Creative PSHE Days Addressing important issues in the lives of young people
Creative PSHE Days © Future Creative Tel: 0845 200 4628 Email: Creative PSHE Days
© 2008 – 2017 by Future Creative
Creative PSHE Workshops Personal, Social, Health and Emotional development affects young people’s ability to learn, achieve and succeed in life. During a Future Creative PSHE Day, our experienced practitioners create a safe and secure environment for your students to address important issues and discuss what affects them most. Our creative practitioners tailor their sessions to each schools’ requirements, mindful of students’ age, group dynamic, religious and cultural backgrounds. We pride ourselves in our quality and flexibility. We emphasise the need for mutual trust and respect within the group, whether in primary or secondary education.
What are the key elements and benefits of a Creative PSHE Day?
A theme-based PSHE day which engages and inspires young people and teachers
Sessions are designed to actively encourage young people to confidently discuss their thoughts and feelings, giving them more self-awareness and understanding of others
The sessions enable young people to identify and address the potential triggers which have caused bad behaviour, low aspirations and negative attitudes towards academic learning
Future Creative practitioners act as positive role models for future life and career choices, bringing new and different perspectives into the classroom.
Young people who engage in a Future Creative PSHE Days will develop a range of the following knowledge and skills:
the importance of fairness, equity and caring for one another Keeping yourself healthy the importance of respect and consent in friendship and in intimate relationships understanding about the importance of democracy and the purpose of laws learning to identify their own emotions and those of others developing self-respect and empathy for others communicating openly and respectfully about relationships making and carrying out decisions managing conflict learning how to identify risk recognising and avoiding exploitation and abuse when to seek help and advice
Creative PSHE Days
© 2008 – 2017 by Future Creative 2
Contents All is not what it seems – Body Image, Perception & the Media………………...4 Citizenship and Diversity – See yourself & others differently……………………..5 Drugs and Alcohol - A Lethal Cocktail....................................................6 It’s what’s on the inside that counts – Nutrition & Healthy eating...........7 Physical & Emotional Geography – How Environment affects Identity……..8 Put your Money where your Mouth is – Manage your money effectively….9 Sex & Relationship Education – Love, Sex and Healthy Relationships…....10 The Science of Behaviour – Identity, Change and Building Resilience………11
For more information, please contact: the Education team at Future Creative
01304 370310
Creative PSHE Days
© 2008 – 2017 by Future Creative 3
All is not what it seems... Body Image, Perception & the Media Course Aims:
To promote a positive self-image To make young people more aware of the media, how it can influence and distort our views and perceptions of the world around us To explore what the world presents to us as ‘normal’, and the reality of this To explore how the media are creating a standard of beauty far from what the average individual can attain To gain respect and understanding for each other’s differing views
Course Outline: This Future Creative PSHE Workshop will help young people to understand and discuss the important themes of body image, perceptions and celebrities. During the workshop our experienced practitioners will use creative and engaging activities to support young people to confidently and effectively negotiate images and every day stereotypes portrayed by the media. They will learn not to judge a book by its cover and the value of looking beyond the glossy image to find and value real people and each other. Sensitive to why young people can feel overwhelmed by low self-esteem; why they feel consumed with their appearance, out of control and unable, at times, to rationalise these feelings, Future Creative’s practitioners take a level but engaging approach that allows students to speak openly in the company of their peers. Using all the media has to offer, be it social, print, audio or visual from the past and present, our practitioners discuss the students’ preconceptions around self-image, honing in on their personal beliefs, regardless of their background, in a bid to forge a strong relationship with their image as well as a grounded understanding of how the media machine works. Future Creative’s pool of practitioners share different disciplines, which means no two workshops are the same; some may use drama as a tool, some the spoken word, some film, or art, some even have a scientific approach. Our sessions work equally well in same sex schools, as well as mixed, in a trusting and safe environment. More than once the students have surprised each other with their unexpected thought processes, resulting in some lively debate. As a result of our own diversity, Future Creative is confident that each student, irrespective of gender, faith or culture will leave each session with the tools to build their own healthy relationship with themselves, as well as their peers. This workshop meets a number of overarching PSHE themes, including:
Identity Relationships Diversity & Equality Rights & Responsibility Creative PSHE Days
© 2008 – 2017 by Future Creative 4
Citizenship & Diversity See yourself and others differently Course Aims:
Developing understanding, respect and acceptance of self and of others Respect equality as a productive member of a diverse community Develop active citizens to participate in the local and national landscape Respect and protect the environment locally and globally
Course Outline: This Future Creative PSHE Workshop helps young people to understand and accept cultural differences and find out what it means to be a productive member of a diverse community. During the workshop our experienced Creative Practitioners will use creative and engaging activities to enable young people to become more open-minded in their beliefs and attitudes towards people around them and in the wider world. The sensitivity surrounding this subject cannot be overlooked and, mindful of this, our practitioners approach Citizenship and Diversity workshops with a refreshingly open and impartial attitude, which we are confident breaks down boundaries and misconceptions within each group. They are levelling and honest, allowing students the opportunity to challenge ideas and make discoveries about others and themselves. Careful communication with each school allows Future Creative to meet their needs by creating workshops which complement the ever-changing curriculum and the society we live in, whether the workshop has a linguistic perspective, is an historical voyage, or a media-focused exercise. Whatever the school’s demographic, our Citizen and Diversity workshops are invigorating. Ranging from an exploration into contemporary poetry and rap – and how the lilt of an accent can alter perception; group work where students are in charge of marketing their own international music festival, to in depth discussions focusing on political and news-based media, students will leave each session riveted by the power of their own engagement.
: This workshop meets a number of overarching PSHE themes, including: Identity Relationships Diversity & Equality Rights & Responsibilities
Creative PSHE Days
© 2008 – 2017 by Future Creative 5
Drugs & Alcohol A Lethal Cocktail Course Aims:
Understand how medicines work and the importance of using them safely Explore health risks of smoking, why people smoke and how they stop Explore misuse of alcohol, anti-social behaviour and health risks Understand about how different types of drugs effect the body Drugs, Alcohol and the law Develop a positive lifestyle and make informed choices about health and wellbeing Identify and access help and support
Course Outline: This Creative PSHE Workshop helps young people to understand and discuss the important themes of drugs, alcohol and substance abuse. During the workshop our experienced Creative Practitioners will use creative and engaging activities to provide young people with knowledge and guidance on alcohol and drug issues, enabling them to make safe and informed life choices. The facts surrounding drugs, alcohol and the law don’t always seem relevant to young people, which is where Future Creative’s practitioners provide an invaluable and complementary addition to schools. We explore the facts (as well as the myths), the short and long-term health consequences of drugs, alcohol and smoking; how their use may effect career prospects, family and healthy relationships illustrating our points using case studies, drama exercises, visual art, news and features’-based references, personal experience and debate, relevant to them. While our practitioners look at peer pressure, sexual encounters, mob behaviour, the difference between the sexes and the similarities with regard to drugs and alcohol we find this approach works well across the PSHE curriculum. Our aim is to encourage students to think for themselves, to consider their own choices, opportunities and boundaries through engaging, non-judgemental sessions, which allow students the freedom to question, challenge and engage with us as young adults.
