Fuse Issue 20

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RE A C H IN G S T U D E N T S IN EVE RY N AT ION Steve Murrell

I N F E C T I OU SLY H O LY Jo Blair


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‘If you don’t personally go with us, don’t make us leave this place’ (Exodus 33:15) Since the early days of Fusion we have

used the language of student movement.

There have been many signs of life that the descriptive of movement fits accurately

what we are doing. However, over the last year God has challenged us as to whether



FEATURES & INTERVIEWS 04 News 08 Reaching Students in

Every Nation 14 Infectiously Holy 18 UK Church Profile 22 European Church Profile 26 Student Linkup Story 28 International Update 32 Student Linkup Story 34 Student Worker Interview

we really have a movement mentality or

36 About Fusion

and slightly painful moments I had to

40 Freshers Prayer

even a movement structure. In honest

concede that Fusion was fast becoming an organisation and was content with addition.

38 Fusion Resources 44 Key Partners 52 Student Stories 54 Join the Movement

Thankfully God has other ideas and has

challenged the whole Fusion team to lift

their eyes and embrace a pathway that is less trodden and demands much greater trust and faith in Jesus. I am convinced

that God is birthing both movement and

multiplication in the student world and we are desperate to play our part.

I hope this edition of Fuse will ignite your faith for what is possible and encourage you with stories from the UK and from

churches and movements across the world. Rich

Rich Wilson Team Leader Fusion Follow Rich on twitter @richwilson01

Design: Creative Hope Studio www.creativehopestudio.com For advertising opportunities please contact: Editor: Caroline Harmon E: caroline@fusion.uk.com Fusion UK is a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales No. 3679369 and a registered charity No. 1073572 18 The Office Village | North Road Loughborough | LE11 1QJ

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STUDENT LINKUP ON A CAMPUS NEAR YOU Expect to see Student Linkup on campus near you throughout freshers’ this year. What if every student in the UK was offered the chance to find a church? The potential for Student Linkup to influence culture change on our campuses is considerable. #LinkupNow

10 MINUTES TO CHANGE THE STUDENT WORLD What if every church prayed for and commissioned their students to be missionaries on campus, to help university students come to know Jesus and commit to being part of his family - the Church? Take minutes as part of your Sunday church gathering to change the student world this autumn. fusion.uk.com/linkupsunday



a team of 20 passionate Fusion has grown recently to m members include and called individuals. New tea ent workers in London; Georgie who is developing stud ent mission movement Tim who’s championing a stud Lauren from York from Birmingham; Annabel and connection churches; are on the phones serving our using her linguistic skills and Grace from Leicester is out Europe & beyond to to connect churches through studentlinkup.org. Fusion are recruiting. Check for more info.

out jobs.fusion.uk.com

FIRST FUSION INTERNATIONAL GATHERING Back in January, Rich, Alan, Jo & Dave gathered 30 church leaders in Lyon, France conspiring for a church based student movement across the country. One church leader said of the gathering ‘It’s really exciting to see what God will do through Fusion in Fran ce and more churches connecting.’ Check out studentlinkup.org for more info.

NEW FUSION KEY PARTNER a vision Christian Vision (CV) is a global ministry with with the to reach one billion people around the world to choose a message of the gospel and an opportunity personal faith in Jesus Christ. cvglobal.co Find resources for your church here:








THEY SAID… ‘It is a “God thing” when university students plan their futures according to gospel priorities, when they look for graduate programmes that do not guarantee the best futures but ones that keep them close to the church’s communities with whom they have learnt to serve the poor.’ – Timothy G Gombis writing in his book The Drama of Ephesians

‘I grew up in church and had always had my family around me, but my biggest worry when I was applying for the different universities was “how can I find a church that can become my new family?”’ Through prayer, my family, and Student Linkup, I decided to go to University of Lincoln, and I have found a wonderful church that inspires me and makes me grow. God used Student Linkup to put Lincoln on my heart, and to get plugged into church. Through church, God gives me strength to meet uni life, I learn important things about my faith as well as meeting wonderful families that take students under their wings. So Blessed!’ - Synnove, Lincoln University Student




IN EVERY NATION Steve Murrell is co-founder and current Director of Every Nation, a church ­planting movement with a vision to plant churches and campus ministries in every nation. He is also the founding pastor of Victory Manila, a church in the Phillipines. He caught up with Caroline Harmon.

How did Every Nation get started? I went to the Philippines in 1984 to help start a church that would reach students in Manila, a city of 10 million at the time (20 million today). We specifically went to the University Belt. There were hundreds of thousands of students in the area, there were no churches. Today we’re in 15 locations in Metro Manila with around 10,000 small group leaders and we hold 120+ worship services on a weekend. That church has planted churches in 16 other Philippine cities and in 22 other nations. In 1995 I started Every Nation with two friends. We’ve now planted churches in 69 nations. We try to


plant one foot in the campus and one in the community. We don’t plant churches in areas where there are no campuses and we don’t just do campus ministry, we do both at the same time in the same area. We call it church-based campus ministry. We’re called to reach every nation but that can sound impossible. How do we do it? If we’re involving God we should shoot for something that’s impossible. Even evangelising one person requires the miracle of them being born again, so that’s impossible too. Young people have always wanted to change the world; the bigger the vision, the more buy-in there is.



GROWING AS DISCIPLES OF JESUS FOR A LIFE OF ADVENTURE The Discipleship Year is an opportunity for 18-24 year olds in England with a hunger to discover their calling and fulfil their potential. It is a chance to be equipped, empowered and encouraged to advance the kingdom of God in the world today. It is about making disciple-making disciples, building solid foundations for a life of adventure following Jesus. For more information and to apply, visit

new-wine.org/DY @newwineDY @newwineDY

I think if you ask young people to throw their lives into something that can be achieved in the next three years – you know, they’d rather play video games! But to throw their lives into something that isn’t possible, that changes the world; that is pretty compelling. The UK is receiving more international students each year. How can we reach them with the gospel? When I was a Campus Minister at Mississippi State University where I studied, some of us volunteered to be the ones who would pick up Internationals at the airport, help them move their things into their dorm, show them the local shops, take them around town. One student from Guatemala, a much warmer climate, turned up in January. It was freezing cold and he didn’t even have a jacket so we took him to the store. A lot of these students came to our bible studies, and then to Christ, because we served them. I would say get some cross cultural training and a little bit of understanding of other religions and cultures. If you can, learn another language. My eldest son is on a PhD programme in Islamic History and he has gospel conversations with Muslims all over his campus because he has an understanding of their


background. We might not all get to that level of understanding, but the more we can not just study the bible but also study others’ cultures and have relatable topics we share, the better off we are. What fruit have you seen in your work recently? So much! A group of Indonesian students became Christians at our churches in Oregon and in Austin, Texas. They went home, started bible studies and now have a large, strong church in Indonesia. We also have a church in Kathmandu because a dozen Nepalese students came to Christ whilst studying in the

Philippines and went home and started meeting together. We also have one in Kyrgyzstan because a student got saved whilst in Kansa. He’s now a business man but he’s opened all the doors for our missionaries. It’s the local guy who’s used his relationship and contacts. It’s endless what we can do. When you reach a student, you can reach a nation. A survey done a few years ago amongst international students in the US showed that what they want most is an American friend. I’m sure international students in the UK want a British friend. So just befriend them and share the gospel.

STEVE MURRELL Aside from being the founding Pastor of Victory Manila and cofounder of Every Nation, Steve is also the author of several books including 100 Years From Now and WikiChurch. He is co-author of The Purple Book, a foundational Bible study with more than 900,000 copies in print. After living in Manila for twenty­four years, Steve and Deborah now split their time between Nashville, Manila, and Delta Airlines. They have three sons, two daughters­-in­-law, and one granddaughter.

everynation.org 12




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The call to holiness is more important now than ever. God is doing a new thing in our generation; He is calling us back to himself. Our friends are looking to know Him, seeking to recognise Him and to see Him in the world. We are the generation who can no longer hide behind the walls of the church. We can’t expect to look like ‘godly’ or ‘holy’ people because we go to church each Sunday. No one buys that anymore. We have to work out what holiness actually is and what it looks like when it’s not in a church (where only 1% of students actually are!) You see, we are His representatives in this world now, the carriers of His Spirit, the homes of His holiness. We are the generation who 14

have to try out being as holy in a club as we are in a prayer meeting and as holy when we’re talking to our friends as we are when we’re talking to God. Holiness is Messy Now this is where it gets messy. Holiness isn’t a category or a box, it is not morality or a specific behavioural pattern, it isn’t found in a specific place and it certainly isn’t separate to the world. There are no neat lines or formulas for this one. Holiness is like Moses’ shining face coming down from the mountain when, ‘he was not aware that his face was radiant because he had spoken with the Lord.’ (Exodus 34:29). He couldn’t see it or feel it but

everyone around him was affected by it. The more holy you get, the less aware of it you are. The more you see God, the more you realise how not holy you are and are unaware of your increasing holiness!

THE MORE HOLY YOU GET, THE LESS AWARE OF IT YOU ARE. So all we need to do is look at God, be around him and his radiance rubs off on us – easy, right? Well, there is one more thing. God’s light will shine out of our hearts, overcoming darkness in any and every situation, but when it comes to being in our hearts, remaining and becoming ever-brighter there, he is

a little more picky. Like a dove that must be wooed and gently invited is the Spirit of God with our hearts. Take this couple who moved to Israel as missionaries. When they arrived in their new house they found a dove nesting in their roof. Slowly as they warmed to this dove and got used to it, they discovered it to be a very sensitive creature. Every time it heard them shout, argue or slam doors it flapped violently and tried to fly away. The couple were touched by this and grew afraid it would fly away; it’s presence had become a peace and a comfort to them in this foreign land. They found themselves being more careful about how they communicated, they argued and raised their voices less, they learnt to be patient and gracious in a new way – they wanted their precious & sensitive dove to remain with them! It changed their lives. 15

‘WATCH OUT WORLD FOR A GENERATION TOUCHED BY GOD AND INFECTIOUSLY HOLY.’ The Spirit of God is not only powerfully radiant but also sensitive. His ways are perfect and so they must also be specific; our actions, our arguments and our attitudes all affect Him. To look at God as Moses did, or to have the dove of His Spirit remain with us like this couple, we must learn His ways. Our steps to being holy do not end with looking at God as Moses did. As we see Him and learn His ways we begin to work with Him to make our hearts and our lives a place that does not grieve the dove of His Spirit (Eph 4:30) but pleases Him to remain. We need to live our lives so that the sensitive, Holy Spirit of God will be

pleased and comfortable to remain with us. Becoming Infectious The Spirit of God that makes us holy is not only radiant and perfectly sensitive but also infectious. As we look at Him and live with Him we no longer need to protect our holiness, staying away from worldly people or places, but the world will need to watch out for us as we carry the radiant, infectious holiness of God! Are you up for it? Watch out world for a generation touched by God and infectiously holy.

JO BLAIR STUDENT MISSION DEVELOPER Jo’s role is all about encouraging students to live for Jesus at uni. She has a specific heart for her generation and seeing them come to know God. She enjoys sports, languages and all things waterbased, so will often be found either in or around a swimming pool or in a foreign country. @jocblair



W W W. F U S I O N . U K . C O M / S W C



Each issue we find out more about one of the 1529 Fusion Connection Churches. Luke Smith caught up with Church Leaders Julian & Sarah and Student Worker Chloe, from Corner Stone Church, Swansea.

Why does Cornerstone Church want to reach students? Sarah: University can be a challenging time for young people just leaving home or returning after a Gap Year. Cornerstone has a desire to support students in that journey within the life of our church community, providing a safe place to put down roots and build friendships. I love seeing a hungry student tucking into a hot student lunch after a late-night essay slog or days of pasta! Uni is a special season for a student’s spiritual growth. Leaving home separates you from the spiritual network that you are used to, and once alone, proves what is your own faith and what is the faith of the support structures you have left. It’s just you and God now, handling life independently. Cornerstone is a community pursuing the challenge of living out our faith in Jesus with strength and joy. We love to support students to encounter a fresh and dynamic 18

faith-walk of their own, either for the very first time or taking it deeper. Cornerstone is also passionate about helping students to use their Uni time creatively in effective mission alongside their studies and societies. Students are best at reaching students, our desire is to fuel that. Julian: We want to reach students because the best thing that can happen to them is to encounter Jesus. We live in a student city and so it makes perfect sense to reach out to students. It’s a formative age,18-25’s have the energy for training, so we want to help them identify their God-given gifts to develop skills, leadership, wisdom for life, what a great head start for both them and the kingdom. I hear you ran a student beach party, tell us about it? Sarah: Chloe & team ran an awesome beach party! In fact they’ve run two, one for Fresher’s,

plus 5th Nov bonfire night where a

with our November beach party,

from the beach. Fun, low cost,


lot of our city watch the fireworks

relevant, missional activity. Events like these help Christian students

to be able to bring their friends & housemates to something normal

and fun, intentionally creating the space for crucial conversations.

Chloe: Swansea Bay is a fantastic

long stretch of uninterrupted beach, directly opposite the main campus, so perfect! On the sand we set up gazebo & lights, music, volleyball, hot dogs! Over 150 non-christian students hung out to chat and

meet the Cornerstone students as a first nudge towards church and exploration of faith.

A month later, we reached 100

different non-christian students

complete with bonfire, sparklers and

What are your hopes for students in your church? Sarah: We love students! I like to

see them make friends, feel secure and at home; find their role and

participate in church life & engage in projects; be active in mission & for

their faith to grow. Plus there’s lots of opportunity for teams to travel

with us to Healing Cafes and other

exciting things happening across the nation of Wales.

Some students are passing through

and some will stay. Both are valued. For those passing through, I hope that they will develop their faith, grow an unquenchable thirst for


living a mission-focused life and take these values with them wherever they go in the future. Some will find that God may call them to stay. God is powerfully at work in Wales, we are seeing incredible healings become more everyday happenings across the nation, churches are deeply involved in their communities with projects and care. There is an openness and curiosity to the gospel. So, some will stay on and become a part of what is happening in the nation of Wales. How has your student work grown? What have been the keys? Chloe:

The personal connection: keeping in touch by text, meeting for coffee, has helped students settle in.

Getting students plugged into small groups and serving has been a key for us.


Mission! Living out a daily Jesus lifestyle attracts curiosity, so together we create lots of low key missional events students can invite friends to, easy stuff like pub nights, film nights, take-away in a student flat, Alpha, in order to take the conversation deeper. We are committed to helping our students be witness to their mates

everyday through a courageous lifestyle. Sarah: Being willing to invest where our values are. We value students. We have a strong 18-35 age group at Cornerstone. This is because we have committed time, finance and people’s resources even when it ss is sacrificial.

Mentoring, training, raising leaders; we believe in young people and want to harness their energy and develop their gifts!

Sponsoring Chloe to work 2 days a week has definitely increased our student growth. Nothing like the personal touch and Chloe is always full of fresh ideas and really understands local church, so she has a big vision and the skills to execute it. She is a great motivator who knows how to maximise her effectiveness by raising teams.

Real opportunities for young people to serve and get involved. The warmth and welcome, and sense of belonging. What would you say to a church who is thinking about working with students? Julian: Students really appreciate when the senior leaders take time to go and speak to the students personally and show an interest in them. Learn their

names, show that you are concerned and remember them. Take them for coffee. And ultimately, show you believe in them by being willing to train and invest in them. Students appreciate it when you create meaningful opportunities for them to serve and play their part in church life where their contribution is valued. Students appreciate being integrated into the wider family of church. Students often miss their parents, siblings, auntie, grandparents etc. If we integrate them, students can build relationship with all ages, this is enriching and helps them settle in. Feed them! Student meals create a social environment that is so

fundamental to this age-group, it helps them feel connected, to each other and to you. Sarah: Do it! They need you! They’re also fun to have around, you will be blessed. The church needs dynamic young leaders to carry responsibility and initiate new things, so we need to actively raise a generation who are strong in faith, outward-focused, brave, resilient, committed. Men and women who will affect the future, change our communities, invest their lives for Jesus. So if there’s a Uni on your doorstep, go for it! Support, train and release!



FRANCE GATHERING In January 2016 we partnered with local leaders in Lyon to gather 30 leaders from 16 churches representing eight cities. It was exciting to hear from those called to the mission field of church and students in France. Alan (surname) caught up with Pastor Matt Rasch and Student Workers Audren and Lucie-Anna from a recent church plant Every Nation Marsielle

Tell us a bit about yourself Matt. Matt: I gave my heart to Christ during my second year of studies at the University of Houston. I went on to spend almost 10 years starting and directing campus ministries in Texas, while helping start a church in Houston. My wife Christy and our four children have spent the last 11 years as missionaries to Europe, specifically in the German speaking world, Budapest, and the past six and half in France. Everywhere we go, we reach students with gospel. What is France like as a mission field? Matt: France is less than 1% 22

evangelical. The average church attendance in Marseille is 10 adults, with the exception of a few bigger churches. The education system is very humanistic, teaching things like “God could not be real, the only real thing is we are humans and we have all the answers for the problems in us”. However, the people who are younger are open. Many say France is ‘hard ground’, what are your thoughts? Matt: Jesus told us the harvest is ripe, pray for workers for the harvest. Therefore, I feel it is necessary to agree with Jesus and say what he says, not what others

may say. I teach our people to stay focused on the spiritual reality of God’s word more than what their eyes see. It’s about perspective. God is always working on the hearts of people, and some are more ripe than others. Our job is to love everyone, but find the ripe fruit, and not annoy those not open yet to hear the gospel. In the past two years we have seen about 35 people come to know Christ. That’s encouraging in France where it’s usually about one person a year.

Audren: At university I came to faith. I had no Christians around me except Matt, I continued going out with friends, though I was now telling them about Jesus.

What would you say to a church leader thinking about student ministry?

A & L: Most of the time it’s adjusting to a new, big city. In France on Thursday and Friday nights many students go out in cafes, pubs and nightclubs with friends and on weekends they head back to their parent’s home.

Matt: You need to have a commitment to really disciple them, not just let them be attenders. You get out of them what you invest in them. It can be one of the most amazing investments of your life: investing into the future leaders of your nation and the nations. Tell us a bit about yourself Audren.

God put in me his priorities and my university results became much better. After being baptised I felt His call to serve Him full time with making disciples with students, after my studies. What’s it like to be a student in France?

What do you do for students? A & L: We give out free coffee next to the campus in Marseille. We’ve had very good discussions and openings in many hearts. We ask


people on the streets if they want prayer for healing, they’re very open! We also go out to the cafes regularly to evangelise in a natural, conversational way. It’s simple! We talk, our testimonies are released and the gospel is spread! Any recent stories to share? A & L: A few months ago we met a student called Sébastien on the campus, he was immediately interested


in the gospel. A few days after meeting him he gave his life to Christ. A month later he announced at church that ‘God told me to get baptized so I want to do it now!’ The same night we baptized him in the sea, ­it was cold but wonderful! Alan’s role within Fusion is to partner with churches in Europe for a spiritual awakening in the universities. Contact him for more info: alan@fusion.uk.com


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Cat & Lottie explain why they would recommend you #LinkupNow


It was summer 2014; A-Levels were over, the sun was actually making an appearance and I was heading to Momentum with a huge smile after finding out I had got the grades to study at the University of York come September. I was so excited to go, to meet new people and to experience a completely different city but I also had loads of questions: Would I make new friends? Would I get home-sick? Would I find a church? I knew from older friends that there would be a stall at Momentum advertising something called Student Linkup, which helps students to find churches in their university towns and cities. With a bright orange campervan it was hard to miss! I signed up and downloaded the app and as I scrolled through all the churches in York and


Student Linkup is Fusion’s church finding app and website: studentlinkup.org

received emails from them welcoming me to the city, I felt like a huge weight had been lifted off my shoulders. On the Sunday after Fresher’s Week I decided to visit a church. A year and a half later I’m still at G2 having never actually visited any of the other churches I shortlisted! From being involved in the worship team to leading a mission project, I have been given so many amazing opportunities to grow in both my faith and myself and I have an incredible support network of people who encourage me in this. With Student Linkup making it so easy to find churches, I cannot stress enough how much finding a church has helped me. When you find a church, everything else falls into place; you don’t just get friends, you get a family and a home.



I signed up to Student Linkup after hearing about Fusion at Soul Survivor. It was awesome to see so many churches connected to universities all over the country. After receiving my offer from Exeter I started researching what sort of church I might like to attend once I started studying. Once I showed an interest in a church on the app the church often messaged me, making me feel welcome before I even arrived at university. I tried out a few churches in my first few weeks but I settled on one I liked quite quickly. All the churches I went to were so welcoming to students, often offering free meals or student meet-

and-greets to help you get to know new people. One thing that I would definitely advise others starting university is to not forget to serve others. Serving is a great way of getting stuck into a church family. University can be quite a self-centered phenomenon in many ways, but I think it’s important as followers of Jesus to remember that ultimately we are called to serve. I have signed up to help with the kids’ groups at my church and also volunteer to care for other students at the campus nightclub. There are so many opportunities at university to show other people the love of God - just try and find the right way for you!

Download the Student Linkup app to find a church in your uni town: studentlinkup.org


INTERNATIONAL UPDATE SOS I was 22, just married and off on a post-honeymoon trip to Zimbabwe inspired by a prophetic word and a sense of adventure. We didn’t know anyone personally in Zimbabwe, friends of friends at best, kind strangers in reality. On our first night I had a vivid dream. In it I heard a loud SOS call that seemed to be summoning me, beeeepbeeeep-beeeep, it grew louder and louder as if drawing near. I then heard a quiet but clear voice say, ‘Go to the nations’ and then I saw a number of flags flashing up before me. I woke abruptly, very aware of God’s Presence, thinking, ‘I don’t know what that meant, but it meant something!’ The following year Fusion challenged churches to send students to pray and bless the churches and universities of Europe. We responded by driving from Manchester to Brussels in my rusty old Ford Fiesta. As we prayed around Brussels I came to a communications station on the university campus - it was an SOS 28

station. Suddenly I had a flashback of my dream. ‘This is it!’ I thought, I was in the nations responding to the SOS call! That was 10 years ago. A word fulfilled. Maybe, maybe not. Maybe the word hasn’t reached its best before date? I believe a heavenly SOS call is going out to churches all across Europe. Beeeep Beeeep Beeeep Beeeep

‘Go to the nations!’ Europe is more than a tourist destination. Student mission is more than one church or one university. There are around 20 million students in Europe with under 1% knowing Christ. We need a fleet of rescue ships of all shapes and sizes to announce and demonstrate Jesus’ salvation. Kingdom communities designed to reach a generation isolated and starved of the reality of God’s love. To respond to this SOS we’ll need connection, co-operation and commissioning from churches, leaders and students from across the nations, bound by love and committed to dream together.

Our ships don’t save, we’re not Jesus; our


Spirit; but we’ve tasted the Father’s love

154 Church Connections in 26 nations

his Son to the student world. On this

5 nations visited in 2015 (Norway, Netherlands, Germany, France, Switzerland)

ships don’t set a course, we’re not the Holy firsthand and that compels us to present mission we don't fear failure or rejection because we’re wildly loved and free to show up in that love.

So, how can we respond to this SOS?

2 languages translated (French and German) for Student Linkup app 30 leaders in France for our first Fusion gathering.

Connect Student Linkup - Invite friends /

church workers in other nations to

create a profile for their church on our map. studentlinkup.org. Go Escape and Pray - Book on

and fly out with a couple of

friends for 48 hours to pray

and bless Europe. Remember you won’t know where

you’re going until you arrive

A PRAYER FOR EUROPE’S STUDENTS May these students see Their Father running toward them. May they feel his embrace. And hear his tender words. May their hearts come alive And their perception soar May they go on this wild adventure To risk all to share the father’s love.

at the airport, you’ll have limited money and the

challenge is the mission. escapeandpray.org Partnership Let me know what

you’re doing and your dreams for reaching Europe’s students.


ALAN TAYLOR @alantaylor82 Alan lives in Manchester with his wife and two children. He loves playing with his kids and enjoys a good run followed by a good beer. He’s imagining pioneering churches all across Europe connected by love and vision for a spiritual awakening in the universities. 29




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THE SEVEN SPHERES OF STUDENT LIFE University is, like all stages of life, an opportunity for you to step out, step up and thrive in God. It’s now time to start praying, dreaming and preparing to make the most of it. Check out these 7 Spheres of Student Life - where might God be calling you to connect, commit and bring God’s kingdom in the next few years?

In each of these places God wants to see His kingdom come - that happens when we connect, commit, pray and act. The fruit of this is emotional and relational wellbeing, justice, creativity, integrity, compassion and transformation. In our discipleship we pursue living out these values across the 7 Spheres. In leadership we get a chance to bring these values into these Spheres. Mission is connecting others in these Spheres with these things, in Jesus. Where will you commit to plug in and crack on whilst you’re at uni? What would it look like to see God’s kingdom come in those places?

The inspiration for these Space comes from Bright and Cunningham’s 7 Spheres and Matt Bird’s 7 Sectors - university is a time to live all out for Jesus and is also preparation for life beyond. In pursuing God across all areas of university life we’re also preparing for living for Jesus whatever sector of society he calls us into next.


1 HOME AND SOCIAL TIME Who will you be living with? How will you spend your social time and with whom?

2 CHURCH Now is a key time to discover what it means to be an independent adult member of church and to help shape and influence the flourishing of Christ’s bride. Download the Student Linkup app to find a church near your uni.

3 THE WIDER CITY You are not just headed to a uni but to a town or city - perhaps you’re already there. How might you engage with the wider city - a part-time job, by volunteering or with prayer?

4 THE STUDENTS UNION AND UNIVERSITY BODY The Students Union and University are like the government of the university. Engagement here is a great chance to influence policy, to serve the place you’re called and to shape culture.

5 CLUBS AND SOCIETIES In many universities clubs and societies are the community hubs, offering great opportunities for friendship, development of your gifts and leadership. You can start your own or join in with the many on offer, from sports to interest groups to custard wrestling (if you’re off to Cardiff!)

6 PLACES OF STUDY Work is a part of our calling as Christians and education key in our society. How will you work with integrity, help shape others’ work experience for the best and see the kingdom come in your seminars, lectures, tutorials, even the library!

7 ALONE TIME Whether spent reading, retreating, on social media or watching Netflix, how you spend your alone time significantly shapes your life. How we live here also impacts those around us through example, creating social norms and impacting our character. How is God calling you to spend this key area of your student life? 33

STUDENT WORKER INTERVIEW WITH LOIS COBBOLD Lois Cobbold is the Student Worker at Holy Trinity Church in Leicester, a Fusion Connection Church* which is home to around 60 students. Each September we get our students all together for a weekend away before term starts. It’s a time to get a vision for the freshers and for the coming year. They all get to bond with each other. It’s a great kick start to first term. Last academic year, in the second term, we had more of a friend-friendly weekend for the first time. We went away, had fun and did a couple of Alpha sessions. We had six people come that weren’t Christians. As it was the first time we’d done it I counted that as a hit. We do loads with freshers: going on bar crawls handing out flip flops and water bottles, putting on welcome lunches and pudding parties. In the first four weeks of term we have a weekly meeting for all students new to the church to come and meet people like our Vicar and some visiting missionaries who run some training. After that we have weekly discipleship


