I am the Master of Horror. What's Your Story?
10 / 14
Oct. 2014
Editor’s Note
Welcome to Fusion Magazine Limerick'S Freshest Monthly Publication It’s Halloween, that time of the year we all secretly love. Dressing up and being scared senseless, with tons of tricks & treats happening in Limerick this Halloween you will be sure to have a frightfully good time. This month we talk with the incredibly talented fantasy horror author Darren Shan about his life in Limerick, his motivation that led him to sell 24 million books, his career highlight and his advice to all creatives. We get the inside scoop on Locating the Gothic in Limerick City and be prepared to be allured into our sensational and scary fashion spread. Our bulging events guide gives you so much to do in Limerick City & County it would be a shame to miss out. On behalf of the Fusion team we would like to thank you for your support of our publication and we hope you enjoy our Halloween edition. UNTIL NEXT MONTH, MICHELLE COSTELLO [EDITOR & FOUNDER OF FUSION MAGAZINE]
12 People Profile
Oct. 2014
I am the Master of Horror. What's Your Story? 10 / 14
Cover - Darren Shan Photographer - Tarmo Tulit
Fusion Magazine 74 O’Connell Stre et Limerick www.fusionmagazine.ie 061-597627 hello@fusionmedia.ie Printed by Davis Printers, Limerick, Ireland. Tel: 061 319196
16 Visual Artist
CO NTENTS ISSUE 2 OCT 14 IN EVERY ISSUE 3 Editor’s Note 6 Contributors 8 Opinion 12 People Profile 14 Art + Culture 16 Visual Artist 18 Student Life 28 Fitness & Health 30 Beauty 34 Fashion 42 Business 43 Travel 49 Fo od + Drink 58 Home + Garden 61 Entertainment
34 Fashion
43 Travel
IN THIS ISSUE 8 Limerick's Giant Return 21 Darren Shan - The Master of Horror 26 Well Being 32 High Fashion in Low Places 44 Adare 46 Paris 50 Chef Profile 52 Locating The Gothic 56 Share A Dream Foundation 62 Fox Jaw 70 The Siege
63 Music
The man behind the lens, it is his job to keep us all looking good. From Estonia but living in Limerick over a decade, Tarmo is the perfect fit for Fusion Magazine as he can tackle any photography challenge and it’s his love of the people of Limerick that keeps him here... literally.
From the wilds of Mayo, Mairéad has adopted Limerick as her second home. Her love of people and nature makes her the perfect fit for the human interest stories as she always wants to get to the core of the person she engages with and if she had her way, she would talk to everyone in Limerick.
A blogger who is extremely passionate about all things Limerick, Nigel’s infectious pro Limerick energy is exactly what we need around the place. His contributions won’t be afraid to discuss the goings on between our city streets and make sure we are up to date with the latest happenings.
O l i v ia Chau
O pinion
Nigel Dug dale
Human In te r est
Mairéad Collins
P hotog r aphy
Ta r mo Tul it
Olivia’s second home is the music scene in Limerick. A DJ, writer, festival hopper and all around lovely person, she’ll have everything you need to know about the music world of Limerick and most importantly, before the gig happens - so no fear of missing out.
Laura Hastings
hea lth & fitness
E r i c Johnson
G r aphi c d esign
Margarita Bernal
Danny Ryan
Keeping us chuckling all day long, Danny is a comedian full of sharp wit and funny stories. His clever commentary knows no limits and prepare for his monthly pieces to keep on surprising us.
A lovely warm soul, Margarita is a wonderful member of our team. Her background in graphic design and creative mind makes a great addition to Fusion Magazine. Colombian born and another to call Limerick her new home, it’s a testament to a great city to have great people like Margarita around.
The man behind the infamous TRX in Limerick, when he isn’t putting people through their paces, Eric writes for us. Operating on a philosophy of each person needing a fitness programme that suits the individual, expect his articles to dispel the myths behind health and fitness.
The fashionista of the group, bubbly, bright and full of joy, Laura is from Limerick but lives in London. Her background is in fashion journalism and being in the heart of the London fashion scene, will keep us in the loop will all the latest trends.
| Opinion
Limericks Giant Return I have spent 12 years living away from Limerick in Dublin,
So what is the legacy that the Limerick Giant left us? The
London and then around the world working as Limerick’s
answer will be fully seen over the coming months and years
answer to Jane McDonald as I sang on the seas with Cunard
but I believe we have proved we are no longer a city that
Cruise Lines. I have never lost my love for my hometown.
allows negative mind-sets to be the zeitgeist. Limerick has
I distinctly remember sitting in a bar in London as Munster
proved it can throw an all-inclusive party right in the heart
took on Biarritz in the Heineken Cup Final of 2006. In a
of the city and its surroundings. Limerick has re-entered
packed bar suddenly an image popped up on the screen
the hearts of many who had written it off and the young
of O’Connell St washed in a sea of red. It was a strikingly
children will never forget it.
moving moment and left all of us from Limerick with an emotional longing for our home town.
Most importantly it has allowed us to send a message to the thousands of Limerick ex-pats around the world that we
There can be no doubt that what Limerick experienced last
are once again a city full of confidence, hope and ambition.
month, as our beloved Granny walked the streets of our city, did the same for many worldwide as they saw these
Over the past 7 years so many people from our city and
images and videos throughout the news and there social
county were forced to emigrate due to an economic
media feeds of Limerick looking like the majestic vision it
downturn that left a bitter taste on the tongues of so many.
is. This is something that will stick in the hearts and minds
As Granny walked through our city last month I could not
of all who witnessed her. A report following the Royal de
help but think of her as a representation of all of those who
Luxe event in Limerick, conducted by News Access gave
have left Limerick to find work somewhere else. However,
us some insight into the phenomenal affect our Granny’s
her presence was not one of mourning for those who have
journey had on social media. Over the three day period in
left us. She was somehow reminding us that the future is
September #LimerickGiant achieved a social media reach
one of positivity. For those of us still living in Limerick she
of 20.9 million. Limerick consistently trended on Twitter
instilled a palpable sense of confidence, hope and belief.
as many of the 230,000 visitors to our city centre told the
For those looking in from outside she invited them home
world of their experience.
to play their part in Limerick’s exciting future.
Trying to put into words the magic that took place is very
The power of social media in spreading positive messages
difficult. It was about people, place and pride. It was about
about Limerick cannot be understated. Over the past
showcasing our city in a way that dazzled. Limerick had
year so many ex-pats have contacted me saying they are
proved itself to be a giant.
proud to see the many great things being said and done in Limerick. They feel the palpable shift mind-set and long to be able to return home.
There is still a lot to do from an economic
ways of working is something that everyone
perspective but I believe we are now on the crest
should strive for at some point. The important
of a wave. The most important foundation for any
thing is that we at home never lose touch
rebuilding is a belief in what we are able to achieve.
with our friends, family and former colleagues
For far too long the zeitgeist of Limerick society
regularly telling them of the opportunities our
was an inherent need to knock ourselves and to
city now presents.
allow others to knock us. It is now becoming cool to big Limerick up – this is a fundamental mind
I recently sat with a French man who has been
shift that will allow us to lay the foundations of a
living in Limerick for a number of years. He grew
great future.
up near Nantes. He remembers Nantes as a city in the late 70’s struggling to find an identity,
To the many Limerick people around the world
struggling to cope with difficult economic
who continue to follow us through various media
conditions. Then along came the arrival of a
platforms we now have a great opportunity to
slightly mad bunch of artists led by Jean-Luc
welcome them home to a very different place. We
Courcoult and everything changed. Nantes was
often hear of the brain drain phenomenon where
the birthplace of Royal de Luxe and Nantes has
so many of our educated population leave taking
never looked back.
their valuable skillsets with them. I believe that
Article by Nigel Dugdale
experiencing other cities, other cultures and other
Illustration By - Patrick Edmund Lynch FUSION MAGAZINE | 10
| People Profile | Emma Fisher Set Designer and Puppeteer Emma did a workshop with Hand Springs in London and then found an apprenticeship with Bread and Puppet Theatre in America. “So I went over a joined the circus for 3 months and that was great.” This was no ordinary circus but a puppet animal circus that was set up during the Vietnamese war to protest against it. “It was mad. I think my Dad thought I’d joined a commune. We lived in tents in the forest and helped out on the farm and I learned how to stilt walk and I became a grasshopper and a sheep so it was really great fun.” Puppets are like people that come to life. Emma brought with her Lucy and James who I got to meet and even when I held them, I felt like I was holding a real person. So I asked Emma if this is how she felt working with them every day and I wondered how the creation process comes about. “They totally turn into little people. I love making them and when you are making them, like with James, you put the strings on he starts to come to life. He’s got a whole, I know it sounds mad but it’s like a whole little character...I either make them for someone’s show or I make them for my show but I always have the idea or the story first, I never make a puppet without a story.”
Emma Fisher prefers to be back stage, behind the scenes and entertaining us all from a distance. Her mind, talent and ability however, deserve the glory of centre stage. As a set designer and puppeteer, Emma brings people and worlds to life for her audiences and entertains us with her creations to no end. She is genuine, warm and humble in nature and one of the more unique creative’s we have in Limerick. Fascinated by moving mechanical structures and shadows, Emma did a degree in interactive art and is a set designer as well as puppeteer. “I always loved theatre but I hadn’t done a massive amount of it so I applied to do the Masters in Theatre Design. I’d love to do huge installations and what better place to do them. ” said Emma. After her degree she did a year in Cardiff followed by freelancing in London and then studied puppetry in Yorkshire. An interesting choice no doubt in the eyes of many, but it was a love Emma always had. “We always loved puppets in our family, we put on shows and things in the garage...I always loved going to theatre and I loved Kermit the Frog, it just took me a little while to get round to it...When I was doing my masters, they had puppetry and I was very interested in it and because it was more focused towards designing a show, I didn’t get to use the puppets there and I was like, I need to.”
Emma’s latest show SPUN is on in 69 O’Connell Street from 14th16th of October. It will be directed by Emma’s dream director, renowned international puppeteer Liz Walker and is based on the true story of her nephew. “When my nephew was three (his name is Ciarán and he is the main character) he had a imaginary friend called Piedva the spider and he was purple and they went on adventures. So I decided to write him a book and write about their adventures. So I get my friend Thorey on board and we worked on that and it was a great collaboration.” Better still, they decided to turn the story into a book and after a successful funding campaign, they got it published. With a busy schedule, I wondered how Emma sees the world of puppet production at the moment. “There are a lot of puppet companies in Ireland who are producing shows for adult audiences. We do as well, this one just happens to be for children but I think children’s shows are for all ages. I go to children’s shows all the time...even if it’s got an age limit, it doesn’t have an age limit...I think a lot of people have a preconception that puppets are for children but there is a whole darker side to them.” I think it’s safe to say that Emma Fisher has one of the more unique and endlessly interesting jobs in Limerick. Despite the entertainment that she brings to peoples’ lives, it is her future plans that are most commendable and really give you a glimpse of the amazing woman behind the puppets. “I plan to do a PhD in puppetry and I’ve been working as a resident puppetry for Helium since 2009. I work with children in hospital and I love it. I’m very interested in puppetry and health and I have some ideas concerning occupational therapy and puppetry... for children, adults, everyone.”