This workshop meets a number of overarching PSHE themes, including: A Healthy Balanced Lifestyle Risk & Safety Rights & Responsibility Change & Resilience Power & Control Creative PSHE Days
© 2008 – 2017 by Future Creative 6
It what’s on the inside that counts Recognising trends and promoting healthy eating Course Aims:
Understand what is meant by a healthy lifestyle Explore what nutrition means Enjoy food hands-on Investigate our relationship with food International perception of healthy Family intervention: challenging current and previous beliefs
Course Outline: This Creative PSHE Workshop helps young people to recognise and learn about food trends and understand why healthy eating can have an impact across their entire lives. During the workshop our experienced Creative Practitioners will use creative and engaging activities to increase awareness of the importance of healthy eating and encouraging the right choices in terms of diet and wellbeing, empowering young people to make beneficial choices in their lives. Each week a new message about healthy eating and lifestyle is comes to the fore, the media is saturated with diet-based stories, so how are young people expected to decide what is right for them… it’s hard enough for adults?! Our starting point is to help students form a healthy relationship with food – arming them with the knowledge to assert what is right for them as individuals. These workshops can take many directions, from practical cookery/nutrition-led workshops creating recipes as proof that good food tastes… good! As well as nutrition-focused exercises. It would be imprudent for us not to discuss self-image, along with such diseases as anorexia and bulimia. We look at cultural differences regarding a healthy approach to food, and a foray into historical healthy eating – from both medical and trend-led perspectives. Variety is sincerely the spice of each workshop.
: This workshop meets a number of overarching PSHE themes, including:
Change & Resilience
Risk & Safety
A Healthy Balanced Lifestyle
Creative PSHE Days
© 2008 – 2017 by Future Creative 7
Physical and Emotional Geography Personal identity and cultural environments Course Aims:
Young people will make connections between where they live and who they are Help young people to form a sense of self by identifying where they are from They will discover more about ourselves by looking at their physical geography Understand how they can use where they are from to positive effect by thinking about their emotional geography
Course Outline: This Creative PSHE Workshop helps young people to understand and discuss the connections between personal identity and cultural environment. During the workshop our experienced Creative Practitioners will use creative and engaging activities to help young people to form a strong sense of self by making positive connections with where they live and their local environment. Our Physical and Emotional Geography workshops engage students in exploring their personal identity in the context of their familiar surroundings. This is an opportunity for us to help students discover the essence of who they are. It could be as simple as asking them to create their own family tree – an emotional one and a physical one – and spotting the differences. Exploring the person they have been in their lives so far and enabling them to visualise where they see themselves in the future. These workshops aim to connect the students’ unique island of youth, with their past, their home, and their community. They consider how to keep their individuality while being part of a community/family. Some may question – what happens if I don’t fit in? How do I fit in? Some may state they do not want to ‘fit in’. The remit has endless possibilities and our practitioners rise to every exciting challenge. One example workshop from a Future Creative practitioner involved hearing an illustrated ‘Artists Talk’ that outlined their personal journey. The students came to understand how they used their geographical background to shape their practice. Using creative tools, students discovered how to take ‘negative’ and challenging experiences and turn them into positive expressions. They were shown examples of other artists, songwriters, writers and film-makers to demonstrate this. Young people will then be able to work towards creating their own expression of positivity about ‘where they are from and where they are at’, using a chosen form of creative output. This workshop meets a number of overarching PSHE themes, including: Identity Relationships Diversity & Equality Rights & Responsibilities
Creative PSHE Days
© 2008 – 2017 by Future Creative 8
Put your money where your mouth is Learn how to manage your money
Course Aims:
Develop a positive and healthy relationship with money Develop an understanding of responsible budgeting Know and understand the economic and business environment Understand the impact of financial choices on oneself and others Know about the rights and responsibilities as consumers
Course Outline: This Creative PSHE Workshop helps young people to understand and learn how to budget and manage their money. During the workshop our experienced Creative Practitioners will use creative and engaging activities to enable young people to understand the value of saving effectively and spending wisely. This will equip young people with an understanding of money and budgeting to enable responsible decisionmaking. Nurturing a good relationship with money does not always come easily; we aim to help students create a responsible approach to money and saving, using references that are relevant to them. As a starting point, we ask them to explore ‘why’ they view money as they do, whatever that attitude is. Is it borne from their culture, or necessity, or consumerism? What are their aims, and dreams? Once young people have an understanding of why they believe what they do, they start to explore the impact of their decisions and what the consequences of mismanagement may be. Aside from the simple financial implication, we ask them to consider their long-term plans; university, vocation, a mortgage, family and how they value money. Our practitioners maintain creativity throughout these workshops, even though managing money may not automatically be perceived as ‘fun’.
