techniques. Before handing over your fuel tank for repair, make sure your tech has a proven track record on these challenging repairs. In most cases you don't want to award the project to the lowest bidder. If you have any questions concerning paintless dent repair on your motorcycle, car or truck, email us and we will be happy to answer your questions. Photos help if you need specific advice. And we provide free estimates if desired. Reach us at dentsquadstl@gmail.com and please include your contact info. www.FullThrottle-Magazine.com

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ow's it going Full Throttle readers? Zach White here to give you the latest and greatest info from St. Charles Harley-Davidson. “What a year it was” is an understatement. All I want to say is, “Twist the throttle, let the wind blow 2020 goodbye, and say hello to 2021!” One thing we missed this past year was all of the events we love hosting for you. With only one Bike Night in 2020, it was definitely a “Riding Year”! We are hoping to bring more events in 2021 and enjoy another amazing year with all of you. Thanks to everyone that came into the Dealership to watch the release live on the big screen January 19th! If you didn’t get to watch it live at the dealership, come in and let us show you one-on-one. In the meantime, here is a sneak peak of what Harley-Davidson has released for the 2021 model year for Motorcycles, Parts & Motorclothes. First, let’s talk about what Harley-Davidson released for the 2021 Models. We will have four different CVO models to offer this year. They are the Street Glide, Road Glide, Limited & Trike. All will be powered by the Milwaukee-Eight 117ci engine and so many other extras from front-to-back. You will be able to choose between a blacked out look or shiny Chrome. The CVO Limited and CVO Trike will have two color options to choose from. As for the CVO Street Glide & CVO Road Glide, you will have three different color options to choose from. Both will have the AllNew Harley-Davidson Audio by Rockford Fosgate Stage II sound system. With this system, you will be able to hear your favorite tunes cruising down the highway at 70 mph. Also, brand new this year on the CVO Road Glide is a 21” front and 18” rear Cast laced Wheels, and WOW do they look good! The list of perks on these bikes goes on and on. I can’t wait to get one in the showroom and check them out up close. For the standard line of 2021 models, a few changes stood out to me. The Road Glide Special & Street Glide Special now come with an option of Chromed or Blacked out. I know a lot of you will be happy about this option. Also, on ALL Touring models, including CVO, the clutch is back to Mechanical from Hydraulic! Since they released the Hydraulic, I’ve heard several people say how the release point is an issue for them, so I think this is great change. The last big change that really caught my eye was on the Street Bob. Harley released the All-New Street Bob 114. This lightweight motorcycle just got a thumping heart to rip from stop light to stop light! Available in four color options and rocking the traditional “# 1” on the side of the tank. It is my personal favorite for the 2021 model release so far! I’m holding off until February 22nd, when they reveal the ALL-NEW Pan America, to give my final answer. Let’s move on from the model year and into the New Parts & Accessories released for 2021. The biggest change for me was the All-New Harley-Davidson Audio powered

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Y 2021

Written By Zach White

by Rockford Fosgate! This is available in a Stage I or II set up. With both stage kits, you can add up to 8 Speakers. The stage I features a 2-way speaker capable of up to 75 watts of power. The Stage II set up is rocking a 3-way Speaker capable of producing up to 150 watts of amazing concert-style sound! You will be able to enjoy the open road with less distortion than ever before. The 400-watt 4 channel amp is able to power up to 4 speakers, and an additional is added for speakers 6 and 8. The next P&A that really wowed me was the New Hammock and Sundowner Heated and Cooled seat. The all-new design will cool the seat down 25 degrees on an 85-degree day, which is a big deal on the sticky mid-west summer days! Also, the new heater gets you to your desired temp quicker than ever before. You’ll want to come in and check out these seats in action. Here are a few more items that may interest you from the 2021 release on P&A. They have new LED’s for the turn signals that are plug n play. They also have a new LED design for the wrap around and side marker lights on the tour pack, the rear of the saddle bags, and fillers in between the fender and saddlebag on non-special touring models. A small, but hot seller, is a newly designed Universal phone holder that mounts on the clutch perch or up to a 1.25” handlebar. The last thing I want to touch on that’s new for Parts & Accessories is “Package” kits. These kits assist you in deciding which items to purchase to make your new Harley-Davidson your own. It really helps show you what items go well with each other, and skips the guessing game since you’re seeing it all together. These kits range from Performance, with a Stage 2 that includes everything you would need for your stock touring bike, to a Comfort kit that has all of your needs for your next adventure. Also, they have different themed kits with all matching pieces to make it your style. For the new LEDs, they have a complete kit to light up the night and make sure you are being seen at all times. Last, you will see the different HarleyDavidson audio powered by Rockford Fosgate kits to get you the right sound for your tunes so you can fully enjoy the open road! Now on to Motorclothes and a couple New items that Harley has for you all. They have come out with a few different light weight riding jackets for both Men and Women. When you’re looking at them you wouldn’t think a fleece jacket is made to ride in but it sure is. With waterproof, wind proof and abrasion resistant material it has everything you would want in a riding jacket for the Spring riding season. Also, they redesigned their high visibility orange rain jackets. Now they are waterproof and breathable all in one. This light weight material allows you to not melt on those summer days. Another great feature so you don’t slip in the saddle is the Anti slip material on the seat of the pants. Come in and check out first-hand what 2021 has in store for you in the Harley World! I’m looking forward to showing you what makes Harley-Davidson continue to stand out from the rest. Thanks again for taking the time to read this. Please come into St. Charles Harley-Davidson and ask for me, Zach White, or give me a call at 636946-6487 or email zach@stcharlesharleydavidson.com to set up a consultation. I'm here to make all your HarleyDavidson dreams come true! www.FullThrottle-Magazine.com

