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Hope Project30

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New modules Technical Center

New modules to continue training

In November 2021, we celebrated the inauguration of the new facilities of ‘Esthetics and Elegance’ at the El Refugio Campus, with 4 new workshops where we teach technical courses in Aesthetics, Hairdressing, Handcrafted Clothing, Industrial Clothing, Fashion Design and Pattern Making. In addition, the Workshop School called ‘Expression’ was implemented, dedicated to making clothing, especially uniforms made by students.

Currently, 290 people are served, mainly from rural communities in the west of the country, who come to these areas to train professionally; In addition, 1,587 students were approved in all the Technical Centers. With great enthusiasm, the idea is to continue training more young people and develop our activities under the 3 fundamental axes: Technical, business and humanistic training. All this is done to give them the values they need and achieve successful graduates, always with the quality care that has characterized us.

Mazatenango Building

We are growing to serve you better

Always committed to providing quality services, and innovating our environments for better care and comfort of users and collaborators, in 2021 we will inaugurate the new FUNDAP building in Mazatenango, Suchitepéquez. Due to the increased demand for capacity of the previous facilities, both for patient care and for developing these new facilities were built with the following modules:

• Two medical clinics, with general medicine consultation services. • MEDSA Pharmacy, with medicines at •

Educational Quality and Health

Volunteers. • Training workshop on motorcycle repair, Business Technical Training. • Two Microcredit, Education and Health warehouses. • Four bathrooms and a special clinic to care for COVID-19 patients. • Two open and roofed spaces with basic furniture for training events and attention to users of Communal Banks.

Mobile clinic

Healthcare for rural communities

Due to the health emergency, hundreds of families, especially in rural communities, were left unattended in terms of health. In response to these needs and committed to providing accessible services to low-income sectors, we implemented the Mobile Clinic. And how it works?

Strategically, the communities with prioritizing care for mothers, girls and boys, establishing sessions in each place to which the doctors will return month after month. In 2021, 124 people were served in the communities of Suchitepéquez and Retalhuleu.

• General medical, gynecological, pediatric and obstetric consultation • Nutritional and dental care Equipment: • General medicine stretchers • Dental stretcher • Mobile dental unit • Dressing tables • Electric power • Tubing water • Computers and printers • Contact phone • Benches for rest

It also has protection supplies and personnel in charge composed of: doctor, paramedic and unit pilot. A initiative that seeks to provide populations.

E-Learning Platform

The technological challenge due to COVID-19

by the impossibility of teaching in person, being forced to seek other mechanisms. This challenge of looking for the best alternative for students, always with the quality we require, made us opt for the CANVAS LMS platform, with a package of 3,500 licenses.

The platform has represented an important experience in the virtual functions, turning out to be versatile and friendly to the needs of each user. It also has the ease of being able to be installed on any mobile device and facilitate distance training processes. It is currently used mainly in the academic and corporate part of E- learning, represented by educational institutions and organizations respectively. Thus, we managed to teach more than 500 courses, with 1,467 registered users among teachers, students and administrators, demonstrating that it is possible to break down the technological barrier. Of course, there is still a long way to go and external investment will be very necessary to guarantee online access to rural communities in Guatemala.

Hope Project

The Hope Project was born to provide an immediate response to the needs of highly vulnerable families, whether in basic food, housing or medical assistance. FUNDAP collaborators, due to their professional and personal role, identify highly vulnerable illnesses, accidents or the loss of family members who used to support the home. managed to serve 120 families through:

Basic Food: it is provided on a temporary basis for a period ranging from 6 to 12 months.

Access to health: through support treatments, which will contribute to the recovery of the member or members of the family.

Promotion of habitability:

focused on guaranteeing access to treated water and the adequacy of housing spaces.

Technical assistance: so that the family can have options to get ahead, based on their own abilities.

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Quiché Quetzaltenango San Marcos Suchitepequez Huehuetenango Totonicapán Retalhuleu

The families served during the period presented the following characteristics:

37 of the 120 families had been receiving care since 2020 and concluded their care process in 2021.

13 families began and concluded their process in 2021.

49 families began their care process in 2021 and will conclude in 2022. 21 families because they were diagnosed with COVID-19. This prevented them from carrying out their regular productive activities and, therefore, they were unable to earn a daily living, so they were given a single food ration.

There are still challenges to overcome in the Hope Project, but the desire to improve and the successes shown are the best incentive to continue.

Thank you!

In 2021, 99% of the scholarship girls successfully passed the grade and 90% in our fundraising, the goal is to reach 350 young girls with scholarships for 3 program.

This last year the needs of the girls changed, as COVID-19 put obstacles in their legacy.

Empower a Girl in Guatemala: Education post COVID-19

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Cooperation Agencies



Calmo Agency (Valencia, Spain)


Jorge Luna, redactor (Valencia, Spain)



Review and coordination

Department of Design and Communication (FUNDAP Central)


17 Avenida 4-25 zona 3 Quetzaltenango, Guatemala, C.A. PBX: (502) 7956-4400


Audited by:

External Auditors Klynveld Peat Marwick Goerdeler, S.A.

© FUNDAP 2022. All rights reserved.

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© FUNDAP 2022. All rights reserved.


17 Avenida 4-25 zona 3 Quetzaltenango, Guatemala, C.A. PBX: (502) 7956-4400 central@fundap.com.gt info@fundap.com.gt

Education and Healthcare

3a. calle 15-16 zona 1 Quetzaltenango, Guatemala PBX: (502) 7794-2300 educacion@fundap.com.gt salud@fundap.com.gt www.fundap.com.gt/centro-tecnico


7a. calle 16-17 zona 3 Quetzaltenango, Guatemala PBX: (502) 7794-1800 microcredito@fundap.com.gt

Handicraft, Agricultural and Environmental

8a. calle 25A-70 zona 3 Quetzaltenango, Guatemala Tel: (502) 7824-2190 / 7763-6131 forestalambiental@fundap.com.gt agropecuario@fundap.com.gt artesania@fundap.com.gt tienda@artesaniasinnova.com www.artesaniasinnova.com

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