Brochure inglés

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¿En qué consiste SIFAIS?

onsiste en la facilitación de la What Dopara We Do? instrucción tocar un e teach many things, we nstrumento musical obut para pecialize in the pedagogy of sarrollar una destreza artística artistic skills.

Nuestras áreas de ain Areas of Focus trabajo

ducation, music, sports, arts, ducación , Música, Deporte, he environment, audiovisual stica, Ambiental, y skills, technicalAudiovisual skills Técnica

Core Values

Nuestros puntos Trust, Constancy, Madness, Tenderness cardinales Confianza, Constancia, Locura y Ternura

Sistema Integral de Formación Artística para la Inclusión Social Comprehensive System of Artistic Training for Social Inclusion


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What What DoDo WeWe Do? Do?

We teach We teach many many things, things, but we but we specialize specialize in the in pedagogy the pedagogy of of artistic artistic skills. skills.

Main Main Areas Areas of Focus of Focus Education, Education, music, music, sports, sports, arts,arts, the environment, the environment, audiovisual audiovisual skills, skills, technical technical skillsskills

Core Core Values Values

Trust, Trust, Constancy, Constancy, Madness, Madness, Tenderness Tenderness

JustJust 1 kilometer 1 kilometer awayaway fromfrom el Parque el Parque de Diversiones, de Diversiones, Costa Costa Rica’s Rica’s national national amusement amusement park,park, people people live in live a in a reality reality withwith radically radically uneven uneven hopes hopes and and horizons: horizons: La Carpio. La Carpio.

Where Where Are Are We? We?

SIFAIS SIFAIS stands stands for “Sistema for “Sistema Integral Integral de Formación de Formación Artística Artística parapara la la Inclusión Inclusión Social”. Social”. Roughly Roughly translated, translated, that that means means “Comprehensive “Comprehensive System System of Artistic of Artistic Training Training for Social for Social Inclusion”. Inclusion”. We are We aare space a space of of multi-way multi-way social social transformation transformation that that allows allows the change the change fromfrom apathy, apathy, to to hope, hope, to real to real and and tangible tangible opportunities opportunities for both for both those those whowho are are giving giving and and those those whowho are receiving. are receiving.


What What is SIFAIS? is SIFAIS?

Montessori Montessori

Pre-schooling Pre-schooling for children for children from from 3 to 3 to 6 years 6 years of age. of We’ve age. We’ve got teachers got teachers from from the community, the community, trained trained to to develop develop their intellectual, their intellectual, physical, physical, and disciplinary and disciplinary skills.skills. Here, Here, children children acquire acquire skills skills that will that will later on later help on them help them develop develop in in school. school. AsideAside from from education, education, they they also receive also receive balanced balanced meals. meals. We also Wemake also make sure to sure involve to involve the the parents parents in their in children’s’ their children’s’ social,social, emotional emotional and affective and affective development. development.

Music Music

Through Through classical classical music, music, hundreds hundreds of children, of children, teens,teens, and adults and adults managed managed to prove to prove that itthat is it is possible possible to make to make the change the change from from apathy, apathy, to hope, to hope, to real toand real and tangible tangible opportunities. opportunities. We count We count with more with more than 7 than 7 musical musical ensembles, ensembles, among among whichwhich several several standstand out: out: •SIFAIS •SIFAIS Symphony Symphony Orchestra Orchestra •Camerata •Camerata •Balance •Balance (a rock (a band) rock band) All these All these groups groups have have been been our our representatives representatives in both in both national national and international and international stages. stages.