groups, boy and girl-specific socials, and creative worship evenings. It’s good to see the students understand what their faith is and knowing how to share it. Some of them joined in a church initiative to knock on people’s doors and ask if they had any prayer requests. They were sharing the gospel with people on their doorsteps. Not everything you try works, you have to experiment. We have two unis in Leicester so I tried to make discipleship groups with people from both universities. Because they tend to live in different areas of the city it didn’t work and so community didn’t form as well as it could have done. This year we’ve gone for unispecific groups. It only takes a couple of

students who are really on fire to inspire all the others. We had a student who, in her small discipleship group, felt God really spoke to her about baptism. So the guys in her group filled her bathtub and baptised her there and then. It was really inspiring to a lot of the students. I literally go to everything Fusion puts on for Student Workers. Fusion is just incredible at knowing where the student movement is going, what we actually need resourcing with and what we need teaching. I cannot recommend Fusion highly enough. If you’re new to Student Work be open to change. Students are hard to work with – one minute they’re all on board, the next they drop out at the last minute. You have to be ready to change things at the last minute and not be too rigid, even if you’ve put your heart and soul into something. Have fun too! When it’s not hard, I

don’t feel like it’s a job because I get to hang out with really cool people and share life with them. *Register your church as a Fusion Connection Church: fusion.uk.com/church-connection

Student Work Training: Resonate: Discipleship: Wednesday 1st June 2016, London and Sheffield fusion.uk.com/resonate-days

Student Work Conference: Friday 2nd – Saturday 3rd September 2016


ABOUT W H AT ? 7 million students, 46,000 churches – unleashing the potential

‘We have benefitted so much by being connected to Fusion. A highlight has been the Student Learning Community which has ignited such an exciting journey for us. I cannot say enough about the encouragement and quality input Fusion have provided at crucial times.’

Andy Lenton, Bridge Street Church, Leeds


Fusion connects students to churches and churches to students. Not just one or two but serving thousands of churches in reaching and discipling millions of students. We are convinced that local church needs to be at the heart of student mission and students at the heart of local church.

Emily, Portsmouth University Student

W H Y?

Fusion is committed to catalysing a relentless student movement that sees thousands respond to Jesus and prioritise their lives and ambitions around God’s kingdom agenda.

Fusion’s values underpin all that we do and outline how our mission is outworked. We are committed to being: 36

The time last year I was preparing to head to uni as a fresher. I felt really anxious. I found family community at the second church I tried, thanks to Student Linkup.


OUR CORE PURPOSES Equipping Students

Serving Churches

Preparing & inspiring students for a life of mission & discipleship at university.

Connecting students into the heart of local church and encouraging churches to be at the heart of student mission.

This happens through: The Student Linkup App and the Student Linkup sessions. The loveyouruni project.

Resources that prepare, connect, equip, inspire and disciple students.

Sharing stories of what God is doing amongst students across the UK and beyond.

This happens through: Advising and resourcing churches to prepare school leavers for the university experience and to send them well.

Equipping churches to welcome and connect with new students in their city.

Putting local churches on the map of student mission.

Developing Student

Workers Training, resourcing and strengthening all those in church-based student ministry. This happens through:

Providing local and national forums where student workers from different churches and locations can connect and support each other.

Access to a wide range of specialist resources, white papers and student work experts.

Student Work Conferences.

Register your church with Fusion: fusion.uk.com/churches 37

FUSIONRESOURCES The Student Linkup Box ÂŁ10 Everything you need for starting university in one box. University is full of opportunities, people and learning. Your school years have prepared you for so much, but what about everything else? The Student Linkup Box will give you all the important advice, as well as time and space to reflect, pray and plan for your next life stage at university. The box contains four resources: The Student Linkup Sessions, Studentscape, Student Alphabet & Fuse magazine.

All these resources and more are available online: fusion.uk.com/resources


The Stuff of Life

Living Mission


£5 (also available on Kindle) This book invites you into the adventures of students who are intentionally living mission-shaped lives and sharing God with friends and communities.

The Stuff of Life is about the stuff that affects all of us. It’s the stuff that affects our relationships, values and outlooks. It’s stuff that, if not faced, can diminish a lot of freedom and enjoyment in day-to-day living.




Student Linkup Sessions


An A-Z For Life After University

the graduate alphabet

Studentscape is an honest and reflective discipleship tool and bible study for any student new to or within the university culture. Using a value-based approach to discipleship, it will challenge and equip you for this life stage. It covers topics such as identity, work, friendships, money and cultural expectations.

Contributions from Liz Clark, George Critchley, James Featherby, Alexander Lee, Sarah-Jane Marshall and Anna Mathur.



This is a discipleship tool for honestly preparing and reflecting for some of the biggest challenges in the university culture. Available as part of the Student Linkup Box

Graduate Alphabet £5 (also available on Kindle)

The Graduate Alphabet is a light-hearted, fresh and practical guide to life after graduation. It celebrates the many new opportunities in this life stage, and offers wisdom for its challenges too. It talks about adulthood, bosses, interviews, parents, responsibility, singleness and success.

Student Alphabet £5 (also available on Kindle)

An A-Z for starting university The Student Alphabet travels quickly from A to Z with everything you need to know about starting university. It is light-hearted, practical and shares hundreds of tips, stories and advice throughout. It covers alcohol, budgeting, fresher’s week, halls, lectures and relationships.

Loveyouruni Bundle £10

The loveyouruni bundle contains a trio of resources for current students for just £10 (£5 off). Living Mission, The Stuff of Life and The Graduate Alphabet.


Today I'm saying a prayer for the Freshers. I want to stand up and stand by the teens who turn up in their thousands with their heart in their throat and a mind full of dreams of what their time at university could mean? What could God do in these years?

