Submitted By- National Funeral Homes 7863580909
What is Funeral Home A funeral home is a business that offers funeral, Cremation and Burial services for the dead and their families. The funeral home often takes care of the necessary paperwork, permits, and other details, such as making arrangements with the cemetery, and providing obituaries to the news media.
National Funeral Homes Miami & Crematory
About Us Welcome to National Funeral Homes – Our business was founded in 1994, when many Cubans were arriving in Florida. Sadly, many died on the shores of Miami, and local funeral homes would not assist with the burials. We took it as our responsibility to provide service to these families, and we conducted funeral services free of charge. We are located in Miami and providing all funeral home service to all surrounding areas under 50 miles.
Services Offered By our Funeral Home Funeral Arrangements 24*7 Direct Cremation Traditional Burial Funeral Preplan Guide
Preparation Notices Family Consulting Shelter of Remains Caskets and Urns
Funeral Flowers Funeral & Cremation Ash Shipping Worldwide
Reference Funeral Homes Miami 7863580909 Our Business Address and Locations
151 NW 37th Ave Miami, FL 33125 786.358.0909
6871 Bird Rd Miami, FL 33155 786.358.0909