Interview by Mairéad Collins Images by: Tarmo Tulit
| Art & Culture LIMERICK CITY Stanzas - Poetry
Stanzas has gone from strength to strength, making little chapbooks of poetry which they hope to continue to do and have found some amazing, young, vibrant talent inside Limerick City. Stanza is an event for young people to come and express themselves through words. Guest poets and writers come to showcase their talent, be it a play or comedy event and even have an open mic section at the end if you wish to take part. It takes place once a month at the Cellar Door. October’s edition shall have all manner of spooky and creepy words - there may even be costumes involved. Everyone is welcome. Where - Cellar Door on Foxes Bow When - Friday 17th of October – 7pm Tickets - Entry - Free.
Dance – Dreams Under My Feet
“Dreams Under My Feet” is a promenade show that blends traditional Irish dancing, with set dancing and music, along with contemporary dance, aerial dance and rap. In this performance Fidget Feet combines together with Dance Limerick and student’s from UL’s Irish World Academy of Music and Dance. It also includes a local children’s choir, local set dancers and young Irish & hip hop dancers to create a stunning performance for all the family. This is a show which cannot be confined to one spot as each spectator will follow the mystical story both inside a church and outdoors into a graveyard and square. Capacity is limited and booking is essential. Where – St John’s Square, Limerick City When – Saturday 25th October - 2pm and 3:30pm & Sunday 26th October - 2pm and 3:30pm Tickets - €5/15 for a family - Booking: 061467813
Halloween Special – The Horror Mania Fest – ‘Locating the Gothic’ HorrorManiaFest, is part of ‘Locating the Gothic’ a festival of spooky events taking place this Halloween. You can read more about the festival throughout the magazine. This specific event has a cast of eerie creatures, and is set in the horror chambers of gothic Limerick mansion Leamy House; this torturous walk-thru maze will remain seared in your brain FOREVER. Enter the grim gates of Leamy House in Limerick for sheer terror. It is a thoroughly frightening experience for those who LOVE being scared, and is NOT for under-12s. Where – Leamy House, Upper Hartstonge Street, Limerick City When - Friday 17th & Saturday 18th of October. Friday October 24th until Sunday November 2nd. Each night from 6pm-10pm. Tickets - Book online - www.horrormaniafest.com
LIMERICK COUNTY LOUGH GUR SPIRIT OF PLACE CELEBRATION The Lough Gur Spirit of Place Celebration will uncover the unique, distinctive and cherished aspects of the area home to the largest stone circle in Ireland. The programme of events will include the investigation of Ireland’s largest stone circle under the light of archaeoastronomy, a discipline which marries astronomy and archaeology to contemplate and explore what exactly these sites may have been used for over 6,000 years ago. Speakers at the two day celebration will include Dr. Frank Prendergast - who will explore findings of his most recent archaeoastromical study of Lough Gur’s Great Stone Circle. This event will feature popular academic Billy Mag Fhloinn, along with travel writer Paul Clements, artist Robert Ryan, author Michael Quinlan and spiritual singer and theologian Dr Noreen Ni Riain. The weekend’s events will culminate with a celebration of music featuring Liadan and Nóirín Ni Riain in the Honey Fitz Theatre at 8pm to pay tribute to the Great Spirit of Place clearly visible and ever present in Lough Gur. Where – Lough Gur, Bruff, County Limerick When – Friday 10th & Saturday 11th of October Tickets - €60 weekend ticket / €25 for Saturday morning seminar with all guest speakers from 10am to 1.30pm - Phone: +353 61 385186 - Email: loughgur@gmail.com
Visual Artist
Orla Clancy Painter
What are Orla Clancy’s paintings like? In a word, I would say stunning. When it comes to materials she favours oil paints, watercolours, pastels and is never without a good graphite pencil. Her work evokes a careful consideration of her subjects and the fluidity in her use of colour really draws you in. “I found that I was interested in the connection between people, the dynamics and how people interrelated with each other and getting that onto a painting as such. It is a difficult subject to get on a painting but I like it because of the challenge of the artwork and translating it.” Not out to provoke people, Orla doesn’t tell a story but suggests all kinds of possible narratives instead. Everyone comes to a piece of art with their own experiences and Orla lets the viewer be drawn to a particular piece as it might trigger something within them. Living in the beautiful Ballingarry with her partner Dolf and their beloved cats, Orla is an energetic soul who takes inspiration from the world around her when it comes to making her beautiful art. “I like to make a note of something that strikes me and then let it brew for a while. I do a lot of drawing and painting and a lot of writing and storytelling. “ The creative process of the artist can be as important as the finished piece. When it comes to this for Orla, she really shows her knowledge and experience. “I’ve learned not to decide this is what I am going to do in the sense that you have to allow for things to be fluid and develop organically...I have plotted and I would look and it and go ‘it is missing something’. If you are narrow in your view of your work or especially a body of work, while it’s good to have limitations and a framework, it’s sometimes nicer to allow other things to filter in and maybe even for it to change direction a little bit and weave its own way through the landscape. “ As a person, Orla is as engaging as her art and has the ability to make you feel like you truly understand her process and her pieces. The classics of making art are alive and kicking in her creations and her work ethic is something we could all learn from. “The bottom line is you really need to be good at your basic drawing and that will take a lot of hard graft. You need to have the basics. It’s 10% talent and 90% sitting down and bloody well doing it.” (Laughs)
Interview by Mairéad Collins Images by Tarmo Tulit Paintings by Orla Clancy
| Student Life Graduation With many of you finally getting to wear those oversized robes and strut along the podium collecting your achievements this month, graduation is a turning point of everyone’s career. The big fear though is the dreaded question: What happens next? The one thing to note about this over asked query is that it is entirely up to you. Panic buttons have been pressed all across the country regarding the next stage for College graduates. Your options according to the media are: go on the dole or get the boat. They aren’t entirely wrong except there are more options. Don’t be afraid to take a little time. Breath. Have a think. You have just punched in some serious hours to get your qualification so you don’t have to dive into the first thing that presents itself for fear of not having a plan or not having an answer when the nosy neighbours ask. Give yourself a break. Many people who finish college get a job, some in their field, some not. Some get an internship, some go abroad, some stay at home, some move home, some stay where they are. Others start their own business and some create their own jobs. It’s easier said than done to do what is right for you but don’t be afraid if you haven’t ‘a plan’ already. Truth is most people don’t have one so don’t be afraid to take a little time to make the right one for you.
Limerick Graduation Checklist: Robes
Restaurant Booked
Ceremony Tickets For Your Guests
Graduation Ball Ticket
Token Photo With Close Friends On Campus (in the robes of course)
Photo With One Of Your Lecturers
One In The Local To Celebrate
| Niall Carmody Student Union President Mary Immaculate Students Union (MISU) > Best thing about being a student? The freedom you have to try new things. There are a lot of new experiences in college and you have the time to try anything you want. > Why did you go for this position? I had a wonderful time in Mary I as an undergrad and I absolutely love the college. I went for this position because I want to give other students the same chance to experience how fantastic college life can be. I never thought I’d ever be in this position and I owe a lot to the people I have met in college for helping me to grow. I want students’ to realise their hidden potential; if I got this far imagine what people with REAL talent can do! > Highlight of your job so far? The POWER RUSH! Mwhahaha! Honestly the best thing about my job so far has been meeting new students. They are an incredible cohort of people. They think outside the box and have incredible energy. When they work together to create something the possibilities are endless. > Favourite student dinner? Pasta with some sort of sauce. > Favourite Limerick phrase? Woo Luv! > Favourite place for a quiet pint? O’Dwyers bar on Wolfe Tone Street, although it’s hardly ever quiet.
«» One piece of advice that you would give to students GET INVOLVED!!! I would urge everyone to join a club or society. Nightlife is fantastic but nothing beats meeting a group of people who love the same things as you. Clubs and Societies are also the best way to make new friends. Finally I would tell all students no matter where you study make yourself familiar with your Students’ Union and if you have any problems drop in and they’ll help you along the way.
| Tinder love and care You enjoy judging people based on their looks but you know it’s rude to stare in public. Worry not, Tinder is a dating app that gives you all the fun of standing in the pub and whispering “Oh my God would you look at the cut, beck and state of yer man over there” without the chance of him making eye contact and coming over. Here’s my advice for successful swiping.
1. Choose your photos wisely
3. Beware of friendly fire
You’re going to want to represent yourself as the kind of person who engages in popular activities such as travelling abroad, going out at night, maintaining friendships and looking presentable. Never mind that you haven’t left the house in ten weeks except to meet the Pizza delivery man at the porch. There hasn’t been a good photograph taken of me in the last six years but it matters not. On Tinder,my current self magically becomes the lithe, athletic, tanned guy I was in 2008 (I swear you guys, seriously, you didn’t see me that year but I was).
2. Don’t swipe hastily I know there was an awful lot of cats in the first photo, I see the dead look in his eyes as he takes a selfie with a rare train in the second pic but it could turn out he’s a millionaire vet with his own personal train that has a really sweet selection of drinks on the snack trolley. I recommend you take a look at least three photos for each person… Ok the next one is him on his wedding day. You can swipe left now.
