Field Diary
As Montaña Palentina know a natural area that is located on the northern tip of the province of Palencia. This territory is part of the southern slope of the Cantabrian Mountain, bordering the counties of Riaño, Liebana and Campoo, to the north and the plains leading to the Castilian Plain in the south. At the east border with La Lora Burgos, and at the west with the Mountain Leonesa (Cistierna). Consists of 19 municipalities: Aguilar de Campoo, Barruelo de Santullán, Berzosilla, Brañosera, Castrejon de la Peña, Cervera de Pisuerga, Dehesa de Montejo, Guardo, La Pernia, Mudá, Polentinos, Pomar de Valdivia , Respenda de la Peña, Pisuerga Salinas, San Cebrián de Mudá, Santibanez de Ecla, Santibañez de la Peña, Triollo and Velilla del Río Carrión. The region is distinguished by its beauty and natural wealth of flora and fauna, the first characterized by the dominance of oak, Pyrenean oak and beech, and the second by a diversity of animal species, some of them, like the brown bear In danger of extinction.
The Parque Natural de Fuentes Carrionas y Fuente Cobre - Mountain Palentina occupies an area of great natural and scenic value. The combination of wildlife and vegetation in this space, has a great diversity: beech, holm oak, oak, phoenician juniper, yew and scots pine native of Velilla del Río Carrión, form a suitable habitat for reproduction and survival of animals brown bear, otter, muskrat of the Pyrenees, the Cantabrian chamois, wild cat, golden eagle and bonelli, the griffon vulture, the owl and peregrine falcons. In this space, wildlife coexists Atlantic (grouse, martens, hares, lizards, snakes Seoane, etc.) with the Mediterranean fauna (snakes or lizard bastards).
Como Montaña Palentina conocemos a una comarca natural que se localiza en el extremo septentrional de la provincia de Palencia. Este territorio forma parte de la vertiente meridional de la Montaña Cantábrica, lindando con las comarcas de Riaño, Liébana y Campoo, al norte; y con la planicie que da lugar a la Meseta Castellana en el extremo sur. Al este linda con La Lora burgalesa, y al oeste con la Montaña Leonesa en su segmento de Cistierna. Está integrado por 19 términos municipales: Aguilar de Campoo, Barruelo de Santullán, Berzosilla, Brañosera, Castrejón de la Peña, Cervera de Pisuerga, Dehesa de Montejo, Guardo, La Pernía, Mudá, Polentinos, Pomar de Valdivia, Respenda de la Peña, Salinas de Pisuerga, San Cebrián de Mudá, Santibáñez de Ecla, Santibáñez de la Peña, Triollo y Velilla del Río Carrión La comarca, se distingue por su belleza y riqueza natural tanto de flora como de fauna, caracterizada la primera por el predominio de robledales, rebollares y hayedos, y la segunda por una importante diversidad de especies animales, algunas de ellas, como el oso pardo, en peligro de extinción. El Parque Natural de Fuentes Carrionas y Fuente Cobre - Montaña Palentina ocupa un espacio de gran valor tanto natural como paisajístico. La combinación entre fauna y vegetación, en este espacio, es de gran diversidad: hayas, encinas, robles, sabinas, tejos y un pinar autóctono de pino silvestre en Velilla del Río Carrión, configuran un hábitat adecuado para la reproducción y supervivencia de animales como el oso pardo, la nutria, el desmán de los Pirineos, el rebeco cantábrico, el gato montés, el águila real y perdicera, el buitre leonado, el búho real y el halcón común. En este espacio, convive la fauna atlántica (urogallos, martas, liebres, lagartijas, víboras de Seoane, etc.) con la fauna mediterránea (culebras bastardas o lagartos ocelados) .
salcedillo forest. 20th june. 2011
Time Level Experience
Located to 1244 meters above sea level, is one of the Salcedillo highest villages in the area, is situated at the foot of the mountains of the brane. We left the village of Salcedillo by a forest track that leads from the middle of a lush and beautiful forest of oak trees to a place called the flat, which has a small shelter with natural rocks built by the maquis. Follow the track and take the left path which runs parallel to the skirts of the forest about 2 miles, heading north and currency fund Rojadillo Roman bridge, bridge of one eye of 9 m. in diameter and polished stone. At that time we turn on our heels making the journey in reverse. In this forest of oaks, we are faced with hazel, some beech and wild roses.
