Summer Edition 2019 August 2019
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Issue 2/ Quarterly
Angleticdeviant ‘Rayne’ Resident
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Art Interview
Hot Hangout
Shark Week
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Editor in Chief Synful Ghost
Executive Managing Editor Angleticdeviant Resident
Executive Editor Rainbowskitzglados Resident
Design Director Saixina 20 Fursona Magazine SL
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Gi rls J u s t Wan
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n na Have Fun
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Greetings readers,
t’s that time again with another Fursona release. This time as promised our issues will continue to grow and grow. We’ve reached over 100 pages! I admit there is a lot that I cut out and didn’t use, because I felt overwhelmed with everything has has been going with me lately. Let me explain a bit about this issue. We’ve focused on summery themes of course and us just working in and as a team. One of our most enthusiastic reader, Dilila, recommended that we do a Shark Week photo, because by the time this issue would be release Shark Week would be upon us and lets face it which fur in our community does NOT have a shark? New additions has been added to our team which I am extremely grateful of them; Silver, Scrumplet and Spirit. They’re positivy brightens up our team. With the help of our lovely adminstration team, Rayne and Zuzu, I would be lost. I’ve learned over the course that I am not as...searching for the word...super human. I have to let others make decision when I am not around or able. This role I am doing is tough. The celebration of a new location Lustful had a grandopening earlier this week last Friday and it was extremely nice and different for a change. So enjoy the issue!
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THE ARTIST CORNER Featuring upcoming Artist on the grid.
By Silver Meridoc Clusmy Cutie Furaffinty
ecently I’ve had the pleasure of inter viewing a budding artist, Clumsy Cuite (same name on FA) had recently been making a stir in Fursona’s group of her art and I wanted to take a moment to speak to her about how she feels about being an artist in the fandom. Of course, my opening questions where how she got into becoming an artist, inspiration and drive. 50 Fursona Magazine SL
“I’ve [done] no schooling on art, aside from what youtube has taught me. I got my 1st piece of furry art about a year and a half ago, got hooked, and wanted more and more. But, art is just way to costly, so I decided to give it a go myself. There’s been a few difficulties here and there. Getting frustrated with mostly hands and feet, but I’ve thus far managed to work through them and things turn out decent” It’s actually pretty cool for Clumsy to have started from youtube, the pleasures of the internet in it’s accessibility for all things graphical and technical to be at one’s fingertips is an amazing feat for her to have learned. A perfect example of the modern student, learning from the resources available to her. Like any starting artist, there are always challenges but for her to keep overcoming and wanting to get better certainly presents a wonderful desire and drive to get involved as an artist.
So why a furry? There are plenty of other art types and stuff, what makes an artist want to go into the fuzzy side of things?
“I had a friend dragged me into a group of furries a few years back and I really enjoyed the atmosphere. I began hanging out amongst them more often than not. I believe I’ve been a furry for about 3 years now and after about a year of looking like multiple other furries I decided to make my OC and whipped up me a custom skin. Furry art, because I am furry, and I love seeing my girl in drawings!” The furry fandom is captivating, filled with many amazing artists and styles, no wonder someone like Clumsy wants to get involved. There isn’t a better feeling than having your sona drawn out by your hand, more so if other artists do it down the road and what better way than to show your stuff to the community. Fursona Magazine SL 51
o w t h a t s h e’s s t a r t e d , I a s k e d w h a t C l u m s y ’s f u t u r e w o u l d be like, what goals she had, what sort of things she wanted to see in her art and how to improve. I also was curious about what she thought made her work unique, something that catches other peop l e’s i n t e r e s t i n i t . 52 Fursona Magazine SL
“In the hopefully not too distant future, I would love if my name was a common one to hear (in a good way) amongst the furry community. At the moment, I’m not quite satisfied with my art style and I really hope to keep expanding and learning new techniques, as I continue with both, my pictures and the custom skinwork I do for the furries in Second Life. I wouldn’t really say there’s anything unique with my art as of yet. I feel I have a long journey ahead of me, before I can say I’ve found my own style, and I still have a good bit of learning to do when it comes to shading, light, and shadows. My linework could still use some work and I have such a hard time when it comes to eyes.” With the interview coming to an end, I wanted to know what Clumsy feels about taking a dive into the world of furry art, is it just for fun, will it be for financial assistance? There are many reasons artists get involved in art, I asked what sort she had in mind.
