Welcome to our first newsletter! PalsWebTV (Youth empowerment through Community Reporting and Peers Learning) is a project supported by Erasmus+ Capacity Building for Youth project. What can young people do nowadays to take an active role in society? In order to develop selfcompetence and social involvement, many things can be done certainly. One of the things that should be learned is about new technologies and media communication, because it directly affects the way they connect with their communities and improves their chances to get into employment. Media tools are even more important to be learnt by people with disabilities who are less likely to be offered opportunities to build up key competences. The aim of the project is to enhance their knowledge, skills and tools using Community Reporters movement, and to support these Community Reporters to train their peers. PalsWebTV has started with the first training in Spain, Nepal, Guatemala, Indonesia and Macedonia. Here you can find all the details:
Valladolid has been the city chosen for the first training. Four people, Eduardo, Coral, Antonio and Angel have started with the basics techniques of recording and editing videos, and to know more about becoming Community Reporters. We have already run 5 sessions about using the video-cameras, edition of materials and community reporting movement. Next session will be about how to organize the information to create news. We also count with the involvement and fresh ideas of Mariia and Lorenzo, who are European volunteers coming from Ukraine and Italy and liked to support young people while learning about community reporting. After these first 6 sessions, we started to collaborate with the Museum of Contemporary Art “Patio Herreriano�. Now two sessions per week are being organized together, the Museum is giving us inspiration about the way of capturing and telling our stories. We will go on until the end of June, but it is very likely we will continue through the summer time!
The first training was adapted to the concrete characteristics, cultural backgrounds and learning needs of our group of young people who became PLPs (Peer Learning Pals). PLP training was conducted across an impressive number of 22 sessions, with the involvement of 7 lecturers of whom 2 were trained in Spain. Given the fact that these coaches have to demonstrate and transfer their knowledge to their peers from Prilep and Dolneni, who are currently unemployed. We have used a wide variety of techniques, from role playing to visualization of ideas, and have covered topics from video production to income generation. At the end of training and as a practical period, PLPs worked with a group of unemployment youngsters to collect their ideas about employment, selfemployment and involvement in decision-making processes. All these topics would be interesting for the next steps of Pals Web TV project. For more info about the project in Macedonia, visit the news published in a Macedonian newspaper:
NEPAL - Campaign to Change Nepal
Our activities are focused on young students who have finished or are about to finish college in Nepal. The age range of the group is between 17 and 25 years old. They are unemployed, unskilled and not likely to be offered opportunities for even unpaid jobs to gain professional experience. The government organizes some training programs to unemployed youngster however, the training programs are limited in terms of sustainability. The National Youth Policy aimed to cut unemployment rate in half, but the programmes carried out turned out to be ineffective. As there are not any specified programs related to ITC or video recording in Nepal or if there are, they are very limited, Campaign for Change-Nepal (CCN) is carrying out an intensive training 4 hours a day/4 days a week, which will last until the end of June. Video recording and community reporting techniques are helping participants to gain valuable skills and knowledge, not just for becoming community reporters, also to find employment opportunities.
INDONESIA - Dejavato Foundation
After a media training as an introduction conducted by Intras in Valladolid (Spain), Dejavato Foundation held “Reporting and Peers Learning” training for youth. Their involvement becomes the beginning of self-potential development process. This activity held in Roudlotul Mubtadiin Balekambang Nalumsari’s Islamic boarding school in Jepara, Central Java, Indonesia which involves vocational high school students. In this training, participant trained about substantial topics to be introduced to the world as culture, religion, sport, tradition, music, education, art, politics, health, etc. Moreover, they also introduced with video editing and teamwork process in short movie production. Video image taking process becomes one part that makes participant more enthusiastic to join this activity. “This will be useful for us because at the end, we can introduce our environment, culture, tradition, and also anything in our environment to the world through PALs TV” said one of participants. First session was held on April, 30th from 8 to 21. This activity was the first step to motivate young generation to introduce their environment to the world and also to improve their skills.
The first session of the training on Community Reporting, was held in the headquarters of Civil Society for the development of the youth (SODEJU-FUNDAJU). We worked with young people in the production of a short movie as community reporters. In this process, we used different technical tools and support youngsters to use media devices. This first session took place on May 21st, and was addressed to three young leaders from youth organizations placed in Palín, Escuintla or San Raymundo (all of them neighborhoods of the city of Guatemala. This workshop lasted 8 hours, which were filled with practical exercises, discussions and lectures. After the first contact, participants are interested in continuing with the process, as this is the first of several sessions on Media and Community Reporting.
For more info visit our website, watch the videos and get involved as a community reporter: