Missouri State magazine winter 2010

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Winter 2010

The magazine published for the alumni and friends of Missouri State University

Homecoming honorees

Ultimate Bears recognized at Ultimate Adventure Homecoming


VOl. 5 Issue 1

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Publisher: Missouri State University, Office of Publications Editors: Stacey Funderburk, Michelle S. Rose Designer: Amy Schuldt Alumni Notes Editors: Debbie Branson, Julie Ebersold, Stephanie Matthews Photographers: John Wall, Kevin White Writers: Dr. Rachelle L. Darabi, Carol S. Harris, Paul Kincaid, Rick Kindhart, Jessica Lewis, Dr. Michael T. Nietzel, Don Payton, Mark Stillwell

Homecoming Honorees

Read our Q&As with the honorees from this year: an alumni group, a doctor who served the campus for more than 30 years, a rising political figure and an Emmy-winning television writer.

Office of Development and Alumni Relations Julie Ebersold, Executive Director of Alumni Relations Michael Harders, Executive Director of Development Denise Kettering, Director of Advancement Services Melanie Earl, Director of Annual Funds Jenny Crews, Director of Development Research Wendy Ferguson, Director of Planned & Corporate Giving Stephanie Lashley, Director of Donor Relations Debbie Branson, Assistant Director of Alumni Activities Stephanie Matthews, Assistant Director of Alumni Activities Angela Pinegar, Assistant Director of Advancement Services Ashley Thomas, Assistant Director of Annual Funds Lance Kettering, Director of Corporate Relations & Marketing Sophie Pierpoint, Assistant Director of Corporate Relations & Marketing Stewart Davis, Assistant Director of Corporate Relations & Marketing Padraic McMeel, Assistant Director of Athletics for External Affairs Cheryl Burnett, Director of Development Dick Laird, Director of Development Donna Merrell, Director of Development Marie Murphree, Director of Development Jaimie Trussell, Director of Development Phone: 417-836-4143 Fax: 417-836-6886 E-mail: Foundation@missouristate.edu E-mail: Alumni@missouristate.edu

26 Choosing the path of a humanitarian

Alumnus Scott Waddle is a firefighter and paramedic who delivered medical supplies to a village in Kenya. His next good deed: Assisting firefighters in Afghanistan.

Elizabeth Grisham, Director of Development, Missouri State-West Plains Campus Joe Kammerer, Assistant Director of Development, Missouri State-West Plains Campus


Phone: 417-255-7240 Fax: 417-255-7241 E-mail: Development@wp.missouristate.edu Alumni Board of Directors Jeremiah Mee, President, ’93, Springfield Marilyn Bueker, ’76, Springfield Jim Cantrell, ’62, Springfield Kim Carlos, ’94, Kansas City, Mo. Chelsea Clark, Student, St. Louis, Mo. Al Ellison, ’58, Springfield Mary Kay Frazier, ’83, Springfield Elliott Hankison, Student, Nixa, Mo. Brent Hanks, ’89, Ozark, Mo. Beverly Miller, ’73, Lebanon, Mo.

Online Exclusive

Phone: 417-836-4143 Fax: 417-836-6886 E-mail: Foundation@missouristate.edu Missouri State is published three times a year by the Missouri State University Alumni Association, Missouri State University, 901 S. National Ave., Springfield, MO 65897.

Slide show

Postmaster: Send address changes to Missouri State, Office of Alumni Relations, 901 S. National Ave., Springfield, MO 65897 Missouri State University adheres to a strict nondiscrimination policy and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, ancestry, age, disability or veteran status in any program or activity offered or sponsored by the University. In addition, the University does not discriminate on any basis (including, but not limited to, political affiliation and sexual orientation) not related to the applicable educational requirements for students or the applicable job requirements for employees. ALM 085 10


Cover Photo by Kevin White


Foundation Board of Trustees Officers Larry D. Frazier, Chair, Hollister, Mo. Billy E. Hixon, Vice-Chair, Springfield Mary McQueary, Secretary, Springfield Nila B. Hayes, Treasurer (ex-officio) Members Ethel Curbow, Springfield Robert Fulp, Springfield Mike Ingram, Springfield Tim O’Reilly, Springfield Pat Sechler, Springfield Scott Tarwater, Springfield Ex-Officio Michael T. Nietzel, Ph.D., President, Missouri State University Mary Sheid, Member, Board of Governors, Missouri State University Executive Director Brent Dunn, Vice President for University Advancement

Our first public affairs essay

This is the first in a series of essays designed to help alumni and friends of the University understand our unique mission and how it makes Missouri State distinctive.








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Ultimate Bears recogn


ized at Ultima te Adventure


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www.magazine.missouristate.edu M i s s o u r i S tat e W i n t e r 2010


A r o u n d t h e Q ua d C a m p u s N e w s

Michael T. Nietzel to step down as Missouri State president Citing a combination of personal and professional reasons, Missouri State University President Michael T. Nietzel announced that he will step down as president by Dec. 31, 2010. Nietzel became the University’s ninth president on July 1, 2005. He informed the Board of Governors of his plans to resign during an executive session of the regular Oct. 30 meeting. “I informed the Board of Governors of my desire to resign as president of Missouri State University at some point in 2010,” said Nietzel. “I told the Board that I would be willing to remain in my position until Dec. 31, 2010, in order to give the University a good opportunity to conduct a thorough, national search for the next president. However, I am also prepared to step down as soon as the Board finalizes its search and the next president is ready to begin the position. I have asked the Board to begin its search process in as timely a manner as possible.

“I also believe that by announcing this decision now, I can help the University be in a better position regarding its future because it will be able to develop its next long-range plan under the direction of a new president who will be here to see that vision through, just as I was able to do when I came to MSU in 2005.” Nietzel admitted that it was a difficult decision. “It is very hard to know when to step away from a job you love,” he said. “I am in that dilemma. I am proud to be president of Missouri State University. It is an invigorating job. The Board of Governors has been an exceptionally good group for whom to work. My colleagues at MSU – administrators, faculty and staff – are superb. The students are a daily reward. The Ozarks region brings most of the daily pleasures of life that anyone could want. “But I decided in August that my time to resign is here. At both personal

and professional levels, I want and need a change. The presidency of MSU is a very public, demanding and complex job. I have concluded that I cannot continue to do that job at a level of achievement that I want from myself and that the University has every right to expect from its president.” Board Chair Brian Hammons, of Stockton, responded to the announcement. “Obviously, all of us on the Board of Governors are saddened to think about Dr. Nietzel not being our president,” said Hammons. “He has been a great leader for the University and a strong spokesperson for higher education in the state of Missouri. By any measure, the past four years under Dr. Nietzel have been tremendous years for Missouri State. He will be missed and he will be very difficult to replace. “We very much appreciate Dr. Nietzel giving us 14 months’ notice to allow for a smooth transition.”

Online Exclusive: Listen to Dr. Nietzel’s remarks following his announcement to step down as president at www.magazine.missouristate.edu/.

Artist’s exhibit draws governor’s encouragement

John Wall

Missouri Gov. Jay Nixon, right, toured the Art and Design Gallery with exhibit artist and Missouri State alumnus Billyo O’Donnell, ’80. O’Donnell’s exhibit, “Painting Missouri,” is the result of a seven-year effort to create oil paintings of each of the state’s 114 counties while on location in that county. Nixon also spoke to art students, encouraging them to pursue their dreams. n

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Presidential Search Committee Formed Under Nietzel’s leadership in the past four years, the University made a number of changes and improvements in academics and faculty, research, finances, access for students, facilities, fundraising, and alumni/community/state relations. “I know Dr. Nietzel has been wrestling with this since early in the summer,” said Paul Kincaid, Nietzel’s chief of staff. “It has been difficult for him, but he is confident that it is the best decision. “The University will miss his leadership. He has great ideas and knows how to sell them. He is equally comfortable and effective with faculty, staff, students, alumni, donors and legislators. And he has the ability to build strong, mutually beneficial relationships for the University. He has a combination of talent and skills that is hard to find. “Like all of us, I think his goal was to leave the University in better shape than it was when he arrived. He definitely succeeded.” n

The 15-member search committee for the next president at Missouri State University has been named. Chaired by the Board of Governors’ immediate past-chair Mike Duggan, the committee includes three members of the Board, as well as representatives from the faculty, staff, administration, students and alumni/community members. “I believe we have a very strong, representative committee to begin the work of selecting the next president of Missouri State University,” said Duggan. “This is an important and timeconsuming responsibility, and I think this group of individuals is up to the task. I look forward to working with them.” The committee is working with the search firm R. William Funk & Associates and began meeting in early February. The members of the Presidential Search Committee and the constituency they represent are: Jim Anderson, Springfield – Alumni

Gabriel Gore, St. Louis – Alumni

Mike Armentrout, Kansas City – Alumni

Bryan Hicks, Associate Director of Athletics for Academic/Student Achievement – Staff

Dr. Jim Baker, Vice President for Research and Economic Development – Administrative Council

Dr. Pauline Nugent, College of Arts and Letters – Faculty

Dr. Eric Bosch, College of Natural and Applied Science – Faculty

Dr. Helen Reid, Dean of the College of Health and Human Services – Academic Administrator

Dr. Melissa Burnett, College of Business Administration – Faculty

Mary Sheid, West Plains – Board of Governors

Mike Duggan (Chair), Chesterfield – Board of Governors

Jacob Swett, Pleasant Hill – Students

David Glass (Honorary Chair), Bentonville, Arkansas – Alumni

Phyllis Washington, Kansas City – Board of Governors Travis Webb, Denver, Colorado – Alumni

Pinegars’ long-standing support recognized with Bronze Bear Award T. Edward Pinegar Jr. and Carol Pinegar received the 2009 Bronze Bear Award during the Dec. 18 commencement ceremony in recognition of their long-standing involvement with Missouri State and their unwavering support of the school. “Ed and Carol Pinegar exemplify what the Bronze Bear honors,” said President Michael T. Nietzel. “In so

Kevin White

Online Exclusive

many ways over so many years, Ed and Carol have been there to encourage and support the work of Missouri State.” Both alumni of Missouri State, Ed served on the Board of Governors from 1985-91 and Carol served on the Board in 2005. In addition, Ed served two terms on the Missouri State University Foundation Board of Directors from 1999-05, and Carol served on the Board of Directors from 2005-08. n

Online Exclusive: View the presentation of the Bronze Bear Award to Ed and Carol Pinegar at www.magazine.missouristate.edu/.

M i s s o u r i S tat e W i n t e r 2010


A r o u n d t h e Q ua d C a m p u s N e w s

Enrollment of nearly 23,000 students sets record for University System A record-setting 22,938 students enrolled in the Missouri State University system this past fall. The official enrollment figure includes 20,842 students on the Springfield campus and 2,162 on the West Plains campus. On the Springfield campus, increases in every major new student category were achieved. Here are the numbers: New first-time in college: 2,588, up 56 (2.2 percent).

New transfer students: 1,564, up 253 (19.3 percent). New degree-seeking graduate students: 673, up 61 (10 percent). New non-degree-seeking students (undergraduate and graduate combined): 391, up 101 (34.8 percent). “These enrollment records are exciting news for Missouri State University,” said President Michael T. Nietzel.

