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Yeast doughs recipes

Soft rolls • Ingredients : • 200gm strong flour / bread flour • 50 gm soft flour / cake flour • 20 gm butter / margarine • 50 gm milk • 1# egg ( approx. 30 gm ) • 30 gm castor sugar • 20 gm compressed yeast • 50 gm water


In a small bowl mix yeast with water

Then place the dough on the table and knead the dough until it becomes smooth .

Mix the strong flour with the soft flour in a large bowl

Rub in the butter/ margarine into the flour

Add in the sugar and salt into the flour mixture

Add the yeast solution into the flour mixture

Beat the egg with the milk and add it to the mixture .Mix well .

Take a small amount and roll it in the palm of your hands .

Next gently flatten the small dough between your thumb and forefinger.

Then using two hands stretch the dough gently outwards until it becomes almost paper thin . This procedure is called window panning.

The round up the dough . Let it rest . This called FIRST proofing .

Let it rise twice its size.

Then punch or knock out the extra gas.

Portion into 30 gm and round up each portion .

Let it res again and then egg wash .

Bake it in the oven at 200C for 15- 20 minutes

Remove from the oven when the colour of the soft rolls are golden yellow .

DOUGHNUTS Ingredients : 275gm strong flour ½ teaspoon salt 35 gm castor sugar 25 gm compressed yeast 125 gm milk 30 gm margarine or butter 1 # egg

METHOD • Dissolve the yeast with the milk • Rub the margarine / butter into the flour until it resembles fine breadcrumbs •

Combine the sugar , eggs and yeast .

• Mix to a smooth dough and knead till elastic . • Let the dough rise to double in size • Turn the risen dough on to a lightly floured board , knock back to remove the excess carbon dioxide. • Roll the dough into a rectangle about 1 cm thick and use a doughnut cutter to cut the dough • Place the doughnut onto a lightly floured baking tray . Prove till double in size. •

Heat up oil for deep fat frying .

• When the oil is ready , fry the doughnut , a few at a time. Drain on an absorbent kitchen paper . • Place the cinnamon sugar in a plastic bag and put the hot doughnut in the mixture to coat them evenly .

French loaf Ingredients : 500 gm strong flour 20 gm compressed yeast 300ml water 2teaspoons salt


Dissolve the yeast with 2 tablespoons of water


Combine all the ingredients with the yeast and mix to a smooth dough .


Knead the dough until it becomes smooth and elastic and m let it rise until double in size .

Knock back

Knock back the dough and knead again on floured board and divide it into 2 pieces

Form Cover and leave

Form each piece into a long roll and place a floured baking tray

Cover and leave to prove for another 40 minutes


Slash the loaves slanting in 3 or 5 points along the loaf .


Cover until it rises twice its size again .


Bake for 15 minutes at 220°C . Then reduce to 180 and bake for another 20 minutes .


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