Well, well, well would you look who it is. It’s that girl you went to school with who you always kind of fancied but never asked out because you were pretty sure she’d say yes and then you’d have to impress her on the date and the pressure would just be too much. Now’s the perfect chance to finally take the plunge and ask her out. You’re feeling brave, it won’t be awkward, you have common ground. You swipe right, you wait, you wait… NO match!? What the hell is this? You used to flirt your arses off 10 years ago! You figure you’ll just get a hold of her number from one of your mutual friends on Facebook and call her up to ask why she finds you so repellent. You know you are going off the rails a bit… I’m just stating this because well you know… This obviously has “NEVER” happened to me by the way… I’m just saying it could happen to you... By Danny Ryan
Darren Shan The Master of Horror FUSION MAGAZINE | 21
| Cover Story
Darren Shan | The Master of Horror Outside the depths of the city, hidden beneath the hills, across the dark damp fields and over the stony walls sits the Master of Horror in his spooky lair. OK, it’s not quite that dramatic but it is almost Halloween. It’s more like: Nestled in the village of Pallaskenry, overlooking a beautiful view of the River Shannon, sits an artistically unique abode where you can find multimillion selling horror author Darren O’Shaughnessy, more commonly known as Darren Shan. Born in London to parents from Pallaskenry, Darren moved back to Limerick at the age of six and his relationship with writing had already begun. As his mother was a teacher, he was always writing stories but the older he got, the more this love grew as did his commitment to nurture it. “As I got older, the love of storytelling stayed with me. I realised that I wasn’t going to be a footballer, a rock star or an astronaut but I thought I could be a writer.” We have all been kids with dreams but few of us never lose sight of that dream throughout our turbulent adolescence, never mind the reality of adulthood but Darren never swayed from his plan to be a writer. “I was determined. I used to drive my parents mad because they were delighted I had a goal but I never really was an exceptional student or anything because I spent more time reading and wasn’t interested in other careers and wasn’t interested in doing something that was going to make me money.” By his early teens, Darren was writing in his spare time and by his early twenties, he had his first book published. Called “Ayuamarca” and later republished as “Procession of the Dead”, it was the first of a trilogy for adults and enjoyed some success. Darren also started writing a children’s book during this time. It was something he always wanted to do and he had studied Children’s Literature as part of his degree. This was to be the start of great things for Darren Shan as he was writing the book that shot him to fame, Cirque du Freak. But it was far from instant success. “I remember the day my agent rang to say all twenty publishers had turned the book down. It was all at the same time. ‘Sorry Darren, no one wants to publish your work.’...Everyone in the UK said it was no good and there would be a huge backlash against it. There had never been books like it for children; it was so very dark, so morbid. So I went for a walk around here and I said there is either one of two things here. Either all the experts are right and I should give up or they are all wrong and I’ve to hang in there and prove myself. I decided I was right...and I was.” It’s at times like this, hearing stories like his that I have to take a moment and ask what keeps people going? After endless hours of work completing his book and not one but twenty publishers say no, it would seem like to natural thing to do would have been to seriously consider throwing in the towel or putting the pen down as the case may be.
“You’ve got to have that leap of faith. You’ve really got to believe in yourself. Hope that you are not deluded but really go for it. You can’t give up. There is nothing worse than giving up because then you are always going to know inside your head you have failed. If you keep going for it you will never fail because even if you haven’t been published yet, there is always the hope that you will be published and it’s normally more than a hope.” Darren’s trust in his ability paid off with Cirque du Freak which became an international award winning book and the first of a 12 book series called The Saga of Darren Shan. And this was only the beginning. Cirque du Freak hit the big screen and I assumed it was one of the highlights for Darren in his career but he said it wasn’t really as it was always in the pipeline. It can be strange sometimes how a question you ask can reveal more about a person in their answer than expected. Here I felt I got a glimpse into the man and not the author. His humility speaks for itself. The biggest highlight for me in all my years of writing I have to say was the day that my agent rang me to say we’d sold the rights to Cirque du Freak, back in 1997 or ‘98 because it meant I could come off the dole. You know you see in these cheesy movies where you will get an actor or artist and they get their big break and they punch the air or kick their heels up? That’s the only time I’ve ever done that because it meant for the next year or two at least I’d make minimum wage and financially justify myself to people and say ‘look I wasn’t deluded’... and I’d be able to afford to write full time.” Lots of people wait for their ‘big break’ in the creative profession but Darren clearly stood out as someone with exceptional perseverance who wasn’t waiting on anyone or anything to get him where he wanted to be. That being said, he did feel a certain level of luck was involved. “You often hear writers talking about lucky breaks and things and it always seems crazy that luck is involved but it very often can be. If Cirque du Freak had been three years earlier, my agent might very likely have had a different read of Cirque du Freak ...because he had got started with Harry Potter, he had got into the mindset and into the mould and fought for Cirque du Freak.” As someone who had read some of his books as a teenager, I delighted in the fact that I got to talk to the man who first brought horror into my life many moons ago and wondered why this genre appealed to him and why they have been and continue to be so successful with children. “I started writing a book that I hoped that I would have enjoyed reading when I was 10, 11, 12 years of age. What would have thrilled me, what would have excited me then? So I put in circus freaks, I put in vampires, a kid who gets buried alive and has to fake his own death and leave his parents. These were all things that appealed to me so I just write for myself. ”
write the best books you can, tell the best stories you can and see where that gets you. Sometimes there will be a market for what you write and sometimes there won’t be. I was lucky I came along at a time when there was a market for vampires and demons...5 years earlier or 5 years later maybe there might not have been.”
Horror isn’t exactly a genre that springs to mind when we think child or teenage readers and understandably obstacles presented themselves when it came to getting the books on the shelves. “Publishers have realised their mistakes and realised that kids do like horror. There are parents who are happy to let their children read horror, where as that was another thing back in the day. It was sort of Catch 22. Because there weren’t horror books that were suitable for children, parents had the view that horror books weren’t suitable. I remember when Cirque du Freak came out publishers were really really nervous. W.H. Smith refused to stock it when it first came out because they were really concerned. The following year they nominated it for the book of the year award.”
Creative process will vary from person to person but I was eager to know how Darren’s worked as he is someone who has been writing since he was very young. “You have got to do it. Every writer gets those moments of inspiration but they can come at any time or any point and there are huge gaps in between them. But also the way I find that you most kick off those creative juices is to write. The more writing you do the more you get into that zone and the more likely you are to pick up an idea and take you in some interesting directions...There are no magical secrets. The more you write, the more you learn, the better you get.”
Darren Shan lets his young readers explore a side of fantasy and horror that they are naturally curious about. I wondered what changed in the adult world to open this world up to children. “The books were reaching children that don’t normally read and they’ll read good horror books, which I like to think mine are, that aren’t just about the gore and grittiness but actually trying to get children thinking about the world and their place in it and how they deal with day to day life and relationships and horror is a springboard into that and they’ve realised it and it’s become very popular since then.”
Demons and darkness aside, I couldn’t help but wonder how international fame hadn’t resulted in another country stealing our original gemstone. With so much of our talent abroad, why had Darren not got sucked into the vortex of emigration? “Pallaskenry and Limerick is where my home is. I’ve been very lucky. I’ve been all around the world, I get to travel a lot and I go to London a lot so I have a flat there but this is home for me. This is where I live my life. It’s great to go off an see the world but this is where I come back to...I realised as I starting travelling the world and seeing different places, there is nowhere really that can offer me anything that I cannot get in Limerick...I’ve never really seriously thought of anywhere else but here. When the sun shines there is nowhere like it.”
Having started writing within this genre before getting into children’s literature, Darren explained the different themes between his adult and children’s books. “My adult books explore more moral grey areas. In my children’s books there is always hope. Lots of bad things happen but it’s about children overcoming these huge obstacles that are put in their path. The main issue that runs through every one of my children’s series is that you can overcome anything in life where in my adults books, things can be a lot bleaker. I think it’s good for children to have hope. By the time we get to adult stage, a lot of us start to despair about the state of the world and I think it’s important to explore that and to look at society and the darker aspects of the human psyche but for the children, I try and put a bit of light in there.” According to Darren, there are many writers out there who have sold lots of books but not enough to give up the day job. I asked what advice he had for aspiring authors out there.
It’s always invigorating to meet someone who has found their passion in life but to be so committed to it from a young age and persevere like Darren did, is particularly admirable. I think we could all learn a thing or two about the importance of our dreams and not losing sight of them from this inspiring man. Darren’s latest book Zom-B Family was just out on September 25th and he will be doing a reading on Friday 31st October at 2pm in 69 O’Connell Street as part of the Bualadh Bos festival for over 12’s (or the very brave under 12’s).
“To write a good story takes a lot of time and a lot of work. You’ve got to get experience of life; you’ve got to see people interacting and so on. It’s normally something that takes a lot of time...You can’t muck out War and Peace in 15 minutes (Laughs)... Most writers don’t start to mature until they are older...Your goal should be to
Interview by Mairéad Collins Images by Tarmo Tuilit
«» The Darkness There's warmth in ice; There's cooling peace in fire And midnight light to show us all the way The dancing flame becomes a funeral pyre The dark was more enticing than Day By LJ Smith
| Well Being
Come Home to Yourself Every Day Spending time alone gives you the ability to discover things about yourself and to get a real understanding of who you are. We have grown to appreciate the art of getting to know others, but in reality, it is even more important to get to know ourselves, our preferences, and our likes and dislikes, without other people’s influences. We all need to take time to ourselves. We need to get away from other peoples moods, opinions and voices. Even 15 minutes alone with your phone turned off and no communication with anyone else can do a person the world of good. Not only does it help centre you, you can get back in touch with what you really want and your own thoughts. Getting comfortable with being alone gives you a higher sense of independence. Relying on yourself to make choices and decisions increases your self-confidence.
A Starting Point
More and more people are taking a few hours to themselves each week, to help them reconnect with their own thoughts, ideas and what they really want from life. You may slip away at lunchtime from your colleagues to sit in the park or it might be a simple meditation. So here are a few suggestions of things to do in Limerick when you want some time to switch off from the world.
• The point is there is nothing wrong with having a little
• Feed the swans, Clancy’s Strand • Sit in your local park and listen to a meditation • For those who have little time – 10 simple deep breaths • People watch – (In a non-stalker way) It’s fascinating and helps you forget your own troubles • Research that trip you have always wanted to take • Have an afternoon nap…. Guilt free • Take a walk in the forest… Curraghchase, The Clare Glens. Lots of options in Limerick • Say it out loud… If something bothers you, then say it out loud, then reflect self-time, don’t be scared of it, embrace it!
«» Skull My eyes Burned to little sockets Ashy tears The color of Onyx My mouth Pulling together Melting apart Bones never wither My nose falls Off with a plop My ears Follow along My skin Stripped off Gone away I’m only a skull By Levi
| Health & Fitness
I Like You So Much Better When You’re Naked Let’s face it, men and women are being fed a constant stream of trash on a daily basis regarding their health and fitness especially women but I will get back to that shortly. There seems to be an ever increasing array of fitness classes and magic supplements out there that promises you both the body and level of health that you have always wanted. Health and fitness couldn't actually be simpler. Let us go back to basics, strength training has been around
Here is a list of some of the other benefits weight training offers
for as long as we know and for some time now it has been over
1. Functional. Weight training means that when it comes to real
looked when really it holds the key to the body that you crave.
world movements such as lifting, carrying, pushing then you’re covered! Surprise your friends with your new found strength.
