Joiners Magazine December 2014

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J o i n e r y, C a b i n e t m a k i n g & K i t c h e n M a n u f a c t u r i n g I n d u s t r i e s

December 2014

northland people and their businesses

kitchen of the year Master Joiners award winner

decorative panel

texture, colour, material, use

OPTIMAL ORGANISATION. Effortless ease and smooth action: Comfort II. The COMFORT II base unit fitting, with its height-adjustable trays, adapts perfectly to each user’s individual requirements for kitchen storage. Now available with optional spice tray and boxes.

Modular design. Arrange and change elements.

Streamlined wire surround, one-piece base.

All plastic elements dishwasher safe and detachable for easy cleaning.

A small unit with big beneďŹ ts: cookingAGENT. CookingAGENT works wonders, especially in small kitchens. The full-extension pull-out features smooth gliding action, stability and SoftStopp Plus damping. Storage racks and containers are made of food-safe, easy-care materials and can be easily detached, cleaned or rearranged. Use your cookingAGENT to store ingredients for your favourite dishes, oils and vinegars, spices, coffee, tea and biscuits.

Auckland 16 Accent Drive, East Tamaki | Wellington The Wool Store 262 Thorndon Quay | Christchurch 5 Wigram Close, Sockburn

0800 4 Hafele JOINERS Magazine December 2014 page 1

JOINERS Magazine December 2014 page 2









decorative panel 14 Decorative panel comes in an ever increasing variety of materials, textures and colours. We look at off-theshelf options available and where to go when your requirements are more bespoke.

COVER SHOT Inside Artia’s new warehouse in East Tamaki. See page 50 for more

northern spirits 24 COLUMNS Master Joiners 6 Andrew Bellamy reflects on another year gone, the one to come and asks why we are in the game.

A great climate and coastal landscape has long drawn people to the north. Currently this is seeing substantial residential development and an accompanying positivism in the building trades.

Laminex NZ Update 11 Richard Pollington talks about new options in laminates, engineered stone and edgeband tape now available in NZ.

state of the art 44 L’invincibile represents the top range of SCM classic machinery. It’s retro look fronts a solid base of outstanding technological solutions based on a long history of success.

Due Process 74 Geoff Hardy informs us of radical changes that are about to occur in residential building legislation. A view from both sides 75 Tony DeLorenzo gives his views on nightmare clients, providing oneself with buffers and appreciating industry support. Dr Buzz 87 Duncan Such reviews his position on laser edge technology and provides insight into recent expo’s AWISA & IWF.

best kitchen 66 Bob Nordgren visits Beaver Kitchens in Whakatane to look at the Master Joiners best kitchen of 2014 and discover why winning awards is not an unusual event for this company.

REGULAR News & Info 4 - 10 BCITO news - 76 Trade Directories - 80 Product Focus - 84 Classifieds - 88

Top Tips for Software Success

software service 72 We have all heard of that guy who buys software and leaves it in the bottom drawer. Here are some tips from Anne Charlton of Integrated Joinery Solutions on how not to be that guy.

NZ firm wins Australian award for trash management - p.55 JOINERS Magazine December 2014 page 3

from the presidents desk

past present future 2014 is almost over and another Christmas rush is all but complete. We look back at 2014 and remember the highs and the lows, the stress and the rewards that we have faced. We look forward to the year ahead and as the industry steps up a few gears and demand continues to grow. We all retain a little more confidence in the future ahead. Most of the country is starting to hum with peaks and troughs in workloads definitely diminishing. It is a time to consider the reasons why we do what we do. At the end of the day we work hard and often for little reward. I recommend that if you are looking for any change for 2015 within your business it should be your hourly rate. We are skilled professionals and should be rewarded accordingly. With this more consistent workload we are able to plan better and rebuild staff levels to meet demand. 2014 has seen growth in the number of joinery apprentices that have been signed, up 10.5% from last year. Much of this is due to increased industry confidence and the government re boot scheme. If you are looking to take on an apprentice and want to take advantage of the government reboot scheme you need to act fast as the scheme is due to conclude at the end of December this year. It is predicted that the 55% increase in construction sector apprentices will still fall well short of the demands that will be on the industry, if Joinery is sitting at 10.5% we are definitely dragging our heals. With a large number of our trades people getting closer to retirement, it makes complete sense to take on new blood and pass on this extensive knowledge and wealth of experience that these staff have. Just contemplate a senior trades person retiring and taking on an unskilled person at that point. Who trains them? How much does your production drop while new staff come up to speed? How much income and opportunity is passed up due to lack of skilled staff. Don’t hesitate, start training no time is better than right now. 2014 has seen the merger of JITO and the BCITO. This merge has been extremely successful. Joinery is now part of the specialist trades section which is headed by Greg Durkin. Greg has work closely with Deb Paul for many years and they both carry the same drive for the industry. One of the first tasks that the new larger team has been able to conduct is a review of each specialist with the motive of looking for changes to improve each trades training. One of the first exciting changes that involves the joinery trade is the appointment of new area training advisors to assist employer and apprentices with training needs. The Master Joiners conference for 2015 is in Wellington from the 25th -27th June. These conferences are continuing to grow in popularity for both members and suppliers. This year’s conference was a complete success and Wellington is shaping to be much the same with a great programme emerging, fantastic speakers and something to appeal to all. Make sure you mark these dates on your 2015 calendar. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of our Master Joiner members, the National executive and especially Corrine Moore our executive officer. Without the hard work, support and dedication our organisation wouldn’t be any where as successful. Finally I would like to wish you all a very merry festive season. Travel safe and enjoy the well earned break with your families and loved ones. Andrew Bellamy National President Registered Master Joiners.

bInside at Pesaro The 2014 edition of bInside was held at Biesse headquarters in Pesaro, Italy in early October. Over 3 days, those attending viewed more than 30 technological solutions demonstrating the latest innovations from Biesse. The automation lines and systems for panel movement were of particular interest, perfectly integrating and optimising the cutting to size, edge banding and numeric control machining cycles, suitable for both small family businesses and larger manufacturing operations. 

30th at Carrolls The gods were certainly on side for Carrolls Joinery 30th celebrations in early November as the sun shone down on the newly finished showroom and guests arrived to toast the Carrolls. The showroom in Masterton, houses 3 distinctly different display kitchens which not only demonstrate different price brackets but also the diversity of design on offer from Carrolls. The joinery has operated from the same site on Lincoln Rd for 30 years after it was originally set up by John and Piki Carroll in 1984. Richard and Cath Carroll took over the reins in 2005 and have worked tirelessly since then; driving the business at the forefront of Kitchen design in the Wairarapa. 



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JOINERS Magazine December 2014 page 4









The magazine for the joinery, cabinetmaking & kitchen manufacturing industries OfďŹ cial Publication of the New Zealand Joinery Manufacturers Federation and the Laminate Fabricators Society

EDITOR Michael Goddard email:

PUBLISHER Bob Nordgren email:


DISTRIBUTION SUBSCRIPTIONS Ph 64-9-624 4680 Fax 64-9-624 4681

M 42 Aldersgate Rd, PO Box 27 - 513, Mt. Roskill, Auckland, 1440, New Zealand. Ph: 64-9-624 4680 Fax: 64-9-624 4681 email:

JOINERS MAGAZINE ONLINE ISSN 1173-6836 JOINERS Magazine is the ofďŹ cial publication of the New Zealand Joinery Manufacturers Federation, and the Laminate Fabricators Society. It is distributed to members of the joinery, cabinetmaking and kitchen manufacturing industries and is published quarterly in March, June, September and December. Advertising statements or editorial opinion are not necessarily those of the publisher, its staff, the New Zealand Joinery Manufacturers Federation Inc., the Laminate Fabricators Society, or their executives, unless expressly stated. All articles printed in JOINERS are subject to copyright and cannot be reproduced without the express consent of the Publisher or the authors therein. Advertisements and articles are accepted without liability as to the accuracy or otherwise of the factual matters represented.

JOINERS Magazine December 2014 page 5


From The Publisher


Go North Young Man! Wood is a high-performance, inexpensive material that can be used for everything from multi-storey buildings to flooring. LEGNO & EDILIZIA held in Verona from the 19 - 22 of February 2015 showcases the most sophisticated solutions for the construction industry, from structural timber to parquet.


Frances Robinson & Michael Farrugia

Oktoberfest Architectural hardware specialists Hafele NZ Ltd held their annual Oktoberfest (31 October) gathering for invited guests once more at their East Tamaki Head Office. Over some good wine and beer let alone excellent food industry folk met and mingled while having a look at some of the latest offerings from Hafele in their showroom. What with the economic upturn the mood was buoyant with much anticipation for 2015.


AWISA moves to Melbourne 26 years since it was last held there AWISA returns to Melbourne in 2016. It will be held at the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre from 6-9 July 2016. Organisers say that following the success of this years show in Brisbane it is now highly probable that the show will in future follow a routine of being in Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane every six years.

This has been good news for the trades as you can see from the comments made by the people we visited. The debate for them has been do we stay the same and enjoy the lifestyle our current size affords or do we take on more machinery and staff and expand to meet the demand? The answer I guess will be known in the next year or two. An interesting point to emerge is that many tradespeople up north also do work in Auckland: reputations spread. I think you will find our Northland feature exudes the confidence those up there have about their foreseeable future. We also have a foray into the decorative board market in this issue. Making the board you buy for whatever use an attractive one has become a market unto itself with many board types and styles now available. Even board characteristics such as acoustical and fire retardant qualities are now much more sought after. We have a few on show in our feature.

interzum International fair for suppliers to the furniture industry held from May 5 to 8, 2015 in Cologne, Germany LIGNA Leading trade fair for the forestry and wood industries held from May 11 to 15, 2015 in Hannover, Germany.

Travelling north and visiting a variety of joiners, cabinetmakers and kitchen manufacturers has been a revelation. Interest in the Northland region has grown considerably in the last few years especially amongst aging lifestylers who have been buying up large, building new houses or giving the reno scene a hammering. Even new high end subdivisions have been underway. With it’s climate and visuals you have to agree though, Northland is a great place to visit let alone live in.

Grant Lomax

Machines R US and SCM appointment

I had the pleasure of visiting Whakatane to see Mark Bruce from Beaver Kitchens, this year’s Kitchen of the Year winner in the Master Joiners Awards (see feature) and visit the Award winning kitchen in person. A deceptively simple kitchen but brimming with smart solutions for what his client wanted. He has won many awards in recent years and it is easy to see why. The Master Joiners Awards continue to grow from strength to strength with winners such as this.

Grant Lomax has recently joined the Machines R Us team as Sales Manager for the South Island. With over 30 years of experience in selling and servicing the wood and panel machinery sector in the South Island, Grant is well known to many and brings a wealth of knowledge to the company who have recently gained the SCM agency in New Zealand. Grant sold SCM machinery when he first started selling wood working machinery and so he knows the products well, and believes that the SCM range is better now than it ever was, SCM sell 55,000 machines world wide every year

In the machinery scene we have seen some changes in recent times: two well known agencies have changed hands with John Fleet and Machines R Us taking over the SCM brand and Richard van der Vegte and Prowood Machinery assuming the Altendorf agency. It is good to see two experienced local operators assuming the mantle with these two important brands especially in an increasingly busy marketplace.

Grant welcomes your enquiry and can be contacted on 03 3436 737 or 021 393 805 email grant@

Bob Nordgren

JOINERS Magazine December 2014 page 6

With Christmas nearly upon us it is a good time to reflect on what has been an interesting – and very active – 2014 for everybody. As always we at JOINERS Magazine are most grateful for the support we have had from suppliers and readers alike during the year. 2015 is looking like more of the same for all: meeting the challenge of sustaining growth and creating new opportunities. Michael and I wish you all a Merry Christmas and a safe and prosperous New Year.

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Homag top innovator

PEFC NZ certification

Homag was recently awarded the ‘Top 100’ seal at the German SME Summit joining the ranks of Germany’s most innovative companies. Amongst other aspects the award underscored Homag’s innovative power combined with the company’s direct links and proximity to its customers as well as the environmental alignment of its products. new site

In the company’s history spanning more than 50 years, Homag has developed, realised and established numerous revolutionary ideas in the market. This includes the continuous refinment of edge processing - from the world’s first edgebanding machine to zero joint technology - or the revolutionary control concept PowerTouch, that enables control over all machine functions by directly touching the display

T h e Wo o d P r o c e s s o r s a n d Manufacturers Association are pleased to announce the release of their new website. Designed with a fresh new look and userfriendly navigation, the site is constantly updated with the latest information about what the WPMA have been doing and are involved in, providing another tool for strengthening their relationship with members and industry.

The Wood Council of New Zealand is funding the introduction of PEFC certification into NZ. The PEFC scheme will sit alongside FSC providing members with a choice of certification systems and therefore wider market access.

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Woodco decided in August that an incorporated society should be set up as the base for PEFC in NZ. Upon formation of this incorporated society NZ will then be able to make its application to PEFC for full membership at the PEFC General Assembly in Paris. Once membership is approved then NZ will proceed to submit the formal documentation needed to gain PEFC endorsement of the PEFC NZ certification scheme by April 2015. Once endorsed, PEFC certification will then be available in NZ later in 2015. 

Mike Wansink

Artia new order M i k e Wa n s i n k h a s recently taken over the reins for Artia in New Zealand. The company has recently moved into a new warehouse and showroom in East Tamaki where their range of cabinet and furniture hardware is on display (see story on page 50). Visitors are welcome either to drop in or phone 09 573 5136 for an appointment or enquiry.

Standard to help comply with new regulations for building work New consumer protection regulations for building work costing $30,000 and over are expected to take effect from 1 January 2015. Acting Chief Executive of Standards New Zealand, Michelle Wessing, said the New Zealand standard 3902 Housing, alterations and small buildings contract will help meet the new regulations and makes the building process smoother and easier for homeowner and builder. ‘NZS 3902 has been improved and now contains an electronic Microsoft Word form that can be filled in by all parties to the contract. The new contract agreement in electronic form updates and replaces the existing Section 3 form in NZS 3902.’ The Building Amendment Act 2013 introduced changes to further protect consumer rights and remedies for residential building work, including mandatory requirements for residential building contracts for work above $30,000 to be in writing and to contain certain information.

Some of the new rights and remedies contained in the Building Amendment Act 2013 are required to be prescribed in regulations, which are expected to come into force on 1 January 2015.

Schlegel NZ moves

Michelle Wessing said NZS 3902 provides a standard form of building contract agreement suitable for owners who are making their own building arrangements, whether it be building a new home, carrying out renovations, or altering an existing home.

Schlegel NZ, specialists in seals and door and window hardware to the New Zealand market have moved from their former location in Silverdale to 10d Burrett Ave in Penrose, Auckland (part of the Burrett Business Park).

‘The standard is written in ‘plain English’ and was developed by a committee with a broad and balanced representation of stakeholder interests including regulators, industry, and consumer advocates. It is intended to be a fair and clearly understood contract that sets out rights and responsibilities for all parties.’  For a legal perspectve on this see Geoff Hardy’s column on page 74.

Territory Manager for New Zealand Owen O’Meagher comments “With the growth of our business we needed more office and storage space which the new location offers. Being in a central Auckland location also helps logistically in serving our clientele.” The phone (09 478 4001) and fax (09 478 4002) numbers for the company remain the same or contact can be made through

ARE YOU ... moving to a new building? installing new machinery? expanding your factory? Wood Dust Extraction • Spray Booths • Exhaust Fume Extractors • Extraction Fans • Centralised Extraction Systems • Suction Benches • Grinding Dust Extractors • Oil Mist and Vapour Extractors • Welding Fume Extraction

JOINERS Magazine December 2014 page 9

teasing the market SICAM 2014 October - Pordenone from Gavin Harris Samet NZ The SICAM trade fair was a great opportunity to hear from and also see what changes the European suppliers of furniture and kitchen products are making in our sector. A bit of background to this fair. SICAM is a blend of manufacturers, with all the usual suspects in attendance, along with well-known distributors, all up over 450+ companies in attendance. While this fair is obviously heavily weighted towards Italian manufacturers, there was a healthy dose of western, northern and eastern European manufacturers. While not as big as the German fair Interzum, SICAM is still impressive, even with the limited amount of floor space that is allocated and negotiated by attendees. The main notable difference is that SICAM offers manufacturers the opportunity to tease the market with a peek into new products or services that will be released in the 2015 calendar year. I was of course impressed by Samet’s large presence with a mix of both new products and range extensions. There are some clever innovations to overhead cupboard fittings with the new Monolift and Duolift fittings being added to the already successful NeoLift range. A new theme to take a mental note of is around special colour finishes to internal cabinet fittings. Samet has lead this trend and offer a new finish to their IMPRO/STAR TRACK hinge range. Samet now offer a ‘anthrachite’ finish or perhaps a better description is a ‘black’ hinge. This is available and selling in the European markets and is available in New Zealand based on market feedback. Look out for more on this type of finish in the wider kitchen and furniture sector as not only the hinge and drawer manufacturers, but also the wire ware and internal cabinet accessories manufacturers offer similar finishes over traditional chrome plating. This is definitely exciting to see manufacturers listening and leading the market about colour. The new Samet ‘anthracite’ finish offers better anticorrosive properties, along with looking impressive. This is great news for the kitchen and bathroom environment. Watch this space!

130 Cryers Road, Auckland T: 09 273 2681 E:

JOINERS Magazine December 2014 page 10

All up, the international suppliers were feeling buoyant and as always talking positive. Though some may be putting on a brave face as competition is fierce with some long

Samet now offer an anthrachite finish on their hinge range something we will see more of in cabinetry hardware.

standing manufacturers moving allegiances internationally and notably also in New Zealand and Australia. This is a reflection of sales being neutral or of minimal growth in Europe and it is either grow and be profitable or become irrelevant and stagnate. In these tough circumstances the growth is seen further afield, America’s huge market and then the ‘rest of the world’ is targeted. I look forward to catching up with all customers over the coming months, enjoy your Christmas break, all the best. For any further comments please give Gavin Harris at Samet a call on 021 302 902 or via email -

Laminex New Zealand


Watch out Apple!


t’s clear that the market has certainly picked up over the last 3 months which brings with it the exciting opportunity to innovate and develop new initiatives in line with rising market demand. I’m absolutely delighted as a newcomer to this market to see the ingenuity. New Zealand continues to showcase leaders, innovators and creators in the wider building industry – just like the infamous Weta Workshop in Wellington, renowned for the special effects and sets in the Lord of the Rings and Hobbit movies. Laminex New Zealand is certainly investing in new product development by dedicating resource to continually reviewing global activity, trends and insights and then quickly bringing solutions to market. Coupled with creative marketing campaigns such as the recent “Laminate – your space, your style campaign”, we are taking a leadership position in the consumer space for promoting relevant, functional and contemporary solutions available from laminate. It’s important that we all take our own learnings from true innovators, such as Apple. As soon as the PR starts around the latest version of the iPhone, this stimulates and creates additional and generally astronomical demand. With the international trend towards premium materials, we have recently invested in new Caesarstone colours, providing New Zealand customers with access to elegant engineered stone designs that provide competitive options against natural stone. Another highlight is the introduction of new Formica laminate decors, including the release of a real metal laminate with a finish called Plex, bringing with it the global Red Dot Design Award. Recent developments in the joinery space include laser edging where New Zealand is confidently progressing ahead of our Australian counterparts. Market leaders have invested in new edgebanding machinery to ultimately offer greater functional and aesthetic benefits for end users in the application of doors, drawers and panels. Laminex New Zealand is delighted to now offer laser edging options from our global partner Rehau, which provides another opportunity to excite the client creating a beautiful new kitchen, or an inspirational office space. I look forward to seeing what 2015 will bring to our market in terms of fresh thinking and new developments. In the meantime, I’d like to wish you all a happy and peaceful Christmas and New Year, as well as high hopes for a glorious and extended kiwi summer. Regards Richard Pollington General Manager Laminex New Zealand

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‹ Â’ ‡ “ Â? ” ‹ Ę­ ‹ ” ‹ ‹ ˜ Ę­ ˧ • ˜ “ The Bestwood range of decorative panels offer a vast array of creative options for your next project. Choose from a large range of Melamine colours and finishes or Wood Veneer panels. 3Form Resin panels are also a great solution for feature walls and partitions in both commercial and residential applications. Contact us for more information on any of the product ranges available.

0 8 0 0 8 6 6 6 7 8 | w w w. b e s t w o o d . c o . n z

JOINERS Magazine December 2014 page 13

panels for any purpose

Sometimes off the shelf sometimes bespoke - panel comes in a multitude of materials, colours, textures and patterns. Acoustic qualities and fire retardant properties add to the mix, meaning selection of the right product can sometimes be an involved process. Over the next few pages we help by providing some examples and descriptions from leading importers of international brands and from local companies who will design and manufacturer to client specifications.

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Pitch Perfect Wooden Panel Acoustic Solution for MIT's New Lecture Theatre Wooden acoustic panels by Woodform Ltd deliver clear sound and architectural vision in the new lecture theatre at Manukau Institute of Technology (MIT). Part of the Manukau City Centre Tertiary Campus and Transport Interchange project, the lecture theatre was designed to attract and engage the community by providing an intimate space for small scale events – complementing the larger Pacific Events Centre located nearby. Project architects Warren and Mahoney worked extensively with acoustic consultants Marshall Day to design an acoustic panel system that met both aesthetic and performance requirements. Diamond shaped, the panels make reference to the diagrid on the building's exterior while varying angles along the edge of each panel enhance intelligibility of speech and reflect sound from the main stage in several directions, distributing it evenly throughout the theatre. Auckland specialist timber fabricator Woodform Ltd was contracted to manufacture, supply and install 224 panels, comprising 107 "standard diamonds" 1800 high x 800 across and 117 especially shaped panels to be used as infills along the theatre's sloping ceiling and staircase. The panels were to be installed with a 10mm negative detail between each. "It wasn't a straightforward wall finish and the project presented a range of manufacture and installation challenges which Woodform Ltd worked with us to resolve," said project architect Mike Jackson.

"We needed accuracy and certainty as to where the panels were positioned as we were integrating other elements such as a handrail along the stairs." To maintain a tolerance of less than 1mm while working with variations in the substrate (where tolerances can be greater), Woodform created a template for every panel from 3mm MDF. A pattern for each template was then lasered onto the 12mm ply substrate to which each template was attached in sequence. While the templates were in place, the substrate was painted black to highlight the 10mm negative detail. Once the accuracy of the panel positions was established, Woodform fabricated a replica of every template using Southland Maple Beech – a sustainable New Zealand timber used for decorative finishes throughout the project.

"The methodology for fixing the panels was also something we worked through extensively with Dave Pratt and his team at Woodform," Mike adds. "Our original idea was to attach the panels to split rails but the success of this system relied on a perfectly straight substrate. Furthermore it meant that in the event of a panel being damaged, whole rows of panels would need to be removed to access the damaged panel." Woodform developed a screw and clamp system that accommodated any misalignments and allowed the panels to be attached, removed or replaced individually should one be damaged. The result is fantastic and demonstrates the value of a successful collaboration between project partners Mike said. "Hawkins Construction were excellent at accommodating requirements, however the effort from Dave – the planning, templating, presentation of shop drawings – and his huge experience and practical knowledge helped ensure we achieved the aesthetic expression we wanted."

Wood Solutions by Design

58 The Concourse, Auckland, New Zealand Ph: +64-9-8354-107 Fax: +64-9 8354-180

JOINERS Magazine December 2014 page 15

new unveilings Formica Laminate Introducing never seen before decors, global award winning texture and ingenious functionality, the Formica Laminate range takes the latest in international design and gives it a unique local flavour

Plex Aluminium

Eighteen new decors consisting of solid colours, stone patterns and woodgrains debut in the 2014 Formica Laminate range, bringing the standard Formica Colour Palette to a total of 138 colours.Laminex New Zealand Category Manager, Teresa Walsh, said the new range has identified the most popular designs and colours from Europe, and adapted them to meet contemporary design needs in New Zealand. “This has resulted in a stunning collection of decors that offers improved design flexibility and relevance to the Formica Laminate range and makes it possible for designers and specifiers to explore new colour combinations across a wide range of interior applications, in both commercial and domestic spaces,” she said. “In line with the trend for practical write-and-wipe surfaces, we are introducing

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two new magnetic laminates for vertical use; a whiteboard gloss surface and a matt black chalkboard. This makes it simpler for designers to create fully functional, interactive interiors for offices, learning environments and retail spaces,” she added. Following the 100-year Formica celebration in 2013, the Formica brand continues to provide solutions to create interior spaces which combine aesthetic appeal and durability. This is demonstrated by the release of the beautifully textured, truly design leading Plex finish. Exclusive to the Formica brand, Plex combines the colour and character of real metals with the practical, flexible properties of laminate. Created as a texture on top of real metal foils, Plex achieves a textile feel, with a crisp touch

and low gloss sheen. Plex is a highly desirable and tactile laminate surface that exudes quality and helps achieve a fresh, timeless look for vertical applications. With a globally recognized Red Dot award for design, this highly on-trend collection is perfect for both international and cutting edge New Zealand projects. Designed to endure the day-to-day challenges of interior environments, the Formica Laminate range is durable and easy to clean, and is backed by an impressive seven year limited warranty. For more information on the Formica Laminate Range, visit

Formica AR Plus panels. Ideal for cabinetry doors. AR Plus速 High Gloss Solid Colours offers a hassle free, durable high gloss laminate solution for cabinetry doors and drawers. With matching high gloss ABS edgetape, this stunning selection of solid colours in classic white and new bright zesty shades is an ideal alternative to lacquer doors. For a colour brochure please call 0800 99 99 39, for more information please call 0800 303 606 or visit JOINERS Magazine December 2014 page 17

Creating inspired environments

Create natural looking environments with our textured laminates and wood grains and open up new possibilities in design and Whether you are designing for commercial or residential spaces our Wilsonart range of laminates offers legendary performance and nd durability, with a range of colours textures and finishes to match your creativity. The Wilsonart extended range includes chemical resistant, custom, m decorative metals, HIPERCARE anti-microbial, Compact and our Performance range of high impact and wear resistant laminates. Mercer Interiors representatives are available throughout New Zealand to help you select the correct material for your application and assist with specification and application advice.

