Fursona Magazine SL January 2020

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Annual Edition January 2020

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Issue 2/ Quarterly


Jakekuzama “Vayne” Resident

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Mafia Expo


Artist Corner


Holiday Special










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Editor in Chief Synful Ghost

Executive Managing Editor Angelicdeviant Resident

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Vega Fursona Magazine SL 21

--�I’m going to make him a 22 Fursona Magazine SL

an offer he can’t refuse.” Fursona Magazine SL 23

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Greetings readers,


’d like to thank each and everyone one of our followers and supporters of this magazine. The Holidays were extremely hard for me this year, unlike any other year, I’ve had several family members and friends of the family pass, away at such short notice. It took me several months to actually explain to the team what was going on, because I can’t deal with talking about my emotions.

So this issue, I wanted to let others get a chance to shine and show off. Over the months, I lurked, as I buried myself in sorrow and a bottomless pit of depression. Your photos; you guys, Have made me smile, go awe, and just overall amazed me, with how much each person in here has grown in their trades and/or skills. I downloaded over 30 photos, because I was so impressed. I wanted to feature them all! In the end I just couldn’t. What I didn’t feature, will probably make it in March’s issue. But don’t let that get you down, just keep going with your growth! I am in a much better place, thanks to you all. And Fursona is gonna continue to grow, with supporters and followers like you. --Thank you

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THE ARTIST CORNER Featuring upcoming Artist on the grid.

By Silver Meridoc Oddbutokay on Furaffinity

Greetings and salutations

once again, it is I, Silver Meridoc, interviewer and writer for Fursona magazine. Let me start by saying happy 2020, and I thought my first interview for the New Year AND decade to be set off with a bang. Well, maybe just a sputter, but what a treat I have for you today. 38 Fursona Magazine SL

I always like speaking to artists to get the inside scoop of how they became who they are, and today I took the time to talk to a recent close friend of mine, OddbutOkay, a small time furry artist in Indiana looking to change her artistic hobby into a full time career. I’ve been speaking to Odd for awhile, even got a few commissions off her and her style certainly is radical. Soft and plush with a good amount of clean and naughty, certainly what any furry artist would need. But as always, where

does one start off with their dive into becoming an artist, let alone joining such a wild fandom as this.

“I got into art when I was rather young…my parents encouraged my creative nature to the fullest. I use to doodle on anything and everything back then; from napkins to the back pages of my homework and even walls.”

Like all artists, they have to start somewhere, and they are only as strong as their foundation. Odd is very lucky to have had her parents support her creative outputs and definitely led her down the path to becoming what she is.

“When I was still in school, I used to think that drawing was a fun pastime and nothing more, but that changed when I was introduced to various local artists I’d meet at conventions. It wasn’t until 2017 that I started taking my art seriously and cracked down, refining my skills and eventually opening for commissions within the same year.”

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Growing up as an artist certainly brings about some interesting interactions with those around you, and sparks creative ideas that one can use for creating their own works of art, but, what of getting into the fandom? According to Odd “It’s hard to pinpoint what exactly got me

into the furry fandom, because I was very much in denial for the first few years or so after discovering the term “furry”.”

I guess everyone has to come to terms with what they feel their path is heading towards. I hear that a lot in the fandom, especially with people who say they are not a furry but get oodles of art drawn of their fursona. Can one deny it fully? It’s hard to tell, but that’s something someone in a psychological background can discuss. 40 Fursona Magazine SL

“I’d say Animal Crossing: Wild World was what made me a furry. I use to have the biggest crush on Cherry, of all of the animals, and later on through the series I’d develop new crushes for other characters and even branch out to playing other furry games such as Star Fox and Sly Cooper and Blinx. What eventually got me to accept my furriness and what I consider to be when I fully entered the fandom was when a kid, sitting across from me at the lunch table, was doodling wolves in his sketchbook. I asked him if he was a furry and he said he was. I remember being flabbergasted that someone would admit to such a thing, but his confidence eventually leads to me discovering more about the fandom rather than denying it.”

