N7_APRIL | 2015
Welcome to the HORGANIC newsletter! HORGANIC pilot experiences in Spain, Slovenia and Germany are about to finish, so it is time to look back and reflect a little bit about the last twelve months. What have we learnt? Who have we met? We have thought that it will be interesting to know the view of the learners and also of the trainees, that is to say, the people that have been involved in the HORGANIC training course. So please read the below interviews that we have made to some of the trainers and trainees that have been working in the initiative. Enjoy the read!
The Horganic TEAM
This project has been funded with support of the Lifelong Learning Programme, Grundtvig sub-programme, from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein
THE HORGANIC TRAINING COURSE IN SPAIN Preguntas para los alumnos Three trainees have answered to our questions relating the HORGANIC training: Santos and Mariano talked about gardening (G) and Aurora about the Experiential Learning sessions (EL) Interviewer: What do you like most in the course HORGANIC? Mariano (G): What I like the most is the way we work…especially transplanting of seedlings in trays. I also like when we gather to psychodrama, because we talk about many important things. Santos (G): What I liked most about the course was learning techniques and tasks to create and maintain a garden, for example, the transplanting. Also, I liked that this knowledge allows me to be more autonomous. Aurora (EL): The people have been very united and mixed well within the group. Also I liked that it was a place where we could expose some feelings in new situations that previously we could not express. Finally, I liked learning how to meet new people and make new friends. Interviewer: Is there anything you wish to change about the course? Mariano (G): No, I think it’s great. Santos (G): I would not change anything. Aurora (EL): I would not change anything, only to have the opportunity to work harder and perform more activities. Interviewer: As a student of the HORGANIC course, how would you sum up your experience in the course?? Mariano (G): My experience has been very good; I have learned a lot of things that I did not know before, because we have a very good teacher, Jose Manuel, who teaches us a lot. Santos (G): It has been a great experience. I enjoyed the learning, and I have seen that I have progressed. Now I feel even more motivated to learn new things and to work in gardening tasks. Aurora (EL): I don’t know how I would sum up… While there are things I have not yet managed to improve. In short it’s positive. Well, it has helped me and I learned, for example, valuing people, interpret and understand them. Interviewer: Do you think course HORGANIC is useful? If yes why? Mariano (G): Yes, because it’s useful for the future if you dedicate yourself to it, either at work or at home if you plant a garden. Santos (G): Yes, because without the HORGANIC course I would not have learned these things. For example, now I know the tools and methods for preparing an orchard as well as its management and maintenance. Finally, it has been useful for helping me to work better with planting and tilling wells in the land of gardening.
Aurora (EL): Psychodrama workshops have been very useful, because I have learned more about myself. For example, now I can see things that I have not seen before. This has helped me to see them, but it still costs me a lot, for example, being better with people, thinking and acting accordingly to whosoever, I think that it has helped me and it can help others. For example, it has taught me to help people by knowing the right things to say. You feel different when a person is respectful and the other person feels good too. It is one thing to ask something politely and another thing all together to be aggressive. Finally, I can say that it has been useful to know more about myself, for example, to know what I can do, what I want to do and things that I want to change.
Questions for the trainer We have interviewed 3 trainers: Ana Rodríguez and José Manuel Iglesias training on gardening; and Daniel Bustamante driving Experiential Learning sessions. Interviewer: How would you describe the course to someone who knows nothing about it? Ana (G): HORGANIC is a course that uses gardening as a life metaphor to support, through activities, the personal development of people with mental illness. At the same time, it’s possible to gain a real experience in the area of gardening so it is a course that provides them with professional tools to have the same opportunities to work (gardening or similar) than people who do not have a mental illness. Daniel (EL): Regarding the psychodrama workshop I would describe it as a place that provides opportunities to work simply and effectively with patients. The workshop “Psychodrama” is based on a structured methodology that includes several practical exercises that have a therapeutic purpose. For example, it is directly involved in the perception of themselves, their environment and social skills needed in everyday life and working life. Thus, it is an inclusive workshop that allows developing certain important aspects in the development of a person and their social skills and working through psychodrama and horticulture as tools that generates a contact between the person and the environment. In conclusion this workshop, allows the generation of new skills and tools for life and to promote recovery, thus improving the life of the person with mental illness. José Manuel (G): With this course, the first thing you learn is the basics and it progresses slowly during the sessions, to learning almost everything you need to know, both theoretical and practical, with regard to gardening and horticulture Interviewer: As a monitor of the course HORGANIC, do you think that the methodology applied is useful for working with people who have mental illness? Ana (G): In general yes, but always keeping in mind that disease, disease processes and people are not equal, so the methodology have to be adapted to each individual and/or group, if it’s necessary. Daniel (EL): The methodology is highly effective, because by being structured it brings clarity and simplicity for both instructors and participants, facilitating the implementation and understanding for both parties. Also, being practical keeps them interested and motivated people, preferring leisure activities. Furthermore, the fact that has clear objectives to focus on the work and provide the professional point of view so that these objectives are met more effectively. Finally, the progressive character, in the sense “from the general to the specific”, allows participants to go slowly expressing their emotions and see the changes gradually.
