2nd INNOVAge Interregional Training Session Inter Cluster Collaboration Case 2 Medicalps
Inter Cluster Collaboration MEDICALPS 6 International cooperation agreements with European and North American clusters 2006
BioAlps (Western Switzerland) BIPCA Silvano Fumero (Piedmont, Italy)
Campus des Technologies de la SantĂŠ, Montreal (Quebec/Canada)
Alps Bio Cluster, Alpine Space ( CH,IT,D, A, Fr)
Mass Medic Mass Technology Collaborative, Boston ( Mass USA)
Inter Cluster Collaboration A share of experience ‌ 1. A long term and on going process 2. Need to be initiated ASAP 3. The close proximity should be privileged at once e.g. trans border cooperation : Alps Bio Cluster (critical size of actors/mutualised means) 4. Sharing strong common identity is helpful: geography, culture, history, language e.g our cooperation with CTS in Quebec
Inter Cluster Collaboration Why is it So Important? Sometimes companies don’t realize how much a cluster can offer: •
They are more focused on day to day management and it’s hard to attend events or to provide information;
But once they are more involved they see the benefit:
• •
Sleep Innov in Quebec: getting the mark “ Santé Canada”faster It appears that sometimes the shortest way from Grenoble to Grenoble can be Montreal : Technidata and Dom Plus
Inter Cluster Collaboration Benefit of Inter-Cluster Collaboration for the companies 1. Learn and share best practices from/with local stakeholders 2. Identify good business contacts and partners, (companies, regulatory, experts, KOL‌) 3. Understand local ecosystems and culture to improve companies’ penetration of foreign markets