9 minute read
Mostar - Advent, Concerts and Ice Rinks for a Dazzling December
from Furaj.ba 32
by Furaj.ba
A Successful Year and Bright December

What does Mostar have that other cities don’t? We would say - Everything. So let’s start with the glittering medals on its lapels. And we can also call them jewels in the crown. The important thing is that they are brilliant. On one medal, the one from London, it says Award for one of the ten most desirable cities in Europe. Our Mostar was awarded by Wanderlust, the most important British travel magazine.
In the Spanish city of Santiago de Compostela, it was awarded the Iter Vitis 2022 award as the best wine city. According to the respected Spanish newspaper El Pais, the Old Bridge took a high fourth place on the list of the most incredible bridges in Europe. Mostar was included in another prestigious list by the great CNN. Namely, Mostar is on their list among the 15 most beautiful small towns in Europe. Ours, big, although small. The specialist travel magazine Conde Nast Traveler presented its list of the most underrated cities in the world, putting Mostar on it with the description “a city of relaxed energy with a mix of Ottoman and Austro-Hungarian architecture”. And all of that is Mostar. Such as Mostar with its cobblestones and alleys, its Old Bridge and lesser-known bridges and bridges that connect the banks of the Neretva and the people on its banks. The storm, the sirocco, the water and the stone. And nothing in that Mostar in white Herzegovina is like in Bosnia. Neither summer nor winter. Especially not winter.
The people of Mostar say that on those few days when it snows, they recognize for the first time who is a real citizen of Mostar, and who came to the city on the Neretva from some not so warm regions. The former slide, slip and fall, and the latter, in the eyes of the former, walk as if nothing is happening. None of this is strange if you know that Mostar is the warmest city in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and along with Athens, the European city with the most sunny days a year. Mostar’s last big storm was in 2012, when 88 centimeters of fallen snow was measured on 5 February. The

Foto: FB-Advent u Mostaru
snowstorm lasted a full 60 hours and completely paralyzed life in the city.
For a long time, Mostar was a city that mostly lived during the summer. Streams of tourists flowed through its streets. In winter, without snow and quite warm, it was not attractive to tourists. Even craftsmen closed their shops in the old town center, and jumpers had no one to jump for. But things are changing here too. A lot of work was done on additional contents. The traditional Advent event in Mostar began on 27 November with the lighting of the first Advent candle and a special concert by the Husar sisters. The people of Mostar value their artists and cultural workers, so Karmen Obrdalj, a young director from Mostar, was the main person responsible for how that great evening looked. More than 30 Advent houses and a gastro corner already started their work in the first days of December, spreading happiness, joy, music, lights and enticing smells of cinnamon, donuts and citrus peels in the city. There may not be snow, but there will be ice rinks. A great duo in the park - an ice rink and a fairy tale for children, should attract a large number of visitors.
As of 15 December 2022 to 1 January 2023, the musical mosaic of Advent events will have as many as 44 different contents. The organizers say it is the richest program so far. Every evening from 7 pm to midnight there will be a non-stop concert on the big stage, with at least two bands, which guarantees that Advent will be rhythmic, lively and moving. Great names will take turns on the stage in the park in Mostar - Ivan Zak, Ivan Rajič and the band “Teška tema”, as well as the band “New Primitives”. There will be something for those who like a different kind of music, so the Mostar folk orchestra will take the stage, as well as tambura players, DJs, rock and pop bands, tribute bands, klapa groups and more. Of course, the youngest will not be neglected. For New Year’s Eve, the program will be opened by the group Gabriel, after which Željko Bebek will perform. The people of Mostar will literally “dance” into 2023 with him. A day later, the people of Mostar and their guests will be entertained by the musical sensation Adi Šoše and the group Twist. Happy New Year, dear citizens of Mostar.
Adresa: Dr.Ante Starčevića bb, Mostar Telefon/Telephone: + 387 36 355 090 E-mail: hercegovina@hercegovina.ba