Ok here it is, my little rant! One of the biggest misconceptions out there is that women shouldn't lift heavy weights. Ladies
2. Bone Strength. Women are 4 times more likely for suffer from
lifting weights will not make you bulky and no you will not be
Osteoporosis. This should be enough to get you under the bar in
walking around like Arnold Schwarzenegger. Lifting heavy weights
the gym.
will cause a flurry of positive systemic changes throughout your body. Your muscles respond by growing (which will also increase metabolism), bones become denser, hormonal regulation improves (that means a much more manageable menstrual period for women, among many other positive benefits), your central nervous system responds by learning how to recruit more muscle
3. Improved Posture. A stronger back, shoulders, neck and core can help you stand up straight and look confident. Plus you’ll look taller. Better posture also preserves the spine and reduces lower back pain. This is one of the reasons that sticks out in my head. We are a population of sedentary workers. Stand up and lift!
fibres to contract on demand and it becomes more resilient to
Fellas the same goes for you, fight the burger belly with a good
physical stress.
old fashion weight session. Lifting weights will burn off excess
A normal high intensity weight training session can burn up to 500 to 600 calories per hour. Weight lifting has also been proven to boost your BMR (basel metabolic rate) for up to 24 hours after your workout. This means when you are finished burning calories in the gym you will also burn them relaxing at home on the couch.
weight. It will make you feel and look better while also fighting off a whole host of preventable diseases. Now I'm not saying become a bodybuilder overnight. Three total body sessions per week will have you on the road to a leaner, healthier and more athletic body. Incorporate big compound movements such as dead lifts, squats, pull ups and benching. These movements will promote the release of natural growth hormones in your body building muscle and strapping fat along the way. These are only some of the benefits of weight training. It is truly the easiest way of prolonging your life. Weight training will outlive every new training fad that comes our way. It started thousands of years ago and has not changed much since - If anything strength training will make you look good naked, and isn't that what we all want really! - By Eric Johnson -
| BEAUTY | Editor’s Choice
As Autumn takes us from Summer into Winter, we need hydrating, repairing, detoxifying and protecting products to give skin the nourishment it requires to look and feel healthy. As the temperatures cool, weather conditions can leave skin feeling tighter and dryer than usual, so it’s important to make sure that you have all the essentials needed for protection and radiance.
Urban Decay Eyeshadow Primer The holy grail of primer potions, this definitely lives up to the hype. This remarkable formula comes in 4 different shades: Original, Eden (a matte tawny color), Sin (shimmery champagne), and Greed (gold). These melt into the skin and leave a flawless finish that extends the wear of your eyeshadows for hours.
Product Review CHANEL HYDRA BEAUTY Gel Cream - €61
Available from Debenhams O’Connell Street Limerick - €21
HYDRA BEAUTY GEL CRÈME is the radiance enhancing moisturiser for women in search of intense hydration packed with advanced antioxidant protection. It helps protect their beauty and restore their skin’s radiance, while delivering freshness and softness. Radiant skin steeped in vital water, as exquisitely velvety, fresh and plumped as a camellia petal: with HYDRA BEAUTY, CHANEL creates the perfect level of hydration. Smashbox O Plump Intuitive Lip Plumper - €23 Get a perfectly plump pink pout all your own! O-PLUMP is an intuitive lip plumper that goes on clear and then reacts with your personal chemistry to turn lips your own custom shade of pink, while instantly plumping to perfection. It's packed with exclusive Goji Berry-C Complex, Gingermint, ginkgo biloba, pomegranate seed antioxidants, revitalizing marine botanicals and nourishing avocado oil for colour and shine. Neutrogena Men Triple Protect Face Lotion with sunscreen SPF 20 - Price Varies Neutrogena Men Triple Protect Face Lotion is the award-winning #1 moisturiser for men. In one easy step, it works to soothe razor irritation, heal dry skin and help fight the signs of aging. This non-greasy lotion offers multiple advanced skincare benefits to help protect your face. It moisturises and heals dryness to condition skin. The lightweight formula contains SPF 20 sunscreen to help fight the signs of aging by reducing the appearance of lines and rough textures for smoother, healthier looking skin. Jack Black Intense Therapy Lip Balm - €9.49 This conditioning Jack Black Intense Therapy Lip Balm protects lips from sun and wind as it soothes. Field tested in extreme conditions, this hydrating balm contains antioxidants and superior moisturisers to provide lasting treatment benefits. Unlike waxy sticks it penetrates quickly to provide instant relief and kissable lips.
Eyebrows are arguably one of the most important features on your face. They are incredibly expressive, draw attention to your eyes and add dimensions to your face. Everyone uses different brow filling methods – some swear by pencils, while others prefer brow powders, eyeshadows or even cream products. T he most frequently asked questions is how to shape and fill eyebrows and what are the best products to use. Defined, thick brows can make you look younger and more youthful and luckily, they are also in trend right now! (Thank you Cara Delevingne) Brow Routine
Start by using Urban Decay Primer Potion to prime the eyebrows so they will last for the entire day. Follow this by using Anastasia Beverley Hills Dipbrow Pomade, to outline below the brow, do the same to the top of the brow but avoid the inner part of the brow. Once that is complete, use a MAC Eyeshadow and fill in your brows. (While I use Charcoal Brown, everyone is different, so pop into the staff to discuss) Blend the hard lines made by the ABH Dipbrow. Once finished, gather a tiny bit of Eyeshadow on an angled brush (MAC 263) and apply it lightly on the inner parts of the brow, which gives it a more natural and subtle look. To make your brows look as clean cut as possible use “MAC Studio Sculpt Concealer in NW25” to conceal and get rid of any fallout caused by the shadow. The very last step is to make sure your brows don’t move! You have just spent all of this time making your brows fabulous, the last thing you want is a hair to be out of place and completely ruin your day (not a bit dramatic) so prevent this problem by applying Benefit Speed Brow, which is basically eyebrow hairspray and one of the greatest products out there. By Shauna Lindsay
| hair HAVE SOME FUN WITH KINKY HAIR THIS HALLOWEEN Take your hair from casual to couture with this crimped quiff. This look was created by the talented Amanda Whittome as part of a collection for the 2014 L’oreal hair show and this ties in perfectly with this season of vampy fiendish fun! How to Create the Look The webbed texture created by crimping the hair, creates a faux texture that makes the hair very easy to work with, it also creates masses of volume. (A good tip if you want big hair down or up is to clip a rectangular section on top of your hair and crimp just the roots all over). Then take down the rectangular section and allow it to fall over the rest of the hair covering the crimped sections, just watch your hair explode with volume. With this look, the added feature of the yellow autumnal colours adds a flash of colourful fun. Yellow can transcend from summer palettes to autumn palettes very nicely. Also the use of yellow on the lips and eyes contrasted by the funky face lace mask gives the eyes a vampy Halloween look. For a consultation with Amanda Whittome please contact Melo Yelo lwr Shannon St Limerick 061 314 553
«» Scars are the beauty Beauty is given To those in doubt Beauty is hidden Inside and out Scars are given To those in need Scars are hidden Beneath the sleeves Beauty is hidden Under those scars Scars are hidden Behind lies, all of ours.... By Chrisella Payne
High Fashion in New Territories The highest echelons of fashion are now embracing a younger, more casual style, resulting in new trend directions. When Karl Lagerfeld chose to show his Autumn/Winter 2014 collection for Chanel - arguably the most prestigious fashion label in the world - in a custombuilt supermarket setting, he was making quite the statement. The realm of fashion, once a fantastical land of far flung imaginations (excuse the alliteration), has now entered into a new phase. Due to reasons political, social and economic which are far too lengthy to enter in to here, this new trend has come about: high fashion in strange places. The modern version of MarieAntoinette playing at being a peasant in the setting of Versailles, Lagerfeld's show illustrated the wider phenomenon of fashion's somewhat patronising embrace of what is normal to the rest of us. Considering that other Chanel show settings in recent years have included under the sea, and the Wild West, the supermarket is clearly another piece of foreign territory to the ultimate ponytailed impresario. Some argued that Lagerfeld was making a statement about consumerism in modern society,
but seeing as how the man himself made no such claim, stating instead simply that he believed the supermarket was for everyone, I'm not buying it. The hilarious film "Zoolander" parodied the fashion industry's disconnect with the rest of the world impeccably, with the hot designer of the minute - Mugatu - naming a collection Derelicte and featuring clothing inspired by homeless people. Chanel moved dangerously close to Zoolander territory with their supermarket setting. Most fashion lovers, myself included, occupy the awkward place of loving luxury designers but not being able to afford them. A reminder that my humdrum trips to the supermarket are something the fashion elite find amusing sours my appreciation of the fashion somewhat. The clothing itself was distinctly casual. The models wore trainers, a move few would have predicted for the luxurious French fashion house. There was a noticeable sports-luxe influence; which is the ubiquitous street-style trend of the moment. I do expect something positive to come out of Chanel's bungled (in my opinion) attempt at playing supermarket. As always, the trends from the major fashion
week catwalks will trickle down through the high-street to the likes of Zara, Topshop and River Island, where us mere mortals can finally get our hands on them. I loved the colours and textures of the show - oil slick trousers, rich tweeds in baggy shapes, and voluminous coats are just some of the things I'll be keeping my eyes peeled for this Autumn. Sports-luxe style is fun, bright, and seems to be here to stay. New Balance trainers have taken over the fashion world, most editors and many celebrities being photographed in them over the past year. These are an extremely easy introduction to the style if you're seeking to investigate. Sporty fabrics such as lycra and spandex are also fun to experiment with, and mean you can stay comfy as well as stylish. Basically, I love the clothes Chanel showed, but hate the means by which they did it. Hooray for the influence which the sporty vibe will have on high street fashion, but I could do without the supermarket theatrics next time, Monsieur Lagerfeld. I like to keep my trips to Tesco separate from my luxury fashion yearnings. Article by Laura Hastings Image by Tarmo Tulit
Photographer: Tarmo Tulit Stylist: Michelle Costello Hair: Stephen O’Driscoll Marbles Cruises Street MUA: Mary Kiely Second MUA: Yvonne Scanlon Models: Danielle Sheahan, Shane Coleman, Damien Moloney, Sinead Mitchell, Kristine Platace, Jane Lyons, Shauna Lindsay Behind the Scenes Photography & Assistant to Photography: Emma Mac Assistant to Photographer: John Power Clothing by: The Ivory Closet, Shannon Street, Limerick. Esquire Formal Menswear, Roches Street, Limerick.
Inspired? With Halloween approaching at the end of the month it was exciting to create exaggerated looks on real hair wigs for this editorial. These looks compromised of strong colour palettes from artic white to ochre and burnt copper, to dusty pinks and pale pewter. Combining these palettes with the right skin tone was key to the images success. This same principle can be applied to your everyday hair. Pairing the right colour palette to compliment your skin tone is pivotal.
Not only is it pertinent to provoke your skin tone, your face shape can also benefit from the right shaped hairstyle or up style. And knowledge is power, the power to create a bespoke you. Why not highlight your best features this Autumn/Winter. For a complimentary consultation visit Stephen in Marbles Cruises Street 061-410955 for an appointment.