Today I'm saying a prayer for the Freshers. For the ones that are trying to balance on the fence of wondering about going their own way whilst not wanting to disappoint their parents. The ones who aren't sure this Jesus thing is for them any more. I'm praying they remember the God they might be trying to ignore.

Today I'm saying a prayer for the Freshers. For the ones who do know Jesus and can't wait for the adventure of following where he leads us. They're going to love their house mates and course mates like God just moved in too. And they're going to worship him in their work, the sports teams, the clubs and they know that being part of local church is how they'll see this through. Today I'm saying a prayer for the freshers, but I'm also sending out the call; to spread the word that connecting to church is vital for us all.

Watch the full video: fusion.uk.com/freshersprayer





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Create your church profile so students can find you FUSION.UK.COM




Fusion serves a number of church networks, strengthening their work amongst students and young adults and helping them become increasingly effective in sending, receiving and reaching students.

Vineyard Churches UK and Ireland participates in the advancement of the Kingdom of God through the work of local Vineyard churches that communicate the Gospel of Jesus Christ in word and practice. Across the country, university cities have Vineyard Churches that would love to welcome you into a community of people who are working out their faith practically, making room for those who are seeking, in a fun, accepting environment. We train and equip young people to make an impact in this world, in whatever sphere God has called them. We are working with Fusion to achieve this.

New Wine is a movement of local churches working together with one vision: to see the nation changed. We do this through a network of church leaders, training events, discipleship courses, resources and conferences including the United National Gatherings each summer. We believe this nationwide change will be brought about by the spiritual transformation of individual lives, and through the renewal, strengthening and planting of churches. Join us!

The Ground Level Network is made up of churches throughout the UK that are committed to welcome, empower, release and support students and other young adults to discover their God given destinies and make a lasting difference in this world. We are passionate about providing students with a vibrant, welcoming and supportive church family when they go to uni and we’re grateful for our mates at Fusion who help us to make this happen. Ground Level also hosts the ONE event (formerly Grapevine).









Pioneer is a network of networks, church hubs and ministries committed to church planting, leadership development, training and the support of innovative caring projects. We are committed to non-religious Christianity, building missional church and working in partnership wherever we can. We host a variety of gatherings throughout the year our Annual Leaders Conference, Summer School of Theology and the National Churches Forum - to encourage and support leaders.


Elim has been serving cities, towns and villages across the UK for almost 100 years. Our 550 local churches often vary both in style and size and are united by a desire to reach the lost and make effective disciple makers. Many of our churches, particularly those in university cities, have worked over many years to welcome and resource students. We are working closely with Fusion to develop this further.

Since the early days of Salt & Light we have been about partnering in the mission of God to make disciples of all peoples and to go together as family. Comprising around 75 churches in the UK and a family of churches worldwide, S&L have a vision to plant new churches, develop strong equipping hub churches worldwide, as well as ultimately transforming our society with the power of the Gospel.










The Salvation Army is a worldwide Christian church and registered charity working in 126 countries, demonstrating Christian principles through practical support, friendship, and hands on help to people of all ages, backgrounds and needs. Students can get involved in all sorts of ways; through volunteering with fundraising initiatives and activities as well as attending church services and groups. alove@salvationarmy.org.uk 44





Through the Key Partner programme Fusion is acting as a doorway to other ministries working with, supporting, serving and resourcing students. Our hope is that areas of specialism that have been honed and developed over many years can be much more readily accessible to students. We believe this will lead to greater joined up thinking and action that will better serve God’s purposes in this nation & beyond.

Alpha is a series of interactive sessions that freely explore the basics of the Christian faith. No pressure. No follow up. No charge. Check out alpha.org to find out how you can run Alpha in your University today. We want to see a generation of students invite their friends to explore life on Alpha.

The Christian Aid Collective is a movement of people who want to create a different world, without poverty and injustice. Where everyone has what they need to live life in all its fullness. We believe that community has the potential to change the world. That by joining up to take action where we are, we can impact our global community for the better and make it poverty free. Poverty over: a beautiful plan.

Compassion supports some of the world’s most vulnerable children and, through individual sponsors, helps them break the cycle of poverty, giving them hope for the future. Compassion works through local churches in 26 developing countries to release children from physical, economic, social and spiritual poverty.








Tearfund are passionate about seeing the world changed through a generation who have the guts to become the kind of people that change the world. We are excited about developing habits, regular patterns in our lives that change us and the world as we live out Jesus’ values of generosity, advocacy, contentment, and connection. We call this Rhythms. To join the community and sign up to Rhythms, head over to the website.


Our heart is to help young people capture first a vision of Jesus, then to equip, train, empower and release them into his ministry in their everyday lives. We do this in many different ways including: conferences, retreats, resources, training events and a leadership course. Momentum is our conference for students and twenty-something’s. Come along for relevant teaching, intimate worship, ministry and a whole lot of fun!


CV is a global ministry with a vision to reach one billion people around the world with the message of the gospel and an opportunity to choose a personal faith in Jesus Christ. We achieve this through online evangelism through resources such as yesHEis, Church Connect and Simple Truth as well as on-the-ground projects, which equip and support the local church in evangelism.