For a free sample & colour brochure please visit: wilsonart call 0800 2 637 237 or email today

JOINERS Magazine December 2014 page 18

*Featured Colour Ocean D502

creativity for any work space.

Wood Solutions by Design

design flexibility

decorative performance M ercer Interiors is pleased to release the new Wilsonart 2015 range of decorative and performance laminate colours. Designed with modern living spaces in mind, our Wilsonart range features bold new colours, wood grains and stunning ceramics from the Wilsonart & Resopal design teams in Europe, Asia and the USA. Create natural looking environments with our textured laminates and wood grains and open up new possibilities in design and creativity for any work space. Whether you are designing for commercial or residential spaces our Wilsonart range of laminates offers legendary performance and durability, with a range of colours textures and finishes to match your creativity. The Wilsonart extended range includes chemical resistant, custom, decorative metals, HIPERCARE anti-microbial, Compact and our Performance range of high impact and wear resistant laminates.

Our exclusive Aeon™ Enhanced Performance technology adds durable, long-lasting protection to the finishes of these Wilsonart laminates, lending superior resistance to scratches, scuffs and every day wear. The range of Wilsonart Pure Gloss laminate offers superior performance through the exclusive Wilsonart Aeon™ protection coating. In addition this 1mm thick laminate offers much greater confidence when choosing a gloss finish by reducing the possibility of fabrication problems. Mercer Interiors representatives are available throughout New Zealand to help you select the correct material for your application and assist with specification and application advice. Contact us at 0800 2 637 237 or email info@ now to arrange a visit by one of our industry specialists and see the difference our Wilsonart laminates can make to your interior design.

Acoustic panels Manukau Institute of Technology (MIT)

when your client requires perfect pitch


Wood Solutions by Design

WOODFORM LTD email: 58 The Concourse, Auckland, New Zealand Ph: +64-9-8354-107 Fax: +64-9 8354-180

JOINERS Magazine December 2014 page 19








your space, your style - colours and textu 1. Formica High Pressure Laminate The variety and durability of Formica® laminate makes it ideal for use in a wide range of applications. Stylish, durable and easy to clean, Formica® is the perfect solution for surfaces and benchtops, in both commercial and residential spaces. Available in a range of finishes, Formica® offers you the variety needed to help personalise your space.Backed by a seven year limited warranty, Formica® is a trusted brand for over 100 years and gives you complete confidence when it comes to choosing laminate. 2. Formica AR+ panels Formica AR+ panels give the high gloss look and durability of high pressure laminate in a panel. Matching ABS edgetape allows joiners and kitchen manufacturers to create a cut to size high gloss door option. Available in stunning colours from classic white to bright zesty shades, AR+ is perfectly on trend with the bold colours and gloss finishes being used in today’s interiors.1.2mm HPL applied to both sides of MR E0 MDF ensures a quality panel resulting in a quality finished door. 3. Formica Magnetic Writeable Surfaces Get creative with interactive surfaces. Glossy White is an ideal whiteboard surface, while Matt Black is perfect as a chalkboard. Both laminates have an embedded metal foil layer that ensures magnetic

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objects will hold strongly to the laminate surface. Suitable for a variety of vertical applications, Formica Magnetic laminates are ideal for use in the kitchen, laundry, living, and bedroom environments in residential as well as hospitality, education, and office in commercial environments. 4. Formica Plex Formica Plex combines the colour and character of real metals with the practical, flexible properties of laminate. Created as a texture on top of real metal foils, Formica Plex achieves a textile feel, with a crisp touch and low gloss sheen. A highly desirable and tactile laminate surface that exudes quality and helps achieve a fresh, timeless look, Formica Plex was awarded the globally recognised Red Dot award for design. 5. Formica ColorCore Create the seamless benchtop look with Formica® ColorCore ™ . Featuring the high performance characteristics of Formica laminate, ColorCore has a solid coloured-through core which eliminates the dark line sometimes associated with laminate edges. With increased levels of wearability and reduced visual impact of chips and scratches, ColorCore is ideal for applications such as benchtops, countertops, point of sale units, doors and work surfaces.

6. Melteca Decorated Board Inspired by international and local trends, Melteca offers an extensive range of colours giving variety and choice for residential and commercial projects. The high durability and easy clean nature of the melamine surface makes Melteca ideal for kitchen cabinetry, cupboards, drawers, shelving and furniture in residential as well as wall linings, furniture, shop fittings and other vertical surfaces in a commercial environment. Melteca is certified by Environmental Choice New Zealand as an environmentally preferable product and contributes to improved indoor air quality. Coupled with a 7 year limited warranty, Melteca offers you complete peace of mind for any project. 7. Melteca Fire Retardant panel for wall linings Get creative with your wall panels with Melteca Fire Retardant panels for wall lining.A hardwearing, durable panel, Melteca Fire Retardant is suitable for all wall linings where maximum fire performance is important. When tested in accordance with the New Zealand Building Code Verification Method C/VM2 Appendix A, Melteca Fire Retardant for wall linings returns a Group 1-S rating, the highest possible rating.Melteca Fire Retardant panels for wall linings is available in 12mm or 18mm thickness in any of the Standard Melteca colours, which gives you the freedom of various colours and patterns to choose from.









ures from Laminex 8. Melteca Puregrain MELTECA Puregrain™ is the perfect substitute for natural wood. It gives you all the benefits you’d expect of Melteca Decorated Board, and its subtly textured finish not only looks like natural wood but feels like it too. Available in any of the colours in the Melteca colour palette, use it on woodgrain patterns or solid colours to soften and transform cabinetry and other vertical surfaces. 9. Melteca Hi-Gloss Inspired by international and local trends, Melteca offers an extensive range of colours giving variety and choice for residential and commercial projects. As part of this range, Melteca offers a Hi-Gloss option that will add a touch of luxury to your space. Suitable for drawers and cabinet doors in the kitchen, as well as wall panels in commercial spaces, Melteca has matching Hi-Gloss ABS edging making it a more durable alternative to painted doors. 10. Laminex High Pressure Laminate The Laminex laminate colour palette provides all the inspiration you need to create your perfect space.With over 140 design-leading decors, across 3 finishes, Laminex reflects the latest in international and local trends, Laminex has solutions for both residential and commercial interiors. Stylish, durable and easy to clean, Laminex is backed by a 7 year limited warranty.

11. Laminex Fire Retardant HPL panel Laminex® Fire Retardant HPL panel is an extremely durable panel, that is suitable for all wall linings where maximum fire resistance is important. Consisting of a Fire Retardant HPL pressed to a specialty MDF (with a balancing backing laminate), Laminex FR HPL panel is available in selected Laminex colours. When tested in accordance with the New Zealand Building Code Verification Method C/VM2 Appendix A, Laminex® Fire Retardant for wall linings returns a Group 1-S, the highest possible rating. 12. Laminex Compact Laminex Compact laminate is a decorative panel designed for interior use across an incredibly broad range of applications such as shower and toilet cubicles, wall linings, tabletops, lockers, furniture, cabinets and kitchen benchtops. It is durable, immensely practical and perfect for design driven applications. With a contemporary palette of colours selected from the Laminex Colour Palette, Compact laminates provide the ultimate in beauty, strength and practicality. 13. Laminex Innovations A stylish decorative laminate for vertical surfaces such as splashbacks, counter fronts and wall panelling, Laminex Innovations turn even the simplest of ideas into the most extraordinary spaces. You can select from contemporary decors featuring

metallic and abstract design. With minimal effort, Innovations® can bring to life shop fittings, boutique accommodation, residential environments and office interiors. 14. Seratone Life The Seratone Life colour palette aligns with current trends and popular residential paint colours. Seratone Life is produced using a full UV paint system which is free from Volatile Organic Compounds and is cured using environmentally friendly UV light. UV curing offers improved scratch, stain and moisture resistance. All Seratone panels and jointers are antimicrobial making them ideal for applications where hygiene is critical. 15. Laminam Laminam is a new concept in decorative surfaces with universal potential for the construction industry. Laminam is a full body porcelain tile, but with a sheet size of 3000mm x 1000mm, and a thickness of just 3.5mm. This makes it possible to use Laminam in traditional tile applications, such flooring, but also to have large ceramic surfaces in previously unthinkable applications – wether they are horizontal or vertical, inside or outside, wet or dry. Laminam is a truly versatile and flexible solution with high aesthetic appeal and technical performance.

JOINERS Magazine December 2014 page 21

PSP Luxe building momentum After the Luxe launch event in Auckland a few months ago, it appears the New Zealand market has generated a positive response towards Luxe and its top quality properties. Luxe is a product that has changed the face of the market and more joiners and designers are using Luxe because of its superior appearance, strength and durability. It appears the main feature is the superior high gloss surface and abrasion resistant properties,which is catching the eyes of designers in the market. Not only does the high gloss finish make any room stand out, but is also the ideal choice when endurance of a product is required. Luxe has an abrasion level that is far superior to anything currently in the market. The abrasion resistance is measured in Newton’s of force. Luxe is at a level of 7.5 Newton’s of force whereas products such as lacquer (4.5), Melamine (4.5 to 3.5) and PVC (2.5) sit at dramatically lower levels. TheMDF found in Luxe has higher density properties compared to other products in the market.Luxe has a European MDF, which is 800kg per cubic metre whereas other New Zealand MDF sits around 600kg per cubic metre. This makes it easier for fabricators and joiners to rout out almost any patterns and style the designer creates.

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The features and benefits of Luxe make the only limitations, those of the designer. Luxe is a product that bridges the gap between concept and reality. Luxe is an extremely versatile product and applications are endless. From kitchens to bathrooms, an office to bedrooms Luxe has no boundaries. Take the example shown in the images. Mike Penney from DM Design has used Luxein the Burdeos (Red) and Roble Frape(Wood Grain) style to create amazing slider doors and storage systems. The high gloss finish and ease of cutting made this product an example of design excellence meets superior product with a result that has exceeded customer expectations. For further information go to

Sage Doors


uses the new generation scratch resistant acrylic film by

Giving cabinetmakers easy access to quality Acrygloss and Laseredge doors In the lead up to Christmas, Sage Doors has been busy manufacturing Acrygloss and Laseredge doors for cabinetmakers across the country. New Acrygloss Colours! We have recently added two exciting new metallic colours to our Acrygloss range: Silica (a gold/beige coloured metallic gloss) and Galaxy (black metallic). These two colours can be used throughout the whole kitchen, and also look great paired with one of our other colours as an accent. If you’d like a sample, please ask! Lead Time The weeks and months leading up to Christmas are always a busy time for everyone! At Sage Doors, we take some of the stress away with our fast and efficient 4-5 day turnaround time. We are accepting orders for Acrygloss and Laseredge doors, with delivery before Christmas, right up until mid December!

Easy online ordering At Sage Doors, we’ve developed an easy-to-use login webpage for quoting and ordering. As customers enter the size and clashing requirements for each item, the price is automatically calculated. Materials can be changed to see the price variation between different options. Freight is accurately calculated automatically, depending on the size, weight, and destination of each order. Existing quotes can easily be opened and altered or converted to orders at any time. They can also be duplicated as necessary.

, the world leaders in scratch resistant acrylic

You can now take our complete pricing structure with you wherever you go… in your pocket! We’ve developed the quoting page for easy use on tablets and smart phones. If you are unsure of your login details, give us a call and we’ll sort you out.

Scratch Resistant Our Acrygloss colour range is all scratch resistant! Acrygloss features a special hard coating, developed in Austria by Senosan: world leaders in scratch resistant acrylic. Acrygloss also comes with a protective film over the surface to further protect it during processing.

SCRATCH RESISTANT Instant online quoting & ordering: also available on smart phones and tablets!

Efficient 4-5 day turnaround time

Contact us today for more info! Email: phone: 09 415 6322

10 year warranty on all our Acrygloss and Laseredge doors

Hassle free, scratch resistant acrylic gloss doors!


JOINERS Magazine December 2014 page 23

Northland renewed Interest sees economic upturn Northland, and by that is meant north of Warkworth, has in recent years seen an accelerating interest to live in it by those to the south, particularly Auckland. The reasons are quite obvious: a truly amazing landscape with great views of sea and land for prices that relatively speaking are still attainable following the recession. This combined with a great climate makes Northland pretty much irresistible for those who discover it. The recession also saw the tree shaken pretty hard leaving the surviving tradespeople to deal with the surge in demand for their services be it for new houses or renovating existing ones in what is now openly described as good, if not indeed booming times. Property development particularly up the east coast from Warkworth to Whangarei through to Kerikeri has been especially noticeable. Many of the joiners, cabinetmakers and kitchen manufacturers we spoke to were experiencing considerably greater workloads leaving many to think long and hard about whether they remain the same with the associated lifestyle or invest in more technology and staff to meet demand. Suppliers have been seeing the ow on demand for their products and services as well. Exciting yet demanding times lie ahead for the trades up north. This is not to say standards will change: good quality workmanship and prompt, efďŹ cient service were consistently stated as being the points of difference each business needs to focus on to do well. Read what those we talked to had to say about their business and the industry sector over the following pages.

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John and Deana Gaffar moved from Auckland to establish Kerikeri Cabinets in 2004.

Cabinetry for the discerning


he Northland town of Kerikeri has always been an attractive place to live: a pleasant climate in a visually attractive environment close to a coastline renowned for spectacular views. This has been especially so for retirees looking for the ‘good life’. In more recent times there has seen a significant upturn in the building and renovation scene in and around Kerikeri as far south as Whangarei. John and Deana Gaffar moved from Auckland to Kerikeri and established Kerikeri Cabinets Ltd back in 2004. John, who worked for some of the top cabinetmaking companies in Auckland, comments “The time just seemed right for us to move north.”

They settled on a location just outside Kerikeri on Kapiro Rd where they built their home and adjacent business premises. “Central to our vision was to manufacture and install high quality, custom made kitchens, bathrooms, office and residential furniture and shop fit outs for a discerning clientele in and around Kerikeri in particular. Over the years since we have been able to meet the exacting standards set by the clients we have and installed our cabinetry in many notable new homes as well as innovative renovations.” says Deana. John and Deana provide both the design and manufacturing elements needed to complete their client’s projects. “Since we started we have gradually built up our client base through both word of mouth and referrals based on

our reputation for dealing with that something different, perhaps even unusual, but always high quality work.” Good relationships with their suppliers has been an important part of their being successful. Dealing in particular with high end residential projects has meant that both high quality products and advice is essential. Deana points out “A high level of service is really central to what we offer. The initial consultation is important, but also product knowledge. During the design process we often send clients to the Blum showroom in Auckland for a Blum ‘Kitchen Test Drive’ to look at how to put a kitchen together in a physical sense as well as look at the product Blum have to offer. This has been well received and makes the design process easier.” They also use other leading brands such as Hettich and Hafele for architectural hardware. Deana uses 20/20 from IT Bureau for her designs. “We use Laminex product so using 20/20 was a natural progression. The point to stress is only quality product is considered.” Business has been good in recent times. Networking with local builders has really seen their workload increase. “Although we do a wide range of work we prefer where possible to do house lots as you can look at an overall concept for a house rather than just one part.” comments John.

What about trends? “Lacquer cabinetry finishes are always popular because of the ability for clients to use any colour in their design - we have also seen a move towards mixing different textures within one space to add interest or highlight special features in the overall kitchen design.” comments Deana. “Clients are also much more knowledgeable about product, and really do their homework – home renovation shows, magazines, and the internet has meant clients are coming to us already knowing about the latest hardware and asking us to make it work for them in their space – its great.” John and Deana have certainly been living the vision they had a decade ago. “We have enjoyed living here in Kerikeri and being able to provide our clientele with a quality product and sound advice.”

For further information please contact John & Deana Gaffar at Kerikeri Cabinets Ltd Ph.09 407 1000 Email: Website:

JOINERS Magazine December 2014 page 25

quite simply a happy customer is a good customer. Listen to them then deliver what they want as a quality product

Quality with service to match Guyco Kitchens & Joinery Ltd, a long established family business (of some 50 years) is the largest in Whangarei with some 17 employees. In recent times it has been the subject of an employee buyout and JOINERS Magazine took the opportunity to talk to the two new Managing Directors David Brinn and Peter Dainty about the business and its future direction. David and Peter bring specific skills to the business. David who manages primarily commercial projects through to completion comments “I have had some twenty years here at Guyco. In that time I have been able to discern that quite simply a happy customer is a good customer. Listen to them then deliver what they want as a quality product at a price they can afford. This approach has proved very successful for Guyco.”

work as well. “For top end work we only do spray lacquering with two pot polyurethane gloss finishes” says Peter, “and are lucky to have a local rep who also happens to have been a painter – a most useful attribute for us” Good relationships with their various suppliers is seen as very important to the business by both David and Peter. “The tradesperson is a primary focus for the business, we realize just how important they are to what we do.” says David.

Peter, who oversees every aspect of factory production, concurs. Peter too with some 25 years in the joinery trade most of which with Guyco sees delivering quality as crucial. Both David and Peter are adamant that having a close, experienced production team around them is at the centre of Guyco’s reputation and success. “We can’t do our respective jobs without them. We have high expectations of them but they all rise to the occasion” comments Peter.

The joinery side of the business is really active as well with wooden door and window manufacture along with specialty work such as balustrades. “We have such an experienced team here that we often take on those special one off joinery projects that come up from time to time. Take the job we have just finished for a childcare centre in Auckland,” says Peter.

The business has become more defined based on the experiences of David and Peter. It is broadly split into two parts: custom made ‘bespoke’ kitchens on the one hand that includes residential and commercial fit outs and joinery on the other. The business has grown largely through word of mouth and the inevitable networking that occurs the more projects you do. The total package concept – design, manufacture and install – is central to the kitchen side of the business. Jillian Kake, a qualified kitchen designer, has been with Guyco for some 17 years and has developed a solid reputation for her design work and practical solutions. Guyco JOINERS Magazine December 2014 page 26

David Brinn and Peter Dainty in front of a special project for a childcare centre in Auckland.

have a sizable showroom at their Whangarei location. With the latest 20/20 software from IT Bureau she is able to offer a wide range of design possibilities. The factory offers a full workshop for all their cabinetry requirements. Benchtops and stainless steel fabrication these days are bought in from contracted experts. “As quality and indeed good service is very important with a lot of the work we do being mainly high end house lots, getting the best people to do what is required is de rigour for us.” comments Peter. These days Guyco produce a lot of cabinetry work for larger clients such as supermarkets. The factory does all its own cabinetry finishing

And what of the future? “Through the recession we were proactive in seeking work such as the supermarket business we do. This approach will continue as we realise we have a strong legacy to support with the business here in Whangarei and Northland generally. With the present upturn our activity levels are really to the max. Doing the basics right are the key: give the client what they want within the bounds of the project involved with a quality product and service to match.” says David.

For further information contact David Brinn at Guyco Kitchens & Joinery Ph. 09 470 0653 Email:

JOINERS Magazine December 2014 page 27

good design will sell Kerikeri based Wood Design believe in quality - quality in design, quality in materials and quality in machinery - quality that attracts clients, sees them return and ensures efficient manufacture. It just so happens that much of this quality at Wood Design is German based. JOINERS Magazine talks to owner Brent Foster about his business and manufacturing process. Brent originally operated a business specialising in timber veneer work, mainly office furniture, in Auckland but about ten years ago made the move from the city, north to Kerikeri. As the local furniture market began to dwindle in the face of international imports the company moved more and more into the kitchen market which today accounts for about 80% of their work, the rest being bathrooms, cabinetry and commercial fit outs Wood Design is a family business with Brents two sons running the factory floor, in all they employ 12 staff - from sales through to design, manufacture and install. The company is one of the bigger in the area manufacturing around 15 - 20 kitchens a month including a share of the group housing work in the area. They run a nesting set up based around a Weeke Vantage 43M which they purchased from W & R Jacks a couple of years ago “We do a lot of one off work and the Weeke is ideal - I previously had a Homag for years, liked the quality and now wouldn’t buy anything else,” says Brent. It is the lead up to production that for Brent is a key factor. “We are very design orientated as we know good design sells.” Brent uses a drawing programme for the initial design of his kitchens. “It is very good, can be used virtually as a pen and creates great perspective giving the client a very good rendition of what their kitchen will look like.” The production process is then generated through imos. “I decided about 12 months ago that we needed to improve our production capabilities and efficiencies with the Weeke, and the German developed manufacturing software imos stood out.” “It has been refined over a number of years and the fact that it is supported by a company the size of Laminex New Zealand gave me confidence, I knew they would have done their homework. I also liked the attitude and approach of their representative and technical expert Simon Van Remmortel. He is experienced and knowledgeable having specifically trained on the product in Germany. Initially he spent a couple of days with us on the set up and since has been available online to solve any issues as

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they have emerged. The fact that it is German also means it fits well with our Weeke.” imos is largely the domain of Brents two sons Shannon & Aaron who are in charge of production and while the initial learning curve was big they soon came to grips with it and have explored and continue to explore its potential. “We didn’t just want to buy a library and fit that to our design, we wanted the potential for advanced design when required and a year on have found imos to be a great system, very well set out and very clear.” Wood Design operate two showrooms which are very important to the selling process giving clients assistance and confidence in their selection of componentary and physical detail. One is attached to their factory in Kerikeri and the other a stand alone in Whangarei which they opened 18 months ago. They are both Hettich Endorsed Showrooms which means that they display a comprehensive range of Hettich product. “Hettich are saying they believe in our manufacturing standards and provide us with much of the product in the showroom and we are saying we like their product and promote it as much as we can,” says Brent. “I like Hettich firstly because of their quality of product and secondly because they are not just about hinges and drawer systems, they virtually cover the whole kitchen requirement, with lighting, handles and all sorts of storage systems which means it is not difficult to upsell a client and improve their kitchen. That comprehensive range, their German quality and their lifetime guarantee means we use Hettich unless a client specifically wants something else.”

Brent views installation as the final element where quality is paramount. To achieve this they do it themselves. “It allows us to keep control at a critical part of the relationship with the client and also move to our own time frames in completing the job.” And the next year or two look pretty positive. “There are couple of big projects starting or just about to start in the area, a 500+ house village on the Karikari Peninsula plus a retirement village of 300 units near town which means an awful lot of new kitchens to be made.”

31 Mill Lane Kerikeri. ph 09 407 4383


Wood Design is a kitchen manufacturing company who offers the complete kitchen fit-out package; design, manufacturing, appliances and installation. All our work is individual and bespoke, suited to each client. Quality to us means quality. From the drawing board to installation, we keep this before us. German manufactured ‘Hettich’ hard ware, and being registered fabricators of Corian and Hi Macs acrylics, we can ensure that our final product is of optimum quality. Feel free to visit our showrooms.

31 MILL LANE, KERIKERI | 81 WALTON ST, WHG | 09 407 4383 | WWW.WOODDESIGN.CO.NZ JOINERS Magazine December 2014 page 29


it was becoming obvious that CNC was the way to go if we wanted to stay current and competitive

Neil Hill has found the Biesse Klever works well in his set up.

Small footprint big output The first six months of a shift to nesting was a little daunting for Neil Hill and his staff at Mastercraft Whangarei outlet Kitchen Trendz 2000, as they came to grips with new machinery, new software and new processes. That soon passed and now Neil ‘doesn’t give it a thought’ the company is busy, factory flow is improved and his Biesse Klever is ideal for producing the high end kitchens his company manufacturers. Following 20 years experience in the industry Neil Hill set up his own kitchen business Kitchen Trendz 2000 at the turn of the century. Originally just two guys, the company has now grown to seven on the floor, with two in the office and a well appointed showroom to assist client choice. A couple of years ago they joined the nationwide Mastercraft group. The company mainly manufacture kitchens but do all sorts of work with the production of several substantial house lots paticularily helping them through the early years of the business and more recently the GFC. “I was lucky enough to come into contact with a Swiss banker who was part of the superyacht contingent during the early Americas Cup campaign. He commissioned us to do a house lot for a $30m residence in the Bay of Islands, which turned into a $650,000 job. He liked our work and through him we have been

involved in several other similar projects for some of his wealthy connections.” A couple of years ago Neil realised that he needed to make the move to nesting and after some thought and research purchased a Biesse Klever 1224G FT CNC machine. “We had previously been using an Altendorf F45 to cut all our panel and it’s a great machine which still does a good job, but it was becoming obvious that CNC was the way to go if we wanted to stay current and competitive.” Neil believed the Biesse Klever to be the best machine for his circumstances. “It’s a small machine but perfect for our requirements, it slots into our factory easily and its size means it doesn’t need any safety barriers or matting. Its European design represents decades of development and is backed up by a large international company who aren’t likely to dissappear next year.”

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“We’ve seen a great improvement in speed and accuracy of manufacture since its purchase and our factory flow has improved dramatically. A couple of staff have left since its introduction and we haven’t had to replace them while still maintaining our level of output. If I ever needed more capacity I would buy another one the same size” The company purchased Cabinet Vision at the same time to run the Klever. “Mastercraft had arranged a special deal, with Phil Smith from Joinery It, and we were able to take advantage of that. Our experience with the software has been good, it provides great design visuals for our clients and the link to production has streamlined the design to manufacture process. Any queries or issues have been quickly handled via phone or internet.” The Mastercraft connection has been very important for the business. “It generates buying

power so we are able to get good deals with key suppliers. The group also provide warranties, branding and a national framework which gives clients confidence in our abilities as part of a substantial organisation, while we continue to run our own business as seperate entities. The future is looking pretty good for the company. “At the moment we are very busy and have more work lined up for next year than ever before - the city’s hinterland is probably busier than Whangarei itself - Ruakaka and One Tree Point being examples of expensive subdivision being developed near Whangarei providing us all with what should be a good 2015.”

178 Lower Dent St, Whangarei. Ph 09 438 3037

JOINERS Magazine December 2014 page 31


Tungsten & Tools new office and warehouse space in Southend Avenue, Whangarei.

tooling advice & delivery Whangarei based Tungsten & Tool have been supplying and maintaining tooling for industrial machinery since 1986. JOINERS Magazine spoke to Glen McGaveston who represents the second generation of this family business to discuss the success the company has enjoyed over that time - the concensus, it comes down to an emphasis on product, product knowledge and prompt delivery. Tungsten & Tool is today run by Mike McGaveston and his three sons Glen, Des and Steve along with loyal staff. From its new warehouse on the industrial southern edge of Whangarei it supplies tooling services throughout the country. The company originally started out as a sharpening service but over the years has become a specialist in the supply and service of CNC tooling for a wide range of materials from wood to aluminium, carbon fibre and composites. They import highly regarded international brands such as Onsrud and Konig router bits and cutters from America and Germany respectively, along with Freud saw blades from Italy. The company has been through a strong growth period over the last few years something Glen attributes to an improving local and national economy but also to having the right agencies, a strong knowledge of their products and attention to the needs of their clients. “The key is in holding a comprehensive range of stock that meets your clients needs and is available when they want it. We gain our edge from a fast delivery service along with technical advice and back up no matter what material our clients are cutting,” says Glen. Tungsten & Tool offers nationwide overnight freight free delivery which is the hall mark of

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and supply the result to us so that we are able to advise our clients on tooling use, machining speeds and general specs to achieve the best finish.”

this service. “Our new purpose built warehouse has helped us with this - more space, a wider range, a more streamlined stock flow - enabling a quicker dispatch to clients. We also visit our clients regularly just to ensure we are in touch with their requirements and understand their business needs.” With new materials emerging all the time the requirement to stay abreast with changes in tooling and machinery running specifications is important and company representative regularly visit shows in Europe and America to keep up with the latest innovations in tooling and material developments. “New Zealand manufacturers are quite innovative, often using new materials here in quantity before they come into common usage elsewhere. Our suppliers such as Onsrud are happy to test their cutters on any new material

Sharpening is still an important part of the companies business but in terms of a % of what they sell they sharpen very few. “CNC cutters currently give such a good yield in terms of material cut per blade that many users simply throw the used ones away,” says Glen. Adding that they do provide a cutter recycling service whereby the used cutters are returned and a credit is put against the clients account. Apart from supplying tooling and knowledge to their clients doorstep very quickly, Tungsten & Tool also reward loyal clients through Perks Plus, a rewards program whereby the purchase of products and services accrues points which can be redeemed for a wide range of items from hampers to lifestyle gifts to wine and spirits. “Its our way of saying thank you and our clients appreciate it,” says Glen. 

0800 488 647

Listen. Can you hear that? F

rom the workshop at NorthTec’s Future Trades campus in Whangarei a faint hum can just be heard. Maintenance Supervisor Robin Storey breaks into a smile. “You can’t really hear it. And that’s one of the main reasons we bought it” he says. He’s talking about a Holytek CM624 spiral block thicknesser purchased for the workshop last year. “When we started looking to replace our 30 year old machine we were advised to go for the spiral block. And it has been well worth it.” The Future Trades campus is just one of several NorthTec operates in the Northland region, but it’s the one that prepares the material for all the carpentry courses, so the thicknesser has a reasonable workload. “We’d be operating the machine at least a couple of hours a day, five days a week” says Robin. “As well as the pre-cut material prep for other campuses we’ve also got up to 3 classes a day here, including Level II – IV construction, apprentices and an irregular boat-builder’s course.” Being able to teach students while the machine is running is a huge benefit, Robin explains. “We can talk normally. A group of students can see, hear and understand what we’re showing them on the thicknesser. On our old machine you could hear the scream of the blades from several rooms away. Now we can operate with the workshop door open without disturbing the rest of the campus, and we can get fresh air on a hot day.”

The Holytek CM624 is well proven within educational institutions around NZ, and it was some South Island colleagues who recommended Robin look at this particular thicknesser. “As well as looking to upgrade from a very well used machine, we also wanted more capacity,” says Robin, and the Holytek is wider at 600mm, and faster. “We also knew we needed a robust machine – we can’t supervise every piece of timber the students feed through it.While we do what we can to remove nails and screws, occasionally one gets through. Our technician was regularly sharpening knives for our old machine, but with the spiral block if we hit a nail we can just turn the damaged knife.” Each of the many knives can be turned three times so the interruption a nail can cause is minimal when compared to straight knives. “We’ve just turned all the knives for the first time – so that’s about a year we’ve had out of the first edge,” says Robin. Fellow tutor John Pratt is also impressed with the Holytek’s no nonsense functionality. “It’s simple to operate, and easy to step the students through safe and efficient use, from using the feed rollers to the digital rise and fall. They learn quickly. What’s more it’s wonderfully quiet and it gives an excellent finish” he says. Robin agrees. “We’re regularly using box-grade timber so we’ve noticed the improvement the spiral block gives when it comes to knots and the cross grain around them. It must be the angle of the knives and less surface area cutting, but there’s no tear out.” John holds up a piece of smooth, clear timber. “We’re getting this sort of finish out from breaking down pallets” he says. “We’re impressed”.

NorthTec runs trades programmes in carpentry, elementary construction, painting and decorating and construction trades supervision. Also available are more than 100 programmes covering everything from business administration and computing to forestry, agriculture, applied sciences and engineering. For more information go to or Freephone 0800 162 100.

Robin Storey, left, and John Pratt with the Holytek CM624 spiral block thicknesser - quiet operation, smooth clear finish.

Rely on excellent customer service with Fast, Free delivery. You’ll be the winner! Customer Service noun. the assistance and advice provided by a company to those people who buy or use its products or services. Call the hotline now on 0800 488 647 for free expert advice to make sure you’re using the most up to date, most efficient cutting tool for your job!

JOINERS Magazine December 2014 page 33

laminate refreshes itself An issue for laminate benchtop manufacturers over the last decade has been the global proliferation of competing benchtop surface materials. In New Zealand laminate is still the dominant benchtop surface but has also found increased competition from other materials. We talk to one of our leading fabricators Beauty Craft about what they and their suppliers are doing to retain laminates market position. Benchtop fabricator Beauty Craft have been in business for around 30 years. Current owners John Cochrane and Sue Benson purchased the business in 2006, and since then, while growing their own market share have seen a rise in imported product and an increase in the range of benchtop materials, such as engineered stone, erode the overall market for laminate For Sue and John and the laminate business generally this has required a fresh look at how they promote and deliver the product. “Laminate is a great surface for benchtops, it works well, can form to a very tight radius, new surface technology means it is generally as hygenic, stain and scratch resistant as its counterparts and it is cheaper than most of the alternatives - it is also available in a myriad of colour, pattern and texture that few other products can compete with,” says John. Globally, leading suppliers such as Formica and Wilsonart are using these features to keep the product innovative. “Laminate is re-inventing itself in Europe and America and we are following the same patterns here. New colours and patterns are being promoted to a new generation as cheeky and cheerful, fresh and funky, innovative and replaceable.” “The new Formica 180FX range from Laminex New Zealand is typical of this. This sophisticated laminate replicates the beauty and magnitude of natural stone by using innovative printing technology that captures every little nuance and detail. New colours and designs are changing peoples view of the product, making it fashionable and sort after by the post baby boomers. We are joining with Laminex in getting this message out there making up boards and benchtops and getting them into showrooms so that prospective buyers can see and feel them.” John identifies ordering and turnaround as a very important factor in securing and retaining business. “Currently once we receive details of the bench top from the manufacturer our estimator can supply a quote within an hour, with an 8-10 day turnaround on benchtop delivery. We want to get that down to 6 days,” says John. “By improving our connections with the client.”

JOINERS Magazine December 2014 page 34

FORMICA 180FX captures the nuance of natural stone.

Working with an Australian software developer John is about to launch the latest version of Beauty Crafts online design and quote package which makes it simpler, easier and faster for clients to order. “Web access for design and quoting is what the market wants. Our latest version to be released in 2015 will allow manufacturers to supply their designs online by using our template and library, quoting is easy and accurate and the job can go straight to the beamsaw and cnc for manufacture.” A national capability is also at times pertinent to securing business. “While the bulk of the laminate business is still residential the growth area is in commercial projects mainly government driven and often spread over the country. This requires size, capacity and location. While we deal mainly north of Taupo we have a strategic arrangement with Freeform Laminates Ltd in the South Island which allows us to present a national solution to a project if required.” Also in partnership with Freeform Laminates, Beauty Craft have recently added a new range to compete with the blank import market. Smart Top is a New Zealand made benchtop system with a sealed white backing available at short notice, in 10 of the most fashionable Formica colours. “Recent years has seen the

increasing import of laminated board which is taking business away from local manufacturers, we decided to compete and retain business by manufacturing our own locally made benchtop system,” says John. With the economy turning and business in the upper northern region improving John remains optimistic for the laminate business. “Growth is returning slowly but Auckland is a big machine and that growth provides strong business for those aware of their market and positioned to take advantage of it.”

Beauty Craft Surfaces Ltd 334 State Highway 12 Maungaturoto 0800 148 677

JOINERS Magazine December 2014 page 35

It’s important that the supplier has a similar philosophy to us - technically adept with a strong customer orientation. In wood finishing PPG fit the bill.

The Wynn Fraser Paints fully equipped mobile vans quickly service any client north of Wellsford.

Helping our customers be more successful Wynn Fraser Paints have been around a long time - some 65 years in fact – serving the needs of their core market of trade professionals as well as retail/DIY customers with a huge range of product and advice. JOINERS Magazine recently caught up with Managing Director Mike Verkuylen to find out why this Award winning business has been so successful and what the future holds. Independently owned, the company’s success lies in a sound business philosophy backed up by the practical things that make that philosophy work. “The key to our business strategy has been to grow the business profitably and sustainably” comments Mike. “We have achieved this through a range of policies and processes built around the right staff, the right products and the right advice that has progressively grown our client base over the years.” The business has, since 2001, been based in a purpose built 1100 square metre site in Okara Drive in Whangarei. From there they cover from Wellsford to the Far North. “Catering for a substantial range of industry segments within that region has also been important to our success. These segments include automotive, marine both pleasure and industrial, industrial, decorative, woodcare and furniture as well as a comprehensive colour consulting and matching service. Basically this means if it needs a lick of paint Wynn Fraser has the product and experience to do the job.” says Mike.

The company’s reach is a big advantage as well. The twenty man team includes four technical reps on the road, each experienced in particular fields. Working in the shop are a dozen staff supported by two in the administration area and an operations manager. The high level of technical skills available both on the road and in the store is a critical success factor in enabling the company to meet their stated objective of “helping their customers to be more successful”. With fully equipped mobile vans they can quickly service any client north of Wellsford. The size of Wynn Fraser is also an advantage as Mike explains “We are able to buy well especially for our trade clients through bulk purchasing and our partnering with leading brand suppliers.” Partnering is an important element for both Wynn Fraser and the supplier with no better example than in the wood finishing sector. “It’s important that the supplier has a similar philosophy to us, is technically adept and with a strong customer orientation. In the wood finishing industry PPG Industries fit the bill. Accordingly, they are

JOINERS Magazine December 2014 page 36

a key supplier whom we partner with for a wide range of their industrial paints and stain coatings in the wood finishing sector. They keep us up to date by supplying us with new, well tested products such as their new 880NGR wood stain range they bought out last year and more recently their new Amerthane 573 2K gloss for interior applications. These new products are augmented with excellent technical support through the Merlin colour matching system we have onsite. This includes a spectrophotometer, upgraded software and scales for really accurate measurements based on weight rather than volume. This makes for efficient matching and colour retrieval. We have a full time colour mixer along with two support staff that really makes this important service of colour matching and consulting so successful.” Experienced, well trained staff who ‘think’ like their clients are at the centre of the business. Most if not all come from a trade background and have an average of about eleven years service with Wynn Fraser.

“The combination of partnering with the best brands and experienced staff means we can offer the right product for the right price in many cases with innovative solutions.” Wynn Fraser Paints have won many awards with the most recent being the 2011 Westpac Northland Business Excellence Awards, winning the Golden Bay Cement Excellence in Manufacturing, Construction and Trade category and the ACC Workplace Safety Award before going on to win the 2011 Westpac Business of the Year Award. Mike comments “I believe our strategy of growing the business profitably and sustainably can only be achieved if our client’s interests are paramount at all times. The various awards we have won are a reflection of this approach.”

For further information contact Mike Verkuylen at Wynn Fraser Paints on 09 438 1624 or email

For the ultimate “off the gun” gloss finish look no further than PPG’s Amerthane 573 2K gloss

A high quality gloss finish for kitchens, shop fittings, cabinets, desks, paneling, partitions and most interior wood and metal work.

PPG Industries NZ Ltd 5 Monahan Rd Mt Wellington, Auckland Freephone 0800 990 093 Freefax 0800 659 377

Wynn Fraser Paints Whangarei (09) 438 1624 • Wairau Paint Centre Ltd Auckland (09) 443 3430 • PPG Industries NZ Ltd Auckland (09) 573 1620 • Panelbeating Supplies Ltd Auckland (09) 525 7475 • Linkup Paint Supplies Ltd Hamilton (07) 847 0933 • Linkup Paints (BOP) Ltd Tauranga (07) 571 8921 • Complete Paints Ltd Napier (06) 843 1122 • Total Paint Supplies Ltd New Plymouth (06) 769 9415 • Total Body Shop Ltd Wellington (04) 586 6681 • Paintco Nelson (03) 546 6660 • PPG Industries NZ Ltd Christchurch (03) 384 0255 • Rainbow Paints Ltd Dunedin (03) 474 0659 • Southern Paints Invercargill (03) 218 4664

JOINERS Magazine December 2014 page 37


the challenge of increased business Whangarei based Sherwood Kitchens & Joinery have been designing, manufacturing and installing custom made kitchens and joinery fittings for some sixteen years under the stewardship of Darren Russo and his wife Sandra. Their current location in Lower Dent St, where they have been since 2003, combines a showroom and factory on a 600 sq metre site. Bob Nordgren caught up with Darren on a recent jaunt to Whangarei to see what impact the recent upturn in economic activity has had for them. Darren has a long track record in the joinery and kitchen manufacturing scene dating back to his apprenticeship with Pat Gavin Ltd some thirty odd years ago.

With the amount of work on offer at the moment is there pressure to expand the business? “Yes I think so.” says Darren “With the workload we now have and expect in the future we will need to consider carefully what we do over the next year or two. The advantage of nested based is that you can switch from one job to another quickly doing short or longer runs when required. This keeps us up with the play.

“Kitchens have been the mainstay of what we do although we still design and install laundry units, vanity cabinets and wardrobes as well” comments Darren. The business follows the nested base manufacturing model with an SCM edgebander and panel saw along with an SCM Pratix 48 NST CNC machine and other assorted machines. “Each client gets the personalised approach through the design and creation process moving from two dimensional to three dimensional photo realistic computer images. We have recently taken on board new Cabinet Vision software from Phil Smith of JoineryIT which gives us good quality drawings. We can see already the potential to do more as this software helps to better integrate design with the manufacturing process.” says Darren Business for Sherwood has definitely been on the up of recent times. Their business has been focused in places like the Bay of Islands, Whangarei and Dargaville. “We have long cultured close working relationships with local builders, building companies and renovators. This combined with word of mouth from existing work we have carried out has JOINERS Magazine December 2014 page 38

firmly established our credential for quality, well priced work. Relating to people who in turn can trust us is the cornerstone of the business. We have as a result, seen in recent times the development of a very good, ongoing workload. The increasing interest in Northland as a place to live is having a real effect on businesses like ours.” comments Darren. Currently Sherwood have four staff on the floor along with Darren. “With the upturn in business here in the North we are lucky to have the staff we do. One of our staff is currently an apprentice in his second year.”

The kitchen manufacturing scene up here is well into a growth phase at present. Having good relationships with our suppliers has been very important. With just in time manufacturing in full flight balancing work with supplies is a part of the modern operation. Our key suppliers include Primepanels, Laminex NZ, Bestwood and Sage Manufacturing for board related product or Blum and Hafele for hardware. It’s all about having on tap the best products available for the job at hand.”

For more information contact Darren Russo at Sherwood Kitchens & Joinery Ph. 09 438 0947 Email

meeting demand with technology R

egal Plus Joinery, based in Commerce St in Whangarei, cover a wide range of product from custom made kitchens to balustrades, stairs, furniture to general cabinetry. Run along traditional lines, Managing Directors Roger Turner and Jason Hammond have over the years developed a successful business. “Through hard work and word of mouth we have established a solid client base that has grown steadily” comments Roger. The business has been around some 26 years combining with Jason’s balustrade business back in 2007. “The combined client base has really lifted our production in recent times” say Jason. The 7500 square foot factory currently has seven staff with a range of machinery. “With the business growing we had to look carefully at what we were doing. Increasing production and efficiency to meet demand was becoming a necessity.” comments Roger.

“Steve was straight forward in his approach. We didn’t need a really sophisticated machine and the Pro Form AT 25/13 CNC flatbed was ideal for what we wanted: an entry level machine with a 2400 by 1200 flatbed to take single sheets but was still compact enough (1500 by 3000mm) to fit virtually anywhere in the factory and was priced right. This machine changed a lot of things for us. It saved us time by being fast and accurate to use. With Proform’s expertise it was up and running in no time flat.”

Jason Hammond & Roger Turner.

The factory has a solid collection of machinery including two spindle moulders, a 400 surface planer, thicknessers, an edgebander and panel saws but no CNC. After a good look around they decided on bringing in Steve Fifield from machinery manufacturer Pro Form.

Notable features of the machine include a powerful (4.5kW) main spindle along with a PC control using an easy to use Windows 7 operating system. The drive guide system lends itself to fast, accurate work with precise movement along the x and y axis via an induction hardened oblique/helical rack and pinion drive system while the z axis (vertical) accuracy comes from a precision ground recirculating ball saw. The machine is geared to computer controlled shape nesting.

“The incorporation of the flatbed has been part of an ongoing look at what we do here” comments Jason . “We have streamlined our operation in recent times using Quisine software for our main line of work, kitchen design, manufacture and installation. Benchtop work is contracted to specialists. We have seen a lot of stone being used in recent times as well.” comments Jason. “We are fortunate to have some good long serving staff and this has made things easier for us. With the increased production capacity we are looking forward to meeting client needs in these busy times.”

For further information contact Roger Turner at Regal Plus Joinery Ph.09 438 2989 email info@




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from $37,500 +GST

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This machine means we can use three different units (profile scraping, glue joint scraping and buffing) in any combinations to the free spaces.

Carolyn and Aaron Rawson in front of their Brandt edgebander.

the personal touch personal service & quality workmanship for the best outcome


ince taking over Danska Cabinetmaking back in 2010 Aaron and Carolyn Rawson have further built on the reputation the business had for excellent personalised service and quality workmanship. Aaron, who has been a cabinetmaker since he left school some twenty five years ago, apprenticed in Auckland to a top kitchen maker before deciding to move north with his wife and family to buy Danska Cabinetmaking in Whangarei. While he looks after the factory floor with his two factory staff Carolyn looks after administration and the design side of the business. “At the heart of what we do is the design, manufacture and installation of kitchens in a professional manner with an emphasis on the personal touch – it’s the key to our success.” comments Aaron. The factory, with a small showroom at the front is well organised with solid, modern machinery. Interestingly, they have a panel saw and Tech 90 Super ‘half’ CNC router (2400 by 600 sheets) from SCM as well as a brand new Brandt Ambition 1120 edgebander supplied by W & R Jack Ltd.

JOINERS Magazine December 2014 page 40

“We see the edgebander as part of a progression for us as a business to be able to deal with the increase in business we have been experiencing in recent times here in the North.” The highlight of the Ambition 1120 is the finishing area. As it comes with two free spaces it offers Aaron real flexibility. “In a relatively small operation like ours utilising space in the best way is vital. This machine means we can use three different units (profile scraping, glue joint scraping and buffing) in any combinations to the free spaces. It is easy to use and comes with a good contour trimming unit to make sure of a complete finish.” As well as kitchens the business designs, makes and installs customised vanity units, laundry cabinets, furniture and even commercial fit outs. “The workshop we now have with the machinery and experienced staff, gives us an even greater ability to produce whatever the client wants.” says Aaron. Their reputation is a significant factor as Carolyn comments “The majority of our business comes through word of mouth, through builders we deal with, our website and of course off the street. We design about 90% of the work we do as well.”

What about trends? “In the benchtop scene we see an ever increasing use of engineered stone (especially the ‘suede’ finish) and acrylic product. They are viewed as consistent in colour and are priced well when compared to granite or marble. Gloss cabinetry is also popular at the moment. There is continuing growth in the building market especially renovation, a trend that started some twelve months ago.” Working relationships with leading suppliers has also been a driving force behind Danska’s continued growth. “Long standing relationships with companies like Blum, Hafele, Arborline and Laminex NZ have been important for us. Dealing in quality product to which we add quality workmanship leads to a better outcome for our clientele.” says Aaron.

For further information contact Aaron & Carolyn Rawson at Danska Cabinetmaking Ph. 09 4381100 Email:




JOINERS Magazine December 2014 page 41

JOINERS Magazine December 2014 page 42

JOINERS Magazine December 2014 page 43

L'invincibile The new "L'invincibile" line, the top range of SCM classic machinery, presents a new livery, a new logo and a stainless steel "chassis" founded on a solid base of outstanding technological solutions, the result of extensive experience and a long history of success stories. "L'invincibile" is a well-known brand, with which the largest Italian group in the woodworking machinery manufacturing sector originally made its mark, over sixty years ago. Classic machinery, traditional machinery. This definition remains a close fit to the group as they are today - offering real, focused technologies and solutions which are often adopted or derived from the industrial machinery sector. The only difference is that the movement of the piece relative to the tool is performed by the operator and not automatically. Speed, quality and safety are the characteristics which define the entire SCM Group range. "L'invincibile" is the name reflecting the excellence of the Riminibased group's "stand alone" machines, consisting of five solutions - spindle moulder, circular saw, surface planer, thicknessing planer and combined surface and thicknessing planer - the "Ferrari" of the carpentry workshop. State Of The Art “We chose to work on the logo and livery of our machines,” commented Massimo Paganelli, Head of Business Unit Artis Machinery, “in order to emphasize our continued commitment to this family of products, creating a symbol which allows us to relate closely to our customers and distributors, communicating with them a sense of the enormous progress we have made over the last ten years across these technologies too; this work has effectively set a new standard to which the whole industry refers. We did choose the "State Of The Art" as payoff because today, the state of the art for the craftsman is defined by SCM machinery bearing the "L'invincibile" logo, tools boasting technology which is covered by not one, but hundreds of patents.” An effective response to the needs of customers all over the world looking for a reliable solution which allows them to obtain the best result, both from the point of view of accuracy and of quality of finish, in the shortest possible time. Intelligent machinery, which features real-time instructions to guide the operator (from the most experienced carpenters to operators who have never used a woodworking machine before), assisting him or her and setting a number of operations, eliminating the possibility for errors to be made and the risk of accidents. A few simple commands is all it takes for everything to be in place to produce the desired piece, without loss of valuable time, thanks to stored programmes and the possibility of using the automatic tool changer: from one process to another in a matter of seconds! This is "State Of The Art", guaranteed by the solutions offered by the "L'invincibile" series. Safety SCM machinery has always been safety first. SCM believes in active safety, preventing possible problems from arising, thanks to features and protective devices that are not standardised and the same for everyone, but are instead designed specifically for each machine, planned and built for installation in the exact position in which they are needed, without delaying operations, creating an obstacle or acting as a hindrance to the operator in any way. Durability and reliability Stainless steel was the material of choice for the new "carriage" and for the new logo. A clear-cut choice, with a clear-cut message: these are machines built to last, and to ensure maximum quality over time. Style, robustness, reliability, strength, beauty and longevity, all at the service of the carpenter, who will be accompanied over time by his or her trusty workmate, "L'invincibile".

