Accelerate the time to international market for innovative companies and enhance connections within the local health ecosystem
MEDIC@LPS, 5 avenue du Grand Sablon - 38 700 La Tronche - FRANCE Tel: +33 (0)4 76 54 95 63 |
Medicalps : a practical cluster case study Behind the screen, how to do it in practice ? Step by step : the cooking tools to create a cluster « a melting pot of fruitful interactions »
MEDIC@LPS, 5 avenue du Grand Sablon - 38 700 La Tronche - FRANCE Tel: +33 (0)4 76 54 95 63 |
• • • •
Medicalps : a practical cluster case study 4 pillars Gathering different types of local actors : stakeholders By a driving force : a strong willingness to implement something new By sharing the same vision By achieving common goals MEDIC@LPS, 5 avenue du Grand Sablon - 38 700 La Tronche - FRANCE Tel: +33 (0)4 76 54 95 63 |
Medic@lps is an innovation intermediary, embedded in its local ecosystem Federating a network of 66 both public and private actors across the Grenoble Area
Universities and research centres Major companies SMEs and new companies Local authorities
Medic@LPS represents the local Bioindustry worth 4.1 billion Euros of revenue and 8500 jobs; and nearly 200 state-owned laboratories and major European research institutes. MEDIC@LPS, 5 avenue du Grand Sablon - 38 700 La Tronche - FRANCE Tel: +33 (0)4 76 54 95 63 |
Medic@lps: Our Values
Medic@lps believes in Innovation Entrepreneurship Trust Exchange and reciprocity Cooperation and Efficiency
MEDIC@LPS, 5 avenue du Grand Sablon - 38 700 La Tronche - FRANCE Tel: +33 (0)4 76 54 95 63 |
Medic@lps: Our common goals
To support growth and economic development of our companies in the health sector To animate the Grenoble/Isère Innovation Health ecosystem for a greater economic dynamic To stimulate the international attractiveness of this ecosystem To facilitate markets access for our companies To promote better employability of life sciences students
MEDIC@LPS, 5 avenue du Grand Sablon - 38 700 La Tronche - FRANCE Tel: +33 (0)4 76 54 95 63 |
Medic@lps : Cluster' Stakeholders A true working alliance for biotech/medtech/e Health convergence and development Universities and Engineering schools
Clinical Centers
Health & ICT Industries
Major European facilities (ESRF, ILL)
Teaching hospital
Scientific research centers (CEA, INSERM, CNRS‌)
MEDIC@LPS, 5 avenue du Grand Sablon - 38 700 La Tronche - FRANCE Tel: +33 (0)4 76 54 95 63 |
Medic@lps: a practical cluster case study Step 1: to know each other Create and animate a professional community Step 2 : to exchange and learn from each other Cluster : a peer by peer learning institution Step 3: to work with each other Build partnerships and synergies : collaborative projects (research/industry) Making business along the « value chain » &/or between SMEs and Big companies
MEDIC@LPS, 5 avenue du Grand Sablon - 38 700 La Tronche - FRANCE Tel: +33 (0)4 76 54 95 63 |
Medic@lps uses a set of methodologies and tools to support its operations
•Newsletter (85 sent since 2000 at 480 persons
•Google like (identity partners in Alpine Space) •Mindbrowser (ideation and collaboration solution)
•Interview guide
•Press releases •Portal of service technology platforms
•Working groups
•Targeted mailings •Trademark: Medic@lps • Advertising flyers
•Satisfaction survey
•Medic@lps Film •USB keys
•Mapping of RhoneAlpes Medtech companies •Internet job fair
MEDIC@LPS, 5 avenue du Grand Sablon - 38 700 La Tronche - FRANCE Tel: +33 (0)4 76 54 95 63 |
3) Animation et fédération des acteurs : BioBiz Club 2013 : 6 membres : BlueOrtho, Fluoptics, Eveon, Uromems,Imactis, Mellitech 3 nouveaux membres potentiels : AraymondLife, BT3, Advicenne Pharam
Calendrier des 3 réunions annuelles : - avril 2013 : intervenant Pacte PME - juillet 2013 : intervenant CSO Sorin - décembre 2013 : intervenant Johnson&Johnson