“To realize the gains we did in every new student category speaks to the success of the University in attracting and retaining students in our growing array of academic programs. “I salute the faculty and the staff for a job well done, and I welcome the nearly 23,000 students now enrolled at the institution. “We are very glad you are pursuing your education with us.” n

Governor, higher-education institutions agree to keep tuition flat for another year For the second year, Missouri Gov. Jay Nixon gained agreement from the state’s two- and four-year higher education institutions to keep tuition flat for the 2010-11 year. In exchange, the governor has pledged to fund higher education at 95 percent of the 2009-10 level. Nixon made the agreement official when he unveiled his Fiscal Year 2011 budget proposal in January. It is up to the General Assembly to discuss, debate and decide on the proposal. “Once again, we are very appreciative of the governor’s interest in keeping higher education accessible and affordable for Missouri students and their families,” said President Michael T. Nietzel. “Given the budget situation in the state, we believe identifying the reduction is helpful. First, the cut is less than other agencies are experiencing. Second, by having this agreement now, we can better plan for next fiscal year. I look forward to visiting with the members of the General Assembly about the proposal.” The legislative session began Jan. 6 and concludes May 14. Given the state’s financial situation, the Coordinating Board for Higher Education (CBHE) and other state agencies were asked to keep the total funding request flat for Fiscal Year 2011. Missouri State University 6

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understands and supported the CBHE recommendation for a flat budget for next year. For Missouri State, that means the state appropriation will remain at $89,999,222. If and when funding becomes available, however, Missouri State has asked that consideration be given to funding significant needs at the University. This funding falls into three categories: 1) core mission funding – an increase of $3,779,967; 2) inflation – an increase of $3,599,969; and 3) reimbursement for support of veterans returning to college – reimbursement of $96,222. Missouri State also has requested that the Missouri General Assembly support ongoing funding for the Caring for Missourians Initiative so it can be fully implemented to benefit the citizens of Missouri. Missouri State and all other two- and four-year institutions are implementing the first year of Caring for Missourians. To sustain the initiative, ongoing funding will be necessary. Missouri State’s emphasis is in the areas of nursing (both in Springfield and West Plains), physician assistants, physical therapy and communication sciences and disorders. In addition, some of the funding allocated to the University of Missouri-Kansas City would be used to establish a UMKC Doctor of

Pharmacy Degree in Springfield in cooperation with Missouri State. The program is expected to enroll its first students in fall 2011; annual enrollment is expected to be 30 students. For capital funding, Missouri State requests the following three actions: 1) release of funds approved for the Lewis and Clark Discovery Initiative, which totals about $20 million for Missouri State; 2) at the earliest possible date, funding for maintenance and repair; and 3) funding of the University’s No. 1 priority new capital project, a science facility. In addition, the University supports establishing a regular, sustained approach to funding capital needs of higher education institutions. “There is no doubt that this will be a difficult budget year for the state of Missouri,” said Nietzel. “But if the state is to make progress, especially on the economic development front, it must continue to invest in higher education. The relationship between a highly educated workforce and economic development is indisputable. That will be a key point in our message in the coming months.” For a complete list of legislative priorities, visit: http://www. missouristate.edu/universityrelations/ governmentalrelations.htm/. n

P res i dent ’ s M essage Dear Alumni and Friends: As you may know, on Nov. 2, I announced my intentions to step down as president by Dec. 31, 2010. (See page 4.) I would like to provide some perspective for you in this column. I want you to know that it has been my great pleasure to serve as your president since 2005. I take great pride in being the first president of Missouri State University. I hope I have helped the University begin to capitalize on what that well-deserved name can and will mean in the future. One of the many great joys of the position has been to travel the country to visit with many of you, our successful, energetic and loyal alumni and friends. I have often said that one of my surprises was the degree to which so many alumni admire, respect and, yes, love the University. This devotion is one of the reasons the University has grown and prospered during these 104-plus years. Please know that we have almost 12 months to complete a very full agenda, including navigating through a difficult budget situation. I plan to give the University’s priorities my full attention and I intend for the University to accomplish much before I turn in my keys.

Missouri State will have had nine presidents in its 105 years. No matter how long any one of us has stayed in the position, we were only temporary stewards of the institution. We all hope to leave the University better than we found it. What is constant is the life-changing affect Missouri State University has had and will continue to have on young people from the Ozarks, Missouri, the United States and, increasingly, the world. If we keep our eyes focused on those students and the educational experience we provide, everything else will fall into place. In the next 105 years, this University will change the lives of hundreds of thousands of students — just as it has done for you and others during the first 105 years. So, for now, I ask that we go light on the “farewells” and heavy on accomplishing the goals we have before us. I will see many of you in the coming months. Best regards,

Michael T. Nietzel President

Public Affairs Conference to focus on economy During the past year the world witnessed a severe financial crisis that triggered a global meltdown, resulting in an economy not seen since the depression of the 1930s. Missouri State’s sixth-annual Public Affairs Conference, with a theme of “The New Economy: Peril and Promise,” will address many of the questions surrounding new economic realities. The conference will run April 13-16 on the Missouri State campus. Check out the lineup of speakers for the 2010 conference, including environmental business leader and advocate Robert F. Kennedy Jr., at http://publicaffairs. missouristate.edu/conference/. n

M i s s o u r i S tat e W i n t e r 2010


Kevin White

A r o u n d t h e Q ua d C a m p u s N e w s

Former employees inducted to Wall of Fame Six former employees were recognized for more than 170 years of combined service to Missouri State during the induction ceremony of the Wall of Fame, held during Homecoming weekend. Pictured, from left, accepting their awards are: Dr. Genevieve Cramer, Linda Dollar, Dr. Ralph Williams, Wensey Marsh, Carol Schatz (accepting for John Schatz) and Dr. Milton Rafferty. “These six individuals represent all the qualities that make Missouri State University the great institution it is today,” said President Michael T. Nietzel. “I am proud to honor them with a space on the Wall of Fame where students, faculty and staff can remember their tremendous contributions in leadership for years to come. Details about each honoree are found at http://alumni. missouristate.edu/WallofFame.htm/. n

Board member honored in 40 Under 40 list Board of Governor’s member Orvin Kimbrough was named to the St. Louis Business Journal’s 40 Under 40 list of successful business professionals. Kimbrough, who represents Missouri State’s First District, is the senior vice president of major gifts and planned giving for the United Way of Greater St. Louis. He is recognized for his professional accomplishments and community activities. n


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IDEA Commons wins national award, gets federal grant Missouri State University won the University Economic Development Association’s (UEDA) 2009 Award of Excellence in the category of Community Development for its work on the Innovation, Design, Entrepreneurship and Art Commons. UEDA is a national group that focuses on the link between higher education and economic development. The IDEA Commons is an area in downtown Springfield that includes several MSU facilities. It also includes private residential, retail and entertainment facilities. It generates creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship for the benefit of the region. “This award recognizes a significant effort by a UEDA member in assisting organizations to develop stronger communities,” said Allen Kunkel, associate vice president for economic development. “Being recognized by a national association reinforces the vision and impact that IDEA Commons will have on Springfield and the surrounding region.” Missouri State also received a $2.75 million Economic Development Administration grant to help establish an Entrepreneurship and Business Development Center as part of the IDEA Commons. The project will transform the former Willow Brook Foods facility into the home of the University’s technology and construction management department and the Small Business and Technology Development Center. The site will also be a business incubator. The activities of this center are expected to create more than 850 new jobs over five years. n

Andy’s Frozen Custard, MSU announce winning Boomer Bear Concrete flavor It’s official: Boomer Bear is sweet. So sweet, in fact, that he inspired a new frozen dessert full of fruit and nuts. Andy’s Frozen Custard, based in Springfield, announced in late August that they were pairing with Missouri State to create a Boomer Bear Concrete flavor. Fans were asked to go online to Andy’s Facebook page to leave their suggestions. The call for contest entries resulted in more than 200 comments, including recipes

Online Exclusive: Prepare to drool: Watch students eat and critique the new Boomer Bear Concrete at www.magazine.missouristate.edu/.

SlideRobotics show team wins national competition Students from Missouri State’s department of technology and construction management won first place in design and innovation at the Robotics Manipulator Competition in Louisville, Ky., hosted by the Association of Technology, Management and Applied Engineering (ATMAE). “The ATMAE competition provides students with a great opportunity to apply their technical and managerial skills and showcase them in a national competition,” said Dr. Martin Jones, robotics team adviser and assistant professor of technology and construction management. Senior Chad Pepemiller, left, demonstrates “The Missouri the winning entry of the Robotics Manipulator State students Competition with fellow team members junior Chris Hughey and senior Joey Goss Jr. put together an excellent design.” In addition to their first place finish, the robotics team was also awarded second place in controls methodology. n John Wall


Online Exclusive

Students lead Haitian relief efforts Student leaders established a campaign to raise $50,000 in 50 hours for Haitian disaster relief. “Bears Backing Haiti: 50 in 50” was conducted for 50 hours to aid Springfield-based Convoy of Hope in its disaster relief of Haiti following the devastating earthquake on Jan. 12. “Students really geared up for this; it definitely supports our public affairs mission as well as reflects the “Bears Backing Haiti: 50 in 50” concluded caring and concern with a Candle Light Vigil after raising of our University $34,000 for Convoy of Hope. Community partnerships were being formed at press community,” said time to raise the remaining $16,000. Dr. Earle Doman, vice president for student affairs. “Having this effort student-initiated and led is a real plus for many reasons.” n Jessie Scheve

John Wall

e Exclusive

that featured Missouri State Bear-inspired ingredients such as Teddy Grahams cookies, gummy bears and bear-claw pastries. The winning flavor — which combines vanilla custard, strawberries, almonds and Heath candy-bar bits — was the invention of elementary-school student Garrett Weaver, who was awarded a free concrete a week for a year. Weaver was recognized at the Sept. 26 football game between the Bears and the Northern Iowa Panthers. n



Online Exclusive: View a video of the Candle Light Vigil at www.magazine.missouristate.edu/. M i s s o u r i S tat e W i n t e r 2010

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Let’s hear it for our

Homecoming honorees By Carol Shell Harris and Michelle S. Rose

One of the most important functions of the Missouri State Alumni Association is to recognize outstanding alumni, faculty, staff and friends of the University at Homecoming. Thankfully, this is also one of the easiest parts of the job. After all, we are convinced that every Bear is exceptional. The honorees from this year have proven that life is the Ultimate Adventure — the theme of Homecoming 2009 activities. They include an alumni group that sets the pace for all other chapters, a doctor who served the campus for more than 30 years, a rising political figure and an Emmy-winning television writer.

Online Exclusive: Couldn’t make it to the awards dinner? We’ll bring it to you. See videos of the speeches given by the honorees at www.magazine.missouristate.edu/.

M i s s o u r i S tat e W i n t e r 2010


V o lu n t e e r o f t h e Ye a r Awa r d This new award won’t go to just one person — it will be dedicated to the more than 100 people who participate in the Lebanon Alumni Chapter. The group, which alumnus Jack Miller first brought together in 1984, has given back to the University for more than 25 years and even has its own endowed scholarship. The awards selection committee said this chapter “possesses a can-do attitude and the desire to set the pace for other alumni groups throughout the country.” A group of key leaders has been involved since the beginning. When Wilbur “Wil” Bradley, Bob Garner and Gib Adkins sat down for this interview, they reminisced about the rapid growth of the school and basketball games so boisterous that the bleachers shook. They are from different eras — Bradley remembers when the school had about four buildings, while Adkins saw Elvis rock Hammons Student Center — and together they are the keepers of the University’s history and the guarantors of its future.

How did you feel when you found out about this award? Bob: It is amazing to be honored for something we have enjoyed doing anyway. Your chapter has been called a model for other alumni groups. Why do you think you are successful? Gib: There are a lot of heroes in this chapter who are willing to work hard and won’t take any personal credit. Building a chapter takes a ton of time and effort; we have to have committed people because these things don’t just happen. Wilbur: We just pool our efforts; that’s the way to get things done. We look at it as something we do to help the students and Missouri State. Why did you decide to form the chapter? Bob: A lot of it had to do with athletics. Jack (Miller) and I would travel to other areas for games and see that those cities had alumni groups. We knew we could do something like that here. Our primary goal was to get a group that would be large enough to raise money for scholarships for local students. Gib: It’s because we have school pride. We want to show everyone that Missouri State is a meaningful, big-time school.


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What events does the alumni chapter hold? Wilbur: We have held a golf tournament every summer since the late 1980s. Gib: On the night of the tournament, we have a banquet for all area alumni and for high school students going to Missouri State and their parents. That is when we award our scholarships. Bob: We give one to four scholarships each year in various amounts. We also get together at events like Tent Theatre or go as a group to ball games. Gib: We even call Lebanon students who ask for info about MSU and talk to them about the school and encourage them to go there. How do you award your scholarships? Bob: The Lebanon counselor’s office gives applications to students going to Missouri State, then the school sends those to us. A committee of about five alumni members looks through the applications and makes the decisions. Why do you think the Lebanon group supports Missouri State so strongly? Gib: There are so many ties from Missouri State to Lebanon. For example, (Director of Bands) Jerry Hoover used to teach in Lebanon in the early 1960s. He is a local legend. It’s a two-way street; the University

maintains its relationship with us just like we maintain a relationship with it. Bob: We give a lot of credit to (former coaches) Cheryl Burnett and Charlie Spoonhour; in the early years, they used to come to Lebanon to spend a day and they were a big draw for our alumni event. Gib: Missouri State also adds to our community. Lebanon alumni visit the campus for athletics activities and shows at Juanita K. Hammons Hall. Local business employees get training on campus. Our schools send students there and hire teachers from the University. What are some of your fondest memories of Missouri State? Wilbur: The rush that I got when I went on campus for the first time as a part of the University. Bob: I remember lining up to get season tickets for basketball my freshman year. I got center-court, front-row tickets. It was a huge thrill. Gib: Making lifelong friends, and I really grew up during my time there. I matured (laughs) — I won’t say into a totally responsible human being, but I became more responsible. Why are you excited about the future of Missouri State? Gib: We have matured into a national school, and the name change was a big part of that. Initiatives such as the University’s

Name: Lebanon Alumni Chapter

downtown presence and Jordan Valley Innovation Center show the ability of the school to look a generation ahead. What is the future of your group? Bob: It will just grow as the University grows. We get more and more alumni in Lebanon as local business leaders, teachers and coaches. We have seen more younger people and families coming to events.

Our Homecoming theme is The Ultimate Adventure. What would be The Ultimate Adventure to you? Gib: Going in the space shuttle. I would do it, even though my wife thinks I’m crazy. I would like to see Earth from way up high. It would bring our small problems into perspective. Wilbur: I’ve had so dang many adventures already, I couldn’t stand to have another one.

John Wall

Members of the Lebanon Alumni Chapter pictured during the Homecoming Awards ceremonies are, front row, from left: Angie Adkins, Jeanetta Litty and Gib Adkins, ’79. Those pictured in the back row are, from left: Sarah Smith; Beverly Miller, ’73; Jammie Litty; Jack Miller, ’73; Bob Garner, ’72; and Wil Bradley, ’50.

Group spokesmen: Wilbur “Wil” Bradley, on campus from 1948-50 (“my degree was in ‘girls,’” he jokes); Bob Garner, bachelor’s in sociology and political science, 1972; Gib Adkins, bachelor’s in political science, 1979. All have served on the national alumni board. Number of alumni in the group: There is no formal membership count, but “at any time we could call on about 150 people in town for an event,” Bob said. To join the Lebanon group: Contact Bob Garner at garnerassociates@embarqmail.com or 417-532-9491.

M i s s o u r i S tat e W i n t e r 2010


Awa r d o f A p p r e c i at i o n Dr. Lawrence “Larry” Shields gave his best to the University community when others felt their worst — sick, injured or hurting. He encountered thousands of students and employees during his 36-year career at Taylor Health and Wellness Center. “He had many of the same patients for decades, from the day he came to the day he retired. He gave his heart and soul to them every day,” said longtime friend and patient Burnie Snodgrass, the director of Taylor. “During Dr. Shield’s tenure, he saw Taylor expand to become nationally accredited and emulated by many other universities.” Brent Dunn, the vice president for university advancement, had been Shield’s patient since 1985. “Not many people have worked here for as long as he has,” Dunn said. “He influenced the lives of people from every facet of the University: students, employees and their family members. He was a true professional who cared about you as a whole, not just about your health.”

How does it feel to receive this award? I am honored and humbled. I feel like I just did my job: I kept up with my training, and I hope I was attuned to the needs of my patients. Tell me about your background. My parents came from poverty on a farm before moving to St. Louis. My mother left school after eighth grade and my father after sixth — but they instilled in me the value of education. My father died of lung cancer when I was 15; that summer, I got a job painting houses. The next summer, I worked as a door-to-door salesman in St. Louis. I did manual labor in factories and warehouses. The staff at my high school, McBride, encouraged me to apply to St. Louis University and I was accepted. I was then accepted to medical school. I was drafted into the Army after my post-graduate medical training. I was the officer in charge of a clinic in Fort Hood, Texas. What brought you to campus? Dr. William Taylor (for whom Taylor Health and Wellness Center is named) recruited me. I worked with him for one year before he retired. He was an innovator; he helped to integrate faculty and staff care with student care.


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What are your most important personal accomplishments? Maintaining a marriage to a wonderful woman: I met Carolyn at MU in 1968 and we got married in 1969. Also, taking care of my mother in her declining years when she had Alzheimer’s disease. Lastly, helping to sustain health care on the campus of Missouri State during adverse economic times. Why do you love Missouri State? The people — from the administration, to the students, to the faculty and staff — are working hard to build better lives for themselves and others. They make it a community and a worthy place to be. Caring for those people has been an honor. How do you stay connected to Missouri State? I come back to visit friends and former patients. I follow the athletic teams — I have season tickets to the Bears and Lady Bears basketball games. My wife sings in the Collegiate Chorale, so I go to those performances and other music events.

What do you do in your leisure time? I’m a painter — of my garage door (laughs). I do a lot of things around the house. I exercise and read. I also follow St. Louis sports teams, including the Cardinals and Blues. My wife and I participate in some activities at Second Baptist Church. What do you think your future holds? I want to spend time with friends and family, and maybe do some traveling. My wife and I also talk about maybe getting another German shepherd dog. We have had two in the course of our married life. If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be? Like the beauty pageant contestant always says, “I would like to have world peace.” I would say that too. I would hope we could live in harmony and health. Our Homecoming theme is The Ultimate Adventure. What would be The Ultimate Adventure to you? Probably to do more than just pray for President Obama — to be able to advise him.

Name: Dr. Lawrence “Larry” Shields Lives in: Springfield Native of: St. Louis, Mo. Years of service: August 1973 to August 2009 Professional background: Bachelor’s in biology, 1966, St. Louis University; doctor of medicine degree, 1970, University of Missouri-Columbia School of Medicine; post-graduate work, St. John’s Medical Center, St. Louis; captain in U.S. Army Medical Corps Professional accomplishments: Fellow of American Academy of Family Physicians; diplomate of American Board of Family Practice; past president of Southwest Missouri Academy of Family Physicians

John Wall

Family: Carolyn (née Mayfield), his wife of 40 years, is an MSU alumna. She received a bachelor’s in home economics in 1966 and a vocal-music certification in 1979. She teaches voice and piano out of the couple’s home.

M i s s o u r i S tat e W i n t e r 2010


O u t s ta n d i n g Yo u n g A l u m n i Awa r d Adam Crumbliss currently serves as chief clerk of the Missouri House of Representatives — a position elected by the House members. At 32, he is one of the nation’s youngest chief clerks. A legislative internship he had while at Missouri State University launched his career in public service. Crumbliss worked as a legislative assistant to the House minority leader from 2000 to 2001, and administrative assistant to the assistant minority leader from 2002 to 2003. He became director of budget policy to the House budget chair in 2003. In 2005, he began working as chief of staff to the speaker pro tem. Crumbliss was elected by state representatives to serve as their chief clerk and administrator in 2006. Jerry Burch, a lobbyist for Missouri State, knew Crumbliss during his internship in the House. “He was very ambitious, very hard-working,” Burch said. “Adam put his administrative talents and knowledge of political science to excellent use and quickly earned the respect of those in the office.”

How does it feel to receive this award? It was quite a surprise. My reaction was pretty uncharacteristic — I am someone who is usually known to have something to say. Are you in the career you thought you would pursue when you were at the University? I always had an interest in legislative and political processes. Growing up, I was very much a student of current affairs and public issues. When I got to the University, I became interested in the public administration program. During that time, my initial goal was to go to the capitol city, finish the (legislative) internship and go to law school and then run for an elective office of some form down the road. But the way it worked out, the internship gave me an opportunity to recognize the importance of the legislative process. Part of what really fueled that is the legislative process class I had with Dr. George Connor in the political science department. There was a lot of theoretical background but also a lot of practical application in the class. It really spurred my interest to go through the internship. He and Dr. Denny Pilant


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were both very big influences on me. Once I was finished with the internship, I decided I wanted to stay more on the legislative side. Talk about some of your favorite things about Missouri State. I had a very good time in all of the organizations at Missouri State. I had an opportunity to do and see so many things. It really gave me an opportunity to develop leadership skills I didn’t have at the time. What do you consider your most important professional accomplishment? The fact that I’ve been selected as the chief clerk. Not only did I get the position, I’ve been able to develop a track record of working with members on both sides of the aisle. (I want to ensure that) the House of Representatives is a well-run organization. What do you do in your leisure time? I’m an avid golfer — not good, but I get to enjoy the outdoors. During the summer, we’ll go to a state park and ski. I also enjoy reading. I mostly read

biographies or current-event books. A book that has had an influence on me is Team of Rivals: The Political Genius of Abraham Lincoln (by Doris Kearns Goodwin). I’ve also read most of the Harry Potter books. Another big hobby of mine is to listen to music. It helps me to relax. My taste in music is pretty diverse. What do you think your future holds? The focus for me is to keep a balance between my family and public service. I want to be a role model for my daughter. I always see myself involved at some level in public service, whether it’s continuing to do staff work or through elective office or just consulting in the legislative and executive processes. A personal goal for me is that I’ve always wanted to manage a large corporation. Our Homecoming theme is The Ultimate Adventure. What would be The Ultimate Adventure for you? Every day is the ultimate adventure. There’s always that next step, and you don’t know what’s going to happen. I look at life as a choose-your-ownadventure book.

Name: Daniel Adam Crumbliss Lives in: Columbia, Mo. Educational background: Bachelor’s in public administration, 1999, Missouri State University; master’s in public administration, University of Missouri, 2005; The Leadership Institute, 2001 and 2002; Leadership Missouri Program through the Missouri Chamber of Commerce, 2005 Professional accomplishment: Outstanding House Employee for Missouri House of Representatives, 2005

John Wall

Family: He’s married to Angie Giddings Crumbliss, whom he met while working at the capitol building. Angie is the executive director of the Joint Committee on Capital Improvement through the Missouri Senate. They have a 1-year-old daughter named Emily. Adam’s mother, Carole Crumbliss, is also a Bear. She received a master’s in education in 1991 from Missouri State.

M i s s o u r i S tat e W i n t e r 2010


O u t s ta n d i n g A l u m n i Awa r d Kay Alden Nelson knows daytime drama. The author has written thousands of scripts filled with conflicts, crises and romances for 35 years — 32 of those for “The Young and the Restless.” She has written for “The Bold and the Beautiful” since 2006. Her virtually uninterrupted three-decade career in television is unusual in an industry in which shows are often canceled within months of airing. Dr. Carey Adams, dean of the College of Arts and Letters, talked about Nelson’s recognition: “Despite her notable accomplishments, Kay was more than a little surprised when I told her she had been selected to receive the Outstanding Alumni Award. In truth, as is usually the case with our distinguished alumni, I think we were as honored to present her with the award as she was to receive it.”

How does it feel to receive this award? When Carey Adams called me to say that I had received this award, first of all, I was flabbergasted. … I thoroughly enjoyed the time I spent at Missouri State. It was a very significant time for me.

marvelous experience for me. I always loved theatre and had performed a lot as a child and in high school. Having the Tent Theatre experience was intense and wonderful. It gave me a window into the commitment required in either academic theater or professional theatre.

Are you in the career that you thought you would pursue when you were at the University? No. At that time, I was a teaching assistant with the debate program. I worked Tent Theatre one summer when I was there. Before I came to Missouri State to get my master’s degree, I had taught two years at Central High School in Springfield. I really thought my career path would remain in teaching.

