3 minute read

Harnessing Pre-planning: Streamline your Funeral Services with My Farewell Wishes

Imagine walking into your family meeting already knowing the answer to most of the questions. Imagine having it all detailed in advance, and all you have to do is open your file once you receive the first call. How much easier would this make that first - often frantic- 24 hours?

My Farewell Wishes is an Irish funeral preplanning service, created by funeral directors, that allows people to document and share their last wishes, from the main questions about burial or cremation, wake or not, coffin choice, to the little details like including a photograph for the funeral notice or what type of flowers they’d like - they can even write their own funeral notice! By encouraging families to use this service, funeral directors can better meet their clients’ wishes while reducing the pressure on grieving families.


The funeral sector is constantly evolving, with more and more people looking for ways to take control of their end-of-life plans. As funeral directors, it is up to us to adapt to these changing needs, and provide the best possible support and guidance. My Farewell Wishes is a valuable tool that not only helps families in their time of need but also significantly benefits you, the funeral director.

One of the key benefits of using My Farewell Wishes is the reduction of decision-making stress for bereaved families. Losing a loved one is such an emotionally overwhelming experience, and making immediate decisions about funeral arrangements can often add to the stress. By having these preferences prerecorded, families can focus on healing and commemoration, knowing they are honouring their loved one exactly as they wished. Moreover, My Farewell Wishes provides an opportunity for open discussions about endof-life decisions. It’s not uncommon for families to avoid such conversations, often leading to uncertainty when the time comes. By promoting this service, funeral directors can foster a culture of open dialogue, ensuring families are better prepared for the inevitable. My Farewell Wishes offers clear business benefits for funeral directors. Our online platform’s user-friendly interface and comprehensive planning options result in a smoother, more efficient process. You can upload your own funeral planning guides, readings and reflections guides. Our forms and guides can be branded with your company details, giving a really polished, professional look to your services.

At all times the customers and their representatives are made aware that our payment system is based on deposit payments, and a top up may be required at the time of providing the services. The availability of our independent Trust and the use of our Estimate forms and Terms and Conditions gives you security and gives credibility and peace of mind to you and your customers. It also allows you to establish a stronger relationship with families, fostering trust and client loyalty.

By using My Farewell Wishes, funeral directors can better anticipate the scale and specifics of the service required, from the choice of coffin or casket to the style of the ceremony. This level of foresight can really help you with logistical planning, potentially saving time, effort, and resources. In addition, the service acts as a form of early communication between the client and the director, streamlining the process when the time comes. Our Record of Wishes form educates as well as records - it acts as a gateway for families to explore various options they might not have considered otherwise. The Record of Wishes encourages customers to delve deeper into their options and preferences, potentially opening up opportunities for additional services and personalisation. Finally, promoting the use of My Farewell Wishes to families sends a message of empathy and understanding. It shows that as a funeral director, you are invested in their emotional wellbeing and you are committed to providing a service that respects their loved one’s wishes.

This level of care can significantly enhance your reputation, setting you apart in an increasingly competitive sector.

Partnering with My Farewell Wishes not only lets you provide a more personalised and efficient service but also positions you as a forwardthinking provider in the eyes of your clients. It’s a win-win situation, enhancing the experience for the families you serve while streamlining your operations. Embrace this opportunity to enhance your services and join the future of funeral planning with My Farewell Wishes. We’re here to help you.

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