MEDIC@LPS, 5 avenue du Grand Sablon - 38 700 La Tronche - FRANCE Tel: +33 (0)4 76 54 95 63 |
3) Animation et fédération des acteurs
5 ateliers thématiques organisés en 2013: Sous forme de petit-déjeuner de 8h30 à10h30
1er petit-déjeuner, vendredi 8 février « Comment réussir un « Soft landing » sur le marché US » Bilan sur la première année du poste mutualisé à Boston créé par MEDIC@LPS en 2012 Présentation des offres d’accompagnement 2013 de MEDIC@LPS et de Hubtech 21 pour l’accès au marché Nord-Américain. 15 participants Réalisation d’un leaflet de présentation des offres d’accompagnement Intervenants: Agnès Aizier (Imactis), Pierre-Alix Dancer (Fluoptics) et Valérie Ayache (Medic@lps)
2ème petit-déjeuner, mercredi 20 mars « Futurs réglementation sur les Dispositifs Médicaux: Quels Changement, Quels impacts ? Intervenant: Céline Garcia, TÜV Rheinland France
3ème petit-déjeuner, jeudi 18 avril « Présentation des bourses Cifre » Intervenant: Carole Miranda, ANRT
MEDIC@LPS, 5 avenue du Grand Sablon - 38 700 La Tronche - FRANCE Tel: +33 (0)4 76 54 95 63 |
Medic@lps: a practical cluster case study
Step 4: to interact within the local ecosystem Step 5 : to establish international cluster’s collaborations Step 6: to attract new talents and external companies
MEDIC@LPS, 5 avenue du Grand Sablon - 38 700 La Tronche - FRANCE Tel: +33 (0)4 76 54 95 63 |
Medic@lps with you
A local and a long-term support
Mutualized and tailored services for each company (according to their sector, size, age, business model) Shared and efficient tools
MEDIC@LPS, 5 avenue du Grand Sablon - 38 700 La Tronche - FRANCE Tel: +33 (0)4 76 54 95 63 |
Medic@lps offers a variety of shared to tailored services to its members Mature companies Tailored services targeting mature companies • International promotion of the trade mark • European project engineering • Business club • Shared Bus Dev office (Boston) • Business partnering
Medic@lps movie
Tailored services
Shared services
Shared services targeting young companies • Information • Training • International fairs • Networking
Start up MEDIC@LPS, 5 avenue du Grand Sablon - 38 700 La Tronche - FRANCE Tel: +33 (0)4 76 54 95 63 |
Medic@lps’ services 1.
Integrate a network and boost your visibility
Optimize your visibility on the Medic@lps website(+ 16,000 annual visitors), social networks (Twitter, Linkedin, P360) and our targeted promotional tools.
Disseminate your information on our website, social networks and quarterly newsletters: + 500 qualified readers…
Customise our Medic@lps ecosystem film for your corporate communication.
Share experiences and entrepreneur ‘s good practices at the C.E.O Biobiz Club
Keep up to date with market’s access news , thanks to "Medic@lps petit déjeuner “
Maximize your participation in fairs / business partnering
Selection of an agenda of qualified events.
Negotiation of discounts (Sponsor delegation).
Access to a global and collective package which included training sessions (elevator pitch and partnering tools) and highlight your visibility through (shared stand, banners, posters ...) at a mutualized price .
2012 Events: -
EuroMedtech 2012, Grenoble : 305 delegates, 755 one-to-one meetings
AdvaMed 2012, Boston : Sponsor Delegation of 6 Medic@lps companies
MEDIC@LPS, 5 avenue du Grand Sablon - 38 700 La Tronche - FRANCE Tel: +33 (0)4 76 54 95 63 |
Medic@lps’ services 3.
Participate in European projects multi partners and close to the market
Contact point in the Grenoble health sector, get a first approach of the European market through collaborative projects.
According with your needs, your participation strategy will be defined and specific support will be implemented: •
MEDIC@LPS is a partner of 4 European projects.
* Success rate: 71%
More than 100 members participated in events organized in the framework of EU projects in which MEDIC@ LPS is a partner.
