Unit 2.4 MAGB&I MMP

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Contents Introduction Objective

/01 /04

Research Question Statement of Intent Audience



Field of study Focus

Research Methodology Schedule of work Evaluation Output Bibliography

/20 /24 /25 /25 /26

The Major Project Proposal / 01

Introduction “Peace” is the opposite word, which often go with the word “war”. Peace, however, is not only meant as anti-war but rather is associated with harmony, concord, calmness, quietness, tranquility, serenity, rapport, amity, freedom, exemption, non-conflict, etc. The definition of peace is really vast. What is the definition of national peace? During recent time, conflict, violence and civil war have been a problem in terms of political, social or historical situation in several countries. Therefore, plenty of visual designs have been used to represent a community or peace group to go against war or violence in the nation.

"Peace is what happens when all people are free to develop themselves in the way they want, without having to fight for their rights." (Bruno Picozzi)

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The Major Project Proposal / 03

Branding and identity is sufficiently involved in national peace processes to convey a message to society. If branding symbolizes the definition of peace in different way, it might bring another conflict and violence because nature of branding makes it different from others. Several “peaceful� organisations, like Greenpeace for example, actually go against other organisations. Consequently, graphic branding and identity is used to manifest divisions of communities. In this point of view, however, there is an opportunity to unify a national identity by using visual branding for the peaceful country. Therefore, this major project proposal aims to explore the relationship between graphic branding and identity and national peace and how graphic branding can present the national peace for tranquility in society instead of civilian going against each other.

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Objective Research Question How can graphic branding promote national peace? Audience People who believe and love peace in their countries. (Target group: Thailand)

Up to this point, my intent is to reduce the possibility of suffering and bring peacefulness by using visual representation. My intention is not against the conflict and violence but I would like to bring amity and rapport back to the country.

For this project, I would like to investigate various visual representations of peace, which Statement of Intent can lead me to explore the relationship between From my personal experience, plenty of observ- graphic branding and national peace. I would like ers, who have lived inside the area of conflict and to create the appropriate methods of using violence, have been suffering. They are fearful of graphic branding to convey a peaceful message in a situation that they have never involved with. order to make people inner peace and tranquil.

The Major Project Proposal / 05

Context Field of study The peace symbols Several peace symbols have an influence on people all around the world. This is a few example of peace symbols. The peace sign was designed by Gerald Haltom. The campaign for nuclear disarmament used this symbol to oppose nuclear weapons. It came from the navy code of the semaphore signal, which is the combination of the letter “N” and “D”. Then, it became one of the most widely known symbols in the world (www.cnduk.org).

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The White dove of peace has been a symbol of peace and safety since ancient times. In the story of Noah’s Ark, when the rains that flooded the earth stopped pouring down, Noah sent out various birds to see if they would bring back any sign of land to his boat. He was anxious to begin life again on dry pastures. One dove eventually returned carrying an olive branch (www.designboom.com). The rainbow flag is peace from every balcony campaign in 2002 in Italy in order to protest against the impending war in Iraq. Nowadays, it becomes the symbol of lesbian gay bisexual and transgender (www.designboom.com). Definition of national peace According to several dictionaries, national means a citizen or the whole people of a country. Peace has variety of meaning such as anti-war, harmony, concord, calm, quiet, tranquil, serenity, rapport, amity, freedom, exemption, non-conflict, pacification and conciliation. Up to this point, the definition of national peace is based on my intent of national peace. It means serene society in a peaceful country.

The Major Project Proposal / 07


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“The situation is dangerous. We need national unity. To achieve it, we, government and workers, ought to seek a common path: we should unite in the country’s interests. We extend out hand to the government.” (Lech Walesa: A co-founder of solidarity 1980)

The Major Project Proposal / 09

The notion of national peace The concept of national peace has been involved with branding by using visual representation. In this stage will describe manifestation of brand in the idea of national peace. Graphic branding is used to represent a community of peace or protesters and communicate to people that they are against another side.

For instance, Solidarnosc is Independent Selfgoverning Trade Union that called solidarity. In the 1980s, the combination of solidarity and workers had fought back against government because of bureaucrat. By using the methods of civil resistance to strike and block on the street. The government attempted to solve a problem by eliminating the union but in the end it was forced to negotiate with solidarity and worker (Marky b 2010).