Tell me about your career path. After getting my master’s degree, I wanted to pursue a career in college teaching. I attended the University of Wisconsin-Madison and completed course work for my Ph.D. in communication arts. While working on my dissertation on the topic of “Daytime Television Serials as Mediators of Social Change,” I had the opportunity to interview William J. Bell. He was the head writer of NBC’s “Days of Our Lives,” a popular daytime serial at the time. He had also just created a new show called “The Young and the Restless.” The interview was more successful than I could have anticipated. This was perhaps the first time Bill had experienced an academic person who believed his work was truly significant. Early in our conversation, I had mentioned my dream: to write for these daytime shows. Before I left, Bill said that if I was sincerely interested, he would give me some outlines and I could try writing a

What are some of your fondest memories of Missouri State? I worked most closely with Dr. Richard (Skip) Stovall. He headed the University’s debate program and I was working as a teaching assistant for him. Academic debate has always been a huge love of mine and I really enjoyed the time that I spent helping him. Dr. Holt Spicer was a legend at Missouri State even when I was an undergraduate at Emporia State. I was thrilled to have him direct my master’s thesis. The summer I spent in Tent Theatre was a


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sample script. He said it was probably a million-to-one shot. Fortunately for me, the rest is history. What do you feel are your most important professional accomplishments? I have really had a remarkable career as a writer. I wrote for “The Young and the Restless” from 1974 until 2006. During that time, I advanced from scriptwriter to head writer. Moving to its sister show, “The Bold and the Beautiful,” (where Nelson is currently co-head writer), has been a wonderful opportunity. I hope my career will continue for a number of years. It is such a gift to work on the two Bell family shows, which I believe continue to represent the best in the daytime serial genre. Our Homecoming theme is The Ultimate Adventure. What would be The Ultimate Adventure for you? I think to travel to a remarkable destination — not just as a tourist, but to absorb the culture. A place like China or India would be high on my list as The Ultimate Adventure.

Name: Kay Alden Nelson Title: Co-head writer, “The Bold and the Beautiful,” CBS-TV Lives in: Chicago, Ill. Educational background: Bachelor’s in education, 1967, Emporia State University, Emporia, Kan.; master’s in speech and theatre, 1969, Missouri State University; doctoral candidate in communication arts, 1970-74, University of Wisconsin-Madison Professional accomplishments: Nelson has had 21 Emmy nominations and four wins in the Best Writing–Daytime Drama category for her work on “The Young and the Restless.” She has had one Emmy nomination for Best Writing–Daytime Drama for “The Bold and the Beautiful.” Other honors include: Writers Guild of America Awards for Best Daytime Serial Writing, 2002 and 2005; Media Project–Shine Award, 2004; Sentinel for Health Award, 2000 and 2003; Chicago Women in Film and Television Achievement Award, 1998; and Distinguished Alumnae Award, Emporia State University, 1992

John Wall

Family: Nelson and her husband, Vernon, have three adult children: Constance, John and Noah

M i s s o u r i S tat e W i n t e r 2010


Co r n e r s to n e F r o m t h e f o u n d at i o n

Thanks to three major gifts, Missouri State University’s comprehensive campaign exceeded the $100 million milestone as 2009 came to a close. For the first time in its history, the University named academic units in recognition of the donors’ gifts. The three major gifts announced in December include a gift for the Darr Agricultural Center by William H. and Virginia Darr, for whom the William H. Darr School of Agriculture will now be named; an estate gift from the late Dr. Bernice “Bernie” Warren, long-time faculty member and administrator, for whom the Bernice Warren Center for Archaeological Research will be named; and a lead gift commitment to support the new University Recreation Center, with the details of the gift and naming to come at a later date. Over

Kevin White

Campaign surpasses $100 million milestone

“These three significant gifts cover a wide range of needs at the University and come from three individuals and families who have a long connection with Missouri

State,” said Missouri State President Michael T. Nietzel. “We very much appreciate their generous contributions and we are thrilled that they move us


Just four months after the announcement of Our Promise, The Campaign for Missouri State University, the $100 million milestone was exceeded as a result of three generous gifts from alumni, a long-time faculty member and friends of the University.

William H. and Virginia Darr

William (Bill) and Virginia Darr have had a long history of supporting the University. They are both graduates of Missouri State University. Bill is a past member of the Board of Governors, a past president and member of the Missouri State Foundation, and was the co-chair of the University’s first comprehensive fund-raising campaign, “The Campaign for SMS: Imagine the Possibilities,” which concluded in 2005 by exceeding the $50 million goal. Over the years, the Darrs have supported Missouri State and all three of its campuses with private 20

gifts. The Darrs have made capital gifts in support of the William H. Darr Agricultural Center, Karls Hall, Wehr Band Hall and facilities in Mountain Grove. The Darrs have supported students through scholarships and graduate assistantships on the Springfield campus in agriculture, broadcast journalism and piano, as well as a scholarship for the benefit of students at MSU-West Plains. In addition, the Darrs have enhanced program development through their contributions to intercollegiate athletics; Ozarks Public Television; the Pride Band; the department of communication; the College of Arts and Letters; the

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department of modern and classical languages; Juanita K. Hammons Hall for the Performing Arts; the department of media, journalism and film; the department of graphic design; the department of agriculture; and the Duane G. Meyer Library. In 2003, Missouri State presented the Bronze Bear Award to the Darrs for their long-time significant support for the University.

The late Dr. Bernice Warren

Dr. Bernice “Bernie” Warren began her career at Missouri State University in the English department in 1969. Part of her lasting legacy is her role as the founder of the successful Student Orientation and Registration (SOAR) program, which continues to this day. In 1974, she started a career as an administrator, which continued until her retirement in 1999. She first served as the assistant dean of faculties before becoming the dean of the College of Humanities and Social Sciences, now the College of Humanities and Public Affairs, in

Anson Elliott, head of the William H. Darr School of Agriculture, right, assists Missouri State President Michael T. Nietzel and Virginia Darr with the unveiling of the newly named program as Bill Darr looks on during the Dec. 1 campaign announcement.

Jeans and Jewels aids special projects

above the $100 million milestone for the campaign. “And it also is significant that Missouri State has reached a point in its

history where we name academic units to recognize major gifts. Academics and students continue to be our emphasis, and the naming of these units is additional evidence of that focus.” When the $125 million campaign, titled “Our Promise: The Campaign for Missouri State University,” was announced Aug. 28, 2009, about $94 million had been pledged or received. n

Online Exclusive: To view a video of the campaign announcement, go to www.magazine.missouristate.edu/.

1985. She was the first woman to serve as a college dean at Missouri State. In recognition of her many contributions to the University, Missouri State awarded her the Outstanding Alumni Award in 1994; she was also inducted to the Missouri State University Wall of Fame in 2005. In her will, Warren provided for her estate to benefit intercollegiate athletics and the Center for Archaeological Research. Specifically, she wanted her estate to help provide scholarships for female student-athletes.

University Recreation Center

The first major gift was received for the 100,000-squarefoot $32 million University Recreation Center. The facility is largely being funded through a student-initiated student fee. Groundbreaking for the new center is expected in early 2010, with completion expected in fall 2011. The center will be located just west of Blair-Shannon Residence Hall on land currently occupied by tennis courts. The facility will include two gyms, a multi-purpose court, a

bouldering/climbing wall, an indoor track, a cardio-fitness center, locker rooms, and multi-purpose rooms for fitness assessment, dance, wrestling, and martial arts. These elements will be connected with a walkway to the aquatics center, a high priority for both student leaders and students on the design committee.

Missouri State hosted its third annual Jeans and Jewels fundraising event at the Mountain Grove Campus, showcasing vineyard tours, a silent auction, wine tasting, live music by Bob Moody & the Easy Goin’ Band and barbecue dinner. Pictured at the event, from left, are: Dr. Janet Miranda, Cindy Peterson, ’76, Debbie Agee, Jackie Morris, Jane Medlin and Nancy Austin. n

Define your legacy Fulfill your philanthropic goals and help make a difference to future Missouri State students by defining your legacy. By establishing a bequest, from either a will or a living trust, you may pass any amount you wish to Missouri State free of estate tax, while utilizing your assets now. To learn about the many benefits of making a gift through a bequest, contact Wendy Ferguson, director of planned and corporate giving at Missouri State, by phoning 417-836-4143 or emailing WendyFerguson@ missouristate.edu. n

Audio M i s s o u r i S tat e W i n t e r 2010


m a r o o n a n d Wh i t e S p o r t s

Hard work, drive and novel idea fuels entrepreneur’s success By Mark Stillwell

When 1993 Missouri State graduate and former Bears’ football star Jonah White returned to the Springfield campus for Homecoming in October, he accepted an invitation to talk to the University’s varsity athletes about his experiences since college. It was an eye-opening session for both the speaker and his audience.  For White, it brought back memories of a time when the decisions he was making would set the course for an amazing business success story. For several hundred Missouri State student-athletes, it was a chance to hear a person who was one of their own a

remarkably short time ago, and who parlayed a little creativity and a lot of hard work into a company which has generated some $50 million in sales of novelty items he either designed or invented. “All of you have the same chances I had,” White told the athletes. “You’re at a time in your life when you’re making those decisions. You need to work as hard as you possibly can at what you’re really good at. “Money really shouldn’t be a priority for you right now,” he continued. “I’m very similar to a lot of you. I’m a very driven person and I’ve had goals I’ve chased all my life.” White recalled he grew up “dirt poor,” with a father, who was raised on an Indian reservation in Oklahoma, and a mother, who escaped Nazi persecution in Germany. White notes that his parents met when they were both

arrested for a protest at a missile base in Wyoming. Hard work is a constant signpost along the road White has traveled since he left small-town Hardin, Ill., a successful, but non-recruited prep star. He bypassed nearby in-state schools to walk on to Bears’ football in 1988. Four years later, he had played on the Bears’ first two NCAA playoff teams and was Coors Player of the Year as a senior running back. “Being a football player was the best choice I ever made in my life,” White reflected. After his Bear playing days and graduation, he used $400 in start-up capital to establish a company to sell Billy Bob teeth, a novelty item not being marketed anywhere at that time. “There was no fake teeth industry when I decided to do it,” he recalled. White, who describes himself as a student of human nature, still lives near Hardin with his wife and four children. He’s traveled around the world and his story has been featured on several television network magazine and news programs, as well as major national print publications.

in the

Running back Jonah White played for Head Coach Jesse Branch on the first two football Bears teams to reach the NCAA playoffs.

Alex Riggs Men’s Soccer




St. Peters, Mo.

Junior goalkeeper Alex Riggs was named Missouri Valley Conference Defensive Player of the Year and to the All-MVC first team this season. He recorded eight shutouts and led the Bears to a 12-5-2 record while allowing just 16 goals on the season. Missouri State won the outright MVC regular season title and advanced to the NCAA Tournament before falling to Saint Louis, 2-1, in a first round match on Nov. 19.


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Jay McBride Men’s Golf n Senior


Lebanon, Mo.

Jay McBride has led the team in scoring average the past two seasons and earned all-Missouri Valley Conference honors a year ago. In September, he won his second collegiate tournament with top individual honors at the Oral Roberts Shootout, burying the rest of the field by seven strokes with a final-round 67. McBride again leads the team in scoring average and is poised to lead the Bears to the postseason and make another run at allconference honors in the spring.

Six inducted into MSU Athletics Hall of Fame Missouri State’s 36th annual induction to the Athletics Hall of Fame was held during a weekend of campus activities Feb. 5-6. Those inducted were: The late Dr. Frank Dinka, Soccer Charlie Spoonhour, Men’s Basketball Jeremy Hoog, Football 1994-97 Verneta Lesforis, Track and Field 1997-99 Roshonda Reed, Women’s Basketball 1995-99 Amy Russell McNew , Volleyball, 1990-93

Former football standout Jonah White, ’93, enjoyed a host of activities during Homecoming 2009. Among them: serving as guest speaker to hundreds of Missouri State student-athletes and autographing copies of his book, The Billy Bob Secret to Life.

Howard sets 2009 MLB record

White recently wrote and published his autobiography, The Billy Bob Secret to Life, which comes complete with a set of Billy Bob teeth. “Athletics taught me a lot about life and working hard to succeed,” White concluded in his remarks. “Some of my best friendships and some of my best memories in life came when I was at this school.” n Mark Stillwell is former sports information director at Missouri State. Now retired, Stillwell continues to write about Bears athletics in various publications.

Missouri State baseball alumus Ryan Howard (1999-2001) led the Philadelphia Phillies to a second consecutive National League pennant during the 2009 postseason before the team fell short in its bid to repeat as World Series champions, losing to the New York Yankees in six games in the Fall Classic. Howard set an MLB playoff record by driving in a run in eight consecutive games this season, matching Lou Gehrig’s mark with a two-run home run against the Los Angeles Dodgers in game four of the National League Championship series, a five-game Philadelphia series win during which he batted .333 with two homers and eight RBIs. For the postseason, Howard, who was the NL MVP in 2006 and NL Rookie of the Year in 2005, hit .278 with three homers, 11 runs scored and a team-high 17 RBIs in 15 games. n

Online Exclusive: Listen to the podcasts 20 Questions with Alex Riggs and Jay McBride at www.magazine.missouristate.edu.

