EUROCITIES CITIES FOR ACTIVE INCLUSION NLAO 2009-2013 Sofia, 18/11/2013 Sonya Blazheva-Truykova Senior Supervisor NLAO - Sofia
Content of the presentation
1. Introduction to EUROCITIES 2. Cities for Active Inclusion Partnership NLAO 3. Main findings and conclusions
1. Introduction to EUROCITIES
EUROCITIES The network of major European cities; Founded in 1986; More than 130 large cities in over 30 European countries; Platform to share knowledge and ideas and develop innovative solutions; Dialogue with the European Institutions; Connecting over 2000 city officers through thematic Forums, Working Groups, projects and events; ‘Framework Partnership’ with EC to improve the involvement of cities in EU Social Inclusion policies; • Key role of local governments for successful AI implementation;
2. Introduction to Cities for Active Inclusion
Cities for Active Inclusion • A dynamic partnership of 9 European cities; • Each with a local authority observatory (LAO) for active inclusion within its administration; • Their aim – to share information, promote mutual learning and carry out research on the implementation of active inclusion strategies at the local level. • The LAOs are coordinated by EUROCITIES (the network of major cities in the Europe); • They are supported by a partnership between the European Commission (DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion) and EUROCITIES.
2. Introduction to Cities for Active Inclusion
9 cities established a Local Authority Observatory: • Barcelona (SP) • Birmingham (UK) • Bologna (IT) • Brno (CZ) • Copenhagen (DK) • Lille-Roubaix (FR) • Rotterdam (NL) • NLAO - a dynamic network of 9 Local Authority observatories (LAOs); •Integrated in the Inclusive Cities Partnership with DG EMPL;
• Sofia (BG) • Stockholm (SE)
2. Introduction to Cities for Active Inclusion
CfAI - NLAO Strategic Objectives: • Raising awareness on AI and engaging with other stakeholders; • Providing strategic overview on the European AI Strategy implementation at local level (3 pillars – inclusive labour markets, quality services and sufficient income support); • Identifying good practices and challenges; • Feeding into EU and national policy-making; • Promoting mutual learning; • Developing recommendations.
2. Introduction to Cities for Active Inclusion
Cities for Active Inclusion - key objectives: Informing, disseminating and awareness raising National websites & newsletters Researching and analysing policy Collection, analysis and publication of good practices, all available in the website Implementing and promoting mutual learning National workshops on active inclusion & European event
3. Main findings and conclusions
Cities for Active Inclusion - Results
Identifying and disseminating best practice on how to involve the most vulnerable people in society and employment has inspired and motivated the municipalities to take part in this 5 years CfAI partnership.
City authorities have designed and implemented a wide range of innovative AI ideas and solutions: from initiatives to help older people feel safe in their communities to providing parrenting skills o disadvataged families trough to peer mentoring for 2dary school pupils from migrant origin, etc.
Each year, the city partners organised AI seminars to rise awareness among a wide range of stakeholders. More than 900 people attended these events. Mutual learning study visits took place in several cities, focusing on topics such as: - the social economy in Bologna; - urban regeneration in Rotterdam; - social innovation in social services in Barcelona; preventative approaches to social exclusion in Birmingham.
3. Main findings and conclusions
CfAInclusion – the final report
The final report - key findings and conclusions from the 5 years CfAI partnership; 5 reccommendations for the implementation of the EU‘s recently adopted Social Investment Package (SIP);
The 5 years of research and analyses (totally 46 city research reports done) demonstrate that cities appy an integrated approach to AI by a broader focus on: prevention; education; lifelong learning; early intervention; social innovation; addressing health issues.
Key factors that can affect AI, including: The quality of social services; - The role of social economy; Youth employment; - Social innovation; Demographic change; - Preventative and targeted approaches; Social clauses in the procurement; - Social return on investment.
3 main challenges faced during the AI policies implementation: - financial constraints; - increasing numbers and emerging groups of people at risk of social/labour market exclusion.
3. Main findings and conclusions
5 RECCOMMENDATIONS to further strenghten the EU AI strategy/SIP implementation - Maintaining strong focus on AI in the key EU processes (incl. the Nat. Reform Programmes and the Country specific reccommendations); - Promote activities at all levels of governance to: - raise awareness; - build capacity; - provide mutual learning opportunities on the successful implementation of AI; - Ring – fenced funds for AI in all relevant EU funding programmes, ensuring they are accessible to the cities; - Broaden and mainstream the AI principles into all SIP measures; - Involve city governments as partners in the preparation, implementation and assessment of AI policies.
City reports are published on our website‌
Thank you for your attention!