2 minute read

Property Clearance After Death

By Alana Gillen, Specialist Cleaning Services

Unfortunately not everyone passes away peacefully in bed, not everyone is found straight away, but we are the specialists who provide the clean up process for the aftermath of any type of death.


Our goal in trauma cleaning, is to restore things to a safe and habitable condition, eliminating any potential health risks and to provide a service that deals with the visual distress and fetid odours that are left behind.

After this initial urgent cleaning service, we also provide, full property clearance and cleaning for those who may need this. We hand back a clean empty home ready for the next stage. We also specialise in hoarding disorders, overwhelming living conditions and self neglect situations. We help people all over the country both privately and through NHS referrals to help create a better, safer home environment to live in.

Very often these situations crossover. On regular occasions we have found that when a person passes away, it’s only then do families learn of their living conditions. It can be extremely difficult for anyone to understand how or why this happens and even harder to know where to start a clearance and cleaning process. This can also create a lot of mixed emotions including anger in families.

“Mess is morally neutral and shame is the enemy of function” Clutter, dirt and mess does not make a bad person, fear and shame are demoralising.

With over 10 years of providing compassionate clearance and cleaning services for those battling with hoarding disorders, we complete these services even for those who have passed away. Once I have talked through the process with the family and we have a plan in place, I personally go through the deceased’s home and belongings, without my team. I take time to separate important documents and valuables to be returned to family members. I am usually tasked with finding a certain item or keepsake, sometimes even a will. Then we declutter the rooms of rubbish and gubbins allowing family to visit safely if they wish, they can then decide on what items and mementos are to be moved to storage or relocated elsewhere. Once they have any important items, we clear and clean the property. With a full maintenance team on board including joiners, painters and gardeners we are able to provide a one stop shop for those heading towards selling homes that are left behind. Once again thank you to all who recommend me to families in time of need.

For After A Death

Sometimes the circumstances of a loved one’s death can be very traumatic, unfortunately this can also mean needing a specialist cleaning service. We provide this 24/7 and are always just a phone call away. Discreetly and respectfully, we clean up all manner of incidents.

Our specialist service can now be offered to your clients as part of the arrangements. We clean up every type of incident with discretion and dignity

Tel: 07522 921299 specialistcleaningni.com | info@specialistcleaningni.com

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