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The above graphic branding is an example of how branding is used to go against another group. However, a few symbol represent a peace for well being of people. For example, the origami cranes, the history of Sadako Sasaki when the atomic bombing of Hiroshima, Japan in 1945, she was only two years old and she died in 1955 because of the atomic bomb disease. While she had been in the hospital for two months before she died. She had folded 1,300 cranes because she saw 1,000 origami cranes, which had been donated to hospital by the people of Nayoga as a “get well� gift. She remembered the Japanese believe that a person who folded 1,000 cranes would be granted a wish. Her wish was that she would be able to run again (Rosemary 2006)..

"I will write peace on your wings and you will fly all over the world." (Sadako Sasaki)

The Major Project Proposal / 13

Political division in Bangkok

A border dispute between Thailand and Cambodia

THAILAND Southern Thailand insurgency

14 / The Major Project Proposal

The conflict of Thailand During recent decades, Thailand has been in several situations of conflict and violence in different area. Political division in Bangkok Since 2005, the capital of Thailand has been the place of political situation. Plenty of people have be divided into several group of protester by using colour representative group. One of the main protest representations is the red shirt. They began as supporters of Thaksin Shinawatra, the former prime minister ousted by the military in 2006. They had taken the street to force the government to resign because they believe that government was not from democratic. Another main protest representation is the yellow shirt that does not believe in red shirt’s purpose. They utterly opposed Thaksin Shinawatra. They accused the former prime minister has corruption and abuse of power while he was prime minister (BBC 2011).

The Major Project Proposal / 15

A border dispute between Thailand and Cambodia Since 2008, The 11th century Preah Vihear temple, which is awarded Unesco World Heritage status is the main conflict between Thailand and Cambodia because of dispute border. The military standoff line up along their border. Several organisations, such as United Nation and the US secretary of state, were deeply concerned about the violent conflict. They appealed for restraint and reducing tensions in both side. However, Thai and Cambodian troops have fought with each other for ownership of the site and they have also each accused the other of starting the continuing battles (Telegraph 2011).

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Southern Thailand insurgency The Southern Thailand insurgency is active primarily in Narathiwat, Pattani and Yala provinces, which usually called Pattani region of Thailand. The majority of population in a Pattani region is Muslims. A beginning of the conflict, On 4 January 2004, an amry camp in Narathiwat province was attacked by a group of gunmen, four soldiers were killed and hundreds of weapons were stolen. Therefore, the Thai government responded by declaring martial law in several districts of Narathiwat, Pattani and Yala provinces (Melvin, 2007). As a result of the conflict between the government and the pattani region, there have dramatically increased a number of deaths and more thousands people injured. The conflict seems to be mostly a religious rather than political conflict because the victims are monks, teachers, government officers, soldiers and polices and most of them are Buddhists (Chuah, 2010).

The Major Project Proposal / 17

Religion and peace Islam The concept of peace in Islam, the root of the word “Islam” in Arabic is SALAMA, which means peace. Islam is usually translated as a submission to God and peace to all humanity. The greeting and salutation in Islam is “Al-Salamu Alaikum”, which means “peace be upon you”. The rule of Islamic religion is based on justice and fairness to non-Muslims (www.islamispeace.org.uk). Buddhism The heart concept of peace in Buddhism is the way of eliminating suffering and achieving peace. According to the Buddha preaches a doctrine, which is the Four Noble Truths (Willis).

Christians Jesus of Nazareth who is believed by Christians to be Prince of Peace and the Messiah Christ. The peace of Christ provides a dynamic of transformation of the individual and thus of the collective through the acceptance of discipleship and the commitment to a life 'lived in Christ.' The hope and commitment inherent in life within the body of Christ then is the source of inner peace for Christians. This inner peace in itself becomes part of the continuing transformation of the individual and transforming power of the peace of Christ.

1. There is suffering (duhkha). 2. There is a cause of suffering (duhkhasamudaya). 3. There is the cessation of suffering (duhkhanirodha). 4. There is a path leading to the cessation of suffering (duhkha-nirodha-marga).

