European Policy Vision
European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing Maria Iglesia Gomez Head of Unit Innovation for Health and Consumers DG SANCO, European Commission
Health in Europe 2020 Europe 2020 flagships for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth Digital Agenda New Industrial Policy
Innovation Union
Digital Agenda for Europe
Youth on the Move
New Skills and New Jobs
Innovation Union Platform against Poverty
Resource Efficiency
• innovation for tackling societal challenges, e.g. ageing and health • innovation for addressing the weaknesses & removing obstacles in the European innovation system • ICTs for tackling societal issues - ageing, health care delivery • sustainable healthcare & ICT-based support for dignified & independent living
European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing
EIP on Active and Healthy Ageing APPROACH: • • • • • •
Ownership of key stakeholders High-level political commitment Very large-scale deployment & innovation Awareness and best-practice sharing across Europe Combining demand and supply sides of innovation Building on existing instruments and new ones
+2 Healthy Life Years by 2020
Triple win for Europe
Health & quality of life of European citizens
Sustainable & efficient
Growth & expansion of
healthcare systems
EU industry
••• 167
Political added value of the EIP Alignment of priorities in H2020, CIP 2013, PHP 2013, Structural Funds etc. EIP Partners: bottom up innovation identify good practices working in real life inspire for policy action evidence base
EC: facilitator & supporter develop policy on active & healthy ageing align policy priorities with funding mobilise efforts & resources
Knowledge and Innovation Communities Joint Action on Chronic Diseases and Healthy Ageing (28 countries + 5 networks) Reflection process of the MS: Towards modern, responsive and sustainable health systems
Input for policies on frailty, chronic diseases, e-health, long term care, health workforce, etc. High level conferences (e-Health, Gastein Forum, Conference of Partners, Frailty and Adherence Conferences, EUPHA, Chronic Diseases Summit)
To make an impact on new paradigm at EU level we need to‌ 32 Reference Sites
Learn from experience
500 Commitments
Operate in real world Collection of Good Practices Scaling-up innovative solutions
Alignment of EC funding
Advocacy & visibility
Share & scale-up best solutions
Support research Influence policy at EU level
Allocate funding
European Innovation Partnership 'grass roots' models of excellence
Pooling European Resources and Expertise
Recognising Excellence
Reaching Scale
Pooling Resources Mapping of innovative practices A1. Prescriptions and adherence to treatment A2. Preventing falls A3. Preventing functional decline & frailty B3. Integrated care incl. remote monitoring C2. Independent Living D4. Age-friendly cities and environments
provide input and expertise through an open collaboration
Commitments of the partners
Better professional cooperation: standards, guidelines
Practical Toolkits
Implementation on large scale
More integrated, more efficient services
Strategic vision for active and healthy ageing
Mobilising & engaging a critical mass
Scaling up local successes
Areas for Action. Evidencebased policy
European Scaling up Strategy What to scale up: 1. Proven Good Practices (GPs) 2. Viability of GPs 3. Classification of GPs
How to scale up: Database of innovative practices
4. Facilitating partnerships 5. Implementation – key success factors and lessons learnt
Action Groups Good Practices
Reference Sites - coverage 32 RSs =>12 MSs selected for self-assessment and peer-review (innovation, scalability, outcomes) 71 good practices of innovation-based integrated care models with sound impact on the ground
Northern Netherlands Twente Province of Gelderland and Overjssel South Holland Province Noord-Brabant: Slimmer Leven Liverpool Scotland Northern Ireland Wales Yorkshire
13 Reference Sites 12 Reference Sites 7 Reference Sites
Region Skane
Southern Denmark
Collage (3)
1 July 2013 – Star Ceremony announcement of best RSs with stars, ready for replication and coaching
City of Oulu
University Hospital Olomouc
Ile-de-France Pays de la Loire Lower-Rhine Council Languedoc-Roussillon
Liguria Campania Friuli Venezia Giulia Emilia-Romagna Piemonte
Coimbra Galicia Basque Country Madrid Catalonia Valencia Andalusia
Ecosystems Ecosystems allow communication across sectoral, regional and national borders to share knowledge and good practices and so speed up the scaling up of innovations EIP ecosystems include: the UK- Northern Ireland (ECHAlliance), Scotland (Digital Health Institute), Oulu (Health Lab), Greece (EIP AHA), Portugal (Ageing@Coimbra), Netherlands (Slimmer Leven 2020), CORAL...
Scaling up – locally, inter-regionally, internationally 3. Regional stakeholders learning
2. Organisational learning
1. Individual / project learning
4. External / EU level learning
Good Practice: Butler 2.0 What: • Social support network • E-health platform Origin: Spain, Valencia First phase: Butler 1.0 Test: usability, acceptability, technological and psychological aspects Second phase: Butler 2.0 Scaling-up: UK and Germany
Thank you for your attention!