“I’ve had a great backing from my family and friends. They have helped me with getting the supplies I needed to be able to do digital art, always giving words of encouragement, and even promoting me whenever the chance arises. I have recently started selling my art, I’ve done a few commissions, none that I would say were bad or my worst. I feel that each one is my best, because I give my best. I’ve also been working on getting some YCHs ready to go. Though I’m still, and probably always will be, a worrier, that my art may not be good enough, or that I may not be as ready as I think I am. But, I am open for commissions and willing to give my all to any piece that I sell!” Clumsy, the budding artist, certainly has a positive look on herself. Knowing what she can do and how far she want’s to go is a very optimistic view and one that will surley elevate her work and skill to new heights. I wish all the best for her success and hope that her art will soon be among many of the big names but time, practice and perseverance will tell. Let’s hope she can drive herself there, and with her attitude, it shouldn’t be a problem. Fursona Magazine SL 53
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Patron Corner Featuring some of our favorite readers works from August Summer of 2019! Take a look at our patrons submissions
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M o d e l s : P e p p e r s h a r k , S u d a , a n d Te r r a . P h o to g ra p h e r : Pe p p e r s h a r k L o c a t i o n : Fu r r e n b u r g s ’ S k a t e p a r k . P o s e : P o s e i d o n - Je t S k a t i n g S e t
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M o d e l s : M a i reya l l a & B a s s 2 m o n k ey P h o to g ra p h e r : M a i reya l l a Te n t a c l e s : 3 r d E y e - C t h u l u S c e n e ry : 7 + U n d e r wa te r Ca ve
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Insider talk about The Wet Mare with
Misah Cavalli By Silver Meridoc
he Fur r y clubs in S e cond L ife come in a l l shap es, sizes and t hemes, but to st and ap ar t f rom t he nor m, one must b e a bit more cre at ive and exot ic w it h t heir desig ns. One such a pl ace on t he g r id has inde e d made t his in a big way, and has b e come a wel l k now n pl ace, a st a ple of s ome p at rons, and a dif ferent pl ace on t he map to enj oy an e vening w it h f r iends and st rangers a li ke. The Wet Mare, one of t he SL Fur r y C ommunit ies p opu l ar club. Run by Mis a h C ava l li, it has dist inguishe d its elf as one of t he more unique st y le clubs, b o ast ing a more e ccent r ic, 1800’s Br it ish St y le pub.
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I spoke with Misah about this place, one I have frequent a few times and wanted to get some details on what made this proud owner choose to take their club in this direction. “Everything started about 3 years ago, it was very, very casual and completely not planned.” Misah began as we sat in the lounge section of the pub. ”I was living in a friend’s house which later i became co-owner of, it was a big castle and it was very empty so I thought of placing some cozy furniture and make it more homely for friends. After a while I became the actual owner of it and saw more and more friends coming by as they all liked the cozy feeling I created.”
The club certainly looks the part. What once was a castle was now a huge votrian era style house, complete with matching furniture of a coastal town pub. The union jack and various other UK flags hang upon the wall among the staff images and the rules. It’s a cozy place, one can come to enjoy the company of friends, listen to music, dance, or just seek something more special; the usual fare for any pub scene.
“The first look of TWM was essentially a prefab manor castle.” Misah had said, noting to his last statement how this place was once a castle. “Since the moment we decided to open it as an actual hangout, I’ve always built its own shape by myself and the idea of a british pub is essentially from the fact a british pub is warm and cozy and unlike all the most known current furry hangouts which tends to be more like gyms, discos, beaches and other modern things.”
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t h e r c l u b s , l i k e I YC a n d Yi f f for example, are designed in a ver y similar way to be a sci-fi-esq disco d a n c e c l u b, o r a g y m . T h e We t M a r e stand apart from these designs by i n c o r p o r a t i n g a m o r e ‘r e a l i s t i c’ v i e w on the club scene, basing itself off a B r i t i s h P u b, t h o u g h a s M i s a h m e n t i o n s “ I ’v e n e v e r b e e n i n a r e a l b r i t ish pub in real life, but I would reall y l o v e t o v i s i t o n e .”