Sports Sports

Hundreds Hundreds of young of young people people fromfrom the the La Carpio La Carpio community community practice practice different different sports sports within within our our Cuevadeluz Cuevadeluz building. building. PlacePlace where where our volunteers our volunteers teachteach themthem the skills the skills and values and values that each that each sportsport represents. represents. Among Among the sports the sports disciplines disciplines taught taught at SIFAIS, at SIFAIS, we have: we have: Boxing Boxing JudoJudo Soccer Soccer Chess Chess Capoeira Capoeira

Thanks Thanks to the toefforts the efforts of the of the volunteers, volunteers, manymany of the ofyoung the young people people havehave participated participated in in National National Games, Games, won won gold,gold, silversilver and bronze and bronze medals. medals. TheyThey havehave eveneven represented represented the country the country abroad, abroad, suchsuch is theiscase the case of the ofyoung the young judoka judoka David David Domínguez, Domínguez, who who has has moremore than than 100 medals 100 medals and and recognitions recognitions thanks thanks to histodiscipline. his discipline.

Our Our Endeavors Endeavors

Music Música Music

Entre Costuras

Entre Costuras

mación prescolar schooling Pre-schooling for children forpara children fromfrom 3 to 3 to Entre Entre Costuras Costuras is ourisfirst ourproductive first productive socialsocial s de 3 a 6 años. ars 6 years of age. of age. We’ve We’ve got teachers got teachers

entrepreneurship, entrepreneurship, born born with the withintention the intention to teach to teach mfrom thethe community, the community, trained to to community the community howtrained to how cuttopatterns cut patterns and fabricate and fabricate all all esoras habitantes de la elop develop theirtypes their intellectual, intellectual, physical, types of bags. of bags.physical,

unidad, capacitadas para disciplinary and disciplinary skills.skills. arrollar sus capacidades físicas disciplina. This is This a space is acquire a yspace where creativity, creativity, imagination, imagination, and and e,ectuales, Here, children children acquire skillswhere skills that will that will


DEM Sifais Sifaisgrafía Pandeluz

Pro Ambiente



DEM Sifais



Pro Ambiente


technology technology coexist coexist inin an in environment an environment full offull learning of learning later on help on help themthem develop develop in and innovation. and innovation. Montessori SIFAIS loseducation, niñosthey y lasthey ool. school. AsideAside from from education, 14 to 14 18-year to 18-year olds are olds the are ones the ones in charge in charge of shaping of shaping sreceive adquieren destrezas que les also receive balanced balanced meals. meals. their creativity creativity through through robotics, robotics, laser laser cutting, cutting, 3D 3D dan atheir desarrollarse en la escuela, printing, printing, and much and much more.more. más recibir alimentación also We de make also make sureuna sure to involve to involve the the nceada yin eltheir involucramiento de nts parents in their children’s’ children’s’ social, social, A space A space where where educational educational toys are toyscreated are created and and padres en el desarrollo social, designed. designed. The main The main raw material raw material is wood. is wood. The The tional emotional and affective and affective cional y afectivo de losfrom menores. resources resources produced produced from the sale theof sale these of these are are elopment. development. destined destined to thetoMontessori the Montessori of SIFAIS, of SIFAIS, wherewhere moremore than 50 than children 50 children receive receive classes classes daily.daily.

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Is oneIsof one theofentrepreneurship the entrepreneurship projects projects of Sifais, of Sifais, its its objective objective is to create is to create solutions solutions and greater and greater socialsocial inclusion. inclusion. This through This through the design the design and assembly and assembly of of furniture furniture hencehence its name. its name.

Entrepreneurship Entrepreneurship project project wherewhere young young people people from from the community the community of La of Carpio La Carpio explore explore their their creativity creativity and motor and motor skills skills with the withgoal the of goal portraying of portraying their their art art on fabric. on fabric.



Entrepreneurship Entrepreneurship with aroma with aroma and taste and taste since since its main its main objective objective is to generate is to generate employment employment and formation and formation to thetoinhabitants the inhabitants of La of Carpio La Carpio in theinsubject the subject of of bakery. bakery. It wasItborn was born through through the initiative the initiative of two ofyoung two young people people of La of Carpio La Carpio who decided who decided to take to plastic take plastic packaging packaging and give and them give them a different a different use use transforming transforming themthem into crafts into crafts and souvenirs and souvenirs from from Sifais.Sifais. All our Allproducts our products are made are made manually manually by people by people from from the community. the community. 2290-5690

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