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That’s what I consider a successful introduction to the fandom, and definitely a healthy one that allowed Odd to understand what she was into and be more confident in admitting. Still, looking at how well her art has progressed, and where she currently stands, it’s amazing to see the potential of some people.

What brings her inspiration to her work?

“My inspirations come from comics and artists who do a lot of digital painting and other small-time artists, like me. Seeing other artists around my skill level who specialize in things I want to get better at, like dynamic posing, storytelling, backgrounds and emotion, encourage me. I also look up to artists who do what I can’t yet do, like those who do 3D modeling, digital painting, and traditional artwork.”

And what of her improving her skills? Artists should never be stagnant and always find ways to get better.

“I want to improve on my backgrounds and how much time I spend on my work. I pride myself on having quick turnarounds and providing quality art, but I could spend some more time with making sure to add a background that isn’t a gradient or a shape or to spend an extra hour or so refining details and adding more to look at.”

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Odd has proven to not only have the capabilities, but also the right kind of mindset, to help her improve and become a better artist than she already is, but even as a developing artist, sometimes there are commissions that just don’t go well.

“My worst drawing experience has to come from when I was commissioned to draw a character that had a very suspicious watermark.” Odd begins “The commissioner themselves was very nice at first. Kind, considerate, used their manners and was very clear on what their commission was.” 43 Fursona Magazine SL

The commissioner had wanted a reference sheet of their character, but when they sent the character picture it was “a blurry one, with a watermark right over the entirety of the body” as Odd mentioned “when I asked about this, the commissioner explained that they bought the character from the artist but the artist did not have a version without the watermark.” Curious indeed, of course Odd reached out to the artist who had shown on their FA page that the character was an adoptable character, and still open to adopting. Aparently, the Adpot had yet to be sold, and the person commissioning Odd was stealing someone’s character despite being up for adoption.

“I informed the artist about the commissioner getting a new reference sheet of the adopt and went back to the commissioner. This is where the sweet commissioner did a full 180 in personality. For the next 2 weeks I would receive a message every now and again calling me an array of things and begging for a commission, that the artist they stole the adopt from was lying, selling their character after they bought it, and then twisting around to call me selfish and mean and other things too vulgar to mention. This eventually ended when I finally blocked the commissioner.”

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Sometime an artist has to face bad experiences like this, sometimes worse, but Odd has proven a resilient individual and has grown a lot stronger since. In some final comments, I asked where she sees her work and what she wants to do with it in the future.

“I want to take my art from being a fun hobby that earns me some passive income and turn it into my full time career. Ideally, I’d be attending conventions with my art, selling my comics, have an online store with prints, designs, keychains, buttons and the like, and still be running my Patreon at full speed.”

Odd is quite a capable artist, she has good talent, a fast turn around and her art is fluffy, cute, and a little lewd. Everything one could ask for in a furry artist as she continues to pave the way for her to complete the work she’s been doing. I had a lot of fun discussing this with her and would definitely suggest going and commissioning her! 45 Fursona Magazine SL

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Patron Corner Featuring some of our favorite readers Holiday and Creative works of 2019! Take a look at our patrons submissions

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Th a t ’ s C h ri s t m a s to m e M odel : Zud ria n Rose O u t f i t : [ V - Te c h ] S n o w b a l l B o d y s u i t & L e g g i n g s H a i r : { L i m e re n c e } M a l i k a H a i r & G a r l a n d

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Fa l l M o d e l : A m e t h y s t ( M a i reya l l a ) H a i r : W a s a b i P i l l s - Je s s

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G a ze M odel : Aeri n Ca ssidy H ai r : S i n ti kl ia - E lvi na D r e s s : S t o r i e s & C o - Ju n e D r e s s Lo c a ti o n : Co f fe e Ca ts Ca fe

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A K A S p a c e R a n ge r L i ttle ba t med ic check i ng vida l ’ s o f the c re w . A s t h e s ta r s d a n c e d b e h i n d h e r . M odel : Reace ( S uda H a k u na Residen t ) P h o t o g r a p h e r : P e p p e r S h a r k ( S p a r k . Fo x c l a w )

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