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Nยบ 1_ December 2012 www.innovage-project.eu


Welcome to the INNOVAge Newsletter!

Welcome to the INNOVAge Newsletter!_1

Demographic trends show that an innovative policy approach is required to strengthen creative interactions in the knowledge triangle (businessprivate-research sectors). The INNOVAge project focuses on ageing, development of innovation policies to drive regional competitiveness linking ageing with eco-independent living. Despite the potential of independent living and the relative application of eco-innovation solutions, policymakers experience difficulties in coordinating their policies and research programmes. In this context, fourteen European regions have joined forces to strengthen links between agencies responsible for Health, social services and sustainability to better integrate policies related to eco-independent living for the elderly.


European Union European Regional Development Fund

The INNOVage project has been made possible by the Interregional Cooperation Programme INTERREG IVC, financed by the European Union's Regional Development Fund.

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ABOUT INNOVAGE INNOVAge is a project supported under the INTERREG IVC Innovation & Environment, Regions of Europe Sharing Solutions. Supervised by Marche Regional Authority (Italy), INNOVAge aims to increase and improve the effectiveness of regional development policies in the field of eco-independent living for the elderly by networking and mentoring activities at regional and interregional level. This policy focuses on helping elderly people to live independently for longer in their homes, increasing their autonomy and assisting them in carrying out their daily activities.

INNOVAge key objectives •

Provide a methodology and instruments that enables regional decision-makers to implement an efficient multidisciplinary/multisectorial/integrated policy

Face the problem of eco-independent living by improving the governance model via a new and more effective way

Increase the innovation across all sectors related to ageing combined with increased resource efficiency and overlap common barriers

INNOVAGE main activities •

Good practices: Identifying and analyzing successful experiences of innovation driven clusters, of planning policies in cluster development and local strategic partnership coordination.

Clustering: Creating a European network of companies and associated institutions (public - business - private - research sectors and end users) sharing similar interests regarding innovation policies and independent living of the elderly.

InnoHubs: Launching fourteen regional innovation offices aiming to strengthen the knowledge and cooperation activities between actors focusing on eco-innovation and smart home for the elderly.

Policy strategies: Addressing ageing issues and devising new policy strategies that are capable of significantly improving the lives of the elderly.

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WHO ARE WE? We are composed of fifteen local and regional organizations operating in innovations for the elderly from fourteen European countries. We are divided into two groups: the Mentoring Group and the Learning Group, depending on the experience and knowledge in the main subjects.

WƌŽũĞĐƚ ƉĂƌƚŶĞƌƐ Project partners IT Marche Regional Authority www.regione.marche.it anna.torelli@regione.marche.it

EL Region of Central Macedonia www.pkm.gov.gr a.giantsis@nath.gr

SI Development Centre Litija www.razvoj.si info@razvoj.si

PL Rzeszow Regional Development Agency www.rarr.rzeszow.pl info@rarr.rzeszow.pl; dkandefer@rarr.rzeszow.pl

FR MEDIC@LPS www.medicalps.eu valerie.ayache@medicalps.eu

ES Junta de Castilla y León www.jcyl.es mijserma@jcyl.es

LT Lithuanian Innovation Centre www.lic.lt m.vilys@lic.lt

NL Netherlands Organisation for applied scientific research TNO www.tno.nl just.eijkman@tno.nl

FI Culminatum Innovation Oy Ltd www.culminatum.fi leena.silvennoinen@culminatum.fi

CY Geroskipou Municipality info@geroskipou-municipality.com

ES Fundación INTRAS www.intras.es proyectos1@intras.es

BG Sofia Municipality www.sofia.bg ezheleva@sofia.bg


UK SEHTA www.sehta.co.uk david.parry@sehta.co.uk

IT Svim Sviluppo Marche SpA www.svimspa.it iprosperi@svimspa.it

CZ Regional Development Agency of South Bohemia RERA www.rera.cz jiri.vlach@rera.cz

SE Blekinge Institute of Technology www.bth.se jenny.lundberg@bth.se

4 www.innovage-project.eu

LATEST ACTIONS Partners’ meetings Kick off meeting, Ancona (Italy), May 2012. First personal contact between the project partners. During these days we took an overview on the main project objectives and activities, as well as participating in the first thematic workshop and attending the first study visit. 1st Partners meeting, Grenoble (France), September 2012. This meeting allowed the partners to share the first outcomes of this project and continue with the planning and monitoring. The second thematic workshop and study visit took place during this meeting.