Online Exclusive missouristatebears.com Slide show Cara Hackmann Volleyball




Washington, Mo.

Cara Hackmann was the MVC Libero of the Year and Defensive Player of the Year in 2009 after breaking Missouri State records for total digs (671) and dig average (5.74/set). The junior set a conference record with 46 digs Oct. 10 against Evansville and helped the Bears finish second in the MVC and 21-10 overall for MSU’s 11th consecutive 20-win season, the seventh longest active streak in the country.


Antoine Wilkinson Football n Junior


Magnolia, Miss.

A transfer from Southwest Mississippi Community College, linebacker Antoine Wilkinson was named Missouri Valley Football Conference Newcomer of the Year in 2009 in addition to earning first-team All-MVFC honors. He finished his Missouri State debut with 113 tackles and eight pass break-ups, making him the first Bears player since 2004 to record 100 or more total stops in a season. He earned MSU Player of the Week honors three times in 2009, while helping the Bears to a 6-5 overall record and 4-4 mark in the league. M i s s o u r i S tat e W i n t e r 2010


Co n n e c t i o n s A lu m n i

Dr. Stephanie Wood

ClassNotes James L. “Pete” Morgan Page 25

Elaine Campbell Page 28

Jojo and Rachel Pacubas Page 30

David Vinyard Page 31


Dorothy Myers Moore, BSE, retired as adjunct professor of music history at the Fort Leonard Wood branch of Columbia College. She had previously taught in the Army Prep, Lebanon and Waynesville high schools. Moore resides in Waynesville, Mo.


Dr. William Cheek, BA, Houston, Texas, retired from Baylor College of Medicine, where he was chief of pediatric neurosurgery at Texas Children’s Hospital for 20 years. Since retiring, Cheek has been active as a rules official in amateur golf competitions held in the Houston area.

M. Max Freeman, BS, Mountain Home, Ark., is serving as president of the Arkansas Home Builder Association. In 2005 he was nominated for Builder of the Year by Building Arkansas magazine and was featured in its January 2007 issue. Frankie Carlin Meyer, BS, published Bushwhackers, Visions, Star-Crossed Lovers with stories, photographs and maps that tell the history and culture of the Ozarks. Meyer also has written eight family-history books and worked as a columnist for the Joplin Globe. She resides in Joplin, Mo.


Wilbur Bradley, Lebanon, Mo., received the 2009 Lebanon Community Achievement Award from the Wall of Honor Committee in recognition of his beneficial influence on the Laclede County area.

Cpt. Richard H. Donnell, BA, retired from his position as vice president for technology planning and administration at Maritz Inc. after serving 35 years with the organization. Donnell and his wife, Dr. Janis DeGeare Donnell, BSE, ’70, reside in Festus, Mo.




Lyle Noblitt, BS, Carrollton, Mo., won the Carrollton Country Club Championship for Super Seniors. Maj. (Ret.) Cleo Robinson Jr., BSE, published his second book, Rifle Redemption: Some Killings are Required. Robinson resides in Omaha, Neb.



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Charles Baldwin, BS, Orlando, Fla., has been working in the field of Aerospace/Human Space Flight at the Kennedy Space Center in Florida since 1974.


William Holland, BS, St. Louis, Mo., is vice president for university advancement at Southeast Missouri State

University, where he oversees alumni relations, marketing, video services and fundraising.


Rebecca Kiesel Crawford, BSE, has served on the staff of the United States Olympic Committee since 1995 and is now the director of games operations in the International Games division. She resides in Manitou Springs, Colo., with her husband, Thomas, and their two children. James Schepers, BS, Columbia, Mo., retired after 26 years at Shelter Insurance Companies and accepted a position with Missouri Credit Union as vice president of human resources.


Cheryll Lurtz, BS, Olathe, Kan., is co-developer of Total Rebalance Expert (TRX), a portfolio-rebalancing software built for Registered Investment Advisers that use Schwab PortfolioCenter. TRX publicly launched in early 2009. As of August 2009, Schwab Performance Technologies designated TRX as a third-party provider. Jo Schaper, BA, Pacific, Mo., is the assistant editor of the River Hills Traveler outdoor magazine and also freelances for The Kaleidoscope Weekly in Salem. Schaper received the Lester B. Dill Award from the Mississippi Valley-Ozark Region of the

1956 James L. “Pete” Morgan vividly remembers the last final he took at then-Southwest Missouri State College. After rushing his pregnant wife to the hospital at 7:30 in the morning, Morgan completed his two-hour final in less than 30 minutes, giving him just enough time to experience the birth of his daughter. He may have had a speedy finish to his University career, but the lessons he learned have lingered. Morgan, a Jasper County native, first attended Missouri State in 1950. He graduated in 1956 with a bachelor’s degree in business administration. He learned under some of the classic professors, such as Dr. Virginia Craig, Dr. Virgil Cheek and Dr. James Snapp. “I really had no concept of what the world was about,” said Morgan. “They taught me in a hurry!”

National Speleological Society for contributions to speleology.


Jodie Adams, BS, Springfield, was awarded the 2009 United States Tennis Association President’s Award during the U.S. Open in New York. Adams is notable for chairing the efforts of the USTA board to develop a partnership with the National Park and Recreation Association for a “Tennis in the Parks” program. Ben Francka, BS, Springfield, announces the formation of BJF Environmental Consulting, LLC, specializing in asbestos inspections/management, leadbased paint inspections/risk assessments, Phase I Environmental Site Assessments and mold/radon assessments. Francka has more than 28 years

After joining the Naval Reserves in November 1950, he left the University for Army Officer Candidate School in 1951. Morgan returned to the University in 1954 after the end of the Korean War. He continued serving his country through the Army and Air Force reserves, accumulating a total of 21 years of military service. Upon graduation, Morgan worked in Chicago for three years and then accepted a regional sales position for the Maytag Company, covering the states of Missouri, Arkansas and Tennessee. In 1967, he moved into the investment banking and securities business, where he remained until his retirement in 1980. In 1980, Morgan and his wife Sara started a company that manufactured and distributed military insignia, the patches

of professional and technical experience in the geology and environmental science fields. Bruce Harmon, BS, Cape Coral, Fla., accepted a position as CFO at eLayaway, Inc. located in Tallahassee, Fla.


Pamela Bowen, BSE, Kansas City, Mo., joined Truman Medical Center Lakewood as an acute care educator. Bowen was previously employed as a cardiac telemetry nurse, then a hospice nurse after completing a second bachelor’s degree in nursing in 2005.

and medals that decorate a soldier’s uniform. The Morgans’ business was operated from their home in Arizona. They sold more than $1 million in volume per year within the first five years. “Operating a very successful business was the culmination of everything I had learned at SMS,” said Morgan. “I was able to put everything into play by starting with nothing.” Morgan’s interest in military insignia dates back to World War II. During the war, collecting this insignia was a sign of patriotism. He returned to this hobby in 1980 and has since collected more than 11,000 pieces of military insignia from various foreign countries, time periods and wars, and more than 12,000 U.S. military insignia. Morgan does not have a favorite piece — he enjoys the history behind each. He has published four books on the identification of military insignia and is currently working on a fifth publication. “(This hobby and business) has given us an opportunity to travel around the world.” n

Joseph D. “Chip” Sheppard, BS, Springfield, received the Missouri Bar Association President’s Award in recognition of his leadership and participation in the work of the bar during the last year. Sheppard was also recognized in the 2010 edition of The Best Lawyers in America.


Col. Tristan Atkins, BS, was selected as the deputy commanding officer for the 66th Theater Aviation Command, Washington Army National Guard at Fort Lewis, Wash. In civilian life, Atkins commands the Washington State Patrol Aviation Section. In October, he received the 2009 Excellence in Police Aviation award by the International Association of Chiefs of Police and the 2009 Aviation Safety Award by the

Share your good news Go to www.alumni.missouristate. edu and select the “Keep in Touch” button. You may update your alumni record and drop us a line about your most recent personal and professional accomplishments. You also may write us at: Missouri State University Alumni Association Attention: Julie Ebersold 901 S. National Ave. Springfield, MO 65897

continued on page 28

M i s s o u r i S tat e W i n t e r 2010


Co n n e c t i o n s A lu m n i

Choosing the path of a By Jessica Clements University communications graduate assistant

Scott Waddle loves to lend a helping hand, whether it’s in Africa, Afghanistan or on the job. Waddle, who graduated in 2004 with a bachelor’s degree in political science, traveled to Kenya in May 2009 with Dr. Ken Rutherford, former public affairs professor of political science, and 14 current Missouri State students. Waddle is no stranger to working


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with Rutherford. As an undergraduate, he traveled with the decorated professor to Washington, D.C., to work with the Campaign to Ban Landmines. “I became interested in African politics by studying with Dr. Rutherford and learning of his experience,” said Waddle. “I learned about the significance of Somalia to Africa, as well as Africa’s

strategic importance to international security.” The purpose of the 2009 Kenya trip was to learn about the social, political and economic situation of Africa by embarking on a two-week educational tour. According to Rutherford, the trip focused on the current political processes in Kenya, including environmental and wildlife policies, and its political history.

Delivering medical supplies

Waddle encouraged the group to do some humanitarian work while visiting. “I wanted to do more than just learn about Kenya, its politics and its history,” said Waddle. “I wanted to affect those we met in a positive way.” Through the help of a fellow Missouri State graduate, Waddle made contact with Malik Obama, President Barack Obama’s older brother. Malik said the small village of Nyang’oma Kogelo badly needed medical supplies. “I was able to collect nearly 400 pounds of medical supplies with the help of another Missouri State graduate, Sarah Becker, ’02, who works for Kendall Health Care,” said Waddle. The supplies consisted primarily of wound care supplies, such as special bandages and medication. These supplies are easier to transport across international boundaries and have a long shelf life. The team presented the supplies to the village, which is the birthplace of President Obama’s father and the home of his paternal grandmother Habiba Akuma Obama. When Waddle and the team visited the village clinic, they were surprised to see that the shelves were bare. “Judy, the nurse, cried upon delivery of the supplies,” said Waddle. “We delivered more supplies than she would receive all year.” The chief of the village personally thanked the group for the gift.

‘I love being able to help’

Waddle’s charitable instincts please his former instructor. “My greatest reward is to see my students motivated and engaged in study about the world and focused on ensuring their role in it to make a positive difference for future generations,” said Rutherford. “Scott is a shining example of this type of student, and I so much enjoyed having him in class – both in Springfield and in Kenya.” Humanitarian work is also part of Waddle’s daily life. He is a firefighter and paramedic for the Village of Glenview in Illinois and is a tactical medic for the Northern Illinois Police Alarm System, a multijurisdictional swat team. “I love being able to help people, especially those who are in need and hard to reach,” said Waddle.

Scott Waddle (standing, third from right) traveled with a Missouri State group in May 2009 to the small village of Nyang’oma Kogelo in Kenya, home to President Barack Obama’s parental grandmother, seated next to Dr. Ken Rutherford. While there, he coordinated the delivery of nearly 400 pounds of medical supplies to the village clinic. Waddle, a paramedic and firefighter, is next using his humanitarian interests to help in Afghanistan.

Next project: Afghanistan

Waddle, who is completing a master’s degree in public policy and public administration at Northwestern University, is using his experiences in Africa to spearhead an effort by the International Association of Firefighters to support firefighters serving in Afghanistan. The first step of the initiative was to deliver care packages both to the firefighters and to their families during the holiday season. The next phase of the program will identify projects that the firefighters need assistance with and provide them with the needed supplies to complete those projects. “While in Africa, I learned much about what the people of Kenya have been through and how resilient they are, from occupation by the British to the recent political violence,” said Waddle. “I have never had an experience like this — it was a real eye-opener.” n

Scott Waddle receives gratitude from the chief of the small African village of Nyang’oma Kogelo. Waddle and other Missouri State alumni gathered more than 400 pounds of medical supplies that were donated to the village.