José Manuel (G): During the completion of the course I have not had any problem with users as the sessions were explained very well and that made it easier to teach the participants. It is important to note that once a session is finished they were given a copy of theoretical material, so they could store and refer to it when needed. Interviewer: What were the major benefits of HORGANIC project for the target group? Ana (G): I think that the major benefit was that they felt they were a part of something, not only being users of a foundation for people with mental illness. In the HORGANIC they are who make the activities being possible; they are the protagonists, so the confidence and self-esteem that won with that role and recognition have been other individual benefits. Daniel (EL): I believe that the major benefit is that they have managed to meet and have a positive perception of themselves, as they have the tools and skills to face the problems of daily life and work. It has also benefited regarding perceptions of their peer group and recognized as an important element in achieving group goals. On the other hand, it has managed to recognize conflict as an opportunity for positive change in their environment. Similarly, it has been possible to motivate participants to express their feelings and the importance of them when relating to others and especially, in a work environment. Finally, it has provided guidance in respect of their personal interests, their possibilities and motivation to be inserted into the labor market. José Manuel (G): Users now have greater knowledge, both in regard to the theoretical and to the practical fieldwork. It is also important to say that it has been very beneficial to me as trainer, especially the theoretical sessions; it has allowed me to learn new things and to support better participants. Similarly, they have learned to work in groups, and I had to improve my patience, because they require constant repetitions. Interviewer: As a trainer, what has been the biggest challenge for you? Ana (G): As trainer the biggest challenge has been to make the HORGANIC an important activity for them and make them feel they were an important- vital part of the activities … especially for people who do not participate in any other workshop. Daniel (EL): The biggest challenge has been to support adequately the progress of the participants. My goal as a professional was to maximize the opportunity that we were bringing in this project. However, the most important thing working with people with mental illness is to maintain a positive, thoughtful, standardized and inclusive space. José Manuel (G): One of the biggest challenges is to keep their attention during the theoretical sessions that were given on the blackboard. I had to explain things several times until they had understood. On the other hand, another challenge has been to handle the speed, quality and effectiveness in developing of fieldwork in the gardens. Interviewer: As someone who works with mental illness, would you recommend this course to other professionals: Why? Ana (G): Yes, because I think this is an effective way of assessing the work of gardening and horticulture. I think it is an employment opportunity for people with mental illness. It enables also reports them both physical and emotional welfare. In addition, psychodrama sessions are the greatest complements to the practical training, combining spaces for exchanging professional and personal experiences.
Daniel (EL): I would thoroughly recommend this course. I think that these spaces are necessary and important for the growth and support of people with mental health. The methodology is appropriate and effective according to the results. Furthermore, it can be seen in the behavior and in the discourse of the participants how important is to work with their own feelings and to have support for learning tools for facing a discriminator environment with limited opportunities. Undoubtedly, this workshop has generated patients a positive view of themselves and their abilities to cope with everyday life and work, without these sessions it would have been more difficult and perhaps less effective. We, however, will always have the challenge of continuing to seek new alternatives and innovating in the support we provide to the disabled. We have to think, as professionals, on the importance of believing in their abilities, to have a standardized, egalitarian and inclusive vision of these people. JosĂŠ Manuel (G): Yes, of course I would recommend it and the reason is because it is a very complete course. It begins from the most basic sessions and gradually it develops to practically teach everything you need to know both gardening and organic horticulture. Finally, personally, I have been very pleased with the knowledge that users have acquired. Therefore, I have to say that the course has been a great help for both users and for me as a monitor.
Questions for trainees In Slovenia we talked to one of the participants of the HORGANIC training Mrs Petra Pongračič. Interviewer: What do you like of HORGANIC course? Petra: I have learned many things during the HORGANIC project. I really liked working in a group and having conversation about emotions Interviewer: Is there anything that you would change in the course? Petra: I wouldn’t change anything. I liked everything Interviewer: As a trainee of the HORGANIC training course, how would you summarize your experience in the HORGANIC training course? Petra: It was something completely new to me, an interesting experience! If there was a continuation of the HORGANIC training, I would again join as a trainee. Interviewer: Do you think that HORGANIC is useful? If so, why? Petra: The work skills we gained during the HORGANIC project are useful. On one hand, I will use knowledge and experiences in my garden, and on the other hand knowledge and skills gained during psychodrama sessions, will be of benefit to me in rising up my daughter. Now I will be able to talk to her about emotions as well.