Partners’ meetings Through thematic workshops, the partners worked on specific and common topics, network key innovation stakeholders and end users. 1st Workshop, 15th May 2012, Ancona - Exploring eco-innovation experiences for user-oriented solutions to improve elderly independent living at home

Focused on ICT for independent living and safe/security at home. Partners and representatives from other EU projects had the opportunity to explore the quadruple helix model and to outline green and user-oriented solutions to improve elderly independent living at home presented by public, private and academic agents. 2nd Workshop, 20th September 2012, Grenoble - Home services for the elderly The eco-design approach applied to product and/or services development was discussed in conjunction with the benefit of this approach from the industrial point of view. Some examples dedicated to independent living of elderly and smart home were given. Speeches on social services at home for the elderly and regarding the end-users involvement in products/ services development were also given.

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Study Visits Through the study visits the partners and innovation stakeholders had the opportunity to see first-hand the successful and innovative clusters and inno-hubs. 1st Study Visit, 16th May 2012, Ancona - i-Live Marche Region Cluster on Ambient Independent living & Eco Investing Intelligence Technologies for Independent Eco-sustainability More than 20 people joined the event, which was divided into two parts: HomeLab and Indesit Company The HomeLab consortium is based on the idea of creating a network for the development of an “open innovation” model enabling enterprises, universities and research organizations to share experiences, knowledge and patents for the purpose of fostering a culture of innovation and defining standards for communication and interoperability between products and services in the home. The Indesit company’s main mission is to be a global leader in producing eco-compatible technological solutions that give people “quality time” every day. The Loccioni Leaf House The Loccioni Leaf House represents a real showcase and the carbon neutral house energy is entirely produced by renewable sources without CO2 emissions. Leaf House is a technologically innovative house built for the environment. It is a laboratory for new clean energy technologies and a place of inspiration and future education. Leaf House is composed of six apartments, a real house where real people live in a house built on the base.

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2nd Study Visit, 21st-22nd June 2012, The Netherlands - TNO Innovation for Life 40 European guests visited TNO, which showed Dutch practices in the field of eco-independent living and smart homes. The focus of this visit was the involvement of the end-user in independent living. TNO aimed to show the quadruple helix in practice: the first day by showing the cooperation between knowledge institutes, the industry and health care; and the second day by demonstrating how policy makers can be involved. TNO office in Hoofddorp and Woerden The visit started with a presentation about social cost/benefit analyses of gero-technology and the example of Rosetta, a gerotechnological system for people suffering from Alzheimer’s. A TNO study shows that the labour cost savings after implementing Rosetta does not outweigh the investments. Later, the participants had a chance to visit the ageing-in-place showcase dwellings, of which their designs are differentiated for lifestyle and type of impairment: (1) the comfort, safety and low vision home (CSL); (2) the dementia home; (3) the COPD and mobility home. Elderly living Bergweg complex of Stichting Humanitas, Rotterdam This complex holds approximately 195 apartments for the elderly, small-scale living and care facilities for people with Alzheimer’s and special day care facilities. The municipality organised a conference on “Opportunities of assisted living areas and the incorporation of user needs in planning and implementation”. During the conference, a contract was signed between the municipality of Rotterdam and TNO, agreeing to a commitment that they will cooperate to accomplish “neighbourhoods for living in vitality”.

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3rd Study Visit, 20th-21st September 2012, Grenoble - MEDIC@LPS Cluster on eco-innovation for more independent living services and products MEDIC@LPS welcomed a European delegation of 28 participants composed by INNOVAge project partners and innovation stakeholders. The study visit was divided into two parts: The CEA Leti Showroom The participants visited the showcase for CEA-Leti’s many achievements. Leti is an institute of CEA, a French research-andtechnology organization with activities in energy, IT, healthcare, defence and security. It is focused on creating value and innovation through technology transfer to its industrial partners. Leti specializes in nanotechnologies and their applications, from wireless devices and systems, to biology, healthcare and photonics. NEMS and MEMS are at the core of its activities. La Rumba Building The second part of the study visit was dedicated to visiting a low-energy consumption intergenerational building, “La Rumba”, composed by 29 social apartments where among 15 of which have specific facilities for the elderly lacking in autonomy. The building is situated in the Village 2 neighbourhood of the Echirolles City and was constructed and managed by the Société Dauphinoise pour l’Habitat with the support of Echirolles City. Small groups of the delegation visited the apartment of Louis and Marie-Louise Roche, respectively 82 and 80 years old. This building is part of a global rehabilitation project of the whole Village 2 neighbourhood.