Online Exclusive: View a slideshow of Scott Waddle’s travels to Kenya at www.magazine.missouristate.edu.

M i s s o u r i S tat e W i n t e r 2010


Co n n e c t i o n s A lu m n i

1968 Photo courtesy Diamond Sittings Studio

For Elaine Campbell, attending Missouri State University is a family tradition. Her family holds 18 degrees from the University. Campbell received her bachelor’s in elementary education in 1968 and her master’s in elementary administration in 1974. However, her connection to the University goes back to 1945 when her mother, Mary Maxine Brown, first attended then-Southwest Missouri State College. Her mother returned in the late 1950s; she received a bachelor’s in elementary education in 1962. In 2002, Campbell’s family recognized Brown’s commitment to education by establishing a scholarship that helps nontraditional students begin or continue their post-secondary education at Missouri State University-West Plains. “Because of the educational commitment of our mother, we would like

to honor the support and encouragement she gave to her children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren by helping others complete their educational goals,” said Campbell. Within Brown’s family, five others have pursued the field of education and have earned eight degrees from Missouri State. Campbell’s commitment to helping others reach their goals is also expressed in her daily life. She worked in schools for 35 years in a variety of positions, including teaching first grade, serving as a librarian, teaching enrichment and working with technology. “During my career, I was able to see the progress of technology in the schools,” said Campbell of her career highlights. Some projects she worked on included establishing an elementary library, incorporating public television into the

Airborne Law Enforcement Association. Atkins lives near Olympia, Wash., with his wife, Teresa, and two daughters.


Tim Peplaw, BS, St. Charles, Mo., is the deputy foreign policy adviser to the commander of the U.S. Transportation Command, Scott Air Force Base, Ill. Mark Thompson, BS, Frisco, Texas, is director of the Plano Convention and Visitors Bureau. In September 2009, the Texas Travel Industry Association presented Thompson the prestigious “Tall in Texas” award, given annually to an individual for his or her outstanding contributions to travel and tourism in Texas and to TTIA. 28

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Texas County area and integrating computers into the classrooms and labs of schools in Houston, Mo. Today, she lives on a farm in Texas County with her husband, Delbert, who is also a retired teacher. The Campbells were inducted into the Houston Schools Educator’s Hall of Fame in 2009. The Campbells’ children spoke during the Hall of Fame induction ceremony: “As educators, Elaine and Delbert always showed love: love for family, love for all students, love for teaching, love for Houston.” Campbell now works for the City of Houston as the director of development and oversees the preparation and administration of various grants. “In addition to taking education classes as an elementary major at Missouri State, I was able to complete classes in other major fields, such as industrial arts, fine arts, natural and geological sciences, administration and library science,” said Campbell. “These ventures into other majors gave me the confidence to meet many people from various businesses and vocations.” n



Newman Lowrance, BS, Overland Park, Kan., is the St. Louis Rams official team photographer.

Larry Wilson, BS, Springfield, was selected for the 2009 Sales Leader Roundtable with Mutual of Omaha. Wilson is the president of Wilson Insurance.

Aaron Chamberlin, BS, Encinitas, Calif., accepted the position of vice president for investments with Stifel Nicolaus in Carlsbad, Calif., after 15 years as vice president for investments with AG Edwards/ Wachovia in La Jolla, Calif.


James Coomes, BS, was selected for inclusion in the 2010 edition of The Best Lawyers in America and was named in the trusts and estates specialty. Coomes is a shareholder at Feld, Hyde, Wertheimer, Bryant & Stone, P.C. in Birmingham, Ala.

Joseph Passanise, MA, Springfield, was named a Super Lawyer 2009 in Missouri in the area of criminal defense by Law and Politics. Passanise also was honored with the Missouri Bar Association President’s Award in recognition of his contributions.


John Brinkmann, BS, was named to the Springfield Business Journal Top 40 Under 40 Business People 2009. Brinkmann and his wife, Melissa Loyd Brinkmann, BS, ’96, reside in Springfield.



Amy Gillman, BS, accepted a position as director of operations for the management division of Paragon Business Solutions, Inc. Gillman resides in Rolla, Mo.

Ron Fitzwater, MS, is a college and career counselor at Alvin High School in Alvin, Texas. Fitzwater was elected president of Region 4 Association of Texas Professional Educators and vice president of the Alvin ISD Local of ATPE. He also serves as a member of the State ATPE Bylaws Committee for 2009-10. Fitzwater and his wife, Caroline, reside in Pearland, Texas.

Christine Hixon Smiley, BS, and her husband, Ken, announce the birth of their second child, Trevor Michael, born in September 2009. Smiley lives in Lewisville, Texas.

Dwayne Isgrig, BA, St. Louis, Mo., was the recipient of the 2009 Normal “Tweed” Webb Lifetime Achievement Award from the Society for American Baseball Research’s Negro Leagues Committee for his research on the St. Louis Giants.


Mary Stoke, BS, has accepted a position as assistant professor in the English and humanities department at Alfred State College in Alfred, N.Y., where she teaches English as a second language to international students.

R E L AT LUMNI E OF A OFFIC Avenue National 901 South 65897 , Missouri Springfield

Steven Skodak, BS, St. Charles, Mo., and his wife, Sarah,




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announce the arrival of Nicholas Ryan, born July 2009. Nicholas joins his 3-year-old sister, Emily.


Maj. Cory L. Baker, MPA, Germany, deployed with Special Operations Command Central in support of Operation Enduring Freedom/Operation Iraqi Freedom, was selected for a 2010 Program Analysis and Evaluation Fellowship with the Office of the Secretary of Defense in Washington, D.C. Following the one-year fellowship, he will assume a three-year assignment with the Headquarters Air Force Surgeon General Medical Plans and Programs Directorate. Dr. Bradley Coker, BS, joined the faculty of the University of Tennessee at Martin in August 2006 as assistant professor of

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Boomer Bear 901 S National Ave Springfield MO 65897-0027


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Co n n e c t i o n s A lu m n i

Don’t miss out Make sure you don’t miss an alumni event in your area, the monthly newsletter or timely updates from your alma mater. Send your e-mail address to alumni@missouristate.edu and we’ll ensure you receive regular announcements that are only available online.

low brass and music education. Coker completed a doctor of musical arts degree from the University of North Texas in May 2008 and was named principal tuba of the Jackson Symphony Orchestra in April 2009.






Amanda Boland Makowsky, BS, and her husband, Daniel, announce the birth of a baby girl, Madilyn Sarah, who was born in April 2009. Makowsky resides in Gerald, Mo.

Justin Hamlin, BS, Tulsa, Okla., is in his second year of medical school at Oklahoma State University and is a medical officer with the Army National Guard.

Joshua Decker, BA, Springfield, is an associate for McAnany, Van Cleave & Phillips, a general practice law firm with offices in Kansas and Missouri.

Danielle Perron, BS, has been a full-time nanny in Town and Country, Mo., for the past two years. She and her husband, Gabe Crawford, BS, ’05, reside in St. Louis, Mo.

Brian Mazanec, MS, and his wife, Abby, announce the birth of their second daughter, Reagan Emily, born in August 2009.

2002 / 2003

It’s hard to quote either Rachel or JoJo Pacubas individually. They’re such a tight-knit couple that more often than not, one will start a sentence and the other will finish it. When one of them is speaking, the other is nodding and punctuating the conversation with “uh-huhs,” “yeahs” and bursts of laughter. The couple, who both work at the Kansas City headquarters of DST Systems – a financial services company – have added to their close family. Their first child, Zooey, was born Jan. 8. Rachel and JoJo met at Missouri State in 2000. “We got to know each other as SOAR (Student Orientation, Advisement and


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Registration) leaders,” JoJo said. “We know a lot of couples who met because of SOAR,” Rachel said. “When you spend 75 hours a week with someone, you get to know them.” Some of their most memorable dates include seeing Tony Bennett at Juanita K. Hammons Hall and going to basketball games – especially the game in which Jackie Stiles broke the NCAA Division I women’s scoring record. They also went to dance department presentations and events put on by Theta Chi, JoJo’s fraternity. “There was one time – when was the snowstorm; was it like ’01?” JoJo asked Rachel, who said: “Yeah, they canceled school for the first time in 30 years or something like that.” JoJo continued: “And so we went around campus and made snowmen and snow angels.” But school wasn’t all about concerts by crooners and cold-weather fun. The couple also found time for academic pursuits. JoJo graduated in 2002 with a bachelor’s degree in entertainment management. He is now a control analyst who identifies and investigates fraudulent activity within mutual-fund accounts. Rachel graduated in 2003 with a bachelor’s degree in communication and an emphasis in public relations. She is a corporate trainer – she helps businesspeople communicate more

efficiently and clearly. She leads professional development classes and teaches business writing. They are happy to work in Kansas City because both of their families are there. “We’ll stay here until we retire,” JoJo said. That means they are just a few hours from the Missouri State campus. They come back every year for Homecoming – at the most recent event, the couple documented Rachel’s baby belly by taking pictures with Boomer. They also keep up through JoJo’s brother, Justin, who graduated during the winter 2008 commencement ceremonies. “Being away from Missouri State for a few years just makes me appreciate it even more,” JoJo said. “The school gave so much to us; it’s not hard for us to donate money or come to events.” Rachel agreed: “We found each other there. We talk about that when the phone campaign calls – we often give donations to SOAR because we want to funnel money back to a program that did so much for us.” The couple expects to continue a relationship with their alma mater – don’t expect them to remove their Missouri State license plate any time soon. “Some of the best times of my life were in school,” JoJo said. “Going to Springfield and seeing the campus brings back old memories and makes me happy.” n

2007 Photo courtesy Princeton University

Those crusty lichens found on tree bark may some day lead to advances in alternative energy research, according to David Vinyard, a doctoral candidate at Princeton University in Princeton, N.J. Vinyard, originally from Stockton, Mo., is pursuing his Ph.D. in biophysical chemistry at Princeton after completing Missouri State University’s five-year accelerated master’s program. Vinyard said his research group is strongly involved in the study of alternative energy sources from biology. “I study the physical chemistry of

photosynthesis,” he said. “I’m interested in the way plants convert water and sunlight into chemical energy — how they do it and how we can replicate it.” Because lichens are easy to gather and manipulate, they make an ideal experimental tool. “You can dry them out completely and add back different water isotopes to better understand how plants split water,” he said. Vinyard’s work has caught the attention of the U.S. Army Research Office, and he was awarded the National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate fellowship in

March 2009. The fellowship has provided him with a stipend and full tuition to Princeton. He also received a fellowship through the National Science Foundation that he has deferred, saying that it will take care of his tenure later at Princeton. Vinyard received a bachelor’s in chemistry and agriculture in 2007 and a master’s in chemistry in 2008. While at Missouri State, Vinyard was credited as a co-author on five articles published in professional academic journals, including The Journal of Physical Chemistry and Analytical Chemistry. He was also the University’s first Rhodes Scholar finalist. Vinyard said he’s undecided about his future plans. “I may go into academia, but I’m also interested in a career in a government research lab.” n

Students get acting advice from famous alumna

Jesse Scheeves

Kathleen Turner, a Golden Globe winner and Academy Award nominee, returned to campus in December to lead a questionand-answer session with theatre and dance students. Turner, who teaches a course called “Practical Acting: Shut Up and Do It” at New York University, offered advice to budding actors and actresses about starting their careers. While in Springfield, Turner, and her mother, Pat, were honored as Champions for Children by CASA of Southwest Missouri.

Online Exclusive: View alumna Kathleen Turner’s Q&A session with theatre and dance students at www.magazine.missouristate.edu.

M i s s o u r i S tat e W i n t e r 2010


Co n n e c t i o n s A lu m n i

In Memoriam 1930s

Myrtle Smart Highfill, ’32 Willard, Mo. Mary Nichols Mattern, ’34 Cleveland, Ohio Opal Akin Gould, ’36 Martinsburg, W.Va.