SCM is available in New Zealand through Machines R Us JOINERS Magazine December 2014 page 44

NEW TECHNOLOGY ACROSS THE RANGE The Spindle Moulder One of the most significant innovations that has been introduced on the new “L’invincibile” spindle moulder is the tool recognition system: once the tool is loaded, the machine retrieves information regarding the size and characteristics of this, incorporating them into the system. Strict limits are immediately imposed on all aggregates or parts of the machine that could collide, blocking access to options or programs that are not suitable for use. This ensures maximum safety for the operator, with elevated precision, minimal maintenance and no risk. The “L’invincibile” spindle moulder is also the only one of its kind in the world to be equipped with an electrospindle, or to feature a motor directly mounted on the tool holder shaft for maximum vibration reduction, and optimised efficiency and power, and, once again, ultimate reliability and precision. The Thicknessing Planer In the “L’invincibile” thicknessing planer, the work piece haul-off rollers are supported by connecting rods, ensuring that the work piece does not encounter resistance in its path through the machine. Special pneumatic suspension allows the pressure exerted by the rollers on the wood, both incoming and outgoing, to be adjusted depending on the wood type, the width of the piece and the planned removal method. This provides optimal haul-off and maximum effectiveness, allowing the operator the possibility to replace the steel helical roller with a rubber version in a matter of minutes, so as to achieve a perfect finish even with minimum material removal. In addition, an inverter affects the haul-off speed, allowing it to be regulated according to the motor absorption, so that the entire process can be adapted in real time to the wooden element that is being machined: if the speed or the removal are excessive, the “L’invincibile” remediates this automatically. The Surface Planer The entrance floor is equipped with a parallelogram system for adjusting the position; this solution not only removes the need for maintenance and negates any wear issues, it also allows the operator to carry out a special type of processing called “concaveconvex” which allow the user to achieve optimal results, especially when working on pieces that are designed to be glued together. This technological solution maintains the distance between floor and tool, allowing the sound pressure to be maintained at the set level, while ensuring the maximum efficacy of aspiration. The planer is also equipped with “smart lifter” protection, an intelligent lifting function which moves the protection from the blade-holder shaft only when necessary during the processing phase, and only where actually needed, based on the actual size of the piece. The Combined Surface and Thicknessing Planer All of these advantages are offered by the combined surface and thicknessing planer, which also allows the operator, with a few safe movements, to automatically raise and lower the floor, passing from “thicknessing planer” mode to “surface planer” mode, quickly and easily ... The Circular Saw Important confirmation and innovation for the queen of classic machinery. Among these new developments is the now famous “carriage”, the only type of its kind in the world, with a sliding system whose effectiveness is centred on the rolling of balls on the tracks in an arc profile, thus allowing a larger contact area and, consequently, superior wear resistance, as well as absolute and long-lasting precision. A carriage guaranteed for ten years by SCM Group.


The “L’invincibile” circular saw is equipped with a square frame which can rotate on itself with a few simple movements, allowing the operator to perform angular or tilted blade cuts with ease. The system “reads” the rotation, communicating the real dimensions that the piece will have when cut to the indicators present on the stops, in real time, eliminating the need for “test cuts”.  JOINERS Magazine December 2014 page 45

JKF Torben Vognsen and Lam Fei Shiong visiting Factory Frames North Auckland.

Top managers impressed with NZ market Last month saw a visit from To r b e n Vo g n s e n , G r o u p Manager for Danish based JKF, manufacturer of Europe’s most advanced duct collectors, and Mr Lam Fei Shiong, Managing Director from the companies Asia Pacific base -Kuala Lumpur. JKF is a dynamic company which constantly develops new products, processes and methods to remain at the forefront of dust extraction developments. They continuously optimise their systems to improve performance of filtration and energy usage. JKF will often be involved in defining new solutions faster than the market can define new requirements and they currently offer the most energy efficient pulse cleaning dust filters available. Part of this commitment includes traveling the world keeping in touch with markets and customer requirements – the two top

managers were impressed at what is happening currently in the market and the potential NZ has to improve working conditions for staff employed in dusty environments. Whilst in Auckland, Geoff Ebdon, General Manger for NZ Duct & Flex took them to several JKF installations completed by the NZ company, including Factory Frames on Auckland’s North Shore. Factory Frames Production Manager Trent Roozendaal said “Christmas two years ago, Geoff and his team installed a complete new filtration system using all JKF ducting, a JKF fan and dust collector for our factory. Since then it’s been great, we haven’t touched it. It’s still sucking as well as it did on the first day. We just empty the bags when they are full of dust and that's all. We are very pleased with the unit”

JOINERS Magazine December 2014 page 46

The three Module filter installed at Factory Frames.

Torben Vognsen of JKF explained “We supply to over 60 markets around the world and while some things are the same, each country has its unique requirements. We have 4 factories worldwide but New Zealand is a long way from all of them! So, we worked with Geoff and his staff to provide a unique New Zealand, flexible method of building small / medium dust collectors, which feature interchangeable parts so kiwi

customers can get our quality and design immediately from stock in a size and design that totally fits their individual requirements. Its European product but sent out anywhere in NZ same day as ordered.” For more information on New Zealand Duct & Flex and JKF modular filters telephone FREEPHONE 0508 69 38 28 or visit

New Zealand


Everything you need for a Dust solution




Freephone 0508 NZ DUCT (0508 69 38 28) 13F Saleyards Road, Otahuhu, Auckland P: 09 276 8020 F: 09 276 8070 E: JOINERS Magazine December 2014 page 47

The new SCM Pratika 310MF Compact & Versatile

Contact your Machines 'R' Us rep to find out more.

$75,500.00+GST offer valid until Jan 31 2015

Loaded with standard features the Pratika 310MF packs a punch • • • • • • • • • • • •

2486 x 1255 x 150 working field Aluminium multi function table suitable for nesting and also for pods 250 cu vacuum pump, pre wired for second pump Separate 7 x vertical spindle drilling head HSK 63 Spindle with automatic tool change and prepared for using aggregates Automatic tool length measuring 8 x position tool rack Tooling package Automatic centralised lubrication Tecpad handcontrol PC station Xilog Maestro software and Telesolve

Want to save even more? Machines 'R' Us also offer great SCM combo packages. Get a CNC & Edgebander or Panel Saw & Edgebander and save even more $$$. Talk to John 021 393 847 or Rodney 021 393 864 about options on these great packages.

Wood l Glass l Plastic l Stone l Composite - we’ve got what it takes l 09 820 9486 l 03 343 6737 JOINERS Magazine December 2014 page 48



Contact your Machines 'R' Us rep to find out more.

offer valid until Jan 31 2015

SCM SI 7 L’invincible

SCM offers saw models to suit all levels of production

SCM SI 400 Nova

SCM SI 400 EP Class

SCM SI 7 L'Invincible

Wood l Glass l Plastic l Stone l Composite - we’ve got what it takes l 09 820 9486 l 03 343 6737 JOINERS Magazine December 2014 page 49

11 Bruce Roderick Drive East Tamaki

Artia welcome visits from manufacturers, designers and their clients at their new showroom set up to display key products in action.

Artia moves to new purpose built distribution centre and trade showroom As part of their new business strategy, which is now totally aligned to supporting the joinery trades, Artia have recently relocated to their new, purpose built, $4,000,000 Distribution Centre and Support Office in Bruce Roderick Drive, East Tamaki. The facility has been designed specifically for their business and uses the latest in warehousing techniques including a high stud, narrow aisle configuration along with electronic wire guidance system for the stock pickers and wireless bar coding and scanning for order picking and warehouse management. Artia have also taken the opportunity to incorporate a new “Trade Showroom” where joiners and designers can view the key products in action and can send their customers to see the latest offerings from some of the world’s leading manufacturers. Artia are now partnering with Grass and Sige to offer a comprehensive European range of kitchen hardware and compliment this with their own high quality in house brand Tradecraft and other niche suppliers. Artia would love to see you visit their showroom – so if you are passing pop in for a look. 

JOINERS Magazine December 2014 page 50

With the opening of their new warehouse and showroom in East Tamaki and European agencies such as Grass, Sige as well as their own Tradecraft range Aria are aligned to the needs of the joinery and kitchen making trades.

JOINERS Magazine December 2014 page 51

Selling services to like businesses Innovative Interiors are well known for their production of custom built wardrobes, they are now looking to extend their operation to providing a cut, drill and clash service to other business who need machining capacity. Operations manager Murray Clinch says the move into offering the service is a natural extension of their wardrobe business. “We have extensive experience in shipping pallets of cut panel to our wardrobe outlets around the country so we know about cutting and delivering panel on time.” Murray says they are happy to provide the service as a one off or an ongoing basis and believes it will appeal to a range of businesses. Those experiencing fluctuating volumes of work which may require an out sourcing option at peak levels. Those who are experiencing growth but do not wish to invest in more machinery or those that are simply operating a showroom or retail outlet business and don’t wish to be involved in the capital intensive manufacturing side.

One of the distinct advantage that Innovative Interiors has in this field is that they do not sell kitchens, so they are not in competition with their clients. “In this regard we offer security and peace of mind when it comes to the sharing of their IP,” says Murray. The company use PRO100 & Pro Centre software which flows through to late model machinery for cutting, drilling and clashing.

Machinery Available Masterwood TF100 CNC drilling machine Brandt Optimat KDF 770 edgebander Giben Smart beam saw SCM 245 beam saw Electrostatic flock coating equipment

If required they are happy to work with customers to design and manufacture specific cabinetry items. Murray would welcome your enquiry and can be contacted personally on 021 226 6202 or use the 0800 number below.

JOINERS Magazine December 2014 page 52

Innovative Interiors are one of the few manufacturers who also offer a flocking service - ideal for jewellery drawers or fitouts.

100mm, 120mm and 150mm + Tongue Base

Freight within Hamilton free, deliveries to Auckland of 300 minimum south of the bridge free every Friday north of the bridge 900 minimum free

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7 Tasman Road, PO Box 6001, Hamilton Ph: 07-849 5947 Fx: 07-849 5972 JOINERS Magazine December 2014 page 53

Holzher Sprint Series new generation in edgebanding


he Sprint Series of edgebanders from HolzHer has been gaining traction in the market place with the recent installation of a 1329 Sprint Premium in the cabinetmaking business, Mastercraft Kitchens in New Lynn, Auckland. The Sprint range is designed for high quality and flexibility. They come in a variety of compact models for complete processing of state-ofthe-art edging and panel material. Programme selection allows the machine to be set up without even opening the hood so that it is ready for immediate production. Speed and reliability are primary with these machines. “Heating up, colour changing, and cleaning, take only three minutes each which makes operating the machine so much easier” comments New Zealand HolzHer agent Mike French from Technical Machinery Services Ltd.

offer an extremely long service life, while being resistant to heat and water. These attributes offer real quality advantages in all areas of cabinetmaking.”

“PUR glue has become the standard for professional cabinetmakers these days so our hybrid technology with the Glu Jet System means you can process PUR glue on a standard basis, just as simply as EVA glue. This ability to easily switch from one glue type to another, in combination with the new HolzHer thin film technique, makes this gluing system the all rounder for both craftsman and industrial users alike. Visual zero

joints with PUR glue, allowing use in wet areas, are an absolute assurance for our customers” says Mike. “Ultra thin glue joints, easily equivalent to industrial laser edges, are easy to achieve with the HolzHer Glu Jet System. Its flexibility is impressive by any standard - with no additional glue basin or expensive nitrogen tanks. The joints are high strength and

It doesn’t end there either. The new edging magazine with its synchronised adaptation to the feed rate (Synchro Drive) guarantees short intervals between work-pieces while simultaneously optimising edging protrusions. Thanks to a great nozzle design a small feed angle is created - easy feeding for solid wood edging of up to 15mm. An optional extra is the motor driven pressure unit with automatic adaptation to the feed rate and NC servo-axes to adjust for correct edge thickness. Straight and tapered pressure rollers make for perfectly glued joints.


the standard for modern cabinet makers

AURIGA 1308 | 1308 XL The HOLZ-HER PC Edge Control makes it easy to change edging at the press of a button. • edge thicknesses up to 6 mm • workpiece thicknesses up to 60 mm

Technical Machinery Services Limited Holzher New Zealand Agent 1 Cricklewood Street, Papakura, Auckland 2113, New Zealand Mobile: 021 353 632 Fax: 64 9 299 6729 Email: Website:

JOINERS Magazine December 2014 page 54

Hideaway most trusted brand Hideaway Bins designed and manufactured in NZ by Kitchen King Ltd, a family owned and operated company, gains international recognition in the InfoLink Top Trusted Brand Survey, winning the Top Trusted Brand in Waste Management for 2014. customers voted for their favourite brands by allocating a maximum of 10 votes to 10 different nominated brands between 1 September and 10 October 2014. With a total of 581 nominated brands across all 44 categories, The Top Trusted Brands survey is Australia’s leading national showcase of the best brands in the architectural, building, construction and design industry sectors. Winning the Most Trusted Brand in the Waste Management category means Hideaway Bins has been recognised for innovation and quality in supplying Waste Management systems to the furniture and joinery industry of Australia. Hideaway Bins are renowned for manufacturing high quality innovative storage solutions for the kitchen, bathroom and laundry. The bins are a practical solution that slides away under the bench and is completely hidden from sight until needed. Being both ergonomic and functional the bins are designed to be mounted at bench

height and pull out towards the user, allowing easy disposal of waste without having to bend low inside cupboards. The hidden bin solutions have been distributed throughout Australia for the past eight years though a strong distribution network as well as being show cased at many consumer and trade based exhibitions assisting in building a strong and well known brand. It is seen as a huge achievement for a New Zealand owned and operated business to be up ranked at this level given the size of the Australian market in comparison to New Zealand. To win this award in such a competitive environment is seen as a great achievement and an honour and is something the father daughter team of Allen and Jamie Bertelsen are incredibly proud of. Hideaway Bins have been sold in New Zealand for many years and can be purchased through distribution partners Hettich and Hafele. If you are interested in the full results of the survey they can be found on

For more information on Hideaway Bins visit

JOINERS Magazine December 2014 page 55

Southland training facility - one of NZ’s best ... Southern Institute and Technology (SIT) recently installed a new Egmont Air dust extraction system SIT offers a new Joinery training facility that many believe is the best in the country. The large well appointed machine-shop houses high quality, modern industrial machinery required to manufacture kitchens, furniture, doors, windows, stairs and cabinetry.

clogging quickly, sometimes within days, creating excessive back-pressure and poor suction at the machines” Of course this had a knock-on affect, dust levels in the workshop areas were excessive where health and safety was a priority for Southern Institute and Technology. A lot of time was spent cleaning up rather than working on projects.

Students manufacture fullsize, quality, practical projects throughout the duration of the program and have the opportunity to use a wide range of traditional and advanced computer controlled machinery. A greater emphasis on including the latest technology in the workshop makes for a real-life situation and experience. Having experienced numerous performance issues with a previous extract system, SIT engaged Egmont Air to provide a full

on-site evaluation, testing and analysis of their dust extraction system and design a new system that would suit the needs of a modern workshop.

Mr Todd Prestidge from Egmont air comments “We quickly identified that the primary issue was created by the existing extractor unit. The filters were

“It is critical that the design of a dust extraction system is balanced” reports Mr Prestidge, “the filter, fan and ducting are all inter-related and must be sized correctly to provide on-going reliable performance”. High-performance computer machinery such as CNC routers, speed-sanders, dimensioning saws etc, require extra-high levels of

Laminate Granite • Marble Caesarstone • Silestone Graeme Faire Ltd

3/64 Hunua Road, Papakura 2110 Ph: 09 299 6237 Mob: 027 2551467 Fax: 09 298 2809 Email: Web:

JOINERS Magazine December 2014 page 56

to compliment their high-profile joinery workshop facility. extraction to cope with fast cutting speeds, angular cutting angles, and a combination of fine particle board dusts. The design of any dust extraction starts with the machinery. Each machine must be separately evaluated based on hood design, capture velocity, hours of use, dust volume created to specify the airflow and suction that will successfully capture the dust before it reaches the operators breathing zone or spread throughout the workshop. As each machine is connected to the centralised ducting system, the main duct grows in diameter allowing full capacity of the extraction system to be shared and balanced between machines. A small discrepancy in ducting size can cause a large compromise

in extraction if this fundamental design principle is ignored. Egmont Air re-designed the system from scratch, while much of the existing ductwork was reused; some critical parts were upsized to allow proper conveying velocities and airflow distribution. New Egmont high-efficiency fans were specified and installed to provide optimum suction levels. Each workshop area was fitted with its own fan unit and non-return valve, operating independently, so that any area could function without respect of the other. Both fans were ducted into a single Egmont Modular Filter to provide central collection of dusts. The Egmont Modular Filter system is fitted with high filter-

surface area, automatic cleaning, decantation chamber and rotaryvalve for discharging high volume of dust. Mr Russell Finlay, Programme Operations Manager at Southern I n s t i t u t e a n d Te c h n o l o g y, comments how happy he is with the design of the new Egmont Air system, “its performance is exactly what we had hoped it would be, the tutors are happy and I am relieved!” “Egmont’s extract system made an incredible reduction in airborne dust in the workshop environment” comments Mr Finlay, “we took before and after video recordings of the dust clouds on the previous system and when compared to Egmont Airs new system the difference is dramatic!”

The Egmont Air offer a huge range of duct and flex, fans, filter and cyclones for wood-working applications and provide solutions for many timber processors, kitchen makers & joinery shops. Egmont Air’s experience and expertise prove popular for diagnosing issues on existing dust extraction plants.

Egmont Air provides a FREE consultation and professional advice for any dust or fume extraction issue. Contact Egmont Air on 0800 781 200 or +64 6278 1200 or visit their website: for more information and a free catalogue.

Centor E2 & E3 Folding Hardware to NZS 4211 Sliding and folding door gear since 1951. Designed so owners, architects and craftsmen can set their dreams free. • Folding door systems to 140 kg panels • Sliding door systems to 400 kg panels • Integrated Fly and Sun screens • Bolt and locking systems

Choose the innovators! P: 09 476 4008 F: 09 476 8008 E: Visit for ideas and technical material

JOINERS Magazine December 2014 page 57

JOINERS Magazine December 2014 page 58

World first from Festool

Systems get it done.


CONTURO the perfect edge the first mobile edge bander with unique cartridge gluing system Festool has launched the new CONTURO system onto the market - a hand-guided electric power tool for edge banding and a complete system solution to create the perfect edge with virtually invisible joins. The CONTURO is easy to operate and produces excellent results – both on rectangular components and many curved shapes. Perfect for manufacturing small batches as well as individual solutions that require the quick gluing of high-quality edging.

• • • • • • • •

Power: 1,200 W Mains frequency: 50/60 Hz Edging height: 18-65 mm * Edge thickness: 0.5-3 mm * Inner radius: > 50 mm * Heating time: approx 8 min Safety class: 1 Weight: 7.9kg * depending on material

Edge trimming set SYS KB-KA 65

Requirements for the perfect edge are becoming ever more demanding because in addition to functionality, greater importance is being attached to appearance and feel. The working result can only be considered high in quality if the edges are machined perfectly. At present, straight edges are predominantly affixed using a bench-mounted edge bander that glues, trims, cuts and polishes to a perfect quality standard. A machining centre that incorporates a gluing station is required to affix edging to shaped parts and can be very costly as well as financially unviable for smaller enterprises. Mobile gluing has always been a messy, slow and awkward process that usually fails to deliver the desired edge quality. Festool’s KA 65 CONTURO resolves that with a variety of optional accessories.

Accessories set for machining and finishing edges perfectly




Contact us to arrange a free Demo!

Festool systems get it done. Festool products are imported by Hindin Marquip Ltd with dealers throughout NZ.

JOINERS Magazine December 2014 page 59

a new lease of life for Finlays spray booth specialists Viking provide a working solution Andrew Finlay had a problem he needed to solve. The client base for his Timaru based wood finishing and paint business for residential and commercial joinery had expanded to the point he needed to make changes to keep up with the demand for his services. In particular he saw the need for a heated spray booth to improve his productivity and the quality of the end product. “I bought the building from my father in 1996 to start the pre finishing business. My father built it back in 1976 and he, and now me are well known in this site and so I didn’t want to move anywhere new” explains Andrew. “The building is of concrete block construction and the suppliers I approached about a heated spray booth weren’t too keen to take it on seeing it as too old, too low and too short. This appeared to be compounded by the fact that a lot of the available products were imported from catalogues which were difficult to modify, not insulated and would probably have difficulty complying with the new standards. I even had a look at premade Chinese manufactured product which was priced right but was just not good enough. I needed a system that fitted this site and had longevity.” Andrew had been recommended to talk to Ross Metcalf at Viking, a design and manufacturing company based in Auckland specialising in spray booths and dust extraction with some thirty years experience. “I told Ross what we were looking for: a streamlining of my business

JOINERS Magazine December 2014 page 60

so work came in one end and out the other. I needed a heated spray booth that would allow me to paint in a controlled environment as part of that process all year round. I didn’t want to add on to the building if I could avoid it” Andrew explains. Ross comments “Having a good look at it the building quite frankly did not lend itself to what Andrew wanted. The key lay in a customised system rather than trying to make a standardised system fit in. There would need to be some changes to achieve that.” After considering several design options Ross came up with a system and approach that would see a temperature and pressure controlled spraybooth inside rather than outside the existing building. The design involved having a booth that fitted across one end of Andrew’s building, side loading from the existing paint shop still allowing for maximum of floor space to house the large range of products that needed to be processed. With that in place the issue was to design a serviceable air handling system that created a positive pressure and temperature controlled environment. Viking engineered a portal system to support the air handling system above the booth in the rafters of the building that allowed for easy access from a nearby stairway to Andrew’s office (see diagram). With Viking able to provide the full work and 3D CAD drawings Andrew was able to present all the relevant details to the Council to obtain building and resource consents to do the job. “I was very impressed with the can do attitude and

the attention to detail demonstrated by Ross and his team. He produced a workable custom made solution. There was quite a bit of work clearing out the factory site and rearranging some of the roof trusses and reroofing work before Viking could get to work but it could be done all inside the existing building. The whole process took some six months from beginning to end. Viking were able to commission the booth along with the various certifications required to meet the standards involved as part of the package. Quite frankly the whole process went smoothly right from the start.” Andrew says. And what about business? “I still have the same three staff I had before but It hasn’t been long since it went in and we have already noticed that our turnaround times are quicker and hence production is up. The whole exercise was well worth it. It has truly improved the value of my business.”

For more information contact Andrew Finlay at Finlays Ltd 1 North St, Timaru Ph. 03 684 3915 Email:

JOINERS Magazine December 2014 page 61

Calling all Joiners – do you want to learn more about becoming a Designer? Here are some of the comments from previous students “I came away with a greater confidence to design” “I have been drawing kitchens for years for other designers and never realised the planning fundamentals are thought through as detailed as I now know - simple but essential to planning” “Mark has a stunning amount of knowledge is personable and an excellent communicator – very inspirational” Our tutors are industry based who own their own businesses and have a vast amount of knowledge to assist you with your learning and promote your employers business by having a qualified designer.

2015 Course Dates: Level 4 Certificate in Kitchen Design Level 4 Certificate in Kitchen Design Level 4 Certificate in Kitchen Design Level 5 Diploma in Kitchen Design

Auckland Christchurch Auckland Wellington

23-27 March 2015 20-24 July 2015 7-11 September 2015 7-11 September 2015

* Courses will proceed when minimum numbers are registered.

Contact NKBA at or BCITO on 04 803-9331 to enrol and make 2015 count!

