[LOVE OTHERS] BRINGING IT BACK HOME traditional songs, dances, and ceremonies. The friendships we made were genuine and sincere. These relationships are one of a kind and so precious. The amount of smiles, laughs, and tears we shared brought us closer than we could have imagined. Each person on the trip cared for one another deeply and selflessly. Family is the only word that can describe such a unique group. I will cherish the friendships made there forever. Our ride back to Baton Rouge didn’t go as planned. The 6-hour drive was extended to 12 due to flat tires and a broken trailer axle. Trying to describe that experience to my friends and family back home was harder than expected. From their point of view, our ride home seemed miserable. Weirdly enough, it was the exact opposite. We bonded with each other as we faced these challenges. It was reminder of the real world obstacles we will still face as we leave the mission trip. It was a perfect example of living your life for God even when The amount of smiles, laughs, and tears we shared frustration tries to overcome you.
brought us closer than we could have imagined.
As I went home and started Each person on the trip cared for one another deeply living my normal life again, I kept thinking about something and selflessly. Family is the only word that can describe Kale had told us on the last day. such a unique group. I will cherish the friendships “When you go back home and tell your friends and family what made there forever. you’ve been doing for the past week, they won’t understand. For someone who hasn’t experienced the ways God worked through us this week, they’ll think you’re crazy for giving up a week of your summer to work for people who you’ve never even met.” When I first heard that, I couldn’t fully grasp it. After many attempts of convincing my friends how much fun it was to work with the Kullichito Church in a small town that no one knew of, I began to understand what Kale meant. People will never understand the joy and happiness that fills our lives through serving others. But God does, because that’s what he created us to do. Mission trips are not about posting pictures or the “play time” at the end. It’s about growing in your faith, changing, and bringing that back home with you. After coming home from Broken Bow, I realize how fortunate I’ve been. With each trip my faith has grown in ways that I could have never imagined and there are so many amazing people that are responsible for that.
Are you looking for a church home? Come check out Youth Ministry at FUMC! Each week we seek to grow closer to God and each other while being the people God calls us to be. Join us for: Sunday School | Sundays | 9:40-10:40 AM Youth Night | Sundays | 5:00-7:00 PM Bible Study | Wednesdays | 6:00-7:30 PM You can join in one of our All-Nighters, big events like Slime Night and the Great Pumpkin Hunt, or the Mardi Gras Ball. Our year spent learning to love like Jesus is always capped off with life-changing summer mission trips like the ones you just read about. PARENTS: We are in constant need of volunteers to teach, guide, cook, drive, chaperone and plan for all of the above programs. Please let me know where we can get you living out the call to serve as well. I would love to meet up to discuss your questions and to find a place for you to make a lasting influence in someone’s life!
930north | www.firstmethodist.org | Fall 2018
Director of Youth Ministry, at kwet@firstmethodist.org or 383-4777, ext. 235. Follow us on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter @fumcyouthbr.