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Focus During my research process, I started looking at visual representations, which relate to peace in several peace groups in different countries. Then, by investigating historical symbols of international peace and attempting to define the meaning of national peace, I started to explore the notion of national peace. My research allowed me to analyse plenty of my critical perspectives in order to focus on the relationship of graphic branding, national peace and religion. Therefore, I found incidentally that the origami crane is a symbol of peace in Buddhist’s Tale, which is related to the southern Thailand conflict in 2004.

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Research Methodology Stage 01 Research practice Primary research will be analysis visual representation of peace groups, using qualitative analysis to comparison between Thailand and other countries. From historical research of origami crane, which allows me to investigate how origami crane has an influence on Thai people and how they concern about peace in Thailand by using interactive visual experiment. Asking people fold paper cranes for Thai peace in Thai temple in London. I will interview and observe people reaction. After analysis result, I will create a prototype, which relate to Thai Buddhists.


The Major Project Proposal / 21

Stage 02 communications In this stage, I will consider the different methods of communications in order to choose the suitable media for target audiences. As a result of analysis visual representations will be question of survey to compare between meaning of peace and visual elements such as forms, typography, colour and symbols. I will evaluate the result of stage 01 and feedback of the survey in order to create another prototype. I will do publish survey of a prototype with potential audience groups.


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Stage 03 promotions I will examine how people engage with religion and peace by using graphic branding. From secondary research of religion and peace, I will do more research how people engage with religion and peace and how they convey to audiences. I will evaluate feedback of the publish survey by comparing between Buddhism and other religions and re-evaluate a prototype base on secondary research and feedback of publish survey.

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Research period Interactive visual experiment Analysis visual representation Tutorials and Seminars Answer the questions from feedback Surveys and interviews (target audiences) Prototype and alternative visual testing Analysis a result from stage 01, 02 and 03 Doing publish survey Evaluating outcome and developing outcome Final outcome

The Major Project Proposal / 25



Using the result from stage 01, stage 02 and stage 03 to do quantitive publish survey and interview in order to evaluate appropriated outcome.

In this proposal, I might not be able to define specific outcome. However, during my research process lead me to understand what my outcome not to be. It is not new religion, it could be the new way of communication, which could convey a doctrine to audiences. It is not peace organisation to go against another group, it might be a peace group to make people peacful in their mind.

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Bibliography Book Berger, J. (1972). Ways of seeing; . London: British Broadcasting Corporation;. Bestley, R., & Noble, I. (2007). Visual Research . Switzerland: AVA. Bignell, J. (1997). Media semiotics: an introduction. Manchester [England: Manchester University Press ;. Hinton, P. C. (1984). Images of peace . Minneapolis, Minn.: Winston Press. Lloyd, B. (1997). The colours of Thailand . New York, N.Y.: Thames and Hudson. Melvin, N. J. (2007). Conflict in southern Thailand . Solna: SIPRI, Stockholm International Peace Research Institute. Willmott, M. (2001). Citizen brands: putting society at the heart of your business.. Chichester: Wiley.

Website BBC News - Profile: Thailand's reds and yellows. (internet). Available from: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-pacific13294268, Accessed on; 14 June 2011

Drisdelle, R. (2006, November 15). Birds as Peace Symbols. (internet). Available from: http://www.suite101.com/content/birds-aspeace-symbols-a9182, Accessed on; 14 June 2011 List of wars, conflicts, international and intra-national crises. (n.d.). BIPPI. (internet). Available from: from http://www.bippi.org/bippi/menu_left/conflicts.ht m, Accessed on; 14 June 2011 Telegraph. (2011, April 24). Thai-Cambodian border fighting enters third day. (internet). Available from: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/asi a/thailand/8471322/ThaiCambodian-border-fighting-enters-thirdday.html, Accessed on; 14 June 2011 Marky, B. (2010, August 31). Solidarnosc: trade unionism in Poland - Subversion. (internet). Available from: http://libcom.org/library/solidarnosc-tradeunionism-poland-1994-subversion, Accessed on; 14 June 2011

Chuah, O. A. (n.d.). Conflicts and Peace Initiatives between Minority Muslims and Thai Buddhists in Peace symbols. (n.d.). designboom. (internet). the Southern Thailand. (internet). Available from: Available from: http://www.religionconflictpeace.org/node/61, http://www.designboom.com/contemporary/pea Accessed on; 14 June 2011 ce.html, Accessed on; 14 June 2011


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