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Eimer Duffy is a Social Media Consultant and Trainer at FIT Social Media. Through bespoke solutions, Eimer helps Funeral Professionals gain a better online presence, build communities and trust online with zero stress and hassle in a short space of time. She also co-hosts the only social media for business radio show in Ireland called “The Let’s Get Social Show” every Friday at 2pm on Dublin South FM and the show is on podcast too. Check out www. fitsocialmedia.ie to learn more.

How to enhance your LinkedIn presence for Funeral trade conferences, exhibitions and everyday!

Funeral trade conferences, exhibitions and shows provide valuable networking opportunities for Funeral Professionals. And the great news is that the one industry event you definitely want to be at this year is The Funeral Times Trade Show Ireland 2023. It’s 6 years since the last one so it is a great opportunity to connect with other professionals. Definitely bring your business cards, but now’s the time to embrace the one networking platform that is gaining more and more use not just at Funeral Industry Trade events but on a daily basis with Funeral professionals…and that’s LinkedIn.

In the last issue of the Funeral Times I covered the topic of “Why use LinkedIn as a funeral professional?” Talking about what it is, the benefits, how to stand out and connect with the right people. I recently gave a talk at the educational weekend for The British Institute of Funeral Directors and one of the questions I got asked at the end was “How do you get started?”. So how do you get started? And from there I thought I would share what key aspects to focus on? Let’s begin with how to get started on LinkedIn:

1. How To Get Started:

On your computer it’s best to sign up at www. linkedin.com and set up a free account. Also get the LinkedIn app for your phone. Once you have set up an account then you want it to look professional and so you need to optimise your personal profile.

2. Optimising Your LinkedIn Personal Profile:

Your LinkedIn profile serves as your online business card. I know that it can be thought of like an online CV but no, it offers an insight into your professional background, expertise and opens doors to where business conversations can begin eg: Repatriation partnerships etc.. There are many key areas to ensure your LinkedIn profile is a 5 Star profile. And here’s a few of the key areas to get started with:

Profile Picture:

Choose a professional headshot that reflects your personality. A warm, friendly smile can help establish trust.

Banner Image:

This is the big grey wall behind your profile picture. There are lots you can replace this with for eg: show your expertise and experience through an image of a diploma or a professional accreditation symbol.

Compelling Headline:

Craft a concise headline that captures your role, expertise and your USP.


Craft a compelling About section that showcases your experience.

Experience and Education: Provide detailed information about your professional experience. Include relevant education and certifications that showcase your expertise.

Skills and Endorsements:

List skills that are relevant to your role as a Funeral professional. Encourage colleagues and connections to endorse your skills to enhance credibility.

Active Posting: This is an excellent way to establish your expertise. This will also attract relevant connections and expand your network. For eg: posting industry insights, personal stories, educational resources, event updates etc…

3. Building a Robust Network on LinkedIn:

Expanding your “funeral industry only” related network on LinkedIn is essential for professional growth. It increases your industry connections with “people who you can help and who can help you”. Do this especially before, during and after events with:

Industry Professionals: Connect with fellow funeral directors and funeral service providers. Professionals from related fields such as grief counselling, hospice care etc...

Funeral Suppliers: Connect with suppliers who offer products and services tailored to the funeral industry. Valuable for recommendations or exploring new partnerships.

Industry Associations and Organisations: Engaging with these on LinkedIn can provide access to many valuable resources, industry events, new/specialised training and opportunities.

Thought Leaders and Influencers: Engaging with their content and participating in discussions can help you stay updated on latest trends. And open doors for you to connect with them.

4.Some tips to foster meaningful connections:

Sending Linkedin Requests: Only connect with industry related professionals. And don’t just hit the “connect” button. Send a personalised/special message with it. This shows your sincerity and increases the likelihood of acceptance.

Offer Support and Collaboration: LinkedIn is a platform for building relationships. So be proactive in supporting and collaborating with your connections. For eg: share their content, congratulate them on professional achievements etc... This helps foster long-term connections and potential collaborations.

Seek Recommendations:

Recommendations from colleagues, clients or industry partners hold great value. Positive testimonials on your profile can build trust and credibility for potential connections.

Stay Active and Consistent: Regularly post industry-related content, share insights and engage with others’ posts. By staying active you remain on the radar of your connections and increase the chances of meaningful interactions.

To Conclude definitely use it before, during and after The Funeral Times Trade Show Ireland 2023!

Attending events such as this year’s Funeral Times Trade Show Ireland presents valuable opportunities. Do bring your business cards, but why not join LinkedIn as well? Give yourself the opportunity to showcase your expertise and experience online. Think of it as your online business card and more environmentally friendly than a business card. You will save time with sending and receiving LinkedIn requests before, during and after events. And two great bonuses; you won’t have to worry about having enough business cards with you (saving money on printing costs). And you avoid the stress of keeping track of the business cards you receive. Remember as the saying goes, first impressions last. So try and optimise your LinkedIn personal profile. Share valuable content and engage on your other connections’ posts. You will establish your expertise and foster meaningful connections. All in all, embrace the power of LinkedIn as a tool for your professional and Funeral business growth. And make the most of your presence using LinkedIn everyday, not just for Funeral industry trade events. But, hint hint....

If you want to get started with Linkedin or harness your current profile ahead of events you are going to, as well as make the most of Linkedin everyday, do get in touch and let’s have a non-obligatory exploration call.

Special Offer!

To celebrate my website revamp I am giving 20% off all my new and current services as “a special only Funeral Times offer” up until the end of August 2023. You can find out more on www.fitsocialmedia.ie or if you prefer why not email me at eimer@fitsocialmedia.ie

Do come find me on Linkedin and other social media channels, follow me and I will follow you back and let’s connect. “The Let’s Get Social Show” that I co-host on the radio every Friday at 2pm is now on YouTube as well as on podcast so hope you can check them out wherever you catch your podcasts. And if there’s any topic you would like us to cover, get in touch and we will mention your name and Funeral business on the show.

Hope you found this article of interest and thank you for reading. And see you at The Funeral Times Trade Show Ireland 2023 in October.

If you have any more questions, send them into Eimer and she will answer them for you, and we will publish them in our next edition. All questions submitted and published can be anonymous if you wish. You can contact Eimer by email at: eimer@fitsocialmedia.ie.

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