6 minute read

Jennifer Muldowney on how we can all make a difference

Jennifer is author of ‘Say Farewell Your Way’ - a funeral planning guide for Ireland, blogger of www.theglamreaper.blogspot.com, creator of Irish Glass Memorial Jewellery line: Humans - www.celtic-ashes.com; Pets - www.rainbowbridge-memorials.com, planner of Memorials at funeral homes and talker - @TheGlamReaper on Twitter and Tedx 2017 Any questions just ask - muldowney.jennifer@gmail.com

By Jennifer Muldowney


We can all make a difference!

COVID, Quarantine, Isolation, Social Distancing, Corona Virus - we have heard these words hundreds if not thousands of times over the last 3 months and will again for another 3 months no doubt. It is all anyone can talk about.

In March, a video posted by the media outlet Corriere Della Sera showed a convoy of military trucks transporting around 60 coffins from the overwhelmed morgues of Bergamo, Italy to cremation sites in other towns. New York, where I currently reside, became the ‘new’ Bergamo in April. The new epicenter.

I work in Manhattan mostly, in the funeral industry, and when COVID-19 officially took off here in the US I had my first little panic attack – what if my mom or dad or any of the people I love back home, were dying of this horrid virus and all I could do was Facetime them? This was the reality people the world over faced, our loved ones dying alone and then, remembering and grieving them, alone.

Incredible community spirit has been shown all across the world, where “Beautiful flowers,” have been placed in lieu of physical presence in churches and venues showing “People are with you” during the funeral, which was broadcast live from a quaint town in Washington State, USA.

And colourful processions like this 72 strong tractor entourage in Ohio are littering the world map showing distinct respect and communities in mourning, all this showing we are more together than ever before. When I think of the funeral industry and their efforts during the quarantine, I am reminded of a story about a young girl who was walking along a beach upon which thousands of starfish had been washed up during a terrible storm. When she came to each starfish, she would pick it up, and throw it back into the ocean. She had been doing this for some time when a man approached her and said, “why are you doing this? Look at this beach! You can’t save all these starfish. You can’t begin to make a difference!” The girl bent down, picked up another starfish, and hurled it as far as she could into the ocean. Then she looked up at the man and replied,

“Well, I made a difference for that one!”

In this tale – the girl is any responder – first, or last

in the case of the funeral industry and the starfish are us all, washed up in the terrible storm of COVID19. We absolutely cannot make a difference to everyone, but we can make a difference to those we pick up. Whether you are a funeral director, or a videographer helping to stream funerals or a funeral home cleaner disinfecting everywhere or an office manager keeping everyone sane and on track – YOU are making a difference and we, the starfish, thank you for your service.

As someone whose own work in New York has evolved from memorial planning for hundreds to now streaming to hundreds, it is a sad time for all and a time of great change. But the Irish were never ones to be beaten by change or restrictions and this applies here too, we must evolve and

most of all continue to be kind to ourselves and others.

I have shown 8 ways to help families continue to memorialise their loved ones during COVID19, I am sure you have your own ways but if you need any inspiration, check out the list on my blog – theglamreaper.com

New Delivery - Fearghas QuiNN

Quinn Hearse & Limousine provided a sleek new E-Class 5 door hearse for Halligan Funeral Directors, Rathvilly, Co Carlow

Adapting to a pandemic

How Eulogica can help Funeral Directors handle the new challenges.

The ongoing pandemic has brought a number of challenges to Funeral Directors. Some areas have seen a spike in the number of deaths, and extra care is required when dealing with bodies that may be infectious. But the main challenge has perhaps been with regards to routines; New ways of meeting the bereaved, changes to pricing and documentation and of course, changes to the funeral itself due to social restrictions.

Funeral companies that use Eulogica have a head start. Due to the flexibility in the software, Eulogica installations can be tweaked with relative ease according to the new needs now emerging. Below are some examples of how Eulogica users across several countries have benefited from the power of Eulogica lately!

On the issue of documentation, any new forms that need filling, or changes to existing forms, can be managed by way of updating the relevant reports in Eulogica. It may also be necessary to change the wording of some letters, perhaps to explain that the company is not able to provide a regular service due to the pandemic.

The pandemic may also require changes to Eulogica products, services and templates. A common issue has been that the planning of funerals now increasingly takes place on the phone or by video call, rather than in person. Also, funerals will more often involve a graveside service and a future memorial service.

Whole templates and packages can be set up as required by the new circumstances, or existing ones reconfigured, perhaps to reflect lower prices when a full service cannot be provided. One client has designed a specific ‘Coronavirus package’ for victims of the pandemic, represented by a Eulogica template. Also, templates that are not going to be relevant these days, due to social distancing or other restrictions, can be temporarily hidden.

As for the ceremony itself, live streaming is popular now. While Eulogica does not do the actual streaming, the software can help with its administration. A funeral service record for live streaming can be prepared for adding to funerals, to ensure costs and other aspects are properly managed. Confirmation letters can be extended to explain the details of streaming for families who desire this option.

In areas with a higher number of deceased due to the pandemic, good planning is important. Some affected clients have requested new reports to show what coffins will be required for upcoming funerals.

With less time in the office and perhaps more funerals, mobile access to task management and some very basic funeral data becomes handy. The Eulogica Companion app lets you have access to this basic data on your mobile phone.

Finally, in many countries, businesses are now advised to let staff work from home as far as possible. Eulogica Cloud is our answer to this. We can ensure all of the information in Eulogica is accessible from home offices in a safe and convenient manner.

To summarise, the Eulogica software can help you in several ways to cope with the pandemic, perhaps with some tweaks or addon modules. If you have questions or would just like to have a chat about the possibilities, please do not hesitate to contact our support team on phone +353 (0)1431 9760 / +44 (0)845 3519 935. email enquiries@eulogica.co.uk.

New Delivery - Fearghas QuiNN

Leo Donaghy, Beragh, Co Tyrone, collects his new 3 door Insignia hearse from Fearghas Quinn

New Delivery - Fearghas QuiNN

Three generations of Fowley’s, Dromahair, take delivery of a new E-Class 3 door hearse, supplied by Quinn Hearse & Limousine

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