*: Number of projects funded by the EC / number of submitted projects - projects that MEDIC@LPS is coordinator or partner.
Benefit of a "soft landing" to develop your company in the U.S. market (first market for medical innovation)
Secure your development in the U.S. market with a long term approach.
Support "step by step" to qualify your approach .
Benefit from experienced, shared and effective tools.
MEDIC@LPS, 5 avenue du Grand Sablon - 38 700 La Tronche - FRANCE Tel: +33 (0)4 76 54 95 63 |
Medic@lps: a practical case study Step 7: to measure cluster’ performance: KPI Survey on objective, tangible indicators : evolution of members, actions, funding, satisfaction of the members Tracability on more sophisticated indicators: How to trace and measure the cluster’s impact on the enlargement of the professional network of each cluster’s member ? How to trace and measure the cluster’impact on new partnerships and businesses between its members, on the development of new products and services, etc…?
MEDIC@LPS, 5 avenue du Grand Sablon - 38 700 La Tronche - FRANCE Tel: +33 (0)4 76 54 95 63 |
Key Perfomance Indicator: Members Number of Medic@lps members evolution 57 44
2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
medic@slp members since
2006 MEDIC@LPS, 5 avenue du Grand Sablon - 38 700 La Tronche - FRANCE Tel: +33 (0)4 76 54 95 63 |
Key Perfomance Indicator: Actions
123 events organized by Medic@lps since 2000
72 internal events to strengthen
Conferences and networking events organized in Grenoble
the links between members
51 broader events to enlarge the network (eg EuroMedtech)
International Exhibitions and Partnering Events
16 BioBiz (Business club)
10 events per year (1 per month) MEDIC@LPS, 5 avenue du Grand Sablon - 38 700 La Tronche - FRANCE Tel: +33 (0)4 76 54 95 63 |
Information and Training Sessions
Key Perfomance Indicator: funding 700.000 €
581.178 €
600.000 € 500.000 €
439.925 €
Subventions collectivités locales
400.000 €
272.387 €
300.000 €
Cotisations perçues
Fonds levés suite à dépôt de projets collaboratifs
200.000 € 100.000 € -
€ 2008
2012 Total
invested by local authorities
1,94 €
of economic benefits fot the territory MEDIC@LPS, 5 avenue du Grand Sablon - 38 700 La Tronche - FRANCE Tel: +33 (0)4 76 54 95 63 |
3. Enquête de satisfaction - 1ers Résultats > 10 réponses Diriez-vous que Medic@lps est :
Recommanderiez-vous l'adhésion à Médic@lps ?
Label 8% 20%
Outil de développement économique
29% 20%
Sans avis
Incubateur de projets
Outil de valorisation pour la filière santé sur l'Arc Alpin Guichet unique
Qu'est-ce qui motive votre adhésion à Medic@lps ? Contacts avec les autres acteurs 30%
Etre représenté Participation aux actions collectives
5% 20%
L'accès à l'information Soutien à la filière
MEDIC@LPS, 5 avenue du Grand Sablon - 38 700 La Tronche - FRANCE Tel: +33 (0)4 76 54 95 63 |
3. Enquête de satisfaction - 1ers Résultats > 10 réponses Définition / Points forts - Medic@lps :
Quel intérêt portez-vous aux
o Accélérateur de notoriété
services et actions collectives mis
o Cluster des entreprises Biotech en RA o Le spécialiste santé
en oeuvre par Medic@lps ?
