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Letter from the Executive Director

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Hope Project30

Hope Project30

Jorge Gándara

40 years of hope and opportunities.

In the month of August of this year, the 40th anniversary of the Foundation will be celebrated, which was made with the interest of Don Rodolfo Paiz Andrade and Don Jaime Camhi Capón, who wanted to create an institution dedicated to helping those most in need, originally with an approach to education in Guatemala.

Since then, many years have passed and thousands of people have been supported to achieve a better quality of life for themselves and their families. There are countless examples that we have seen of children, youth and adults who, with the opportunities future and, above all, with hope.

I saw it as an opportunity to specify and harmonize a concern for service, with the with business criteria the opening of options to solve the most enormous problems, especially that of poverty, which manifests itself, above all, in the rural area of the southwest of Guatemala .

Currently, we are witnessing radical changes in our countries that herald a transition changes, and not to mention the consequences of COVID. For the members of our rural societies, this implies new situations and challenges in their personal, family and social environment, much of it will generate more poverty and the search for opportunities through emigration to other countries, which as Don Roberto says: “emigration is the failure of a country”. Many people react to these profound changes with concern, insecurity, resignation, and often fear as well. We must not forget that it is in times of radical change that the creativity and intrinsic value of organizations in the search for solutions is measured.

problems of the community to which they belong. Among the essential components of corporate culture, the acceptance of Social Responsibility by companies, as a factor of personal commitment of their leaders.

Together with the quality of the people who are in charge of the direction of FUNDAP been part of his personal life project. The motivation, creativity and willingness to

focused on the participation and realization of each. All of this is governed by a deeper sense of

Compassion towards others.

In general, the people who are committed to the Foundation have much in common: they are characterized by their responsibility and initiative, love for their neighbor, concern and collective spirit; are curious and they want to change things. People who their projects a reality, since their own interests are transcendent. Anyone, regardless of the position they hold, should be a model for others.

challenge of combating poverty and because we carry out projects or initiatives to be fair in the inheritance that we hope to leave to future generations. Being an example that foundations are an indicator of free and democratic societies.

The promoters of the Foundation have always been people who want to change something, and they do so according to their own transcendental values and the priorities they see in the society in which they live and are an example that men care about their fellow men and they are supportive. This solidarity is led by committed people. On the front line, they will always be there where injustices are seen and have development, what experts call Subsidiarity.

Freedom and Responsibility: Together they are the necessary requirement for social order. It is necessary that all those who can, with time, with money, with their talent, also pitch in for the good of those who need them most. But, above all, it is based on sharing the opportunities that they themselves have had. The pillars on which our action creating changes in habits and that what we do is aimed at strengthening and creating employment. As a corollary of this, our motto “Development with Dignity”.

Transparency: another great challenge for all foundations. Part of being responsible Transparency breeds Credibility, which is one of the greatest resources that FUNDAP has. That transparency, which arises from the need for donors to be clear about the use of their contribution, which in our case are many who throughout all these years have believed in and supported what addition, they share our same principles and values, that is, they are an intrinsic part of the Foundation.

The future of a society depends mainly on its ability to solve problems, especially

the weakest and neediest. availability to be creative and innovate in a world of profound change, that is, to present sustainable solutions.

For us at FUNDAP this requires, above all, professional management that is the point of

Foundation’s outreach. Its social legitimacy arises when its ability to be close to felt

Important results have often been developed with few collaborators, with simple we serve, especially with structures that allow us to be close to them, hence the more

their own have been established since the beginning of all the Foundation’s activities. There are reasons, among which the desire to change something predominates, to assume responsibility for the enormous challenges faced by their peers and to combat the spirit and the central ideas of the Foundation.

Starting from the aspirations of the founders and their close leaders, the normative Mission. The following questions are raised: What changes do we want to make in society? Foundation acquires its constructive role, justifying all its actions and establishing its values and general principles, while contemplating the integral development of its collaborators and the consolidation of the Foundation’s Culture.

Closely related to the above, it is up to the directors to set the values established in the Culture of those who founded it. The foundations that have aimed to transform society, such as FUNDAP, are characterized by a deeply rooted organizational culture, impact measurement of our projects, as part of continuous learning.

allocations. Intensive strategic planning is decisive for the success of the Foundation’s experience in FUNDAP shows that in order to achieve this, it is necessary to establish a clear focus on the needs and target audience of the projects, as well as priorities within a long-term action plan.

Generate a portfolio of projects according to a strategy, using the cycle of social demands as an impulse to detect, generate and develop possible solutions. Here, issues such as the necessary allocation of resources from the economic budget, the and the possibilities criteria for ongoing projects, which complement the other main objectives of the strategic dialogue.

projects, is to establish measures aimed at personnel management, communication and orientation of its actions. The result of the operational management of the both material and spiritual.

When foundations want to change something they face the challenge of having to convince others of their concepts. In this struggle for attention, the best promotional

ideas, projects and actions may come to nothing if they fail to convey themselves to partners and the target audience in a convincing way; (awareness of parents, educators, community authorities, donors, etc.). That is, if they have no concrete results to show.

In relation to communicative positioning, the direction of the “brand” can be one more FUNDAP is a strong “brand”, given its prestige gained through all these years, the results and quality of what we do, because we all have in our minds a clear idea of its objectives and the role we wish do things, that is, the culture and the propagation of the concept of the dignity of the person. It is as an image of what we are, children of God.

Another aspect to consider is FUNDAP’s success in attracting and mobilizing depend on the contributions of a single donor, but obtain their support and strength rendered).

thus, a pervasive culture of philanthropy is created. In fact, great importance is attached to the fact that the same communities that are served instruct others in becomes in sustainable social capital and in leadership to address long-term problems, such as poverty.

great adventure called FUNDAP,

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