‘What’s this?·LVDTXHVWLRQ,WLVXVHGWRÀQGRXWDERXWWKLQJV ‘What’s this?·LVXVHGIRUDVNLQJDERXWRQO\RQHWKLQJ We answer ‘What’s this?’ with ‘It’s a/an...’. What’s this?
What’s this? = What is this?
It’s a crayon. It’s an orange.
a / an red apple
a / an desk
1. Listen and say.
1. What’s this?
It’s a backpack.
3. What’s this? It’s a rubber.
2. What’s this? It’s an apple. 4. What’s this?
It’s an orange.
Colour ‘What’s’ and ‘It’s’ red. Colour the rest of the sentence green.C
1. What’s this? It’s a pen.
4. Write it.
Write a or an.
1. It’s ____ apple. an
2. It’s ____ pencil. 2
4 a / an orange
a / an old book
4. It’s ____ orange crayon.
5. It’s ____ rubber.
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