Start planning now! We want to see your amazing designs and projects submitted for the National Kitchen & Bathroom Association 2015 Awards All NKBA 2015 Award entries go in the draw to win a trip to KBIS tic y s it in Las Vegas in January 2016, kindly sponsored by Laminex NZ nta Fa or tun p op

Trudi Rabbitte, Rabbitte Joinery, Hawkes Bay - 2014 Award entry

Visit for updated entry criteria and 2015 award categories

Phone: 03 322 1957 JOINERS Magazine December 2014 page 62



Finishing Oils & Stains

Pre Catalysed Lacquers

Acid Catalysed Lacquers


Fire Retardant Coatings

NEW TO NEW ZEALAND Available from January 2014, the Sayerlack range of high quality Italian wood finishes . *New Pigmented Polyurethanes *New Pigmented Waterborne Coatings Wood Finishing Supplies Ltd is excited to make available to the New Zealand market the Sayerlack range of coatings. The addition of the Sayerlack products initially will include pigmented polyurethanes in satin & gloss, and also pigmented waterborne polyurethane in a satin finish. We have also invested in a new automated colour tinting & matching system from Europe, this system is designed to work with the Sayerlack products but will also work with our existing Becker Acroma products. The introduction of the new system will mean greater accuracy in colour matching & tinting. For more information on the Sayerlack range or any of the other Sherwin-Williams wood coatings please contact WFS

Sayerlack is a brand of Sherwin-Wiliams

proudly distributed by the team at:

fp: 0800 308 309 p: +64 9 917 1310

m: +64 274 475 656 w: JOINERS Magazine December 2014 page 63

Happy customers Pete Algie (red bin) and Geoff Orchard (green bin).

clean air inside clean air outside T

hroughout the country there’s been an increased focus on improving workshop extraction. Driven in part by Worksafe NZ’s drive towards safer work practices, there’s also an increasing awareness about the dangers of working in dusty, polluted environment. One solution increasingly used around the country has been the installation of a unit from Australian dust-control experts Micronair. With a wide range of models and technologies, Micronair have solution that will provide efficient and long-lasting filtration to just 1 micron for almost any situation. One of their most popular models in NZ is the VC8 – and two installations in the lower North Island earlier this year are already proving their value. Pete’s Joinery in Greytown provides predominantly panel and some timber joinery services both locally and around the Wellington region. With a CNC, large edgebander and traditional machines spread across a big workshop their extraction requirements are fairly typical of a medium-sized joinery shop. They had a large cyclone unit in the rear carpark but a visit from Worksafe NZ prompted a search for a new extractor – one that would be quieter, more effective, and work with their existing underfloor ducting. A 15kW VC8 now stands in the same place as the old extractor, but taking up half the space. “We’re really wrapped with it” says owner Pete Algie. “Previously we had dust all through our gutters, our neighbour’s gutters, all over the back yard. Now the area is spotless”.

JOINERS Magazine December 2014 page 64

Across the Tararuas in Paraparaumu, Orchard Joinery have got the same Micronair model. A traditional joinery shop catering for predominantly private, residential customers, Orchard’s original baghouse unit caught fire when embers from a wide-belt sander ignited in the fluming. Fortunately Orchard Joinery is right next to the local fire station, so help was on hand quickly (although that help wasn’t dressed appropriately – because firemen don their gear while driving to the fire!) – and the fire was restricted to the extractor. They too now have the small but powerful VC8. Geoff Orchard is very pleased with it: “for a start we don’t have compressed air issues any longer” Geoff explains. “The old unit used a lot of compressed air for cleaning, and each time it did so the drop in pressure would stop the edgebander, or sander. No such issues with the Micronair, which uses vibration to clean itself at shut down.” Geoff’s wife Christine points out another advantage of the new unit – particularly noticeable from her position near the entrance to Orchard’s smart showroom. “I can’t hear it” she says. “It’s much quieter. I could certainly hear the old one running.” With each unit fitted with a rockwool industrial silencer, even the vibration cycle that takes place at each shut down on the Micronair is a quiet affair – as the dust is shaken from the tough spun bonded Polyester filters.

Both new VC8 owners are also enjoying the ease with which the bins are emptied. Each machine is constructed with a custom-made skirt to fit the size of bin the customer specifies. This provides an excellent seal – meaning no more having to sweep up the yard, because no dust whatsoever escapes. Emptying the bin is simple: after the VC8 is switched off then flicking a switch pneumatically lifts the skirt so the bin can be removed and emptied. While demonstrating the pneumatics, Geoff also points out the consistent distribution of the dust inside. “With our old system we’d regularly have to open the bin and re-arrange the dust because it always built up in one particularly area. The Micronair distributes it evenly” he says. Good dust extraction is often overlooked when considering the machinery for efficient joinery production, but the negatives of bad extraction – particularly to workers’ health – can be significant. Through sensible investment both Pete’s and Orchard Joinery are not only ahead of the regulatory issues that can really disrupt business costs and scheduling, but also benefitting from the increased efficiency, decreased noise and cleaner air that a Micronair unit can bring.

Micronair is supplied and serviced in NZ by W&R Jacks

For the right connection and easy installation at a price to suit the job Hafeles connector range will have an option for you

connecting the world Ixconnect by Häfele is the worlds most comprehensive and successful range of connectors and shelf supports. The Ixconnect range includes lightweight panel fittings, RTA connectors, rear panel fittings, shelf supports and shelf clamp supports. Thanks to innovative technology, Häfele is currently regarded as a market leader in the connector technology area. Solutions such as Minifix, Maxifix, Rafix and Onefix have been developed and manufactured in-house and can be found in millions of furniture items worldwide. Furniture connecting fittings are part of Hafele’s core expertise, and have been manufactured in large quantities for decades by the Nagold-based company.

Find the right connector in no time every time. Ask your Häfele sales representative or visit

JOINERS Magazine December 2014 page 65

Best Kitchen of the Year 2014

It’s all about design requirements.” To give this added meaning Beaver Kitchens appoint an experienced cabinetmaker to oversee the whole process from contract to installation.

In Beaver Kitchens from Whakatane, this year’s Best Kitchen of the Year comes from a kitchen designer and manufacturer with an already impressive array of awards both at a regional and national level particularly for the respective awards for the Master Joiners and the NKBA going back to 2003. What is it about a business tucked away in Whakatane that sees it win so many awards? Well to start with, owner Mark Bruce has the credentials with some eighteen years experience in kitchen, bathroom and furniture design. He served his cabinetmaking apprenticeship in Auckland and is now a certified kitchen designer (CKDNZ), has a Diploma in Kitchen Design (Dip KD), is currently a tutor for the NKBA as well as being an assessor for the NZQA kitchen qualifications. His experience sees a successful merging of the practical with the design skills necessary to be good at kitchen design and manufacture. “To be frank, I focus more on the consumer expectation rather than the manufacturing experience. Ensuring the client gets precisely

JOINERS Magazine December 2014 page 66

The Best Kitchen of the Year was also the Best Kitchen Design of the Year for 2014. It’s a kitchen that looks simple but has a lot of interesting design features included. The eye catcher is the extension of the benchtop from the kitchen interior to the exterior. Mark Bruce

what they want is vital. My entry in this year’s awards is a good example of this. Good design leads to the client valuing what they get. An eye for cabinetmaking is a central skill in kitchen design accordingly.” observes Mark. It is interesting to note in his factory that there is no CNC technology. This is in part to accommodate creating truly individual kitchens. “Individually producing each cabinet component allows us to alter sizes, heights and other variables to meet truly individual

“The owners like to do a lot of their eating and entertaining outside so this was in response to that wish” comments Mark. The 4.7 metre benchtop, is supported by a stainless steel frame that holds up each side of the benchtop with the middle under section made from carefully selected riverstones. This is offset with the checker stainless steel around the induction hob. An interesting feature here is the air extraction system above the hob: made from custom built stainless steel with an external motor dragging the air straight out side, this system is virtually noiseless.

“It’s simplistic design belies its complexity of construction. A strong use of colour and balance.” Judge’s comment A nicety you don’t see but rather feel is the difference in the bench heights between the island (920mm) and the hob (850mm). “The lower height for the hob makes it just that much more comfortable to use” comments Mark. The large pantry has a sliding glass door the same as the painted glass splashback behind the hob. There is plenty of soft close storage as well throughout the kitchen. The ceiling is beech plywood while the floor is polished concrete. Another feature: piping through the floor adds heating. The kitchen with its views out to sea is an integral part of the indoor/outdoor feel of the house. The benchtop extension gives it the wow factor but it is its simple functionality that really wins the day.

“The underlying premise of what we do is to ensure the finished product is individually designed with quality product.” explains Mark. “For this reason we only use 16mm plywood for cabinetry and especially in the kitchen use a water proof board exclusively. For the cabinet finish we use caprithane coatings.” The business is well focused: Mark has three staff including a foreman of 14 years. “These staff are trained to do what the business does: individual design and attention to detail.” A combination of word of mouth and winning awards has seen Beaver Kitchens thrive. The 2014 Kitchen of the Year is an excellent example of moving a design visualisation through manufacture to an outstanding physical reality.

CREDITS Design & Manufacture Beaver Kitchens Benchtop Infinity® White Acrylic from Hafele Cabinetry 16mm Rhino Board Doors & drawer finish PSP Corelite lacquered with PPG 579 Gloss White, Allure Oak reconstituted veneer Feature sliding doors & splashback Graphic Glass Sink Ikon Commercial Faucet Heritage Hardware Handles Gola & recessed by Hafele Cabinet runners Blum Tandembox Appliances Ovens & Induction hob Bosch Rangehood Schweigen UM170 Dishwasher Bosch Integrated Refridgerator LG

JOINERS Magazine December 2014 page 67

doing things differently I

t is sometimes quite tough for businesses to come up with an exclusive service offering that stretches beyond what the market can currently provide. We’ve all heard the predictable ‘we offer an excellent and fast service - better than our competitors’; however, excellent, fast service has become a customer expectation - not a unique point of difference. So how then does a business create something unique? Easy - by listening to their existing and potential market, and being proactive in solving an ongoing industry problem. That is exactly what Craig Jones - Director of Total Coatings in Papakura, did. With extensive experience in his industry, Craig got his thinking cap on and identified a known industry problem - that big volume sanding and painting machines just weren’t available in New Zealand. This meant that the industry had to fit in with the slower timeframes of existing suppliers - often delaying work and extending projects out beyond their original deadlines. Craig managed to source machinery from Denmark never before seen in New Zealand and in doing so, he filled a hole and

Craig got his thinking cap on and identified a known industry problem - that big volume sanding and painting machines just weren’t available in New Zealand.

solved an ongoing problem for his clients. Total Coatings’ inline spraying machine turns slow, tedious and messy work into high speed, high volume results, with a consistency of quality the conventional methods can’t beat. The automatic spraying machine provides a cost effective, efficient spray finishing service ideal for medium to large runs. The machine can process a wide variety of products, including mouldings, window blinds, and picture frames, coating them in paint, stain or clear coat, depending on the clients’ requirements.

JOINERS Magazine December 2014 page 68

Total Coatings' profile sander can sand nearly any shaped mounding profile - working on both raw and coated wood. The automatic spraying line and sander is not scared of big volumes - easily devouring runs of anything from 50 to 50,000 meters, great for commercial buildings, apartments, shop fit out’s and boat builders alike. The time savings this provides to businesses is obvious. Architraves, fencing, posts and pailings can be delivered to site finished and ready to install, saving messy onsite

work. Project timelines can be maintained, and hundreds of work hours saved by eliminating the need for onsite painting contractors.

D e t a i l s o f To t a l C o a t i n g s exclusive machinery and service offering can be found on the Total Coatings website at totalcoatings. For more information, or for a free quote, simply call the toll free number on 0800 401 403.

NZ apprenticeships in furniture

Meet the team looking after our learners


ompetenz is the Industry Training Organisation (ITO) for the furniture industry. We are grateful to have a highly skilled team of specialists who take care of the assessment side of our apprenticeships, and we’d like to introduce you to Rod Carron — the assessor for Auckland, Waikato and Bay of Plenty.


y whole working life has been involved in the furniture industry, covering a wide range of duties from apprentice to manager. I have always had an interest in training and when I was invited to join the Board of the then Furniture Industry Training Organisation I was thrilled to be a part of the governance for training in our industry. After being involved in the production of furniture for over forty years I was ready for a change. Being an assessor was a way that I could still be involved in the

Furniture Assessors

industry. It was also a way that I could contribute to the future of the industry through apprenticeships. There are many rewards in this role, like getting around visiting so many varied companies and meeting the people, but the highlight is to see our young apprentices achieve the goal of qualifying as a tradesperson. I have been assessing for over ten years and some of my early apprentices are now trainers and owners of companies. Being a part of that journey is very satisfying. The assessing team for our sector can boast over 200 years of furniture manufacturing experience between us. We would like to hear from you if you are interested in discussing furniture and cabinetmaking apprenticeships.

Competenz Account Managers

For all general enquiries

Rod Carron Auckland / Waikato / BOP

Geoff Mathews Auckland / Northland

Adrian Lyne Lower North Island

Colin White Auckland / Northland

Barry Stevens Christchurch / Upper South Island

Wendy Taylor Napier / Hastings

John Abraham Christchurch / Lower South Island

Mike Cudby Lower North Island

Laurie Irving Auckland

Increasing retailer and cus stomer aware eness of quality y New Zealand products


furniture ÄUPZOLY

JOINERS Magazine December 2014 page 69

Quadra Duropal HPL Work Tops Duropal is the world’s leading HPL manufacture, creating the best quality HPL, now available in our market. Duropal Quadra Worktops will take the heat of hot pots due to the unique resin formulas that are created in Duropal own laboratories. When you combine this high quality product with online design, quoting and ordering process, and seamless manufacturing, you get brilliant quality in both product and services. Amorini have invested in systems that allow us to despatch your orders in two working days from time of order confirmation. What’s more we have no seasonal close off period. The Quadra Worktop, can take hot pots, is more stain, chemical and scratch resistant than other brands. Quadra Worktops are 39mm thick with a tight 3mm profile radius to top and bottom edge’s, and come fully sealed with a laminated vapour barrier to the entire underside of the worktop. The substrate is a HMR board and the finished Worktop remains perfectly flat. The Quadra Worktop Solution is available now. Pricing is available 24 hours per day, seven days a week via Amorini's on-line design centre. All orders are despatched two working days after order. If you are require a competitive, high quality worktop solution enquire today. More information Ph. 06 952 0880

JOINERS Magazine December 2014 page 70

The smart touch experience the new Schlage Touchscreen Electronic Deadbolt Auckland, New Zealand – 1 September 2014 – Allegion releases the latest in residential keyless security, with the Schlage SED100 Touchscreen Electronic Deadbolt. Activated by a hardwearing touchscreen, the SED100 Electronic Deadbolt is the next step in residential security. The SED100 allows the option to scramble an initial guiding code before the user can enter their pin to activate the lock, avoiding code detection from fingerprints or code-probing. Easy to install on new doors or retrofit to existing door preparations, the SED100 is a simple solution to upgrade home security keyless solution. Featuring a blue back-lit screen in a black-chrome and silver body, the SED100 can hold up to 25 user codes and 4 single-entry codes. An auto-lock function comes standard, with an adjustable delay from 10 to 99 seconds.

The lock will temporarily disable itself after four consecutive incorrect pin entries, a significant deterrent against unauthorised access. Additionally, Vacation Mode will deactivate all user codes temporarily ensuring no-one can gain access, even with a programmed code. Constructed to ANSI Grade 2 standards, the SED100 is resistant to dust, rain and corrosion and will operate between temperatures of -35°c to 66°c. Powered by 4xAA batteries, the touchscreen deadbolt will operate over 6,000 times before the batteries need replacing, and a backup mechanical keyway ensures access in the event of power failure. A slim-line profile and quality finish ensures the SED100 is stylish and yet unobtrusive. With a brushed silver trim, the electronic deadbolt will complement both classic and modern styles of door furniture.

The Schlage SED100 touchscreen electronic deadbolt.

JOINERS Magazine December 2014 page 71

Secrets to Successful Software Implementation W Top Tips for ith technology advancing so quickly, new and improved software solutions for the joinery industry are entering the market on a regular basis. To remain competitive, it is essential that the industry continues to invest in software solutions that allow businesses to: • move into new markets quickly • work efficiently across both standard and custom joinery • reduce manual processes • reduce errors & wastage • increase productivity and profitability Continuous Process Improvement In our business we see that one key aspect of successful businesses is their mindset that software is on ongoing investment, not a oneoff purchase. These businesses understand that success is about ongoing process improvement. And software investment is one of the key ways to achieve this improvement. This may be through investing in regular upgrades to an existing solution or investing in new, more advanced, software solutions. Many joinery businesses are in the position of working with software solutions that are currently only meeting around 70% of their needs. In this competitive environment you cannot afford to be working with tools that do not cater for 100% of your business needs. But implementing new software into a production environment can be a daunting prospect. When faced with the challenge of implementing a new solution that can help to take a business to the next level, many businesses decide to stick with outdated technology which costs them both time and money. Steps to Success We have all heard of cases where businesses have invested in new software and it has remained in the box, gathering dust as their team fall back to using old systems. This is not what anyone wants to see, certainly not the business owner who has not received a return on his investment. But by keeping in mind a few key steps businesses can increase the likelihood of a successful CAD/CAM software implementation. 1. Choosing the right solution Current Shortcomings: Understanding the shortcomings of your current solution is critical. There

is a reason you are considering a new solution and it will help with the decision making process to list the shortcomings of your current solution. Your setout team are in the best position to assist with this. Some key areas are: • having to redraw the model each time there is a change • having to produce views/ elevations individually • not having the ability to draw complex or curved units • high number of manual processes • lack of association between the model and cutting lists, plot pages and rendered images • lack of integration to the machinery System Requirements: Listing what you are looking for in a system is the next great step. • the type of technology you want to work with; 2D, Library Based, true 3D with custom design etc. • the functionality required; CAD, CAM, Nesting, Machine links etc • the type of work it must be capable of producing both now and into the future • the nature of the system; integrated, specialist, visual, parametric etc Supplier Requirements; List what your expectations are from the local supplier. Here are a few suggestions: • unbiased information and professional communication • practical industry experience • remote online sessions • comprehensive after sales services such as setout staff for work overflow

Developer Requirements; just as important as the supplier requirements is what you should expect from the system developer. This is a vital, often overlooked set of requirements but the developer is the key to driving your solution forward in a direction that keeps your processes improving. A few suggestions of developer requirements are: • large independent corporation to ensure that the software has longevity • large development team for adequate resources to drive the solution forward • specific industry expertise to ensure the solution is the best fit for your business

JOINERS Magazine December 2014 page 72

Software Success •

Identify areas for improvement

List current & future business needs

Research the market

Draw up shortlisted solutions

Conduct detailed demonstrations

Appoint Project Champion

Set realistic goals for transition process

Practice, practice, practice

Utilise supplier’s technical support

Internet Research; this is a quick & easy way to run through the different solutions available and compare them to your wish list. You will be quickly able to see: • how each solution is promoted • which markets it is targeting • what support is being offered • what other services are available through the local supplier • This will give you a really good way to quickly cross of those solutions that are not in the running. Shortlist; there is no need to work through every solution on the market. Many will have already been crossed off your list based on the criteria of functionality, target market etc. Once you have your shortlist you can proceed to the next step. Demonstration; request a demonstration for the solutions that have made your shortlist. Ensure the demo is targeted specifically for your business. Some great tips are: • have the representative draw one of your units on the spot, make it a unit that your current system struggles with • have them show how their software can accommodate the standard units that are unique to your business and how can you develop your own library of units • have them illustrate how their system can cater for work you may move into in the future • listen to the questions that the

representative asks; are they trying to learn about your business or simply running through an off the shelf demo ask them to address all of the current shortcomings with your current system and show how they can improve on it don’t be afraid to ask for more information or detailed answers to your questions. If they are serious about doing business with you they will be happy to accommodate involve all key members of your team that will be working with the solution

2. Change Management Once you have made your decision on the right solution, you need to manage the change within the business. Key Influencers; obtain the commitment of all key influencers in the business. Do not underestimate how hard change can be. By securing all team members’ commitment up front, the installation has the greatest chance of success. It is vital to realise that each individual has a different capacity to cope with change. Some staff will look on the change as positive, as an opportunity to learn more and add to their skill set. Others team members will see change as a negative and frightening, something to be resisted. Internal resistance to the process is one of the key reasons for software installations not being successful. Project Champion; appointing a “champion” can be a great idea. This is a person in the company who is responsible for: • identifying and dealing with issues quickly • gathering feedback for management • identifying the main resistors and detractors amongst the team • carefully managing that resistance They will be someone who is positive about the change and has the power to positively influence the other team members. They don’t need to have any special training to become the champion and could be a production manager, setout manager or a senior setout operator. The Champion can be made known to the team or can work covertly; that is your choice. It is vital not

to underestimate the resistance to change that can occur when you are asking people to move out of their comfort zone by adopting new technology. The project champion is someone who is tuned in to this and works to alleviate the frustrations that may occur. Realistic Goals; another key reason new software installations fail is having unrealistic goals. This can come from any level in the business. For example, the business owner might expect the transition period to be a matter of days. Or the setout operators may expect to be able to become experts in the new system immediately. It is important to have a realistic timeline for the implementation of the new solution. For a comprehensive CAD/CAM solution this may be a few months, especially when balancing the need to continue to meet production deadlines. Different is not bad; it is natural that the new solution will be directly compared with the old solution, especially by the day to day users. But this is not fair or reasonable. It would be a fairer comparison to equate the new solution with the first few weeks of the previous solution, when it too was new and still being learnt. If the team’s expectations are that the new solution will work exactly the same way as the old solution then you will experience issues. This is where the Project Champion can step in – as someone with an overall view of how the new system will benefit the business they can refocus the team back to the reasons it was selected for the business. 3. Implementation/Training Training; we all know it is hard to take time out of a busy production environment to learn a new solution. But it is essential to the success of the installation that all staff involved in the training are able to devote 100% of their attention to the training. Interruptions impact the flow of the training and result in missing key points. The location of the training is also important; it is necessary to ensure the training takes place in a quiet location, away from the shopfloor. Schedule the training for when all the staff can focus on the new solution immediately after the training, do not schedule training just before annual leave for key users.

in your current solution overnight, and you cannot expect overnight success with your new solution. It is crucial to allow staff time to go over what was learnt in the training immediately, a delay of a few weeks can result in forgetting much of what was taught. Even if the team need to continue to use the old solution to meet current production deadlines, carve out some time to continue to practice with the new solution. This goes back to managing expectations of both management and users. 4. Ongoing Tailoring; initially after training there may be some further tailoring of the solution required to suit your specific processes or machinery. These are likely to be of a technical nature, especially if you have upgraded to a system that is a 3D CAD/CAM solution. The supplier’s technical team will work with you to iron out these obstacles. This is not a time to panic and go back to your old solution; it is simply a natural adjustment period. Technical Assistance; encourage the use of the suppliers technical support. If you have chosen the right supplier they will encourage you to work closely with them for the first few months to iron out any issues you are having and keep you on track. They will also be there to reinforce the training and should have good resources in place eg, electronic helpdesk, training manuals and videos to assist new users. Support; it is vital that management support setout operators as they transition to the new solution. Remember, they have spent years becoming experts on the old solution and cannot be expected to achieve the same level of expertise in a few short weeks. On the flipside if management is experiencing pushback by the operators, try to get to the bottom of the issue. Is it really the solution that is the issue

or a resistance to change you are seeing? With the help of these useful steps you should give your business the best chance of success when implementing a new software solution into your business. Anne Charlton, Marketing Manager Integrated Joinery Solutions

Practice; as with all things in life the more we practice the better we get. You did not become experts

JOINERS Magazine December 2014 page 73

Due Process Geoff Hardy

Radical changes for residential building come 1 January


n 1 January, assuming the Government stays true to its word, new laws are going to come into force that are going to have a big impact on all residential builders, and some joiners as well.These new laws, which are part of the Building Amendment Act 2013, not only increase the liability tradesmen face but they also increase their paperwork substantially, and for many of them they completely alter the terms on which they contract with their clients. To find out whether these laws apply to you, ask yourself this question: 1. Do you do any work under a “residential building contract”? That means a contract under which one person (you) agrees with another person (the client) to do “building work” for the client in relation to a household unit. It does not include a subcontracting agreement between a building contractor and a building subcontractor. So it only applies when you are contracting direct with the homeowner. To work out whether you do “building work”, ask yourself these questions: 2. Do you do work in connection with the construction or alteration of a building? Bear in mind that the term “construct” includes prefabrication. 3. Do you do work that is “likely to affect the extent to which an existing building complies with the building code”? Clearly that wouldn’t include freestanding furniture or cabinetry, but it could include joinery that is part of the structural integrity or exterior surface of the house. Even if these new rules don’t apply to you, it is interesting to know what residential builders are in for.

So what does the Building Amendment Act 2013 do? Well among other things, it does this: 1. For all residential building work costing $30,000 or more, if your customer is the homeowner, it will be compulsory to have a written building contract signed by your customer. 2. If your written building contract (or your quote, if that is all you have) does not contain all the clauses the Act requires it to contain, the gaps that are missing will automatically be filled by the Government’s clauses. 3. If you do not get a written building contract signed at all, then you get all the Government clauses by default. 4. Even before the homeowner agrees to hire you, you have to hand over a checklist that will be written for you by the Government, that will urge the homeowner to carefully consider the risks they are letting themselves in for.Even if the building work is likely to cost less than $30,000, you still have to hand this checklist over if the homeowner asks for it. 5. At the same time you also have to hand over a document, that you will have to write beforehand, that tells the potential customer all about you, your company, the insurance you carry, and the guarantees and warranties that apply to your materials and workmanship.That includes any product warranties that are likely to be issued. 6. And at the conclusion of the project, you have to provide to the customer and the Council, copies of all ongoing insurance policies, guarantees and product warranties, and the maintenance requirements for every component of the work that has a durability period. This applies to all residential projects regardless of how much the building work cost. 7. If you don’t do any of those things, then you can be spot fined $500 on each occasion.