WOULD JESUS FEED THE 5,000 TODAY? It’s a very well-known story, let’s take a moment together to jump into the story about a boy who brings Jesus five loaves and two fish in order to feed 5,000 men, plus women and children. Imagine for a moment the gall and courage it would have taken that boy to bring such a small amount of food to such an enormous problem. It is honestly quite ridiculous. In the earthly realms five loaves and two fish will barely make a dent when more than 5,000 people are hungry, but the kingdom of God believes in absurd multiplication when followers of Jesus act with courage, believing that the story God is writing in our world does not involve hunger and poverty. In one of the poorest communities in the world, in the desert region of Chad 46

lives a girl called Yasmin. Yasmin and her family are living with some of the consequences of our changing climate. Where previously they relied on crops for food and an income, the changing weather systems mean that crops are failing and hunger is a very real and present danger to her and her family. In order to get food for her children, Yasmin’s mother is forced to dig into ant’s nests to steal the few grains that the ants have collected for their food. Would Jesus feed the 5,000 today? No human being should have to steal from ants in order to feed their family. The problem is enormous. In the

earthly realm, we look at the problem and feel overwhelmed, it’s too big and too far away. In the kingdom of God, we are not rendered powerless in the face of a huge problem, instead we are empowered by the compassion of Jesus and we bring our version of loaves and fish – giving like Jesus, giving everything in service of those in poverty. Poverty and hunger doesn’t need to be part of the story of our world. The church is active in pursuit of a better tomorrow. Tearfund is working with local churches in the poorest communities to bring food, resilience against climate change and hope for the future for children like Yasmin. The church is a powerful force for change and you play an important part in the global body of Christ. We are not powerless, we have lots of opportunities at our fingertips to see

Jesus feed 5,000 people going hungry today. You might choose to be part of the fight against our changing climate by switching to green electricity in your student house. You could choose to give £10 a month to ensure that children like Yasmin get two good meals today. We have an ambitious dream that we could be a generation who raise enough money this year to see 5,000 people getting two good meals today. Will you join us? We can play our part, acting with the compassion of Jesus and the courage of the boy with 5 loaves and 2 fish, giving our everything… giving like Jesus to see change happen.

Tearfund @tearfund facebook.com/tearfund www.tearfund.org


David outside the laboratory

The Kenyan and American scientists

COMPASSION STORY: David Collins Owuor from Kenya was a Compassion-sponsored child during his school days and whilst at university. More recently, he was one of the scientists who responded to the Ebola outbreak in West Africa by travelling to work in Liberia.

How did it feel to travel to Liberia?

world and I returned home safely.

It was a period of mixed feelings travelling to a country with Ebola. On the one hand I felt excited as a scientist on deployment as a leading expert in disease research. On the other hand, deep down, I feared knowing how lethal Ebola is.

How were Liberians coping with the disease?

Ebola is a very contagious disease so we had to be well prepared and well protected while working in the laboratory. Thankfully, we worked with the top Ebola experts from around the 48

Many of the young people volunteered their services without pay, assisting with basic chores around the isolation facilities. It was difficult at first but with time media communication informed people on safe ways to interact and ways to keep safe. It was so touching to see the patients that had recovered from the disease

David performing an Ebola test in Liberia

return to take care of the sick patients. Once a patient recovers, they develop a strong immunity so that they are protected from getting the virus for many years. A baby boy had lost all his parents and close relatives to Ebola. Miraculously, he survived and was brought to one of the isolation facilities from a field visit. One of the patients that had known of the boy’s story while at the isolation facility recovered and fully returned to the facility to take care of the boy. Following many laboratory tests, it was confirmed that the boy was not infected with Ebola. They were both released and the patient requested to adopt the orphaned boy. What has happened since you left Liberia? Liberia has now released its last patient from isolation facilities marking the end of the virus outbreak in the country. Reductions in cases have been reported in other countries and

scientists are confident that a complete eradication will happen soon thanks to their efforts to develop vaccines. What are your dreams for the future now? I am currently applying to study for a PhD at either a US or UK university, but I would like to undertake the research project in Kenya. I think I will achieve more with my career when I undertake the research there. I praise God for my sponsors and all the sponsors that are making thousands of dreams possible all over the world.

Compassion @compassionuk facebook.com/compassionuk compassionuk.org






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Come to Amsterdam! Share Christ, grow in your faith, serve in our Christian hostel and have an unforgettable time living in Amsterdam! Join us!


FUSION IS GROWING IN SCOTLAND. We’re looking for new team members to serve church leaders, youth and student workers.



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(Due to increase of intake some positions may cost up to ÂŁ450)

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STUDENT STORY Tarun has just finished his first year at Loughborough University where he studies Computer Science.

How did you feel before University? I was really happy to be accepted at Loughborough. Before starting, I think I felt a mix between excitement and being nervous as well … not knowing who I was going to meet, what I was going to get involved with or which church I was going to settle in. What opportunities have you encountered at University? There are so many opportunities. I’ve


got involved with the committee for my Computer Science course. I’m involved at church; playing drums & doing Club Mission. Club Mission is so much fun. It’s a good time to socialise with people. It’s more than serving my student community, I get a lot from it too. Being at uni has helped me speak more openly about my faith, especially with Club Mission. Originally it was hard to talk openly with people I don’t know about my faith but gradually its got easier.

What are your highlights from Freshers’ year?

recently he’s been coming to church with me.

Getting involved with a church. Specifically, meeting so many people and making some great friends. A lot of my halls and course mates know that I'm a Christian. Freshers Cluster has been happening in my room so they hear what we do at Cluster and meet my church friends. Some of my friends have come along to church with me. One of my course mates saw me at Club Mission and asked why I do it,

At uni there are so many things to get involved in. I’ve met so many great people; people with shared interests and passions - it’s great.

TARUN SUNDERSINGH Loughborough University Student



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Church Army is a Registered Charity Nos: 226226 and SC040457 Church Army is a Registered Charity Nos: 226226 and SC040457



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Fusion UK is a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales No. 3679369 and a registered charity No. 1073572.

Donate online: www.fusion.uk.com/give


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