Contract number: 2015-1114/001-001
Picture taken from Pinterest
Materials required o
Empty egg carton.
Black tempera paint (acryl works too).
Orange and white construction paper.
Googly eyes.
Degree of difficulty Easy, appropriate for children of any age. Approximate time required 20 minutes (if caps have been painted beforehand). Learning goals Working with new material, working with scissors and glue. Abilities developed Accuracy, creativity, dexterity, hand-eye dexterity and fine handling.
Contract number: 2015-1114/001-001
Step-by-step instructions 1. Start by cutting out a cup from an egg carton. Trim around the edges so it lies flat.
2. Using markers or tempera paint paint the egg carton cup black and let it dry (in case of paint better for a few hours).
3. Cut a beak and legs from orange construction paper and a belly from a white one.
4. Fold the feet from their square ends and then glue them to the inside of the egg carton cup.
Contract number: 2015-1114/001-001
4. Then glue a belly and eyes and also let everything dry.
There is a whole bunch of other animals you can create using this technique. For example turtles, ladybugs, rabbits and even little monsters. Sometimes it is possible to stick a little pom-pom ahead of the carton cup and then have even a more realistic result.
Picture taken from Pinterest