Judo for Kids DVD Set - Order Form

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Se nd t o: Warning! N. Ogas aw ara For those outside the USA, you should view this DVD with RealPlayer or Media 1 2 8 Sparrow Drive , Player on the computer because some DVD players will not play it properly. We s t He n rie t ta, NY 1 4 5 8 6 USA ORDER FORM A s afe way t o t e ac h an d le arn ju do fo r c h ildre n age s 4 y e ars and u p From USA Ma ke che ck or m / o in th e tota l a mou n t of $ 35 for vol. # 1 & 2 (Sh ip p in g fe e in clu ded ) p a yab le to: N. Oga s a wa ra . From Ca n ad a “ $ 38 “ From othe r cou n trie s “ $ 4 0

Na m e _________________________________________ Tel. ( ) _______ _________ Ad d res s _______________________________________ Em a il ___________________________ Cit y ________________________________ S ta te _____________________ Zip ____________ Cou n try __________________

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