Mary Grieb Denney, ’40 La Canada, Calif. Ralph W. Dimond, ’40 Lamar, Mo. Charleine Erwin Kerr, ’40 Springfield Aleeta Reser Riney, ’40 Hannibal, Mo. Evelyn Webb Stone, ’40 Springfield Donald F. Fesperman, ’42 Fair Grove, Mo. Stanley K. Jones, ’42 Springfield William J. Reynolds, ’42 Nashville, Tenn. Pauline Klepper Sidebottom, ’42 Springfield Sadie Ballenger Elliott, ’43 El Dorado Springs, Mo. Mary Banks McKenna, ’43 Easthampton, Mass. Helen Edson Stock, ’44 New Haven, Mo. Betty “June” Garner Beck, ’45 Springfield Margaret Hyde Sale, ’45 Neosho, Mo. Vida E. Snow, ’45 Scottsdale, Ariz. Luella Simpson Cox, ’46 Springfield Marcia Moore Allen, ’47 Springfield Wilma Moores Cunningham, ’49 Mission, Kan. Francis L. Edwards, ’49 Eureka, Mo. Harriette Hubbard Glazier, ’49 Springfield John P. Smith, ’49 San Anselmo, Calif.


Hubert Cantrell Jr., ’50 Houston, Texas Doris Snodgrass Wheatley, ’50 Lagrange, Ga. Dorothy Curl Missey, ’51 Plattesburg, Mo.


Martha Kimber Corgan, ’52 Springfield James N. Cotter, ’52 Springfield Doris Swadley Johnson, ’52 Wichita, Kan. Frieda Wilson Hornback, ’53 Springfield Warren S. Strafford, ’53 Springfield Oval M. Stoner, ’54 Macks Creek, Mo. Ronald W. Bunch, ’55 Protem, Mo. Capt. Richard L. Gafner Sr., ’55 Springfield Pearl Ewing Galloway, ’55 Rogersville, Mo. Pauline Adams Barker, ’56 Springfield Eva Kinney Cohu, ’56 Mt. Vernon, Mo. Velma I. Reed, ’56 Wheatland, Mo. Donald H. Simpson, ’56 Alton, Mo. Olen D. Thornton, ’56 Annandale, Va. Gary T. Baltz, ’57 Springfield Lois Holliday Holman, ’57 Branson, Mo. Earl H. Carr, ’57 Springfield Clarence N. Fullerton, ’58 Springfield Sharon Usrey Berry, ’59 Tulsa, Okla. O. Lane Blackwell Jr., ’59 Springfield Carrie E. Harmon, ’59 Houston, Mo. Wilma Jackson Nash, ’59 Bunker, Mo. Paul. H. Nicholas, ’59 Seattle, Wash.


Zelma Jean “Jeanie” Gough Bridges, ’60 Springfield Lt. Col. (Ret.) Elmer E. Curbow, ’60 Springfield John W. Love Jr., ’60 Lake Wales, Fla. Emogene Ross, ’60 Devils Elbow, Mo.

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Frank J. Follis, ’61 Bolivar, Mo. Laverne C. Gregory, ’62 Saint Peters, Mo. Kenneth L. Dawson, ’63 Springfield Jess G. Enns, ’64 Kearney, Neb. Jack R. Altman, ’68 Lakeland, Fla. Henry N. De Shazo, ’68 Halfway, Mo.


Klova Swan Campbell, ’70 Strafford, Mo. Patrick L. Connor, ’70 Springfield Martha L. Sturdevant, ’70 Springfield Doris J. Hoggard, ’71 Springfield Penelope Davis Lane, ’71 Springfield Laura Cross Bennett, ’72 Rolla, Mo. David W. Buck, ’73 Long Beach, Calif. Aaron P. Satterfield, ’73 St. James, Mo. Raleigh L. Redman, ’74 Springfield David C. Smith, ’75 Chesterfield, Mo. Fred H. Marshall, ’76 Springfield Gary B. McGee, ’76 Springfield Corliss B. Davidson, ’77 Springfield Marvin R. Hale, ’77 Olathe, Kan. David M. Ray, ’77 Rogersville, Mo. Merrill E. Thurman, ’77 Fulton, Mo. Michael P. Haseltine, ’78 Lees Summit, Mo. James H. Medlin, ’78 Independence, Mo. Georgia J. Peterson, ’78 Wakefield, Kan. Christina Kaminski Stabo, ’78 Kimberling City, Mo. Hurchel L. Sears, ’79 Crane, Mo.


Sarah Gaunt Thompson, ’81 Traverse City, Mich. Steve C. Peschang, ’82 Kansas City, Mo. Kim L. Stoops, ’83 Springfield Donald R. Davis, ’86 Springfield Helen Illidge Howard, ’86 Washington, D.C. Jean Bayless Wilson, ’86 Crane, Mo. Sally K. Hodges, ’87 West Jordan, Utah Cynthia E. Fry, ’89 Lebanon, Mo.


Martin D. Baty, ’93 Nixa, Mo. Elizabeth A. Manley, ’97 Cape Girardeau, Mo. Chad K. Wampler, ’97 Carthage, Mo. Charlotte K. Scott, ’98 Neosho, Mo.


Craig J. Hendrickson, ’04 Jefferson City, Mo. Joshua A. Fitzwater, ’09 Springfield


Lawrence E. Banks Jr., dean emeritus, College of Natural and Applied Sciences Strafford, Mo. Jo Anne Booher, ’53, retired faculty Springfield Alan L. Bradley, emeritus professor of music Springfield Ivan D. Calton, ’41, emeritus professor of finance and general business Springfield Barbara J. Irwin, ’01, faculty Bois D Arc, Mo. Robert S. McDuffie, emeritus professor of accounting Springfield Jack D. Russell, emeritus staff Crane, Mo. Lloyd R. Young, emeritus professor of sociology and anthropology Springfield

By Don Payton

Without a doubt, Professor James T. Shannon would have been a big fan of Boomer Bear, Missouri State’s lovable athletic mascot. IF Boomer had been around at the time, which he wasn’t. In 1955, when Prof. Shannon ended his 47-year teaching career at then-SMS, the athletic mascot craze was still some years away. Heck, at the time the San Diego Chicken (the grand-pappy of mascots) hadn’t even hatched yet. As for Prof. Shannon — Back in his heyday, this feisty young history teacher, who migrated to the Ozarks from Wisconsin in 1908, was no doubt the closest thing the campus had to Boomer Bear. In an early edition of The Standard, sometime in the mid-1910s, it was reported that “a series of pep meetings was held at Normal to practice yells and songs and generate a will to win.” The article didn’t specify who the chief “generator” was. Betcha a dollar to a megaphone his name was Shannon. Because first and foremost, he was a Bear fan. He was on the committee that selected the school colors AND the Bear nickname. He never missed a game or a pep rally. He marched alongside the band at

games and in parades. And during games he strode up and down the stands and led cheers. During his early years on campus, the Bears met with Drury College’s Panthers for an annual Thanksgiving Day football game. When the game was played at Drury, Prof. Shannon would lead a parade of Normal students, on foot, and I quote from an early newspaper account, “across Jordan Creek to Drury.” To a young J.T. Shannon, this was without doubt commensurate to George Washington crossing the Delaware. And a Standard article further notes, “During the exciting game you would see Mr. Shannon’s hat flying high in the air on numerous occasions.” (An aside: An accompanying account said the games were so exciting that Dr. Virginia Craig would even show up 30 minutes before kickoff.) On their return trip from Drury, students from Normal were invariably intercepted by Druryites and pelted with hedge apples. The following year, of course, the Normalites returned the favor. The hedge-apple rivalry reached the point that Dean Bertha Wells summoned leaders of the two schools to a meeting to discuss the festering situation. A committee was appointed to address and resolve this prickly issue. When asked some years later if Mr. Shannon was on the committee, Dean Wells reportedly said, “You never give the accused a seat on the jury.” Be that as it may, Prof. Shannon was a faculty and community leader for more than 50 years. For decades, every senior class, both spring and summer, chose him as class adviser. In addition to serving on, and chairing, numerous academic committees, he served as president of the Missouri Intercollegiate Athletic Association from 1938-51. The name Shannon was a buzzword known to every student on campus. Was there ever an April Fool’s edition of The Standard that didn’t lampoon Prof.

Shannon? Probably not. He holds this honor alongside President Ellis, Dr. Craig and Dean Wells. Oh yes, one more story: Up until 1925, dancing on campus was strictly prohibited. Dr. Ellis, in his Shrine of the Ozarks, a history of SMS from 1905-65, notes that during a student-faculty mixer that year, someone started playing a piano. Mr. Shannon and his young wife suddenly hopped up and started dancing. Soon they were joined by other faculty members, then students. The taboo, Dr. Ellis writes, was lifted. No doubt Prof. Shannon was a favorite of President Ellis, who referred to him as “kindly and tolerant.” Of course, in all likelihood, Dr. Ellis never sat through one of Prof. Shannon’s 54-minute lectures on Shays’ Rebellion or the Dred Scott something-or-other. n Don Payton, ’50, is former information services director at Missouri State University. Now retired, Payton continues to write for the University and area publications.

Mail mascot memories Help Missouri State deck out a room in the Robert W. Plaster Student Union with all things Boomer. Photos, memorabilia, written stories and more are welcome. Contact ThomasLane@missouristate. edu for details and submissions.

M i s s o u r i S tat e W i n t e r 2010


Co n n e c t i o n s A lu m n i

MarooNation is Missouri State Alumni Association’s version of the ultimate road trip. By hosting events around the state and across the nation, the Alumni Association takes the spirit of maroon and white on the road to ensure alumni and friends stay connected, informed and involved with Missouri State University. Events are planned throughout the year.

[Little Rock] The first gathering of alumni and friends in the Little Rock, Ark. area was held Sept. 4 at Cajun’s Wharf Restaurant. Far left: Pictured with Athletics Director Kyle Moats, center, are Dan Mueller, ’93, left, and Jon Starke, ’93. Left: Former Dean of the College of Arts and Letters David Belcher, right, enjoys the event with Jim Porter, ’61, left; Lorene Trask; Bob Trask, ’59; and Susan Belcher, ’74.

[Tulsa] Alumni and friends in the Tulsa, Okla., area met Oct. 1 at the Renaissance Tulsa Hotel. Right: Missouri State President Michael T. Nietzel is pictured with Betsy Jackson, left, and Gerry Jackson, ’87. Far right: Ed and Kelly Melvin, ’02; left, enjoy the evening with Jane Waters, ’76; Roberta Webb, ’75 & ’80; and Ray Webb.

[Rogers] The Embassy Suites Hotel in Rogers, Ark. was the gathering place Sept. 24 for alumni and friends in the northwest Arkansas area. Far left: Mariela Crain, ’06, left; joins fellow alumni Yemi Agbaje, ’07; Nikki Jones; and James Finley, ’92. Left: Assistant Director of Alumni Activities Debbie Branson, ’99, right, is pictured with Irick and Angela Furnish, ’98.


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[Kansas City] Rick Viar, ’76, left, hosted the alumni and friends of Missouri State’s College of Health and Human Services gathering on Sept. 22 at Summit Bank in Kansas City. Pictured with Viar are Dean Helen Reid; Cindy Pemberton, ’78; Dick Henley, ’51; and Barbara Henley, ’50.

ne Exclusive

[Rolla] Alumni and friends from the Rolla, Mo., area gathered Oct. 15 at the Oak Meadow Country Club for an evening of food, door prizes, University updates and connections with fellow alumni. Above left: College of Natural and Applied Sciences Dean Tammy Jahnke, standing at right, visits with Connie Chrisco, left; Jaimie Trussell, ’98 & ’00, standing; Larry Chrisco, ’70; Larry Thomas, ’72; and Joy Van Nostrand, ’46. Above: Patricia Tavenner, ’00, is pictured with Dr. Michael T. Nietzel.

Online Exclusive: Check out www.magazine.missouristate.edu to see more photos and to find the next MarooNation event near you.

Slide show

[Chicago] A holiday gathering for alumni


and friends in the Chicago area was held Dec. 4 at the Rock Bottom Restaurant and Brewery. Far left: Mark Thorne, ’00; Robert Crouch, ’78; Ed Slack; Valerie Slack, ’90; Matt Wolniewicz, ’88; Jeff Maggi, ’87; and Bethany Reed, ’07. Left: Chris Mendez, ’05, left, is pictured with Lindsey Mitchell, Jeremy Wicks, ’03, and Emily Wicks, ’04.