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The name Adare is derived from Áth Dara, meaning ‘the ford of the oak’ and was historically a crossing point on the River Maigue. Renowned as Ireland’s prettiest village, Adare is designated as a Heritage Town by the Irish Government. Today, Adare village is an architectural wealth of scenic beauty. The mix of centuries is blended into everyday life as some of the thatched cottages are home to arts and crafts shops. The main street of Adare is punctuated with beautiful stone buildings, medieval monasteries, ruins and the picturesque village park. Adare’s streets are lined with original thatched cottages, which have survived for hundreds of years. Some of the cottages are kept by local restaurants and Arts & Crafts shops, but many are still privately owned. Just take a stroll through Adare’s streets and become transported through time in Ireland’s history. Located in the heart of County Limerick just 15 minutes south of Limerick City on the N21, and 30 minutes from Shannon Airport, Adare is the gateway to the southwest of Ireland, bordering the counties of Kerry, Cork, Clare and Tipperary.
History & Heritage
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Adare Heritage Centre The first port of call for visitors to the “village of the welcomes” is Adare Heritage Centre. The Centre is located on the main street of this beautiful village. The Centre, which includes the Tourist Office, The Dovecote Restaurant, an Historical Exhibition, Heraldic Services, Craft Shops and a Library, provides visitors with all the information they require to make their visit a very special experience. In the Centre visitors can pick up a free copy of the Adare Visitor Guide Book, which includes a map and a comprehensive guide to shops, restaurants, bars and places of interest. Adare Heritage Centre hosts an interactive Historical Exhibition, which traces Adare’s unique history. The Centre also operates tours of Adare Village and the Desmond Castle, one of the few remaining authentic Norman Castles in Europe.
Activities Adare is full of things to do, Live Music, Shopping & Golf are some of the highlights and Adare has a steep history full of art and antiques, Castles and Churches.
Food & Drink Adare's watering holes offer great entertainment whether enjoying live Irish music or just mixing with the local residents. All of the bars in Adare have excellent bar menus, including fresh sea food and traditional Irish home cooked meals. Many of Adare's restaurants have won prestigious awards both nationally and internationally. You can enjoy a relaxing evening in tranquil surroundings with quality service and great food.
Accommodation The hotels in Adare offer excellent accommodation to those staying for a short or a long time. Enjoy a wonderful selection of spa breaks, two golf courses and great deals throughout the year. The hotels, which include Adare Manor Hotel, Dunraven Arms Hotel and Woodlands House Hotel are all perfect locations for those well-deserved pampered breaks. The B & B’s and self-catering cottages in Adare range from modern and luxurious to traditional. This is truly an ideal location for families travelling together or couples looking for a private retreat. Visitors to Adare are spoiled for choice when it comes to top quality Spa and Leisure Centres. The three local hotels cater for guests who wish to experience luxury spa and beauty treatments or just leisurely exercise in their gyms and pools. Top Restaurant Pick The Wild Geese The White Sage Restaurant The Oak Room at Adare Manor Top Pub Sean Collins & Sons Favourite Activity Wandering around Adare Old Creamery - A shop with tons of delights, topped off by afternoon tea. Visit – www.adarevillage.com for all information on what is happening in Adare. Images by www.adarevillage.com FUSION MAGAZINE | 45
| paris | From Paris with Love The Eiffel Tower, the Champs-Elysées, the Louvre, NotreDame, Montmartre and Disneyland are some of the places that you must see on a break to Paris! And we are lucky to have a direct route from Shannon to this magnificent city. Paris, known by many names, the romantic capital of the world, the fashion capital, the artists muse, it is the city where chic and bohemian come together and ooze sexy. What you want, Paris can deliver with shopping, adventure, food, wine and architecture. From the Crazy Horse to the palace of Versailles, a visit to Paris is full of exciting adventure where you can wander the streets and discover the whole history of this city. Paris is a city for lovers, a city for gourmands, and a city for shoppers.
Explore Paris
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Explore the beautiful Saint-Germain-des-Prés, once a favourite haunt of some of the original bohemians such as Simone de Beauvoir and Jean-Paul Sartre. Follow in their footsteps by enjoying a coffee at one of the pavement cafes, or shop for books, art and unusual items in the quirky shops.
to Montmartre since Renoir and Toulouse-Lautrec immortalised the cabarets here in the late 19th century; even today an arty vibe lives on thanks to film and music.
Talk a walk in the Latin Quarter, and shop in rue Mouffetard or experience the city like a Parisian by visiting the market at Place Monge. The Marais is well known for its narrow streets and its one of a kind shops, and the old Jewish quarter is one of the most exciting parts of the city for fashion, food and music.
The Lourve
Eiffle Tower
Montmartre is talked about by Parisians the way New Yorkers talk about the village… it is not what it used to be. Today, perched high on the 'Butte' (Paris's highest and most northerly hill), the area is tightly packed with houses, spiralling round the mound below the sugary-white dome of the Sacré-Coeur. Artists have historically been attracted
From the very moment you climb the stairs to the first floor, you feel as if you’ve embarked on a fantastical journey and what a way to end it when you reach the top in the lift and see the breath-taking panoramic views of Paris.
The Louvre, originally a royal palace but now the world's most famous museum, is a must-visit for anyone with even the slightest interest in art. Some of the museum's most celebrated works of art include the Mona Lisa and the Venus of Milo.
For reasons that elude most of us, Parisians seem to make impeccable fashion sense look effortless. It's no surprise that Paris remains the center of all things couture. After museums and monuments, shopping in Paris attracts millions of visitors each year. While the city is studded with great places to shop, top Paris shopping districts are guaranteed to satiate discount-hunters, designer divas, window shoppers, and fashion victims alike. Make sure you take home a little "je ne sais quoi".
Food & Drink
From the baking aromas wafting from its traditional village ‘boulangeries’ to the Michelin-starred fussiness of its gourmet restaurants, France has an almost unparalleled world reputation for its food. It’s not all about the ultra-exclusive eateries either – many of the choicest gastronomic treats are simple, affordable and delicious. And did we mention the wine? Wine bars have always been popular in Paris – but now that innovative young chefs are opening their own, there is excellent food on offer as well. Bon Appétit!
Images by Tarmo Tulit & parisinfo.com
|Food & dRink
| Cocktail of the Month MARILYN MONROE A sweet and fruity mixture of dark & light rums, passion fruit, mango and a squeeze of lime. Available at Smyths Bar Denmark Street
| Chef Profile everyone to get to taste Thai food and know that we can make it to suit them, whatever food they like. It is an experience that you will not regret.
Recipe by Chef Pattarachok Pattarakulchok (Owen) Pad Thai noodle with prawn Ingredients
| Pattarachok Pattarakulchok (Owen) Kaya Thai Restaurant & Noodle Bar O’Connell Street in Limerick City Image by: Tarmo Tuli
• • • • • • • • • • • •
100 g small rice noodles 6 pcs king prawn, peeled and divined 4 tbsp cooking oil vegetable oil 4 tbsp roasted peanuts, coarsely ground 2 tbsp palm sugar 4 tbsp tamarind juice , or tamarind sauce 4 tbsp fish sauce ½ tsp dried crush chilies 2 eggs 1 cup of fresh bean sprouts ¼ chopped spring onion or Chinese chives And fresh vegetable on side dish Method
1. Soak the rice noodle with warm water in about 8- 15 minutes or cold water in 20- 30 minutes until soft and then drain water off.
Q: Where did you train? A: I trained in Bangkok where I used to work in 4 and 5 star hotels before I came over here. Q: What is your favourite dish? A: My favourite dishes are spicy. I love cooking original authentic Thai food. I love presenting people with Thai food and Thai tastes. I want to show people that Thai food is really tasty full of fresh ingredients and healthy. My favourite dish to cook is Pakapau with Thai herbs. It’s very fresh and spicy and gives you some energy and it is not too hot. Q: Do you cook at home or just at work?
2. Heat the wok to high heat with cooking oil, then put 2 fresh eggs stir until nearly cooked and then add fresh king prawn keep stir together until medium. And put rice noodle in to the wok pan, then add tamarind sauce, fish sauce palm sugar. And crush chilies. 3. Gently stir and add bean sprouts and spring onion quickly and crush peanuts. 4. Serving with fresh bean sprouts and Chinese chives and lime squeeze.
| food & Drink
A: No when I’m home I don’t want to cook for myself, I just want to take a rest. (Laughs). Q: Have you always loved cooking? A: ‘Yes, I always loved cooking.’ I used to cook with my mom whenever she wanted me to help. I’m a person who likes to eat, I like to taste everything. I just try to open my eyes and open my senses to new foods and food experiences. Q: Who would you like to cook for? A: I like cooking for the people I love and also people who would like to come to Kaya and try my food...I enjoy cooking especially for my friends, whoever comes to my house. I just say to my friends: “Don’t do anything, don’t give me a hand. Just take a rest, have a drink and when the food is ready just enjoy it.” Q: What would you like the readers to know? A: I want people to know that they can come in here and I can cook whatever they like. If they want to try Thai food and it is new to them we can help them choose the right dish for them or if someone wants it mild or spicy, we can do that too. I want FUSION MAGAZINE | 50
Gourmet Pizza at
So many people have started to make their own pizza at home. It’s a lot easier than you think and there are tons of recipes online. You can play around with so many great toppings too. Here are a few of our favourites –
1 2 3
For the month that is in it try the Halloween special. Using the leftovers from your carving make yourself a pumpkin and chorizo pizza.
A really tasty veggie option is a sweet potato, goat’s cheese and pine nut pizza.
Kale, Sausage and ricotta pizza is a real hearty choice.
4 5 6
Salami, asparagus and mushroom pizza is always scrumptious option.
For the marmite of daring toppings, try chilli prawn and pineapple pizza.
If they all seem a little too daring for your palate, try a basic chicken and pesto pizza. Mix and match until you find your favourite - there are plenty of options out there!
Locating the Gothic Conference and Festival Four Days of Eerie Events During October 22nd - 25th, Limerick City will be the home of the Locating the Gothic Conference and Festival – featuring everything from horror writing and special effects workshops to monster battles, it will surely be a highlight on this year’s autumn calendar.