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Like most clubs, events and shows are the main attractions people take aside from the chill hangout and meet & greet. It’s what draws a crowd and with such a big interior spawd, I was curious what sort of going-on’s happened here.”we have done a wide variety of events, mostly themed parties with costume contests , game nights and movie nights, as for future plans we aim to improve our service quality in an attempt to keep the place as active and lively as we can.” Misah claims to the question, I ask how good the traffic is with patrons during these events, which Misah replied “your average traffic rate ranges between 16k and 28k so i would say we are pretty popular. We are among the first search results in several keywords.”
16k - 28k is fantastic for numbers, certainly a testament to the popularity, but I was curious just HOW popular it could get. I ask what their busiest event had been and was simply blown away. “In terms of crowd? We had a beach in our previous land and we had a summer beach party, we've hit a peak of 55 people inside the club at the same time and so far that record has never been beaten although nearly reached several times.” Misah notes, I have to take a minute to fathom that as most numbers THAT large have been seldom seen by my own eyes during my time on SL, certainly no rookie numbers here. With the numbers and popularity to flaunt the clubs success, I was curious what it took to become a staffer here. Certainly an individual must be a certain creed to work in such a busy place, especially when the staff can make or break a location. “All the staff had to pass through quality control, all of the upper ranks are hand picked people who worked for a long time before being promoted. Managers...well, we have our high and downs but they are
highly professional people capable of dealing with management in the best of the club's interests without personal aims.” This is key, better to have staff that feel for the club and want it to succeed. It also helps to have people who can handle the responsibilities of a club and that’s certainly important with a club this popular and long lasting.
“16K - 28K IS FANTASTIC FOR NUMBERS” Fursona Magazine SL 69
I did ask if Misah has any future plans for the club, will it remain the same or is something new coming down the pipe? “We just rebuilt the place for the 5th time and people really digs the new look, immediate plans includes improving the structure by adding custom meshed things such as a new stage and booths, but that's as far as my thoughts goes along with keeping up with the event schedules.” It’s simply amazing to know clubs with unique tastes still exist around SL, as the population swells and shrinks, and the numbers come and go, places like The Wet Mare will stand the test of time. “We tr y our best offering people an alternative hangout and we hope this will keep going for much longer” Misah concludes, no doubt wanting to see a progressive future for the wet mare and the years to come for it.
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Mod: Ghosted Limited Edition Darkling Pars: Happy Paw - Tassle Tail//Dog Ears with Tunnels/Foxcat Head Hair: Magika Darkness Falls Clothing: Caboodle Witch Dress Shoes: Reign Witchy Thigh Boots Accessories: 1692 Latex Pentagram Choker
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Mod: EGI - Gerlache Orca Omega Mod Pars: Happy Paw - Axoloti Head & Dolphin Tail w/ fin Hair: Truth Hair - Lela Clothing: Vanilla Bae - Melody Top & Panties Shoes: Equal - Nixie Platforms Accessories Real Evil Industires - Luxy Rings EarthStones - Belly Bugs ERSCH - Coral Reef Headband Cinnamon Cocaine - Bubble Aura Hearts MishMish: Cutie Crab Attachment Evie Pineapple Cocktail
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Mod: {Ghosted} Darkling Mod Parts Happy Paw - Dog ears w/ Tunnels Paws B - Canine Head Bento Happy Paw - Tassel tail bento [Gauze] Demon wrath eyes [Gauze] Smoldering eyes glow Hair: Monster Hair - >Ruviak< Care is gone Clothing: Destory Dark blue jeans Accessories DC Spike Collar and Bracelets Xoph Pointy Horns Necklace
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Mod: {Ghosted} Piebald Deerling Mod Parts Happy Paw - Deer Head Happy Paw - Deer Ears Happy Paw - Tassel Tail Hair: Runaway - Flora Hair Clothing: Beautiful Dirty Rich - Goddess Outfit
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