o Présence / Ancrage local fort
Moyenne sur 5
o Taille & Proximité o « Les pieds sur terre » o Ecoute personnalisée o Club Bio Biz
Quels autres services aimeriez-vous avoir : o Animation au niveau de Biopolis o Aide au montage de projets européens o Renforcement des formations / ateliers o Ouverture club entrepreneurs > sociétés de services o Communication
MEDIC@LPS, 5 avenue du Grand Sablon - 38 700 La Tronche - FRANCE Tel: +33 (0)4 76 54 95 63 |
Medic@lps: a practical cluster case study Questions araised from our experience : be aware of Industrial SMEs Governance : lack of soft power in a local territory, handicap to obtain political and financial support Our target « member » : provide services to client with no money, impact on our business model, a triangular business model : those who benefit cannot pay for it, find other fundings ( ex. European Projects with some limit)
MEDIC@LPS, 5 avenue du Grand Sablon - 38 700 La Tronche - FRANCE Tel: +33 (0)4 76 54 95 63 |
Key Issues framing Medic@lps Economical development contribution to the territory and the companies: weight of the bio industry sector (number of employees, turnover), sub sectors segmentation, growth of the companies from start ups to SME’s size Market access: Transformation rate (networking/ collaborative projects), number of member companies taken part in European projects, time to go to market, business generated, …. Double
Balance between private/ public funding Envision another business model
Catalogue of services
Medic@alps Brand
Boundary spanning through European projects, shared biz dev
Get the commitment and support of the local actors
MEDIC@LPS, 5 avenue du Grand Sablon - 38 700 La Tronche - FRANCE Tel: +33 (0)4 76 54 95 63 |
Key figures A Grenoble – Isere Health sector of :
4.1 billion euros in
Medic@lps key figures
70 members
More than
8500 jobs
200 Laboratories and major European facilities
12 years of existence +75 EU/international partners
1 US office in Boston MEDIC@LPS, 5 avenue du Grand Sablon - 38 700 La Tronche - FRANCE Tel: +33 (0)4 76 54 95 63 |
• Bioinformatics • Drug Discovery
• Clinical Research Services • Preclinical Trial • Clinical Trial
• Bioproduction • Therapy • Oncology • Pediatric • Neurobiology • Immunology
• Diagnostic • Drug Delivery • Medical Imaging
• Technological Services Companies
Medical Technologies:
Medic@lps: sectors and sub sectors
• Computing and Robotic for Medicine and Surgery • Implantable Medical Device
MEDIC@LPS, 5 avenue du Grand Sablon - 38 700 La Tronche - FRANCE Tel: +33 (0)4 76 54 95 63 |
• Smart Home • Assistive Technologies • Medical Data Management • Telemedicine / Telecare
Our companies distribution Medic@lps companies distribution depending on sectors 20% 34%
9 15
Biotechnologies Medical Technologies E-Health
45% of our companies in
Medical technologies.
MEDIC@LPS, 5 avenue du Grand Sablon - 38 700 La Tronche - FRANCE Tel: +33 (0)4 76 54 95 63 |
Our companies distribution Medic@lps companies distribution depending on their workforce 12%
Medic@lps companies distribution depending on their inception date 26%
7 9
>3 et <5years
>10 < 250
>5years et <10years
28% of our companies have
less than 10 employees.
of our companies have less than 5
year old.
MEDIC@LPS, 5 avenue du Grand Sablon - 38 700 La Tronche - FRANCE Tel: +33 (0)4 76 54 95 63 |
Our companies distribution Medic@lps companies distribution depending on their turnover 4%
9% 2
< 2M € < 10M € < 50M € > 50M €
70% 2011 companies turnover
70% of our companies have a turnover less than 2 million euros
50% of our companies are less than 5 years old
50% of our companies have less than 13 employees
MEDIC@LPS, 5 avenue du Grand Sablon - 38 700 La Tronche - FRANCE Tel: +33 (0)4 76 54 95 63 |
As a summary : Lessons learnt from our 12 years of Medic@lp’s experience Best practices
Be pioneer, Be creative, Be innovative: “An intermediary in innovation has to be innovative itself”
Define a clear positioning within innovation intermediary landscape (incubators, tech transfer structure etc…….)
Work on your “double contribution” KPI and consequently on a sustainable business model (from public to private funding)
A smooth transition from a public research governance to a private driven one is key for the cluster maturity
MEDIC@LPS, 5 avenue du Grand Sablon - 38 700 La Tronche - FRANCE Tel: +33 (0)4 76 54 95 63 |
Thanks for your attention
CONTACT: ValĂŠrie AYACHE - Managing Director Tel. +33 (0)4 76 54 95 63 MEDIC@LPS, 5 avenue du Grand Sablon - 38 700 La Tronche - FRANCE Tel: +33 (0)4 76 54 95 63 |