This conference and festival is the uncanny creation of Maria Beville (Mary Immaculate College, UL) and Tracey Fahey (Limerick School of Art and Design, LIT), who wanted to combine academic conference discussions with the native tradition of storytelling and rich history of literature and art in Limerick. Over 70 international delegates are expected in Limerick in October, from Australia, New Zealand, USA, South Africa, and all over Europe. The conference features an interdisciplinary range of papers on Gothic literature, film, TV, fine art, geography, theatre, multimedia and gaming. Non-academics can also join in on the fun with festival activities such as Gothic chants, walks, films, exhibitions and Limerick’s famous annual zombie walk – Outbreak! Writing workshops with key tips of writing your own horror story will be hosted by horror novelist Gemma Mawdsley (October 25). There will also be a performance of Conor McPherson’s The Veil, directed by Deirdre Flynn (October 24/25), as well as a ghost story telling session presided over by story teller Anne Culhane (October 22). Other workshops include A Day of the Dead printmaking workshop which will be hosted by Limerick Printmakers, and a monster-making workshop with Fantasy Fabrikken who are a Danish group of FX artists who create stories/adventures/props/events for others. They will be having their own workshop on the Saturday of the festival (25 October) followed by a monster battle in King John’s Castle, which is sure to delight children and adults alike! Female vocalist group Sionna will also feature in the festival. The group, who are called after a mosaic of the goddess Sionna, share the same namesake as the River Shannon. Professor Mícheál Ó Súilleabháin has high praise for their beautiful harmonies, stating that “the sound of Sionna flows like the river from which it takes its name.” They will be performing in Mary Immaculate College Chapel on the Friday (October 24th). All of these events are either free or heavily subsidised. The festival is based firmly on ideas of democracy and easy access (although some events will be ticketed due to venue capacity). One of the primary goals of the festival is to stimulate interest and a lively public celebration of all things Gothic in Limerick just before Halloween. The festival is sponsored by Limerick City of Culture and connected with other cultural institutions in the city including the Limerick School of Art and Design, Mary Immaculate College, the Hunt Museum and the 13th century King John’s Castle. For more information on Locating the Gothic visit their website www.locatingthegothic.weebly.com/ FUSION MAGAZINE | 52
| Limerick Life I went to the gym last week, before you start lauding me with praise for my new found commitment to fitness, I should mention that the only reason I went in there was because they have Rib N Saucy flavour Nik Naks in the lobby vending machine which are almost impossible to find in shops. I’m deadly serious when I say they’re the most delicious corn snack on the market. While waiting for the girl at reception to be distracted so that I could purchase a third bag without being judged, I noticed something about the people coming in to actually use the gym. Almost all of them were guys aged between 18 and 24 and each of them built like professional rugby players. It struck me that I have maybe one friend who looks this way but my 21 year old brother has about ten. Now some people would point to the fact that I don’t have enough friends to give a sufficient sample size but let’s leave my waning popularity for another column. It seems to me that at some point in the last ten years or so, young men decided that being heavily muscled, well-toned and fit was a great way to keep healthy and perhaps more importantly, to attract members of the opposite sex.
certainly not about to start now at the grand old age of 27. My colleague here at Fusion, Eric Johnson, tells me that he goes on a 10k run most mornings. I did a 10k in 2011 in a quite frankly laughable time which I won’t disclose here and I still bring it up in conversation at every available opportunity as if I’d won the London Marathon. It’s becoming more and more difficult to impress people with this singular achievement considering every other Facebook friend is doing the Great Limerick Run year after year. I’m not suggesting that all of you cancel your gym memberships and throw out your jogging shoes but if a few of you could let yourselves go and stand near me in public, it’d be much appreciated. I have to run now though, the gym is closing and I’ve got a hankering for some Nik Naks. By Danny Ryan
I can’t argue with the logic there, my only issue is this; I’m too lazy to compete. There was a time when being slim was enough to make you look good but now I seem positively doughy in comparison to guys coming out of college. I never formed good habits as regards diet and exercise when I was a teenager and I’m
«» ADRASTIA Harsh screams pierce the night On your breath I taste the blood She has claimed your soul
| Local Charity
Share a Dream is an Irish national children's charity, dedicated to making dreams come true for critically, chronically and terminally ill children throughout Ireland. Share a Dream is a registered charitable non-profit organization, which receives no government funding, thus solely relying on the generosity of the community. Since its establishment twenty four years ago, the charity has made dreams come true for over 23,500 children and their families throughout Ireland through their many projects. Each year they make dreams a reality for children with terminal and life threatening conditions – like - being a princess for a day or meeting a Pop Star. They have even sent children to Disneyland! They make dreams come true for terminally ill children and creating wonderful happy memories for the parents.
The Dream Machine – Has to be seen to be believed! There are hundreds of special children all over Ireland who because of their illness are confined to their home or hospital and can often be forgotten in their own communities. So, the magical Dream Machine is a bus full of Xboxes, V-techs, Bubble Lamps and Laser lights. It is even made complete by a full music system and the team can bring this experience to the children’s door step. They go all over the country to bring a little magic into the lives of very sick children who cannot travel.
The Next Venture - Dreamland Fun Centre Share a Dream Foundation are trying to build a very unique Fun Centre where no child regardless of their illness or disability will feel different. They will all get the opportunity to play and get back to the serious business of just being kids and have fun.
National Children of Courage Awards For the past fourteen years Share a Dream has been hosting the National Children of Courage Awards. This National Award is the only one of its kind in Ireland, where eight children who has shown extraordinary courage and bravery are honored at the Dream Ball. Well known personalities like Miriam O Callaghan, Ryan Tubridy, Ray D’arcy, Ian Dempsey & Michael Leyster have all hosted this event. It is truly a Dream Ball where dreams actually come true on the night! This year’s event takes place in the Radisson Blu hotel Limerick on Sat 29th November. Tickets are €110 each or for more information visit www.shareadream.ie.
| Business SOCIAL M E D I A You’ve heard that social media marketing can lead to more loyal customers, more brand recognition and more repeat business. But successes like these aren’t instant or automatic. Effective social media marketing requires a great deal of effort. It isn’t easy for small business owners or anyone to come up with a consistent stream of clever posts in 140 characters or less. In saying that, there are some simple solutions that can make a difference to reaching and connecting with your audience. Here are three strategies you can add immediately to your social media marketing to improve your reach.
1. Timing – It is all in good timing Schedule your emails, tweets, status updates and blog posts at the right time—when you have a captive audience. BUT remember every business has a different pattern, so do the research ‘so you know when it best’ for your brand.
3. Images – A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words Research shows that photos perform better than videos, links and text alone on Facebook. The best pictures are self-explanatory. Just posting a stock image doesn’t do much for you. You need to relate it to your business to encourage people to engage.
2. Issue calls to action If you want to engage with your customers on social media, you have to ask for it. If you are looking to build your following, you may simply want to ask people to follow your brand while offering them a compelling reason to do so, such as freebies.
Clever social media marketing can help your business win new customers and engage with a broader audience. Making it work does require time, effort and some strategic thinking. By knowing your audience, interacting with them on their terms, and making engagement easy and attractive, you can elevate your brand and even drive revenue.
| Coming Next Month – The Business Profile Do You Want Your Business Profiled In Fusion Magazine? Email – hello@fusionmedia.ie for details
| home BOHO Chic I’m afraid we don’t have any tips on chillin’ out like a ‘60’s beatnik, where to find a local poetry reading, or if black turtleneck sweaters are right for you in our home section, but we can tell you how to add a bohemian vibe to your abode. (The key is the vibe your room brings, relaxing, peaceful and a place that makes you more mellow than wine.)
Here is a list of things to add to your home to help create a similar hippy chic mood. Try one, or try them all! Flokati Rugs: These wool shag rugs are great in low traffic areas and can be maintained by monthly shaking and cleaned occasionally in a large washer or bathtub with mild detergent. Fake animal prints work great to make any room more edgy.
Kilim Rugs: These flat weave rugs from Turkey are made with geometric patterns in a variety of styles and colours. They look great by themselves, but are extra bohemian layered in groups.
Jewel Tones: Look for fabrics with deep vibrant colours in ethnic prints or floral. Look for wines, purples, burnt orange tones to step into the Autumn colour palette ways to add this fabric to your home is through curtains on windows or in doorways, pillows, upholstery, or blankets.
Wall Tapestries: You can use small scale rugs or ethnic fiber art to hang on your walls for a bohemian feel.
Casual Book Storage: Instead of neatly arranging your books on a shelf, by colour, or by size, try letting loose and letting your collection have a mind of its own. Stack up books on tables — or on the floor and use them as a base for lamps and other decorative objects.
Lots of Pillows: The point is to provide an atmosphere where people can chill out. I’m not talking about perfectly punched pillows, but rather piles of pillows haphazardly placed on sofas, or even better, on the floor. The best kinds of bohemian pillows are ones made from old kilim rugs, needlework cushions, or round shaped pillows.
Informal Art Arrangements: Try steering away from perfectly placed artwork and hang a collection of beloved art, record albums, or even just loved objects, on your walls in an informal fashion. You might even go so far as to tack or tape up a collection of photos or pieces of your paper collection. Last but not least, light some incense, embrace your inner hippie, shop outside the box and discover a whole new unique way to make your house a home. FUSION MAGAZINE | 59
| Band on Parade | Fox Jaw A simple background check on the band reveals, that the guys are one of the hardest working bands in the country. Formerly Fox Jaw Bounty Hunters, they released their debut album ‘The Devil In Music’ in 2011, and played close to 100 shows within 24 months, across Ireland, the UK & Canada (80 of those shows were within the first 10 months!). With many festival appearances including Indie Week (Toronto), Glasgowbury Festival, Vantastival, Arthur’s Day, Knockanstockan and even being added to the Main Stage at Indiependence Festival to share the boards with the like of Ash, Editors & Therapy?. Going from strength to strength, featuring on a Becks Vier TV advertising campaign, a flip cover of Hot Press, and receiving an ‘Album Of The Year’ Award from Independent UK music website, The Underclassed. There’s a strong chance you’ve come across this band before, without even realising it. How long have Fox Jaw being going? Shane: That’s a dangerous question! We’ve been going for quite a while. Starting as Fox Jaw Bounty Hunters, we played our first show in late 2006, then we played a few more shows in Ireland & Germany in early 2007 before we started properly touring later that year. Your current line up at the moment… How did that come about? Shane: Ronan, Morgan & myself have been Fox Jaw from the start. We’ve had some extra band members come and go over the years, but where we’re at right now is great. We’ve got two news guys that joined the band in the last year or so, Manolis & Kieran, and it’s been some laugh. We just jumped right in with no ‘getting used to’ period, as we’ve all been friends for over 10 years. You have a new album that came out on September 19th called ‘Ghost’s Parade’. How long did that all take to write, record and produce? Ronan: I wrote most of the songs over the summer of 2012. Although, I write all the time, it’s mainly just ideas I have floating around and sketches of songs. I need the pressure of a looming deadline to get the fire under me to actually commit to finishing them. So I took the about two months really focusing on what songs I felt were strongest and brought those to the lads and we fleshed them out together in the band room. In late July we all rented a house in Dingle for a week with our producer Skip to tighten up the songs, record demos and iron out any kinks. The recording itself took about four weeks over that August and September. I wrote Afterglow around the time that the other tracks were being mixed. We really wanted it on this album though, so we had to set aside more time to record and produce that. I think it worked out well though, cos it gave Manolis and Sims a chance to sneak their way onto the album! You’ve released three singles from the album so far, and released all on limited edition coloured 7” vinyl, and the album on clear 12” vinyl. What made you want to have all your releases on vinyl?