This workshop meets a number of overarching PSHE themes, including:
Risk & Safety
Rights & Responsibilities
A Healthy Balanced Lifestyle
Creative PSHE Days
© 2008 – 2017 by Future Creative 9
Sex & Relationship Education Love, Sex and Healthy Relationships
Course Aims:
How to develop and maintain a variety of healthy relationships in a range of contexts How to deal with risky or negative relationships, including bullying, and abuse, sexual and other violence and online encounters. Explore the positive and the fun side of love and relationships, as well as the often more negative elements that pervade the media.
Course Outline: This Creative PSHE Workshop helps young people to understand and discuss the important themes of love, sex and positive relationships. During the workshop our experienced Creative Practitioners will use creative and engaging activities to address social issues surrounding sex and relationships to empower young people to make safe and positive choices in life. These inspiring workshops encompass so much that occupies a young adult’s mind and our aim is that they leave each session empowered and enriched and, hopefully, gaining a deeper understanding of their own boundaries and each other’s; a stepping stone to a healthy relationship. Our workshops are equally powerful for single sex and mixed schools, whatever the pupils’ backgrounds or religion. And whilst our workshops can be fun, in a bid to make the students feel relaxed, we take a sensitive approach, mindful of an individual school’s demographic, and the students’ age and ‘innocence’. We discuss consent, the law both nationally and internationally; what they perceive a healthy relationship to be; the messages the media send regarding sex and healthy relationship as well as music and literature, using a variety of workshops techniques, such as drama, music, literature, sculpture, fine art, visual art and film-making. We approach the long-term consequences of making certain decisions discussing their vulnerability and both peer pressure and peer support. Mixed gender class debates are a great way for students to really understand what the opposite sex think – it’s rarely obvious; equally, single sex workshops can illuminate issues around friendship, as well as romantic relationships, and how to deal with issues that arise in single sex schools. This workshop meets a number of overarching PSHE themes, including: Identity Relationships Risk & Safety Diversity & Equality Rights & Responsibilities A Healthy Balanced Lifestyle Creative PSHE Days
© 2008 – 2017 by Future Creative 10
The Science of Behaviour Exploring how to take control of how you think, feel, react and behave Course Aims:
To understand the difference between the conscious and subconscious mind To investigate how the mind and body are connected To enable you to be in tune with your feelings and appropriately transform their impact To learn how we can intensify good feelings and diminish bad feelings To discover the power of creative visualisation and affirmations To set goals without limitations and explore young people’s amazing potential
Course Outline: This Creative PSHE Workshop helps young people to understand and discuss the importance of taking control of how you think, feel, react and behave. During the workshop our experienced Creative Practitioners will use creative and engaging activities to support young people to develop a positive mental attitude and belief in themselves and each other, which can be applied to all areas of their lives. Let’s talk... “How are you feeling today?” you ask. ‘GRUNT’, they respond. Our practitioners embark on a process which will help open this often-closed channel of communication. We want students to recognise their own voice and believe that they are being heard and give them the tools to clarify just how they are feeling; to validate these thoughts and recognise others’ thoughts and feeling in the process. Our practitioners can offer a variety of workshops arming students with coping strategies, including yoga/meditation-led and drama workshops, to exploring practical case-studies, and an introduction to methods such as Alexander Technique. We also find that visual art is an effective and positive way to help students ‘vocalise’ how they are feeling, at that given time, discovering themselves in a creation of their own work. At the very least they begin an honest, open communication with themselves.
This workshop meets a number of overarching PSHE themes, including: Identity Relationships Rights & Responsibilities A Healthy Balanced Lifestyle Change & Resilience Power & Control Creative PSHE Days
© 2008 – 2017 by Future Creative 11