EIP on AHA Website DG SANCO Website
The Policy Agenda – EU approach to long-term care Final Conference CASA/INNOVAge 7 October, Brussels Dr Lieve Fransen Director: Social Policies and Europe 2020 European Commission DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion
Social Europe
Framework: 3 Integrated Pillars
• Spending more effectively and efficiently to
ensure adequate and sustainable social protection
• Investing in people's skills and capacities to
improve their opportunities to integrate in society and the labour market
• Ensuring that social protection systems respond
to people's needs at critical moments during their lives
Social Europe
Social Investment in long-term care • A widening gap between the need for and the supply of long-term care • 2013 SWP on Investing in LTC and 2014 Report of SPC and Commission on Adequate social protection for LTC needs highlights: • There are solid equity and efficiency reasons for MSs to establish adequate social protection for LTC needs • MSs should move from a reactive to increasingly proactive policy approaches
Social Europe
Elements of proactive policy response • Preventing people from becoming dependent • Early detection of frailty
• Strengthening rehabilitation and re-enablement • Promote independent living through age-friendly environments and use of technology • Raise the efficiency of care services • Better integrate health and social care • Enhance the support to informal carers and sustain the LTC workforce Social Europe
Obstacles for using potential of technology 2014 LTC report identifies four obstacles 1. Informal home care is the area where knowledge on use of technology is particularly lacking: need for better information channels towards informal carers 2. Need to link the skills of invention with those of business (sustainable business models) in order to bring innovation to market 3. Better involvement of users and carers in the development process improves user-friendliness and facilitates the uptake of the products. 4. National arrangements for funding long-term care impact on use of technology (different level of pressures for higher productivity and improvement in value for money Social Europe
On-going and planned activities of DG EMPL • Making a better case for adequate social protection • Lack of comparable data across the EU for assessing which public support is available for persons with LTC needs • Joint project with OECD on measuring social protection for older people with LTC needs (using typical cases) which will provide comparable data
• Identifying the best ways of investing in LTC in terms of costbenefit and quality of live • The are many examples of good practice but a more systematic assessment of what works and is most cost-effective is missing • EC plans to support the establishment of a network of national institutions in charge of assessing service or technological innovation in LTC
Social Europe
On-going and planned activities of DG EMPL (2) • Promote age-friendly environments • Important barriers to independent living at local level (built environment, transport, services) • Joint project with WHO to adapt the WHO guide for age-friendly cities to the EU context and to develop a framework which would allow local and regional policy makers to commit to AFE (feeds into EIP on AHA)
• Supporting social innovation through the use of ICT • 2013/14 project with JRC-IPTS: produces guidelines helping MSs to promote independent living at home through use of technology • 2014/16 project with JRC-IPTS: improving the evidence-base on how ICT based social innovation can support LTC policies
Social Europe
Social innovation The Social investment Package has clearly emphasized that there is an added value in :
focussing on social policy innovation embedding innovation in evidence-based policy making and supporting and creating an enabling environment for innovators and social entrepreneurs
Social Europe
Lessons learnt from previous work • Greater involvement of public authorities for effective follow-up and sustainability is needed. • Connect more innovation supporting social investment and policy-making.
• Focus on a more systemic level. • Developed broader partnerships (civil society organisations, private sector,…)
• Adjust methodologies for measuring social outcomes Social Europe
EU support to social innovation • More scope to use the ESF in support of social innovation (ESF shall promote social innovation).
• Funding allocated in EaSI for social innovation has increased in relation to PROGRESS (from 10 to 14 million € per year) • 2014 Call for proposals for social policy innovations supporting reforms in social services • EaSI will also support MS activities on innovation through training, capacity building and tailored advice services Social Europe
Coral Strategic Plan Jon Dawson, Smarter Futures, Brussels, 7 October 2014
Introduction to Coral The Community of Regions for Assisted Living:
• • •
comprises quadruple helix clusters of stakeholders - research, entrepreneurship, government and civil society brings together, and reflects the knowledge and interests, of both the supply and demand sides Has 33 members
Overview The strategic plan and (action plan) sets out Coral’s:
•future vision; •primary objectives; •key pillars; •main actions in the coming years.
Vision and Mission Statement •Vision:
Coral will be a leader, innovator and enabler of smart solutions for active and healthy living that can support people to live independently for longer regardless of their age.
•Mission: Coral’s mission is to support and drive the scaling-up of innovative solutions for active and healthy living and ageing that lead to better care, improved well-being and superior health outcomes for European citizens, along with financial sustainability across the health and social care sectors and economic benefits for Europe’s regions. It will do this by placing mutual learning, knowledge transfer, evidence generation and building demand activities at the heart of its approach.
Strategic Objectives • • • • •
• •
Provide a platform for exchange and mutual learning
Raise awareness and transfer knowledge across Europe Build the evidence base Inform, influence and generate leadership amongst key policy makers Contribute to and influence the development of local, regional, national and European active and healthy living and ageing policies and agendas
Mobilise regions Maintain and develop Coral’s position as a pioneering network for excellence in active and healthy living across all ages and social groups
Key Pillars of Coral Agenda
Building the Demand-Side Infrastructure Rationale: Coral in a prime position to be a market leader in building demand.
Focus and action: raise awareness amongst politicians and policy makers, develop leadership, support and share good practice on regional and city strategies and consumer market.
Demonstrating Impact Rationale: A relatively weak evidence base is a major obstacle to the development of business cases and new business models . Focus and action : collate, contribute to and disseminate new evidence, examples of business cases and business models and success factors.
Mutual Learning and Knowledge Transfer Rationale: many countries, regions and cities have yet to embrace the agenda or engage with it in a coherent way. Focus and action: provide a platform and engage regions to develop new and enhanced agendas.
Communication, Dissemination and Campaigning Rationale: To support the 3 main pillars. Focus: and action Plan and agenda with an internal network and external outlook – raising awareness and promoting the Coral brand, network and its members.
Developing the Coral Network
Rationale: To support overall agenda and ambitions. Focus and action: organisational structure, expanding the network, linking with smart specialisation and structural funds.