8. More importantly, it will most likely be something for which a licensed builder can be disciplined by the Building Practitioners Board. 9. Your defects liability period will automatically be a minimum of 12 months, and if the homeowner says your workmanship or materials were defective, it is up to you to prove otherwise, failing which you have to fix it up at your expense and possibly pay damages. 10. On top of that 12 month warranty, you already give to the current and future owners of the home, a range of 10 year warranties under the Building Act. If the owner establishes that your workmanship or materials weren’t up to scratch, and you can’t prove that you weren’t at fault, then you have to fix it up at your expense and possibly pay damages. Furthermore, if the defect is serious, you might not even be given the opportunity to fix it up. Instead, the owner can get another builder to do so, and recover any additional cost from you. These changes have been in the pipeline since as early as 2010 so it is not as if they have just been sprung on the industry. I have been writing articles and presenting conference papers on the subject for the past 5 years, and merchants like ITM and trade associations like Certified Builders and Master Builders have been informing their customers and members for some time. But despite that, I suspect there is a huge percentage of the residential building industry that is overwhelmed with information overload, or a bit shell-shocked by all the recent reforms, and are unaware that this is just around the corner. What are the practical steps you can take in order to be ready for 1 January? Two things mainly – get to know your obligations under the new laws, and gather together the documents you will need to have in place by the new year. Remember

that some of these requirements apply regardless of whether the building project is going to cost $30,000 or more. As far as learning the law is concerned, you can get plainenglish, user-friendly newsletters from the websites of MBIE, your merchant, or my firm Madison Hardy. As far as the documents are concerned, there are four of them, and they are: 1. The checklist you have to hand over to potential residential customers. 2. The disclosure statement you have to hand over to potential residential customers. 3. The written building contract you will have to get your residential customer to sign. 4. T h e i n s u r a n c e p o l i c i e s , guarantees and warranties, and maintenance requirements you have to tell your customer about at the end of the project. Where do you get those from? On the MBIE website you should be able to get the checklist and the template for the disclosure statement. Your merchant, franchisor, group home building company, trade association or insurance broker should be able to help you with those, as well as the end-of-project documents. But as far as your building contract is concerned, if you don’t use the standard-form contracts put out by Standards New Zealand, New Zealand Institute of Architects, Certified Builders, Master Builders or the bigger franchises or group home building companies, don’t risk it. Take it to construction law experts such as my firm Madison Hardy and make sure it is compliant once and for all. 

Geoff Hardy has 39 years’ experience as a commercial lawyer and is the senior lawyer in the Auckland firm “Madison Hardy”. He guarantees personal attention to new clients at competitive rates. His phone number is (09) 379 0700, fax (09) 379 0504, and e-mail geoff@madisonhardy. com. This article is not intended to be relied upon as legal advice.

JOINERS Magazine December 2014 page 74

a view from both sides Tony DeLorenzo

Buffers and margins and Halloween stories


oon after I moved to the Hutt Valley in the 90’s there was a string of floods. A one in twenty year flood was followed two years later by a one in a hundred year flood. Neither of these seemed to do as much damage that the one in fifty year flood that happened two years after that but “these things are random” one council worker was quoted as saying.

It is in these happy times you need to cast a carefully eye on those clouds on the horizon. They will probably pass and amount to nothing but just in case while times are good perhaps it is a good time to fill some sand bags. Just one or two, as you don’t want to overdo it but one or two now could help in the future when the waters start to rise.

The thing is, these events are not random. They happen consistently and like it or not will happen again and again. If you look at any individual day month or year it all appears normal but if you look over an extended period of time you can see a pattern start to appear. The exact timings are not easy to spot but you know that one day rains will not stop when you want and there will be a flood.

There were a few ways I get ready for possible bad times. A while ago we added a BUFFER to our pricing. A BUFFER is a Bugger Up Fund For Erratic Ratbags. In short we charge a few extra dollars on every job so when the inevitable disaster job come crashing through the roof we have a mop ready. It also comes in handy when mysterious dings and dents appear after the installer has left and before the trades people finish. When these scratches appear we know four thing’s for sure. 1. The client didn’t do it as they weren’t there; 2. The trades people didn’t do it as they are careful and weren’t their either; 3. I didn’t do it as I REALLY wasn’t there and 4. I’m going to be the one to pay for it to be repaired.

This is not to say you need to live your life in fear of waters lapping at the 55 inch high definition television while you try to bar-b-que dinner on the roof, but you can be prepared. Nightmare clients. That one that leaps out at you from nowhere and suddenly is taking up all your time and stressing you so much you can’t eat or sleep and probably worse of all you stop planning. Sadly if you haven’t had a truly horrid client one day you will. Although they are random they can and will hit you at some point. When they do there is much soul searching and looking backwards to think what could I have done to prevent this? Hindsight is always 20:20 and of course it is all obvious now, the signals were all there and clear to see but you seemed to miss or ignore them like a complete fool. But I don’t want to talk about the bad times so let’s think about the good times. Times when clients beat their way to your door and happily wrote out deposit cheques. Times when people paid before delivery and if there was an issue happily listened to you and patiently waited until it was sorted out. Happy times indeed.

If there is no damage then the funds get put aside for the next ding which the law of averages tells me will be twice as big. In lean times when work is hard to come by and everyone seems to want a bulk discount, commercial rate, or pencil sharpened, margins get trimmed. The difference between getting and losing a job could be the price of the BUFFER. The worrying thing about deleting the BUFFER is that, like the 100 year flood the nightmare client is coming and there is nothing you can do to stop them.

guilty for charging for the services you provide. Be it joinery or design you have a right to make a living and that living goes beyond the shiny happy good clients. It has to account for the bad ones as well. Also if you do get a bad client and you are thinking what a fool you have been, as they slowly rip you off, remember this. You are in great company. Everybody gets burnt. If they have not been burnt yet one day they will be and there is no shame in that. We have just come through a 15 month nightmare that went from annoying to completely surreal as the smiling assassin said how they were prepared to take our house if that was what was required. We came out battered but intact and still with the house (it was just a silly ploy they confessed later), but feeling we were the biggest idiots in the world for getting in that situation in the first place. The support we got from our industry contacts and friends was amazing. Yup it turns out so many others have had a similar experience and came through it all battered but still smiling. Thank you all for your support and sharing your experiences. They made some of the Halloween stories I heard this year seem tame! Merry Xmas and all the best for the holidays. Tony DeLorenzo

But before you give up and start employing private investigator to tail every prospect or develop a 45 page contract to cover every eventuality have a think about this. Firstly let me reassure you in saying that you have a right to make a margin on what you do. Don’t be bullied out of it or be made to feel

JOINERS Magazine December 2014 page 75

apprentice graduations Congratulations to the apprentices and thank you to the employers whose apprentices have graduated between 1 October 2013 and 25 November 2014

Thank you to the employers of these graduates. Your input into the joinery industry is immeasurable with continual support of training. Without our employers these graduates would not have been employed to gain their qualification – and all without the noose of a student loan.Thank you for your time and commitment to help them become qualified joiners. The joinery industry has a healthy attitude to apprentice training by providing skill opportunities through training. This expertise is necessary for a healthy highly skilled sector. Whilst the current training system is under review and requires tweaking your apprentice has the chance to learn those invaluable skills to become a well-trained joiner

JOINERS Magazine December 2014 page 76

De Bruin-Judge Furniture Daniel Clifton Taihape Joinery Jaye Flaws Kitchen Designz NZ Ltd Jayden Gill Counties Kitchens Ltd Ryan Good Dimension Shopfitters 2004 Ltd Ethan Lucas SWP Interiors Ltd Joseph Phillips Allen Shopfitting Ltd Joshua Spence About Kitchens Limited Kareanui TeWiata Maymorn Joiners Limited Brandon Wratt H R Jones & Co Limited Jonathon Browne Four Trades Apprenticeship James Buchanan Riversdale Joinery Limited Ben Fraser Miller Studios Richard Morrison Alitech Window Systems Ltd Dylan Shea Huntly Joinery 2000 Limited William Spencer Serene Joinery Limited Mikhael Afon Total Timba Joinery Ltd Nigel Blackbourn Waikato Joinery Specialists Nicholas Brodie Ruben's Joinery Ltd Ethan Coles W G Holdings Ltd Hayden Falkner Lee Bros Joinery Limited Ashley Hollamby Kitchen Inspirations Corey Hunter Advance Joinery Sean Johnson Top Notch Hokitika Ltd Adam Mills-Jensen Your Kitchen Limited Matthew Morrison Ace Stairs Limited Mark Kravcenko de Bruin-Judge Furniture Limited Daniel Clifton Taihape Joinery Jaye Flaws Counties Kitchens Ltd Ryan Good Dimension Shopfitters 2004 Ltd Ethan Lucas SWP Interiors Ltd Joseph Phillips Allen Shopfitting Ltd Joshua Spence About Kitchens Limited Kareanui TeWiata Four Trades Apprenticeship Training James Buchanan Alitech Window Systems Ltd Dylan Shea Total Timba Joinery Ltd Nigel Blackbourn Ace Stairs Limited Mark Kravcenko B M L Builders Ltd Scott Milne O'Malley's Joinery Sharon O'Malley

Canam Construction Joinery Talosaga Poasa Webco Joinery Marc Hastie Paul Sparke Cabinetmakers Phillip Thom Waimea West Joinery Blake Gibbs Townshends (1994) Limited Andrew Irvine Leith Joinery Limited Nicholas Pollard Townshends (1994) Limited Dion Burridge Rabbitte Joinery Scott Floden Cabinet Works Brodie Matthews Advance Joinery Sean Johnson Steve Morris Joinery Cody Peoples University of Canterbury Yasuhiro Nakane Shears & Mac Ltd Connor Clifton Colourform Joinery Limited Simon Taylor Counties Joinery Brandon Hatch Contrast Interiors Ltd Jonathan Lee Silverdale Kitchens Limited Jamie Staines Sunshine Joinery Ben Moroney McGregor Cabinetmakers Ryan McGregor Millbrook Kitchens Limited Andrew Thirlwell Max George Joiners Regan Marshall Grandvue Joinery Ravi Sharma Shop FX Ltd Ruth Blowes J B Joinery Ltd Greyson Murphy Seaboard Joinery Limited Remus Nutu Seaboard Joinery Limited Sailesh Prakash Cabinet Development Limited Jody Futter Timber Doors & Windows Ltd Samuel Weston Top Notch Hokitika Ltd Adam Mills-Jensen Rowson Kitchen & Joinery Ltd Jack Foxwell Firman Joinery Ltd Braden Milmine Creative Kitchens & Laminates Ltd Ryan van der Kaay Sockburn Joinery Ltd Christopher Doherty Paterson Joinery Alan Paterson Prestige Joinery Daniel Morgan Prestige Kitchens (2000) Ltd Neil Harper Heritage Joinery (Waimate) Ltd Jared Buchanan Modern Age Joinery Robert Claridge

Great News

Win a free

Training Advisors for Joinery, Glass, Aluminium Joinery, Kitchen and Bathroom Design Sectors Six BCITO Training Advisors have been recruited to join the forces specifically for the Joinery, Glass, Aluminium Joinery, Kitchen and Bathroom Design sectors. A further six are to be deployed early in 2015. This will give these sectors full national coverage with thirteen Training Advisors out in the field.

through opening a healthy learning dialogue. Training Advisors will keep you up to date about BCITO awards, scholarships, other opportunities andtypes of training available for your company. They will also visit companies without apprentices to provide information about training that can be of value to each individual company.

As an employer this means a BCITO Training Advisor will call on you and your apprentice(s) four times each year to provide support for both learners and workplace mentors. They will guide you through the training process taking away any mystery and answer questions you may have. The Training Advisors will work with you and your apprentice to set goals to ensure skills are learned in a structure way increasing apprentice productivity early into the apprenticeship.Training Advisors can help with goal setting and addressing concerns

All new Training Advisors are currently being inducted at the BCITO, which not only includes ITO specific training, but extensive sector understanding, knowledge of the qualifications and each industry specific training system. Numerous company visits and conversations with people from industry are an integral part of the training for all Training Advisors. Shortly you will receive contact details for your Training Advisor, as they will be at your service January 2015.

3D Kitchen Software package WITH EVERY ISSUE of JOINERS Magazine Readers of JOINERS Magazine are invited to apply to be in the draw to win a free copy of the industry leading software 3D Kitchen™. The offer is being made jointly by 3D Kitchen™ and JOINERS Magazine.

The offer includes ... 3D Kitchen QT software producing ...    

Floor plans Elevations High Quality 3D images Full real time motion 3D rendering (same as using game software)

• • •

easily create your own unique cabinets complete customised system full product support (12 months) - broadband internet required

The BCITO welcomes and congratulates the following on their appointments. Leon Clarke (Northland) Joinery, Glass, Kit Design, Aluminium Joinery Bob Martin (Auckland ) Joinery, Kit Design Murray Atkinson (Auckland) Glass, Aluminium Joinery Vaughan Crocker (Waikato) Joinery, Glass, Kit Design, Aluminium Joinery Scott Cato (Waikato) Joinery, Glass, Kit Design, Aluminium Joinery Jason Bean (BOP) Joinery, Glass, Kit Design, Aluminium Joinery Dave Crawford (Wellington) Joinery, Glass, Kit Design, Aluminium Joinery Grant Johnson (Nelson/Marl/WC) Joinery, Glass, Kit Design, Aluminium Joinery Adam Earl (Canterbury) Joinery, Glass, Kit Design, Aluminium Joinery Bill Cubit (Otago / Southland) Joinery, Glass, Kit Design, Aluminium Joinery Further appointments are to be made in Otago/Southland, Gisborne and Central for Joinery, Glass, Kit Design, Aluminium Joinery

There must be a catch? 1. You must be a reader of JOINERS Magazine 2. You must be a manufacturing cabinetmaker 3. You must not already have design or production software 4. The offer does not include future software updates 5. Email applications to ... ... subject “free software 2013” ... supply full business name and contact details









JOINERS Magazine December 2014 page 77

STATE OF THE INDUSTRY AUCKLAND The building industry in the Auckland region is very busy with a large variety of work taking place. The commercial type work is seeing new developments being started over the whole Auckland area along with a lot of refurbishment type work to many of the older buildings particularly in the Auckland CBD. The residential work is also very busy with still a lot of alterations and additions type jobs happening. We are also starting to see a lot of new architectural designed residential homes now being started along with the group housing type work that is spreading out over the whole Auckland region. This means busy times for all the related trades. The Christmas rush is also upon us with all the DIY people gearing themselves up for their Christmas break and trying to catch up on some home maintenance. There seems to be a shortage of skilled Joiners at present with a lot of positions being advertised regularly on Trade Me job seek, as well as other agencies. This makes training a very important role and really shows the need to be taking on apprentices in our work places. All of our suppliers from timber, to hardware, to panel and veneer products, are all reporting to be very busy. In saying all this, there are still a few companies in Auckland that are closing their doors and selling up. They have straggled their way through the last 4 to 5 years with the huge downturn in work that we all faced and now that the workloads have increased and everybody seems to be busy, some of these companies are still finding it hard to make any profit. I guess it all comes down to be able to quote a job correctly, We all need to be able to value ourselves, stand by our products, and be able to stand by our pricing and charge what our products are worth. If you want a quality product then come to a Master Joiner, if you are after the cheapest price then go somewhere else. Auckland Master Joiners seem to struggle a little bit to get a reasonable turnout to our regional meetings. Again I know that we are all busy and it can be hard to get away from our place of business. If you are finding it difficult to attend a meeting then maybe you could elect a delegate to represent your company, they will always be welcomed and included. Auckland Master Joiners’ membership has continued to grow so Joiners are seeing benefits in belonging to Master Joiners. We just need to get you all to start attending meetings. – Dave Cunningham

CENTRAL Talking to our Central members at present it seems most are extremely busy sorting and working through their pre-Christmas jobs, and although that is normal for this period it is also encouraging to hear of companies also taking orders for the new year. Over the past few winter months however, most of our members experienced moderate workloads, with residential work leading the way whilst companies focused on commercial work still finding it slightly patchy at times. Job pricing is still very competitive with the occasional silly cheap price still being offered. However on the other hand there is an equal amount of manufacturers pricing and winning jobs based on their good merits and high standard of products. It seems to depend on the customer and who the businesses are directing their sales at. Recently the Central Master Joiners enjoyed their 17th Annual Feilding Cup race day at Awapuni. It was a lot of fun and is our largest social event of the year. We had a great turnout of members, associate members and suppliers who enjoyed each other’s company and as always donated generously to the TAB’S takings but had fun doing so. (If only paying our tax bill was so much fun!) Being WorkSafe Compliant is a hot topic at the moment for everyone and the rush for some to be compliant by April 2015 will mean a lot of business owners will be giving a lot of time to this over the next few months. The WorkSafe assessment tool sheets which Corinne has distributed have given a good insight to what needs to be identified and worked through. New apprenticeship numbers for Central are still quite low but hopefully these will rise as more and more employers are finding it difficult to get decent qualified people and realising the need to train new people is the way forward. Finally I hope everyone has an enjoyable Christmas and all the best for the New Year. - Graeme Andrews HAWKE’S BAY/POVERTY BAY As I write this the countdown is on for the big day barely six weeks away. Most joiners have steady workloads with larger companies being kept very busy. The Hawke’s Bay economy continues to be subdued, year-to-date building consents are down 4% with a total of 238 new dwellings consented by the Napier and Hastings councils. Like most regional economies the Hawke’s Bay is feeling the pinch

JOINERS Magazine December 2014 page 78

from static population growth, a lack of growth in business activity and the reserve bank maintaining its LVR policy. Recently another building/joinery company has gone into voluntary liquidation, owing substantial monies to Kiwi Bank, suppliers and consumers. The effects from this company’s liquidation have not finished yet, as they had collected many thousands of dollars in deposits and either hadn’t yet started the job or have left many jobs unfinished. Construction and joinery companies are still struggling to secure enough work at sustainable margins to enjoy their hard work. More companies are looking for opportunities outside of their regions to full their workloads. With no decision on the Ruataniwha dam and no large tenders currently being tendered on, the beginning of 2015 will be a challenging start for all. As we head into Christmas we can look forward to some major changes in the industry next year. I encourage us as an industry to be well informed and be aware of these changes in Health & Safety legislation and secondly with the way we contract work to home-owners. The changes will add substantial cost to businesses and the industry needs to be proactive about recovering these extra costs. WorkSafe is actively visiting joinery workshops and it is important that all Health and Safety policies are both up to standard and proactively managed. Changes to the building act, which come into force on 1st January 2015, will require more from the tradesmen involved – including a written contract for any work totalling over $30,000, pre-contract disclosures and a twelve month requirement to fix customer reported defects. The two sites below have information to help business owners stay informed about the changes: and buildingactreview. Wishing all a Merry Christmas and a busy and profitable New Year. - Ross Morgan NELSON / MARLBOROUGH The region remains relatively buoyant in the residential and renovation sector. Both Marlborough and Nelson members are experiencing good workloads and have positive outlooks for the next quarter. The commercial sector remains dormant, with little indications of a change in that sector for the next quarter. In early July we

had the pleasure of the attendance of Greg Durkin BCITO and his presentation to the branch members. Greg discussed the coming together of three ITOs and the vision to create a single construction and infrastructure ITO. He outlined the positive change it will bring to our industry. As Greg re-iterated our industry need to take positive and proactive strides forward with regard to recruitment and training, the positive step already taken by the Nelson Marlborough branch in undertaking a skills audit across the branch was seen as excellent progress. This identification of strengths and weaknesses and most importantly training needs, provides an excellent platform to move forward with training and training innovations. To this end the Sellers room, opened their doors to the local NMIT Pre trades students and held a tour of their business, providing an insight for the students into our industry and enlightening the students of possible career opportunities that exist. Further meeting have been held with the NMIT with regard to more joinery and manufacturing influence for their pre trade courses that they run throughout the year. Ken Monk visited the region in August to discuss NZS4211 Compliant Timber Joinery. In Ken’s words, the Nelson branch certainly got our pound of flesh out of him! He presented to the local BOINZ Nelson Marlborough branch meeting on the 20th August, immediately followed by a presentation to local joiners working within the timber joinery space. The following morning he presented to a large audience, including a number of specifying authorities and architects. We had as a branch negotiated on behalf of the Architects, valuable Core Learning CPD points for their attendance. Local prominent builders and local branch member were also in attendances. The breakfast presentation organised and supported by Laminex NZ, also included a speech from the Hon Nick Smith, at the time, Minister for Housing, Local Government and Minister for Conservation followed by a Q and A session. Amongst many subjects discussed, the audience gained an insight into the Governments direction and actions regarding affordable housing, accessing fallen native timbers and the drive for independent Standards committees. He reinforced the importance of trade organisations such as Master Joiners in communicating with the bureaucrats of central government and gaining

Reports from Branch Presidents November 2014

representation on the Standards Committees. During this quarter we have held our inaugural Nelson Marlborough Golf day at the Nelson Golf Club, which despite blustery conditions was a huge success, we had an excellent turnout and in particular I would like to thank our sponsors for supporting the day. A fabulous trophy was designed by one of our members, so the tournament now has a place in the calendar. It is seen as a great opportunity to continue to grow the branch’s brand with local specifiers and builders whilst also giving a bit of fun to the participating members. Many members have been visited by WorkSafe NZ and have received positive feedback on how we are managing this area of our businesses. As a branch we are encouraging internal communication to improve each others’ business practices in this area. We have received a request from Crowe Horwath, an associate member to present how to interpret the new health and safety legislation, an independent analysis on how we ‘performed’ with regard to Health and Safety practices and how as a group we can improve. We continue as a branch to develop practices to achieve a sustainable local joinery and manufacturing industry. - Alan Gibbs OTAGO / SOUTHLAND Workloads have varied around town, with some firms flat out and some running week by week during late Winter/Spring but all now look like they will have a good run to Christmas and into the New Year. We have four apprentices who came out of their time this year in Otago and we had an awards night to celebrate their achievements. Apprentices aside, numerous firms continue to struggle to find experienced joiners. A number of members took the time to attend AWISA 2014 in Brisbane to look at the latest machines and tools. Congratulations to Mohammed Valibhai on winning the John Tiddy Memorial Award Scholarship and representing NZ apprentices at the event. We had our Christmas dinner at the Oakridge Resort in Wanaka with our largest turnout so far. Sixty members, partners and suppliers had a good night out and it was nice to see new members come along and fit right in. Times are busy and clients and project managers are expecting unrealistic time frames (bugger The Block) but it doesn’t look like this will change in the near future. The

outlook is positive for 2015 with lots of jobs requiring completion prior to the new educational year and many houses under construction. It would be nice to see some larger commercial projects but we will have to wait and see. - Andrew Duncan TARANAKI Hi from the winning province, ITM cup that is, the top team from a top province. The locals are still buzzing, after a great year on and off the field. Taranaki has had a reasonable year economically, with most Members’ work schedules full until the new year. There seems to be plenty of work out there at the moment, with builders reporting good workloads across both the house building and commercial sectors. It will be interesting to see if the strong demand continues into 2015 as the farmers’ payouts are going to be down, and the oil industry is not as busy as it was. It is still of some concern that there does not seem to be many new apprentices being taken on in our trade locally. In future years this will make it even harder to get tradesmen as our population ages, and this will be across all trades. It was great to have the 2014 Master Joiners Conference here in Taranaki. From the feedback from company representatives and attendees, everyone had a great time and enjoyed the Naki hospitality. Taranaki Members wish all Master Joiners across New Zealand a relaxing Christmas break and a prosperous new year. – Roger Paul WAIKATO / BAY OF PLENTY Members in the Waikato/Bay of Plenty region report a range of workloads from “reasonably quiet” to “out of control”. Perhaps more than in other years, 2014 has been a roller-coaster ride with highs and lows of demand depending on the region and markets operated in. Overall there seems to be optimism for 2015 with companies reporting a reasonable amount of confirmed orders in the book to start off the year. Wintec reports extra block courses scheduled for 2015, partly due to increased numbers of apprentices doing the cabinetry strand (particularly in the Auckland region), but still a reasonable number doing the full craftsperson qualifications, particularly in the regions. They are seeing good quality young people across all strands which indicates that there are plenty of good quality prospective employees out there for

employers to pick from, and this all bodes well for the future of our relevant industries. Increased competition from companies specialising in commercial work can make it tough for smaller firms to win local contracts, which has them looking for opportunities in the larger domestic markets such as Auckland where the returns can be more lucrative. An interesting comment from a member is that they are starting to see a return to dealing with the builder rather than the end user, which most of us would see as a positive. Those operating in the rural markets have noticed farmers are keeping their hands in their pockets as a result of the payout expectations. WorkSafe NZ have visited many of our members with a focus on machine guarding and healthy environment – noise and dust etc. Some companies have been served notices to comply, others have “passed with flying colours”. Overall the inspectors seem reasonable and easy enough to work with if a co-operative attitude is demonstrated. Supplies of materials are within expectation. Debtors also are as expected although average payment days are still higher than most would like. Our last meeting for the year was a night at the Cambridge trots. We had a great time but unfortunately no big winners on the night. It was encouraging to see new faces and the opportunity to catch up with how others were coping and share some ideas. There is planning underway for the first three meetings of 2015 with the intention to share the venues around our diverse region. All the best for the run into Christmas and a productive start to 2015. - Paul Ingram WAITAKI Workloads are very busy as Christmas is nearly upon us, again with customers demanding that jobs be completed by this time. With workloads already being booked well into the new year, the future at the moment looks very positive. With several new subdivisions being opened up, and a number of new builders starting up in business all of whom need joinery, the industry will continue positively. Some firms have been taking on new staff, although it is very hard to find a good Tradesperson. I know of about three firms who are going to take on apprentices in the new year. With one or two firms installing new machines, that will speed up production. Materials supplies seem to be all ok

at present. Bench Tops seem to be taking longer to get from Christchurch, which is probably to do with the heavy workload there. All Members seem happy with payment being on time, with a few having stragglers. Lately we have had some good guest speakers, at our meetings: Greg Durkin and Deb Paul explaining their involvement in the industry, and the future of it. Also Tony Lemin from Southern Institute of Technology, talking about their Block Courses. Our members were sorry to hear Kevyn Moore has had a set back with his health and wish him a speedy recovery. Wishing you all a Happy Xmas and a safe and busy New Year. – Alan Paterson WELLINGTON A Christmas rush has hit Wellington this year. Well, that’s what I kept hearing last Friday at the ITM golf day. Non drink enhanced reports I have heard, also say there is indeed a Christmas rush and everyone is busy. Forward work for 2015 looks good and everything certainly feels positive. I hesitantly say once again, that we have turned the corner and next year work will be easy to find and prices will hopefully stabilise. After speaking to an Architect recently who knew nothing of our NZS:4211 testing, I emailed Wellington members asking them to inform Architects they deal with about our tested timber joinery. These are the people who are interested and will want compliance. I have found builders are not interested unless it is on the plans or in the specifications. Today I saw two cruise liners berthed in Wellington, the start of Summer I thought. The inhabitants of these vessels were everywhere in the city enjoying the sun and ... wind; tourism dollars are now very important for our economy. Wellington is finally getting some roads worthy of national significance, with the building of the Raumati expressway and Transmission Gully. I am sure a change in Government would have put one of these projects back on the shelf. I think the whole of the business community breathed a sigh of relief when the National Party was re-elected Government. To make this election better we would only need a Prime Minister who lives in Wellington or even the Greater Wellington Region. – Anthony Neustroski 

