1 minute read
By Dean Gregory February 12, 2023
Unsportsmanlike conduct is no longer a penalty you see in a football game. In fact, it has nothing to do with the player. In the past year we’ve heard and seen parents’ brawl or become unruly at junior high school sports games. Baseball, basketball and now even golf. To the point where we had to ask some spectators to leave the course. Security also had to be called at a couple of events recently as well, which is very unfortunate.
With pressures of college recruiting, parents are all trying to find that extra edge to get their golfer exposed to the coaches. For many, they worry about the results and especially the rankings of the player. Not to say that those aren’t important but, as the old saying goes, “Focus on the result, you forget the process. Focus on the process, you get the result.” We’ve seen an uptick of players withdrawing from tournaments when they score badly on the first day. Instead of learning how to persevere and battle through. The message learned is to quit when it doesn’t go your way.
Another example is that the course and weather conditions must be perfect. Instead of learning to compete in those adverse situations they more than likely make their players withdraw. Following cues from baseball, hand signals are also prevalent on the course or just outright talking to players when they are playing. The rules no matter what tour the junior golfer plays, spectators are not to talk or walk with players. This unfortunately is not always the case and players are well aware of what spectators should do and not do. They don’t want to run the risk of being penalized.
As a parent myself, I know that we only want the best for our children. We try to nurture, teach and protect our children the best we can. But like anything else, there is a place and time for it. The best judgement must be made so that our children can observe and learn from our actions. Speaking of “observe”, a golf course is built on acres of land so it is generally hard to see everyone out there. So, one of the things to keep in mind as you’re out there spectating, always be aware that a college coach could be out there watching. Or even a potential player sponsor. Even though you may not see them, they may see you.
I am only speaking about a few parents but unfortunately they stand out. The majority of spectators are fantastic and follow the etiquette and protocols of the tours and we graciously thank you for that.