Ronan: Exactly, and with everything going digital these days, it really is nice, just even for ourselves, to have our music on a more tangible format. I think 30 years from now it’ll be a great feeling to look back at our dusty old records. I don’t think looking back at old mp3’s will be quite as nostalgic somehow. You’ve been all over the place touring, across North America and Europe, is there plans to take this album out of Ireland and tour in other countries again? Shane: Absolutely, that’s probably one of our main focuses for 2015, to start venturing towards the UK and mainland Europe a bit more. Shane, you create all the videos for Fox Jaw, how do you come up with the concepts? Shane: I was literally just talking about this with Ronan the other day. I only just realised that for most of our videos, the approach to the making the videos has been, that certain imagery just comes to mind when I’m hearing the tunes, and from there I then go to Ronan and ask him to explain to me, lyrically what the song is about. I then start making the connections, of how Ronan’s storytelling through sound, (lyrics & music), can connect with my visual storytelling. But not all our videos are like that, some just tell a visual story, and is separate to the songs lyrics. But if I can make a connection between the two, then I’ll certainly explore those possibilities. Looking ahead, what are your hopes for the band in the future? Shane: My hope is that our future will be this band. Ronan: Yeah, I hope that we keep making music together and that that music finds its way to people who want to hear it. Finally, any advice for bands who are just starting out? Shane: There’s no formula. Everyone’s journey is different, but I will say that don’t ever get boxed in with just one style or approach to music. Be different, be unique, push yourself, explore, collaborate & always ask yourself, “right, what can I try next?”. Ronan: Get out and start gigging. The only way to grow as a songwriter, performer and musician is to play in front of as many people as you can. There’s no greater feeling than playing to a huge crowd. There’s also nothing more humbling than playing to a room with only four people. And if the latter doesn’t deter you, at least you’ll know you’re doing it all for right reasons. Where can we find ye online? Shane: All good internets! You can find us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, but jump onto www.foxjaw.ie for gig listings and all other updates.
Shane: Why not, really! I’ll admit, it’s been a pricey decision to make when you’re an independent band, but a lot of our decisions as of late are mainly based around the mindset of, ‘I’d rather look back and be happy that we did that, rather than look back and have regrets that we didn’t’.
Interview by Olivia Chau Image by Tarmo Tulit
|Dj Profile Name: JJ Hartigan | Resident: ICON & 2FM Q: How did you get into djing? I had a Summer job in a shop in Limerick and a guy called Conor Cronin was a regular customer and also the head DJ in The Market Nightclub. One day he came in, said he needed someone to help him out and the rest as they say is history. Q: What type of music do you play? I don’t limit myself to one genre. I play a broad range of music, everything from James Brown to Calvin Harris. Depending on which venue I’m playing in.
Q: Who do you think is the best international DJ out there? I think it has to be Calvin Harris. A guy who started out packing shelves in a supermarket and is now a worldwide superstar. Every track he produces is a guaranteed hit. I got to meet him when he played Limerick a few years back. An absolute gent. Q: What is the best about being a DJ? Knowing that you are only one song away from losing the floor.
Q: Preferred weapon of choice?
Q: Where can we hear you?
DDJ SX. An unbelievable piece of equipment.
Q: Favourite song at the moment?
Every Saturday at 3pm on RTÉ Digital Radio Pulse, I present The Full House. I have a slot on the Will Leahy Show on RTÉ 2fm called “The Six Mix”, which airs every Saturday at 6pm and you can also catch me in The Library Bar on Friday nights and The Icon Nightclub too!
Basement Jaxx - Never Say Never
Q: What’s next for you?
Q: Highlight of your career to date?
Building my career in RTÉ 2fm, both in front and behind the microphone.
Q: First gig? The back room of Quinns bar on Ellen Street, covering my mates gig.
Can I have 2? Playing Es Paradis Nightclub in Ibiza and presenting the Electric Disco on RTÉ 2fm.
| Album of the Month Hozier One of the most anticipated albums of the year, Hozier’s self titled album has kept everyone waiting very impaitently for it to drop. Now out to buy, in all good record shops and online, we now see why it was highly sought after. Not just another singer song writer, Hozier’s sultry blues filled tones fill you up like a hot cup of tea on a cold day. Take Me To Church is the most recognisable song from the album as it has been played in almost every shop, café, pub, car, on every radio and on TV since it was first released. The video that goes with it definitley brought the song to the forefront in everyone’s mind at the time with a young gay couple being persecuted in small town Ireland for loving each other. Having seen Hozier live, I can honestly say that you will not be disappointed with the album and it will in my estimation win many awards. Already a fast favourite in many countries around the globe. He is set to conquer the world and firmly keep Ireland as one of the top countries that produces some amazing music. FUSION MAGAZINE | 64
Image by Tarmo Tulit
«» She Why does she have fangs? To tear your throat Why does she have glowing red eyes? To watch you in the dark Why is she so beautiful? To capture you in her beauty By Kat Redfern
| Film
The Richard Harris Film Festival Bringing a little bit of Hollywood to Limerick Lights, Camera, Action! What started off as an idea at a meeting for The Gathering has resulted in bringing the red carpet to Limerick City. The Richard Harris Film Festival was the brainchild of Rob Gill who then took Eleanor McSherry on board as Creative Director as well as Zeb Moore of the Limerick film scene. With this in its second year and gathering momentum, we spoke to Eleanor McSherry about the philosophy behind the festival as well as what to expect from this year’s programme.
“The festival is really to celebrate Richard Harris and not just the actor, the singer but the professional that he was and that ethos. We also want to celebrate the Diaspora. An awful lot of the actors and filmmakers in this city have had to go abroad and there is no festival that celebrates that. Richard Harris is from Limerick and he learned his craft here but he had to go to London and America to be the persona.” The festival takes place from Friday 24th to Sunday 26th of October with an invite only Gala reception on the Harris family estate on the first night. Saturday sees the screenings for the short film competition in which the winning entry will have the fantastic opportunity to be screened at the Newport Beach Film Festival. A networking evening will take place that night and no film festival would be without several screenings.
Like any new venture, the festival encountered teething problems in the early days. One of the bigger obstacles was the belief by some film bodies that this festival should be run in a larger city like Cork or Dublin. Determined in the ability of the festival however, the organisers did not wane in their efforts and this festival is firmly taking place in the home city of the great Richard Harris.
«» “We are a boutique festival. Cannes started off as a boutique festival and we are a boutique festival with big ambition. We are small and intimate...and we want to show the best part of Limerick and we know it has this potential. The more we hear we shouldn’t or we can’t the more we want it.”
«» With the Harris family’s support, lights on and cameras rolling, Limerick has yet another incredible film event to add to the calendar.
“My mantra has always been we are bringing a little bit of Hollywood to Limerick and we have a huge opportunity here.”
“We are not only showing one of his (Richard Harris’) films, we are also showing films by the Irish Diaspora but young Irish actors. We have so many like Jack Rainer, Ruth Negga and Colin Farrell.” For all information visit www.richardharrisfilmfestival.com Image by Tarmo Tulit FUSION MAGAZINE | 68
| The Siege Their Bark is worse than their Bite! There’s an underground music scene that many people either don’t know about or doesn’t think exists in Limerick. The metal scene in Limerick is strong and thriving with Tall John, our local, friendly, Goth giant at the helm. He’s here along with the Bad Reputation Crew to educate us on all things that go bump in the night at a decibel level of 11! Watch out, The Siege is coming and it doesn’t have any contenders! Name: (Tall) John Real From: A bog with a few trees, the odd house and a load of cows. Age: 27 Day Job: Youth Worker
When did you put on your first gig and who were they? My memory is awful scattered with this sort of stuff but I believe I put my first gig on in the now-no-more Riddlers Bar on Sarsfield Street, Limerick when I was 18 or 19, so that’s 2006-2007. The gig was a local metal affair for sure, most likely Soloway, or Dead Mans Hand or someone of that ilk – younger bands, around my own age, who were mad for gigs but short on the abilities to procure them. I was big into the running alt DJ nights back then and was involved in Lexes and such, the gigs progressed from that and quickly became my focus.
When was Bad Reputation founded? This I do remember, it was in the autumn of 2008 in the snug corner of Bakers Bar on Tait’s Square. There were three of us, Shane Horan, Ciaran Culhane and myself. Shane worked in the bar and it was his idea to start this collective and to try get consistent metal and rock gigs in Limerick. We wanted to bolster the scene and put Limerick on the map nationally as ‘heavy’ spot. That was where it all really took a proper shape, we ran gigs there for three years whenever we could, and never with profiteering in mind may I add. In fact Bad Rep has always been a work of love in that regard, a hobby and an addiction. In recent years I organised most of the gigs and the bookings myself and Ciaran makes them sound suitably leveling on the day. We have found a place to call home in Dolans, and for the last four years we’ve upped our game and brought some pretty massive metal acts to Limerick. How did The Siege get started and how long has it been running now? The Siege is about to enter its 7th year in 2015. The event first rumbled into existence when we accidently overbooked one Easter Sunday 6 years ago and then just decided to run with it and add a few more bands to the bill.
What transpired was to become a biannual event entirely centered on celebrating the metal community, and its bands - not just locally but nationally. It’s a free in event, a plaudit that the Siege has afforded to keep through much strife, deliberation and arbitration. We have now, a day that welcomes more and more renowned international metal acts every year, while still staying through its locality and the bands that the Limerick area has fostered.
Most memorable Siege? The last Siege saw Primordial grace the stage. This was something special, a band at their level playing this small festival. Primordial sell out venues across Europe and having them in our little, often forgotten corner of the world put a smile on even the most grim looking of metalheads on the day. It was a day I’ll never forget, and 500 plus came to bare witness. Will you still be putting on gigs when you’re 86? Maybe in the special goth nursing home I end up in ya, but I’ll probably be too deaf to enjoy them.
So give me a small bit of info on the Siege coming up. Who’s playing, what date and a band to look out for when people are there. The next Siege takes place on the 26th of October in Dolans. It’s free in and doors are at noon. At this Siege we move from our usual two stage set up to a three stage affair. The Siege primarily caters to metal, factoring in many of its varying subgenres - from the blisteringly heavy, to the more traditional, and all the odd sounds in between. Headline acts this year are Cruciamentum (UK – Death Metal), Old Season (Irl – Old School Heavy Metal), Bloodshot Dawn (UK – Progressive Death Metal), and Abaddon Incarnate (Irl – Grind/Death). I highly recommend all these bands, all have a presence and talent that needs to be witnessed. My personal choice for the hardened listener of metal on the day would be Malthusian, and for the softer I’d pick Iron Mountain, Dark Matter, Hexxed and the very interesting Lynched. The Siege is a great day out, and an experience I think even non-metal people should try at least once, give it a go we don’t bite.