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master joiners members AUCKLAND Secretary, Matt Woodward 15 Wheturangi Rd, Greenlane, Auck. Ph 09 524 7054, email Advanced Timber Joinery PO Box 132, Silverdale, 217 Spur Road, Stillwater/Silverdale, Ph 09 426 9785, contact Wade Saunderson. NZS4211 Affiliated. All Timber Joinery Ltd Unit A, 1058 Great South Road, Mt Wellington, Auckland. Ph 09 270 9605, contact David Heather. Alpha Joinery Services (2010) Ltd 124D Felton Mathew Ave, St Johns, Auckland, Ph 09 578 0391, contact Juan Whippy. NZS4211 Affiliated. Artisan Carpentry Ltd 14b Akepiro Street, Eden Terrace, Auckland, Ph 09 550 7654, contact Charles de Lapomarede. BML Builders Ltd 18 Shamrock Drive, Kumeu, Ph 09 412 2350, contact Kaye Butler. NZS4211 Affiliated. Bowden Doors Ltd 38c Greenmount Drive, East Tamaki, Auckland. Ph 09 274 4798, contact Paul Bowden. NZS4211 Affiliated. Bream Bay Joinery Ltd 38 Kepa Road, Ruakaka, Northland. Ph 09 432 7324, contact Karl Morgan. Bungalow Villa & Beyond Ltd 377 New North Rd, Kingsland, Auckland. Ph 09 846 1502, contact Simon Buckley. NZS4211 Affiliated. Cedarlite Industries Ltd 4 Mahunga Drive, Mangere Bridge, Auckland, Ph 09 633 0410, contact John Harrison. NZS4211 Affiliated. Composite Joinery Ltd PO Box 34, Warkworth. Ph 09 425 7510, email, contact Murray Wylie. Continental Stairs Ltd 32 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland, ph 09 836 1935, contact John or Anthony van Erp. Contrast Interiors Ltd A5, 35 Keeling Road, Henderson, Auckland, Ph 09 835 3465, contact Brendon Dunn Counties Joinery 11 D Glasgow Road, Pukekohe 2120, Ph 09 238 7264, contact Roy McKerras. NZS4211 Affiliated CT Timber Joinery Ltd Unit A / 37 View Road, Glenfield, Auckland, Ph 09 444 9041, contact Cameron Stringer. NZS4211 Affiliated. Cube 3 Cabinetry Ltd 8 Tironui Station Road West, Takanini, Auckland, Ph 09 297 7830, contact Nigel Hanley. Dando Doors and Windows Ltd 62 Stoddard Rd, Mt Roskill. Ph 09 629 2461, contact Peter Facoory. NZS4211 Affiliated. Danska Cabinetmaking 177 Lower Dent St, Whangarei, ph 09 438 1100, contact Aaron & Carolyn Rawson. Euro Timber Joinery Co Ltd 34 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland, ph 09 837 1833, contact Shane Paterson. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Pakuranga Joinery Ltd 2 Canon Place, Pakuranga, Auckland. Ph 09 576 8858, contact Gary Farquhar.

Clearline Ltd 65 Hull Road, Mt Maunganui, Ph 07 572 4307, contact Barry Ririnui.

Format Ltd 17 Parity Place, Glenfield, Auckland, Ph 09 914 4560, contact Frank Schlaffmann.

Papakura Joinery Ltd 45-51 Tironui Road, Papakura North, Auckland, Ph 09 298 7145, contact Glenn Haszard. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Colourform Joinery Ltd PO Box 10121, Te Rapa, Hamilton, Ph 07 849 6655, contact Mike Taylor. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Goldfinch Timber Joinery Ltd 20 D & E Onslow Avenue, Papatoetoe, Auckland, Ph 09 277 8803, contact Harvey Whitehead. NZS4211 Affiliated

Rockfield Woodworkers (2003) Ltd 9 Parkwood Place, East Tamaki, Manukau, Ph 09 274 4698, contacts Bryan Hancock and Nick Jones. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Grandvue Joinery 42 Gregory Road, Waitakere. Ph 09 810 9398, contact Robert Piacun. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Seaboard Joinery Ltd PO Box 11 035, Ellerslie. Ph 09 579 9571, contact Mrs Maureen Beattie. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Guyco Kitchens & Joinery Ltd 8 Rewa Rewa Road, Raumanga, Whangarei, Ph 09 470 0653, contact Peter Dainty.

Smith & Parker Joiners 35 Waipanga Road, Kamo, Whangarei, Ph 09 435 5415, contact Albert Smith or Simon Parker. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Fineline Joinery Limited Unit 6B, 64 Henderson Valley Road, Henderson, Auckland, Ph 09 836 2212, contacts Chris Lipp / Richard Schaefer. NZS4211 Affiliated.

G & J Joinery (1997) Ltd 372 West Coast Rd, Glen Eden, Auckland. Ph 09 818 5585, contact Alan Parry. NZS4211 Affiliated. IP Joinery Ltd Unit 8, Industrial Building One. Opua Marine Park, Baffin St, Opua. Ph 09 402 6885, contacts Bill & Julie Kidman. JT Cabinetry Ltd 32 Neil Park Drive, East Tamaki, Auckland, Ph 09 279 8984, contacts Noel Rowse and Ben Brown. Kay Joinery 1226 Oruru Road, R D 2, Peria, Kaitaia, Ph 09 408 5547, contact Daniel Kay. Keenan Interiors Limited 6/7 Veronica Park Lane, New Lynn, Auckland 0600, Ph 09 827 7836. Kitchen Inspirations Ltd Unit 15, 518 Buckland Road, R D 2, Pukekohe, Ph 09 239 0875, contact Justin and Rebecca Berry Leslie A J & Co Ltd PO Box 35 628, Browns Bay. Ph 09 479 4662, contact Steve Leslie. NZS4211 Affiliated. Matakana Kitchens & Joinery Ltd 50 Matakana Valley Road, Matakana, Ph 09 422 7804, contact Jeffrey Smith. NZS4211 Affiliated. Mattson Joinery PO Box 76690, Manukau City. Ph 09 277 7642, contact David Mattson. NZS4211 Affiliated. McNaughton Windows and Doors PO Box 27 061, Mt Roskill. Ph 09 620 9059, contact Dennis McNaughton or Dave Cunningham. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Total Timba Joinery PO Box 101 153, Glenfield. Ph 09 444 7772 contact Rob Pickup. NZS4211 Affiliated. Van Holst Timber Joinery 2/26 Manga Road, Silverdale, Ph 09 426 8602, contact Ron Wheeler. NZS4211 Affiliated. Western Joinery Ltd 26 Cartwright Road, Glen Eden, Auckland, Ph 09 818 8802, contacts Jim Purvis or Leanne Beaumont. NZS4211 Affiliated. Westpine Joinery Ltd 7 Binstead Rd, New Lynn, Auckland. Ph 09 827 6488, contact Bill or Donny Rawlinson. www. NZS4211 Affiliated. Whenuapai Joinery (1988) Ltd 49 Pupuke Rd, Takapuna, Auckland. Ph 09 416 4995, contact Ian Midgley. NZS4211 Affiliated. Woodstar Ltd PO Box 57 050, Owairaka. Ph 09 620 5711, contact Stuart Penny.

Coromandel Kitchens Ltd 7 Dakota Drive, Whitianga, Ph 07 869 5597, contact Andrew Nuttall Cromptons Joinery PO Box 751, Taupo. Ph 07 378 7968, contact Allan Crompton. NZS4211 Affiliated. Customtone Kitchens 33 Progress Drive, Otorohanga, Ph 07 873 8083, contact Dave Frederiksen. Design Line Kitchens & Motorhomes 21 Gateway Dr, Whakatane. Ph 07 307 0058, contact Adam McNeil. Eastern Waikato Joinery Ltd 3 Allen Street, Morrinsville. Ph 07 889 7654, contact Paul Bennett. NZS4211 Affiliated. Fernlea Cabinetry & Joinery Ltd 17 Bandon Street, Frankton, Hamilton, Ph 07 847 2027, Frank Lawrence. NZS4211 Affiliated. Fine Woodworking 1536 Main North Road, R D 5, Te Kuiti, Ph 07 878 6194, David Higgins. NZS4211 Affiliated. Gartshore Group PO Box 2117, Tauranga. Ph 07 578 4529, contact Bill Gartshore. Hopkins Joinery 126 Taupo St, Putaruru. Ph 07 883 7951, contact Ron or Hilary. NZS4211 Affiliated. Hostess Joinery Ltd PO Box 1048, Hamilton, Ph 07 847 3099, contact Peter Clarke. NZS4211 Affiliated.

WAIKATO BAY OF PLENTY Secretary, Sonya Mackenzie 65 Duke Street, Hamilton. Ph 07 847 9352 Email: Advance Joinery Ltd 71 Higgins Road, Hamilton, Ph 07 846 0026, contact Murray Ashton.

Meridian Joinery Ltd 18 Parity Place, Glenfield, Auckland, Ph 09 441 7289, contact Roydon Woodcock.

Arborline Products PO Box 9003, Hamilton. Ph 07 847 8217, contact Julian Jaques. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Neo Design Ltd 96 Hillside Road, Glenfield, Auckland. Ph 09 443 4461, contact Wayne Church or Paul Burgess.

Autocrat Joinery 31 Maru Street, Mount Maunganui, Ph 07 574 8162, contact Tony Morgan. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Nicks Timber Joinery Ltd 56 Forge Road, Silverdale, Auckland. Ph 09 426 6862, contact Ken Caldwell. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Beaver Kitchens 28 McAlister Street, Whakatane, Ph 07 308 7642, contact Mark Bruce.

Old Bay Joinery 202 Old Bay Rd, RD 2, Kaikohe, Northland, Ph 09 405 9650, contacts Phil & Sandy Ellis. NZS4211 Affiliated.

BenchWorks Limited 601 Te Rapa Rd, Hamilton. Ph 07 849 5216, contact Ross or Wayne Cooney, email rossc@

Owairoa Joinery Ltd PO Box 58 336, East Tamaki. Ph 09 273 3699, contact Mark Harriman. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Bennetts Joinery Ltd Box 15-096, Dinsdale, Hamilton. Ph 07 847 7495, contact Paul Tottie.

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Concept Kitchens & Bathrooms Ltd 73 Riverlea Rd, Hamilton, Ph 07 856 4705, contact Ross Bones. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Huntly Joinery 2000 Ltd PO Box 170, 22-26 Glasgow St, Huntly, Ph 07 828 8370, email NZS4211 Affiliated. Keith Paton Joinery 15 Carters Crescent, Cambridge, ph 07 827 3249, contact Keith Paton. King Country Kitchens 49 King St, Te Kuiti, Ph 07 878 8820, contact Richard Pethybridge. NZS4211 Affiliated. Kitchen Fx Ltd 8 Bandon Street, Frankton, Hamilton. Ph 07 847 3003, contact Mark Davies. Lee Brothers Joinery Ltd PO Box 1170, Rotorua, Ph 07 348 0620, contact Paul Ingram. NZS4211 Affiliated. MAKZ Joinery 34 Valley Road, Whakatane, Ph 027 284 9412, contact Jamie McConnell. Makepiece Limited Unit 2, Number 10, Gateway Cres, Coastlands, Whakatane 3194, Ph 07 219 0903, contact Richard Knott. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Executive Officer - Corinne Moore, 20 Cambridge Tce, Taradale, Napier. ph: 06 844 9954, fax: 06 650 6756, email:

Montage Kitchens & Joinery PO Box 5266, Frankton, Hamilton. Ph 07 8479 174, contact Ken Monk. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Careys Joinery (1989) Ltd PO Box 229, Marton. Ph 06 327 7949, contact Karl Parry.

Morrinsville Industries Ltd PO Box 69, Morrinsville. Ph 07 889 5199, contact Murray Foster. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Counter Concepts 16 Bisley St, Palmerston North, ph 06 355 5971, contact Graeme Andrews.

Native Timber Joinery Ltd 92 Bruce Berquist Drive, Te Awamutu, Ph 07 871 6188, contact Stuart Walker. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Heritage Doors Ltd 3 Muhunua West Road, Ohau, Levin, Ph 0274 418 934, contact Tod Aitken. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Personal Touch Kitchens Ltd 20 Rickit Road, Te Awamutu, Ph 07 871 3998, contact Gyan Prole or Kerry Prole.

H.R. Jones & Co. Ltd Aorangi St, Feilding. Ph 06 323 4388, contact Mark Pickford. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Plain & Fancy Furniture & Kitchens 2 Lake Rd, Frankton, Hamilton, Ph 07 847 4563, email s.jclausen@

Hughes Joinery Ltd PO Box 4250, Palmerston North, Ph 06 952 3581, contact Cliff Hughes.

Ross Curtis Joinery PO Box 396, Taumarunui. Ph 07 895 7152, contact Ross Curtis.

Jeff Clayton Joinery 25 Roxburgh Cres, Palmerston North. Ph 06 357 1736, contact Jeff Clayton.

Santa Fe Shutters PO Box 4009, Mt Maunganui South, Tauranga, Ph 07 547 4042, contact John Kemsley.

Kitchens By Healey Ltd 42 Bennett Street, Palmerston North, Ph 06 355 4646, contact Peter Healey.

Stanley Joinery Ltd 6 Browns Street, Matamata, Ph 07 881 9234, contact Sean Wood. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Lanwood Joinery 26 North St, Palmerston North. Ph 06 357 4757, contact Steve Duck.

St Andrews Joinery Ltd 46 Mahana Road, Te Rapa, Hamilton, Ph 07 849 3050, contacts Stewart and Robert Cunningham.

Levin A1 Joinery Co Ltd 27 Hokio Beach Rd, Levin. Ph 06 368 9987, contact Phil Benefield. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Stu Martin Joinery Ltd 49A Matai Street, Taupo. Ph 07 378 8049, contact Stu Martin.

L G Petterson (1994) Ltd 49 Bennett Street, Palmerston North. Ph 06 354 8170, contact Lindsay Petterson.

Thames Joinery (1995) Ltd 913 Queen Street, Thames, Ph 07 868 6951, contact Bruce Fulton. NZS4211 Affiliated.

M R Osman Furniture & Joinery 383 Heads Road, Wanganui, Ph 06 344 2391, contact Murray Osman. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Torrington Stairways 24 Matos Segedin Drive, Cambridge, Ph 07 827 6323, contact Brian Courtney.

Murray Judd Joinery Limited 25 Station Street, Woodville, Ph 06 376 5043, contact Murray & Tessa Judd. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Wackrow’s Joinery Ltd Gillies St, Box 150, Cambridge. Ph 07 827 5981, contact Carl Riley or Liam Wackrow. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Pelco Joinery 834 Tremaine Ave, P. North. Ph 06 357 8031, contact Robert Wilson.

Waikato Benchtops Ltd Glasgow Street, Huntly, Ph 07 828 8370, contact Simon Curran. Waikato Joinery Specialists 26 King St, Frankton, Hamilton, Ph 07 847 6006, contact John Vercoe. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Pridex Kitchens 47 Railway Road, Palmerston North, Ph 06 356 9397, contact Patrick Lau, Rob O’Keeffe Joinery Ltd 368 Heads Rd, Wanganui. Ph 06 344 5040, NZS4211 Affiliated. Reilly Joinery 18A Parkview Ave, Feilding, Ph 06 323 3743, contact Andrew Reilly. NZS4211 Affiliated.

CENTRAL Secretary, Graeme Andrews 16 Bisley Street, Palmerston North, Ph 06 355 5971, Al-Wood Joinery Ltd 7 Arthur Street, Pahiatua, Ph 06 376 8692, contact Kate Harris. Benchtop Surfaces Ltd 590 Tremaine Ave, P. North. Ph 06 356 9384, contact James Hurren.

The Door Shoppe 157 London Street, Wanganui, Ph 06 345 7707, contact Mark & Diane Thompson. NZS4211 Affiliated. Townshends (1994) Limited 59 Makomako Road, Palmerston North. Ph 06 354 6699, contact Denise McLean. NZS4211 Affiliated. UCOL Princess St, Palmerston North. Ph 06 952 7001, contact Craig Fleet. NZS4211 Affiliated. Unique Timber Joinery 143B Gillespies Line, R D 5, Palmerston North, Ph 06 355 2654, contact James Griffin. NZS4211 Affiliated.

TARANAKI Secretary, Graeme Paul PO Box 4136, New Plymouth. Ph 06 751 1111. Arthur Brown Construction Ltd PO Box 266, Hawera. Ph 06 278 5199, contact contact Mark Dombroski Broadway Joinery 381 Broadway, Stratford, Ph 06 765 6829, contact Graham Podjursky. Elite Kitchens 2004 Ltd 221 Devon Street East, New Plymouth, Ph 06 759 8221, contact Sean Rice. Fisher Taranaki Window & Door PO Box 3061, New Plymouth. Ph 06 758 5068, contact Mark Whitaker. Glen Valley Joinery 83 Breakwater Road, Maturoa, New Plymouth, Ph 06 751 4631, contact R G Barlow. NZS4211 Affiliated. Hawera Kitchens and Furniture Ltd 24 Glover Road, Hawera 4610, Ph 06 278 7044, contacts Klinton Hunt / Lance Hunt. In 2 Kitchens Limited 78 Portia Street, Stratford, Ph 06 765 4058, contacts Brent and Jo Russ. NZS4211 Affiliated. Kitchen Designz NZ Ltd 225-229 Courtenay St, New Plymouth. Ph 06 759 8324, contact Dan Holmes. KP Joinery Ltd 2 Dowding Place, Waitara. Ph 06 754 4726, contact Ken Parsons. MacLeod Joinery 42 Beach St, New Plymouth. Ph 06 757 8172, Kieran MacLeod. NZS4211 Affiliated. New Plymouth Joinery Ltd 10 Cody Place, New Plymouth. Ph 06 758 8580, contact Roger, Paul or John Ancell. NZS4211 Affiliated. Newton Gordge Joinery 67 Breakwater Rd, New Plymouth. Ph 06 751 5065, contact Newton Gordge. NZS4211 Affiliated. Pace Office Furniture Ltd 113 De Havilland Drive, Bell Block, New Plymouth. Ph 06 755 4012, contact Lew Dickie or Bryan Frank. Prestige Kitchens 2001 Ltd 98 Molesworth Street, New Plymouth, Ph 06 759 9177, contact Mark Schmidt. Rhys Powell Joinery 7A Euclid Street, New Plymouth. Ph 06 753 3822, contact Rhys Powell. NZS4211 Affiliated. Wayne Lovegrove Joinery 647 Frankley Road, R D 1, New Plymouth 4371, Ph 06 753 9002, contact Wayne Lovegrove. Westwood Kitchens 90 Rata Street, Inglewood, Ph 06 756 7592, contact Wayne Herbert.

HAWKES BAY POVERTY BAY Secretary, Dianne Hurring P O Box 7103, Taradale, Napier 4141. Ph 06 843 1465. Email: Awapuni Joinery Ltd 22 Parkinson Street, Gisborne, Ph 06 867 3301 contact Peter Webster. Burley Kitchens & Cabinetry Ltd 14 Lipton Pl, Onekawa, Napier. Ph 06 843 5588, contact Craig Burley. CedarVille Joinery & Building Ltd Gate 20, Irongate Road, Hastings. Ph 06 878 0019, contact Alan Whyte. Cherrywood Joinery Ltd 398 Palmerston Road, Gisborne. Ph 06 868 0971, Richard Childs. Christie Builders & Joiners 11 Husheer Place, Onekawa, Napier, Ph 06 843 6676, contact Peter Christie. NZS4211 Affiliated. Classic Kitchens (1977) Ltd PO Box 3150, Onekawa, Napier. Ph 06 843 6500, contact Larry McKenna. D Stevens Ltd 336 Childers Road, Gisborne, Ph 06 867 5700, contact Peter Claydon. NZS4211 Affiliated. East Coast Benchtops Ltd 15 Edmundson Street, Onekawa, Napier, Ph 06 843 1465, contact Wayne Hurring or Chris desLandes’. European Designer Kitchens 80 Taradale Rd, Napier. Ph 06 843 7319, contact Murray Nattrass. Gemco Trades Ltd PO Box 8360, Havelock North. Ph 06 877 1204, contact Darren Diack. NZS4211 Affiliated. Hastings Laminate Ltd 1021a Manchester Street, Hastings, Ph 06 879 8564, contact Mark or Grant Eyles. Kitchens by McIndoe PO Box 3221, Onekawa, Napier. Ph 06 843 3880, contact Murray McIndoe. Kitchen Zone 219 Stanley Road, Gisborne. Ph 06 863 2044, contact Tony & Lynda Sharp. NZS4211 Affiliated. Kevin Molloy Joinery Ltd PO Box 3251, Napier. Ph 06 843 5037, contact Simon Molloy. NZS4211 Affiliated. Mackersey Construction Ltd Box 320, Hastings, Ph 06 876 0252, contact John Bower & Ross Morgan. NZS4211 Affiliated. Millbrook Furniture Solutions Ltd 404 Ellison Road, Hastings 4122, Ph 06 876 3675, contact Bruce Drummond. Milldoor Ltd 1283 Louie Street, Hastings, Ph 06 878 2600, contact Gary Morgan. Parkhill Joinery Ltd 112-114 Stoneycroft Street, Hastings, Ph 06 878 9145, contact Bob Parkhill / Tom Robertson. NZS4211 Affiliated.

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Peter Norris Joinery Ltd Unit 9, 28 Edmundson Street, Onekawa, Napier, Ph 06 843 8086, contact Peter Norris. NZS4211 Affiliated. Rabbitte Joinery Limited 807 Warren St, Hastings. Ph 06 870 8911, contacts Greg & Trudi Rabbitte. NZS4211 Affiliated. Rawcraft Kitchens of Distinction PO Box 3375, Onekawa, Napier. Ph 06 843 9008, contact Mike Daly. Stephen Jensen Cabinetmakers Ltd 37 Takapau Road, Waipukurau, Ph 06 858 9028, contacts Stephen Jensen / Kane Griffin. NZS4211 Affiliated. Summerfield Joinery 4 Innes Street, Gisborne, Ph 06 868 4236, contact Dale Summerfield. NZS4211 Affiliated Sydaz Joinery Ltd Unit 6, 7 Cadbury Street, Onekawa, Napier. Ph 06 842 2086, contacts Simon Wakeman or Darryl Strachan. Waipukurau Joinery Limited 2322 Takapau Road, Waipukurau. Ph 06 858 9961, contact Greg O’Kane. Your Solutions Joinery Ltd 46 Ford Road, Onekawa, Napier. Ph 06 843 5954, contact Adam Satherley.

