Each trainee gets three coloured cards. One green, one yellow and one red card. The trainer reads out one statement and the trainees shall show one card. Green stands for complete agreement, yellow for the feeling in between and red stands for the opposite opinion. The trainer can add some more statements, this is just a proposal. Please ask some trainees for an explanation of the used card to get a feedback. This game shall reflect the session contents and the knowledge transfer. - I could always follow and understand the theoretical units. - I felt comfortable during the cooking units. - The teacher did always explain well, what we had to do. - I would like to have more cooking units instead of theory. - I would like to have more theoretical units instead of cooking. - The division of theory and practice was perfect. - I think I can use all the information’s I got during the last sessions very well in future. - I look forward to the next sessions.
The group sits in a circle. In the middle there is a treasure chest and a rubbish bin. The trainees get papers and pens and write down what they feel about this statement. When everybody finished, the participants explain their notes. Then participants decide if they want to put it into the treasure chest and keep it or if they want to throw it into the rubbish bin, which means that they throw it away. As above the trainer can add many more statement. This game shall reflect the group dynamic and the feeling of each trainee in the group. If you like the content of the rubbish bin can be burned in the end. - The trainer understands my problems and helps to solve them. - The group is always helpful for me. - The group cooperates very well. - I feel to be a part of the group. - The mood during the sessions is always good.