I Mostarci imaju raj za skijanje
Žarko sunce, bijeli behar, k’o britva ledena Neretva, Stari most, slatke trešnje, raspukli narovi, japanska jabuka, ljepljiva smokvara. Pa sočne breskve što Mostarci prodaju pored puta, tek obrisane o bijelu popeglanu majicu, na koju s prvim zagrizom pada sok. Pa smokve. Da li išta miriše poput zrele smokve? Ili mandarina kad se od roda obore preko ograda? Pa to more blizu, vjetar mu ponekad donese miris u bašte na kaldrmama.
Foto: Snježna kuća
Bila je gospođa Priroda ljubazna prema Mostaru. I taman kad pomislite da sigurno ima nešto što Mostar nema – iznenadite se. Ima sve. Čak i pravi mali skijaški raj. Rujište – dvadesetak kilometara od centra grada. Na 1.050 metara nadmorske visine na periferijama Prenja i Veleža ušuškao se ovaj sjajni dragulj mostarske krune. Ovo područje izuzetno je bogato munikom, endemskim crnogoričnim drvetom, koje osigurava kisikom bogat zrak. Neka su istraživanja pokazala da je u ovom dijelu lijepe Hercegovine najčistiji zrak u Evropi. Rujište nije samo krajnja destinacija, ono je i polazna tačka planinarima koji pohode Prenj, prelijepu planinu sa čak šest vrhova preko 2.000 metara, od kojih je najviši Zelena glava, visok 2.155 metara. Osim na
Prenj, sa Rujišta možete na Bijele Vode i na Boračko jezero. Izletište Rujište zanimljivo je Mostarcima, ali i gostima, uglavnom iz susjedne Hrvatske, tokom cijele godine, a skijašima i borderima najzanimljivije je, naravno, zimi. Zimi se put do Rujišta redovno održava i čisti. Zahvaljujući vlasnicima motela “Snježna kuća” u kojem možete iznajmiti kompletnu ski opremu, obnovljen je i ski lift te skromna, ali lijepo uređena staza, duga hiljadu metara, opremljena i za noćno skijanje. Uz ski stazu je i pomoćna ski staza, idealna za početnike.
Okolina je idealna za šetnju, sankanje, grudanje i igre za djecu. Na izletištu postoji i takozvana Staza zdravlja – označeno šetalište dugo 1.100 metara, sa 12 sprava za vježbanje. Staza je otvorena tokom cijele godine (osim u sezoni velikog snijega kada se zatvara zbog sigurnosnih razloga) i korištenje sprava je besplatno. Na Rujištu se nalaze i planinarski i izviđački dom te privatni vikend objekti koje vlasnici iznajmljuju tokom cijele godine. Dozu adrenalina možete dobiti istraživanjem Rujišta na quadu, koji možete iznajmiti tokom cijele godine. Sami ili u grupi, sa povlačenjem snijega, Rujište možete istraživati biciklom.

WINTER IN MOSTAR Skiing Heaven Even in

Bright sun, white cherry blossom, the ice cold Neretva river, Old Bridge, sweet cherries, cracked pomegranates, Japanese Persimmon, sticky fig desert. Juicy peaches sold in Mostar by the road wiped away against a white ironed shirt, sprinkled with juice after the first bite. Then figs. Is there anything like the smell of a fresh ripe fig? Or heavy laden mandarin orange tree dropping over the fence? The sea is so close that the wind sometimes brings its smell into the gardens by the cobblestones.
Mother Nature was kind to Mostar. Right after you think something is missing in Mostar – you get surprised. It has everything. Even a small skiing paradise. Rujište – about 20 kilometers from the city center. This jewel of Mostar is tucked in at 1050 m in elevation on the periphery of Prenj and Velež mountains.
This region is very rich in Pinus heldreichii, an endemic pine tree providing oxygen-rich air. Some studies have shown that this part of beautiful Herzegovina has the cleanest air in Europe. Rujište is not only the final destination, but it is also the starting point of mountaineers climbing on Prenj, a beautiful mountain with six peaks at over 2000 m in elevation, the highest peak being Zelena glava (2155 m). Apart from Prenj, you can go from Rujište to Bijele Vode and Boračko Lake. Throughout the year, Rujište resort is attractive to the people of Mostar and guests, mostly from neighboring Croatia, but skiers and snowboarders find it the most attractive during the winter. The path to Rujište is regularly maintained and cleaned during the winter. The owners of the “Snježna kuća” motel, where you can rent ski equipment, have helped to restore the ski lift and the modest but nicely done ski run, 1000 m long, fit for night skiing. There is also a ski run for beginners.
Photo: Snježna kuća
The ambience is perfect for walking, sledding, snowballing, and children’s games. The resort also has a hiking trail for improving health which is an 1100 m long promenade with 12 exercising machines. The trail is open throughout the year (except during the high-snow season when it is closed for safety reasons) and its machines are free to use. Rujište also has a mountain lodge, a scout house, and private weekend houses rented throughout the year. To experience the adrenaline rush, explore Rujište on an ATV that can be rented throughout the year. After the snow melts, you can explore Rujište on a bike on your own or in a group.