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Written Tony Goodrich Photos By Marsh Meyers, Jesse Kiser & Mo Meyers

Family Affair

Full Throttle Magzine


he old saying, “The family that races together, stays together”, couldn’t be more symbolic for the Meyers family of Wood River, IL. Warren, the patriarch of this racing family was a regular at the famed Alton Dragway where he competed in various stock classes with his ’62 Chevy 409 ci Impala. Back in the day, these cars were everything to the family from family hauler, work car, race car and an occasional car show or two. That’s what made backyard mechanics and gear heads a true artisan in unlocking the potential unfound horsepower, Warren was that guy. His day job as a union carpenter at the Shell Oil Refinery in Wood River helped fuel that passion of speed by being able to try new camshafts, carbs, intakes and any other goodies that would make the car go faster. As time would go, Warren’s family would grow; great Catholic heritage. Alton Dragway would eventually shutdown in the early seventies, so a lot of local racers just built cars for themselves to enjoy cruisin’ the streets or an occasional race on Rt. 3. Never one to stop tinkering, Warren began teaching his sons when they were old enough to hold a wrench, the fundamentals of engine/transmission rebuilding, mechanic work and detailing of cars. This early progression of childhood time in the garage with dad, manifested into both Mike and Mo becoming GM dealership mechanics and very good ones at that! During the late 80’s and early 90’s, you could find M & M Racing campaigning their beautiful orange Nova at Gateway Raceway and many Super Chevy events across the Midwest. This was truly one of a kind family, even Kathleen their mother, would be a parts runner to B&J speed shop in Wood River to do whatever it took to get the boys down the track. But, we would hang out at their garage mainly for her cookies, lol. After many years of successful racing, both Mike and Mo began having families of their own, so racing took a backseat for awhile. As time would go, so did the carburetor and the way fuel delivery systems would evolve into today’s crazy LS conversions. Mike and his son Matthew have taken this LS thing to a whole new level in Corvairs, no less. Mike is well known for his first Corvair, a white/orange stripe set on a Monte Carlo full frame chassis, front engine, (Corvairs were originally rear mounted air cooled engines) rear wheel drive bad to the bone beautiful car. That car started a trend of building nothing but crazy Corvair model vehicles with LS motors. Next inline was a radical Blue Corvair station wagon painted by Terry Fairless that had a funny car style roll cage and a lot of go fast goodies, but is very streetable. His son found a late 60’s model Corvair that he did the frame swap and LS transplant and kept the patina on the exterior. He kept it very simple at first, but the speed bug bit him. Matthew is constantly improving the motor, drivetrain, roll cage safety and tire/wheel combos. This is not a

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car you want to fool with at the track or on the streets. Mike’s latest build is fitting now that he has grand children of his own. It’s a 1963 Corvair van set upon a Corvette suspension and power plant combo that they can cruise in comfortably and have an awesome time with the grand kids. Dennis Gage of My Classic Car TV program did a feature show of Mike and his wild Corvairs. Mo’s need for speed did not diminish either. He had an ’81 Chevy Malibu that was the wife’s grocery getter that he would make small changes and have as a weekend warrior at the track. Then family came into play and the 2 door just wasn’t cut out to for children’s seats, so let the transformation begin. He and his friend Lee Runnion painted the car Dark Garnet Red Metallic in ’91. Ten years later, he had Tony Goodrich of Tony’s Rod & Custom apply the orange pearl ghost flames. The motor has been upgraded to a 434 ci small block backed by a 2 speed Powerglide transmission. It runs on Methanol and turns in the 10’s on the ¼ mile track and is street driven to local shows and cruises. The Malibu sat idle for some time while the family took precedence. Fast forward to 2017, Mo’s son Zach picked up an ‘80’s Camaro that was a complete car that needed some serious TLC. Over the next several month’s they swapped out motors, using a 355 out of the Malibu’s past, some brake upgrades and lots of elbow grease. In 2018 they were blessed to have a photo shoot at the Car Craft Nationals as a father/son feature article in the March 2019 issue. With all of this being said, the seed that Warren planted many years ago has begun to produce its own seeds. Mechanic work and the detailing of their rides are prolific. Warren’s vehicles were black, of all colors to keep clean, but they shined. Warren, being born in 1938 always wanted a ’38 Chevy coupe. He found one and began the process of rebuilding it the way he wanted it to be. It had to have a strong motor, so a 400 ci small block had to be the heartbeat backed up to a Powerglide transmission. Being a business coupe there was no rear seat from the factory, so he made a T & G wood floor that extended to the trunk area. After many days and nights of working on the mechanicals, it was time to address the exterior. Warren commissioned Tony’s Rod & Custom to tackle the body work, black paint and retro flames to give it that classic 50’s style. During its time at Tony’s, Warren and Kathleen would stop by every Friday night after a fish dinner at Cracker Barrel to check on its progress and to just take time to be friends. Warren would also bring the grand kids out to check on grandpa’s ride. This was not just another business transaction, but a lifelong friendship that has carried on into the whole family. The ’38 met every expectation Warren had for the car straight, shiny like glass and period perfect flames. The car meant everything to him. Unfortunately, Warren is no longer with us to see how his grand children have continued the Meyers heritage of tinkering, mechanicing and detailing. He would be very proud. The ’38 is still in the Meyers family to keep grandpa’s legacy a constant reminder of not only sounding good, but looking good, too! God Bless!!! www.FullThrottle-Magazine.com

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