M i s s o u r i S tat e W i n t e r 2010


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[Washington, D.C.] The annual Washington, D.C.-area alumni chapter holiday gathering was held Dec. 6 at the Darlington House. Far left: Vice President for Research and Development Jim Baker, left, and President Michael T. Nietzel, second from right, provided the latest Missouri State news to alumni, including Dave Lenox, ’83, second from left and Lori Murphy, ’97. Left: Enjoying the evening are, from left, Shauna Coleman, ‘03; Kaitlin Fahey and Scott Waddle, ’04.

[Raleigh, N.C.] Director of Development Jaimie Trussell, ’98 & ’00, left, along with Vice President for University Advancement Brent Dunn and Executive Director of Alumni Relations Julie Ebersold, hosted a gathering Dec. 5 at Bogart’s American Grill. Pictured with Trussell are, front row from left, Sandy Vaughn, ’69, and Cassie Blanchard. Pictured in the back row, from left, are Bob Henard, ’90; Shawn Blanchard, ’07; Rebecca Henderson ‘02; Jeff Hurst ‘95; and Leigh Vaughan.

…coming to an area near you!

Feb. 25-28 Florida Alumni Events Naples – Feb. 25 Orlando – Feb. 27 Jacksonville – Feb. 28 Locations and times TBA

March 4-7 Men’s MVC Basketball Tournament – St. Louis Hospitality Room for Alumni and Friends St. Louis Union Station


March 5

April 8

May 6

Talent on Tour 2010 – Kansas City (College of Arts and Letters) Westin Crown Center Reception, 6 p.m. Showcase Performance, 7 p.m. Afterglow Reception, 8 p.m.

Jefferson City Alumni Event The Gallery, 5-7 p.m.

Annual West Plains Alumni and Friends Dinner Event West Plains Civic Center, 6 p.m.

March 11-14 Women’s MVC Basketball Tournament – St. Charles St. Charles Family Arena

March 18 Third Thursday in Kansas City Garozzo’s Restaurant, Lee’s Summit 6-8 p.m.

March 18 Third Thursday in St. Louis Blueberry Hill, On the Loop 6-8 p.m.

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April 15 Third Thursday in Kansas City PB&J Event Center (formerly Coyote Grill/Yahooz) Leawood, Kan., 6-8 p.m.

April 15 Third Thursday in St. Louis Grappa Grill, St. Charles, 6-8 p.m.

April TBA Chicago Suburb Alumni Reception Location and time TBA

April TBA

Alumni Night at Hammons Field Springfield

May TBA New York City Alumni Event Location and time TBA

June 28 Annual Lebanon Alumni Chapter Golf Outing and Evening Event Lebanon Country Club and Cowan Civic Center

June TBA Texas Swing (Dallas and Houston) Locations and times TBA

3rd Thursdays Kansas City

Anna Beggs, left, Kipp Knight, ’02, and Chris Bryant, ’06, were among the Kansas City alumni and friends at the Sept. 17 3rd Thursday event at Tengo Sed Cantina in the Power and Light District.

Bears spirit abounded on Oct. 15 at Tomfooleries in the Zona Rosa area. Pictured after a rousing cheer are, from left, Nan Hickman, ’07; Kelly Fairchild, ’07; Chris Potthast, ’85; Sarah Doty, ’07; Erin Buhr, ’07; Rob Lundien, ’02; and Jill Schieszer, ’08.

Yia Yia’s Euro Bistro in the Overland Park area played host to the Nov. 19 gathering of alumni Lacey Bruce, ’08, left; Carly Prenger, ’07; Eric Krause, ’08; Amanda Steele, ’09; Jill Dean, ’07; Mary Calvillo, ’82; Jason Venverloh, ’07; and Norm Seidel, ’84.

Robin Vehlewald, ’05, left; Kelly O’Hagan, ’05; Cara Smith, ’05; and Stacy Swartz, ’05, met at the Classic Cup on the Country Club Plaza to network with other Missouri State alumni on Dec. 17 .

3rd Thursday Alumni Events

Online Exclusive

RSVP to alumni@missouristate.edu or call 417-836-5654. Be sure to identify the location(s) you plan to attend.

Online Exclusive: Check out the 3rd Thursday video at www.magazine.missouristate.edu/.

Slide show

St. Louis


Stephen Horton, ’05, left; Francesca Czarnecki, ’77; and Charles Horton ’64, were among the alumni gathered Sept. 17 at the Grappa Grill in St. Charles.

Pujols 5 was the location for the Oct. 15 gathering for St. Louis alumni and friends. Pictured are, front row from left, Donna Murphy, ’75; Phyllis Freese, ’73; and Darryl Freese, ’73. Back row, from left, are Sandy Smith, ’75 & ’76; Kathy Reed, ’75; Rod Reed, ’76; Steve Murphy, ’75; and Gary Smith, ’76.

Brittany Docket, ’08, and Derrick Docket, ’02, enjoy the 3rd Thursday activities on Nov. 19 at Mike Duffy’s Pub & Grill in the Kirkwood area.

Alumni and friends met Dec. 19 on the St. Louis University campus to cheer on the Bears as they took on the Billikens at Chaifetz Arena. Pictured on the front row are Sarah McBee, left, and Robert Manley, ’05. Back row from left are, Mike Williams, ’04; John Pettit, ’02; Mike Kaiser, ’03; and Jason Kempen,’03.

M i s s o u r i S tat e W i n t e r 2010

Audio 37

Co n n e c t i o n s A lu m n i

things alumni need to know about Missouri State’s contributions to health care Health care has dominated the national conversation in recent months. At Missouri State, we embrace the responsibility we have to forecast the future needs of the community and respond with programs to meet those needs. The demand for health-care professionals is growing in the area, state and nation. We are dedicated to providing an excellent education for students who choose these fields. This commitment fits into our public affairs mission — after all, a healthy community is made up of people with physical, psychological, social and spiritual fitness. Here are some ways we are poised to play a significant role in keeping you well. Missouri State offers a wide range of bachelor’s degrees related to health and wellness. Fields of study include biology, cell-molecular biology, chemistry, clinical laboratory sciences/ medical technology, communication sciences and disorders, dietetics, exercise/ movement science, gerontology, health communications, nursing, radiography, respiratory therapy and sports medicine/ athletic training.


The University offers education to prepare students for the following fields: pre-chiropractic, pre-dentistry, pre-medicine, pre-occupational therapy, pre-optometry and pre-pharmacy.


Master’s degrees are offered in the following fields: cell-molecular biology, chemistry, education of the deaf and hard of hearing, health administration, health promotion/wellness management, nursing, nurse anesthesia, physician assistant studies, public health and speech-language pathology.


Professional doctorate-level degrees are available in audiology and physical therapy.


Missouri State anticipates that students may soon be able to earn a doctor of pharmacy degree from the University of Missouri-Kansas City



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while studying on the Springfield campus. Missouri State finalized an agreement with UMKC in September 2009. The program is designed to address a pharmacist shortage in the nation and state, and especially in southwest Missouri. The program on the MSU campus will employ state-of-the-art distance learning and satellite technology to link classrooms at the UMKC School of Pharmacy to classrooms at MSU. Launch of the program is contingent upon the ability of the two institutions to secure a sustaining appropriation from the Missouri General Assembly. We offer education for professionals already in the field. Departments in the College of Health and Human Services, in cooperation with the Office of Continuing Education, offer programs to help professionals stay current and maintain certifications.


Springfield is a great place to study health care. The city has two of the five largest hospital systems in the state (CoxHealth and St. John’s Health System). Missouri State has collaborative relationships with both of these systems, as well as affiliation agreements with nearly 1,000 health-care institutions and human-services providers throughout the nation. This allows students to complete rotations or internships at a variety of sites.


Missouri State is participating in the Caring for Missourians initiative, a funding bill signed into law in June 2009 by Gov. Jay Nixon. The initiative enables the state’s four- and two-year public universities to educate several hundred more graduates each year for in-demand health-care careers. Missouri State’s emphasis is in the areas of nursing (both in Springfield and West Plains), physician assistants, physical therapy and communication sciences and disorders.


The research our faculty members and students do at the Jordan Valley Innovation Center often leads to the development of new medical instruments and materials. JVIC receives grants that pay for studies on specific problems or illnesses. The Center for Biomedical and Life Sciences, part of JVIC, has worked on projects related to migraine headaches, sleep disorders, pharmaceutical drugs and more.


The Ozarks Public Health Institute is located on campus. The institute addresses public health issues, such as tobacco cessation, through collaborations with business, community, educational and government organizations. The institute implements education and training, as well as public service and research programs.


P u bl i c A f fa i r s E s s ay

Our mission gives us distinction Missouri State University is proud to be the state’s only public affairs university. This mission influences almost everything we do, from curriculum choices to extracurricular events. Put in its most basic terms, the mission means all members of the Missouri State community are encouraged to contribute to society. This is the first in a series of essays meant to give alumni and friends of the University a deeper understanding of the mission and why it enhances the University’s reputation and our degrees.

Dr. Rachelle L. Darabi is the associate provost for student development and public affairs.

As societal issues increasingly pose challenges to us, our students and our community, the need to work for the common good becomes more critical. Missouri State University, with its public affairs mission, is well-situated to provide leadership. Our University received a statewide mission in public affairs in June 1995, when Senate Bill 340 was signed into law. This was done at the urging of then-University President John H. Keiser and the Missouri State Board of Governors. A clearer articulation of the mission has developed in the last few years, culminating in an action from the Faculty Senate during spring 2009 in which goals were adopted in each of three distinct areas: 1) community engagement, 2) cultural competence and 3) ethical leadership. This development of specific goals related to the public affairs mission signals the significance of the mission and the importance of its integration into the curriculum. Community engagement, cultural competence and ethical leadership are evident in the curriculum of all the colleges and in every department. Units demonstrate the mission in different ways; however, all of them affect not only the campus community but also the larger community. For example, more than 1,800 students engaged in service-learning projects last year through their coursework. These students logged nearly 50,000 service hours. Another high-impact experience for students is study-away trips. Last year, more than 200 students engaged in short- and long-term studyaway trips all over the world. Clearly, these

students had an opportunity to develop cultural competence; however, many students came away from these experiences with much more than that. Many opportunities to learn about the tenets of the mission exist within the classroom where students, faculty and the community are bound together. Opportunities are found beyond the classroom as well. The division of student affairs promotes student engagement on- and offcampus. All of these opportunities build skills in our students that will ultimately benefit the larger community. Through the public affairs support office, the Missouri State campus unites the talents of our faculty with scholars and practitioners from around the country and beyond through our Public Affairs Convocation series and the annual Public Affairs Conference. Our yearly public affairs themes, such as “Sustainability” and “Evolving Economic Realities,” provide valuable opportunities for campus and community members to work together. And although yearly themes come and go, the good work is not lost. For example, we continue to have a sustainability committee that seeks ways to improve our use of resources on campus and beyond. This committee hosted a Sustainability Conference this past fall. So many aspects of the public affairs mission have direct benefit to not only the Missouri State community, but also to the community beyond. Our mission centers us within the community. We must continue to unite our efforts to work through the challenges we face. The public affairs mission gives us an ideal framework through which to do so. n

Online Exclusive: See videos illustrating the public affairs mission components of community engagement, cultural competence and ethical leadership at www.magazine.missouristate.edu/.

M i s s o u r i S tat e W i n t e r 2010



O f f i c e o f a l u m n i R e l at i o n s 901 South National Avenue Springfield, Missouri 65897

Change Service Requested Parents: If this issue of Missouri State is addressed to your daughter or son who has established a separate permanent address, please notify us of the new address: 417-836-5654 or alumni@missouristate.edu

Online Exclusive: View a slide show of Homecoming 2009 highlights at www.magazine.missouristate.edu./

Above: Junior Jared Grimsley and senior Taylor Lane were crowned Homecoming 2009 King and Queen. Above right: With more than 95 entries in the Ultimate Adventure Homecoming Parade, Bears fans were wowed by colorful entries and talented marching bands before heading into the grand tailgate party in BearFest Village. The float by Xi Omicron Iota, Alpha Kappa Lambda and Alpha Gamma Sigma, pictured, tied for first place with Theta Chi and Alpha Sigma Alpha. Right: Members of the Class of 1959 gained special recognition during their 50th Class Reunion. Among those present was Donald Thompson, who was the first African American to graduate from Missouri State.

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