1 minute read
For penetrative sex (vaginal or anus) wetness is very important. The vagina and the anus are very delicate areas of the body. So, it’s important to avoid too much friction as it can cause damage and sometimes pain. Being relaxed and sexually aroused is super important, but so is being wet. The vagina can get wet when aroused but the anus doesn’t. So when it comes to anal sex you should get some lubricant. Lubricants don’t prevent pregnancy or STIs, but can make sex more comfortable and pleasurable! Although vaginas, when aroused, create their own lubricant this can be a lot or very little depending on the person, so some vaginas might not get quite wet enough to make penetrative sex comfortable or pleasurable which is where lube can support.
Always pay attention to you and your partners’ body and check if you both really feel like having penetrative sex. Don’t force yourself to have entry sex by using lubricant or try to ‘make’ your partner get wet enough for sex!
NOTE: It’s important what lubricant you use. Lubricants come in four types: water based, silicon based, hybrid based, and oil based. Water, silicon and hybrid are ok to use with condoms, as they don’t damage the latex, but oil-based lubes should not be used with condoms as they can cause damage to the latex condom.
Remember when you are using a condom the lube needs to be put on after the condom is put onto the penis, not before.

Not to use with a condom:
• Baby oil • Bodylotion, handcream or sun cream • Petroleum jelly (Vaseline) • Coco butter or Coconut oil • Hand sanitizer • Olive oil or massaging oil • Other oil-based products