Regional Studies 14 analyses of the state of art of the INNOVAge regions have been conducted to highlight relative strengths and weaknesses in the field of eco-innovation applied to independent living of elderly people and smart home. Based on that, a cross-analysis and comprehensive overview of common strengths, weaknessess, opportunities and threats across INNOVAge regions has been developed.

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A catalogue of Good Practices which will allow the public to have access to a collection of successful experiences of innovation driven cluster and planning policies in local strategic partnership coordination and cluster development

Study Visits of:

SETHA (UK, December 2012)

The Baltic Institute of Finland BIF (Finland, June 2013)

Workshops on the topics: •

User ability, acceptance, ethical aspects (Spain, April 2013)

Effective public policies to stimulate innovation (Bulgaria, October 2013)

Awareness of elderly/ users’ needs (Czech Republic, June 2014)

Innovation Cluster Driven Management (Belgium, November 2014)

Training sessions to support policymakers

Establishment of InnoHubs in 14 partner’ regions

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INNOVAGE GLOSSARY Active ageing Active Ageing is defined by the World Health Organization as the process of optimizing opportunities for health, participation and security in order to enhance the quality of life as people age. It allows people to realize their potential for wellbeing throughout their lives and to participate in society according to their needs, desires and capabilities, while simultaneously providing them with adequate protection, security and care when they need assistance. Eco-innovation Eco-innovation is innovation that reduces the use of natural resources and limits the release of harmful substances across the whole life-cycle. It is defined as products, techniques, services or processes which aim to prevent or reduce environmental impacts or those which contribute to the optimal use of resources. Independent living Independent living helps older people to live independently by managing the inevitable physical and cognitive impairments often associated with growing old. It is seen as a step in the continuum of care with assisted living being the next step, a living arrangement that maximizes independence and self-determination, especially for disabled people living in a community instead of in a medical facility. Smart home A smart house is a house that has highly advanced automatic systems for lighting, temperature control, multi-media, security, window and door operations, and many other functions. Smart homes connect all the devices and appliances so that they can communicate with each other and the end-users. Research Driven Clusters (RDC) RDC can be defined as “clusters that rely predominantly on research and development as a source of innovativeness and competitiveness, and relatively less on other sources�. They usually differ from standard technological and innovation clusters by the fact that they have a stronger science/research base, and by their ability to generate a greater frequency of innovative enterprises which are able to commercialize and exploit research.

www.innovage-project.eu for futher information

Project partners IT Marche Regional Authority www.regione.marche.it anna.torelli@regione.marche.it

EL Region of Central Macedonia www.pkm.gov.gr a.giantsis@nath.gr

SI Development Centre Litija www.razvoj.si info@razvoj.si

PL Rzeszow Regional Development Agency www.rarr.rzeszow.pl info@rarr.rzeszow.pl; dkandefer@rarr.rzeszow.pl

FR MEDIC@LPS www.medicalps.eu valerie.ayache@medicalps.eu

ES Junta de Castilla y Le贸n www.jcyl.es mijserma@jcyl.es

LT Lithuanian Innovation Centre www.lic.lt m.vilys@lic.lt

NL Netherlands Organisation for applied scientific research TNO www.tno.nl just.eijkman@tno.nl

FI Culminatum Innovation Oy Ltd www.culminatum.fi leena.silvennoinen@culminatum.fi

CY Geroskipou Municipality info@geroskipou-municipality.com

ES Fundaci贸n INTRAS www.intras.es proyectos1@intras.es

BG Sofia Municipality www.sofia.bg ezheleva@sofia.bg

UK SEHTA www.sehta.co.uk david.parry@sehta.co.uk

CZ Regional Development Agency of South Bohemia RERA www.rera.cz jiri.vlach@rera.cz

SE Blekinge Institute of Technology www.bth.se jenny.lundberg@bth.se

General secretariat IT Svim Sviluppo Marche SpA www.svimspa.it iprosperi@svimspa.it

European Union European Regional Development Fund

The INNOVage project has been made possible by the Interregional Cooperation Programme INTERREG IVC, financed by the European Union's Regional Development Fund.

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