Questions for trainers Experiential learning lessons were in Slovenia guided by the psychologist Mrs Darka Bajec, who has provided the following opinion about the benefits of HORGANIC training. Interviewer: How would you describe the training course to somebody that knows nothing about it? Respondent: HORGANIC training was an interesting experience, and it was actually new to me regarding the use of psychodrama techniques within which group members get into various roles, play the roles, and afterwards we speak about their emotions and feelings they had during the role playing. It appears that in everyday life group members don’t think much about emotions, even more they don’t speak about them at all. Interviewer: As a trainer of the HORGANIC training course, do you think that the methodology applied is useful to work with people with mental illness? Respondent: The method has proven as very useful, nevertheless it needs to be adjusted to needs of the group when bringing out some of the topics. For example, our group did not consist of psychiatric patients, but there were people with other diverse special needs, and the method needed some adjustments respecting their needs Interviewer: What have been the main benefits of HORGANIC for the target group? Respondent: Psychodrama sessions were most beneficial to the trainees because of the efforts we made in raising awareness about feeling emotions and importance of openly talking about them. The exercises also helped very much in improving empathy and communication skills Interviewer: As a trainer, what has been the main challenge for you? In my group the biggest challenge was to assess, how to pass instructions to people with special needs in most comprehensive way, for them to know what their task is. Sometimes, after we had already started with the exercise, we found out that some participants hadn’t understood the instructions in a proper way. Therefore we needed to start again and explain in a completely different way. Nevertheless, their special needs did not have a significant influence on implementation of the exercise. Interviewer: As a professional of the mental health, would you recommend this training course to other professionals? Why? Respondent: In my opinion psychodrama trainings could be implemented also by kindergarten and school teachers, special pedagogues, social workers and perhaps even individual experts from other professional fields, especially for those individuals closely working with people. I believe that this kind of trainings would help improve quality of life of many. Although we speak about soft skills and expertise a lot, only few people actually know how to use them and implement them in their life.
Questions for the trainees Interviewer: What do you like of HORGANIC course? Respondent 1: I liked all the sessions carried out in the garden, especially in the polythene tunnels and building the bird nest boxes. Going on excursions have been highlights as well. Respondent 2: I liked the polythene tunnels, building bird nest boxes and going on excursions. Furthermore, we prepared a lot of salads, as corn salad and tomato salad, which were very tasty. Interviewer: Is there anything that you would change in the course? Respondent 1: No. Respondent 2: When doing exhausting physical work, it would be better to split the unit into two parts. Interviewer: As a trainee of the HORGANIC training course, how would you summarize your experience in the HORGANIC training course? Respondent 1: The sessions strengthened my gardening knowledge and I learned to work more precisely. Respondent 2: Very interesting, as I could enhance my knowledge about plants, herbs, summer flowers, vegetables and pests. Interviewer: Do you think that HORGANIC is useful? If so, why? Respondent 1: Yes, because I was able to enhance my knowledge. Respondent 2: Yes, because in my opinion it supported to work in teams as you get to know each other better through the work and furthermore, we could enhance our knowledge in gardening.
Questions for the trainer Interviewer: How would you describe the training course to somebody that knows nothing about it? Respondent 1: Through a lot of short units learning handicapped young people learn how to build a vegetable garden on their own. The sessions are structured to provide different experiences and strengthening the teamwork. Respondent 2: The Horganic course motivates learning handicapped participants to work with plants, aiming to waken their enthusiasm on this work. It additionally enhances the group dynamic. Interviewer: As a trainer of the HORGANIC training course, do you think that the methodology applied is useful to work with people with mental illness? Respondent 1: Yes, definitely. The sessions are not too long and do tackle different knowledge areas and not only gardening. What I really like is the idea of the additional trainees’ handbook. Respondent 2: Yes, because the sessions explain how to work with plants in an easy way. Interviewer: What have been the main benefits of HORGANIC for the target group? Respondent 1: It strengthened the gardening knowledge and attracted their knowledge to see how the plants are growing. Respondent 2: The participants got to know each other in a better way, this generally supported the teamwork. The experience of the whole cycle up to eating the harvested vegetables was very important. Interviewer: As a trainer, what has been the main challenge for you? Respondent 1: With this size of group to distribute tasks well and to supervise all of the participants. Respondent 2: To motivate the group when the weather wasn’t good and to overcome frustration. Interviewer: As a professional of the mental health, would you recommend this training course to other professionals? Why? Respondent 1: Yes. A lot of books on gardening can be found, but none specialized to the target group. The project is having clear aims, including theoretical and practical knowledge and supports the group dynamic. Respondent 2: Yes, because the course underlines the connection between human being and nature and supports the team building. The individual participants get challenged, furthermore the course produces moments of success.
This project has been funded with support of the Lifelong Learning Programme, Grundtvig subprogramme, from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Contact: Laura MartĂnez proyectos2@intras.es You will find updated information about HORGANIC project in http://horganic.intras.es Horganic