WELLINGTON Secretary, Peter George PO Box 1575, Paraparaumu Beach. Ph 04 297 0212. Amalgamated Joiners 1977 Ltd 4 Mountbatten Grove, Upper Hutt 5018, Ph 04 526 8091, contact Paul Pepper. NZS4211 Affiliated. BM Hamilton Kitchens & Joinery 68 Montgomery Crescent, Upper Hutt 5018, Ph 021 923 231, contact Benn Hamilton.

Orchard Joinery Ltd 14-18 Te Roto Drive, Paraparaumu, Ph 04 298 3380, contact Geoff Orchard. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Nazareth Joinery Ltd 1 Warwick Street, Blenheim, Ph 03 578 8752, contact Ruda Suleiman.

Evolution Interiors Limited 19 Stanmore Road, Phillipstown, Christchurch, Ph 03 381 1633, contact Karl Kitchingham.

Paraparaumu Doors & Joinery 102 Kapiti Road, Paraparaumu, Ph 04 297 2233, contact Tony Thomson. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Orange Building Group Joinery Ltd 16 Nayland Road, Stoke, Nelson. Ph 03 547 9784, contact John Andrew.

Finesse Joinery 423 Main North Road, Christchurch. Ph 03 352 3457, contact David Street.

Pete’s Joinery & Building Ltd 205 Main St, Greytown. Ph 06 304 9137, contact Peter Algie, Rhys Severn or Paul Coventry. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Re Space Limited 2 Kidson Place, Nelson 7011, Ph 03 547 1636, contact Steven Harvey or Peter Harvey.

Grant Kearney Joinery 51 Boys Road, Rangiora, North Canterbury, Ph 03 313 7125, contact Grant Kearney. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Prestige Joinery Limited 140 Perry Street, Masterton, Ph 06 377 1331, contact Gregory Morgan. NZS4211 Affiliated. Renalls Joinery Limited 147 -155 High St Sth, Carterton. Ph 06 379 8008, contact Steve Ruscoe. NZS4211 Affiliated. Stylish Interiors Ltd 38 Puruaha Road, R D 2, Te Horo, Otaki, Ph 021 911 585, contact Mathew Gubb. The Joinery King Limited 73 Hutt Road, Thorndon, Wellington, Ph 04 473 6367, contact Tony King. NZS4211 Affiliated. TRS Joiners Ltd 58 Fisk Street, Naenae, Lower Hutt. Ph 04 566 0650, contact Theren Sugrue. NZS4211 Affiliated. Valleys Joinery Shop Ltd PO Box 13098, Johnsonville. Ph 04 478 7652, contact Bruce Scandlyn. NZS4211 Affiliated. Wainui Joinery (1977) Ltd Box 42-062, Wainuiomata. Ph 04 564 7011, contact Nikki Wynne. NZS4211 Affiliated. Well Hung Joinery 21 Lower Tyers Road, Ngauranga, Wellington, Ph 04 494 7230, contact Stephen Fairbrass. NZS4211 Affiliated. Woodworkshop Ltd 118 Tirangi Road, Lyall Bay, Wellington, Ph 04 387 3228. Contact Steve Hind.

Goldmark Group Ltd 9-11 Jean Batten St, Kilbirnie, Wellington. Ph 04 387 8964, contact David Goldsack. Graedon Joinery 23 Clendon St, Naenae, Lower Hutt, Ph 04 939 0405, contact Graeme Hopkirk. NZS 4211 Affiliated. Hanns Builders and Joiners 72 - 74 Sydney Street, Petone, Ph 04 570 0000, contact Peter Hanns.

NELSON / MARLBOROUGH Secretary, Philip Thompson P O Box 1348, Nelson 7040. Ph 03 547 1730 A K Joinery Ltd Units 3-5, 28 Dublin Street, Picton, Ph 03 573 6860, contact Andrew Kenny. Atkinson’s Innovative Interiors 207 Akersten Street, Port Nelson, Ph 03 548 0612, contact Kelvin Atkinson

Joinery ITO Box 11-435, Wellington. Ph 04 385 8814, contact Deb Paul.

Bays Joinery Ltd 6 Tokomaru Place, Wakatu Industrial Estate, Stoke, Nelson, Ph 03 544 0087, contact George Molnar. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Joinery Productions Ltd 457 Jackson Street, Petone, Ph 04 569 8808, contact Wayne Wilmshurst. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Brightwater Cabinetmaker & Joinery Ltd 8c Merton Place, Annesbrook, Nelson 7011, Ph 03 548 6400, contact James Palmer.

L & P Crown Joinery (2002) Ltd 37 Burden Avenue Wainuiomata. Ph 04 564 8895. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Cantwell Joinery and Window Centre 15 Bristol Street, R D 4, Riverlands, Blenheim, Ph 03 578 3375, contact Ian Cantwell.

Living Timber European Joinery & Furniture Ltd 64 Fisk Street, Naenae, Lower Hutt, Ph 04 567 2577, contact Horst Mundt. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Matai Joinery Ltd 26 Quarantine Road, Stoke, Nelson 7011, Ph 03 547 7990, contact Greg Couper. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Maymorn Joiners Ltd 247 Parkes Line Rd, Upper Hutt, Ph 04 526 6657, contact Anthony Neustroski. NZS4211 Affiliated.

The Sellers Room 9 Echodale Place, Stoke, Nelson, Ph 03 547 7144, contact Margaret Sellers Viking Furniture & Joinery Ltd 88 Vanguard Street, Nelson, ph 03 548 0493, contact Barry Thomas. Waimea West Joinery Ltd 111 Beach Road, Richmond, Nelson, Ph 03 544 0177, contacts Kathy & Alan Gibbs. NZS4211 Affiliated.

CANTERBURY Secretary, Josie Gray 28 Carlsen Street, Burwood, Christchurch Ph 03 387 0676 Adrian Harris Woodcraft Unit J, 3 Timothy Place, Wigram, Christchurch 8042, Ph 03 348 6996, contact Adrian Harris. NZS4211 Affiliated. Advanced Joinery Ltd 27 Watts Road, Sockburn, Christchurch, Ph 03 348 7700, contact Greg Ayers. Alsop Joinery Ltd 18 Alloy Street, Sockburn, Christchurch, Ph 03 348 4666, contact Gary Alsop. NZS4211 Affiliated. Anderson Joinery Ltd 117 Alford Forest Rd, Ashburton. Ph 03 308 2988, email:, contact Dougal Anderson.

Carroll’s Joinery Limited 148 Lincoln Road, Masterton. Ph 06 377 3160, contact Richard Carroll. David Ladd Joinery Ltd 19B Broken Hill Road, Porirua. Ph 04 237 9175.

Ruby Bay Joinery Ltd 8 Warren Plc, Mapua, Nelson. ph 03 540 2123 contact Wayne Roberts. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Motueka Joinery Co 2001 Ltd 20 Old Wharf Road, Motueka, Ph 03 528 9012, contacts Phil or Barb Sharkie.

JOINERS Magazine December 2014 page 82

Ashburton Joinery Limited 8 John Street, Ashburton, Ph 03 308 5059, contact James Donaldson or Kathy Jones. NZS4211 Affiliated. Bates Joinery (2008) Ltd 101 Shortland Street, Christchurch 8061, Ph 03 388 8111, contact Mark Allworthy. NZS4211 Affiliated. Bower Kitchens and Tops Ltd 12a Bower Ave, Christchurch. Ph 03 388 2924, contact Russell Lloyd. Brent Johnson Joinery Ltd 30A Newnham Street, Rangiora, North Canterbury, Ph 03 313 6256, contact Brent Johnson. NZS4211 Affiliated. Busch Joinery Limited 1737 Boundary Road, R D 3, Ashburton, Ph 027 563 4537, contact Nathan Busch Creative Joinery Ltd Unit 1/ 7 Homersham Pl., Burnside. Ph 03 358 4900, contact Wayne Brown. Don’s Joinery Ltd 43 Sandown Cres, Christchurch. Ph 03 382 0828, contact Don McClintock. Elite Joinery Ltd Unit 1, 97A Sawyers Arms Road, Papanui, Christchurch, Ph 03 354 8311, contact Hayden & Sarah Illingworth.

Grieve Construction Limited 179 Alford Forest Road, Ashburton 7700, Ph 03 308 0328, contacts Ben Grieve and Scott Jamison. NZS4211 Affiliated. Hagley Kitchens 6 Nazareth Ave, Addington, Christchurch. Ph 03 961 0703, contact Nathan Moore. Hardie & Thomson Ltd 1062 Colombo Street, Christchurch, Ph 03 366 4303, contact John Thomson. NZS4211 Affiliated. Homeview Building Products Ltd 9 Tenahaun Place, Sockburn, Christchurch. Ph 03 343 9949, contact Garry Ottmann or Howard Stone. NZS4211 Affiliated. Hooper Joinery 43 Phillips Street, Christchurch, Ph 03 366 9629, contact Aaron Hooper. Joinery by Design PO Box 19 973, Woolston, Christchurch. Ph 03 384 8461, contact Evan McLachlan & David Phillips. NZS4211 Affiliated. Joinery Concepts 2006 Ltd 25 Osbourne Street, Phillipstown, Christchurch, Ph 03 381 1066, contact Peter Robertson. LX Joinery 39A Buchanans Road, Sockburn 8042, Christchurch, Ph 03 342 9605, contact Steve Mangan. NZS4211 Affiliated. Mackay Kitchens Ltd 345 Brougham Street, Sydenham, Christchurch 8023, Ph 03 365 3988, contact Chris Moore. Millbrook Kitchens Ltd 25 Southbrook Road, Rangiora, Ph 03 313 5764, contact Andrew Silcock. Modern Age Joinery 24 Hawdon St, Christchurch. Ph 03 365 1675 contact Grant Woodham. NZS4211 Affiliated. Modulink Screen Partitions 2012 Ltd 47 Hands Road, Addington, Christchurch, Ph 03 338 6464, contact Sam Bain. Murray Hewitt Joinery Ltd 25A Lunns Rd, Christchurch, Ph 03 343 0360, contact Murray Hewitt. NZS4211 Affiliated. Murray Milne Ltd PO Box 356, Ashburton. Ph 03 308 8018, contact Murray Milne. MWF Manufacturing Ltd 23 Leeds St, Sydenham, Christchurch. Ph 03 365 6218, contact Gary Altenburg. NZS4211 Affiliated. NZ Doors (2004) Ltd 41 Anchorage Road, Hornby, Christchurch, Ph 03 344 2516, contacts Ron and Lisa Zwarst. NZS4211 Affiliated. Paul Renwick Joinery Ltd PO Box 11047, Chch. Ph 03 349 7049, contact Paul Renwick. R A Hale Ltd PO Box 9020, Addington, Christchurch. Ph 03 3666 909, contact Donald Bisphan. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Ruben’s Joinery Limited 402 Bethels Road, 4 R D, Christchurch, Ph 03 329 5458, contact Ruben Patchett. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Millennium Joinery Ltd 2 Regina Lane, Oamaru. Ph 03 437 0227, contact Michael Sandri. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Mearns & Leckie (2006) Ltd 7 Gow St, Mosgiel 9024, Ph 03 489 2024, contact Brian Ballantyne. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Ryan’s Kitchens and Joinery Unit 3, 50 Dakota Cres, Sockburn, Christchurch 8041, Ph 03 348 7921, contact Ryan Butler. NZS4211 Affiliated

Paterson Joinery 307 Rosewill Valley Road, Timaru. Ph 03 688 7060, contact Alan Paterson.

Mojo Modern Joinery Ltd 2 Wolter Crescent, Cromwell, Ph 03 445 0128, contact Craig Harrison.

Quality Joinery Ltd 10 Ouse St, Oamaru. Ph 03 434 7922, contact Grant Pledger.

Mt Iron Joinery Ltd 66 Anderson Road, Wanaka, Ph 03 443 8075, contact Lawry White.

Ross Becker Joinery 20 Chelmer Street, Oamaru 9400, Ph 03 434 3336, contact Ross Becker.

Nigel Molloy Joinery Limited 300 Great North Road, Winton, Ph 03 236 0399, contact Nigel Molloy. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Sockburn Joinery PO Box 11227, Christchurch. Ph 03 342 6044, contact Tony Lemmens. Southbridge Furniture & Design 103 High Street, Southbridge, Canterbury, Ph 03 324 2517, contact Sandro Dyer. NZS4211 Affiliated. Sydenham Joinery Ltd 96 Byron Street, Sydenham, Christchurch, Ph 03 379 6840, contact Bernie Hunt. NZS4211 Affiliated. The Joiner Shop Kaikoura Ltd 19 Beach Road, Kaikoura 7300, Ph 03 319 5562, contact Fraser Syme.

Rycole Joinery 44 Homestead Road, 1 DRD, Oamaru, Ph 03 434 5012, contacts Darryl and Adrienne Whitburn NZS4211 Affiliated. Tony Boyce Builders & Joiners Ltd Washdyke Flat Road, Washdyke, Timaru, Ph 03 688 2181, contact Tony Boyce. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Timber Tru Ltd 374 Ferry Road, Woolston, Christchurch, Ph 03 389 2986, contact Tony van der Plas. NZS4211 Affiliated.


Vision Joinery Limited 150 Ashworths Road, Amberley 7481, Ph 03 314 8083, contacts Scott Drewery & Yvette Drewery.

Secretary, John Rigby P O Box 473, Dunedin. Ph 03 456 1805 Abernethy Joinery 18 Melbourne Street, Dunedin, Ph 03 456 1654, contact Ian Abernethy. NZS4211 Affiliated. Coronet Woodware 1992 Limited 99 Glenda Drive, Frankton Industrial Est, Queenstown, Ph 03 442 3700, contact Martin S Macdonald. NZS4211 Affiliated.

WAITAKI Secretary, Bill Foote 221 Pages Rd, Timaru. Ph 03 686 2208. Alpine Joinery 480 Fairview Road, No 2 RD, Timaru, ph 03 688 5748, contact Paul Butchers. Barrett Joinery Ltd 204 Hilton Highway, PO Box 2115 Timaru. Ph 03 688 4738, contact Mark Mitchell. NZS4211 Affiliated. Firman Joinery Ltd 9 Dee St, Oamaru. Ph 03 434 1561, contact Gary Firman. NZS4211 Affiliated. Geraldine Timber Products 27 High Street, Geraldine, Ph 03 693 9598, contact Paul Autridge. NZS4211 Affiliated. J E Dennison Ltd 5 Redruth St, Timaru. Ph 03 688 0029, contact Gary Dennison. NZS4211 Affiliated. JMAC Joinery Ltd 7 Laughton Street, Washdyke, Timaru, Ph 03 688 2725, contact Craig Mason. NZS4211 Affiliated. Joinery Zone 2012 Ltd 110 Fraser Street, Timaru. Ph 03 688 8223, contact Warren Atwill. NZS4211 Affiliated. Lunds Joinery Ltd 33a Grants Rd, PO Box 128, Timaru. Ph 03 688 9149, contact Mark Albert. NZS4211 Affiliated. McMaster Joinery Leonard St, Waimate. Ph 03 689 7557, contact Des McMaster. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Peter Howley Joinery Ltd 224 Mersey Street, Invercargill, Ph 03 214 1055, contact Peter Howley. NZS4211 Affiliated. Queenstown Joinery 53 Industrial Place, Queenstown, Ph 03 442 7555, contact Kevin Harradine. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Cut-it Joinery Limited 22 Clan Mac Road, R D 2, Wanaka 9382, Ph 03 443 5031, contact John Titterton. European Woodworks Limited 229 Kaikorai Valley Road, Bradford, Dunedin, Ph 03 453 0340, contact Brian Daken. Formatt Kitchens Ltd 180 Glenda Drive, Frankton, Queenstown, Ph 03 441 4944, contact Guy Shallard or Alex Blackford. NZS4211 Affiliated. Freeform Laminates (Dunedin) Ltd 343 Kaikorai Valley Road, Dunedin 9011, Ph 03 425 9693, contact Steve Howden. JP Quality Kitchens Limited 66 Vogel Street, Dunedin, Ph 03 474 1395, contact John Peddie. Joinery Specialists 1997 Ltd 608 Kaikorai Valley, Kenmure, Dunedin, Ph 03 488 2371, contact Graeme Emmerson. Kitchen Focus 2012 Ltd 544a Kaikorai Valley Road, Kaikorai, Dunedin 9011, Ph 03 488 5288, contact Spencer Bremner. Leading Edge Joinery Specialists Ltd 13 Surrey Street, Gore, Ph 03 208 3001, contact Donald McGuigan. NZS4211 Affiliated. Leith Joinery PO Box 778, Dunedin. Ph 03 477 0115, contact Peter Leith. NZS4211 Affiliated. Masterwood Joinery 2008 PO Box 385, 28 McNulty Road, Cromwell, Ph 03 445 0313, contact Don McDonald. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Allegion (New Zealand) Limited Architectural Hardware Supplies ASSA ABLOY New Zealand Ltd Biesse Group New Zealand Blum NZ Ltd Bostik New Zealand Brio NZ Ltd Burns & Ferrall Carter Holt Harvey Woodproducts NZ

Pooles Joinery Ltd 22 Bay Road, Invercargill, Ph 03 215 9167, contact Peter Fisher. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Trends Kitchens Ltd 34A Parkhouse Road, Sockburn, Christchurch, Ph 03 343 5242, contact James McKeown

Walklins Joinery Ltd 493 Bealey Road , R D 1, Christchurch 7671, Ph 03 318 1529, contact Mark Walker.

O’Brien Group 2012 97 Harrow Street, Dunedin, Ph 03 477 2182, contact Peter O’Brien.


Riversdale Joinery Ltd Liverpool Street, Riversdale, Southland 9744, Ph 03 202 5527, Barry O’Connor & Don Williams. NZS4211 Affiliated. Ron Kirk Joinery Ltd 403 Kaikorai Valley Road, Dunedin, Ph 03 453 5718, contact Ron Kirk. NZS4211 Affiliated. Ruthven Joinery Ltd 16 Boomer Street, Green Island, Dunedin, Ph 03 488 4880, Murray Ruthven & Maureen Burn. NZS4211 Affiliated. Stevenson & Williams Ltd Joinery PO Box 4007, Dunedin. Ph 03 455 4034, Email: contact Gary Turner. NZS4211 Affiliated. Steves Joinery Ltd 22A Margaret Place, Frankton Industrial, Queenstown, Ph 03 442 3206, contacts Stephen Walak, Amanda Trainor. NZS4211 Affiliated. Stewart Construction Ltd PO Box 2125, St Kilda. Ph 03 455 2057, contact Paul Mulholland. NZS4211 Affiliated. Taylor Made Joinery 22 Orari St, Dunedin. Ph 03 455 6520, contact Chris Taylor. Wanaka Furniture Design 814 Kane Road, R D 2, Wanaka, Ph 03 443 5267, contacts David and Sarah Millwater. Wanaka Joinery & Glass Ltd 52 Ballantyne Road, Wanaka, Ph 03 443 7890, contact Jason Fisher. NZS4211 Affiliated. Wedgerwood Joinery Ltd 11 Ngapara St, Alexandra. Ph 03 448 8832, contact Blair Harris. NZS4211 Affiliated. Weigel Joinery 14 Earnscleugh Road, Alexandra. Ph 03 448 7042, contact Guenther Weigel. Withers Joinery 78 Factory Rd, Mosgiel. Ph 03 489 4179, contact Paul Crawley. NZS4211 Affiliated. Wood Solutions PO Box 2443, Dunedin. Ph 03 479 2323, contact Andrew Bellamy. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Daiken New Zealand Limited EC Credit Control Enko Group Ltd Forbo Flooring Systems Häfele NZ Ltd Hardware & Handles Ltd Herman Pacific Hettich New Zealand Hideaway Bins Ikon Commercial Ltd ITM Laminex New Zealand Leitz Tooling NZ Ltd Machines ‘R’ Us Ltd Miles Nelson MF Co Ltd Nelson Pine Industries Ltd Prime Panels (NZ) Ltd Quartz Tech - Silestone Resene Paints Ltd Schlegel Pty Ltd Thermawood Timspec Unique Hardware Solutions Ltd W & R Jack Ltd

JOINERS Magazine December 2014 page 83


Artia’s New Sige Laundry Hamper Artia are pleased to announce the NZ launch of the new Sige Laundry Hamper Bin..

imos 360 imos makes sure it keeps up with changes in the industry and is always at the forefront of innovation. With smartphones and tablets used in virtually every business and household, imos is now making the most of this technology. The latest module, imos 360, makes it possible to communicate with end customers in a way that has never been done before. Once drawn in imos CAD (the main design and construction module), imos 360 uploads the design into the cloud. The design is then instantly available for customers to view on their tablet or smartphone. It can even be placed in a real room and colours changed. imos 360 is also a platform for sharing job documentation like quotes, rendering and drawings. At this year’s AWISA in Brisbane, imos and IT Bureau presented imos 360 to the Australian and New Zealand furniture and joinery industry. Visitors to the stand were able to try imos 360 themselves. Contact IT Bureau for more info on 0800 303 606 or via

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53 litre capacity (40kg load) Side Mounted, Soft Close, Full Extension Grass Slides Air Vents Solid Base (to prevent drips) Molded Lip around bin for easy removal Pitch and Height Adjustment in door bracket White – quality polypropylene bucket Manufactured in Italy Exclusively through Artia

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Luna handling equipment now available through Jacks Well known in New South Wales, Luna Machinery manufacturer a range of handling and measuring systems designed to complement their Yilmaz range of machinery (available in NZ via Jacks). Jacks are also now offering Luna’s range of Australian designed and built roller tables and manual stop systems. With quality componentry CNC machined for precision. Luna offers tables in 3m or 4.5m with adjustable legs, and manual or digital stops. Already well proven in the Australian market they fit perfectly to Yilmaz machinery, or can be adjusted to suit any situation requiring efficient, sturdy length measurement and material handling.

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JOINERS Magazine December 2014 page 84

JOINERS Magazine December 2014 page 85


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JOINERS Magazine December 2014 page 86

Duncan Such

Especially in politics. I cannot recall a time when so many high profile high fliers have had such rapid falls from Grace. Kim Dotcom has been cast aside as the anti-hero and is keeping a lonely vigil in his fairytale castle high up on Mount Coatsville. Judith Collins has vanished from trace and is having a cup of tea with John Banks. And David someone is no longer leader of the labour party. So what has all this to do with woodworking? Well a couple of issues ago, I suggested that Laser Edge could be like some of the other technologies introduced, which start with a bang, but for myriad reasons, never really gain universal acceptance. What a difference a few months makes. Initial Laser Edge applications were – as the name suggestedreliant on very expensive laser units which limited their use to only the largest volume manufacturers. The cost of the units (in the order of USD300,000) and the complexity and safety issues meant that it was unlikely to appeal to small to medium manufacturers. We then saw the introduction of hot air systems which dramatically reduced the heating unit costs but with 600 degrees Celsius air temperatures and 1500 l/min air consumption, as well as the cost of the banding and stocking issues, it was still likely to be an item contained in certain applications such as high gloss kitchen doors. Recently however at the AWISA show in Australlia and IWF in Atlanta, we have seen introduced a number of new variations of heating which appear to be effective and they also go some way toward addressing the issues of cost, air and energy consumption and safety, thus pushing forward the potential for zero-edge to become more

what a difference a day makes ... mainstream. It is also possible that the benefit of no glue pot and their attendant issues, may also offset the higher cost of banding. It is early days yet and there are still plenty of things which can change the picture. So no prediction here, but watch this space. It could be interesting.

The IWF show in Atlanta only reinforced the signs that the US economy is much stronger in a business sense than is reported in the mainstream press. Wood manufacturers in the US have been strongly profitable for the last 2 or 3 years and have now gathering steam.

On an AWISA and IWF Atlanta note, there are signs the world is starting to turn again. Neither show introduced any revolutionary products.

Exporters will like the sound of that because when the mainstream picks up, then the US dollar will climb and hopefully the NZD will head the other way. With the dramatic collapse in dairy prices, and what appears to be increases in production capability from other competing countries, prices may not recover soon providing further drag on the NZD.

What was noticeable at AWISA was that there were a lot of New Zealand customers there and they were buying, which contrasted with a relatively subdued group of Australian customers reflecting the state of their economy – and going some way to explain the reversal of migration patterns of the flightless Kiwi.

even see the dollar drop faster than expected. Not everyone might like that but I don’t think you will have much complaint from exporters and local manufacturers are also likely to benefit as it would make you more competitive with Asian imports. With the NZ economy bubbling along and in particular the construction and downstream sectors gathering steam, we can go into Christmas with optimism for 2015. Drive safely this Christmas and enjoy your holidays. See you in the new year.


If the interest rate differential which the Japanese housewives have been chasing, gets wiped out by a declining NZ Dollar, we may

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JOINERS Magazine December 2014 page 87









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Viking JOINERS Magazine December 2014 page 88

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