Images by Ken Coleman
| One to Watch
Pigtown Fling “The energy, vitality, ability and talents of everyone involved in The Pigtown Fling need to be celebrated. The diversity of pieces performed is testament to a new Limerick, a Limerick that is confident enough to say "we can do it, we can make music - we can develop a sustainable music industry". The fusion of genres, of sounds and the many many talents in this ancient city make this possible. Technology, and more importantly our imaginations and creativity allow us to take the musical and cultural future in our hands. Let's begin again...” - Dr. Eoin Devereux - The Pigtown Fling Get your hands on a copy of the 20 track CD ‘Sound Out and The Pigtown Fling’ and get a glimpse of the wealth of talent on the music scene in Limerick. You will also be supporting the Learning Hub and Corbett Suicide Prevention. For full details keep an eye on facebook.com/thepigtownfling
E v en t s
Calendar O cto b er 2 014
4 5
Decluttering Workshop OPEN HOUSE LIMERICK
Thursday 2nd October 12.30pm - 2.30pm The Savoy Hotel
Thursday 2nd October @1pm The Hunt Museum
Thursday 2nd October from 8pm Shannon Rowing Club
Thursday 2nd October @ 8.30pm JPs Bar, Sarsfield Street
3rd Oct 2014 The Strand Hotel, Limerick
Friday 3rd - Sunday 5th October Various locations
Friday 3rd October @ 8pm Friars Gate Theatre, Kilmallock, Co. Limerick
Friday 3rd October @ 8pm Friday 3rd October @ 9pm Dolans Pub and Warehouse, 3 Georges Quay, Limerick Dock Road, Limerick
Wednesday 1st October @ 8pm 69 O'Connell Street
week 1
Saturday 4th October @ 10am - 5pm The Hunt Museum
Friday 3rd to Sunday 5th October Sir Harry’s Mall Limerick THE COMEDY COUCH PRESENTS KEVIN MCGAHERN
Saturday 4th October @ 10.15am The Hunt Museum,
Sunday 5th October Sunday 5th October @ 1pm @ 2pm - 5pm O'Callaghan Strand Limerick The Hunt Museum
Smyths Bar – Denmark Street
Cobblestone Joes – Little Ellen Street Limerick
Wednesday> witch
Wednesday> Ripcord 64
Thursday> The Eskies
Gorilla Radio
Saturday> Transmitter
Saturday> Trees Fall Down
Gangs We Shot JR.
Monday 6th October @ 7.30pm St Munchin's Community Centre, Kileely Court, Limerick
Friday 10th October @ 7.35pm Thomond Park Stadium, Limerick City
Friday 10th & Saturday 11th October Lough Gur County Limerick
Saturday 11th October @ 10am The Hunt Museum
Saturday 11th October @ 10am 11am & 3pm Lime Tree Theatre
Thursday 9th & Saturday 10th October 69 O'Connell Street
Friday 10th October @ 8pm Dolans Pub and Warehouse
Sunday 12th October 2014 @ 10am University of Limerick
Saturday 11th October @ 11am, 2pm & 4.30pm Lime Tree Theatre
The Hunt Museum
Saturday 11th October @ 8pm Friars Gate Theatre, Kilmallock, Co. Limerick
The Red Hen Flea Market
Saturday 11th October @ 8pm University Concert Hall
October 11th at 1pm The Red Hen Patrick Street Limerick
Sunday 12th October from 4pm University of Limerick
monday> Traffic
Plan B
friday> Domino Effect
Cobblestone Joes – Little Ellen Street Limerick
Saturday> Deuces Wild
sunday> Divine Invention
Friday 10th October @ 9pm Glentworth Street Limerick
Smyths Bar – Denmark Street
Tuesday 7th October 2014 @ 8pm The Loft at The Locke Bar
Wednesday 8th & Thursday 9th October @ 8pm Lime Tree Theatre
Saturday 11th October @ 3pm 69 O'Connell Street
Friday 10th October @ 8pm Raheen Limerick
t ues d ay
Monday 6th - Friday 10th October The Hunt Museum
week 2
Wednesday> Clare Sands Band
Thursday> The Connectors
friday> The North Sea
Saturday> Trees Fall Down
Howling Gales
16 17
t ues d ay
Tuesday 14th & Wednesday 15th October An Halla at Mary Immaculate Tuesday 14th October @ 1pm The Hunt Museum College
Tuesday 14th - Thursday 16th October 69 O'Connell Street
Tuesday 14th to Sunday 19th October 2014 @ 8pm Friars Gate Theatre, Kilmallock, Co. Limerick
Monday 13th & Tuesday 14th October Lime Tree Theatre
week 3
Friday 17th October Sunday 2nd November The Hunt Museum
Friday 17th & Saturday 18th October @ 6pm - 10pm Leamy House, Upper Hartstonge Street
Friday 17th October @ 8pm Dolans Pub and Warehouse
Wednesday 15th & Thursday INTERNATIONAL POETRY FESTIVAL 16th October L.I.T George’s Quay, Limerick Wednesday 15th to Saturday 18th October Various locations
Thursday 16th October Wednesday 31st December The Hunt Museum
Smyths Bar – Denmark Street 13th 14 th 15 th 16th 17 th 18th 19th 20th 21st 22nd 23 rd 24 th 25 th 26th 27 th 28th 29th 30th 31st
Monday> Traffic tuesday > Plan B Wednesday> Switch Thursday> Escapade friday> Bluemoose Saturday> Pearly Whites sunday> Switch Monday> Traffic tuesday> Plan B Wednesday> Switch Thursday> Escapade friday> Bed Rock Saturday> Thank Funk sunday> Free Beer Monday> Traffic tuesday> Plan B Wednesday> Switch Thursday> Escapade friday> Transmitter
Cobblestone Joes – Little Ellen Street Limerick 15 th
Wednesday> Dereck Ellard
Thursday> The Cold Draw
17 th
Saturday> Trees Fall Down
sunday >
Monday> Real Talk
Wednesday> Raging Sons
23 rd
Parliament Square
24 th
25 th
Saturday> Trees Fall Down
27 th
Monday> Lynshig
Thursday> Valera
We Shot JR.
Nudie Suits
We Shot JR.
Fire in Cairo
t ues d ay
Tuesday 21st & Wednesday 22nd October Lime Tree Theatre
Monday 20th - Thursday 23rd October 69 O'Connell Street
week 4 & 5
CONFERENCE AND FESTIVAL Wednesday 22nd October @
Wednesday 22nd to Saturday 25th October Various locations
10.15am & 1pm Friars Gate Theatre, Kilmallock, Co. Limerick AL GRANT CELEBRATES THE LIFE AND MUSIC OF JIM REEVES
Thursday 23rd October St Mary's Cathedral, Bridge Street Limerick City
Thursday 23rd October @ 8pm University Concert Hall
Friday 24th - Sunday 26th October 2014 Various locations
Friday 24th to Sunday 26th October 69 O'Connell Street, Limerick A CELEBRATION OF THE JERSEY BOYS
Saturday 25th October @ 8pm University Concert Hall
Saturday 25th October @ 8pm Lime Tree Theatre
The Limerick Bridal Ball
Sunday 26th October 2014 @ 2pm University of Limerick
Wednesday 29th October @ 2pm 69 O'Connell Street
Wed 22nd October Wednesday 22nd October - @ 8pm Wednesday 26th November University Concert Hall 6pm - 8pm. The Hunt Museum
Friday 24th Oct. @ 7.45pm Thomond Park Stadium, Limerick City
Friday 24th October @ 8pm Lime Tree Theatre
Sunday 26th October 2014 at 7.00pm Castletroy Park Hotel Limerick
8pm University Concert Hall
Friday 31st October @ 2pm 69 O'Connell Street
Friday 31st October @ 5pm The Hunt Museum
Friday 31st October @ 7pm Limerick Milk Market
| Online & Technology Android vs. Apple: Which Platform is Right for You? The mobile OS war has long been a two-player contest, with Apple iOS and Google Android both vying for top honors. While both Apple and Android deliver the mobile technology that keeps us connected on the go, they do go about it differently. Knowing those differences will give you a better idea of which platform offers what you want. Under the Hood Hardware is unquestionably the biggest differentiator between Android and Apple. A smartphone’s core software will have a major impact on how you use the device, as it dictates the phone’s overall functionality. With the iPhone, what you see is what you get: the user interface is the same on each of the available models. On the other hand, Android is designed to be modified by the manufacturer releasing the device. These modifications can vary greatly and often completely change the look and feel of an Android phone. Variety vs. Exclusivity With Android, variety is the name of the game. There are more than 70 Android phones across the market, ensuring there’s an option that suits your lifestyle and meets your mobile needs. The iPhone is the only iOS smartphone made by Apple. There are different storage configurations but you are limited to just the iPhone if you want a phone running iOS. Is There An App for That? The two platforms each have hundreds of thousands to choose from, both provide the most popular and indemand apps from big-name third parties. One major difference to keep in mind is how apps are downloaded on each operating system. A stickler for quality, Apple fully controls what apps are sold in its app store, and Apple’s store is the only method of distribution for iOS apps. Android, however, has several distribution channels through which you can download applications,
and apps are published for general availability without Google checking them first. This poses obvious security risks. But your risk is minimal if you stick to downloading only from trusted sources, such as the Android Market or the Amazon App Store. Music, Movies and More When it comes to multimedia, Apple iOS shines. Integration with iTunes provides quick and convenient access to new media that you can instantly download, while iCloud provides a central portal to manage all of your media on all of your Apple devices. Android offers something similar in Google Play, but if you’re already an iTunes user, you may find switching more hassle than it’s worth. There are also third-party apps that can fill the void of either platform if needed, or provide enhanced service. Which Do You Choose? Making the decision between an iPhone and one of the many Android smartphones is largely a matter of preference. There’s a lot to love – and perhaps hate – about both of these mobile OS platforms. But such things are highly subjective, so it can be difficult to unequivocally distinguish which platform is superior. Apple is a tightly woven ecosystem, one that can be hard to abandon – both because change can be inconvenient and because of the fierce loyalty many feel to the beloved product and brand. As for Android, the platform boasts an array of devices and has no shortfalls that third-party apps can’t fix. If you’re already an iPhone user, you may not find anything worth jumping ship for. However, if you’re looking for something other than Apple’s hallmark flavor, Android may just be the right mobile OS for you.
By Katie Nielsen