maquis shelter
Rojadillo Roman bridge
valdecebollas. 21th june. 2011
Time Level Experience
Is the most difficult activity we are going to make, but very pleasant because the hard part is done at the beginning and everything is down, at first by a beautiful crests, with an incredible balcony of the Picos de Europa, and then by forest of dreams in which we can find among other oaks, hazel and holly serval. If we walk in silence we can hear the different birds that inhabit the mountains in Palencia, as the elusive woodpecker noises or jackdaws fly over us in height, without underestimating the impressive eagles. The most characteristic flowers are daffodils or dormice and wild fruits like berries. It’s easy to find with the curious addition to nimble deer roam the forests and hillsides, the harder it is to see the wolf watching us silently and bold. Place
distance (meters)
elevation (meters)
Refugio Golobar
Cumbre Valdecebollas
Cumbre Cueto
La Muñeca
San Cebrián de Mudá
valdecebollas. 21th june. 2011
Located in the plane with a few different symbols, the places indicated in the table on previous page.
Drawn on the map the places where we made some stops and where we ate
Draw the path you think you’ve done
acebal de las comuñas. 22th june. 2011
Time Level Experience
This is one of the most beautiful routes of the Montaña Palentina and has the peculiarity of enter in a large and size Acebal. Another key point of the route is Romillé oak, which for its size and features invites us to watch. From the Alto del Silencio, we can see the majesty of Curavacas. We sense the nearby presence of the brown bear, wich is still alive in these woods, he shares with man for centuries and numerous species of wildlife value. Ascend between rowan, holly, oak and cherry whitebeams. The prints, signs, droppings, beds and other evidence of the passage of deer, boars and bears, excite us and tell us how these animals live. Enjoy this experience. Throughout the evening we will learn features and key points of the route. Below is one for us to be playing: • Cemetery • Trees burned or open • Saleres • Tree with bear paws • Fuente la Reina • View Curavacas Mountain • Campera Redondilla • Roads where coal was lowered
• Oak Area Romilla • Spring • Tree Mostajo or Amostajo • Redondilla Majada 1312 m • The Acebal
tosande. 23th june. 2011
Time Level Experience
The uniqueness of this route lies in the magical powers granted to it from the old shuffleboard. The yew is a mythical tree for Cantabria, used by the characteristics of its wood for making bows or later to the axes of the cars. Sacred tree of the Celts, in Spain was used by the northern tribes as a last resort before the Roman siege, killing himself with a brew with the seeds or bark because of the high toxicity of one of its substances, Taxine, rather than be enslaved. The only non-toxic element of the tree is the red pulp of the seed. On the other hand, it also contains another important substance, taxol has been shown to be an effective anticancer still being widely used today. We should also mention the old custom of young men to woo the girls throwing the ground seeds of this tree. Hence the famous phrase “throwing the yew. “ Along the way we met with oaks, occasionally accompanied by a valuable holly.
A key point of the route is the Portillo de la Peña de los Novios (the name give to the rock formations around the door). Legend said that is where the boyfriends from different parts of the valley were met.
yew fruits
Tosande yew
write the name in spanish...
draw what you like In the Palencia mountains live many species of animals and trees. We suggest you choose one in the case of trees and draw the sheet and choose one in the case of animal and draw the footprint
Native Verses (Could you Learn at least one?) Lo de la chambra roja por la sangría Es de Villacaliente serrana mía Soy de Villacaliente y no lo niego Tu eres de Villafría y estás ardiendo. Si es de cortesía O desobediencia En casa de nobles Cantar sin licencia Si nos dan licencia Señor cantaremos Con mucha prudencia Las Marzas diremos Aquí traemos un burro Cargado de nada Que no come hierba Paja ni cebada Que come chorizos Huevos y tajadas También bebe vino Para remolarlas.
The spanish pupils could help you if you need it.
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